SMS 1.6 Reference Manual

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System Management Services (SMS) 1.

6 Reference Manual

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Part No. 819-4662-10 May 2006, Revision A Submit comments about this document at:

Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A. All rights reserved. Sun Microsystems, Inc. has intellectual property rights relating to technology that is described in this document. In particular, and without limitation, these intellectual property rights may include one or more of the U.S. patents listed at, and one or more additional patents or pending patent applications in the U.S. and in other countries. This document and the product to which it pertains are distributed under licenses restricting their use, copying, distribution, and decompilation. No part of the product or of this document may be reproduced in any form by any means without prior written authorization of Sun and its licensors, if any. Third-party software, including font technology, is copyrighted and licensed from Sun suppliers. Parts of the product may be derived from Berkeley BSD systems, licensed from the University of California. UNIX is a registered trademark in the U.S. and other countries, exclusively licensed through X/Open Company, Ltd. Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo,, Sun Fire, OpenBoot, Solaris, and Sun Remote Services Net Connect are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. Products bearing SPARC trademarks are based upon an architecture developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. The OPEN LOOK and Sun Graphical User Interface was developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. for its users and licensees. Sun acknowledges the pioneering efforts of Xerox in researching and developing the concept of visual or graphical user interfaces for the computer industry. Sun holds a non-exclusive license from Xerox to the Xerox Graphical User Interface, which license also covers Suns licensees who implement OPEN LOOK GUIs and otherwise comply with Suns written license agreements. U.S. Government RightsCommercial use. Government users are subject to the Sun Microsystems, Inc. standard license agreement and applicable provisions of the FAR and its supplements. DOCUMENTATION IS PROVIDED AS IS AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE DISCLAIMED, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SUCH DISCLAIMERS ARE HELD TO BE LEGALLY INVALID. Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, Californie 95054, Etats-Unis. Tous droits rservs. Sun Microsystems, Inc. a les droits de proprit intellectuels relatants la technologie qui est dcrit dans ce document. 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UNIX est une marque dpose aux Etats-Unis et dans dautres pays et licencie exclusivement par X/Open Company, Ltd. Sun, Sun Microsystems, le logo Sun,, Sun Fire, OpenBoot, Solaris, et Sun Remote Services Net Connect sont des marques de fabrique ou des marques dposes de Sun Microsystems, Inc. aux Etats-Unis et dans dautres pays. Toutes les marques SPARC sont utilises sous licence et sont des marques de fabrique ou des marques dposes de SPARC International, Inc. aux Etats-Unis et dans dautres pays. Les produits portant les marques SPARC sont bass sur une architecture dveloppe par Sun Microsystems, Inc. Linterface dutilisation graphique OPEN LOOK et Sun a t dveloppe par Sun Microsystems, Inc. pour ses utilisateurs et licencis. Sun reconnat les efforts de pionniers de Xerox pour la recherche et le dveloppement du concept des interfaces dutilisation visuelle ou graphique pour lindustrie de linformatique. Sun dtient une license non exclusive de Xerox sur linterface dutilisation graphique Xerox, cette licence couvrant galement les licencies de Sun qui mettent en place linterface d utilisation graphique OPEN LOOK et qui en outre se conforment aux licences crites de Sun. LA DOCUMENTATION EST FOURNIE "EN LTAT" ET TOUTES AUTRES CONDITIONS, DECLARATIONS ET GARANTIES EXPRESSES OU TACITES SONT FORMELLEMENT EXCLUES, DANS LA MESURE AUTORISEE PAR LA LOI APPLICABLE, Y COMPRIS NOTAMMENT TOUTE GARANTIE IMPLICITE RELATIVE A LA QUALITE MARCHANDE, A LAPTITUDE A UNE UTILISATION PARTICULIERE OU A LABSENCE DE CONTREFAON.


Preface Intro 2 addboard addtag codd console dca 37

vi 7 16 23 19 29 32 40 49 55 52

addcodlicense cancelcmdsync

deleteboard deletetag dsmd dxs efhd elad erd esmd fomd frad 63 66 69 72

deletecodlicense disablecomponent

enablecomponent 82 84 88 95 97




help hpost hwad kmd mand mld osd pcd

99 102 104 106 112 116 119 122 133 135 140 144 149 174 177 180



poweroff poweron rcfgadm reset resetsc 170

runcmdsync savecmdsync setbus setcsn setdate 186 191

setdatasync 199 setdefaults setfailover setkeyswitch setobpparams setpcimode setupplatform showboards showbus showcmdsync

194 202 207 211 217 224 228 235 250 253 256 263 272


showcodlicense showcodusage showcomponent showdatasync


System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual May 2006


276 279 286 305 317 320 324 335 341 344 358 362 366 369 373 381 299

showdevices showfailover showkeyswitch showlogs



showobpparams showpcimode showplatform showxirstate smsbackup smsconfig smsinstall smsrestore smsupgrade smsversion ssd tmd wcapp 379 386 388 testemail smsconnectsc


This reference manual comprises the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 man pages. Both novice users and those familiar with the Solaris Operating System can use online man pages to obtain information about the system and its features. A man page is intended to answer concisely the question What does it do? Man pages are generally intended for reference, not a tutorial.

This section contains a brief description of the SMS man pages and the information they contain. The intro(1M) man page describes, in alphabetical order, commands that are used chiefly for system maintenance and administration purposes. What follows is a generic format for man pages. Each man page is made up of the following sections, which usually appear in the order shown here. When a particular section is not needed for a particular command, it is omitted. For example, if there are no notes to report, there is no NOTES section. See the intro(1) man page for more information and detail about each section, and man(1) for more information about man pages in general. NAME This section gives the names of the commands or functions documented, followed by a brief description of what they do.



This section shows the syntax of commands or functions. When a command or file does not exist in the standard path, its full path name is shown. Options and arguments are alphabetized, with single-letter arguments first, and options with arguments next, unless a different argument order is required. The following special characters are used in this section: [ ] Brackets. The option or argument enclosed in these brackets is optional. If the brackets are omitted, the argument must be specified. Ellipses. Several values may be provided for the previous argument, or the previous argument can be specified multiple times, for example filename.... Separator. Only one of the arguments separated by this character can be specified at one time. Braces. The options and/or arguments enclosed within braces are interdependent, such that everything enclosed must be treated as a unit.

{ }


This section defines the functionality and behavior of the service. Thus it describes concisely what the command does. It does not discuss OPTIONS or cite EXAMPLES. Interactive commands, subcommands, requests, macros, functions and such, are described under USAGE. This lists the command options with a concise summary of what each option does. The options are listed literally and in the order in which they appear in the SYNOPSIS section. Possible arguments to options are discussed under the option, and where appropriate, default values are supplied. This section lists the command operands and describes how they affect the actions of the command.






Provides additional information about the command and its options, beyond the basic information outlined in the Description section. If the man page documents functions that return values, this section lists these values and describes the conditions under which they are returned. If a function can return only constant values, such as 0 or 1, these values are listed in tagged paragraphs. Otherwise, a single paragraph describes the return values of each function. Functions declared void do not return values, so they are not discussed in RETURN VALUES. On failure, most functions place an error code in the global variable errno, indicating why they failed. This section lists alphabetically all the error codes a function can generate and describes the conditions that cause each error. When more than one condition can cause the same error, each condition is described in a separate paragraph under the error code. This section lists special rules, features, and commands that require in-depth explanation. The subsections listed below are used to explain builtin functionality: Commands Modifiers Variables Expressions Input Grammar This section provides examples of usage, including how to use a command or function. Wherever possible, a complete example, including command line entry and machine response, is shown. Examples are followed by explanations, variable substitution rules, or returned values. Most examples illustrate concepts from the SYNOPSIS, DESCRIPTION, OPTIONS, and USAGE sections. This section lists any environment variables that the command or function affects, followed by a brief description of the effect.







System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual May 2006


This section lists the values the command returns to the calling program or shell and the conditions that cause these values to be returned. Usually, zero is returned for successful completion and values other than zero for various error conditions. This section lists all file names referred to by the man page, files of interest, and files created or required by commands. Each file name is followed by a descriptive summary or explanation. This section lists characteristics of commands, utilities, and device drivers by defining the attribute type and its corresponding value. See attributes(5) for more information. This section lists references to other man pages, in-house documentation, and outside publications. This section lists additional information that does not belong anywhere else on the page. It takes the form of an aside to the user, covering points of special interest. Critical information is never covered here.







System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual May 2006

1M NAME DESCRIPTION Intro - SMS Administration. This section describes the commands executed in the system management software environment.. The following commands are supported:


Intro addboard

SMS Administration assign, connect and configure a board to a domain

addcodlicense add a Capacity on Demand (COD) right-to-use (RTU) license key to the COD license database addtag assign a domain name (tag) to a domain

cancelcmdsync command synchronization command codd console dca deleteboard Capacity on Demand (COD) daemon access the domain console domain configuration agent unconfigure, disconnect, and unassign a system board from a domain

deletecodlice remove a Capacity on Demand (COD) right-to-use (RTU) license nse key from the COD license database deletetag remove the domain tag name associated with the domain

disablecompon add the specified component to the specified blacklist file ent dsmd dxs domain status-monitoring daemon domain X server

enablecompone remove the specified component from the specified blacklist nt esmd flashupdate fomd frad help hpost environmental status monitoring daemon update the flash PROMs located on the CPU boards, MaxCPU boards, and system controllers (SCs) failover management daemon FRU access daemon display help information for SMS commands Sun Fire high-end system power-on self-test (POST) control application


1M hardware access daemon command synchronization command SMS key management daemon management network daemon message-logging daemon move a board from one domain to another OpenBoot PROM server daemon platform configuration database daemon control power off control power on remote configuration administration send reset to all CPU ports of a specified domain reset the other system controller (SC) prepare a specified script for recovery after a failover saves the command synchronization command settings perform dynamic bus reconfiguration on active expanders in a domain set the chassis serial number on the CPU modify the data propagation list used in data synchronization set the date and time for the system controller (SC) or a domain remove all instances of a previously active domain and reset Capacity on Demand (COD) information modify the state of the system controller (SC) failover mechanism change the position of the virtual keyswitch set up OpenBoot PROM variables for a domain Forces a PCI-X slot to run in PCI mode.

hwad initcmdsync kmd mand mld moveboard osd pcd poweroff poweron rcfgadm reset resetsc runcmdsync savecmdsync setbus setcsn setdatasync setdate setdefaults setfailover setkeyswitch setobpparams setpcimode

setupplatform set up the available component list and Capacity on Demand (COD) resources used for domains showboards showbus showcmdsync show the assignment information and status of the boards display the bus configuration of expanders in active domains display the current command synchronization list

System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M hardware access daemon command synchronization command SMS key management daemon management network daemon message-logging daemon move a board from one domain to another OpenBoot PROM server daemon platform configuration database daemon control power off control power on remote configuration administration send reset to all CPU ports of a specified domain reset the other system controller (SC) prepare a specified script for recovery after a failover saves the command synchronization command settings perform dynamic bus reconfiguration on active expanders in a domain set the chassis serial number on the CPU modify the data propagation list used in data synchronization set the date and time for the system controller (SC) or a domain remove all instances of a previously active domain and reset Capacity on Demand (COD) information modify the state of the system controller (SC) failover mechanism change the position of the virtual keyswitch set up OpenBoot PROM variables for a domain Forces a PCI-X slot to run in PCI mode.

hwad initcmdsync kmd mand mld moveboard osd pcd poweroff poweron rcfgadm reset resetsc runcmdsync savecmdsync setbus setcsn setdatasync setdate setdefaults setfailover setkeyswitch setobpparams setpcimode

setupplatform set up the available component list and Capacity on Demand (COD) resources used for domains showboards showbus showcmdsync show the assignment information and status of the boards display the bus configuration of expanders in active domains display the current command synchronization list


1M showcodlicens display the current Capacity on Demand (COD) right-to-use e (RTU) licenses stored in the COD license database showcodusage display the current usage statistics for Capacity on Demand (COD) resources

showcomponent display the blacklist status for a component showdatasync showdate showdevices display the status of system controller (SC) data synchronization for failover display the date and time for the system controller (SC) or a domain display system board devices and resource usage information

showenvironme display the environmental data nt showfailover display system controller (SC) failover status or role

showkeyswitch display the position of the virtual keyswitch showlogs display message log files or the event logs.

showobpparams display OpenBoot PROM bring up parameters for a domain showpcimode showplatform Displays the mode settings for all PCI-X slots on the hsPCIX board. display the platform type, board available component list, the domain state for each domain, and Capacity on Demand (COD) information. display CPU dump information only after a reset pulse has been sent to the processors back up the SMS environment configures the SMS environment accesses a remote SC console install the SMS environment restore the SMS environment upgrades the SMS software to the current version change the active version of SMS to another co-resident version of the SMS software SMS startup daemon task management daemon wPCI application daemon

showxirstate smsbackup smsconfig smsconnectsc smsinstall smsrestore smsupgrade smsversion ssd tmd wcapp

System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006



1M NAME SYNOPSIS addboard - assign, connect and configure a board to a domain addboard -d domain_indicator [-c function] [-r retry_count [-t timeout ] ] [-q] [-f] [-y|-n] location ... addboard -h DESCRIPTION addboard(1M) assigns, connects, and configures a location to the domain domain_id or domain_tag. The board must be either available or assigned to the domain to which it is being added. The -c option is used to specify the transition of the board from the current configuration state to a new configuration state. Configuration states are assign, connect, and configure. If the -c option is not specified, the default expected configuration state is configure.

Note addboard performs tasks synchronously and does not return control to the user until the command is complete. If the board is not powered on or tested and a -c connect|configure option is specified, then the command powers on the board and tests it. However, the new firmware will not be active until after hpost is run. Note If only one board is specified and it is in the automatic system recovery
(ASR) blacklist file, addboard displays an error message and exits. If more than one board is specified, addboard displays a message that the board is being skipped, and then goes on to the next board or, after the last board, exits.

Note If the addboard command fails, a board does not return to its original
state. A dxs or dca error message is logged to the domain. If the error is recoverable, you can retry the command. If it is unrecoverable, you need to reboot the domain in order to use that board.

System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M OPTIONS The following options are supported:

System Administration

1M -c function Valid function values are assign, connect, and configure. This option is used to control the configuration state transition. Each successive function builds upon the last. For example, configure first assigns and then connects the board before configuring it. The possible transition states and their meanings are as follows: assign Assigns the board to the logical domain. This is a board state in which the domain has sole access to the board; however, the board is not active. Once assigned, the board can be connected or configured into the domain with the use of either setkeyswitch on or the connect or configure options. Assigns the board to the logical domain (if it is not already assigned). Transitions the board into the connected|unconfigured state. In this state the system board is assigned to the logical domain and connected (becomes active). This state allows normal system access to hardware resources on the board, but the hardware resources of the board are not represented by the normal Solaris software data structures and thus are not available for use by the Solaris operating system. Operations allowed on the board are limited to configuration administration operations. This is an intermediate state and does not have any standalone implementation at this time. Assigns the board to the logical domain (if it is not already assigned). Transitions the board into the connected|configured state. In this state the board is not only assigned, active, and connected to a domain, but also configured into the Solaris operating system. The hardware resources on the board can be used by Solaris software.



System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M -d domain_indicator Specifies the domain using one of the following: domain_id ID for a domain. Valid domain_ids are AR and are not case sensitive. domain_tag Name assigned to a domain using addtag(1M). -f Forces the specified action to occur. Typically, this is a hardware-dependent override of a safety feature. Forcing a state change operation can allow use of the hardware resources of an occupant that is not in the ok or unknown conditions, at the discretion of any hardware-dependent safety checks. Help. Displays usage descriptions.


Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h is

ignored. -n -q Automatically answers no to all prompts. Prompts are displayed unless used with the -q option. Quiet. Suppresses all messages to stdout including prompts. When used alone -q defaults to the -n option for all prompts. When used with either the -y or the -n option, -q suppresses all user prompts and automatically answers with either 'y' or 'n' based on the option chosen. -r retry_count This command argument enables the user to specify retries in case of failures encountered during state transitions. The -r retry_count option can be used alone and indicates the number of times the configuration state change request should be retried by the domain. This command argument enables the user to specify retries in case of failures encountered during state transitions. The -t timeout option cannot be used without the -r retry_count option and specifies the number of seconds that the domain should wait before the next retry is made. If the -t timeout is not specified, the default timeout is zero, meaning that the request is retried immediately. Automatically answers yes to all prompts. Prompts are displayed unless used with the -q option.

-t timeout


System Administration

1M OPERANDS The following operands are supported: location List of board locations separated by a space. Multiple location arguments are permitted. The following location forms are accepted: Sun Fire 12K and E20K: SB(0...8) IO(0...8) Sun Fire 15K and E25K: SB(0...17) IO(0...17)

Note Use showboards(1M) to display board type.

Group Privileges Required

If you have platform administrator privileges, you can perform only the -c assign option. If you have domain administrator or configurator privileges, you can execute this command, but only on your respective domains. If the board(s) are not already assigned to the domain, the board(s) must be in the available component list of the domain. Refer to Chapter 2 in the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.



Assigning Boards to Domain C

To assign four boards to domain C you must have platform privileges or domain privileges and the boards must be in the domain available component list.
sc0:sms-user:> SB0 assigned IO1 assigned SB1 assigned SB2 assigned sc0:sms-user:>

addboard -d C -c assign SB0

to to to to domain: domain: domain: domain: C C C C



Assigning a Blacklisted Board to Domain C


System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M To assign four boards to domain C you must have platform privileges or domain privileges and the boards must be in the domain available component list.
sc0:sms-user:> SB0 assigned IO2 assigned Warning: IO2 You will not SB1 assigned SB2 assigned sc0:sms-user:>

addboard -d C -c assign SB0

to to is be to to


domain: C domain: C blacklisted. able to connect or configure it. domain: C domain: C


Connecting Boards to Domain A

This example connects three boards to domain A, setting retries to five and timeout to five seconds. You must have domain privileges for domain A.
sc0:sms-user:> addboard -d A -c connect -r 5 -t 5 IO3


Connecting Boards Containing an ASR Blacklisted Board to Domain C

You must have domain privileges for domain C. Blacklisted boards are skipped.
sc0:sms-user:> addboard -d C -c connect SB0 SB0 is blacklisted. Exiting. sc0:sms-user:>


Configuring Boards to Domain A

You must have domain privileges for domain A.

sc0:sms-user:> addboard -d A -c configure IO3 IO4 IO5


Configuring Boards Containing an ASR Blacklisted Board to Domain A

You must have domain privileges for domain A. Blacklisted boards are skipped.
sc0:sms-user:> addboard -d A -c configure IO7 IO8 IO9 Skipping IO8. It is blacklisted.


The following exit values are returned: 0 1 2 Successful completion. No acknowledge. Not supported.

System Administration


1M Operation not supported. Invalid privileges. Busy. System busy. Data error. Library error. No library. Insufficient condition. Invalid. Error. A PID does not exist. Invalid attribute. Invalid board ID type. Invalid permissions. Assigned to another domain. Unable to get permissions. Unable to get domain board info. Unable to get active board list. Unable to get assigned board list. Solaris not running. Unable to assign/unassign. Unable to get domain permissions. Unable to get platform permissions. Invalid domain. Invalid privileges. Internal error. Library error. DR command syntax error. Location already assigned. Internal error.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 38 39 40 41 51 52 53 54 56 57 58


System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M Operation not supported. Invalid privileges. Busy. System busy. Data error. Library error. No library. Insufficient condition. Invalid. Error. A PID does not exist. Invalid attribute. Invalid board ID type. Invalid permissions. Assigned to another domain. Unable to get permissions. Unable to get domain board info. Unable to get active board list. Unable to get assigned board list. Solaris not running. Unable to assign/unassign. Unable to get domain permissions. Unable to get platform permissions. Invalid domain. Invalid privileges. Internal error. Library error. DR command syntax error. Location already assigned. Internal error.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 38 39 40 41 51 52 53 54 56 57 58

System Administration


1M Component blacklisted. Unable to get ASR blacklist. Unable to get domain blacklist. Unable to get platform blacklist. DR operation failed.

59 60 61 62 70 FILES

The following files are used by this command. /etc/opt/SUNWSMS/config/asr/blacklist /etc/opt/SUNWSMS/config/platform/blacklist /etc/opt/SUNWSMS/config/domain_id/blacklist List of components excluded by esmd. List of platform components excluded. List of domain components excluded.

Note This file is created and used internally and should not be edited manually.
To remove a component from the ASR blacklist file, use enablecomponent(1M). ATTRIBUTES See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.
Attribute Types Attribute Values




addtag(1M), enablecomponent(1M), esmd(1M), showcomponent(1M)


System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M NAME addcodlicense - add a Capacity on Demand (COD) right-to-use (RTU) license key to the COD license database addcodlicense license-signature addcodlicense -h DESCRIPTION addcodlicense(1M) adds the COD RTU specified license key to the COD license database on the system controller (SC).


Note Before you run this command, you must obtain a COD license key from the Sun License Center. For details on COD RTU license keys, refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide.
OPTIONS The following option is supported: -h Help. Displays usage descriptions.

Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h is

ignored. OPERANDS The following operands are supported: license-signature Specifies the COD RTU license key to be added to the COD license database.

Group Privileges Required

You must have platform administrator group privileges to run this command. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.


Adding a COD RTU License Key

sc0:sms-user:> addcodlicense \ 01:5014936C37048:01001:0201010302:4:20020430:jWGJdg/ kx78b0wyK2xrqIg


The following exit values are returned: 0 1 2 Successful completion. Invalid usage. Invalid group privileges.

System Administration


1M Duplicate license exists in the COD license database. Invalid license key. An internal error occurred. For further information, see /var/opt/SUNWSMS/adm/platform/messages.

3 4 >4


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values




codd(1M), deletecodlicense(1M), showcodlicense(1M), showcodusage(1M)


System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M NAME SYNOPSIS addtag - assign a domain name (tag) to a domain addtag -d domain_indicator [-q] [-y|-n] new_tag addtag -h DESCRIPTION addtag(1M) adds the specified domain tag name (new_tag) to a domain (domain_id|domain_tag). Only one name tag can be assigned to a domain, and it must be unique across all domains. addtag can also be used to change the domain_tag. The following options are supported: -d domain_indicator Specifies the domain using one of the following: domain_id ID for a domain. Valid domain_ids are AR and are not case sensitive. domain_tag Name assigned to a domain. -h Help. Displays usage descriptions.


Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h

is ignored. -n -q Automatically answers no to all prompts. Prompts are displayed unless used with the -q option. Quiet. Suppresses all messages to stdout including prompts. When used alone -q defaults to the -n option for all prompts. When used with either the -y or the -n option, -q suppresses all user prompts and automatically answers with either 'y' or 'n' based on the option chosen. -y Automatically answers yes to all prompts. Prompts are displayed unless used with the -q option.


The following operands are supported: new_tag New tag name assigned to a domain. See Extended Description for a description of invalid domain names.


System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

Domain Name Tag Restrictions

The following restrictions are required on a domain name tag:

No single character names are permitted. All domain name tags must be unique across all domains within a single chassis. Tags must adhere to the same restrictions as defined for Solaris software node names. Currently, the size restriction is set to 2 to 64 characters.

Group Privileges Required

You must have platform administrator privileges to run this command. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.


Assigning the Tag eng2 to Domain A With Prompts eng2

sc0:sms-user:> addtag -d A

If a tag for this domain exists, you are prompted.


Assigning the Tag eng2 to Domain A Using the -y Option -y eng2

sc0:sms-user:> addtag -d A

Prompts are displayed and are automatically answered yes. This forces the domain tag to be set even if a tag already exists for this domain.

Assigning the Tag eng2 to Domain A Using the -n Option -n eng2

sc0:sms-user:> addtag -d A

Prompts are displayed and are automatically answered no. This sets the tag for this domain unless it has already been set.

Assigning the Tag eng2 to Domain A Using the -qy Options -qy eng2

sc0:sms-user:> addtag -d A

You are not prompted.


Assigning the Tag eng2 to Domain A Using the -qn Options -qn eng2

sc0:sms-user:> addtag -d A

The example assigns the tag eng2 to Domain A only if it has not already been set. You are not prompted.

System Administration



Assigning the Tag eng2 to Domain A Using the -q Option -q eng2

sc0:sms-user:> addtag -d A

The example assigns the tag eng2 to Domain A if it is not already set. If it is set, the command does not change it. You are not prompted. EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 ATTRIBUTES Successful completion. An error occurred.

