CSS Selectors

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CSS Selectors

 “Selector” is a syntax to select, it is used to select the desired elements in the webpage.
 Selector is nothing but reusable styles.
 When we use a selector, the browser searches the entire webpage for the matching
elements and returns the matching elements; and we apply styles only for those
matching elements.
 First, we have to select the element/elements, and then only we can apply some styles
to it.
 Selectors we can in internal & external css only.

Types of Selectors:
1. Universal selector
2. Tag selector
3. ID selector
4. Class selector
5. Compound selector
6. Grouping selector
7. Child selector
8. Direct Child selector
9. Attribute selector
10. Pseudo selector
11. Pseudo elements
Universal selector
 It selects all the tags in the webpages, include html, body, head etc…
 Used to define common properties for all tags (global styles).

Syn: *{


Tag selector
 It is used to define common styles for all the instances of the specified tag.
 We can define any no.of tag selectors

Syn: tag-name{


ID selector
 It selects all the instances of the specified tag, means it used to specify common
attributes of multiple tags.
 Id is “identification name”
 Id should be unique in the web page.
 # is symbol of ID selector.

Syn: #id-name{


Mapping Syn:
<tag1 id=”id-name” ...>
<tag2 id=”id-name” ...>

Class selector
 It selects one or more elements, based on the class name, means it used to specify
common attributes of multiple tags.
 We use same class for similar elements/tags.
 “.” is symbol of Class selector.
 A tag they can use multiple classes

Syn: .ClassName{

Calling Syn:
<tag1 class=”ClassName” ...>
<tag2 class=”ClassName1 ClassName2 …”>

Compound selector
 It selects the instances of specific tag, which have specified class name.
 Its combination of “tag” selector and “class” selector.

Syn: tagname.classname{



Calling Syn:
<tag class=”ClassName” ...>

Grouping selector
 It selects the specified group of tags/elements, means to set common properties for
different tags.
 “,” is the symbol of grouping selector.

Syn: tag1, tag2, tag3, …{



Child selector
 It selects all the child tags/elements (including grandchild) of the specified parent tag,
 “space” is the symbol of child selector.

Syn: p-tag ch-tag {



Direct Child selector

 It selects only the direct child tags/elements (excluding the grandchild) of the specified
parent tag,
 “>” is the symbol of direct child selector.

Syn: p-tag >ch-tag {



Attribute selector
 It selects all the tags/elements that are having specified attribute,
 “[ ]” is the symbol of attribute selector.

Syn: tag [attribute=”value”] {



Pseudo classes
 All pseudo selector/classes should be represented with “:”symbol.

link selector
 It used to change the default look of a hyperlinks.
Syn: a:link{


visited selector
 It used to change the default look of an already opened/visited hyperlinks.
Syn: a:visited{


active selector
 It used to change the default look of a hyperlink @the moment of mouse clicked.
Syn: a:active{


Hover selector
 It applies the style only when the user places the mouse pointer on the element, at run
 It automatically removes the style, if mouse pointer is coming out of element (now id
displaying with original settings).

Syn: tag:hover{


focus selector
 It applies the style only when the focus (cursor) is comes on to the element.
 It automatically removes the style, if mouse pointer wascoming out of element (now
element displaying with original styles).

Syn: tag:focus{

Note: it is applicable only for which control/element allows cursor.

first-child selector
 It is used to apply styles for first positioned child element.
Syn: :first-child {


last-child selector
 It is used to apply styles for last positioned child element.
Syn: :last-child {


nth-child selector
 It is used to change the style of child html elements
 Even is a keyword, it represents all even positioned child elements
Syn: :nth-child(even){

 Odd is a keyword, it represents all odd positioned child elements.
Syn: :nth-child(even){

 N represents nth positioned child element.
Syn: td:nth-child(N){

CSS Pseudo Elements
Selector Meaning
::after Insert content(either text or image) after tag/element
::before Insert content(either text or image) before tag/element
::first-letter Selects the first letter of every tag/element
::first-line Selects the first line of every element
::selection Selects the portion of an element that is selected by a user
::file-selector-button selects file control button of an <input> of type="file"
::marker CSS pseudo-element selects the marker box of a list item, which typically
contains a bullet or number. It works on any element or pseudo-element set to display: list-
item, such as the <li> and <summary> elements.
::placeholder CSS pseudo-element represents the placeholder text in an <input> or
<textarea> element.

the double colon notation:: after Vs :after
The double colon replaced the single-colon notation for pseudo-elements in CSS3.
distinguish between pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements.
The single-colon was used for both pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements in CSS2 and CSS1
In css1 & css2 :selector :element
Since css3 :selector ::element

CSS Precedence
 Css styles are applied in the following order (lower priority to higher priority).
 The higher priority style overrides the same property’s value of the lower priority.
1. Browser default style
2. Tag selector
3. Direct child selector
4. Child selector
5. Class selector
6. Attribute selector
7. ID selector

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