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6 authors, including:
Iqtidar Ali
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Agricultural University, Peshawar
All content following this page was uploaded by Imran Uddin on 04 August 2023.
Getting to Know ChatGPT: An Introduction to Implementation and Working
Abdul Sami1, Imran Uddin1,*, Noreen Fayyaz2, Muhammad Bilal3, Muhammad Shahid1 and Iqtidar Ali1
Institute of Computer Sciences and Information Technology (ICS/IT), The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan.
Department of Computer Science, FATA University, Peshawar, Pakistan.
Department of Computer Science, Islamia College University, Peshawar, Pakistan.
*Corresspond Author: imranuddin@aup.edu.pk
Abstract: ChatGPT is an advanced technology that uses sophisticated artificial intelligence techniques to generate natural
language responses based on a given prompt or input. It has been applied in various fields, such as customer service, content
creation, and natural language processing. This investigation and analysis of ChatGPT delve into its origins, implementation
and working, and impact on different research areas. It assesses the Pros and Cons of ChatGPT. It also explore the limitations
and how to implements its model in a custom environment. Additionally, it explores the influence of ChatGPT on cybersecurity,
customer support, health care and software development.
Keywords: ChatGPT; ChatGPT-4; Generative AI; Pre-Train Transformer; Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Generative Pre-Trained Transformer: The Generative
I. INTRODUCTION Pre-Trained Transformer (GPT) is a machine learning
ChatGPT is based on the Generative Pre-trained model that employs a blend of supervised and
Transformer (GPT) language model, which was first unsupervised learning methodologies to comprehend and
introduced by OpenAI in 2018 [1]. The GPT model uses generate language that closely resembles human language.
unsupervised learning to generate human-like coherent and [3].
natural-sounding text. ChatGPT was developed to apply the
Language Model: A language model is a form of artificial
GPT model to chatbot technology, providing an advanced and
intelligence model that is trained to produce text that
responsive tool for natural language processing and
mimics human language.
communication. From answering simple queries to more
complex tasks such as generating appreciation letters and Multimodal Neurons: Multimodal neurons are units of
facilitating challenging conversations about productivity artificial neural networks that possess the capability to
issues [2], ChatGPT is capable of comprehending and comprehend and interpret the appearance of an object
analyzing user requests / queries with the vast amount of text across various modes or representations, including images,
data and with diverse inputs available, generating appropriate text, and speech. [13]. Additionally, MUlti-DialoGUE
responses that closely resembles the human language. (MUD-Dialogue) Challenge, which is an evaluation
framework for open-domain dialogue systems. The
Aside from its practical applications, ChatGPT's ability to
produce human-like language and accomplish tasks which is challenge consists of a large-scale dataset and a suite of
a major innovation in the field of NLP and AI. evaluation metrics designed to test various aspects of
dialogue system performance. The paper may be relevant
Therefore, this paper aims to provide an in-depth to the development and evaluation of chatbot systems like
exploration of the ChatGPT model, focusing potential ChatGPT.
applications, to help understand its Pros and cons and the
practical implementation of ChatGPT in an existing Natural Language Processing: The field of Natural
environment. The key concepts related to ChatGPT are: Language Processing (NLP) encompasses utilizing
algorithms to scrutinize and comprehend human language,
Attention Mechanism: A neural network utilizes an including text and speech, for extracting significance and
attention mechanism to enable the model to concentrate beneficial information.
solely on aspects of input data while generating
predictions. In [12] briefly discuss the use of deep learning Neural Network: A neural network is a machine learning
techniques and the challenges and opportunities in model that consists of interconnected processing nodes,
developing effective dialogue systems. It may be relevant which are trained on data to execute specific tasks by
to the development and application of ChatGPT, as both modifying the intensity of connections between them.
aim to provide advanced and responsive tools for natural [14].
language processing and communication. Supervised Fine-Tuning: Supervised fine-tuning refers
Generative Model: A generative model is a category of to a machine learning method that involves training a pre-
model that can produce novel data, in contrast to merely existing model on a smaller dataset that has been labeled,
classifying or forecasting based on input data. with the objective of enhancing its performance on a
specific task. [15].
May 9–11, 2023 Institute of Computer Sciences and Information Technology (ICS/IT), The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan
Transfer Learning: Transfer learning refers to the ability The main drawback is that GPT models learn from a vast
of tools such as ChatGPT to employ the knowledge dataset of text using a statistical approach that may perpetuate
obtained from one task to enhance its efficiency in another, biases and stereotypes present in the data, resulting in the
interconnected task. (Pan & Yang, 2010). generation of offensive or harmful content (Dale, 2017; Lucy
& Bamman, 2021). Moreover, GPT models lack contextual
II. LIMITATION OF THE STUDY and semantic understanding of the text they produce and do
not perform well in tasks requiring common sense or logical
This study does not have its own existing and predictive reasoning that are not covered in the training data (Strubell et
limitations since the concept of ChatGPT is very limited. The al., 2019). In addition, GPT models are computationally
resources refers are very minimum. expensive to train, necessitating large amounts of data and
Minimum research outcome availability computational resources, making them challenging to
implement for certain organizations and individuals.