See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes

Attribute Types Attribute Values






System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M NAME SYNOPSIS cancelcmdsync - command synchronization command cancelcmdsync cmdsync_descriptor initcmdsync script_name [ parameters] savecmdsync -M identifier cmdsync_descriptor [cancel|init|save]cmdsync -h DESCRIPTION The command synchronization commands work together to control the recovery of user-defined scripts interrupted by a system controller (SC) failover. Insert the following commands in user-defined scripts to enable command synchronization: initcmdsync Creates a command synchronization descriptor that identifies the script to be recovered. This descriptor is placed on a command synchronization list that identifies the scripts and commands to be restarted on the new main SC after a failover. savecmdsync cancelcmdsync Adds a marker that identifies a location in the script from which processing can be resumed after a failover. Removes a command synchronization descriptor from the command synchronization list. This ensures that the script is run only once and not after subsequent failovers. Be sure that all exit paths of a script have a cancelcmdsync sequence to remove the descriptor from the command synchronization list. If you do not remove the descriptor and a failover occurs, the script is rerun on the new main SC.

Note Both an initcmdsync and a cancelcmdsync sequence must be contained within a script to enable command synchronization. The use of the savecmdsync command is optional and marks only specific points in a script from which processing can be resumed. If specific restart points are not necessary, consider using runcmdsync(1M) instead.


System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M OPTIONS The following options are supported: cmdsync_descriptor Specifies the command synchronization descriptor that identifies the user-defined script. This descriptor is the standard output value returned by the initcmdsync command. Help. Displays usage descriptions.


Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h is

ignored. -M identifier Marks a location in the script from which the script can be resumed after a failover. The identifier must be a positive integer. Specifies the options or parameters associated with the userdefined script. These parameters are stored on the spare SC and are used to restart the specified script after a failover. Identifies the name of the user-defined script to be synchronized. script_name must be the absolute path name of an executable command. The command must exist in the same location on both SCs.




The command synchronization commands are inserted at certain logical points within a user-defined script.

System Administration


1M For instance, a Korn shell script might be structured as follows:

# MAIN CODE STARTS HERE # Be sure to use a cleanup procedure to handle any # interrupts. # Use the cancelcmdsync to remove the script from the # command synchronization list. Otherwise, the command # will get restarted on the new main SC. # clean_up () { cancelcmdsync $desc exit } # Declare the clean_up function to capture system signals # and cleanup. trap "clean_up" INT HUP TERM QUIT PWR URG goto_label=1 # Process the arguments, capturing the -M marker point # if provided # for arg in $*; do case $arg in -M ) goto_label=$arg;; . . . esac done # Place this script and all its parameters in the command # synchronization list, which indicates the commands to # be restarted after an SC failover. # # NOTE: The script must be executable by the user defined # in and reside in the same directory on both the # main and the spare SC.


System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

# If the command is not part of the defined PATH for # the user, the absolute filename must be passed with the # initcmdsync command # initcmdsync script_name parameters # The marker point is stored in the goto_label variable. # Keep executing this script until all cases have been # processed or an error is detected. # while (( $goto_label != 0 )) ; do # # Each case should represent a synchronization point # in the script. # case $goto_label in # # Step 1: Do something # 1 ) do_something . . . # # # # # Execute the savecmdsync command with the script's descriptor and a unique marker to save the position. If a failover occurs here, the commands represented in the next goto_label (2) will be resumed. savecmdsync -M $(( $goto_label + 1 )) $desc goto_label=$(( $goto_label + 1 )) ;; # # Step 2: Do more things # 2 ) do_more_things . . . savecmdsync -M $(( $goto_label + 1 )) $desc goto_label=$(( $goto_label + 1 )) ;; # # Step 3: Finish the last step and set the goto_label to 0 # so that the script ends. 3 ) finish_last_step . . . goto_label=0 ;; esac done # END OF MAIN CODE # Remember to execute cancelcmdsync to remove the script from the # command synchronization list. Otherwise, the command will be restarted # after the failover. # cancelcmdsync $desc

System Administration


Group Privileges Required

You must have platform administrator, platform operator, platform service, domain administrator, or domain configurator privileges to run this command. Refer to Chapter 2 in the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.


The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 Successful completion. An error occurred.

Note The standard output for initcmdsync contains the command

synchronization descriptor. Also, when failover is disabled (after a failover or in a single SC environment), scripts that contain synchronization commands generate error messages to the platform log file and return nonzero exit codes. These messages can be ignored. ATTRIBUTES See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.
Attribute Types Attribute Values




runcmdsync(1M), showcmdsync(1M)


System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION codd - Capacity on Demand (COD) daemon codd codd(1M) is a process that runs on the main system controller (SC). This process does the following:

Monitors the COD resources being used and verifies that the resources used are in agreement with the COD right-to-use (RTU) licenses in the COD license database file. Also logs any warning messages. Provides information on installed licenses, resource use, and board status. Handles the requests to add or delete COD RTU license keys. Configures headroom and COD RTU licenses reserved for domains.

This daemon is started automatically by the ssd(1M) daemon. If the codd daemon terminates, it is restarted automatically. Do not manually start this daemon from the command line. EXTENDED DESCRIPTION The codd daemon releases COD RTU licenses when the following events occur:

A COD CPU board is powered off or disconnected from a running domain. A domain virtual keyswitch state changes from on/secure to standby/off

Clients of the codd daemon include: addcodlicense(1M) dxs(1M) deletecodlicense(1M) hpost(1M) setdefaults(1M) setupplatform(1M) Adds a COD RTU license key to the COD license database on the system controller (SC) Domain X server daemon Removes a COD RTU license from the SC. Sun Fire high-end systems power-on self-test (POST) control application Remove all instances and reset reserved COD RTUs for a previously active domain. Sets up the available component list and reserved COD RTUs for domains and configures platform COD headroom. Shows installed COD RTU licenses. Shows current usage statistics for COD resources. Displays the board available component list, domain state, and reserved COD RTUs for each domain, and platform COD headroom.

showcodlicense(1M) showcodusage(1M) showplatform(1M)


System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M The codd daemon is a client of dsmd(1M) frad(1M) pcd(1M) setkeyswitch(1M) FILES Domain status monitoring daemon FRU access daemon Platform configuration database daemon Virtual keyswitch control command

The following file is supported: /var/opt/SUNWSMS/adm/platform/messages Stores message files.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values




addcodlicense(1M), deletecodlicense(1M), dsmd(1M), dxs(1M), frad(1M), hpost(1M), pcd(1M), setdefaults(1M), setkeyswitch(1M), setupplatform(1M), showcodlicense(1M), showcodusage(1M), showplatform(1M), ssd(1M)

System Administration


1M NAME SYNOPSIS console - access the domain console console -d domain_indicator [ [-f]| [-l]| [-g]| [-r]] [-e escapeChar] console -h DESCRIPTION console(1M) creates a remote connection to the domain virtual console driver, making the window in which the command is executed a console window for the specified domain (domain_id or domain_tag). Many console commands can be attached simultaneously to a domain, but only one console has write permissions; all others have read-only permissions. Write permissions are in either locked or unlocked mode. If console is invoked without any options it comes up in exclusive locked write mode (option -f). An exclusive session forcibly detaches all other sessions from the domain virtual console. Locked write mode is more secure. It can be taken away only if another console is opened using console -f or ~* is entered from another running console window. In both cases the new console session is an exclusive session. Unlocked write permission is not as secure. It can be taken away if another console command is started using console -g, console -l, or console -f, or if ~@, ~&, or ~* is entered from another console window. console can utilize either IOSRAM or the network path for domain console communication. You can manually toggle the communication path by using the ~= (tilde-equal sign) command. Doing so is useful if the network becomes inoperable, in which case the console sessions appears to be hung. Tilde commands are described in EXTENDED DESCRIPTION.

System Administration


1M OPTIONS The following options are supported: -d domain_indicator Specifies the domain using one of the following: domain_id ID for a domain. Valid domain_ids are AR and are not case sensitive. domain_tag Name assigned to a domain using addtag(1M). -e escapeChar Set default escape character. Changes the escape character to be escapeCharacter. The default is ~ (tilde). Valid escape characters are any except the following: #@^&?*=.| See the note on rlogin in the Usage section that follows. -f Force option (the default). Opens a domain console window with locked write permission, terminates all other open sessions, and prevents new ones from being opened. This constitutes an exclusive session. Use it only when you need exclusive use of the console (e.g. for private debugging).

Note To restore multiple-session mode, either release

the lock (~^) or terminate the console session (~.). -g Grab option. Opens a console window with unlocked write permission. If another session has unlocked write permission, that session becomes read-only. If another session has locked permission, this request is denied and the console window opens in read-only mode instead. Help. Displays usage descriptions.


Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h

is ignored. -l Lock option. Opens a console window with locked write permission. If another session has unlocked write permission, that session becomes read-only. If another session has locked permission, the request is denied and the console window opens in read-only mode instead. Opens a console window in read-only mode.



System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006


In a domain console window, a tilde (~) that appears as the first character of a line is interpreted as an escape signal that directs console to perform some special action, as follows: ~? ~. ~# ~@ ~^ ~= ~& ~* Status message. Disconnect console session. Break to OpenBoot PROM or kadb. Acquire unlocked write permission; see -g. Release write permission. Toggle the communication path between the network and IOSRAM interfaces. You can use ~= only in Private mode (see ~*). Acquire locked write permission; see -l. You can issue this signal during a read-only or unlocked write session. Acquire locked write permission, terminate all other open sessions, and prevent new sessions from being opened; see -f. To restore multiple-session mode, either release the lock or terminate this session.

Note rlogin also processes tilde-escape sequences whenever a tilde is entered at the beginning of a new line. If you need to send a tilde sequence at the beginning of a line and you are using rlogin, use two tildes (the first escapes the second for rlogin). Alternatively, do not enter a tilde at the beginning of a line when running inside of rlogin. Note If you use a kill -9 command to terminate a console session, the window or terminal in which the console command was executed goes into raw mode and appears hung. To escape this condition, type CTRL-j, then stty sane, and then CTRL-j.
Group Privileges Required

You must have domain administrator privileges on the domain specified. Users with only platform group privileges are not allowed access to a domain console. Refer to Chapter 2 in the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.



Opening a Console Window in Locked Mode in Domain a

sc0:sms-user:> console -d a -l

System Administration



Note In the domain console window, vi(1) runs properly and the escape sequences (tilde commands) work as intended only if the environment variable TERM has the same setting as that of the console window. For example:
sc0:sms-user:> setenv TERM xterm


The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 Successful completion. An error occurred.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:

Attribute Types Attribute Values




addtag(1M), dxs(1M), kill(1), rlogin(1), set(1), stty(1), vi(1), xterm(1M)


System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M NAME SYNOPSIS dca - domain configuration agent dca -d domain_indicator [-H hostname] dca -h DESCRIPTION dca(1M) provides a communication mechanism between the dca on the system controller and the domain configuration server (dcs) on the specified domain. The dca provides communication services for remote dynamic reconfiguration commands. This agent is automatically started by ssd(1M). Do not start it manually from the command line. OPTIONS The following options are supported: -d domain_indicator Specifies the domain using one of the following: domain_id ID for a domain. Valid domain_ids are AR and are not case sensitive. domain_tag Name assigned to a domain using addtag(1M). -h Help. Displays usage description for the dca command.

Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h

is ignored. -H hostname The Solaris software host name of the domain associated with the dca.


The following files are used by this command: /var/opt/SUNWSMS/doors/<domain_id>/dca /var/opt/SUNWSMS/pipes/<domain_id>/scdr0 /var/opt/SUNWSMS/pipes/<domain_id>/scdr1 /var/opt/SUNWSMS/pipes/<domain_id>/scdr2 /var/opt/SUNWSMS/pipes/<domain_id>/scdr3 /var/opt/SUNWSMS/pipes/<domain_id>/scdr4 /var/opt/SUNWSMS/pipes/<domain_id>/scdr5 /var/opt/SUNWSMS/pipes/<domain_id>/scdr6 /var/opt/SUNWSMS/pipes/<domain_id>/scdr7


System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M /var/opt/SUNWSMS/pipes/<domain_id>/scdr8 /var/opt/SUNWSMS/pipes/<domain_id>/scdr9 ATTRIBUTES See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.
Attribute Types Attribute Values




addboard(1M), deleteboard(1M), moveboard(1M), rcfgadm(1M)

System Administration


1M NAME SYNOPSIS deleteboard - unconfigure, disconnect, and unassign a system board from a domain deleteboard [-c function] [-r retry_count [-t timeout]] [-q ] [-f ] [-y|-n ] location... deleteboard-h DESCRIPTION deleteboard(1M) removes a location from the domain it is currently assigned to and possibly active in. The board at that location must be in either the assigned or connected|configured states. The -c option is used to specify the transition of the board from the current configuration state to the new configuration state. However, the new firmware will not be active on the board until hpost is run. In addition, to complete a deleteboard operation, you must use the disconnect function. Configuration states are unconfigure, disconnect, and unassign. If the -c option is not specified, the default expected configuration state is unassign. A domain administrator can unconfigure and disconnect a board but cannot unassign a board from a domain unless the board is in the domain available component list. See setupplatform(1M). This means the deleteboard location field must appear in the domain available component list. OPTIONS The following options are supported.

System Administration



Note If the deleteboard command fails, a board does not return to its original
state. A dxs or dca error message is logged to the domain. If the error is recoverable, you can retry the command. If it is unrecoverable, you need to reboot the domain in order to use that board.


System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M -c function Valid function values are unconfigure, disconnect, or unassign. The -c option is used to control the configuration state transition. Each successive function builds upon the last. For example, unassign first unconfigures and then disconnects the board before unassigning it.

System Administration


1M The possible transition states and their meanings are as follows: unconfigure Unconfigures the board from the Solaris operating system running on the domain. Solaris software stops using any of the hardware resources on the board. Transitions the board into the connected|unconfigured state. In this state the system board is assigned to the logical domain and connected (remains in the active state). This state allows normal system access to hardware resources on the board, but the hardware resources of the board are not represented by the normal Solaris software data structures and thus are not available to the Solaris operating system. Operations allowed on the board are limited to configuration administration operations. Unconfigures the board from the Solaris operating system running on the domain. See unconfigure.Transitions the board into the disconnected|unconfigured state. Removes the board from the physical domain. An UNCLAIM request is sent by the domain to the SC during this step. In this state the system board is assigned to the logical domain and disconnected. Unconfigures the board from the Solaris operating system running on the domain. See unconfigure.Disconnects the board. See disconnect. Moves the board out of the logical domain by changing its state to available.




System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M Forces the specified action to occur. Typically, this is a hardwaredependent override of a safety feature. Forcing a state change operation can allow use of the hardware resources of an occupant that is not in the ok or unknown conditions, at the discretion of any hardware-dependent safety checks. Help. Displays usage descriptions.



Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h is ignored.

-n -q Automatically answers no to all prompts. Prompts are displayed unless used with the -q option. Quiet. Suppresses all messages to stdout including prompts. When used alone -q defaults to the -n option for all prompts. When used with either the -y or the -n option, -q suppresses all user prompts, and automatically answers with either 'y' or 'n' based on the option chosen. -r retry_count This command argument enables the user to specify retries in case of failures encountered during state transitions. The -r retry_count option can be used alone and indicates the number of times the configuration state change request should be retried by the domain. This command argument enables the user to specify retries in case of failures encountered during state transitions. The -t timeout option cannot be used without the -r retry_count option and specifies the number of seconds that the domain should wait before the next retry is made. If the -t timeout is not specified, the default timeout is zero, meaning that the request is retried immediately. Automatically answers yes to all prompts. Prompts are displayed unless used with the -q option.

-t timeout


System Administration


1M OPERANDS The following operands are supported: location List of board locations separated by a space. Multiple location arguments are permitted. The following location forms are accepted: Sun Fire 12K and E20K: SB(0...8) IO(0...8) Sun Fire 15K and E25K: SB(0...17) IO(0...17)

Note Use showboards(1M) to display board type.

Group Privileges Required

Users with platform administrator privileges can perform only the -c unassign option if the board(s) are in the assigned state (that is, not active in a running domain). Users with domain administrator or configurator privileges can execute this command but only on their respective domains. To unassign a board, the board must be in the domain available component list. Refer to Chapter 2 in the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.



Unconfiguring Boards From a Domain

To unconfigure four boards from their domain, you must have domain administrator/configurator privileges and the boards must be in the domain available component list. All boards are in the configured state in the example domain.
sc0:sms-user:> deleteboard

-c unconfigure SB0 IO1 SB1 SB2


Unassigning Boards From a Running Domain


System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M To unassign three active boards from their domain, set retries to five and timeout to three seconds. The boards are unconfigured and disconnected before being unassigned. You must have domain administrator/configurator privileges, and the boards must be in the domain available component list.
sc0:sms-user:> deleteboard

-r5 -t3 IO3 IO4 IO5


The following exit values are returned: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 38 39 40 Successful completion. No acknowledge. Not supported. Operation not supported. Invalid privileges. Busy. System busy. Data error. Library error. No library. Insufficient condition. Invalid. Error. A PID does not exist. Invalid attribute. Invalid board ID type. Invalid permissions. Assigned to another domain. Unable to get permissions. Unable to get domain board info. Unable to get active board list. Unable to get assigned board list. Solaris not running. Unable to assign/unassign domain state. Unable to get domain permissions.

System Administration


1M Unable to get platform permissions. Invalid privileges Internal error. Library error. DR command syntax error. Internal error. Location not assigned. Location not configured. DR operation failed.

41 52 53 54 56 58 68 69 70 ATTRIBUTES

See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values




addboard(1M), moveboard(1M)


System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M NAME deletecodlicense - remove a Capacity on Demand (COD) right-to-use (RTU) license key from the COD license database deletecodlicense [-f] license-signature deletecodlicense-h DESCRIPTION The deletecodlicense(1M) command removes the specified COD RTU license key from the COD license database on the SC. For further information about COD RTU license keys, refer to the SMS Administrator Guide. The system checks the number of COD RTU licenses against the number of COD CPUs in use. If the license removal will result in an insufficient number of COD RTU licenses with respect to the CPU in use, the system does not delete the license key from the COD RTU license database. If you still want to delete the COD RTU license key, you must reduce the number of COD CPUs in use. You can either power off the appropriate number of domains or use dynamic reconfiguration (DR) to disconnect the appropriate number of boards. However, you can force the deletion of a COD RTU license by specifying the -f option, even if the license removal will result in a license violation. OPTIONS The following options are supported: -f -h Forces the specified COD RTU license key to be deleted from the COD license database. Help. Displays usage descriptions.


Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h is

ignored. license-signature Specifies the COD RTU license key to be deleted from the COD license database.

Group Privileges Required

You must have platform administrator group privileges to run this command. Refer to Chapter 2 in the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.


Deleting a COD RTU license key


01:5014936C37048:01001:0201010302:4:20020430:jWGJdg/ kx78b0wyK2xrqIg


System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned: 0 1 2 >2 Successful completion. Invalid usage Invalid group privileges. An internal error occurred. For further information, see /var/opt/SUNWSMS/adm/platform/messages.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values




addcodlicense(1M), codd(1M), showcodlicense(1M), showcodusage(1M)

System Administration


1M NAME SYNOPSIS deletetag - remove the domain tag name associated with the domain deletetag -d domain_indicator [-q] [-y|-n] deletetag -h DESCRIPTION OPTIONS deletetag(1M) removes the domain tag associated with the domain. The following options are supported: -d domain_indicator Specifies the domain using one of the following: domain_id ID for a domain. Valid domain_ids are AR and are not case sensitive. domain_tag Name assigned to a domain using addtag(1M). -h Help. Displays usage descriptions.

Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h

is ignored. -n -q Automatically answers no to all prompts. Prompts are displayed unless used with the -q option. Quiet. Suppresses all messages to stdout including prompts. When used alone, -q defaults to the -n option for all prompts. When used with either the -y or the -n option, -q suppresses all user prompts and automatically answers with either 'y' or 'n' based on the option chosen. -y Automatically answers yes to all prompts. Prompts are displayed unless used with the -q option.

Group Privileges Required

You must have platform administrator privileges to run this command. Refer to Chapter 2, "SMS Security Options and Administrative Privileges" in the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.


Deleting Tag eng2 From the Domain to Which It Was Assigned

sc0:sms-user:> deletetag -d eng2 -qy

System Administration


1M You are not prompted. EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 Successful completion. An error occurred. If the domain_id does not have a tag, no error is returned. deletetag(1M) is treated as successful. ATTRIBUTES See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.
Attribute Types Attribute Values






System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M NAME SYNOPSIS disablecomponent - add the specified component to the specified blacklist file disablecomponent [-d domain_indicator] [-i "reason" ] location... disablecomponent -h DESCRIPTION disablecomponent(1M) adds a component to the domain or platform blacklist, making it ineligible for booting. The blacklist is an internal file that lists components that POST cannot use at boot time. POST reads the blacklist file(s) before preparing the system for booting, and passes along to OpenBoot PROM a list of only those components that have been successfully tested; those on the blacklist are excluded. SMS supports three blacklists: one for domain boards, one for platform boards, and the internal automatic system recovery (ASR) blacklist. disablecomponent, when used without any option, edits the platform blacklist file. disablecomponent cannot be used on the ASR blacklist file; only enablecomponent(1M) can be used to write to the ASR blacklist file. For more information on the use and editing of platform and domain blacklists, refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide. OPTIONS The following options are supported: -d domain_indicator Specifies the domain using one of the following: domain_id ID for a domain. Valid domain_ids are AR and are not case sensitive. domain_tag Name assigned to a domain using addtag(1M). -h Help. Displays usage descriptions.

Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h

is ignored. -ireason Short, descriptive explanation for adding a component to the domain blacklist. Must be enclosed in either single or double quotation marks, or be a single word.


System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M OPERANDS The following operands are supported:

System Administration


1M location List of component locations, separated by forward slashes and comprising the following: board_loc/proc/bank/logical_bank board_loc/proc/bank/all_dimms_on_that_bank board_loc/proc/all_banks_on_that_proc board_loc/all_banks_on_that_board board_loc/proc board_loc/procs board_loc/cassette board_loc/bus board_loc/paroli_link Multiple location arguments are permitted, separated by a space. The location forms are optional and are used to specify particular components on boards in specific locations. For example, the location SB5/P0/B1/L1 indicates Logical Bank 1 of Bank 1 on Processor 0 at SB5. The SB0/PP1 location indicates Processor Pair 1 at SB0. The CS0/ABUS location indicates address bus 0 on the centerplane. The EX11/DBUS1 location indicates data bus 1 at expander 11. The following board_loc forms are accepted: Sun Fire 12K and E20K: SB(0...8) IO(0...8) Sun Fire 15K and E25K: SB(0...17) IO(0...17)


System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M Processor locations indicate single processors or processor pairs. There are four possible processors on a CPU/memory board. Processor pairs on that board are procs 0 and 1, and procs 2 and 3.

Note If you blacklist a processor cpu0 in procpair0, its CPU

partner, cpu1, is also removed from the domain configuration, and neither processor is used. If cpu1 is disabled, cpu0 remains in the domain configuration. If either cpu2 or cpu3 in procpair1 is disabled, the other CPU in the pair remains unaffected. The MaxCPU has two processors, procs 0 and 1, and only one proc pair (PP0). Using PP1 for this board causes disablecomponent to exit and display an error message. The following proc forms are accepted: P(0...3) PP(0|1)

The following bank forms are accepted: B(0|1) The following logical_bank forms are accepted: L(0|1) The following all_dimms_on_that_bank form is accepted: D The following all_banks_on_that_proc form is accepted: B The following all_banks_on_that_board form is accepted: B The following paroli_link forms are accepted: PAR(0|1)

System Administration


1M The hsPCI assemblies contain hot-swappable cassettes. The following hsPCI forms are accepted: C(3|5)V(0|1) The hsPCI+ assemblies contain hot-swappable cassettes. The following hsPCI+ forms are accepted: C3V(0|1|2) and C5V0 There are three bus locations: address, data, and response. The following bus forms are accepted: ABUS|DBUS|RBUS (0|1) EXTENDED DESCRIPTION
Group Privileges Required

You must have platform administrator, domain administrator, or domain configurator privileges to run this command. If you have platform privileges, you can run this command for the platform components only. If you have domain privileges you can run this command only on the domain for which you have privileges. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.



