Vigor2133 features advanced bandwidth control mechanism such as IP-layer, QoS, NAT Session
Limitation, Bandwidth Borrowed, etc., to allow easy, flexible, reliable access control and bandwidth
New Features
Support two factors authentication (2-step authentication on System
Maintenance>>Administration Password).
Support OpenVPN remote dial-in.
Support hotspot web portal by using IPv6.
Support hotspot web portal by using RADIUS server.
Improved: Refine firmware backup WUI.
Improved: Modify the note related to DMZ subnet on LAN >>General Setup.
Improved: Modify the firmware upgrade mechanism on WUI and for telnet command.
Improved: Add TR-069 parameters related to the menu items in Diagnostics of Vigor
Improved: Modify the unit display of TX/RX rate with fixed bps in some web pages.
Corrected: OpenVPN tunnel disconnected and reconnected when the OpenVPN client
performed TX throughput test using router test tool.
Improved: Support up to 41 characters in Server IP/Hostname for VPN.
Corrected: UPnP and DMZ Host did not work properly on XBox One.
Corrected: NAT loopback did not work when DMZ was enabled.
Corrected: After un-checking the box of a static route on Routing>>Static Route, the
disabled static route was still found on Diagnostics>>View Routing Table.
Corrected: When using DrayDDNS on Vigor router (behind NAT), an error message of
"WAN IP not present" appeared if Internet IP was selected as Determine WAN IP.
Corrected: Unable to change the UDP/TCP port value on VPN and Remote
Access>>OpenVPN>>General Setup.
Improved: Add an option to specify which LAN/Source IP will be used for TR-069
management (System Maintenance>>TR-069 Setting).
Corrected: LAN2 was disabled on LAN>>General Setup. However, the client could still
configure the interface on the Dashboard.
Improved: Move DoS IP white/black list from Diagnostics >> DoS Flood Table to
Firewall >> Defense Setup page.
Corrected: The warning message of firmware backup & recovery on Dashboard still
appeared even the function of Enable automatic firmware recovery was checked on
System Maintenance>>Firmware Backup & Recovery.
Improved: Add a message of "The WAN Bandwidth can not exceed XXX Mbps" which
appears if inbound/outbound bandwidth exceeds the limitation configured in Bandwidth
Management >> Quality of Service.
Corrected: Failed to disable "Change the TTL value" in WAN >> Internet Access. It
remained "enabled" after disabling it and rebooting the router.
Improved: Modify the sentence of IP Address Assignment on VPN and Remote Access >>
PPP General Setup.
Improved: Execute hardware acceleration on PVC WAN with RTSP ALG session.
Corrected: Unable to send out SMS alerts (if service provider TextMarketer was used).
Corrected: Unable to display the switch device under DMZ subnet on the Dashboard of
VigorACS (VigorACS >>Configuration >>Switch >>Status >>Switch Hierarchy), even if
DMZ subnet was enabled on Vigor router.
Corrected: WAN Budget with a Custom Cycle in days did not work well, for the Duration
Time did not show correct setting.
Corrected: When the Admin Local User registered to Vigor router by using 2-step
authentication (or mOTP), he could log in web user interface of Vigor router without
entering the Authentication Code.
Corrected: Enabled the function of 2-Step Authentication via SMS & Mail on System
Maintenance >> Administrator Password Setup >> Administrator Password. But the
remote user was unable to get authentication code via SMS & mail after clicking Get
Code on the login page of WUI.
Corrected: Set IPv6 6in4 Static Tunnel on WAN. But LAN1 client got the other VLAN
prefix in Router Advertisement.
Corrected: Remote PC was unable to use mOTP for authenticated by Vigor router if "Use
only advanced authentication method for Admin "WAN" login" was enabled.
Corrected: File Explorer did not work (on USB Application >> File Explorer).
Corrected: Menu items under System Maintenance were not consistent with the items
under the GUI map.
Corrected: Unable to display the image(s) or display error on Hotspot Web Portal >>
Profile Setup >> Configure Login Method and Details.
Corrected: Vigor router sent many alert mails for some reboot event.
Corrected: Buffer increased due to recoding the table of domain name and IP address
Corrected: Manual download link on the top-right of the Dashboard did not work.
Corrected: Vigor router reboot continuously due to the setting configuration on System
Maintenance >> TR-069 Setting.
Corrected: An invalid note appeared on WAN>>General Setup. Unable to set USB WAN
as primary WAN.
Corrected: IPv4 LAN information, IPv4 Internet Access, System Resource, and Quick
Access on the Dashboard disappeared if IPv6 setting was disabled.
Corrected: Line setting on Online Status>>Virtual WAN was not consistent with the
WAN type content on WAN>>Multi-VLAN.
Corrected: Always got "WAN IP not present" when using DDNS.NET / DrayDNS.org as
the domain name and using USB WAN3 interface.
RD NO: 108_01_17