This is the second equilibrium equation obtained after substituting Eqs. (2-22) and
Obtaining the equilibrium equations by the energy method seems to be a lengthy
job. For a problem as simple as this one, the equilibrium equations could be written
by inspection. The major use of the energy formulation is for systems involving
certain interaction force terms. These force terms are often difficult to postulate by
inspection, and the energy formulation becomes a more useful tool. Consider this
example and the one preceding it to be illustrations of a new technique and not a
suggestion for complicating a problem you could have solved quite simply by using
your previous experience.
\.+ OV(XI,X:,.
i !i IOT'(XI,X2,
• ,x,,)
for k = 1, 2, . . . ,n (2-26)
XI = XI(~I,~2, • • • ,~m,t)
X2 X2(~I,~2, • • • ,~ ... ,t)
where ~ is the symbol used for these m new coordinates and the possibility
of an explicit dependence on the time t is included. I The total time deriva
tive of anyone of the old X coordinatcs is given, in general, by
Equation (2-28) shows that the old velocities Xt are functions of not only
the new velocities E; but also the new position coordinates ~;, where i is
equal to any integer, from 1 to m. 011 taking the partial derivative of t,he
old velocities Xt with respect to one of the new velocities Ei, we have
I The letter ~ is a general coordinate which, for our electromechanical systems, could
be charge, flux linkage, position, or momentum, both angular and translational.
62 Principles of electromechanical-energy conversion
aXk/iH;" gives us
iJXk ~ [aT'(XI,X2, .~ .. ,X,,)] + aXk [aV(XI'X2" . ,X,,)] = aFt Qk
a~, dt aXk a~, ax" a~,
for k 1, 2, . . . ,n (2-31)
Also, the total time derivative of the last term in Eq. (2-32) is equivalent
If the old velocities X/o are not a function of the new position coordinates
~i, then the last term in Eq. (2-32) will reduce to zero.
Observe that the first term on the right-hand side of Eq. (2-32) is
identical with the first term in the equilibrium equation (2-31). Substi
tuting Eq. (2-32) into Eq. (2-31) with the identity of Eq. (2-33) yields
for k = 1,2, .. ,n
For each value of k one equation similar to Eq. (2-34) can be written.
Adding all of these n equations together gives us as a result j
Lagronge', equation 63
By using Eqs. (2-27) and (2-28), the state functions T' and V can be
expressed in terms of the m new coordinates and the time t. After making
the substitution of coordinates, the following identities can be written:
,x,,) aXk
aT'al'~2' ... ,~... ,tl,t2' ,~ ... ,t)
" aT' (XI,X2. . . . ,xn ) aXk (2-37)
• -1
aXk at•
aV(~I,t2' ... ,tm,t) aV(XI,X2, .. ,Xn ) aXk
at. aXk at.
The djdt and summation operations in the first term of Eq. (2-35) are
mutually exclusive and can be interchanged. Therefore, after substitut
ing Eqs. (2-36) to (2-39) into Eq. (2-35), we have
Example 2·3
A classical problem illustrating the real power of this method is the double pendulum
shown in Fig. 2-7. A mass M, is hung by means of a massless rod of length r, from &