Adding CSB 0 and Processor 2 on System Board 1 to the Domain A Blacklist disablecomponent -dA CS0 SB1/P2



Adding the Logical Bank 0 of Bank 0 on Processor 0 on System Board 0 to the Domain A Blacklist disablecomponent -dA SB0/P0/B0/L0



Adding All DIMMs on Bank 0 of Processor 1 on System Board 3 to the Domain A Blacklist disablecomponent -dA SB3/P1/B0/D



Adding All Banks on Processor 0 on System Board 1 to the Domain B Blacklist disablecomponent -dB SB1/P0/B



System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006


Adding All Banks on System Board 0 to the Domain D Blacklist disablecomponent -dD SB0/B



Adding Processor Pair 1 on System Board 3 to the Platform Blacklist disablecomponent SB3/PP1



Adding the hsPCI Cassette in the 5V slot 0 of IO Board 6 to the Domain A Blacklist

sc0:sms-user:> disablecomponent -dA IO6/C5V0


Adding Paroli Link 0 on wPCI Board 7 to the Platform Blacklist disablecomponent IO7/PAR0



Adding the Data Bus CS0 on EX9 to the Domain A Blacklist

sc0:sms-user:> disablecomponent -dA EX9/DBUS0


Adding CSB 0 and Processor 2 on System Board 1 to the Domain A Blacklist Because It Is Scheduled to Be Upgraded disablecomponent -dA -i upgrade CS0 SB1/P2



Adding Processor Pair 1 on System Board 3 to the Platform Blacklist Because It Needs Service disablecomponent -i "Needs service" SB3/PP1



The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 Successful completion. An error occurred.


The following files are used by this command. /etc/opt/SUNWSMS/config/platform/blacklist /etc/opt/SUNWSMS/config/domain_id/blacklist List of platform components excluded. List of domain components to be excluded.

System Administration


1M ATTRIBUTES See attributes(5) for a description of the following attribute.

Attribute Type Attribute Value




addboard(1M), enablecomponent(1M), esmd(1M), showcomponent(1M)


System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION dsmd - domain status monitoring daemon dsmd dsmd(1M) monitors domain status and operating system (OS) heartbeat for up to 18 domains on Sun Fire 15K/E25K systems, and up to nine domains on Sun Fire 12K/ E20K systems. dsmd automatically recovers the domain and handles domain-related hardware errors. In the event of a domain hang, dsmd resets the domain, collects CPU registers and hardware configuration dumps, and saves them to two files. This daemon also passes to efhd(1M) any automatic diagnosis (AD) information related to a domain stop. All domain state changes are monitored and logged in domain-specific log files if the message level is INFO; otherwise there is no log for a state change. This daemon is started automatically by the ssd(1M) daemon. Do not start it manually from the command line. EXTENDED DESCRIPTION dsmd logs the following events and attempts to recover from them:

Domain boot failure Error reset Solaris OS hang Domain panic Domain reset/reboot DStop Boot/panic/error_reset_sync timeout

dsmd clients include: codd(1M) dxs(1M) efe osd(1M) pcd(1M) esmd(1M) Capacity on Demand (COD) daemon Domain X server daemon Event Front-end daemon OpenBoot PROM daemon Platform configuration database daemon Environment status monitoring daemon


System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M dsmd is a client of: hwad(1M) setkeyswitch(1M) Hardware access daemon Virtual keyswitch control command

For more information refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide. FILES The following files are supported: /etc/opt/SUNWSMS/startup/ssd_start /var/opt/SUNWSMS/adm/domain_id/ /var/opt/SUNWSMS/SMS/adm/domain_id/post/ Default startup file for ssd. Stores message files and hpost dump files. Stores the dstop and hardware configuration dump files Stores xir dump files for all domains.



See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values




codd(1M), dxs(1M), efhd(1M), esmd(1M), hwad(1M), osd(1M), pcd(1M), reset(1M), setkeyswitch(1M), ssd(1M)

System Administration


1M NAME SYNOPSIS dxs - domain X server dxs [-S] -d domain_indicator dxs -h DESCRIPTION dxs(1M) provides software support for a domain. This support includes virtual console functionality, dynamic reconfiguration mailbox support, and PCI mailbox support. The mailbox support handles domain driver requests and events. The virtual console functionality enables one or more users running the console program to access the domain's virtual console. When the domain is running Solaris software, dxs acts as a relay between the domain's console driver (cvcd) and the running console windows. When the domain is not running Solaris software, dxs acts as a relay between OpenBoot PROM and the running console windows. A domain X server is automatically started for each active domain by the ssd(1M) daemon. Do not start it manually from the command line. dxs for the domain is terminated when the domain is shut down. OPTIONS The following options are supported: -d domain_indicator Specifies the domain using one of the following: domain_id ID for a domain. Valid domain_ids are AR and are not case sensitive. domain_tag Name assigned to a domain using addtag(1M). -h Help. Displays usage descriptions for the specified hostname.

Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h

is ignored. -S Disables console output logging. By default, logging is enabled and is written to the /var/opt/SUNWSMS/adm/ domain_id/console file.


The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 Successful completion. An error occurred.

System Administration


1M ATTRIBUTES See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values




addtag(1M), console(1M), ssd(1M)


System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION efhd - error and fault handling daemon efhd efhd(1M) performs automatic error diagnosis based on error information passed by dsmd(1M). efhd also updates the health status of components associated with a hardware failure, based on the list event that captures the diagnosis performed by the automatic diagnosis (AD) engine, POST, or the Solaris operating system on domains. efhd passes this list event to erd(1M) for reporting. This daemon is started automatically by the ssd(1M) daemon. Do not start it manually from the command line. EXTENDED DESCRIPTION efhd(1M) does the following:

Receives the diagnosis results performed by the other diagnosis engines in the system, POST, and the domain Solaris operating system Analyzes errors captured in dstop files Analyzes errors in the data path Analyzes non-fatal CPU errors Analyzes ECC errors Generates the error information used by the automatic diagnosis engine to determine components associated with the encountered errors Updates the component health status of the components associated with the encountered errors Passes the diagnosis results to erd(1M) for reporting

For more information, refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide. FILES The following files are supported: /etc/opt/SUNWSMS/startup/ssd_start /etc/opt/SUNWSMS/SMS/config/ /etc/opt/SUNWSMS/SMS/config/ /etc/opt/SUNWSMS/SMS/config/SF12000.dict Default startup file for ssd Contains specialized diagnosis rules Contains efhd tunables Contains primary and known permutations of fault classes


System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M Contains primary and known permutations of fault classes Contains primary and known permutations of fault classes Contains primary and known permutations of fault classes





See attributes(5)for a description of the following attribute:

Attribute Type Attribute Value




dsmd(1M), erd(1M), ssd(1M)

System Administration


1M NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION elad - event log access daemon elad elad(1M) controls access to the SMS event log (eventlog), which records fault and error events identified by the automatic diagnosis (AD) engine on a Sun Fire high-end system. This daemon also performs the following archive tasks:

Starts a new event log file whenever the current event log reaches its size limit. The current log file is archived as eventlog.0. Whenever a new event log is created, the file names of existing archive logs are incremented by 1. A maximum of ten archive files (eventlog.0 through eventlog.9) is maintained.

Deletes the oldest archive file, eventlog.9, whenever a new event log file is created. Passes error and list events to elad(1M) for recording.

This daemon is started automatically by the ssd(1M) daemon. Do not start it manually from the command line. FILES The following files are supported: /etc/opt/SUNWSMS/SMS/config/elad_tuning.txt Sets the size, number of archive files to be maintained, and number of days that the archive files are to be retained. /etc/opt/SUNWSMS/startup/ssd_start /var/opt/SUNWSMS/adm/domain_id/ /var/opt/SUNWSMS/SMS/adm/events/eventlog Default startup file for ssd. Stores message files and hpost dump files. Stores all the hardwarerelated error and fault events


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values




efhd(1M), elad(1M), erd(1M), mld(1M), ssd(1M)

System Administration


1M NAME SYNOPSIS enablecomponent - remove the specified component from the specified blacklist enablecomponent [-a|-d domain_indicator] location... enablecomponent -h DESCRIPTION enablecomponent(1M) removes a component from the platform, domain, or ASR blacklist, making it eligible for booting. The blacklist is an internal file that lists components that POST cannot use at boot time. POST reads the blacklist file(s) before preparing the system for booting, and passes along to OpenBoot PROM a list of only those components that have been successfully tested; those on the blacklist are excluded. SMS supports three blacklists: one for domain boards, one for platform boards, and the internal ASR blacklist. The ASR blacklist is an internal file created by esmd when it powers off components due to environmental conditions. The ASR blacklist is also used by the power libraries and SMS commands to prevent turning on a bad component. enablecomponent, when used without any option, edits the platform blacklist. Use showcomponent(1M) to display whether a particular component is currently blacklisted. For more information on the use and editing of platform and domain blacklists refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide. OPTIONS The following options are supported: -a -d domain_indicator Specifies the component named in location will be removed from the ASR blacklist. Specifies the domain using one of the following: domain_id ID for a domain. Valid domain_ids are AR and are not case insensitive. domain_tag Name assigned to a domain using addtag(1M). -h Help. Displays usage descriptions.

Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h

is ignored.

System Administration


1M OPERANDS The following operands are supported:


System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M location List of component locations, separated by forward slashes and comprised of: board_loc/proc/bank/logical_bank board_loc/proc/bank/all_dimms_on_that_bank board_loc/proc/all_banks_on_that_proc board_loc/all_banks_on_that_board board_loc/proc board_loc/procs board_loc/cassette board_loc/bus board_loc/paroli_link Multiple location arguments are permitted, separated by a space. The location forms are optional and are used to specify particular components on boards in specific locations. For example, the location SB5/P0/B1/L1 indicates Logical Bank 1 of Bank 1 on Processor 0 at SB5. The SB0/PP1 location indicates Processor Pair 1 at SB0. The CS0/ABUS location indicates address bus 0 on the centerplane. The EX11/DBUS1 location indicates data bus 1 at expander 11. The following board_loc forms are accepted: Sun Fire 12K and E20K: SB(0...8) IO(0...8) Sun Fire 15K and E25K: SB(0...17) IO(0...17)

System Administration


1M Processor locations indicate single processors or processor pairs. There are four possible processors on a CPU/memory board. Processor pairs on that board are: procs 0 and 1, and procs 2 and 3. The MaxCPU has two processors, procs 0 and 1, and only one proc pair (PP0). Using PP1 for this board causes enablecomponent to exit and display an error message. The following proc forms are accepted: P(0...3) PP(0|1)

The following bank forms are accepted: B(0|1) The following logical_bank forms are accepted: L(0|1) The following all_dimms_on_that_bank forms are accepted: D The following all_banks_on_that_proc forms are accepted: B The following all_banks_on_that_board forms are accepted: B The following paroli_link forms are accepted: PAR(0|1)


System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M The hsPCI assemblies contain hot-swappable cassettes. The following hsPCI forms are accepted: C(3|5)V(0|1) The hsPCI+ assemblies contain hot-swappable cassettes. The following hsPCI+ forms are accepted: C3V(0|1|2) and C5V0 There are three bus locations: address, data, and response. The following bus forms are accepted: ABUS|DBUS|RBUS (0|1) EXTENDED DESCRIPTION
Group Privileges Required

You must have platform administrator, domain administrator, or domain configurator privileges to run this command. If you have platform privileges, you can run this command for the platform components only. If you have domain privileges, you can run this command only on the domain for which you have privileges. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.



Removing CSB0 From the ASR Blacklist enablecomponent -a CS0



Removing the Logical Bank 0 of Bank 0 on Processor 0 on System Board 0 From the Domain A Blacklist enablecomponent -dA SB0/P0/B0/L0



Removing All DIMMs on Bank 0 of Processor 1 on System Board 3 From the Domain A Blacklist enablecomponent -dA SB3/P1/B0/D



Removing All Banks on Processor 0 on System Board 1 From the Domain B Blacklist enablecomponent -dB SB1/P0/B


System Administration



Removing All Banks on System Board 0 From the Domain D Blacklist enablecomponent -dD SB0/B



Removing Processor Pair 0 on I/O Board 7 From the Platform Blacklist

sc0:sms-user:> enablecomponent IO7/PP0


Removing Processor 1 on System Board 3 From the Domain A Blacklist enablecomponent -dA SB3/P1



Removing the hsPCI Cassette in the 3V slot 0 of IO Board 6 From the Domain A Blacklist

sc0:sms-user:> enablecomponent -dA IO6/C3V0


Removing the Paroli Link 0 on wPCI Board 5 From the Platform Blacklist enablecomponent IO5/PAR0



Removing the Address Bus CS0 on EX7 From the Domain A Blacklist

sc0:sms-user:> enablecomponent -dA EX7/ABUS0


The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 Successful completion. An error occurred.


The following files are used by this command. /etc/opt/SUNWSMS/config/asr/blacklist /etc/opt/SUNWSMS/config/platform/blacklist /etc/opt/SUNWSMS/config/domain_id/blacklist List of components excluded by esmd. List of platform components excluded. List of domain components excluded.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values




System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M SEE ALSO addboard(1M), disablecomponent(1M), esmd(1M), showcomponent(1M)

System Administration


1M NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION erd - event reporting daemon erd erd(1M) provides reporting services that deliver fault event text messages to platform and domain logs, information for Sun Management Center and Sun Remote Services, and email reports that contain fault event messages. This daemon is started automatically by the ssd(1M) daemon. Do not start it manually from the command line. FILES The following files are supported: /etc/opt/SUNWSMS/SMS/config/ /etc/opt/SUNWSMS/SMS/config/templates/ sample_email /etc/opt/SUNWSMS/SMS/config/templates/ /etc/opt/SUNWSMS/startup/ssd_start /var/opt/SUNWSMS/SMS/adm/platform/events/ eventlog Controls email notifications Default format of event content in email Default shell script to send email Default startup file for ssd Stores all the hardwarerelated error and fault events


See attributes(5) for a description of the following attribute:

Attribute Type Attribute Value




mld(1M), ssd(1M), testemail(1M)

System Administration


1M NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION esmd - environmental status monitoring daemon esmd esmd(1M) monitors system cabinet environmental conditions for example, voltage, temperature, fan tray, and power supply. esmd logs abnormal conditions and takes action, if necessary, to protect the hardware. This daemon is started automatically by the ssd(1M) daemon. Do not start it manually from the command line. EXTENDED DESCRIPTION esmd monitors the following boards for out-of-range conditions:

CPU board MaxCPU board HPCI board HPCI+ board Expander board Centerplane support board SC control board SC I/O Fan control board Power supplies (bulk)

esmd recognizes the following events and alerts the appropriate clients/daemons: Component insertion Notices component presence from one polling cycle to the next. esmd sends notification only if that client (hwad(1M), pcd(1M), dsmd(1M), and so on) has requested it for that particular component type. Notices component absence from one polling cycle to the next. esmd sends notification only if that client (hwad, pcd, and so on) has requested it for that particular component type. Notices whenever a PCI card has been inserted into a PCI board. Notices whenever a PCI card has been removed from a PCI board. Notices whenever a board is powered off or when board power, previously on, is off. Notices when a board is powered on or when board power, previously off, is on.

Component removal

PCI card insertion PCI card removal Board power off Board power on

System Administration


1M Board temperature change Notices when temperature sensors on a board register a two-degree difference or when a temperature crosses a temperature threshold. Notices if a voltage sensor value has changed so that it is close to being out of range and again if the new value is out of range. In this case esmd removes the board from the domain and powers it off. Notices whenever any of the monitored board current values change. Notices when any of the monitored CSB board properties change. Notices when any of the monitored EXB board properties change. Notices when any of the monitored CPU board properties change. Notices when any of the bulk power supply properties change. Notices when any of the monitored fan tray properties change. Notices when any of the monitored PCI card properties change.

Board voltage change

Board current change CSB state change EXB state change CPU state change Bulk power state change Fan tray state change PCI card state change

esmd clients include: hwad pcd dsmd Hardware access daemon Platform configuration database daemon Domain status monitoring daemon

For more information refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide. EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 FILES Successful completion. An error occurred.

The following file is supported. /var/opt/SUNWSMS/adm/platform/messages Stores message files.


System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M ATTRIBUTES See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values




dsmd(1M), hwad(1M), pcd(1M), ssd(1M)

System Administration


1M NAME flashupdate - update the flash PROMs located on the CPU boards, MaxCPU boards, and system controllers (SCs) flashupdate -d domain_indicator -f path [-q|-v] [-y|-n] flashupdate -f path [-q|-v] [-y|-n ] location... flashupdate -h DESCRIPTION flashupdate(1M) updates the flash PROMs (FPROMs) in the system controllers (SC), and the FPROMs in a domain's CPU and MaxCPU boards, given the board location. To update the FPROMs in the system controller, you must log in to the SC you want to update, and specify the FPROM to be updated. (You cannot update one SC from the other SC.) Each FPROM has a specific image file associated with it: FPROMs in CP1500-based SCs use the nSSCPOST.di image file. FROMS in CP2140-based SCs use the oSSCPOST.di image file. Once you have finished updating the SC FPROMs, you must shut down and reset the SC. See Example 6 in the EXAMPLES section. You do not need to reset the SC after updating CPU FPROMs. Before you can update the CPU FPROMs, SMS must be running and the specified board must be powered on. This is not required for updating the SC FPROMs. If any of the domain's CPU or MaxCPU boards have the virtual keyswitch set to the secure position, the FPROM(s) are not updated. flashupdate displays both the current FPROM and the flash image file information prior to any updates. You are prompted to update the FPROMs.


Note No CLIs should be executed on a system board while flashupdate is running on that board. Wait until flashupdate completes before running any SMS commands involving that system board. Note The new firmware will not be active on system boards until hpost is run.

System Administration


1M OPTIONS The following options are supported: -d domain_indicator Specifies the domain using one of the following: domain_id ID for a domain. Valid domain_ids are AR and are not case sensitive. domain_tag Name assigned to a domain using addtag(1M). -f path Name of the flash image file. The path argument specifies the name of the image file that is used to update the FPROM given in the location argument. -h Help. Displays usage descriptions.

Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h

is ignored. -n -q Automatically answers no to all prompts. Prompts are displayed unless used with the -q option. Quiet. Suppresses all messages to stdout including prompts. When used alone, -q defaults to the -n option for all prompts. When used with either the -y or the -n option, -q suppresses all user prompts and automatically answers with either 'y' or 'n' based on the option chosen. -v Verbose. Displays version information about the firmware. The information displayed is intended for internal use by Sun service personnel. Its format is private and subject to change. Automatically answers yes to all prompts. Prompts are displayed unless used with the -q option.



System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M OPERANDS The following operands are supported: location FPROM location. The FPROM location consists of board_loc/FPROM_id, separated by a forward slash. The FPROM_id is specified only when you want to update a particular FPROM (FP0 or FP1) on a CPU board and the system controller (SC). For example, the location, SB4/FP0, indicates the FPROM 0 on the CPU board in slot 4. Sun Fire 12K and E20K: SB(0...8) IO(0...8) Sun Fire 15K and E25K: SB(0...17) IO(0...17) EXTENDED DESCRIPTION
Group Privileges Required

You must have platform administrator or domain administrator privileges to run this command. If you have platform administrator privileges, all boards can be updated. For domain administrators, only boards that are active in the administrator's domain or available to the administrator's domain can be updated. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.



Updating FPROM 0 in System Controller 0

You must reset the SC after running this command.

sc0:sms-user:> flashupdate -f /opt/SUNWSMS/firmware/SCOBPimg.di


Updating FPROM 1 in System Controller 0

System Administration


1M The first instance, which uses the nSSCPOST.di image, is for an SC with a CP1500 board. The second instance, which uses the oSSCPOST.di image, is for an SC with a CP2140 board. You must reset the SC after running this command.
sc0:sms-user:> flashupdate -f /opt/SUNWSMS/firmware/nSSCPOST.di SC0/FP1 sc0:sms-user:> flashupdate -f /opt/SUNWSMS/firmware/oSSCPOST.di


Updating FPROM 0 in the System Controller 1

You must reset the SC after running this command.

sc1:sms-user:> flashupdate -f /opt/SUNWSMS/firmware/SCOBPimg.di


Updating Both FPROMs on CPU Board 0

SMS must be running, and the SB0 board must be powered on.
sc0:sms-user:> flashupdate -f /opt/SUNWSMS/hostobjs/sgcpu.flash SB0 Do you wish to update the FPROM (yes/no)? y sc0:sms-user:>


Updating FPROMs in Domain A

SMS must be running, and the CPU boards in domain A must be powered on.
sc0:sms-user:> flashupdate -d A -f /opt/SUNWSMS/hostobjs/sgcpu.flash


Resetting the SC After Updating the SC FPROMs

Switch to superuser and shut down the SC.

sc0:sms-user:> su -

sc0:# shutdown -y -g0 -i0 ...[system messages] ok

In order for the new firmware to be enabled on your SC, you must now perform a reset of the SC. Type:
ok reset-all


System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M If this does not reset the SC, then you must perform a hard reset. Physically locate your system controller within your Sun Fire high-end system cabinet, and depress the Abort button and then the Reset button on the SC board. Once the SC has been reset you should see OpenBoot PROM messages indicating that the new version of the firmware is loading. After the system successfully returns to the ok prompt, verify that the flash update worked by typing:
ok show-dropins

Dropins for Flash device: /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/flashprom@10,400000 -----------------------------------------------------------------------Dropin name Size Checksum Date Date Version Vendor created flashed -----------------------------------------------------------------------SSCOBP-dropins 90 c84e 11/13/2001 11/13/2001 1.2 SUNW,sscobp .... ....

Note the version number of the Dropins (1.2). You can now boot your new installation of the Solaris software. Type:
ok boot new disk

Log in as a platform administrate and type:

sc0:sms-user:> flashupdate -f /opt/SUNWSMS/firmware/SCOBPimg.di

Current SC FPROM Information ============================ SC at SC0, FPROM 0: Name: SSCOBP-dropins, Version: 1.2 Size: 144, Check Sum: 51278 Date Flashed: 11/13/01 Date Created: 11/13/01 Do you wish to update the SC User FPROM (yes/no)? n sc0:sms-user:>

Compare version numbers. If they are the same, flashupdate was successful.

System Administration


1M EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 FILES Successful completion. An error occurred.

The following files are used by this command: /opt/SUNWSMS/firmware/SCOBPimg.di /opt/SUNWSMS/firmware/nSSCPOST.di /opt/SUNWSMS/firmware/oSSCPOST.di /opt/SUNWSMS/hostobjs/sgcpu.flash Used to update the FPROM 0 on the SC. Used to update the FPROM 1 on the CP1500 SC. Used to update the FPROM1 on the CP2140 SC. Used to update the FPROMs on the CPU and MaxCPU boards.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values

Interface stability Availability

Evolving SUNWSMSop




System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION fomd - failover management daemon fomd fomd(1M) is the core of the system controller (SC) failover mechanism. The fomd daemon detects faults on the local and remote SCs and takes the appropriate action (directing a failover/takeover). The fomd daemon ensures that the necessary synchronization data between the two SCs is current. fomd runs on both the main and the spare SCs. This daemon is automatically started by ssd(1M). Do not start it manually from the command line. EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 FILES Successful completion. An error occurred.

The following configuration file is required: /etc/opt/SUNWSMS/config/ Failover daemon configuration file


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values




setfailover(1M), showfailover(1M)


System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION frad - FRU access daemon frad frad(1M) runs on the system controller (SC) and provides the exclusive mechanism by which SMS processes, including daemons, access any FRU SEEPROM within a given Sun Fire high-end system. frad also provides the platform-dependent interface to the Sun Fire high-end systems SEEPROMs required by the FRU ID software tools. This daemon is started automatically by the ssd(1M) daemon. Do not start it manually from the command line. EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 ATTRIBUTES Successful completion. An error occurred.

See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values






System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M NAME SYNOPSIS help - display help information for SMS commands help [ command_name] help -h DESCRIPTION If no argument is included, help(1M) displays a list of valid SMS commands along with their correct syntax. Otherwise, the command_name operand displays that command's man page. The following options are supported:. -h OPERANDS Help. Displays usage descriptions.


The following operands are supported: command_name Specific command for which help displays the man page.

Group Privileges Required

You must have platform administrator, platform operator, platform service, domain administrator, domain configurator, or superuser privileges to run this command. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.



