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Kohlberg's theory of moral development is a theory that focuses on

how children develop morality and moral reasoning. Kohlberg's theory
suggests that moral development occurs in a series of six stages and
that moral logic is primarily focused on seeking and maintaining justice.
Lawrence Kohlberg was, for many years, a professor at Harvard
University. He became famous for his work in the early 1970s. He
started as a developmental psychologist and then moved to the field of
moral education. He was particularly well-known for his theory of moral
development which he popularized through research studies conducted
at Harvard's Center for Moral Education.
His theory of moral development was dependent on the thinking of the
Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget and the American philosopher John
Dewey. He was also inspired by James Mark Baldwin. These men had
emphasized that human beings develop philosophically and
psychologically in a progressive fashion.
Kohlberg believed...and was able to demonstrate through studies...that
people progressed in their moral reasoning (i.e., in their bases for
ethical behavior) through a series of stages. He believed that there were
six identifiable stages which could be more generally classified into
three levels.

What is moral Development?

Moral development involves the evolution of thoughts, and behaviors
related to understanding and adhering to standards of right and
wrong. This process is influenced by various factors, including
personal experiences, cultural norms, and societal expectations. It
encompasses the ability to discern ethical principles and apply them
in different situations, leading to actions and decisions that align with
one's moral values.

Moral development consists of two dimensions: intrapersonal and


1. Intrapersonal Dimension: This dimension refers to an individual's

internal moral reasoning and understanding. It involves the
development of personal values, beliefs, and principles regarding right
and wrong. Intrapersonal moral development is influenced by factors
such as self-reflection, introspection, and personal experiences. It
shapes an individual's moral identity and guides their moral
judgments and decisions.

 Example: Personal Ethics: An individual may have a personal

belief that honesty is the best policy. This belief shapes their
moral identity and guides their decisions to always be truthful,
even when it might be easier to lie.
 Self-Reflection: A person might reflect on past experiences
where they made unethical choices and realize the negative
consequences. This introspection can lead to a change in
personal values and principles regarding right and wrong.

2. Interpersonal Dimension: This dimension involves the application of

moral reasoning in social interactions and relationships. It focuses on
how individuals communicate, negotiate, and resolve conflicts in a
morally appropriate manner. Interpersonal moral development is
influenced by factors such as empathy, communication skills, and the
ability to understand and respect others' perspectives. It emphasizes
the importance of considering others' needs, rights, and well-being in
moral decision-making.

 Empathy in Relationships: In a workplace setting, an individual

may use empathy to understand a colleague’s perspective during
a conflict. By considering the colleague’s needs and well-being,
they can approach the situation in a morally appropriate
 Effective Communication: During a negotiation, an individual
might prioritize active listening and open dialogue to find a
mutually beneficial solution. This approach emphasizes respect
for others’ perspectives and contributes to positive interpersonal
moral development.

Both dimensions are interconnected and contribute to the overall

moral development of an individual. Intrapersonal moral reasoning
informs interpersonal interactions, while interpersonal experiences
can challenge and refine intrapersonal moral beliefs. Together, these
dimensions help individuals navigate moral dilemmas, make ethical
choices, and contribute positively to society.

An ambiguous situation that requires a person to make moral decisions
is when they encounter a dilemma where the right course of action is
unclear or there are conflicting ethical principles involved. Here's an

Suppose a person is a manager at a company and discovers that a

popular product the company sells has a minor defect that could
potentially cause harm to customers. The defect is small enough that it
doesn't affect the product's overall functionality, but it exists. The
manager now faces an ambiguous situation where they must decide
whether to report the defect to the public or keep it hidden.

In this scenario, the manager must weigh the ethical principles of

honesty and transparency against the potential negative impact on the
company's reputation and financial stability. Reporting the defect would
align with the principle of honesty but could harm the company's image
and lead to financial losses. On the other hand, keeping the defect
hidden would prioritize the company's interests but go against the
principle of honesty.

This ambiguous situation requires the manager to make a moral

decision by considering various factors such as the severity of the
defect, the company's responsibility towards its customers, the
potential consequences of both actions, and the long-term impact on
the company's reputation and trustworthiness.

