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Date of Commencement of On-line Application : 28.08.2024

Advt. No.- A-7/A-1/2024

MOPS (Multi Option Payment System) shall be displayed comprising of 03 modes of

Date- 28.08.2024

Last Date for Depositing On-line Fee in the Bank : 28.09.2024

payment viz. (i) NET BANKING (ii) CARD PAYMENTS and (iii) OTHER PAYMENT
Last Date for On-line Submission of Application : 28.09.2024
Last Date for Fee Reconciliation and Correction/Modification in MODES. After depositing the required online processing fee by any one of the above
submitted On-line Application : 05.10.2024 prescribed modes, Payment Acknowledgement Receipt (PAR) shall be displayed along
Last date for submission of Application Form alongwith with detail of online processing fee payment, the print of which must be taken by clicking
self attested copies of Academic and Experience Certificates on on Print Payment Receipt.
prescribed format is 11.10.2024 till 5.00 p.m. Third Stage: On completion of the procedure of second stage, click on 'Proceed for final
IMPORTANT- submission of application form' whereafter format shall be displayed. The candidates must
(1) Incomplete Online Application-Form shall be rejected and no communication in enter all the required informations and upload duly scanned photo and signature in the
this regard shall be entertained. prescribed format. The candidate should scan his/her photograph and signature in the
(2) If at any stage, it comes to the knowledge of the commission that the candidate prescribed size (the size will be mentioned at the specified space in the On-line
has concealed or misrepresented any information, his candidature shall be rejected application). Care must also be taken to ensure that the photo must be latest passport size.
and proceeding to debar him from future examinations and selections shall be In case the photo and signature, scanned in the prescribed size, are not uploaded, then the
initiated. On-line system will not accept it. The procedure related for scanning of the photo and
(3) At the time of online application The candidates are directed to ensure the signature is laid down in the Appendix-1. After filling in all entries in the format, the
preservation of information regarding all the stages (i.e. Registration, Fee payment, candidates may click PREVIEW to see for themselves that all entries and informations are
Final submission etc.) in Soft/Hard copy for future references.
correctly entered and after satisfying themselves should click "Submit" button to forward
the same to the Commission. It is essential that the candidate fills all informations On-line
01 (One) post Deputy Secretary (I.T.) (Deputation) in the office of U.P. Public Service
Commission, Prayagraj, Deptt. No. Adhi.(2)/04, Nature of Post- Gazetted, Reservation - correctly according to the instructions given and click the "Submit" button by the last date
Unreserved, Pay Scale - Pay Band Rs. 15600 - 39100/- Grade Pay- Rs. 7600/-. Crucial prescribed for submission of the application form. If the candidate does not click the
date for Age Calculation - Ist July, 2024, Age- Minimum 35 years and Maximum 55 years. "Submit" button, the ON-LINE application process shall not be completed finally and the
Educational Qualifications (Eligibility conditions) – (1) An Officer who is regularly candidate shall be responsible for this. After clicking the 'Submit' button, the candidate may
appointed in the pay scale Rs. 15600-39100/-, grade pay Rs.7600/- or equivalent pay take a print of the application to preserve it with them. In the event of any discrepancy, the
scale and is working permanently in All India Services, other Central India Services, candidate will be required to submit the said print in the office of the Commission, otherwise
Central civil/ Engineering/Technical Services or other technical services of the State and his/her request shall not be entertained.
Technical Institution/Undertakings of State or Central Government and possesses
Application Fee - Application fee NIL + On-line processing fee ` 25/- Total = ` 25/-
following educational qualifications:- (a) M.E./M.Tech. (Computer Science), "C" level