Using Help

Displays all commands.

sc0:sms-user:> help usage: addboard -d domain_indicator [ -c [-q ] [-y | -n] location... addboard -h .... .... .... smsversion -h

function] [-r

retry_count [-t timeout]]


Using Help for a Command


System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M Displays man(1M) page.

sc0:sms-user:> help addtag Maintenance Commands addtag(1M)

NAME addtag - assign a domain name (tag) to a domain SYNOPSIS addtag -d domain_indicator -a new_tag [-q ] [-y | -n] .....


The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 Successful completion. An error occurred.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values





System Administration


1M NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION hpost - Sun Fire high-end system power-on self-test (POST) control application hpost hpost(1M) is responsible for probing, testing, and configuring the hardware of a Sun Fire high-end system domain, preparing it for use by the OpenBoot PROM and the Solaris operating system. Alternate modes prepare a single board for attach to a running domain using dynamic reconfiguration (DR), create hardware state dump files on the system controller (SC), clear certain nonfatal hardware error states, and perform related Sun Fire high-end system hardware operations.

Note This application is intended to be run only by other SMS applications or daemons. Invoking it directly from the command line can cause failures of running domains and is not a supported mode of use.
hpost's clients include:

dsmd(1M) dxs(1M) setkeyswitch(1M)

hpost is a client of:

hwad(1M) pcd(1M)

hpost requires and uses flash PROM images and downloadable local POST executables delivered in the SUNWSMSlp package. ATTRIBUTES See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.
Attribute Types Attribute Values




dsmd(1m), hwad(1m), pcd(1m), setkeyswitch(1m), dxs(1m)

System Administration 101

1M NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION hwad - hardware access daemon hwad hwad(1M) provides the exclusive mechanism by which SMS processes, including daemons, access, control, monitor, and configure the hardware. hwad runs in either main or spare mode and asks the failover daemon (fomd(1M)) for the role that the system controller (SC) should play when it comes up. At start-up, hwad opens all the drivers (sbbc, echip, gchip, and console bus) and uses the ioctl calls to interface with them. It reads the contents of the device presence register to identify the boards present in the system, and makes them accessible to the clients. IOSRAM and Mbox interfaces are also provided by hwad. This helps communication between the SC and the domain. For dynamic reconfiguration (DR), hwad directs communication to the new IOSRAM (tunnel switch). For darb interrupts, hwad notifies the dsmd(1M) if there is a dstop or rstop. It also notifies related SMS daemon(s), depending on the type of Mbox interrupt that occurs. hwad detects and recovers console bus and jtag errors. This daemon is started automatically by the ssd(1M) daemon. Do not start it manually from the command line. ATTRIBUTES See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.
Attribute Types Attribute Values




dsmd(1M), ssd(1M)

System Administration 103

1M NAME SYNOPSIS initcmdsync - command synchronization command cancelcmdsync cmdsync_descriptor initcmdsync script_name [ parameters] savecmdsync -M identifier cmdsync_descriptor [cancel|init|save]cmdsync -h DESCRIPTION The command synchronization commands work together to control the recovery of user-defined scripts interrupted by a system controller (SC) failover. Insert the following commands in user-defined scripts to enable command synchronization: initcmdsync Creates a command synchronization descriptor that identifies the script to be recovered. This descriptor is placed on a command synchronization list that identifies the scripts and commands to be restarted on the new main SC after a failover. savecmdsync cancelcmdsync Adds a marker that identifies a location in the script from which processing can be resumed after a failover. Removes a command synchronization descriptor from the command synchronization list. This ensures that the script is run only once and not after subsequent failovers. Be sure that all exit paths of a script have a cancelcmdsync sequence to remove the descriptor from the command synchronization list. If you do not remove the descriptor and a failover occurs, the script is rerun on the new main SC.

Note Both an initcmdsync and a cancelcmdsync sequence must be contained within a script to enable command synchronization. The use of the savecmdsync command is optional and marks only specific points in a script from which processing can be resumed. If specific restart points are not necessary, consider using runcmdsync(1M) instead.

System Administration 105

1M OPTIONS The following options are supported: cmdsync_descriptor Specifies the command synchronization descriptor that identifies the user-defined script. This descriptor is the standard output value returned by the initcmdsync command. Help. Displays usage descriptions.


Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h is

ignored. -M identifier Marks a location in the script from which the script can be resumed after a failover. The identifier must be a positive integer. Specifies the options or parameters associated with the userdefined script. These parameters are stored on the spare SC and are used to restart the specified script after a failover. Identifies the name of the user-defined script to be synchronized. script_name must be the absolute path name of an executable command. The command must exist in the same location on both SCs.




The command synchronization commands are inserted at certain logical points within a user-defined script.

106 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M For instance, a Korn shell script might be structured as follows:

# MAIN CODE STARTS HERE # Be sure to use a cleanup procedure to handle any # interrupts. # Use the cancelcmdsync to remove the script from the # command synchronization list. Otherwise, the command # will get restarted on the new main SC. # clean_up () { cancelcmdsync $desc exit } # Declare the clean_up function to capture system signals # and cleanup. trap "clean_up" INT HUP TERM QUIT PWR URG goto_label=1 # Process the arguments, capturing the -M marker point # if provided # for arg in $*; do case $arg in -M ) goto_label=$arg;; . . . esac done # Place this script and all its parameters in the command # synchronization list, which indicates the commands to # be restarted after an SC failover. # # NOTE: The script must be executable by the user defined # in and reside in the same directory on both the # main and the spare SC.

System Administration 107

# If the command is not part of the defined PATH for # the user, the absolute filename must be passed with the # initcmdsync command # initcmdsync script_name parameters # The marker point is stored in the goto_label variable. # Keep executing this script until all cases have been # processed or an error is detected. # while (( $goto_label != 0 )) ; do # # Each case should represent a synchronization point # in the script. # case $goto_label in # # Step 1: Do something # 1 ) do_something . . . # # # # # Execute the savecmdsync command with the script's descriptor and a unique marker to save the position. If a failover occurs here, the commands represented in the next goto_label (2) will be resumed. savecmdsync -M $(( $goto_label + 1 )) $desc goto_label=$(( $goto_label + 1 )) ;; # # Step 2: Do more things # 2 ) do_more_things . . . savecmdsync -M $(( $goto_label + 1 )) $desc goto_label=$(( $goto_label + 1 )) ;; # # Step 3: Finish the last step and set the goto_label to 0 # so that the script ends. 3 ) finish_last_step . . . goto_label=0 ;; esac done # END OF MAIN CODE # Remember to execute cancelcmdsync to remove the script from the # command synchronization list. Otherwise, the command will be restarted # after the failover. # cancelcmdsync $desc

108 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

Group Privileges Required

You must have platform administrator, platform operator, platform service, domain administrator, or domain configurator privileges to run this command. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.


The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 Successful completion. An error occurred.

Note The standard output for initcmdsync contains the command

synchronization descriptor. Also, when failover is disabled (after a failover or in a single SC environment), scripts that contain synchronization commands generate error messages to the platform log file and return nonzero exit codes. These messages can be ignored. ATTRIBUTES See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.
Attribute Types Attribute Values




runcmdsync(1M), showcmdsync(1M)

System Administration 109

1M NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION kmd - SMS key management daemon kmd kmd(1M) manages the IPSec security associations (SAs) necessary for securing the communication between the system controller (SC) and servers running on a domain. kmd manages per-socket policies for connections initiated by clients on the SC to servers on a domain. kmd manages shared policies for connections initiated by clients on the domain to servers on the SC. The current default configuration includes authentication policies for the dca(1M) and dxs(1M) clients on the SC, which connect to the dcs(1M) and cvcd(1M) servers on a domain. This daemon is started automatically by the ssd(1M) daemon. Do not start it manually from the command line.

Note kmd must be run as a root process to be permitted to use the pf_key interface to IPSec.
EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 FILES Successful completion. An error occurred.

The following file is used to configure kmd: /etc/opt/SUNWSMS/config/ configures the shared and per-socket policies managed by kmd.

Changes to the policies are made by editing the file on the SC. Corresponding changes must be made on the affected domain(s). The format of is a table of eight fields separated by the pipe (|) character: dir|d_port|protocol|sa_type|auth_alg|encr_alg|domain|login

System Administration 111

1M The fields are defined as follows: dir Direction to connect from. Values: sctodom, domtosc d_port protocol Destination port. Protocol for the socket. Values: tcp, udp sa_type Security association type. Values: ah, esp auth_alg Authentication algorithm. Values: none, md5, sha1 encr_alg Encryption algorithm. Values: none, des, 3des domain Domain ID. Values: integers 017or a [space]. A space for the domain ID defines a policy that applies to all domains. A policy for a specific domain overrides a policy that applied to all domains. login Login name. Values: Any valid login name. The default policies in the file are as follows: sctodom|665|tcp|ah|md5|none| |sms-dca| sctodom|442|tcp|ah|md5|none| |sms-dxs| The configuration of policies on a domain is the standard IPSec configuration file (/etc/inet/ipsecconf.init). The default policies are shown below. { dport sun-dr } permit { auth_alg md5 } { sport sun-dr } apply {auth_alg md5 sa unique } { dport cvc_hostd } permit {auth_alg md5 } { sport cvc_hostd } apply {auth_alg md5 sa unique } 112 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M ATTRIBUTES See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values




ssd(1M), sckmd(1M), ipsecconf(1M), pf_key(1M), ipsec(1M), dca(1M), dxs(1M), dcs(1M), cvcd(1M)

System Administration 113

1M NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION mand - management network daemon mand mand(1M) supports the management network (MAN) drivers and the failover management daemon (fomd(1M)) by providing the required network configuration. This configuration information includes host names, IP addresses, and netmasks. mand is also responsible for initializing and updating these respective fields in the platform configuration database (pcd(1M)) daemon as well as the in MAN driver on the system controller (SC). mand is an SMS daemon running on both the main and spare SCs. Its role is set up by fomd. This daemon is started automatically by the ssd(1M) daemon. Do not start it manually from the command line. EXTENDED DESCRIPTION SC-to-Domain and Domain-to-SC Internal Network (I1) data includes:

Network mask SC host name SC IP address Domain[AR] host name Domain[AR] IP address

SC-to-SC Internal Network (I2) data includes:

Network mask SC 0 host name SC 0 IP address SC 1 host name SC 1 IP address

SC External Community (C) data includes:

Community Failover IP address Community physical interface name


The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 Successful completion. An error occurred.

System Administration 115

1M FILES The following configuration file is required: /etc/opt/SUNWSMS/config/ This file includes the domain-to-SC, the SC-to-domain, and the SC-to-SC management network data as well as the community data for external access to the SC. Do not manually modify the file. ATTRIBUTES See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.
Attribute Types Attribute Values




fomd(1M), pcd(1M), smsconfig(1M), ssd(1M)

116 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION mld - message-logging daemon mld [-f config_file] [-t] mld(1M) provides logging services to all SMS daemons and processes. mld is the first SMS daemon started by ssd(1M) in order to capture the output of all other SMS daemons and processes during their startup phases.

Platform log messages are stored in: /var/opt/SUNWSMS/adm/platform/messages in the following format:
time host program [pid]:[msg_id hrtime_t level file_line] message

file_line is optional and appears only in verbose mode. For example:

Feb 2 09:16:10 2002 sun15 mld[904]:[209 2345678901 INFO 141] Platform messages file created.

Domain log messages are stored in /var/opt/SUNWSMS/adm/domain_id/messages in the same format as platform messages, with additional domain_id|domain_tag information following the pid:
time host program [pid]domain_id|domain_tag:[msg_id hrtime_t level file_line] message

For example:
Feb 2 09:18:55 2002 sun15 mld[904]-B (engB): [314 2345678902 ERR 424] message queue limit exceeded, messages will be dropped.

Domain syslog messages are stored in /var/opt/SUNWSMS/adm/domain_id/syslog in the same format in which they are received.


The following options are supported: -f config_file -t Provides an absolute path to an alternative remote-messagereception configuration file. Disables remote message reception (for example, domain syslog messages).

118 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M EXIT STATUS .The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 FILES Successful completion. An error occurred.

The following file is used by this command: /var/opt/SUNWSMS/adm/.logger Message logging daemon configuration file.

This file supports three configuration directives: FILE LEVEL Specifies where to send messages. The default is msgdaemon and should not be changed. Specifies the minimum level necessary for mld to log a message. The supported levels are: debug, info, notice, warning, err, crit , alert, and emerg. The default is notice. Specifies the verbosity of the messages. Two modes are available: verbose and terse. The default is verbose.


Note All directive arguments are not case sensitive.

ATTRIBUTES See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.
Attribute Types Attribute Values





System Administration 119

1M NAME SYNOPSIS moveboard - move a board from one domain to another moveboard -d domain_indicator [-c function] [-r retry_count [-t timeout]] [-q] [-f] [-y|-n] location moveboard -h DESCRIPTION moveboard(1M) first attempts to unconfigure, disconnect, and unassign location from the domain it is currently assigned to and possibly active in, and then proceeds to assign, connect, and configure location to the domain domain_id or domain_tag. The -c function command option is used to specify the transition of the board from the current configuration state to a new configuration state. Configuration states are assign, connect, and configure. If the -c option is not specified, the default expected configuration state is configure.

Note moveboard performs tasks synchronously and does not return control to
the user until the command is complete. If the board is not powered on or tested and a -c connect|configure option is specified, then the command powers on the board and tests it.

Note If the specified board is in the automatic system recovery (ASR) blacklist file, moveboard displays an error message when assigning a board and then continues. When using the connect or configure functions, moveboard displays an error message and then exits. Note If the moveboard command fails, a board does not return to its original state. A dxs or dca error message is logged to the domain. If the error is recoverable, you can retry the command. If it is unrecoverable, you need to reboot the domain in order to use that board.

System Administration 121

1M OPTIONS The following options are supported.

122 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M -c function Valid function values are assign, connect, and configure. One of these values is used to control the configuration state transition. The possible transition states and their meanings are as follows: assign Unconfigures the board from the Solaris operating system running on the domain. Solaris software stops using any of the hardware resources on the board. (See deleteboard -c unconfigure.)Disconnects the board. Transitions the board into the disconnected|unconfigured state. (See deleteboard -c disconnect.) Unassigns the board from the current domain. (See deleteboard -c unassign.)Moves the board out of the logical domain by changing its state to available. Assigns the board to the new logical domain. This is a board state in which the domain has sole access to the board; however, the board is not active. Once assigned, the board can be connected or configured into the domain with the use of either setkeyswitch on or the connect or configure options.

System Administration 123

1M Unconfigures the board from the Solaris operating system running on the domain. Solaris software stops using any of the hardware resources on the board. (See deleteboard -c unconfigure.) Disconnects the board. Transitions the board into the disconnected|unconfigured state. (See deleteboard -c disconnect.) Unassigns the board from the current domain. (See deleteboard -c unassign.)Moves the board out of the logical domain by changing its state to available. Assigns the board to the new logical domain. (See assign earlier in this section; see also addboard(1M) -c assign.)Transitions the board into the connected|unconfigured state. In this state the board is assigned to the logical domain and connected (active). This state allows the normal system access to hardware resources on the board. The hardware resources of the board are not represented by the normal Solaris software data structures, however, and cannot be used by the Solaris operating system. Allowed operations on the board are limited to configuration administration operations. (See also addboard -c connect.) This is an intermediate state and does not have any standalone implementation at this time.


124 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M Unconfigures the board from the Solaris operating system running on the domain. Solaris software stops using any of the hardware resources on the board. (See deleteboard -c unconfigure.) Disconnects the board. Transitions the board into the disconnected|unconfigured state. (See deleteboard -c disconnect.) Unassigns the board from the current domain. (See deleteboard -c unassign.) Moves the board out of the logical domain by changing its state to available. Assigns the board to the new logical domain. (See assign earlier in this section; see also addboard -c assign.) Transitions the board into the connected|unconfigured state. In this state, the board is assigned to the logical domain and connected (active). This state allows the normal system access to hardware resources on the board. The hardware resources of the board are not represented by the normal Solaris software data structures, however, and cannot be used by the Solaris operating system. Allowed operations on the board are limited to configuration administration operations. (See connect earlier in this section; see also addboard -c connect.) Transitions the board into the connected|configured state. In this state, the board is not only assigned and connected to a domain, but also configured into the Solaris operating system. The hardware resources on the board can be used by Solaris software. (See also addboard -c configure.)


-d domain_indicator Specifies the domain using one of the following: domain_id ID for a domain. Valid domain_ids are AR and are not case sensitive. domain_tag Name assigned to a domain using addtag(1M). This is the domain to which the board is being moved.

System Administration 125

1M Forces the specified action to occur. Typically, this is a hardware-dependent override of a safety feature. Forcing a state change operation can allow use of the hardware resources of an occupant that is not in the ok or unknown conditions, at the discretion of any hardware-dependent safety checks. Help. Displays usage descriptions.



Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h is

ignored. -n -q Automatically answers no to all prompts. Prompts are displayed unless used with the -q option. Quiet. Suppresses all messages to stdout including prompts. When used alone -q defaults to the -n option for all prompts. When used with either the -y or the -n option, -q suppresses all user prompts and automatically answers with either 'y' or 'n' based on the option chosen. -r retry_count This command argument enables the user to specify retries in case of failures encountered during state transitions. The -r retry_count option can be used alone and indicates the number of times the configuration state change request should be retried by the domain. This command argument enables the user to specify retries in case of failures encountered during state transitions. The -t timeout option cannot be used without the -r retry_count option and specifies the number of seconds that the domain should wait before the next retry is made. If the -t timeout is not specified, the default timeout is zero, meaning that the request is retried immediately. Automatically answers yes to all prompts. Prompts are displayed unless used with the -q option.

-t timeout


126 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M OPERANDS The following operands are supported: location Board location separated by a space. Multiple location arguments are not permitted. The following location forms are accepted: Sun Fire 12K and E20K: SB(0...8) IO(0...8) Sun Fire 15K and E25K: SB(0...17) IO(0...17)

Note Use showboards(1M) to display board type.

Group Privileges Required

Users with platform administrator privileges can perform the -c assign option if the board is in the assigned state (not active in a running domain) of the domain from which the board is being removed. Users with domain administrator or configurator privileges can execute this command, but only on their respective domains. You must belong to both domain groups affected, and the board must be in the available component list of both domains. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.


For all examples, if the board is currently active in another domain, you must have domain administrator privileges for that domain. In addition, you must have platform administrator privileges or the board must be in the domain available component list in order for it to be unassigned from its current domain. You must have platform privileges or the board must be in the domain's available component list for you to assign the system board to a new domain. In addition, the user must have domain privileges in the new domain in order to connect or configure the board into the domain.

Assigning a CPU Board at SB4 to Domain A

sc0:sms-user:> moveboard -d A -c assign SB4 SB4 assigned to domain: A

System Administration 127


Assigning a Blacklisted CPU Board at SB4 to Domain A moveboard -d A -c assign SB4

to domain: A is blacklisted. be able to connect or configure it.

sc0:sms-user:> SB4 assigned Warning: SB4 You will not sc0:sms-user:>


Configuring an IO Board Into Domain A

Note: The default function is set to configure.

sc0:sms-user:> moveboard -d A IO2 IO2 unassigned from domain: B IO2 assigned to domain: A assign IO2 assign IO2 done poweron IO2 poweron IO2 done test IO2 test IO2 done connect IO2 connect IO2 done configure IO2 configure IO2 done notify online /devices/pci@5d,700000 notify online /devices/pci@5d,600000 notify online /devices/pci@5c,700000 notify online /devices/pci@5c,600000 notify add capacity IO2 done


Connecting an IO Board at IO7 to Domain R

You must have platform privileges, or the board must be in the domain available component list.
sc0:sms-user:> moveboard -d R -c connect IO7


Connecting a Blacklisted Board to Domain C

sc0:sms-user:> moveboard -d C -c connect SB0 SB0 is blacklisted. Exiting. sc0:sms-user:>


The following exit values are returned: 0 1 2 Successful completion. No acknowledge. Not supported.

128 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M Operation not supported. Invalid privileges. Busy. System busy. Data error. Library error. No library. Insufficient condition. Invalid. Error. A PID does not exist. Invalid attribute. Invalid board ID type. Invalid permissions. Assigned to another domain. Unable to get permissions. Unable to get domain board info. Unable to get active board list. Unable to get assigned board list. Solaris not running. Unable to assign/unassign domain state. Unable to get domain permissions. Unable to get platform permissions. Invalid domain. Invalid privileges. Library error. DR command syntax error. Internal error. Component blacklisted. Unable to get ASR blacklist.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 38 39 40 41 51 52 55 56 58 59 60

System Administration 129

1M Operation not supported. Invalid privileges. Busy. System busy. Data error. Library error. No library. Insufficient condition. Invalid. Error. A PID does not exist. Invalid attribute. Invalid board ID type. Invalid permissions. Assigned to another domain. Unable to get permissions. Unable to get domain board info. Unable to get active board list. Unable to get assigned board list. Solaris not running. Unable to assign/unassign domain state. Unable to get domain permissions. Unable to get platform permissions. Invalid domain. Invalid privileges. Library error. DR command syntax error. Internal error. Component blacklisted. Unable to get ASR blacklist.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 38 39 40 41 51 52 55 56 58 59 60

130 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M Unable to get domain blacklist. Unable to get platform blacklist. Activity check error. Unassign check error. Unassign, unrestricted check error. Domain permissions check error. DR operation failed.

61 62 64 65 66 67 70 FILES

The following files are used by this command: /etc/opt/SUNWSMS/config/asr/blacklist /etc/opt/SUNWSMS/config/platform/blacklist /etc/opt/SUNWSMS/config/domain_id/blacklist List of components excluded by esmd. List of platform components excluded. List of domain components excluded.

Note This file is created and used internally and should not be edited manually. To remove a component from the ASR blacklist file, use enablecomponent(1M).
ATTRIBUTES See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.
Attribute Types Attribute Values




addtag(1M), addboard(1M), deleteboard(1M), enablecomponent(1M), esmd(1M), showcomponent(1M)

System Administration 131

1M NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION osd - OpenBoot PROM server daemon osd osd(1M) provides software support for OpenBoot PROM. It provides an SMS event-based interface to setkeyswitch(1M) for laying out IDPROM and REBOOTARGS information prior to domain bring up. osd also receives mailbox commands from OpenBoot PROM. These mailbox commands are acted upon, and a result is returned to OpenBoot PROM. Commands include get-time-of-day, set-time-of-day, get-idprom, getnvram-data, set-nvram-data, get-reboot-args, set-reboot-args, and do-tunnel-switch. One instance of osd on the system controller (SC) is shared between all domains. This daemon is automatically started by ssd(1M). Do not start it manually from the command line. EXTENDED DESCRIPTION
Group Privileges Required

osd is run as the sms-osd user.


The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 Successful completion. An error occurred.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values





132 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION pcd - platform configuration database daemon pcd pcd(1M) provides and manages controlled access to platform, domain, and system board configuration data. It is an SMS daemon running on the system controller (SC) and a key component of SMS configuration. All system management applications access the database information through the pcd daemon. In addition to managing platform configuration data, the pcd notifies registered system management applications when pertinent database changes have occurred. These notifications are registered as events and are transparent to the user. This daemon is started automatically by the ssd(1M) daemon. Do not start it manually from the command line. EXTENDED DESCRIPTION Platform data for SMS 1.6 includes:

Platform Type Platform Name Rack ID Coherent Memory Address Slice Map Clock Frequency Clock Device Type SC IP Address SC Logical IP Host Adress SC Host Netmask SCO to SC1 IP Address SC1 to SC0 IP Adress SC to SC IP Netmask COD Head Room Chassis Serial Number

134 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M Domain data for SMS 1.6 includes:

Domain Number Domain Tag OS Version OS Type Slot 0 Available Board List Slot 1 Available Board List Slot 0 Assigned Board List Slot 1 Assigned Board List Slot 0 Active Board List Slot 1 Active Board List Golden SRAM Expansion Slot Keyswitch Active Ethernet Expansion Slot Creation Time Domain State Bringup Priority IP Host Address Hostname Host Netmask Broadcast Address OBP Virtual Address OBP Physical Address Domain Reserved RTU

System board data for SMS 1.6 includes:

Expansion Number Slot Number Board Type Number Board State Number Domain Assigned Number ABL State; Domain(s) Board Is In Test Status Test Level Memory Clear State COD Enable

SIGNALS SIGHUP FILES Rereads the database files and recaches information.