Ultimately, the manager must navigate through the complexities of this

ambiguous situation and make a decision that aligns with their personal
values, ethical principles, and the well-being of all stakeholders

The first level of moral thinking is that generally found at the

elementary school level. In the first stage of this level, people behave
according to socially acceptable norms because they are told to do so
by some authority figure (e.g., parent or teacher). This obedience is
compelled by the threat or application of punishment. The second stage
of this level is characterized by a view that right behavior means acting
in one's own best interests.
The second level of moral thinking is that generally found in society,
hence the name "conventional." The first stage of this level (stage 3) is
characterized by an attitude which seeks to do what will gain the
approval of others. The second stage is one oriented to abiding by the
law and responding to the obligations of duty.
The third level of moral thinking is one that Kohlberg felt is not reached
by the majority of adults. Its first stage (stage 5) is an understanding of
social mutuality and a genuine interest in the welfare of others. The last
stage (stage 6) is based on respect for universal principle and the
demands of individual conscience. While Kohlberg always believed in
the existence of Stage 6 and had some nominees for it, he could never
get enough subjects to define it, much less observe their longitudinal
movement to it.
Kohlberg believed that individuals could only progress through these
stages one stage at a time. That is, they could not "jump" stages. They
could not, for example, move from an orientation of selfishness to the
law and order stage without passing through the good boy/girl stage.
They could only come to a comprehension of a moral rationale one
stage above their own. Thus, according to Kohlberg, it was important to
present them with moral dilemmas for discussion which would help
them to see the reasonableness of a "higher stage" morality and
encourage their development in that direction. The last comment refers
to Kohlberg's moral discussion approach. He saw this as one of the ways
in which moral development can be promoted through formal
education. Note that Kohlberg believed, as did Piaget, that most moral
development occurs through social interaction. The discussion
approach is based on the insight that individuals develop as a result of
cognitive conflicts at their current stage.

Stage 1:
Stage 1: Obedience and Punishment Orientation is the first stage in
Kohlberg's theory of moral development. In this stage, individuals
believe that rules and laws exist to be obeyed and followed without
question. The focus is on avoiding punishment and maintaining social
order. Pre-conventional thought is expressed, meaning that moral
reasoning is based on personal consequences rather than societal

1. **Focus on Obedience**: In this stage, individuals believe that rules

and laws are set by authority figures and must be followed without
question. The primary motivation is to avoid punishment and maintain
social order. Moral reasoning is based on the consequences of actions
rather than principles or values.
2. **Avoidance of Punishment**: The key idea in this stage is the
avoidance of punishment. Individuals believe that rules exist to prevent
chaos and maintain order. Breaking the rules leads to punishment,
which is seen as a negative consequence that should be avoided at all

3. **Pre-Conventional Thought**: Moral reasoning in this stage is pre-

conventional, meaning it is based on personal consequences rather
than societal standards. Individuals make decisions based on what will
avoid punishment or gain rewards, rather than considering the ethical
implications or societal norms.

4. **Lack of Empathy and Understanding**: At this stage, individuals

lack empathy and understanding of others' perspectives. They focus
solely own needs and the consequences of their actions, without
considering the impact on others or the greater good.

5. **Black-and-White Thinking**: Moral reasoning in this stage is often

characterized by black-and-white thinking. Rules are seen as absolute
and unchanging, with no room for exceptions or flexibility. There is a
clear distinction between right and wrong, and individuals believe that
rules must be followed strictly to avoid negative consequences.

6. **Limited Moral Development**: Stage 1 represents the most basic

level of moral reasoning. It is often associated with young children or
individuals who have not yet developed more advanced moral
reasoning skills. As individuals progress through the stages of moral
development, they begin to consider more complex factors such as
intentions, consequences, and societal norms.

Stage 2:
Stage 2: Individualism and Exchange is the second stage in Kohlberg's
theory of moral development. In this stage, individuals recognize that
there is not just one right way to do things; everything is relative. They
understand that people have different needs, desires, and interests, and
they believe that individuals should act in their own self-interest. Fair
exchange policies are important, and the role of punishment weakens
as individuals focus more on mutual benefit and cooperation.