Certificate from D.O.E and experience of 07 years Or B.E./B.Tech (Computer Science) 2. The Basic Registration of such candidates will not be accepted who have been
from recognized Institution/University Established by law and 12 years regular service Or debarred from U.P. Public Service Commission and their period of debarment has not
M.C.A/M.Sc (Computer Science) from recognized Institution/University and 10 years been completed. In addition to above, the applications submitted without requisite
experience. (b) Complete Knowledge in software development in oracle/ingreess/ informations regarding debarment, if it is found at any stage in future that the application
cybase, DB-2 etc. C/c Foxpro, RDBMS, use of equipments in Dos/Unix/Window base have been submitted concealing this fact, his/her candidature will be rejected at any
active environment. Knowledge of net working environment like novel and windows NT. stage and the commission will consider to debar his/her from all future examinations/
Complete Knowledge of Web inbilled application development and Internet only will be selections including extension of debarment period. In this regard, if the claims of the
eligible. (2) Such departmental officers who are eligible for promotion will not be candidates made in their On-line applications are not found true, they can be debarred
considered eligible for appointment through deputation. Similarly, those appointed on
not only from the examination in question but from all the future examinations and
deputation shall also not be eligible for aforesaid post.
Note:- Officer appointed on deputation shall be given such dearness allowance and other selections made by the commission including other punitive actions.
allowances as are permissible by the order of the government issued from time to time. 3. Modify Submitted Application: If a candidate comes to know about any error/errors in
Important:- The candidates are directed to complete all stages of online application the submitted application form except in name of the Post and type of recruitment,
(such as registration, final submission etc.) & take the print of filled information for future Registered Mobile Number, E-mail ID (In case of error in these entries, candidate may
references & also to ensure that the attached application form and experience certificate submit new online application). He/she will be given only one opportunity to modify it/them
on prescribed format is filled with required information & sent to the office of the according to the following procedure before the last date of the submission of application
commission along with the self-attested copy of all required documents addressed to the form, which procedure is as follows:-
Secretary, U.P. Public Service Commission, 10, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, Prayagraj, U.P., "Candidate has to click on 'Modify Submitted Application' under 'Online application
Pin-211018 through registered post/speed post or by hand till 11.10.2024 till 5.00 P.M.. process' in Candidate Segment. After that 'Candidate Personal Details' will be displayed
Applications which are incomplete or received after last date will be rejected. on the screen to fill in Registration No., Date of Birth, Gender, Domicile and Category.
After filling the Verification code the candidate has to click on the 'proceed' button
Advertisement No. : A-7/A-1/2024 following which for Authentication of the candidate OTP (One Time Password) will be
Post Name : sent on the registered mobile No. of the candidate and the 'Option Box' will be displayed
Deptt. No. : on the screen to fill in the OTP. After the candidate has filled in the OTP and clicks on the
Registration No. : 'proceed' button his/her previously submitted on line application form will be displayed
To, on the screen. The candidate can submit his/her on line application form after making
The Secretary, required modifications in it. This facility will be available to the candidates only one time
Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission, till the last date of submission of application form".
10, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, Prayagraj, U.P. Appendix-1