Note Never modify these files by hand.

System Administration 135

1M The following files are supported: /var/opt/SUNWSMS/.pcd/platform_info /var/opt/SUNWSMS/.pcd/domain_info /var/opt/SUNWSMS/.pcd/sysboard_info Contains platform database information. Contains domain database information. Contains system board database information


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values





136 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M NAME SYNOPSIS poweroff - control power off poweroff [-q] [-y|-n] [ location] poweroff -h DESCRIPTION poweroff(1M) powers off the specified dual 48V power supply, fan tray, or board. If no arguments are specified and you have platform administrator privileges, the entire system, with the exception of the bulk power supplies, the fan trays, and the spare system controller (SC), powers off. If active domains are utilizing the component that is going to be powered off, a listing of those domains and an Are you sure?" prompt are given by default.

Note When you power off a bulk power supply poweroff trips the circuit breaker. In that case the poweron command alone can not restore power. You must manually flip the breaker back on and then run poweron.
If you do not have platform administrator privileges, the [location] command operand must be specified and the board must be assigned to a domain for which you have domain administrator or configurator privileges.

Note This command has no effect on the position of the virtual keyswitch.
OPTIONS The following options are supported: -h Help. Displays usage descriptions.

Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h is ignored.

-n -q Automatically answers no to all prompts. Prompts are displayed unless used with the -q option. Quiet. Suppresses all messages to stdout including prompts. When used alone -q defaults to the -n option for all prompts. When used with either the -y or the -n option, -q suppresses all user prompts, and automatically answers with either 'y' or 'n' based on the option chosen. -y Automatically answers yes to all prompts. Prompts are displayed unless used with the -q option.

System Administration 139

1M OPERANDS The following operands are supported: location Component location separated by a space. Multiple location forms are not permitted. The following location forms are accepted: Sun Fire 12K/E20K SB(0...8) IO(0...8) CS(0|1) FT(0...7) PS(0...5) EX (0...8) SC(0|1) [Only the spare SC can be powered off.] Sun Fire 15K /E25K SB(0...17) IO(0...17) CS(0|1) FT(0...7) PS(0...5) EX(0...17) SC(0|1) [Only the spare SC can be powered off.] EXTENDED DESCRIPTION
Group Privileges Required

You must have either platform administrator or domain administrator/configurator privileges to run this command. If you have domain privileges, you must also specify the [location] operand, and the [location] must be a domain configuration unit (DCU) that is assigned to a domain for which you have domain privileges. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.

140 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006


Powering Off a Power Supply

In this example poweroff prompts you for a reply.

sc0:sms-user:> poweroff ps5 !!!WARNING!!!WARNING!!!WARNING!!!WARNING!!!WARNING!!! !!!WARNING!!!WARNING!!!WARNING!!!WARNING!!!WARNING!!! This will trip the breakers on PS at PS5, which must be turned on manually! Are you sure you want to continue to power off this component? (yes/no)? y


Powering Off a CPU Board at Expander Position 0

In this example poweroff forces the board off by suppressing any stdout messages and answering yes to all prompts.
sc0:sms-user:> poweroff -qy SB0


The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 Successful completion. An error occurred.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values





System Administration 141

1M NAME SYNOPSIS poweron - control power on poweron [-q] [-y|-n] [ location] poweron -h DESCRIPTION poweron(1M) powers on the specified dual 48V power supply, fan tray, or board. If no arguments are specified and you have platform administrator privileges, the entire system is powered on (provided that no additional 48V power supply modules need to be powered on to support the new power requirements).

Note When you power off a bulk power supply, poweroff trips the circuit
breaker. In that case the poweron command alone cannot restore power. You must manually flip the breaker back on, and then run poweron. If you do not have platform administrator privileges, the location command operand must be specified and the board must be assigned to a domain for which you have domain administrator or configurator privileges. If sufficient power and cooling is not available for the requested board, you are prompted whether to continue poweron, or to discontinue poweron. A minimum of five 48V power supply modules (4-KW modules) are required to power a fully configured system. Thus, with N+1 redundancy, six power supply modules are used. If powering on a component requires another component to be powered on, such as a board requiring a 48V power supply module, the poweron request fails. For SMS 1.5 and subsequent releases, the default behavior has changed. When the poweron command fails, instead of terminating automatically, it displays a prompt asking whether you want to continue with the attempt to power on the system:
sc0:sms-user:> poweron SB0 EXB at EX0 is off. Attempt to poweron CPU at SB0 is discouraged. Are you sure you want to continue the power ON (yes/no)?

If you enter Y, the system will continue to attempt a poweron, and will display the results. If you enter N, the system will discontinue the attempt to power on. The -y and -q option automatically selects the No answer to this question, replicating the previous default behavior. The -y option does not apply to this particular prompt. If a specified component is in the automatic system recovery (ASR) blacklist file, an error message is displayed. If you have platform administrator privileges you are prompted to continue. If you do not, the operation is terminated and an error message is displayed.

System Administration 143

1M OPTIONS The following options are supported. -h Help. Displays usage descriptions.

Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h is

ignored. -n -q Automatically answers no to all prompts. Prompts are displayed unless used with the -q option. Quiet. Suppresses all messages to stdout including prompts. When used alone, -q defaults to the -n option for all prompts. When used with either the -y or the -n option, -q suppresses all user prompts, and automatically answers with either Y or N based on the option chosen. -y Automatically answers yes to all prompts (except the prompt that appears when the poweron command fails). Prompts are displayed unless used with the -q option.

144 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M OPERANDS The following operands are supported: location Component location separated by a space. Multiple location forms are not permitted. The following location forms are accepted: Sun Fire 12K/E20K SB(0...8) IO(0...8) CS(0|1) FT(0...7) PS(0...5) EX (0...8) Sun Fire 15K /E25K SB(0...17) IO(0...17) CS(0|1) FT(0...7) PS(0...5) EX(0...17) SC(0|1) [Only the spare SC can be powered on.] EXTENDED DESCRIPTION
Group Privileges Required

You must have either platform administrator or domain administrator/configurator privileges to run this command. If you have domain privileges, you must also specify the location operand and the location must be a domain configuration unit (DCU) that is assigned to a domain for which you have domain privileges. You must have platform administrator privileges in order to power on a board listed in the ASR blacklist file. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.

System Administration 145


Powering On the Dual 48V Power Supply

The power supply is located on the front side in the 0 bank position.
sc0:sms-user:> poweron PS0


Powering On the Dual 48V Power Supply When Both AC Inputs are Bad

When the AC inputs are bad you will receive a warning.

sc0:sms-user:> poweron PS0 Both AC inputs to PS0 are bad, did you remember to turn on the breakers?


Powering On a CPU in the ASR Blacklist File

You must have platform administrator privileges. Otherwise, poweron terminates and displays an error message.
sc0:sms-user:> poweron SB0 Component SB0 is in the ASR blacklist. Are you sure you want to continue the power ON (yes/no)? Y


The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 Successful completion. An error occurred.


The following file is used by this command: /etc/opt/SUNWSMS/config/asr/blacklist List of components excluded by esmd

Note This file is created and used internally and should not be edited manually.
ATTRIBUTES See attributes(5) for description of the following attribute.
Attribute Type Attribute Value




esmd(1M), poweroff(1M)

146 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M NAME SYNOPSIS rcfgadm - remote configuration administration rcfgadm -d domain_indicator [-f] [-y|-n] [-v ] [-o hardware_options] -c function [-r retry_count [-T timeout]] ap_id... rcfgadm -d domain_indicator [-f] [-y|-n] [-v ] [-o hardware_options] -x hardware_function ap_id... rcfgadm -d domain_indicator [-v ] [-a ] [-s listing_options] [-o hardware_options] [-l [ ap_id| ap_type ]...] rcfgadm -d domain_indicator [-v ] [-o hardware_options] -t ap_id... rcfgadm -d domain_indicator [-v ] [-o hardware_options] -h [ ap_id| ap_type] DESCRIPTION rcfgadm(1M) provides remote configuration administration operations on dynamically reconfigurable hardware resources. The rcfgadm command allows configuration administration operations on the specified domain from the system controller. These operations include displaying status (-l), initiating testing (-t), invoking configuration state changes (-c), invoking hardware specific functions (-x), and obtaining configuration administration help messages (-h). rcfgadm performs configuration administration at attachment points, which are places where system software supports dynamic reconfiguration of hardware resources during continued operation of Solaris software. Configuration administration distinguishes between hardware resources that are physically present in the machine and hardware resources that are configured and visible to the Solaris environment. The nature of configuration administration functions are hardware-specific and rcfgadm performs configuration by calling hardware-specific libraries. Configuration administration operates on an attachment point. Hardware resources located at attachment points might or might not be physically replaceable during system operation but are dynamically reconfigurable by way of the configuration administration interfaces. An attachment point defines two unique elements, which are distinct from the hardware resources that exist beyond the attachment point. The two elements of an attachment point are a receptacle and an occupant. Physical insertion or removal of hardware resources occurs at an attachment point and results in a receptacle gaining or losing an occupant. Configuration administration supports the physical insertion and removal operations, as well as other configuration administration functions at an attachment point. Attachment points have associated state and condition information. The configuration administration interfaces provide control for transitioning attachment point states. A receptacle can exist in one of three states: empty, disconnected, or

148 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M connected. An occupant can exist in one of two states: configured or unconfigured. A receptacle can provide the empty state, which is the normal state of a receptacle when the attachment point has no occupants. A receptacle can also provide the disconnected state if it has the capability of isolating its occupants from normal system access. Typically this state is used for various hardware-specific testing prior to bringing the occupant's resources into full use by the system, or as a step in preparing an occupant for physical removal or reconfiguration. A receptacle in the disconnected state isolates its occupant from the system as much as its hardware allows, but can provide access for testing and setup. A receptacle must provide the connected state, which allows normal access to hardware resources contained on any occupants. The connected state is the normal state of a receptacle that contains an occupant and that is not currently undergoing configuration administration operations. The hardware resources contained on an occupant in the unconfigured state are not represented by normal Solaris software data structures and are thus not available for use by the Solaris operating system. Operations allowed on an unconfigured occupant are limited to configuration administration operations. The hardware resources of an occupant in the configured state are represented by normal Solaris software data structures, and thus some or all of those hardware resources can be in use by the Solaris operating system. All occupants provide both the configured and unconfigured states. An attachment point can be in one of five conditions: unknown, ok, failing, failed, or unusable. An attachment point can enter the system in any condition, depending upon results of power-on tests and nonvolatile record keeping. An attachment point with an occupant in the configured state is in one of four conditions: unknown, ok, failing, or failed. If the condition is not failing or failed, an attachment point can change to failing during the course of operation if a hardware-dependent recoverable error threshold is exceeded. If the condition is not failed, an attachment point can change to failed during operation as a result of an unrecoverable error. An attachment point with an occupant in the unconfigured state can be in any of the defined conditions. The condition of an attachment point with an unconfigured occupant can decay from ok to unknown after a system-dependent time threshold. Initiating a test function changes the attachment point condition to ok, failing, or failed, depending on the outcome of the test. An attachment point that does not provide a test function can leave the attachment point in the unknown condition. If a test is interrupted, the attachment point condition can be set to the previous condition, to unknown, or to failed. An attachment point in the unknown, ok, failing, or failed conditions can be retested. An attachment point can exist in the unusable condition for a variety of reasons, such as inadequate power or cooling for the receptacle, an occupant that is

System Administration 149

1M unidentifiable, unsupported, incorrectly configured, and so on. An attachment point in the unusable condition can never be used by the system. It typically remains in this condition until the physical cause is remedied. An attachment point also maintains busy information that indicates when a state change is in progress or the condition is being reevaluated. Designate attachment points using hardware-specific identifiers (ap_ids) that are related to the type and location of the attachment points in the system device hierarchy. An ap_id cannot be ambiguous; it must identify a single attachment point. Two types of ap_id specifications are supported: physical and logical. A physical ap_id contains a fully specified path name, while a logical ap_id contains a shorthand notation that identifies an attachment point in a more user-friendly way. For example, an attachment point representing system board 6 would have a physical ap_id of /devices/pseudo/dr@0:SB6, while the logical ap_id would be SB6. Attachment points can also be created dynamically. A dynamic attachment point is named relative to a base attachment point that is present in the system. ap_ids for dynamic attachment points consist of a base component followed by two colons (::) and a dynamic component. The base component is the base attachment point ap_id. The dynamic component is hardware-specific and is generated by the corresponding hardware-specific library. For example, consider a base attachment point, which represents a system board, with the physical ap_id /devices/pseudo/dr@0:SB16 and logical ap_id SB16. A CPU attached to this system board could be represented by a dynamic attachment point with logical ap_id SB16::cpu2, where SB16 is the base component and cpu2 is the hardware-specific dynamic component. Similarly, the physical ap_id for this dynamic attachment point would be: /devices/pseudo/dr@0:SB16::cpu2. An ap_type is a partial form of a logical ap_id that can be ambiguous and not specify a particular attachment point. An ap_type is a substring of the portion of the logical ap_id, up to but not including, the colon (:) separator. For example, an ap_type of pci would show all attachment points whose logical ap_ids begin with pci. The use of ap_types is discouraged. The new select suboption to the -s option provides a more general and flexible mechanism for selecting attachment points. See OPTIONS. rcfgadm interacts primarily with hardware-dependent functions contained in hardware-specific libraries, and thus its behavior is hardware-dependent.

150 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M For each configuration administration operation, a service interruption can be required. If the requested operation requires a noticeable service interruption to interactive users, confirmation is requested before the operation is started. A prompt is displayed on the standard error output for confirmation on the standard input. Confirmation can be overridden with the -y or -n option to always answer yes or no, respectively. Hardware-specific options, such as test level, are supplied as suboptions using the -o option. Operations that change the state of the system configuration are audited by the system log daemon syslogd(1M). The arguments for this command conform to the getopt(3C) and getsubopt(3C) syntax conventions. Refer to the Sun Fire High-end and Midrange Servers Dynamic Reconfiguration User Guide for more information. OPTIONS The following options are supported.

Note If the rcfgadm command fails, a board does not return to its original state. A dxs or dca error message is logged to the domain. If the error is recoverable, you can retry the command.
If you are running Solaris 8 or Solaris 9 OS on the domains, perform the

following check: a. Before you retry the command, ensure that the following dcs entries exist in /etc/inetd.conf on the domain, and that they have not been disabled:
sun-dr stream tcp wait root /usr/lib/dcs dcs sun-dr stream tcp6 wait root /usr/lib/dcs dcs

b. If the error is unrecoverable, you must reboot the domain in order to use the board.
If you are running the Solaris 10 OS on the domain, the dcs is now part of the

SMF (Service Management Facility). Perform the following steps: a. Make sure you are logged in as root. b. Type the following command at the system prompt on the domain:
% inetadm | grep dcs disabled disabled svc: /platform/sun4u/dcs: default

System Administration 151

1M c. If the dcs is disabled as shown in the above example, enable it by typing the following command:
% svcadm enable svc:/platform/sun4u/dcs:tcp

152 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M Specifies that the -l option must also list dynamic attachment points. Performs the state change function on the attachment point specified by ap_id. Specify function as disconnect, connect, configure, or unconfigure. These functions cause state transitions at the attachment point by calling hardware-specific library routines.

-a -c function

System Administration 153

1M The possible transition states and their meanings are as follows:

disconnect Change the receptacle state to disconnected. If the occupant state is configured, the disconnect function first attempts to unconfigure the occupant. The disconnect function powers the board off by default. The board is ready to be removed from the slot at that point. The -o nopoweroff option specifies skipping the power off step, leaving the board powered on. The board is left assigned to the domain by default. The -o unassign option instructs the domain to give up the ownership of the board once the board is disconnected. Once the board has been unassigned, it may no longer be accessible to cfgadm because another domain might have assigned the board to itself.

connect Performs hardware-specific operations to put the receptacle into the connected state, which allows an occupant to operate normally through the receptacle.

configure Performs hardware-specific operations that allow an occupant's hardware resources to be used by Solaris software. Occupants that are configured are part of the system configuration and are available for manipulation by Solaris software device manipulation maintenance commands (for example, psradm(1M), mount(1M), and ifconfig(1M)).

unconfigure Performs hardware-specific operations that logically remove an occupant's hardware resources from the system. The occupant must currently be configured, and its hardware resources must not be in use by the Solaris operating system.

154 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M State transition functions can fail due to the condition of the attachment point or other hardware-dependent considerations. All state change functions in the direction of adding resources (connect and configure) are passed on to the hardware-specific library when the attachment point is in the ok or unknown condition. All other conditions require the use of the force (-f) option to allow these functions to be passed on to the hardwarespecific library. Attachment point condition does not prevent a hardware-specific library being called for the removal (disconnect and unconfigure) of hardware resources from the system. Hardware-specific libraries can reject state change functions if the attachment point is in the unknown condition. The condition of an attachment point is not necessarily changed by the state change functions; however, errors during state change operations can change the attachment point condition. Specify the force option (-f) to override a condition and force a state change that would otherwise fail. Hardware-specific safety and integrity checks can prevent the force option from having any effect. -d domain_indicator Specifies the domain using one of the following: domain_id ID for a domain. Valid domain_ids are AR and are not case sensitive. domain_tag Name assigned to a domain using addtag(1M). -f Forces the specified action to occur. Typically, this is a hardware-dependent override of a safety feature. Forcing a state change operation can allow use of the hardware resources of an occupant that is not in the ok or unknown condition, at the discretion of any hardware-dependent safety checks. Prints the help message text. If ap_id or ap_type is specified, the help routine of the hardware-specific library for the attachment point indicated by the argument is called.

-h [ap_id|ap_type]

System Administration 155

1M -l [ap_id|ap_type] Lists the state and condition of attachment points specified. Filter attachment points with the -s option and select suboption. Invoking rcfgadm without one of the action options is equivalent to -l without an argument. The format of the list display is controlled by the -v and -s options. When the -a option is specified, attachment points are dynamically expanded. Automatically answers no to all prompts. Supplies hardware-specific options to the main command option. The following are valid hardware_options:

-n -o hardware_options

parsable Applies only when the -s option is used. The parsable suboption specifies that info is returned for system board and IO assembly only.

unassign Applies only when the -c disconnect option is used. The unassign suboption specifies that the domain is to give up ownership of the board.

nopoweroff Applies only when the -c disconnect option is used. The nopoweroff suboption specifies that the board is not to be powered off after it is disconnected.

-r retry_count

Specifies the number of times the dynamic reconfiguration (DR) request is retried on the domain. The default is zero. Supplies listing options to the list (-l) command. listing_options conforms to the getsubopt(3C) syntax convention. The suboptions are used to specify the attachment point selection criteria (select=select_string), the type of matching desired (match=match_type), the order of listing (sort=field_spec), the data that is displayed (cols=field_spec and cols2=field_spec), the column delimiter (delim=string), and whether to suppress column headings (noheadings).

-s listing_options

156 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M When the select suboption is specified, only attachment points that match the specified criteria are listed. The select suboption has the following syntax: rcfgadm -s select=attr1(value1):attr2(value2)... where an attr is one of ap_id, class, or type. ap_id refers to the logical ap_id field, class refers to attachment point class, and type refers to the type field. value1, value2, and so on are the corresponding values to be matched. The type of match can be specified by the match suboption as follows: rcfgadm -s match=match_type,select=attr1(value1)... where match_type can be either exact or partial. The default value is exact. Suboptions can contain special characters that can be interpreted in ways other than as part of rcfgadm suboptions. For example, a command might contain parentheses, which are acceptable for suboptions but are interpreted as special characters when entered on the command line. Arguments to the select suboption can be quoted to protect them from the UNIX C shell interpretation. A field_spec is one or more data-fields concatenated with the use of a colon (:), as in data-field:datafield:data-field. A data-field is comprised of ap_id, physid, r_state, o_state, condition, type, busy, status_time, status_time_p and info. The ap_id field output is the logical name for the attachment point, while the physid field contains the physical name. The r_state field can be empty, disconnected, or connected. The o_state field can be configured or unconfigured. The busy field can be either y if the attachment point is busy, or n if it is not. The type and info fields are hardwarespecific. The status_time_p field is a parsable version of the status_time field. If an attachment point has an associated class, the class field lists the class name.

System Administration 157

1M The order of the fields in field_spec is significant. For the sort suboption, the first field given is the primary sort key. For the cols and cols2 suboptions, the fields are printed in the order requested. Reverse the order of sorting on a data-field by placing a minus (-) before the data-field name within the field_spec for the sort suboption. The default value for sort is ap_id. The default values for cols and cols2 depend on whether the -v option is given. Without it, cols is ap_id:r_state:o_state:condition and cols2 is not set; with -v, cols is ap_id:r_state:o_state:condition:info and cols2 is status_time:type:busy:physid. The default value for delim is a single space. The value of delim can be a string of arbitrary length. The delimiter cannot include a comma (,) character; see getsubopt(3C). These listing options can be used to create parsable output. -T timeout Specifies the time interval, in seconds, between retries. This option cannot be used alone and must be specified with the -r retry_count option. The default value is zero, meaning the that DR request is retried immediately. Performs a test of one or more attachment points. The test function is used to reevaluate the condition of the attachment point. The results of the test are used to update the condition of the specified occupant to ok if no faults are found, failing if recoverable faults are found, or failed if any unrecoverable faults are found. If a test is interrupted, the attachment point condition can be restored to its previous value, set to unknown if no errors were found, set to failing if only recoverable errors were found, or set to failed if any unrecoverable errors were found. The attachment point should be set to ok only upon normal completion of testing with no errors.


158 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M Executes in verbose mode. For the -c, -t, and -x options, displays a message giving the results of each attempted operation. Displays detailed help information for the -h option. Displays verbose information for each attachment point for the -l option. Performs hardware-specific functions. Lists hardware-specific private functions using rcfgadm -h ap_id. The following are valid for hardware_function:


-x hardware_function

assign ap_id Assign a board to a domain. unassign ap_id Unassign a board from a domain. poweron ap_id Power on a board. poweroff ap_id Power off a board.


Automatically answers yes to all prompts. Prompts are displayed.

System Administration 159


The following operands are supported:

160 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M ap_id Refer to attachment points by hardware-specific identifiers (ap_ids) that are related to the type and location of the attachment points in the system device hierarchy. An ap_id cannot be ambiguous; it must identify a single attachment point. Two types of ap_id specifications are supported: physical and logical. A physical ap_id contains a fully specified path name, while a logical ap_id contains a shorthand notation that identifies an attachment point in a more user-friendly way. Physical ap_ids: /devices/pseudo/dr@0:IO4 /devices/pseudo/dr@0:IO6 /devices/pseudo/dr@0:IO14 /devices/pseudo/dr@0:SB4 /devices/pseudo/dr@0:SB6

Logical ap_ids: IO4 IO6 IO14 SB4 SB6

System Administration 161

1M ap_type An ap_type is a partial form of a logical ap_id that can be ambiguous and not specify a particular attachment point. An ap_type is a substring of the portion of the logical ap_id up to, but not including, the colon (:) separator. For example, an ap_type of pci would show all attachment points whose logical ap_ids begin with pci. The two ap_types shown here are static and dynamic. Static ap_types: HPCI CPU MCPU pci-pci/hp

Dynamic ap_types: cpu mem io EXTENDED DESCRIPTION

Group Privileges Required

The privileges required for using this command depend on the desired operation. rcfgadm can assign or unassign boards that are not connected to a domain. To assign or unassign a board, you must have either platform administrator privileges or domain administrator/configurator privileges for the specified domain and the board must be in the domain's available component list. For more information see setupplatform(1M) and showplatform(1M). The assign and unassign operations are private, hardware-specific operations. Assign a board using rcfgadm -x assign ap_id. Unassign a board using rcfgadm -x unassign ap_id. The ap_ids for assign and unassign must be logical ap_ids specifying a board, such as SB0 or IO2. Domain administrator or domain configurator privileges are required for test, state change, list or hardware-specific operations. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.