2. **Fair Exchange Policies**: The concept of fair exchange becomes

important in this stage. Individuals believe that people should engage in
mutually beneficial transactions and that actions should be guided by
self-interest and the principle of fairness. They understand that
cooperation and negotiation are essential for achieving desired

3. **Weakening Role of Punishment**: As individuals progress through

Stage 2, the role of punishment weakens. They begin to focus more on
mutual benefit and cooperation rather than simply avoiding
punishment. The emphasis shifts from obeying rules to finding ways to
meet individual needs and achieve personal goals while also
considering the needs and interests of others.
4. **Self-Interest and Cooperation**: In this stage, individuals believe
that people should act in their own self-interest but also recognize the
importance of cooperation and negotiation. They understand that by
working together and finding mutually beneficial solutions, they can
achieve better outcomes for themselves and others.

5. **Limited Moral Development**: Stage 2 represents a limited level

of moral development, as individuals focus primarily on their own self-
interest and the principle of fairness in exchanges. They may not yet
consider more complex factors such as societal norms, ethical
principles, or the greater good.

Stage 3:
Stage 3: Good Interpersonal Relationships is the third stage in
Kohlberg's theory of moral development. In this stage, individuals
believe that people should live up to the expectations of the community
and maintain good interpersonal relationships. The focus is on being a
"good boy" or "nice girl" and conforming to social norms and
expectations. Characters' traits and motivations are examined to
determine whether they align with these societal standards.

1. **Focus on Interpersonal Relationships**: In this stage, individuals

believe that maintaining good interpersonal relationships is crucial.
They prioritize harmony, trust, and loyalty within their social circles. The
focus is on being a "good boy" or "nice girl" and conforming to social
norms and expectations.

2. **Living up to Community Expectations**: Individuals in this stage

strive to live up to the expectations of their community. They believe
that by adhering to societal standards and norms, they can maintain
positive relationships and be accepted by others. This may involve
conforming to traditions, customs, and roles that are considered
important within the community.

3. **Examining Characters' Traits and Motivations**: In Stage 3,

characters' traits and motivations are examined to determine whether
they align with societal standards. Individuals assess whether others are
acting in ways that are consistent with the expectations of the
community. They consider factors such as honesty, kindness, and
cooperation when evaluating the morality of others.

4. **Emphasis on Social Approval**: The desire for social approval and

acceptance is a driving force in this stage. Individuals seek to be seen as
trustworthy, reliable, and conforming to societal norms. They believe
that by doing so, they can build strong relationships and be valued by

5. **Limited Moral Development**: Stage 3 represents a limited level

of moral development, as individuals focus primarily on maintaining
good interpersonal relationships and living up to community
expectations. They may not yet consider more complex factors such as
ethical principles, the greater good, or the impact of their actions on
others beyond their immediate social circle.

Stage 4:
Stage 4: Maintaining the Social Order is the fourth stage in Kohlberg's
theory of moral development. In this stage, individuals believe that it is
important to obey laws and respect societal norms to maintain social
order. They understand that rules and laws are necessary for the
functioning of society and believe that everyone should fulfill their
duties and responsibilities to contribute to the greater good.

1. **Emphasis on Obedience to Laws**: In this stage, individuals

believe that it is crucial to obey laws and respect societal norms to
maintain social order. They understand that rules and laws are
necessary for the functioning of society and believe that everyone
should adhere to them.

2. **Respecting and Performing Duties**: Individuals in Stage 4 focus

on fulfilling their duties and responsibilities to contribute to the greater
good. They believe that by doing so, they can help maintain social order
and ensure the well-being of society as a whole.

3. **Maintaining Social Order**: The primary goal in this stage is to

maintain social order and stability. Individuals believe that rules and
laws are essential for preventing chaos and disorder. They see
themselves as part of a larger social system and believe that everyone
has a role to play in maintaining it.

4. **Exploring Reasons for Right and Wrong**: Unlike earlier stages

where individuals simply followed rules or sought personal gain,
individuals in Stage 4 explore the reasons why certain actions are
considered right or wrong. They consider factors such as fairness,
justice, and the impact of their actions on others.