Pin Code-211018 The Procedure relating to upload Photo & Signature.

From Guide Lines for Scanning Photograph and Signature
Name & Address of the Candidate 1. Paste the Photo on any white paper as per the required dimensions. Sign in the
In Online Application System, the candidates have to provide their Mobile No. and valid e- Signature Space provided. Ensure that the signature is within the box.
mail ID in prescribed column failing which their Basic Registration shall not be completed. 2. Scan the required size photograph and signature. Please do not scan the complete
All relevant information/instructions shall be sent through SMS on that mobile number and page.
e-mail on their valid e-mail ID. 3. The required image dimensions is W*H (3.5 cm by 4.5 cm)
NECESSARY INFORMATION TO APPLICANTS FOR FILLING THEIR 4. Ensure that the size of the scanned image is not more than 35 KB and stored in jpeg,
jpeg, extension file only.
5. lf the size of the file is more than 25 KB, then adjust the settings of the scanner such as
This advertisement is also available on the Commission's website https:// the DPI resolution, no colours etc., during the process of scanning. The online application system is applicable for applying against this 6. The application has to sign in full in the box provided. Since the signature is proof of
advertisement. Applications sent by any other mode shall not be entertained hence identity, it must be genuine, and in full, initials are not sufficient. Signature in CAPITAL
candidates are advised to apply On-line only. In connection with On-line application, LETTERS is not permitted.
candidates are advised to go through the instructions thoroughly given as under and apply 7. The signature must be signed only by the application and not by any other person.
accordingly. Upload your Photograph and Signature:-
1. When the candidate clicks ALL NOTIFICATIONS/ADVERTISEMENTS on the 1. Please upload only. jpeg, jpg extention file.
Commission's website the On-line advertisement shall 2. Size of the scanned image is not more that 35 KB.
automatically be displayed. 3. Image dimension W*H (3.5 CM* 4.5 CM).
A list of all the advertisements will be displayed in which On-line System is applicable. The 4. Scan and upload the Signature.
Candidates desirous to see the advertisement will have to click on View Advertisement. Sample Image & Signature :-
Click on Apply for On-line Application.
Select a Latest Select a Latest
On-line application will be completed in following three stages : Colored Signature
Colored Photo
First Stage: On clicking Apply, Candidate Registration will be displayed. Basic witdh= 3.5 cm witdh= 3.5 cm
Registration form will be displayed on clicking the 'Candidate Registration'. After filling the
Height= 1.5 cm

Basic Registration form, the candidates must check all the informations filled by them and
Height= 4.5 cm

if any correction/modification is required, click on Edit button. After being fully satisfied with
all the informations filled, click on 'Submit button'. Consequently, the registration of first
stage shall be over. Thereafter 'Print Registration Slip' shall be displayed clicking where Photo
upon print of registration slip must be obtained.
Second Stage: After the completion of the procedure of first stage. Fee to be deposited
[in INR] shall be displayed with caption Click here to proceed for payment. After clicking
the above caption of "Click here to proceed for payment", home page of State Bank SECRETARY

mÙkj çns'k yksd lsok vk;ksx] ç;kxjkt
foKkiu la[;k % ,&7@,&1@2024 fnukad % 28-08-2024
in dk uke % milfpo ¼vkbZ-Vh-½ ¼çfrfu;qfä ds vkèkkj ij½ m0ç0 yksd lsok vk;ksx] ç;kxjkt dk;kZy; gsrq
vkosnu i=
vko';d lwpuk %&
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tkus ij vH;FkZu fujLr dj fn;k tk;sxk rFkk laxr fofèk @ èkkjk ds vUrxZr vkijkfèkd dk;Zokgh dh tk ldrh gSa A
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vadrkfydkvksa dh Loç çfr;k¡ bl vkosnu i= ds lkFk layXu djuk vfuok;Z gS] ,slk u fd, tkus ij mudk vH;FkZu
vk;ksx }kjk fujLr dj fn;k tk;sxkA
1- jftLVªs'ku ua % ------------------------------------------------------------------
uohure vko{k rd
2- vH;FkÊ dk uke
dh ikliksVZ lkbt
a. nsoukxjh fyfi esa % ------------------------------------------------------------------
¼3-5 cm x 4-5 cm½
b. vaxzsth esa ¼cM+s v{kjksa esa½ % ------------------------------------------------------------------
QksVks ¼Loçekf.kr½ ;gk¡
3- Çyx%& ¼iq#"k@efgyk½ % ------------------------------------------------------------------
ij fpidk,a rFkk
4- tUefrfFk ¼gkà Ldwy çek.k&i= ds vuqlkj½
frfFk lfgr iBuh;
a. vadksa esa % -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
gLrk{kj Hkh djsaA
b. 'kCnksa esa % -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5- ukxfjdrk
a. Hkkjrh; ukxfjd ¼tUe rFkk@vFkok vfèkokl ls½ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
b. ;fn ugÈ] rks iwjk fooj.k nsa vkSj vko';d çek.k&i= Hkh layXu djsaA% -------------------------------------------------------
6- O;olk; rFkk ldy okÆ"kd vk; % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7- firk dk uke
a. nsoukxjh fyfi esa % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
b. vaxzsth esa ¼cM+s v{kjksa esa½ % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8- ekrk dk uke
a. nsoukxjh fyfi esa % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
b. vaxzsth esa ¼cM+s v{kjksa esa½ % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9- ifr@iRuh dk uke
a. nsoukxjh fyfi esa % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
b. vaxzsth esa ¼cM+s v{kjksa esa½ % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10- LFkk;h fuokl dk iwjk irk ¼vFkkZr xk¡o] Fkkuk] rFkk ftyk@lM+d] ekxZ ;k xyh] edku ua0 lfgr½% ----------
11- i= O;ogkj dk irk % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
eksckby ua0 % ------------------------------------------ Ã&esy vkÃ0Mh0% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12- fiNys ikap o"kks± ds irsa%& -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
vfuok;Z@ojh;ku vgZrkvksa dk Øeokj fooj.k%
ijh{kk dk cksMZ@laLFkk o"kZ çkIrkad iw.kkZad çfr'kr fo"k; vuqØekad rFkk çnRr çek.k i= dh
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gk;j lsds.Mªh
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gks ;k dj jgk gks vFkok QeZ ;k laLFkk ¼fu;qfä@rnFkZ@ osru ,oa dqy NksM+us ds
dk;Z dk fooj.k ls rd dk iwjk irk çfrfu;qfä½ ifjyfCèk;ka½ iwjs dkj.k