162 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006


Listing Attachment Points in the Device Tree for Domain A

The following example lists all attachment points except dynamic attachment points.
sc0:sms-user:> rcfgadm -d a Ap_Id Type Receptacle IO4 PCI connected IO6 MCPU disconnected IO14 PCI connected SB4 CPU disconnected SB6 CPU connected SB16 CPU connected Occupant configured unconfigured configured unconfigured configured configured Condition ok unknown ok unknown ok ok


Listing All Configurable Hardware Information for Domain A

The following example lists all current configurable hardware information, including those represented by dynamic attachment points:
sc0:sms-user:> Ap_Id IO4 IO4::pci0 IO4::pci1 IO4::pci2 IO4::pci3 IO6 IO14 IO14::pci0 IO14::pci1 IO14::pci2 IO14::pci3 SB4 SB6 SB6::cpu0 SB6::cpu1 SB6::cpu2 SB6::cpu3 SB6::memory SB16 SB16::cpu0 SB16::cpu1 SB16::cpu2 SB16::cpu3 SB16::memory

rcfgadm -d a -al
Type PCI io io io io MCPU PCI io io io io CPU CPU cpu cpu cpu cpu memory CPU cpu cpu cpu cpu memory Receptacle connected connected connected connected connected disconnected connected connected connected connected connected disconnected connected connected connected connected connected connected connected connected connected connected connected connected Occupant configured configured configured configured configured unconfigured configured configured configured configured configured unconfigured configured configured configured configured configured configured configured configured configured configured configured configured Condition ok ok ok ok ok unknown ok ok ok ok ok unknown ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok

System Administration 163


Creating a Selective List Based on Attachment Point Attributes for Domain A

The following example lists all attachment points at location SB6 and of type cpu. The argument to the -s option is quoted to protect it from the shell.
sc0:sms-user:> rcfgadm -d a -s match=partial,select="type(cpu)" -

la SB6
Ap_Id SB6::cpu0 SB6::cpu1 SB6::cpu2 SB6::cpu3 Type cpu cpu cpu cpu Receptacle connected connected connected connected Occupant configured configured configured configured Condition ok ok ok ok


Listing Current Configurable Hardware Information in Verbose Mode for Domain A

The following example lists current configurable hardware information in verbose mode:
sc0:sms-user:> rcfgadm -d a -v -l SB16 Ap_Id Receptacle Occupant Condition Information SB16 connected configured ok powered-on, assigned When Type Busy Phys_Id Mar 6 13:30 CPU n /devices/pseudo/dr@0:SB16


Using the Force Option on Domain A

The following example configures an occupant in the failing state to the system using the force option:

rcfgadm -d a

-f -c configure SB6


Unconfiguring an Occupant From the System on Domain A

The following example unconfigures an occupant from the system:


rcfgadm -d a -c unconfigure IO14


Configuring an Occupant at an Attachment Point

The following example configures an occupant:


rcfgadm -d a -c configure SB6


Using the -o parsable option:

164 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M The following example displays system board and IO assembly information as a set of name=value pairs:
sc0:sms-user:> Ap_Id IO0 IO5 IO11 SB0 SB11

rcfgadm -d G -s cols=ap_id:type -o parsable

Type unknown HPCI HPCI CPU CPU


Disconnecting But Not Powering Off SB0:

The following example displays domain G giving up ownership of the board.



-d G -c disconnect -o unassign,nopoweroff



See environ(5) for descriptions of the following environment variables that affect the execution of command_name: LC_TIME,LC-MESSAGES,TZ. LC_MESSAGES Determines how rcfgadm displays column headings and error messages. Listing output data is not affected by the setting of this variable. Determines how rcfgadm displays human-readable status changed time (status_time). Specifies the time zone used when converting the status changed time. This applies to both the human-readable (status_time) and parsable (status_time_p) formats.



The following exit values are returned: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Successful completion. No acknowledge. Not supported. Operation not supported. Invalid privileges. Busy. System busy. Data error. Library error.

System Administration 165

1M No library. Insufficient condition. Invalid. Error. A PID does not exist. Invalid attribute. Invalid board ID type. Invalid permissions. Assigned to another domain. Unable to get permissions. Unable to get domain board info. Unable to get active board list. Unable to get assigned board list. Get blacklist failed. Solaris not running. Invalid privileges. Unable to get domain permissions. Unable to get platform permissions. Failed to get domain blacklist. Failed to get platform blacklist. DR command syntax error. DR operation failed.

9 10 11 12 13 14 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 56 70 ATTRIBUTES

See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values




addtag(1M), cfgadm_sbd(1M), setupplatform(1M), showplatform(1M) Diagnostic messages appear on the standard error output. Other than options and usage errors, the following are diagnostic messages produced by this utility:

166 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M rcfgadm: Configuration administration not supported on ap_id rcfgadm: No library found for ap_id rcfgadm: ap_id is ambiguous rcfgadm: Operation: Insufficient privileges rcfgadm: Attachment point is busy, try again rcfgadm: No attachment points with specified attributes found rcfgadm: System is busy, try again rcfgadm: Operation: Operation requires a service interruption rcfgadm: Operation: Data error: error_text rcfgadm: Operation: Hardware specific failure: error_text rcfgadm: Attachment point not found rcfgadm: Configuration operation succeeded rcfgadm: Configuration operation canceled rcfgadm: Configuration operation invalid rcfgadm: Configuration operation not supported rcfgadm: Library error rcfgadm: Insufficient condition rcfgadm: SCDR/DCA door failure rcfgadm: DCA/DCS communication error rcfgadm: DCA internal failure rcfgadm: PCD event failure rcfgadm: Callback function failure rcfgadm: SCDR library internal error rcfgadm: Board is already assigned to another domain rcfgadm: Unable to get active or assigned domain info rcfgadm: Unable to get privileges rcfgadm: DRCMD library invalid parameter See config_admin(3CFGADM) for additional details regarding error messages. System Administration 167

1M NAME SYNOPSIS reset - send reset to all CPU ports of a specified domain reset -d domain_indicator [, domain_indicator]... [-d domain_indicator [, domain_indicator]...]... [-q] [-y|-n] [-x] reset -h DESCRIPTION reset(1M) enables you to reset one or more domains in one of two ways: reset the hardware to a clean state or send an externally initiated reset (XIR) signal. The default is to reset the hardware to a clean state. You receive an error if the virtual keyswitch is in the secure position. By default, reset gives an optional confirmation prompt. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information. The following options are supported: -d domain_indicator Specifies the domain using one of the following: domain_id ID for a domain. Valid domain_ids are AR and are not case sensitive. domain_tag Name assigned to a domain using addtag(1M).


Note Multiple domain_indicators must be separated by a

comma. -h Help. Displays usage descriptions.

Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h

is ignored. -n -q Automatically answers no to all prompts. Prompts are displayed unless used with the -q option. Quiet. Suppresses all messages to stdout, including prompts. When used alone, -q defaults to the -n option for all prompts. When used with either the -y or the -n option, -q suppresses all user prompts and automatically answers with either y or n based on the option chosen. -x -y Sends an XIR signal to the processors in the specified domain. Automatically answers yes to all prompts. Prompts are displayed unless used with the -q option.

System Administration 169

Group Privileges Required

You must have domain administrator privileges to run this command. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.


Resetting Domain C

sc0:sms-user:> reset -d C Do you want to send RESET to domain C? [y|n]: y RESET initiated for domain: C Powering on: CSB at CS0 Already powered on: CSB at CS0 Powering on: CSB at CS1 Already powered on: CSB at CS1 Powering on: EXB at EX0 Already powered on: EXB at EX0 Powering on: HPCI at IO0 ... ... ...


XIR Reset of Domain C

sc0:sms-user:> reset -d C -x Do you want to send XIR to domain C? [y|n]:y XIR to processor SB3/P0 initiated XIR to processor SB3/P1 initiated XIR to processor SB3/P2 initiated XIR to processor SB3/P3 initiated XIR initiated to all processors for domain: C


The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 Successful completion. An error occurred.


See attributes(5) for a description of the following attribute.

Attribute Type Attribute Value



170 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M SEE ALSO addtag(1M)

System Administration 171

1M NAME SYNOPSIS resetsc - reset the other system controller (SC) resetsc [-q] [-y|-n] resetsc -h DESCRIPTION resetsc(1M) resets the other SC. This might typically be done after failover. This command either runs from the main SC and resets the spare or runs from the spare and resets the main. An SC cannot reset itself. If the SC chosen is not powered on, resetsc prompts the user to power it on. If the chosen SC does not power on, resetsc terminates and returns an error. The following options are supported: -h Help. Displays usage descriptions.


Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h is ignored.

-n -q Automatically answers no to all prompts. Prompts are displayed unless used with the -q option. Quiet. Suppresses all messages to stdout including prompts. When used alone -q defaults to the -n option for all prompts. When used with either the -y or the -n option, -q suppresses all user prompts and automatically answers with either 'y' or 'n' based on the option chosen. -y Automatically answers yes to all prompts. Prompts are displayed unless used with the -q option.

Group Privileges Required

You must have platform administrator privileges to run this command. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.


Resetting the Other SC Using Prompts

sc0:sms-user:> resetsc About to reset other SC. Are you sure you want to continue? (y or [n])

System Administration 173


Resetting the Other SC When the Other SC Is Powered Off

sc0:sms-user:> resetsc The other SC is not powered on. Do you want to try to power it on? (y or [n])


Resetting the Other SC Answering Yes to All Prompts

sc0:sms-user:> resetsc -y About to reset other SC. Are you sure you want to continue? [y]


Resetting the Other SC Suppressing All Prompts

sc0:sms-user:> resetsc -q


The following exit values are returned: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Successful completion. The user has invalid permission. Memory allocation failed. Cannot determine other SC's presence. Other SC is not present. Cannot determine power state of other SC. Unable to power on other SC. Unable to reset other SC. Flag registration failed. Invalid command-line argument.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values



174 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M NAME SYNOPSIS runcmdsync - prepare a specified script for recovery after a failover runcmdsync script_name [ parameters] runcmdsync -h DESCRIPTION The runcmdsync(1M) command prepares the specified script for automatic synchronization (recovery) after a failover. runcmdsync creates a command synchronization descriptor that identifies the script to be recovered. This descriptor is added to the command synchronization list that determines the scripts to be restarted after a failover. The runcmdsync command also removes this descriptor from the command synchronization list when the script terminates. To specify restart points in a script, see initcmdsync(1M) and the family of synchronization commands. OPTIONS The following options are supported: -h Help. Displays usage descriptions.

Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h is

ignored. script_name Identifies the script to be prepared for command synchronization. script_name must be the absolute path name of an executable command. The command must exist in the same location on both SCs. Specifies the options or parameters associated with the specified script. These parameters are stored on the spare system controller (SC) and are used to restart the specified command or script after an automatic failover.


Group Privileges Required

You must have platform administrator, platform operator, platform service, domain administrator, or domain configurator privileges to run this command. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.


The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 Successful completion. An error occurred.

176 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M ATTRIBUTES See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values




cancelcmdsync(1M), initcmdsync(1M), savecmdsync(1M), showcmdsync(1M)

System Administration 177

1M NAME SYNOPSIS savecmdsync - command synchronization command cancelcmdsync cmdsync_descriptor initcmdsync script_name [ parameters] savecmdsync -M identifier cmdsync_descriptor [cancel|init|save]cmdsync -h DESCRIPTION The command synchronization commands work together to control the recovery of user-defined scripts interrupted by a system controller (SC) failover. Insert the following commands in user-defined scripts to enable command synchronization: initcmdsync Creates a command synchronization descriptor that identifies the script to be recovered. This descriptor is placed on a command synchronization list that identifies the scripts and commands to be restarted on the new main SC after a failover. savecmdsync cancelcmdsync Adds a marker that identifies a location in the script from which processing can be resumed after a failover. Removes a command synchronization descriptor from the command synchronization list. This ensures that the script is run only once and not after subsequent failovers. Be sure that all exit paths of a script have a cancelcmdsync sequence to remove the descriptor from the command synchronization list. If you do not remove the descriptor and a failover occurs, the script is rerun on the new main SC.

Note Both an initcmdsync and a cancelcmdsync sequence must be contained within a script to enable command synchronization. The use of the savecmdsync command is optional, and marks only specific points in a script from which processing can be resumed. If specific restart points are not necessary, consider using runcmdsync(1M) instead.

System Administration 179

1M OPTIONS The following options are supported: cmdsync_descriptor Specifies the command synchronization descriptor that identifies the user-defined script. This descriptor is the standard output value returned by the initcmdsync command. Help. Displays usage descriptions.


Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h is

ignored. -M identifier Marks a location in the script from which the script can be resumed after a failover. The identifier must be a positive integer. Specifies the options or parameters associated with the userdefined script. These parameters are stored on the spare SC and are used to restart the specified script after a failover. Identifies the name of the user-defined script to be synchronized. script_name must be the absolute path name of an executable command. The command must exist in the same location on both SCs.




The command synchronization commands are inserted at certain logical points within a user-defined script.

180 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M For instance, a Korn shell script might be structured as follows:

# MAIN CODE STARTS HERE # Be sure to use a cleanup procedure to handle any # interrupts. # Use the cancelcmdsync to remove the script from the # command synchronization list. Otherwise, the command # will get restarted on the new main SC. # clean_up () { cancelcmdsync $desc exit } # Declare the clean_up function to capture system signals # and cleanup. trap "clean_up" INT HUP TERM QUIT PWR URG goto_label=1 # Process the arguments, capturing the -M marker point # if provided # for arg in $*; do case $arg in -M ) goto_label=$arg;; . . . esac done # Place this script and all its parameters in the command # synchronization list, which indicates the commands to # be restarted after an SC failover. # # NOTE: The script must be executable by the user defined # in and reside in the same directory on both the # main and the spare SC.

System Administration 181

# If the command is not part of the defined PATH for # the user, the absolute filename must be passed with the # initcmdsync command # initcmdsync script_name parameters # The marker point is stored in the goto_label variable. # Keep executing this script until all cases have been # processed or an error is detected. # while (( $goto_label != 0 )) ; do # # Each case should represent a synchronization point # in the script. # case $goto_label in # # Step 1: Do something # 1 ) do_something . . . # # # # # Execute the savecmdsync command with the script's descriptor and a unique marker to save the position. If a failover occurs here, the commands represented in the next goto_label (2) will be resumed. savecmdsync -M $(( $goto_label + 1 )) $desc goto_label=$(( $goto_label + 1 )) ;; # # Step 2: Do more things # 2 ) do_more_things . . . savecmdsync -M $(( $goto_label + 1 )) $desc goto_label=$(( $goto_label + 1 )) ;; # # Step 3: Finish the last step and set the goto_label to 0 # so that the script ends. 3 ) finish_last_step . . . goto_label=0 ;; esac done # END OF MAIN CODE # Remember to execute cancelcmdsync to remove the script from the # command synchronization list. Otherwise, the command will be restarted # after the failover. # cancelcmdsync $desc

182 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

Group Privileges Required

You must have platform administrator, platform operator, platform service, domain administrator, or domain configurator privileges to run this command. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.


The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 Successful completion. An error occurred.

Note The standard output for initcmdsync contains the command

synchronization descriptor. Also, when failover is disabled (after a failover or in a single SC environment), scripts that contain synchronization commands generate error messages to the platform log file and return nonzero exit codes. These messages can be ignored. ATTRIBUTES See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.
Attribute Types Attribute Values




runcmdsync(1M), showcmdsync(1M)

System Administration 183

1M NAME SYNOPSIS setbus - perform dynamic bus reconfiguration on active expanders in a domain setbus [-q] [-y|-n] -c csb [-b buses] [ location...] setbus -h DESCRIPTION setbus(1M) dynamically reconfigures bus traffic on active expanders in a domain to use either one centerplane support board (CSB) or both. Using both CSBs is considered normal mode. Using one CSB is considered degraded mode. This feature enables you to swap out a CSB without having to power off the system. OPTIONS The -y and -n are optional arguments that take effect only if the setbus command displays a confirmation message such as the one shown below. The -y argument supplies an automatic affirmative response to the confirmation message. The -n argument supplies an automatic negative response. If changing the configuration on the chosen expander requires changing the configuration on additional expanders, setbus displays the following prompt:
The expander board in position location communicates with expanders not already listed, and will be added to the list of boards to reconfigure. Are you sure you want to continue the reconfiguration? (yes/no)?

Additionally, setbus resets any boards that are powered on but not active. Any attach-ready state is lost. To bring the boards back to an attach-ready state, refer to the Sun Fire High-end and Midrange Systems Dynamic Reconfiguration User Guide.

Note If you have degraded all expanders to one CSB you cannot un-degrade a single expander; you must set them all at the same time, otherwise setbus fails.

System Administration 185

1M The following options are supported -b buses Specifies which buses to configure. There are three buses to configure. Valid buses are: a d r Configures the address bus Configures the data bus Configures the response bus

The default is to configure all three buses. -c csb Specifies which CSB(s) to use. CS0 CS1 CS0,CS1 -h Configures the hardware to use CS0 (degraded mode) Configures the hardware to use CS1 (degraded mode) Configures the hardware to use both CSBs (normal mode)

Help. Displays usage descriptions.

Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h is

ignored. -n -q Automatically answers no to any prompt displayed by the setbus command. Quiet. Suppresses all messages to stdout including prompts. When used alone, -q defaults to the -n option for all prompts. When used with either the -y or the -n option, -q suppresses all user prompts and automatically answers with either 'y' or 'n' based on the option chosen. -y Automatically answers yes to any prompt displayed by the setbus command.


The following operands are supported:

186 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006



Specifies which expander slots to configure. The default is to configure all. Multiple locations are separated by spaces. Valid locations are: Sun Fire 12K/E20K: EX(0...8) Sun Fire 15K/E25K: EX(0...17)

Group Privileges Required

You must have platform administrator privileges to reconfigure any set of communicating expanders (SOCX) in the system. Domain administrators or configurators can reconfigure only the SOCX assigned to the domain(s) in which they have privileges. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.



Setting All Buses on All Active Domains to Use CS0

This example displays setbus output when there are inactive boards powered on in one or more of the domains.
sc0:sms-user:> setbus -c CS0 The following boards are powered on but are not active in a domain: SB13 IO9 assigned to domain J IO16 assigned to domain Q SB17 These boards will be reset, and any attach-ready state will be lost.


Setting All Buses on All Active Domains to Use Both CSBs

sc0:sms-user:> setbus -c CS0,CS1


Setting Address Bus on All Domains to Use CS0

sc0:sms-user:> setbus -c CS0 -b a

System Administration 187


Setting Address and Data Buses on Active EX1 to Use CS1

sc0:sms-user:> setbus -c CS1 -b ad EX1


The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 Successful completion. An error occurred.


See attributes(5) for a description of the following attribute.

Attribute Type Attribute Value





188 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M NAME SYNOPSIS setcsn - set the chassis serial number for a Sun Fire high-end system setcsn -c setcsn -h DESCRIPTION setcsn(1M) enables you to record the chassis serial number that identifies a Sun Fire high-end system. The chassis serial number is printed on a label located on the front of the system chassis, near the bottom center. If you are upgrading to SMS 1.6 from an earlier SMS version, you must run the setcsn command to record the chassis serial number. The chassis serial number can be recorded only once. This command verifies the specified serial number, and if the number was previously recorded, this command will not allow you to set a different serial number. Run this command on the main system controller. The chassis serial number is maintained as part of the platform configuration information. chassis_serial_number

Note Sun manufacturing records the chassis serial number of Sun Fire high-end
systems that ship with SMS 1.6 installed. Run the showplatform(1M) command to determine whether a chassis serial number was previously assigned to your system. OPTIONS The following options are supported: -c chassis_serial_number Specifies the chassis serial number for a Sun Fire high-end system. You obtain this number from a label on the front of the system chassis, near the bottom center. The serial number can be a maximum of 20 alphanumeric characters. Help. Displays usage descriptions.


Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition

to -h is ignored. EXTENDED DESCRIPTION
Group Privileges Required

You must have platform administrator or platform service privileges to run this command. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.



Setting the Chassis Serial Number

sc0:sms-user:> setcsn -c 352A00008

190 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned: 0 2 4 ATTRIBUTES Successful completion. Usage error. Permission error.

See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:

Attribute Types Attribute Values




pcd(1M), showplatform(1M)

System Administration 191

1M NAME SYNOPSIS setdatasync - modify the data propagation list used in data synchronization setdatasync [-i interval] schedule setdatasync cancel setdatasync push filename filename


setdatasync backup setdatasync -h DESCRIPTION setdatasync enables you to specify a user-created file to be added to or removed from the data propagation list. This list identifies the files to be copied from the main to the spare system controller (SC) as part of data synchronization for automatic failover. The specified user file and the directory in which it resides must have read and write permissions for the user on both SCs. The data synchronization process checks the user-created files on the main SC for any changes. If the user-created files on the main SC have changed since the last propagation, they are repropagated to the spare SC. By default, the data synchronization process checks a specified file every 60 minutes; however, you can use setdatasync to indicate how often a user file should be checked for modifications.

Note After a file is propagated from the main SC to the spare, the file is repropagated to the spare only when the file on the main SC is updated. If you remove a propagated file from the spare SC, that file is not automatically repropagated until the corresponding file on the main SC has been changed.
You can also use setdatasync to do the following:

Propagate a specified file to the spare SC without adding the file to the data propagation list. Resynchronize the SC configuration files on the main and spare SCs.

System Administration 193

1M OPTIONS The following options are supported: backup Forces re-synchronization after something other than SMS creates undesired changes to SMS files on the spare SC. setdatasync backup re-propagates every SMS configuration, data and log file. fomd does this automatically. Using setdatasync backup can slow down automatic fomd file propagation. The time required to execute setdatasync backup is approximately proportional to the number of files being transferred. Other factors that can affect the speed of file transfer include: the average size of files being transferred, the amount of memory available on the SCs, the load (CPU cycles and disk traffic) on the SCs, and whether the I2 network is functioning. For more information, refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide. Use setdatasync backup only in the following situations.

SMS was re-installed on the spare SC while SMS was running on the main SC.

Note SMS users groups must be setup correctly on the

spare before running setdatasync backup

SMS files were deleted from the spare SC while SMS was running on the main SC. SMS files were overwritten or corrupted on the spare SC (regardless of whether SMS was running or not).

cancel filename

Removes (cancels) the specified file from the data propagation list, which means the specified file will no longer be propagated to the spare SC. This option does not actually remove the specified file from the spare SC. The file name must contain the absolute path and cannot be a symbolic link to another file. Help. Displays usage descriptions.


Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h is


194 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M -i interval Indicates how often the specified file should be checked for modifications. The default interval is 60 minutes. The interval can range from 1 to 1440 minutes (24 hours). Propagates (pushes) the specified file to the spare SC without adding it to the data propagation list. The file name must contain the absolute path and cannot be a symbolic link to another file. Adds the specified file to the data propagation list. The file name must contain the absolute path and cannot be a symbolic link to another file. During data synchronization, the file is propagated to the same absolute path on the spare SC.

push filename

schedule filename

Group Privileges Required

You must have platform administrator, platform operator, platform service, domain administrator, or domain configurator privileges to run this command. Refer to Chapter 2, "SMS Security Options and Administrative Privileges" in the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.



Propagating a User File From Main to Spare Every 30 Minutes

The path to the user-specified file must be an absolute path and cannot contain a symbolic link.
sc0:sms-user:> setdatasync -i 30 schedule /path/filename


Removing File Name From Data Propagation List

The path to the user-specified file must be an absolute path and cannot contain a symbolic link.
sc0:sms-user:> setdatasync cancel /path/filename


The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 Successful completion. An error occurred.

System Administration 195

1M ATTRIBUTES See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values




showdatasync(1M), smsbackup(1M)

196 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M NAME SYNOPSIS setdate - set the date and time for the system controller (SC) or a domain setdate [-d domain_indicator ] [-u] [-q] [mmdd]HHMM|mmddHHMM[cc]yy[.SS] setdate -h DESCRIPTION setdate(1M) enables the SC platform administrator to set the SC or optionally set a domain date and time values. Enables domain administrators to set the date and time values for their domains. After the date and time are set setdate(1M) displays the current date and time. The following options are supported: -d domain_indicator Specifies the domain using one of the following: domain_id ID for a domain. Valid domain_ids are AR and are not case sensitive. domain_tag Name assigned to a domain using addtag(1M). Sets the domain time of day (TOD) when the domain keyswitch is in the OFF or STANDBY position. This option is not the primary use of setdate. Normally, setdate is used without this option to set the SC TOD. -h Help. Displays usage descriptions.


Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h

is ignored. -q -u Does not display current date and time after you set the new value. Interprets and displays the time using Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The default is the local time zone.


