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Grade Level

Department of Education Teaching Dates and

WEEK 5 Quarter QUARTER 2
Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4:
The learners demonstrate an understanding of…
A. Content Standards
a. the impact of one’s family on his/her personal development during middle and late adolescence
The learners shall be able to...
B. Performance Standards
a. identify the firm and gentle sides of family care that affect a person’s development during middle and late adolescence.
C. Learning a. Prepare a plan on how to make the family members firmer and gentler with each other
A. References
1. TG’s Pages
2. LM’s Pages
3. Textbook’s Pages
B. Other Resources
Today, we will learn about
creating a plan to make family
 Greet the students and ask
members firmer and gentler with
them to recall what they
each other. In our previous
learned in the previous
lessons, we talked about
lesson about expressing
understanding our family history,
thoughts and feelings Ask the students to share their
1. Reviewing previous lesson expressing our thoughts and Review and recall the topics
towards family members. experience of interacting with
or presenting the new feelings towards our family discussed ready for the
 Introduce the new topic, their family members in the past
lesson members, and conducting a assessment.
"Initiating Family Traditions week.
mini-survey on Filipino
and Family Culture," and
relationships. Today's lesson will
explain its relevance in
focus on how we can strengthen
building strong family
the relationships in our family by
developing a plan to make each
other firmer and gentler.
2. Establishing the purpose of By the end of this lesson, you will By the end of the lesson, the  Introduce the importance of
the lesson be able to identify the strengths students are expected to joyfully interacting with each
and weaknesses of your family's appreciate the importance of family member for personal
family traditions and culture, and family well-being.
communication style and
identify some family traditions  Establish the competencies
develop a plan on how to make and cultures, and create a plan for the lesson: to identify the
each other firmer and gentler. on how to initiate or continue a benefits of joyful family
interaction and to practice
family tradition or culture. ways of communicating
joyfully with family members.
 Show some examples of
 What does it mean to be firm family traditions and cultures
and gentle with each other in such as celebrating  Show a short video clip of a
the family? birthdays, having a weekly family engaging in joyful
 What are the benefits of family dinner, wearing activities together, such as
3. Presenting being firm and gentle with matching shirts during family playing board games,
examples/instances of the each other in the family? vacations, having a family cooking together, or having a
new lesson  What are the common movie night, etc. picnic.
communication problems  Discuss how these family  Ask students to share any
within the family that can be traditions and cultures help happy memories of spending
addressed by being firmer strengthen family bonds and time with their family.
and gentler with each other? create a sense of
 Discuss the benefits of joyful
family interaction, such as
strengthening family bonds,
reducing stress, and
improving mental health.
 Define the terms "family
 Understanding the  Brainstorm and list down
tradition" and "family
importance of active listening ways to communicate joyfully
in communication. with family members, such
 Ask the students to share
4. Discussing new concepts  Identifying and expressing as showing appreciation,
some of their family
and practicing new skills emotions and needs expressing love and support,
traditions and cultures and
#1 constructively. sharing positive news, or
explain how these traditions
 Setting boundaries and making small gestures of
and cultures contribute to
expectations in a respectful kindness.
their family's identity and
manner.  Model and practice positive
communication techniques,
such as active listening,
using positive affirmations,
and non-verbal
5. Discussing new concepts  Analyzing the current  Discuss the benefits of  Discuss the barriers to joyful
and practicing new skills communication style within having family traditions and family interaction, such as
#2 the family. culture such as creating a busy schedules, conflicts,
 Identifying areas for sense of belongingness, and lack of communication
improvement in promoting communication skills.
communication and conflict and understanding, providing  Brainstorm and list down
resolution. a source of stability and solutions to overcome these
 Developing a plan to make security, and preserving barriers, such as scheduling
each other firmer and family history and heritage. family time, resolving
gentler.  Ask the students to think of a conflicts through effective
family tradition or culture communication, and seeking
professional help if needed.
 Role-play and practice
positive communication
that they would like to
techniques in various
initiate or continue and
scenarios, such as expressing
present it to the class.
appreciation, giving
constructive feedback, or
resolving conflicts.
 Divide the students into pairs
 Divide the class into small
Interacting and engaging or small groups.
groups and ask them to
activity: Role-playing scenarios  Instruct them to come up
come up with a plan on how
where family members can with a plan to engage in a
to initiate or continue a
practice being firmer and gentler joyful activity with their
family tradition or culture.
with each other, such as: family members.
 Provide materials such as
 Encourage them to be
6. Developing Mastery paper, pens, and other art
 Resolving a conflict in a calm creative and to incorporate
supplies that they can use in
and respectful manner. the positive communication
creating a family tradition or
 Setting boundaries and techniques discussed in the
culture plan.
expectations. lesson.
 After 10-15 minutes, ask
 Expressing emotions and  Have the students share their
each group to present their
needs constructively. plans with the class, and give
plan to the class.
feedback and suggestions.
 Encouraging family members
to practice active listening
and expressing emotions
 Instruct students to
implement their plans and
 Setting aside time for family Encourage the students to
engage in joyful activities
7. Finding practical meetings to discuss concerns implement their family tradition
with their family members.
applications of concepts and make plans to improve or culture plan at home and ask
 Encourage them to reflect on
and skills in daily living communication and them to share their experiences
their experience and share
relationships. in the next class.
their insights and learnings in
 Continuously assessing and
the next class.
reassessing the family's
communication style and
plan to ensure effectiveness.
8. Generalizing and  Discussing the impact of  Summarize the key points of  Ask students to reflect on the
abstractions about the firmer and gentler the lesson and emphasize lesson and identify the most
lesson communication on individual the importance of family important concepts and skills
well-being and the family as traditions and culture in they have learned.
a whole. building strong family  Discuss how these concepts
 Recognizing the importance relationships. and skills can be applied to
of respect, trust, and  Ask the students to reflect on other areas of their lives,
empathy in strengthening what they learned and how such as relationships with
family relationships. they can apply it in their own friends, romantic partners, or
 Applying the concepts and families. coworkers.
skills learned in this lesson to
other relationships outside
the family.
The teacher will prepare a quiz/
test that will assess the
9. Evaluating Learning learnings of the students. Make
sure that the test covers all the
topics discussed for the week.
 Encourage the students to
research and discover other
 Encouraging students to  Ask students to create a
family traditions and cultures
implement the plan with their personal reflection on their
that they can initiate or
own families and reflect on experience of engaging in
continue in their own
its effectiveness. joyful activities with their
10. Additional Activities for families.
 Assigning a written reflection family members.
Application or Remediation  Assign a follow-up activity
about the student's personal  Encourage them to share
where they will present their
experience with the plan and their reflection with the class
family tradition or culture to
its impact on their family or with a trusted friend or
the class and share how it
relationships. family member.
has helped strengthen their
family relationships.


A. No. of learners who earned

80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

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