Lemonade Songs

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Get Your Lemonade

Sweet or sour, every hour; try a glass or two.

Just a nickel for a trickle. Get your lemonade, I made it for you!
Don’t be bashful, have a glass-ful. It will make your day.
So nutritious, so delicious. Get your lemonade, I made it your way!

$ If the sky is falling, lemonade is calling.

If you’re feeling down, it will pick you up!
If you need a quencher, here’s a new adventure.
Pour it over ice in a Dixie Cup! Get your lemonade! (to coda)

Step right up! Step right up! Get your lemonade!

Step right up! Step right up! Get your lemonade!
Five cents please! Five cents please!
Five cents please! Five cents please!
Sour! Sour! Sour! Sour!

Get your lemonade….right here! (D.S. al Coda)

Sweet or sour, every hour; try a glass or two.

Just a nickel for a trickle. Get your lemonade, I made it for you!
Don’t be bashful, have a glass-ful. It will make your day.
So nutritious, so delicious. Get your lemonade, now what do you say?

The Worst Day All Day Long!

This is the worst day I can remember! The worst day I ever had!
From February to November, I have never felt so bad!
This is the worst day I can remember! ‘Cause everything has gone wrong!
From January to December, it’s the worst day all day long!

Everything is awful, everything is blue.

Everything is crummy and I don’t know what to do!
Life is really lousy, and I don’t mean to “complain” but sunny days are cloudy.
Every Saturday it rains!

This is the worst day I can remember! The worst day I ever had!
From February to November, I have never felt so bad!
This is the worst day I can remember! ‘Cause everything has gone wrong!
From January to December, oh, it’s as terrible as I remember!
My day just hasn’t really been a gem, sir!
It’s the worst… day….all….day….long!
Recipe for Joy
Give me a cup of love and friendliness. Throw in a little bit of tenderness.
Stir it a round with lots of happiness, ‘cause that’s the recipe for joy!

Give it a pinch of glee and lots of sun. Plenty of harmony for everyone!
All of us will agree to share the fun, ‘cause that’s the recipe for joy!

We all have the makings of joy in our hearts.

Just find the right ingredients right from the very start.
If you’ve got hurt feelings from something you were called,
Just check your list of ingredients, and take it with a grain of salt!

Give it a pinch of glee and lots of sun. Plenty of harmony for everyone!
All of us will agree to share the fun, ‘cause that’s the recipe,
we’ll tell ya, that’s the recipe, believe us that’s the recipe for joy, joy, joy!

A Change of Heart
It doesn’t take a lightning bolt to fire a little spark.
It doesn’t take a magic lamp to peer into the dark.
It doesn’t take a shooting star to make a dream come true.
It only takes a willingness that’s there inside of you.

It doesn’t take a miracle to make a brand new start.

It only takes a little love to have a change of heart.

Make Lemonade
When the world hands you roses, give ‘em a smell.
When one window closes, one will open as well!
When the world give you sunshine, don’t live in the shade,
And when the world gives you lemons, make lemonade!

When the world gives you money, spread it around.

When bees give you honey, slurp it up by the pound!
When the grass is the greenest, enjoy every blade,
And when the world gives you lemons, make lemonade!

Most things aren’t as bad as they seem. Sour can turn out sweet.
Nightmares turn out only a dream. Tricks can be a treat!
That’s why we repeat!

When the world drives ya crazy, go with the flow.

Be fresh as a daisy and nobody will know.
When the band starts a-playin’, go join the parade,
And when the world gives you lemons, make lemonade!
Make lemonade! Make lemonade! Make lemonade!

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