The following operands are supported: [mmdd]HHMM[.SS] Date and time format. mm is the month (112), dd is the day of the month (131), HH is the hour (0 23), MM is the minute (059), and SS is the second (059). Date and time format. mm is the month (112), dd is the day of the month (131), HH is the hour (0 23), MM is the minute (059), cc is century minus one, yy is the two-digit year, and SS is the second (059).


198 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

Group Privileges Required

You must have platform or domain administrator privileges to run this command. If you have domain administrator privileges you can run this command only for your domain. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.



Setting the Local Date in Pacific Standard Time

sc0:sms-user:> setdate 020210302002.00 System Controller: Sat Feb 2 10:30:00 PST 2002


Setting the Date Using GMT

sc0:sms-user:> setdate -u 020218302002.00 System Controller: Sat Feb 2 18:30:00 GMT 2002


Setting the Local Time in Pacific Standard Time for Domain A

sc0:sms-user:> setdate -d a 020210302002.00 Domain a: Sat Feb 2 10:30:00 PST 2002


Setting the Date for Domain A Using GMT

sc0:sms-user:> setdate -d a -u 020218302002.00 Domain a: Sat Feb 2 18:30:00 GMT 2002


The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 Successful completion. An error occurred.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values




addtag(1M), setkeyswitch(1M), showdate(1M)

System Administration 199

1M NAME setdefaults - remove all instances of a previously active domain and reset Capacity on Demand (COD) information setdefaults [ -d domain_indicator [ -p]] [-y|-n] setdefaults -h DESCRIPTION setdefaults(1M) removes all SMS instances of a previously active domain and Capacity on Demand (COD) information. A domain instance includes all pcd entries except network information; all message, console, and syslog log files; and, optionally, all NVRAM and boot parameters. pcd entries and NVRAM and boot parameters are returned to system default settings. IDPROM data is not affected. The COD information that is removed includes instant access CPUs (headroom) and reserved domain COD right-to-use (RTU) licenses. Only the platform administrator can reset the headroom value. The platform or domain administrator can reset reserved domain COD RTU licenses. OPTIONS The following options are supported: -d domain_indicator Specifies the domain using one of the following: domain_id ID for a domain. Valid domain_ids are AR and are not case sensitive. domain_tag Name assigned to a domain using addtag(1M). -h Help. Displays usage descriptions.


Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h

is ignored. -n -p Automatically answers no to all prompts. Preserves NVRAM and boot parameter data. By default, you are asked whether or not you want to remove the NVRAM and boot parameter data. If the -p option is used, you are not prompted and the data is preserved. Automatically answers yes to all prompts.


If the -d domain_indicator is specified, the setdefaults command resets domain information. The domain cannot be active, and the virtual keyswitch must be set to off. Otherwise, the setdefaults command exits with an error. Platform administrators can reset the access control list (ACL) and the domain COD RTU licenses, but the domain administrator cannot.

System Administration 201

1M If you have platform administrator privileges and you do not specify the -d domain_indicator, the setdefaults command resets the COD headroom, provided that the reset does not cause any COD RTU license violations.
Group Privileges Required

You must have platform administrator or domain administrator privileges for the specified domain to run this command. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.



Setting Defaults on Domain A With Domain, NVRAM, and Boot Parameter Prompts

sc0:sms-user:> setdefaults -d a Are you sure you want to remove domain info? y Do you want to remove NVRAM and boot parameter data? y


Setting Defaults on Domain A Without Prompts, Saving NVRAM and Boot Parameter Data

sc0:sms-user:> setdefaults -d a -p -y


Setting Defaults on Domain A Without Prompts and Without Saving NVRAM and Boot Parameter Data -y

sc0:sms-user:> setdefaults -d a


The following exit values are returned: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Successful completion. An invalid domain was specified. An invalid option was entered. No domain, or more than one domain, was specified. The user has invalid permission. The keyswitch is in an invalid position. The domain is currently active. An error occurred talking to the pcd. An error occurred talking to the mld. An error occurred talking to the osd.

202 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M An internal error occurred. The user canceled the operation. An error occurred talking to the codd.

10 11 12 FILES

The following files are affected by this command: /var/opt/SUNWSMS/.pcd/domain_info /var/opt/SUNWSMS/.pcd/sysboard_info /var/opt/SUNWSMS/adm/domain_id/console Domain pcd information file. Platform pcd information file. Domain console log file. Up to ten console files are stored on the system at any one time console.0 through console.9. Domain log file. Up to ten message files are stored on the system at any one time message.0 through message.9. Domain syslog file. Up to ten syslog files are stored on the system at any one time syslog.0 through syslog.9. Domain boot parameter information file. Domain nvram information file.






See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:

Attribute Types Attribute Values



System Administration 203

1M SEE ALSO addtag(1M), mld(1M), osd(1M), pcd(1M), setobpparams(1M), showobpparams(1M)

204 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M NAME SYNOPSIS setfailover - modify the state of the system controller (SC) failover mechanism setfailover [-q] [-y|-n] on|off|force setfailover -h DESCRIPTION setfailover(1M) provides the ability to modify the state of failover for the SC failover mechanisms. The following options are supported: -h Help. Displays usage descriptions.


Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h is

ignored. -q Quiet option. When used with the on, off, or force options, no output message is returned. When used with the -y or -n options and the force option, no confirmation message is returned. When used alone, the command defaults to the -n option. Used with the force option to bypass the confirmation message (see Example 3). Specifying -y allows the force action to continue without asking for confirmation. Specifying -n means that no forced failover occurs. Note that using the -y option with the -q option suppresses all prompts, including the spare clock warning prompt (see Example 4).


206 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M OPERANDS The following operands are supported: on|off|force The following are valid actions: force Forces a failover to the spare SC. The spare SC must be available. If the clock on the spare SC is bad, the command returns a warning that forcing the failover could cause the boards to domain stop (Dstop). See Example 4. Answering yes to this prompt forces the failover. Answering no cancels the failover. If the force option is used with both the -q and -y options and the clock on the spare SC is bad, then no prompts are displayed, including the spare clock warning. The failover is forced, and the Dstop might occur. Disables the failover mechanism. This prevents a failover until the mechanism is reenabled. Enables failover for systems that previously had failover disabled due to a failover or an operator request. on instructs the command to attempt to reenable failover only. If failover cannot be reenabled, subsequent use of the showfailover command indicates the current failure that prevented the enable.



Group Privileges Required

You must have platform administrator privileges to run this command. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information. These commands produce no output when successful. To see the results of the commands, use the showfailover command. An error message appears if the action can not be performed.


Turning Failover On setfailover on


System Administration 207


Turning Failover Off setfailover off



Forcing a Failover

sc0:sms-user:> setfailover force Forcing failover. Do you want to continue (yes/no)? yes


Forcing a Failover With a Bad Spare Clock

sc0:sms-user:> setfailover force Forcing failover. Do you want to continue (yes/no)? yes The spare clock input on some boards might be bad.Forcing a failover now is likely to cause the affected domains to domain stop (Dstop). Do you want to continue (yes/no)? no


The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 Successful completion. An error occurred.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values





208 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M NAME SYNOPSIS setkeyswitch - change the position of the virtual keyswitch setkeyswitch -d domain_indicator [-q] [-y|-n] position -l level setkeyswitch -h DESCRIPTION setkeyswitch(1M) changes the position of the virtual keyswitch to the specified value. setkeyswitch is responsible for powering on or powering off boards and bringing up a domain. See the OPERANDS section for more information. Note that the new firmware is not active on system boards until hpost is run. If the domain specified contains a board in the automatic system recovery (ASR) blacklist file, an error message is displayed, setkeyswitch skips power on of that board and setkeyswitch continues. The state of each virtual keyswitch is maintained between power cycles of the system controller (SC) or physical power cycling of the power supplies by the pcd(1M). Use showkeyswitch to display the current position of a virtual keyswitch. OPTIONS The following options are supported.

Note The -y and -n are optional arguments to the setkeyswitch(1M)

command. If one of these optional arguments is not provided, setkeyswitch prompts you for confirmation when changing from the on, diag, or secure position to the off or standby position. -d domain_indicator Specifies the domain using one of the following: domain_id ID for a domain. Valid domain_ids are AR and are not case sensitive. domain_tag - Name assigned to a domain using addtag(1M). -h Help. Displays usage descriptions.

Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h

is ignored. -n Automatically answers no to all prompts. Prompts are displayed unless used with the -q option.

210 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M Quiet. Suppresses all messages to stdout including prompts. When used alone -q defaults to the -n option for all prompts. When used with either the -y or the -n option, -q suppresses all user prompts and automatically answers with either 'y' or 'n' based on the option chosen. -y -l level Automatically answers yes to all prompts. Prompts are displayed unless used with the -q option. Allows you to specify the hpost level to be used at system startup. This option lets you override the default hpost level. This value is passed to any hpost (1M) process invoked by the setkeyswitch command. Note that hpost is not intended to be invoked by users, but that the value of level will appear in the hpost log. Use this option only with the guidance of Sun Service.


System Administration 211

1M OPERANDS This section describes operands for the position option. The following operands are supported: position Valid position operands are: on From the off or standby position, on powers on all boards assigned to the domain (if not already powered on). Then the domain is brought up. From the diag position, on is nothing more than a position change and does not affect a running domain. From the secure position, on restores write permission to the domain. From the on, diag, or secure position, standby optionally displays a confirmation prompt. If you answer yes then it determines if the domain is in a suitable state to be reset and deconfigured (for example, the OS is not running). If the domain is in a suitable state to be reset and deconfigured, then setkeyswitch resets and deconfigures all boards assigned to the domain. If not, then prior to the reset and deconfiguration, setkeyswitch gracefully shuts down the domain. From the off position, standby powers on all boards assigned to the domain (if not already powered on).


212 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M From the on, diag, or secure position, off optionally displays a confirmation prompt. If you answer yes then it determines if the domain is in a suitable state to be powered off (for example, the OS is not running). If the domain is in a suitable state to be powered off, then setkeyswitch powers off all boards assigned to the domain. If not, then setkeyswitch aborts and logs a message to the domain log. From the standby position, off powers off all the boards in the domain. From the off or standby position, diag powers on all boards assigned to the domain (if not already powered on). Then the domain is brought up just as in the on position, except that POST is invoked with verbosity and diagnostic levels set to, at least, their defaults. From the on position, diag results in nothing more than a position change, but upon automatic system recovery (ASR) of the domain, POST is invoked with verbosity and diagnostic levels set to, at least, their defaults. From the secure position, diag restores write permission to the domain and upon ASR, post is invoked with verbosity and diagnostic levels set to, at least, their defaults. For more information on ASR, refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide. From the off or standby position, secure powers on all boards assigned to the domain (if not already powered on). Then the domain is brought up just as in the on position, except that the secure position removes write permission to the domain; for example, flashupdates and resets will not work. From the on position, secure removes write permission to the domain (as previously described). From the diag position, secure removes write permission to the domain (as previously described).




System Administration 213

1M From the on, diag, or secure position, off optionally displays a confirmation prompt. If you answer yes then it determines if the domain is in a suitable state to be powered off (for example, the OS is not running). If the domain is in a suitable state to be powered off, then setkeyswitch powers off all boards assigned to the domain. If not, then setkeyswitch aborts and logs a message to the domain log. From the standby position, off powers off all the boards in the domain. From the off or standby position, diag powers on all boards assigned to the domain (if not already powered on). Then the domain is brought up just as in the on position, except that POST is invoked with verbosity and diagnostic levels set to, at least, their defaults. From the on position, diag results in nothing more than a position change, but upon automatic system recovery (ASR) of the domain, POST is invoked with verbosity and diagnostic levels set to, at least, their defaults. From the secure position, diag restores write permission to the domain and upon ASR, post is invoked with verbosity and diagnostic levels set to, at least, their defaults. For more information on ASR, refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide. From the off or standby position, secure powers on all boards assigned to the domain (if not already powered on). Then the domain is brought up just as in the on position, except that the secure position removes write permission to the domain; for example, flashupdates and resets will not work. From the on position, secure removes write permission to the domain (as previously described). From the diag position, secure removes write permission to the domain (as previously described).




214 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

Group Privileges Required

You must have domain administrator privileges for the specified domain to run this command. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.



Setting Keyswitch on Domain A On

sc0:sms-user:> setkeyswitch -d A on


Using Keyswitch on a Domain Containing a Board in the ASR Blacklist File

sc0:sms-user:> setkeyswitch -d A on SB0 is in the ASR Blacklist.


Changing the hpost Level

sc0:sms-user:> setkeyswitch -d A -l 7 on


The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 Successful completion. An error occurred.


The following file is used by this command: /etc/opt/SUNWSMS/config/asr/blacklist List of components excluded by esmd.

Note This file is created and used internally and should not be edited manually.
ATTRIBUTES See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.
Attribute Types Attribute Values




addtag(1M), esmd(1M), flashupdate(1M), pcd(1M), reset(1M), showkeyswitch(1M)

System Administration 215

1M NAME SYNOPSIS setobpparams - set up OpenBoot PROM variables for a domain setobpparams -d domain_indicator param=value... setobpparams -h DESCRIPTION setobpparams(1M) enables a domain administrator to set the virtual NVRAM and REBOOT variables passed to OpenBoot PROM by setkeyswitch(1M). The -d option with domain_id or a domain_tag is required. You must reboot the domain in order for any changes to take effect. This command is intended for error recovery and not for routine system administration. For more information refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide. OPTIONS The following options are supported: -d domain_indicator Specifies the domain using one of the following: domain_id ID for a domain. Valid domain_ids are AR and are not case sensitive. domain_tag Name assigned to a domain using addtag(1M). -h Help. Displays usage descriptions.

Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h

is ignored.

216 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M OPERANDS The following operands are supported:

System Administration 217

1M param=value NVRAM and REBOOT variable values for OpenBoot PROM. Valid variables are:

diag-switch? Default value= false When set to false, the default boot device is specified by boot-device and the default boot file by boot-file. When set to true, OpenBoot PROM runs in diagnostic mode and you need to set either diag-device or diag-file to specify the correct default boot device or file. These default boot device and file settings cannot be set using setobpparams. Use setenv(1) in OpenBoot PROM.

auto-boot? Default value= false When set to true, the domain boots automatically after poweron or reset-all. The boot device and boot file used are based on the settings for diag-switch (see above). Neither bootdevice nor boot-file can be set using setobpparams. In the event the OK prompt is unavailable, such as a repeated panic, use setobpparams to set auto-boot? to false. When the auto-boot? variable is set to false using setobpparams, the reboot variables are invalidated, the system will not boot automatically and will stop in OpenBoot PROM where new NVRAM variables can be set.

fcode-debug? Default value= false When set to true, this variable includes name fields for plugin device FCodes.

use-nvramrc? Default value= false When set to true, this variable executes commands in NVRAMRC during system start-up.

security-mode Default value= none Firmware security level.

218 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M Valid variable values for all but security mode are:

true false

Valid variable values for security mode are:

none command full

where: none - Means that no password is required (default) command - Means that all commands except boot(1M) and go require the password. full - Means that all commands except for go require the password.

Note It is important to remember your security password and

to set the security password before setting the security mode. If you forget this password, you cannot use your system; you must call your vendor's customer support service to make your system bootable again. For more information on securitymode and other OpenBoot PROM variables, see the OpenBoot 4.x Command Reference Manual.

Note Most, but not all, shells require single quotes around the variable values to
prevent the question mark from being treated as a special character. See Example 1. EXTENDED DESCRIPTION
Group Privileges Required

Domain administrator or configurator privileges for the specified domain are required. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.



Setting OpenBoot PROM Variable diag-switch to On for Domain A

sc0:sms-user:> setobpparams -d a diag-switch?=true


Setting OpenBoot PROM Variable security-mode to Full for Domain A

sc0:sms-user:> setobpparams -d a security-mode=full

System Administration 219

1M EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 ATTRIBUTES Successful completion. An error occurred.

See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values




addtag(1M), setkeyswitch(1M), showobpparams(1M)

220 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M NAME SYNOPSIS setpcimode - Forces a PCI-X slot to run in PCI mode. setpcimode pci_only | normal slot_spec... setpcimode -h DESCRIPTION This command changes the settings for the PCI-X slots on a V2HPCIX I/O board in your server. Use this command to force a PCI-X slot to run in PCI mode, or to return the slot to PCI-X mode. The slot must be in the disconnected state before you use this command; otherwise, setpcimode returns an error. After you use the setpcimode command, use the connect command to return the slot to a connected state. When the domain is in HPOST or OBP, the PCI-X adapters are connected. Running setpcimode while the domain is in either state will return an error. To use the setpcimode command when the domain is in HPOST or OBP, either disconnect the card when Solaris boots, or set the keyswitch position of the domain to standby. If you specify an I/O board that is not a V2HPCIX board, the command returns an error.

Note You can only run this command from the main SC.
OPTIONS The following options are supported. -pci_only -normal OPERANDS Forces the PCI-X slot to run in PCI mode. Returns the PCI-X slot to PCI-X mode..

The following operands are supported: slot_spec Denotes the slot to be changed. slot_spec takes the form IO#/ slot_name, where: IO# slot_name # is an integer from 0 to 17, corresponding to slots 0 through 17 on the board. The slot name: c3v0, c3v1, or c3v2.

Group Privileges Required

You must have domain or platform administrator privileges to run this command. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.

System Administration 223

setpcimode1M ERROR MESSAGES setpcimode returns error messages when certain error conditions are encountered. The following table lists these error messages and the conditions that cause them to be displayed. ERROR: Invalid location: %s The location specified in the command line argument is invalid. This error can occur if the location specified is not a PCI-X slot on a V2HPCIX I/O board, or if the location string (%s) is not in an acceptable format. ERROR: PCI mode cannot be set for %s The setpcimode command is not applicable to the location specified in the command line argument. This error is only returned when the user specifies slot c5v0 as the location. ERROR: Slot is not on a V2HPCIX board: %s This error is returned when the location specified in the command line argument does not belong to a V2HPCIX board. ERROR: unable to get domain board info for %s This error appears when setpcimode is unable to retrieve PCI slot status for the specified location, or when the command fails to find which domain contains the I/O board corresponding to the specified slot. This error should not occur if SMS is functioning normally. ERROR: unable to set PCI mode setting for %s This error appears when setpcimode is unable to set PCI slot status for the specified location. This error should not occur if SMS is functioning normally. ERROR: slot is still connected: %s This error appears when the setpcimode command is issued for a PCI-X slot that still has a connected cassette. To fix this problem, issue a cfgadm -c disconnect command on the domain side for the specified slot, and then retry the setpcimode command. ERROR: You do not have the appropriate privilege to execute this command for %s This error appears when you do not have the appropriate domain/platform privileges to issue the setpcimode command for the specified location. ERROR: Invalid state: %s This error appears if you specified an unrecognizable option (other than pci_only or normal) for the setpcimode command. ERROR: an error occurred while processing %s

224 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M This error appears if an internal error occurred for the command. Some examples of errors include running out of memory, or other types of unexpected errors. This error should not occur if the SC is functioning properly. EXAMPLES

Setting a PCI-X Slot to Run in PCI Mode

sc0:sms-user:> setpcimode -pci_only IO17/C3V2 IO3/C3V1

IO17/C3V2: pci_only IO3/C3V1: pci_only


Setting a PCI-X Slot Back to PCI-X Mode from PCI Mode

sc0:sms-user:> setpcimode -normal IO17/C3V0

IO17/C3V0: normal


The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 Successful completion. An error occurred.


See attributes(5) for a description of the following attribute:

Attribute Types Attribute Values




esmd(1M), pcd(1M), showpcimode(1M)

System Administration 225

1M NAME setupplatform - set up the available component list and Capacity on Demand (COD) resources used for domains setupplatform-p available [-d domain_indicator [-a|-r] location...] setupplatform -p cod [ headroom|-d domain_indicator domainRTU] setupplatform [-d domain_indicator - ] setupplatform -h DESCRIPTION setupplatform(1M) sets up the available component list and COD resources to be used for domains. If a domain_id or domain_tag is specified, a list of boards must be specified. An empty board list can be specified as a dash( - ). When no domain_id or domain_tag is specified, current values are displayed in the square brackets ([]) at the command prompt. If no value is specified for a parameter, it retains its current value. The following options are supported: -a -d domain_indicator Adds the slot(s) to the available component list for the domain. Specifies the domain using one of the following: domain_id ID for a domain. Valid domain_ids are AR and are not case sensitive. domain_tag Name assigned to a domain using addtag(1M). -h Help. Displays usage descriptions.



Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h is ignored.

-p available -p cod -r Modifies the domain available component list. Assigns COD resources. Removes the slots from the available component list for the domain. Clears the entire available component list.

System Administration 227

1M OPERANDS The following operands are supported: domainRTU headroom location Number of COD right-to-use (RTU) licenses to be reserved for a domain. Amount of headroom (processors) to be enabled. Board location separated by a space. The following location forms are accepted: Sun Fire 12K/E20K: SB(0...8) IO(0...8) Sun Fire 15K/E25K: SB(0...17) IO(0...17) EXTENDED DESCRIPTION If you run the setupplatform command without specifying any options, the command prompts you for platform and COD information. You are asked to specify the available component list for all 18 domains, the amount of COD headroom to be used, and the number of COD RTU licenses to be reserved for your domains. When you are prompted for COD information, the maximum values allowed are displayed within parentheses () and default values are displayed within brackets []. Use the -p cod option with the setupplatform command to enable COD headroom (processors to be used on demand). Use the -d domain_indicator with the -p cod option to specify the number of domain COD RTU licenses to be reserved. You can reset the domain available component list and COD RTU reservation values by running the setupplatform command with a domain indicator and the '-' option.
Group Privileges Required

You must have platform administrator privileges to run this command. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information. Use showplatform(1M) to display the available component list once you have run setupplatform.


228 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006


Setting Up Available Component List for All Domains

sc0:sms-user:> setupplatform Available component list for domain domainA [SB3 SB2 SB1 IO5 IO4 IO3]? -r SB1 Are you sure[no]: (yes/no)? y Available for domain DomainB [SB6 SB4 SB1 IO3 IO2 ]? Are you sure[no]: (yes/no)? y Available for domain C [SB7 SB5 IO8 IO7]? -a SB17 SB16 Available for domain D [SB9 SB8 SB4 SB2 IO6 IO5 IO1]? Available for domain E [SB0 IO0]? Available for domain F []? Available for domain G []? Available for domain H []? Available for domain I []? Available for domain J []? Available for domain K []? Available for domain L []? Available for domain M []? Available for domain N []? Available for domain O []? Available for domain P []? Available for domain Q []? Available for domain R []? PROC Headroom Quantiy (0 to disable, 8 MAX) [0]? 4 PROC RTUs reserved for domain A (10 MAX) [0]? 3 PROC RTUs reserved for domain B (7 MAX) [0]? 0 PROC RTUs reserved for domain C (7 MAX) [0]? 0 PROC RTUs reserved for domain D (7 MAX) [0]? 0 PROC RTUs reserved for domain E (7 MAX) [0]? 0 PROC RTUs reserved for domain F (7 MAX) [0]? 0 PROC RTUs reserved for domain G (7 MAX) [0]? 0 PROC RTUs reserved for domain H (7 MAX) [0]? 0 PROC RTUs reserved for domain I (7 MAX) [0]? 0 PROC RTUs reserved for domain J (7 MAX) [0]? 0 PROC RTUs reserved for domain K (7 MAX) [0]? 0 PROC RTUs reserved for domain L (7 MAX) [0]? 0 PROC RTUs reserved for domain M (7 MAX) [0]? 0 PROC RTUs reserved for domain N (7 MAX) [0]? 0 PROC RTUs reserved for domain O (7 MAX) [0]? 0 PROC RTUs reserved for domain P (7 MAX) [0]? 0 PROC RTUs reserved for domain Q (7 MAX) [0]? 0 PROC RTUs reserved for domain R (10 MAX) [3]? 3

System Administration 229

sc0:sms-user:> showplatform -p available Available for domain DomainA: SB3 SB2 IO0 IO4 IO3 Available for domain DomainB: None None Available for domain DomainC: SB1 SB6 SB7 SB5 IO8 IO7 Available for domain D: SB9 SB8 SB4 IO6 IO5 IO1 Available for domain E: SB0 IO0 Available for domain DomainF: None None Available for domain DomainG: None None Available for domain DomainH: None None Available for domain I: None None Available for domain J: None None Available for domain DomainK: None None Available for domain L: None None Available for domain M: None None Available for domain N: None None Available for domain O: None None Available for domain P: None None Available for domain Q: None None Available for domain R: None None


Setting Up Available Component List for Domain engB to Boards at SB0, IO1,

230 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

and IO2

setupplatform -p available -d engB SB0 IO1 IO2


Clearing All Boards in engB Available Component List and Reserved COD RTUs setupplatform -d engB -



Adding Boards at SB0 and IO2 to engB Available Component List setupplatform -p available engB -a SB0 IO2



Removing Boards at SB3 and IO3 From engB Available Component List setupplatform -p available -d engB -r SB3 IO3



Setting COD CPU Headroom Quantity and Reserve Domain COD RTU Licenses

sc0:sms-user:> setupplatform -p cod PROC Headroom Quantity (0 to disable, 8 MAX) [0]? 4 PROC RTUs reserved for domain A (10 MAX) [0]? 3 PROC RTUs reserved for domain B (7 MAX) [0]? 0 PROC RTUs reserved for domain C (9 MAX) [2]? 0 . . . PROC RTUs reserved for domain R (7 MAX) [0]? 0


Set the COD Headroom CPUs to 8 setupplatform -p cod 8



Set the number of COD RTUs for Domain engB to 6 setupplatform -p cod -d engB 6



The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 Successful completion. An internal error occurred. For further information, see /var/opt/SUNWSMS/adm/platform/messages.

