Olongapo City
AY 2023-2024 2nd Semester
Student Number: Fullname (Family, Given, Middle Name): Scholarship Program:
202110770 Dominico, Princess, Hidalgo Free Higher Education (FHE)
Program: Year Level: Block:
Tuition Fees 21 @ 300 6,300.00
BSEd-E 3rd Year College Block-C + NSTP: 0.00
Class Code Course Code Units Day Start Time - End Time Room Faculty Total Tuition Fees: 6,300.00
36883 GEC201_ 3 WTh 11:30 AM 1:00 PM Rm 504 Erese, Allysa Mae
36884 GEC14_ 3 Fri 10:00 AM 1:00 PM Rm 504 Orlando, Mary Jean Miscellaneous Fees: 1,600.00 Other Fees:
36885 EDU MS06_ 3 WTh 8:30 AM 10:00 AM Rm 504 Amarille, Anna Theresa
Guidance and Counseling: 75.00 Registration: 200.00
36889 EDU ENG21_ 3 Fri 5:30 PM 8:30 PM Rm 504 Edquiban, Loreta
Library: 200.00 ICT: 0.00
36954 EDU ENG20_ 3 Fri 7:00 AM 10:00 AM Rm 504 Orlando, Mary Jean
Medical / Dental 200.00 ID Card: 0.00
36955 EDU ENG19_ 3 Fri 2:30 PM 5:30 PM Rm 403 Marila, Guiller T.
Athletic/Sports Dev't: 250.00 Student Manual: 0.00
36956 EDU ENG18_ 3 WTh 10:00 AM 11:30 AM Rm 209 Inocencio, Evangeline
Student Insurance: 75.00 S.S.C. 50.00
# of Subject/s: 7 Total Units 21 Student Publication: 150.00 Research: 50.00
Student Activities: 350.00 Non-Resident 500.00
Testing Materials: 0.00 RLE: 0.00
A.V.R. 300.00
Computer Lab.: 0.00
Upon admission to Gordon College, I hereby pledge to abide by and comply with all Less Discount: 8,200.00
rules and regulations governing student's academic performance, conduct and
discipline for the attainment of the vision and mission of the institution. BALANCE: 500.00
Rowel Y. Castillo
College Registrar
This certificate of registration is deemed final if the approved request(s) for add/drop/change classes is/are reflected.