User experience sharing is far generalized Additionally, running these algorithms and data storage
systems at OpenAI's scale consumes a significant amount of
The experience shared are based on perceptions
energy (Zhou et al., 2021). Therefore, it is crucial to be aware
The version of ChatGPT is in primary stage of these limitations and to employ GPT technology
According to Kirmani (2022), ChatGPT is an open-source
tool created by OpenAI that uses GPT language model
technology. This highly advanced chatbot can perform various
text-based tasks, ranging from answering simple questions to ChatGPT employs a deep neural network structure
completing more complex tasks, such as generating thank-you comprising multiple layers of transformers, which are
letters and guiding individuals through challenging specialized in processing sequential data, primarily natural
productivity discussions (Liu et al., 2021). ChatGPT's language text, to generate human-like and coherent outputs.
extensive data stores and efficient design enable it to To train ChatGPT, a massive corpus of text data is fed into the
comprehend and interpret user requests, generating responses model to enable it to learn the patterns and associations
in nearly natural human language. This capability, combined between words, phrases, and sentences, and the model's
with its potential to generate human-like language and execute refinement is an iterative process that continues as it is
complex tasks, makes ChatGPT a significant innovation in the exposed to more data. After training, ChatGPT can be fine-
field of artificial intelligence and natural language processing. tuned for specific tasks or applications like content generation
This review paper will examine how ChatGPT operates and or language translation.
its possible impacts on different industries.
The operation of ChatGPT involves several steps. The first
The Generative Pre-Trained Transformer (GPT) is a step is for the user to enter a query or prompt into the system,
language model created by OpenAI that has the capability of which is subsequently processed by the model. The model
producing text responses that are almost identical to natural uses its comprehension of language patterns and associations
human language (Dale, 2021). The GPT technology is based to generate a response, which is then returned to the user. The
on a two-step process that involves generative, unsupervised user can further continue the conversation or present more
pretraining using unlabeled data, and discriminative, questions. This approach is wholly trained through
supervised fine-tuning to improve performance on specific reinforcement learning, with human feedback being the main
tasks (Erhan et al., 2010; Budzianowski & Vulić, 2019). In the source of improvement.
pretraining phase, the model learns in a natural way, like how
a person might learn in a new environment, while the fine- SFT Model: In this the training of the model entails
tuning phase involves more structured refinement by the supervised fine-tuning, which involves collecting
creators (Radford et al., 2018). demonstration data to enhance its performance.
OpenAI's GPT-3 and ChatGPT, as well as other models RM Model: The reward model evaluates the output of the
like Google's BERT, and Microsoft's XLNet, are all cutting- SFT model and allocates points based on the required /
edge language models. GPT-3 and ChatGPT are based on the desirable results to users.
GPT-3 architecture and can produce text that is almost as good SFT Model via PPO: Reinforcement learning is employed
as human language, which makes them useful for a wide range to fine-tune the SFT model Policy by allowing it to
of natural language processing tasks like summarization, optimize the RM model, while the fine-tuned model of
language translation, and question answering. In contrast, proximal policy optimization is referred to as PPO.
BERT, RoBERTa, and XLNet primarily focus on
comprehending the meaning of text and are particularly useful
for tasks such as named entity recognition and sentiment
analysis. The primary advantage of GPT-3 and ChatGPT is A. Pros of ChatGPT
their ability to create high-quality text, while BERT,
RoBERTa, and XLNet excel in understanding and interpreting ChatGPT has the Pros of natural language generation
text. capability, which allows it to produce responses that are
similar to human language and coherent. This feature is
The GPT technology has revolutionized the field of natural especially valuable in situations where natural language is
language processing; however, it also has several limitations. important, such as in customer service oriented chatbots and
Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Computing Technologies, Tools and Applications (ICTAPP-23)
in language translation applications. Compared to other NLP patterns and correlation in the data on which it was trained,
models, like rule-based methods, ChatGPT can generate more the system can rapidly and accurately generate responses
human-like responses. This can result in more meaningful and [5]. As such, it is an effective solution for companies and
interesting conversations with users, leading to better user customer- oriented organizations that require auto
satisfaction and experience. customer service support or language translation services.
Explain complex concepts: Chat GPT has the ability to
clarify complex concepts, making it an impressive feature.
To receive a brief and succinct summary of a topic, one
can easily input "explain [topic]" into Chat GPT.
Write code: There is no doubt about it, Chat GPT is an
excellent coder. If you are struggling with a coding
problem, always ask Chat GPT for some help?
Cost-Effective Solution: Chat GPT provides a cost-
efficient alternative as it negates the need to hire human
operators for customer services. This can lead to
substantial cost savings, particularly for businesses that
handle many customer service inquiries.
Language Translation: Chat GPT possesses the ability to
accurately translate text between different languages,
making it a valuable tool for global communication. It can
translate text in real-time, allowing users to communicate
seamlessly and efficiently across language barriers.
Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Computing Technologies, Tools and Applications (ICTAPP-23)
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Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Computing Technologies, Tools and Applications (ICTAPP-23)