Q3 W2 LP
Q3 W2 LP
Q3 W2 LP
1st and 2nd meeting- December 11-12, 2024 (Wednesday and Thursday)
Topic: Laundry as Business
- Prayer
Activity 1: Motivation
Instruction: Convert the number into letter to form a word.
Example: 8, 15, 13, 5=HOME
1. 12, 1, 21, 14, 4, 18, 25---2, 21, 19, 9, 14, 5, 19, 19 (LAUNDRY BUSINESS)
2. 18, 5, 19, 5, 1, 18, 3, 8 (RESEARCH)
3. 6, 12, 25, 5, 18, 19 (FLYERS)
4. 3 15 19 20-- 15 6--12 1 2 15 18 (COST OF LABOR)
5. 19, 15, 3, 9, 1, 12--13, 5, 4, 9, 1 (SOCIAL MEDIA)
Starting a Home Laundry Business
Things to consider in starting a home laundry business;
1. Do market research.
2. Decide on how much money you need to invest on the business.
3. Remember that a laundry business requires space for equipment like washers,
dryers, and folding tables.
4. Make sure that the supply of water will not interrupt your daily business flow.
5. Secure the necessary permits and/or licenses to be able to operate legally.
6. Choose and buy the appropriate and necessary equipment.
7. Come up with your rates.
8. Market your business to people.
Rates for Home Laundry Business
Things to consider in determining rates;
1. Appliance depreciation
2. Electricity and consumption
3. Cost of laundry materials
4. Cost of labor
5. Transportation costs
6. Special service like ironing and stain removal
Advertising your Business
Ways to advertise home laundry business;
1. Set up a big signboard in front of your house
2. Distribute flyers
3. Create a website or use social media
4. Provide gimmicks like giving away hangers, laundry hampers, reusable grocery
5. Distribute calling cards
6. Word of mouth
Valuing question:
- How can a basic laundry service grow into a sustainable, community-focused business that
supports local needs, the economy, and the environment?
3rd meeting- December 13, 2024 (Friday)
Topic: Laundry as Business
- Prayer
Activity Enhancement: Performance Task: Create a flyer advertising home laundry business. Use
the rubrics below.
Organization of ideas-----------10%
Total 50%
Best Features of the Plan Items for Consideration/Enhancement
Sample Questions:
1. What is the most critical factor for success in a laundry business?
A) Offering a variety of detergent options
B) Strategic location and consistent service quality
C) Having the latest laundry machines
D) Offering free delivery for customers
Date Submitted: December 9, 2024 Time submitted: 7:00 Am
Definition of Masonry
1. Masonry is the building structures from individual units laid in and bound together by
a mortar.
Types of Masonry
1. Veneer Masonry- used for decorative purposes.
2. Solid masonry- does not need any kind of supportive structure or reinforcements.
3. Brick masonry- it is durable and can withstand strong earthquakes.
Steps in removing and replacing a tile
1. Place a rag over the damage tile and shatter it with a hammer.
2. Chisel any projections off the bedding and scrape off old adhesive with putty knife.
3. Remove dust and debris that might get in the way of the replacement tile.
4. Try out the replacement tile to make sure it does not project above floor level.
5. Spread adhesive on the back of replacement tile and set it in a place.
6. Fill the grout lines with grout after adhesive has dried off.
7. Wipe the tile with damp sponge to clean off area.
Steps in cementing pathways
1. Preparation for the soil where you plan to cement.
2. Mixing the concrete by hand
3. Pouring the concrete mix
Activity 2: Written work: Illustrate understanding on the lesson discussed through mind map. See the
example below.
Use the rubrics.
Total 20pts
Valuing question:
- How does your work as a mason contribute to the community or society?
3rd meeting- December 13, 2024 (Friday)
Topic: Laundry as Business
- Prayer
Activity Enhancement: Performance task: Form four groups. Go around the school and spot tiled
areas that need repair. Submit a written plan on how you will do the repair job. Each group will
present the output in front of the class.
Effectivity of the plan -----------15%
Total 50%
Best Features of the Plan Items for Consideration/Enhancement
Sample Questions:
Definition of Public Speaking
1. Public speaking is a live oratorical activity that means a speaker engages with
his/her audience through speech.