5. **Perspective Shift to Society as a Whole**: The perspective shifts

from focusing solely on individual needs and interests to considering
the needs and interests of society as a whole. Individuals recognize the
importance of contributing to the greater good and understand that
their actions can have a positive or negative impact on the community.

6. **Limited Moral Development**: Stage 4 represents a limited level

of moral development, as individuals focus primarily on maintaining
social order and fulfilling their duties and responsibilities. They may not
yet consider more complex factors such as ethical principles, the greater
good, or the impact of their actions on others beyond their immediate
social circle.
Stage 5:
Stage 5: Social Contract and Individual Rights is the fifth stage in
Kohlberg's theory of moral development. In this stage, individuals
believe that moral judgment should be based on the principles of
justice, fairness, and respect for individual rights. They understand that
laws and social norms are not absolute and can be challenged if they do
not uphold these principles.

1. **Focus on Principles of Justice and Fairness**: In this stage,

individuals believe that moral judgment should be based on principles
of justice, fairness, and respect for individual rights. They understand
that laws and social norms are not absolute and can be challenged if
they do not uphold these principles.

2. **Respect for Individual Rights**: Individuals in Stage 5 prioritize the

rights and values of individuals within society. They believe that
everyone should have the opportunity to exercise their rights and
freedoms, and they are willing to challenge existing laws or social norms
if they believe they infringe upon these rights.

3. **Understanding the Social Contract**: Stage 5 is characterized by an

understanding of the social contract. Individuals recognize that society
is based on a mutual agreement among its members to abide by certain
rules and norms for the greater good. They understand that this
agreement is not absolute and can be renegotiated or challenged if it
does not uphold principles of justice, fairness, and respect for individual
4. **Challenging Established Norms**: Unlike earlier stages where
individuals simply followed rules or sought personal gain, individuals in
Stage 5 are willing to challenge established norms and laws if they
believe they are unjust or infringe upon individual rights. They consider
factors such as fairness, justice, and the impact of their actions on

5. **Higher-Level Moral Reasoning**: Stage 5 represents a higher level

of moral reasoning compared to earlier stages. Individuals in this stage
are able to think abstractly about moral principles and consider the
broader implications of their actions on society as a whole. They are not
limited by concrete rules or social norms and are willing to question and
challenge them if they believe they are unjust.

Stage 6:
Stage 6: Universal Principles is the highest stage in Kohlberg's theory of
moral development. In this stage, individuals base their moral judgment
on universal principles of justice, fairness, and respect for individual
rights that apply to all people, regardless of the specific situation or

1. **Universal Principles of Justice**: In this stage, individuals base

their moral judgment on universal principles of justice, fairness, and
respect for individual rights that apply to all people, regardless of the
specific situation or context. They understand that these principles are
fundamental and should guide their actions and decisions.

2. **Impartiality and Unbiased Perspective**: Individuals in Stage 6

treat particular dilemmas through unbiased and impartial eyes. They
consider the broader implications of their actions on society as a whole,
rather than focusing solely on personal gain, societal norms, or specific
rules. They strive to make decisions based on what is right and just,
rather than what is expedient or convenient.

3. **Empathy and Understanding Different Perspectives**: To reach

Stage 6, individuals must first look at situations through someone else's
eyes and consider different perspectives. This empathy and
understanding of others' experiences and viewpoints are crucial for
developing a sense of universal principles that apply to all people.

4. **Higher-Level Moral Reasoning**: Stage 6 represents the highest

level of moral reasoning in Kohlberg's theory. Individuals in this stage
prioritize moral principles over personal gain, societal norms, or specific
rules. They are willing to challenge and question established norms and
laws if they believe they are unjust or infringe upon universal principles
of justice and fairness.

5. **Focus on the Greater Good**: In Stage 6, individuals focus on the

greater good and the well-being of society as a whole. They consider
the impact of their actions on others and strive to make decisions that
promote justice, fairness, and respect for individual rights. They are
willing to make sacrifices or take difficult stands if necessary to uphold
these principles.

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