Capgemini Exceller Prep 2024 Bootcamp Session Details (1)
Capgemini Exceller Prep 2024 Bootcamp Session Details (1)
Capgemini Exceller Prep 2024 Bootcamp Session Details (1)
Cloud Fundamentals ~ 10
Computer Networks ~ 10
Detailed Syllabus:
Operating Systems
▪ Simulate process scheduling algorithms
Introduction to Operating Systems
(e.g., Round Robin, Priority Scheduling)
▪ Types of operating systems, including Batch, Time-Sharing, Distributed, Real-Time, and Embedded
systems. ▪ Solve problems that involve detecting
▪ Architecture of operating systems, including the kernel, shell, system calls, and user interface. and resolving deadlocks using
Process management techniques like the Banker's Algorithm.
• Process lifecycle (creation, execution, termination)
▪ Simulate paging and segmentation
• Context switching and process states
schemes, implementing page
• Thread replacement algorithms
Process scheduling
• Scheduling algorithms (e.g., round-robin, priority-based, shortest job first) ▪ Analyze different file system
architectures, and design directory
• Multilevel queue scheduling
structures for specific scenarios
• Real-time scheduling
File management system
• File organization (directories, files, paths)
• File permissions (read, write, execute)
• File system types (e.g., ext4, NTFS, FAT)
Memory management
• Virtual memory (paging, segmentation)
• Memory allocation (malloc, free)
Process Scheduling | Deadlocks | Thread | Virtual memory management | Disk Scheduling | Multithreaded programming
▪ Dynamic programming, solving problems like the Knapsack problem, and optimizing recursive solutions ▪ Solve the shortest path problem using
using memoization. Dijkstra’s algorithm on a weighted graph.
Queues and Stacks
▪ Principles of First-In-First-Out (FIFO) in queues and Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) in stacks.
▪ Implementing queues using arrays and linked lists, including circular queues.
▪ Priority queues, their implementations using heaps, and their applications.
▪ Basic stack operations (push, pop, peek) and understanding their use in expression evaluation and
function calls.
▪ Different ways to represent graphs: adjacency matrix and adjacency list.
▪ Graph traversal techniques like Depth-First Search (DFS) and Breadth-First Search (BFS).
▪ Graph algorithms to solve real-world problems like network flows, social graph analysis, and finding the
shortest paths using Dijkstra's and Floyd-Warshall algorithms.
Cloud Fundamentals
▪ Practice designing of a cloud-based
Fundamentals of Cloud Computing
solution for a scenario requiring rapid
• Shared infrastructure scaling and shared infrastructure.
• On-demand access
• Scalable services ▪ Compare and contrast the infrastructure
and scalability of traditional vs. cloud
Client Server Architecture
data centers.
• Understanding the client-server model
• Role of clients and servers in communication
• Application of client-server architecture
Computer Networks
▪ Analyze network topology for a small
Basics of Networking
business using a combination of
• Understanding network topologies (e.g., star, bus, mesh)
different topologies.
• OSI model layers and their functions
• Subnetting and CIDR notation ▪ Subnet an IP network and determine the
• Network devices: switches routers, NIC cards, hubs, etc. IP ranges for each subnet.
Network Security
• Authentication methods (e.g., passwords, biometrics, multi-factor authentication) ▪ Practice simulation of a network attack
and implement IDS/IPS measures to
• Access control (permissions, roles, ACLs)
detect and prevent it.
• Intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDS/IPS)