2. Public speaking is a form of communication that includes a presenter and an
audience. It is more formal than casual conversation and requires an organization of
thoughts with a specific purpose or goal in mind.
Question: What is the importance of public speaking?
Three important factors in an effective speech delivery.
1. Personality. It refers to your total physical, mental and emotional traits.
2. Structure. It refers to the content of your message.
3. Delivery. The quality of voice, of appropriate gestures, and facial expressions, the
ability to pace as you deliver the lines, incorporate humor, and possess the X-factor.
- X-factor is a unique combination of skills, talents, experiences, and interests that make you
stand out.
Activity 2: Personality Spotlight. Develop and showcase authentic personality while speaking.
1. Ask participants to prepare a 1-minute introduction about themselves.
2. Have each participant deliver their introduction while emphasizing an authentic part of their
personality (e.g., humor, enthusiasm, empathy).
Question: How do you feel after the activity?
Valuing Question:
- What could happen if a speaker neglects to use body language or fails to engage
the audience through eye contact?
- Why is it important to use public speaking techniques, such as vocal variety, body
language, and eye contact, when delivering a speech?
3rd meeting- December 10, 2024 (Tuesday)
Topic: Employing Public Speaking in Sample Situations
- Prayer
Activity 1: Motivation
Instruction: Convert the numbers into letters to form a phrase.
- 3 1 18 5-- 1 2 15 21 20--25 15 21 18-- 20 15 16 9 3 (CARE ABOUT YOUR TOPIC)
- 18, 5, 13, 5, 13, 2, 5, 18--25, 15, 21, 18-- 19, 16, 5, 1, 11, 9, 14, 7--7, 15, 1, 12
- 16 18 1 3 20 9 3 5--25 15 21 18--19 16 5 5 3 8 (PRACTICE YOUR SPEECH)
- 1, 4, 4 --22, 9, 19, 21, 1, 12 --1, 9, 4, 19 (ADD VISUAL AIDS)
- 21 19 5--7 5 19 20 21 18 5 19 (USE GESTURES)
- Techniques in speech delivery
- Care About Your Topic
- Passion goes a long way when it comes to being an effective speaker. The audience can
tell if you're apathetic. If you don't care, they won't care either. Even worse, you can come
across as a fake. On the other hand, if you sincerely care about your topic the audience will
pick up on that too. They'll view you as being more authentic and believable. They'll listen
more closely to discover why your subject is so important to you. And they're more likely to
forgive any minor mistakes you might make
- Remember Your Speaking Goal
- We've all probably listened to at least one speaker who seemed to go on and on forever
about nothing in particular. One reason why this happens is because the speech isn't
focused enough. The speaker is trying to cover too much and ends up boring their listeners.
Early in the process of developing your speech, identify the reason why you're speaking.
Make it a point to stick to this goal during your presentation. Don't get sidetracked or off-
- Support Your Main Points
- Every point you make in your speech needs to be supported with either an example, an
illustration, or facts. When you're supporting a point, it's best to be as specific as you can
For example, in a speech about the importance of clean water this statement is too vague:
"Many people don't have clean water." Stating this statistic from the U.S. Center for Disease
Control is a more effective way to support your point: "Worldwide, 780 million people do not
have access to an improved water source."
- Use Presentation Tools Wisely
- Slide presentations often get a reputation for being dull, but that's because many speakers
are unaware of what their presentation tools can do and don't make the best use of all the
features. To better engage your audience, learn how to use the more advanced features of
your tool. And these features are just the tip of the iceberg. To really elevate your public
speaking techniques, you'll want to learn everything your presentation software tool can do.
- Use a Professional Template
- While we're talking about presentation tools, let's also talk about presentation design. Your
presentation design affects how your audience perceives you. Even if you've memorized
your speech, give it perfectly, and have the most amazing topic--your audience might still
judge you negatively if your presentation design is sloppy and unprofessional.
- Practice Your Speech
- One of the most important public speaking techniques is often one of the most overlooked- -
practice. If you expect that you'll be an effective speaker without practicing your speech,
you'd be wrong. The old saying, "practice makes perfect," really is true when it comes to
developing effective speaking skills. The more you practice your speech, the more familiar it
will be to you and the more comfortable you'll be giving it. Plus, practicing your speech is the
only way to discover how long the speech will take and where you need to pause.