1- eSa ,rn~okjk ;g ?kks"k.kk djrk@djrh gwa fd eSaus foKkfir dh xà ik=rk dh lHkh 'krsZa ,oa bl vkosnu i= esa Åij
mfYyf[kr lwpuk;sa lkoèkkuh iwoZd i<+h gSaA os eq>s ekU; gS vkSj eSa ;g 'krsZ iwjh djrk@djrh gwaA
2- eSa ;g Hkh ?kks"k.kk djrk@djrh gwa fd bl vkosnu-i= esa lkjs fooj.k@lwpuk;sa lR; ,oa lgh gSa vkSj eSaus bu fooj.kksa@
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fNik;k tkuk] feF;k fu:i.k ¼Misrepresentation½ ik;k tk; rks esjk vH;FkZu fujLr dj fn;k tk;sA ;fn fu;qä fd;s
tkus ds mijkUr ,slh fLFkfr çdk'k esa vk;s rks esjh lsok;sa lekIr dj nh tk;saA
3- eSa mÙkj çns'k ljdkj@Hkkjr ljdkj dk fu;fer deZpkjh gwa@ugÈ gwa vkSj eSaus viuk vkosnu i= Hkstus dh lwpuk l{ke
vfèkdkjh dks fnukad ------------------------ dks fofèkor~ vukifÙk çek.k i= çnku djus ds fy, çLrqr dj nh gSA
4- eSua s bl vkosnu i= esa fd;s x;s fofHkUu nkos ds leFkZu esa okafNr leLr çek.k i=ksa dh Loç çfr;ka vkosnu i= ds lkFk
nkf[ky dj nh gSaA blesa dksà deh ik, tkus ij vk;ksx }kjk esjs vH;FkZu ds lEcUèk esa fy;k x;k fu.kZ; eq>s ekU; gksxk
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xyr ik, tkus ij esjk vH;FkZu fujLr dj fn;k tk,A
layXudksa dh la[;k
vadksa esa ----------------------- 'kCnksa esa ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------
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fnukd ----------------------- ¼gLrk{kj u gksus ij vkosnu i= vLoh—r dj fn;k tk;sxk½
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2& ;g Hkh fd;k tkrk gS fd&
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¼2½ mudh lR;fu"Bk gS A
¼3½ mudh ikap o"kZ dh xksiuh; okf"kZd fjiksVZ l{ke vf/kdkjh }kjk dj layXu gSA
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dk;kZy; eqgj&

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