- Relax!
- It's normal to be nervous about public speaking. It's so common, there's an actualtechnical
term for fear of public speaking - glossophobia. I'm not telling you this to make you more
anxious, but rather to let you know that having some anxiety before giving a speech is
perfectly normal. Still, you should try to relax if you can. You'll be more comfortable, and the
audience will relate to you better too.
- Pace Yourself
- When it comes to public speaking, a common newbie error is to speak too quickly. This is
usually caused by a combination of nerves and not realizing how fast you're actually
speaking. But talking too fast makes it harder for your listeners to understand what you're
saying. Effective public speakers know to pace themselves. They'll speak at a natural pace
and work short, natural pauses into their speech.
- Add Visual Aids
- Visual aids can serve as a powerful illustration of your speech. Humans use their sight more
than any other sense. So, if you can make your point by showing it to your listeners rather
than describing it, they are more likely to remember it. Be careful though. To be effective,
your visual aid must be of high-quality and easily visible to all members of your audience.
Avoid incorporating sloppy graphics into a slide presentation. Likewise, don't hold up a
visual aid that's physically too small for those listening to see and words are crowded in a
- Dress Comfortably, But Professionally
- What's the right outfit to wear if you want to be an effective public speaker? Well, there's no
one answer. How you dress depends on who your listeners will be. But the general principle
is that you want to dress professionally to make a good impression. Make sure to observe
good grooming and hygiene rules too. Many experts feel you should dress according to how
your audience dresses. If the audience is dressed formally, you don't want to show up in
shorts and a tee shirt. Likewise, if the audience is wearing shorts and a tee shirt, don't dress
- Avoid Awkward Fillers
- "Um," "uh," "like." We all slip these filler words into our conversations without even realizing
it. But overuse of these words during a professional speech can make you sound less than
confident. If you can, break the habit of using these words to become a better public
speaker. Practice can help you eliminate these words from your speech patterns, but you
may be so used to using them that it's hard to notice when you're doing it. This is where a
speech coach, teacher, or friend would come in handy. They could listen for these words
and help you break the habit of using them. Or you can record yourself using your gadgets.
Then after, listen to it.
- Use Gestures (But Don't Overdo)
- Natural movement during a speech is a sign of an effective public speaker. Hand gestures
and even taking a few steps across the stage can be good public speaking techniques as
long as they're natural, purposeful, and not overdone. Movement can make you appear
more comfortable and help your audience relate to you.
- Allow a Q & A
- Question and answer sessions (Q & A) are one of the most underused public speaking
techniques. Many speakers just say what they're going to say and then sit down. What a
waste! The beauty of Q & A is that you get to hear your listeners' concerns directly and
address them publicly, further strengthening your case. You can prepare for a Q & A
session by creating your own list of questions and possible objections that audience
members may have (with answers). Study the list carefully so that you're familiar with it. If
someone does bring up a point that you hadn't thought of, don't panic. They don't expect
you to know everything. It's perfectly acceptable to take their contact information and tell
them that you'll get back to them once you've got the answer.
Valuing questions:
- Reflect on a time when you used (or witnessed) effective public speaking techniques. How
did they enhance the message?
- Why do you think public speaking skills are valuable not just on stage but in everyday
professional situations?
3rd and 4th meeting- December 11 and 12, 2024 (Wednesday and Thursday)
Topic: Employing Public Speaking in Sample Situations
- Prayer
Sample Questions:
What is the best strategy to engage your audience during a motivational speech?
A) Speak in a monotone voice to stay professional.
B) Focus solely on sharing statistics and data.
C) Use dynamic body language and an enthusiastic tone.
D) Avoid eye contact to reduce your own nervousness.
Date Submitted: December 9, 2024 Time submitted: 7:00 Am
Guide Question:
1. Did the saleslady successfully convince the customer to buy the product?
2. What words or phrases were used by the saleslady to convince the customer?
3. If you were the customer, which particular technique used by the seller in of the comic strip
do you think would convince you the most?
4. Do you think that the techniques used here are effective? Why or why not?
Propaganda. It is a form of communication that is aimed at influencing the attitudes,
perspectives and emotions of people or communities toward some cause or position by
presenting only one side of an argument. It is usually repeated and presented over a wide
variety of media in order to attract the interests of a greater majority.
Types of Propaganda Techniques. There are a number of ways and/or techniques on how
to persuade people to buy products, accept ideas, and avail services.
1. Card Stacking. This is a technique that shows the product’s best features, tells half-truths,
and omits its potential problems.
2. Name-calling. This is the use of names that may evoke fear or hatred among the viewers.
The name-calling technique links a person or idea, to a negative symbol. The most obvious
type of name-calling involves bad names such as racist, dictator, terrorist, rebel, protester,
idiot, liar and monster.
3. Plain Folks. This is the use of common people to sell or to promote a product or service.
Advertisements appear to associate a person or groups of individuals to be one of common
people or the masses. This technique is commonly used in the world of advertising because
9. Simplification. This is used to reduce crucial issues to basic ideas and packages them with
catchy slogans and images. It usually targets uninformed readers or customers.
10. Loaded Words. This technique uses words in attempting to influence an audience by using
emotional appeal or stereotypes that cannot be supported by concrete evidences.
Activity 2: Look Who’s Talking
Directions: Analyze and identify the propaganda technique used in each situation below. Select your
answer from the word bank and write it on a separate sheet of paper.
__________1. A beach resort has its poster with a picture of a beautiful view and a tagline that says,
“Experience real paradise!,” designed to attract tourists.
_________2. A political candidate is labelling his opponent a “corrupt leader”.
_________3. A common family is shown in an advertisement happily or excitedly having noodles for
their dinner.
_________4. A seller of a handbag says to the customer, “You’ll look elegant with this bag on you!”
_________5. A make-up brand says that its products will make you look young and beautiful but it
doesn’t tell you the possible side effects of the chemicals in products do to your skin.
_________6. An avid fan feels good about herself as she uses the shampoo patronized by her
favorite model endorser.
_________7. A student argues to his teacher that it is better to submit his project very late than never
submitting it at all. The student contends that it is a lesser evil to do so. However, the manner of the
student seems off since he is just playful talking to the teacher about it even if the situation is a
serious matter in school.
_________8. Maria has doubts about buying products online, but since most of her friends are doing
it she dismisses her doubts and went ahead to buy some products online.
_________9. A leader in his speech says, “We are making a tremendous progress in our economy,”
but he did not discuss facts nor present statistics to support his claim.
_________10. Holding a toothpaste, a beauty queen smiles and tells everyone that the product can
really whiten teeth and freshen one’s breath.
Valuing question:
- Why is it important to understand the intention behind the words used in propaganda?
- What impact can failing to recognize the intention behind propaganda words have on
3rd meeting- December 11,2024 (Wednesday)
Topic: Analyzing Intention of Words Used in Propaganda Techniques
- Prayer
- Recalling the topic
Enhancement Activity 1: Watch and Learn
Directions: List five advertised products and their corresponding taglines on the table below. Look for
advertisements from available resources like television, radio, newspapers, or posters. Do this on a
separate sheet of paper.
Example: Product Tagline Rejoice Shampoo -------------“Smooth, with perfume all day long.”
Enhancement Activity 2:
Directions: Based on activity 3, analyze the intention of words and expressions used in the taglines
and answer the questions that follow. Do this on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Which of the taglines do you think are more enticing for people to buy the product or accept
the idea?
- Prayer
Assessment Activity: Now that you have gained insights about propaganda techniques, it is time for
you to apply your understanding to real-life situations.
Guide Questions:
1. What propaganda technique is used in the situation? What words or phrases do you think
helped convince the customer to patronize the product?
2. In terms of language used, does the propaganda achieve its purpose? How?
3. Did the teenager make the right decision of immediately buying the product online? Why or
why not?
4. If you were the customer, would you do the same thing as the teenager did in the situation?
5. How have your knowledge about propaganda technique so far influence your decision-
making in supporting ideas, buying products, and availing services?
Best Features of the Plan Items for Consideration/Enhancement
Sample Question:
What propaganda technique is intended to damage the image of the competitor by using names that
evoke fear or hatred such as, “racist, dictator, and communist”?
A. card stacking
B. glittering generalities
C. name-calling
D. plain folks
Date Submitted: December 9, 2024 Time submitted: 7:00 Am