System Administration 231

1M ATTRIBUTES See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values




addtag(1M), showplatform(1M)

232 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M NAME SYNOPSIS showboards - show the assignment information and status of the boards showboards [-d domain_indicator] [-v ] showboards [-d domain_indicator] -c showboards -h DESCRIPTION showboards(1M) displays board assignments and board status, including the clock source and status for all boards . If domain_id or domain_tag is specified, this command displays which boards are assigned or available to the given domain. The information displayed also indicates whether a board is a Capacity on Demand (COD) board. If the -v option is used, showboards displays all components, including domain configuration units (DCUs) such as CPUs, MCPUs, HPCI, HPCI+s, and WPCI; as well as the system controllers (SCs) and other components that are not DCUs. OPTIONS The following options are supported: -d domain_indicator Specifies the domain using one of the following: domain_id ID for a domain. Valid domain_ids are AR and are not case sensitive. domain_tag Name assigned to a domain using addtag(1M). -c Clock source. Displays the clock source and status for all system, expander, I/O, and centerplane support boards and the SCs. See Example 6. If a domain is specified (with the -d option), the -c option displays the clock information only for the system and I/O boards accessible by that domain. -h Help. Displays usage descriptions.

Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h

Group Privileges Required

Verbose. Displays all components, including DCUs.

You must have platform administrator, platform operator, platform service privileges or domain administrator, or domain configurator privileges for the specified domain to run this command.

234 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information. Platform administrator privileges:

If no options are specified, showboards displays all components including those DCUs that are assigned or available. If domain_id or domain_tag is specified, showboards displays information on DCUs that are assigned and available to that domain. DCUs assigned to other domains are not displayed. If the -v option is provided, showboards displays information on all assigned or available DCUs. In addition, showboards displays information on all other components. If domain_id or domain_tag and the -v option are specified, showboards displays information on DCUs that are assigned or available to that domain. In addition, showboards displays information on all other components. DCUs assigned to other domains are not displayed.

Domain administrator/configurator privileges:

If no options are specified, showboards displays all boards for all domains for which you have privileges, including those DCUs that are assigned or available. If domain_id or domain_tag is specified, showboards displays information on DCUs that are assigned or available to that domain. DCUs assigned to other domains are not displayed. Available DCUs are those boards that are in the domain's available component list. See setupplatform(1M) and showplatform(1M). You must have domain administrator or configurator privileges for the specified domain. The -v option is not available to this user.

Status Fields Displayed

This section describes status information displayed in the showboards command output. The Pwr field contains one of five measurements: On Off Min Unk Full voltage detected. No voltage detected. Some voltage detected. Unknown. Unable to determine board power on state. The slot is empty, so power state is not applicable.

Min does not imply that the board can be used at this point, but only that some power was detected on the board. It should not be used until it has been powered on. Conversely, it should not be removed from the system before being powered off.

System Administration 235

1M The Board Status field contains one of four values: Active Assigned Available The board is assigned to a domain and has passed POST. The board is assigned to a domain. The board is available to be assigned to a domain. Domain assignment or activity is not applicable for this board.

The Test status field reflects the recorded entry in the PCD database from the last POST run. The Test Status field contains one of six values: Passed Degraded Failed The board passed POST. The board is in a degraded mode. The board failed POST. Contact your Sun Service representative, who can determine whether or not the board needs to be replaced. iPOST Unknown The board is in POST. The board has not been tested. The test status for this board is unavailable.

The Domain field contains one of four values: domain_id domain_tag Isolated Status Fields Displayed by the -c option ID for a domain. Name assigned to a domain using addtag(1M). The board is not assigned to any domain. Domain assignment is not applicable for this board.

This section describes status information displayed by the showboards -c output. The Clock Signal Status field provides three indicators: Good Failed Unknown A good clock signal is detected by the hardware. A bad clock signal has been detected by the hardware. The clock status is unknown.

236 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M The Clock Source field provides three indicators: SC0 Clock SC1 Clock Unknown System controller 0 is providing the clock signal. System controller 1 is providing the clock signal. The current clock source is unknown.

The SC0 and SC1 Clock Status fields each provide the following indicators: Good Failed SC-Off No-SC System controller is on and is running. System controller has failed. System controller is off. There is no system controller in the Clock Status field.

The Auto-Clock Selection field provides three indicators: Enabled Disabled Unknown Hardware may automatically attempt to switch clock sources, if necessary. Hardware will not switch clock sources automatically. The clock select mode is unknown.

System Administration 237


Listing boards for Platform Administrators on Sun Fire 15K/E25K System

sc0:sms-user:> showboards Location ---SB0 SB1 SB2 SB3 SB4 SB5 SB6 SB7 SB8 SB9 SB10 SB11 SB12 SB13 SB14 SB15 SB16 SB17 IO0 IO1 IO2 IO3 IO4 IO5 IO6 IO7 IO8 IO9 IO10 IO11 IO12 IO13 IO14 IO15 IO16 IO17 Pwr Type --- ---On CPU On V3CPU On V3CPU On CPU On CPU On CPU On CPU On CPU Off CPU On CPU Off CPU Off CPU Off CPU Empty Off CPU On CPU On CPU Empty Empty On HPCI On MCPU On MCPU On HPCI+ Off HPCI+ On HPCI On HPCI On WPCI On HPCI+ Off HPCI Off HPCI Off HPCI Empty Off HPCI+ On HPCI On HPCI Empty Board Status -----------Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Available Active Available Available Assigned Available Assigned Active Active Assigned Available Active Active Active Available Assigned Active Active Active Assigned Assigned Assigned Assigned Available Available Active Assigned Assigned Test Status ----------Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Unknown Passed Unknown Unknown Unknown Failed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Degraded Unknown Passed Passed Passed iPOST Unknown Failed Unknown Unknown Passed Unknown Domain -----domainC A D engB engB engB A domainC Isolated dmnJ Isolated Isolated engB Isolated domainC P domainC dmnR Isolated A engB domainC domainC engB A dmnJ Q dmnJ engB engB engB Isolated Isolated P Q dmnR


Slot Slot



The following example illustrates showboards output if you have platform administrator privileges and specify a domain on a Sun Fire 15K/E25 system. The output does not include boards that are assigned to other domains.

238 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006


Listing boards for Platform Administrators for Domain B

sc0:sms-user:> showboards -d b Location ---SB3 SB4 SB5 SB8 SB10 SB11 SB12 SB13 IO0 IO2 IO5 IO10 IO11 IO12 IO13 IO14 Pwr Type --- ---On CPU On CPU On CPU Off CPU Off CPU Off CPU Off CPU Empty Slot Empty Slot On MCPU Off HPCI+ Off HPCI Off HPCI On HPCI Empty Slot Off HPCI+ Board Status -----------Active Active Active Available Available Available Assigned Available Available Active Assigned Assigned Assigned Assigned Available Available Test Status ----------Passed Passed Passed Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Passed Unknown Unknown Failed Unknown Unknown Domain -----engB engB engB Isolated Isolated Isolated engB Isolated Isolated engB engB engB engB engB Isolated Isolated

The following example illustrates showboards output if you have platform administrator privileges and use the -v option on a Sun Fire 15K/E25K system. The command shows all components. If a board is a COD board, it is specified in the Type of Board field.

Listing boards for Platform Administrators Using the -v Option

sc0:sms-user:> showboards -v Location -------SC0 SC1 PS0 PS1 PS2 PS3 PS4 PS5 FT0 FT1 FT2 FT3 FT4 FT5 FT6 FT7 CS0 CS1 EX0 EX1 EX2 EX3 EX4 Pwr --On On On On On On Off On On On On On On On On On On On On Type of Board ------------SC SC PS PS PS PS PS PS FANTRAY FANTRAY FANTRAY FANTRAY FANTRAY FANTRAY FANTRAY FANTRAY CSB CSB EXB EXB EXB EXB EXB Board Status -----------Main Spare Test Status ----------Domain ------

System Administration 239

EX5 EX6 EX7 EX8 EX9 EX10 EX11 EX12 EX13 EX14 EX15 EX16 EX17 IO4/C3V0 IO4/C5V0 IO4/C3V1 IO4/C5V1 IO6/C3V0 IO6/C5V0 IO6/C3V1 IO6/C5V1 IO9/C3V0 IO9/C5V0 IO9/C3V1 IO9/C3V2 IO12/C3V0 IO12/C5V0 IO12/C3V1 IO12/C5V1 IO16/C3V0 IO16/C5V0 IO16/C3V1 IO16/C5V1 SB0 SB1 SB2 SB3 SB4 SB5 SB6 SB7 SB8 SB9 SB10 SB11 SB12 SB13 SB14 SB15 SB16 SB17 IO0 IO1 IO2 IO3 IO4 IO5 IO6 IO7 IO8 On Off On On On On On On On On On On On On On Off Off Off Off On On On On On On On On On On On On Off On Off Off Off Off On On On On On On Off On On On EXB EXB EXB EXB EXB EXB EXB EXB EXB EXB EXB EXB EXB C3V C5V C3V C5V C3V C5V C3V C5V C3V C3V C3V C3V Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown C3V C5V C3V C5V CPU V3CPU V3CPU CPU CPU (COD) CPU CPU (COD) CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU (COD) Empty Slot CPU CPU CPU (COD) Empty Slot Empty Slot HPCI MCPU MCPU HPCI HPCI+ HPCI HPCI wPCI Assigned Assigned Assigned Assigned Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Available Active Available Available Assigned Available Assigned Active Active Assigned Available Active Active Active Available Assigned Active Active Active Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Unknown Passed Unknown Unknown Unknown Failed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Degraded Unknown Passed Passed Passed domainC domainC domainC domainC A A A A dmnJ dmnJ dmnJ dmnJ engB engB engB engB Q Q Q Q domainC A D engB engB engB A domainC Isolated dmnJ Isolated Isolated engB Isolated domainC P domainC dmnR Isolated A engB domainC domainC engB A dmnJ Q

240 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

IO9 IO10 IO11 IO12 IO13 IO14 IO15 IO16 IO17 On Off Off Off Off On On HPCI+ HPCI HPCI HPCI Empty Slot HPCI+ HPCI HPCI Empty Slot Assigned Assigned Assigned Assigned Available Available Active Assigned Assigned iPOST Unknown Failed Unknown Unknown Passes Unknown dmnJ engB engB engB Isolated Isolated Isolated Q dmnR

The following example illustrates showboards output if you have domain privileges for domains B, J, and R on a Sun Fire 15K/E25K system. showboards displays information for those boards that are assigned or available to domains B, J, and R. Boards that are assigned to other domains or that do not appear in the available component list for domains B, J, or R are not displayed.

Listing boards for Domain Admin With Privileges on Domains B, J, and R

sc0:sms-user:> showboards Location ---SB3 SB4 SB5 SB8 SB9 SB10 SB11 SB12 SB13 SB17 IO0 IO2 IO5 IO7 IO9 IO10 IO11 IO12 IO13 IO14 IO17 Pwr --On On On Off On Off Off Off On Off On On Off Off Off Off Type ---CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU Empty Empty Empty MCPU HPCI+ HPCI HPCI+ HPCI HPCI HPCI Empty HPCI+ Empty Board Status -----------Active Active Active Available Active Available Available Assigned Available Assigned Available Active Assigned Active Assigned Assigned Assigned Assigned Available Available Assigned Test Status ----------Passed Passed Passed Unknown Passed Unknown Unknown Unknown Passed Unknown Passed iPOST Unknown Failed Unknown Unknown Domain -----engB engB engB Isolated dmnJ Isolated Isolated engB Isolated dmnR Isolated engB engB dmnJ dmnJ engB engB engB Isolated Isolated dmnR

Slot Slot Slot

Slot Slot

In the following example, showboards displays output if you have domain privileges on domains B, J, and R on a Sun Fire 15K/E25K system. The command shows board information for those DCUs that are assigned or available to the specified domain. DCUs that are assigned to other domains or that do not appear in the specified domain's available component list are not displayed.

System Administration 241


Listing boards for Domain Administrators for Domain B

sc0:sms-user:> showboards -d b Location ---SB3 SB4 SB5 SB6 SB8 SB8 SB10 SB11 SB12 SB13 IO0 IO2 IO5 IO6 IO10 IO11 IO12 IO13 IO14 Pwr --On On On Off Off Off Off Off On Off Off Off Off Off Type ---CPU CPU CPU Empty CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU Empty Empty MCPU HPCI+ Empty HPCI HPCI HPCI Empty HPCI+ Board Status -----------Active Active Active Available Available Available Available Available Assigned Available Available Active Assigned Available Assigned Assigned Assigned Available Available Test Status ----------Passed Passed Passed Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Passed Unknown Unknown Failed Unknown Unknown Domain -----engB engB engB Isolated Isolated Isolated Isolated Isolated engB Isolated Isolated engB engB Isolated engB engB engB Isolated Isolated


Slot Slot




Displaying Clock Source and Status For All Boards

sc0:sms-user:> showboards -c Current Clock Source -----------SC0 Clock SCO Clock SC0 Clock SC0 Clock Status --------Good Good Good SC1 Clock Status ---------Good Good Good Auto-Clock Selection ----------Disabled Disabled Disabled

Location -------CS0 CS1 EX0 . . EX15 EX16 EX17 SB0 SB1 . . . SB17 IO0 . . . IO17

Pwr --On On On

Off Off On On On

SC0 Clock SC0 Clock SC0 Clock

Good Good Good

Good Good Good

Disabled Disabled Disabled

On On

SC0 Clock SC0 Clock

Good Good

Good Good

Disabled Disabled


SC0 Clock




242 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ATTRIBUTES Successful completion. An invalid domain was specified. An invalid command-line option was specified. An incorrect number of domains was specified. The user does not have valid privileges. An internal error occurred. An error occurred getting board information.

See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values

Availability Interface Stability Command Output

SUNWSMSop Evolving Unstable


addtag(1M), setupplatform(1M), showcodusage(1M), showplatform(1M)

System Administration 243

1M NAME SYNOPSIS showbus - display the bus configuration of expanders in active domains showbus [-v ] showbus -h DESCRIPTION showbus(1M) displays the bus configuration of expanders in active domains. This information defaults to displaying configuration by slot order EX0EX17. The following options are supported: -h Help. Displays usage descriptions.


Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h is ignored.

-v Verbose. Displays all available command information. In addition to expander configuration, the domain, domain keyswitch position, and slot 0 and slot 1 board assignments are displayed.

Group Privileges Required

You must have platform administrator, operator, or service privileges to display all sets of communicating expanders (SOCX) in the system. Domain administrators or configurators can display only the SOCX assigned to the domain(s) in which they have privileges. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.

System Administration 245


Display Bus Configuration for All Domains

This display is the default for platform administrators. A domain administrator/ configurator must have privileges on all domains in order to obtain this display. Otherwise only those domains for which the user has privileges are displayed.


Display Showbus Information for All Domains Using -v

sc0:sms-user:> showbus -v -------------SOCX: 0x00002 -------------Address: BOTH Data: BOTH Response: BOTH -------------Domain:A - - ON/Running OBP Location: EX1 SB1: On/active --------------UNCONFIGURED -------------Domain: B - - OFF/Powered Off Location: EX12 SB12: Off/assigned Domain: C - - OFF/Powered Off Location: EX10 SB10: Off/assigned -------------UNASSIGNED -------------Location: EX0 SB0: On/unassigned Location: EX2 SB2: Off/unassigned Location: EX6 SB6: Off/unassigned Location: EX9 SB9: On/unassigned Location: EX11 SB11: Off/unassigned



I012: Off/assigned IO10: Off/assigned

IO0: Off/unassigned IO2: On/unassigned IO6: On/unassigned IO0: Off/unassigned IO11: Off/unassigned

246 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 ATTRIBUTES Successful completion. An error occurred.

See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values





System Administration 247

1M NAME SYNOPSIS showcmdsync - display the current command synchronization list showcmdsync [-v] showcmdsync -h DESCRIPTION showcmdsync displays the command synchronization list to be used by the spare system controller (SC) to determine which commands or scripts need to be restarted after an SC failover. The command synchronization list is displayed in the format Descriptor, Identifier, Cmd, where: Descriptor Identifier Specifies the command synchronization descriptor that represents a particular script. Identifies a marker point in the script from which the script can be resumed on the new main SC after an automatic failover occurs. The identifier -1 indicates that the script does not have any marker points. Indicates the name of the script to be restarted.


The following options are supported: -h Help. Displays usage descriptions.

Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h is ignored.

Group Privileges Required

Verbose. Displays all available command information.

You must have platform administrator, platform operator, platform service, domain administrator, or domain configurator privileges to run this command. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.



Displaying a Command Synchronization List

CMD c1 a1 a2

sc0:sms-user:> showcmdsync DESCRIPTOR IDENTIFIER 0 -1

System Administration 249

1M EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 ATTRIBUTES Successful completion. An error occurred.

See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values




cancelcmdsync(1M), initcmdsync(1M), runcmdsync(1M), savecmdsync(1M)

250 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M NAME showcodlicense - display the current Capacity on Demand (COD) right-to-use (RTU) licenses stored in the COD license database showcodlicense [-r] [-v] showcodlicense -h DESCRIPTION showcodlicense(1M) displays COD license information stored in the COD license database. The following options are supported: -h Help. Displays usage descriptions.



Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h is

ignored. -r -v Displays the license information in the raw license-signature format, as stored in the COD license database. Verbose. Displays both the formatted license information and raw license-signature data.


The showcodlicense command displays the following COD information:

Description Lic Ver Expiration Count Status

Type of resource (processor). Version number of the license, which is always set to 01. None. Number of right-to-use licenses granted for the given resource. GOOD, which indicates that the given resource is valid, or EXPIRED, which indicates that the resource license is no longer valid. Not supported. Tier class value is always set to 1. Not supported. Tier number value is always set to 1. Not supported. Required number of lower-tier licenses is always set to 0.

Cls Tier Num Req

Group Privileges Required

You must have platform administrator or platform operator group privileges to run this command. Refer to Chapter 2, "SMS Security Options and Administrative Privileges" in the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.

252 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M EXAMPLES The following examples show the COD license information displayed:

Displaying Formatted License Data

sc0:sms-user:> showcodlicense Lic Ver --01 Tier Num Req --- --1 0

Description ----------PROC

Expiration ----------NONE

Count ----16

Status ------GOOD

Cls --1


Displaying Raw License Data

sc0:sms-user:> showcodlicense -r 01:5014936C37048:03001:0201010100:16:00000000:RKQhd8zKNnTwvxT5DJlZNQ


Displaying Formatted and Raw License Data

sc0:sms-user:> showcodlicense -v Lic Tier Description Ver Expiration Count Status Cls Num Req ----------- --- ----------- ----- ------- --- --- --PROC 01 NONE 16 GOOD 1 1 0 01:5014936C37048:03001:0201010100:16:00000000:RKQhd8zKNnTwvxT5DJlZNQ


The following exit values are returned: 0 1 2 >2 Successful completion. Invalid usage. The user does not have valid privileges. An internal error occurred. For further information see /var/opt/SUNWSMS/adm/platform/messages.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values




addcodlicense(1M), codd(1M), deletecodlicense(1M), showcodusage(1M)

System Administration 253

1M NAME showcodusage - display the current usage statistics for Capacity on Demand (COD) resources showcodusage [-v] [-p resource|domains ] showcodusage -h DESCRIPTION showcodusage(1M) shows current information about COD right-to-use (RTU) licenses in use. By default, this command displays a summary of COD RTU licenses used and installed, along with the current state of each resource. The following options are supported: -h Help. Displays usage descriptions.



Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h is ignored.

-p domains Displays the license usage for each domain. The statistics reported include the number of COD RTU licenses used by the domain, resources assigned to the domain, and COD RTU licenses reserved for the domain.

-p resource Displays license usage by resource type. -v Verbose. Displays all available COD usage information, including COD RTU license use for both the system and its domains.


The showcodusage -p resource command displays the following COD usage information for the system: Resource In Use Identifies the type of COD resources available (processors). Specifies the number of COD CPUs currently used in the system.

System Administration 255

1M Installed License Status Specifies the number of COD CPUs installed in the system. Specifies the number of COD RTU licenses installed. Specifies one of the following COD attributes: OK Indicates that there are sufficient licenses for the COD CPUs in use. Also specifies the number of remaining COD resources available and the number of any instant access CPUs (headroom) available. The number of instant access COD CPUs in use. Indicates a COD RTU license violation exists. Specifies the number of COD CPUs in use that exceeds the number of COD RTU licenses available. This situation can occur when you force the deletion of a COD RTU license key from the COD RTU license database, but the COD CPU associated with the license key is still in use.

HEADROOM Violation

The showcodusage -p domain command displays the following COD usage information for each domain: Domain/Resource Identifies COD RTU resource (processor) for each domain. An Unused processor is a COD CPU that has not yet been assigned to a domain. Specifies the number of COD CPUs currently used in the domain.

In Use

256 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M Installed Reserved Status Specifies the number of COD CPU resources installed in the domain. Specifies the number of COD RTU licenses allocated to the domain. Contains one of the following when the -v option is specified: Licensed Unlicensed The domain COD CPU has a COD RTU license and is in use. A COD RTU license for the domain COD CPU could not be obtained and it is not in use. The COD CPU is not in use.

Group Privileges Required

You must have platform administrator, platform operator, or domain administrator group privileges to run this command. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.


Users with platform administrator privileges can view both resource and domain usage summaries. Users with domain administrator privileges can view only the domain usage summaries for which they have privileges, and a report of unused licenses.

Displaying COD Usage by Resource

sc0:sms-user:> showcodusage -p resource Resource In Use Installed Licensed Status -------- ------ --------- -------- -----PROC 4 4 16 OK: 12 available

System Administration 257


Displaying COD Usage by Domain

sc0:sms-user:> showcodusage -p domains Domain/Resource In Use Installed Reserved --------------- ------ --------- -------A - PROC 0 0 0 B - PROC 0 0 0 C - PROC 0 0 0 D - PROC 4 4 0 E - PROC 0 0 0 F - PROC 0 0 0 G - PROC 0 0 0 H - PROC 0 0 0 I - PROC 0 0 0 J - PROC 0 0 0 K - PROC 0 0 0 L - PROC 0 0 0 M - PROC 0 0 0 N - PROC 0 0 0 O - PROC 0 0 0 P - PROC 0 0 0 Q - PROC 0 0 0 R - PROC 0 0 0 Unused - PROC 0 0 12

258 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006


Displaying COD Usage by Resource and Domain

Status -----OK: 12 available Status ------

sc0:sms-user:> showcodusage -v Resource In Use Installed Licensed -------- ------ --------- -------PROC 4 4 16 Domain/Resource --------------A - PROC B - PROC SB6 - PROC SB6/P0 SB6/P1 SB6/P2 SB6/P3 C - PROC SB12 - PROC SB12/P0 SB12/P1 SB12/P2 SB12/P3 D - PROC SB4 - PROC SB4/P0 SB4/P1 SB4/P2 SB4/P3 SB16 - PROC SB16/P0 SB16/P1 SB16/P2 SB16/P3 E - PROC F - PROC G - PROC H - PROC I - PROC J - PROC K - PROC L - PROC M - PROC N - PROC O - PROC P - PROC Q - PROC R - PROC Unused - PROC In Use -----0 0 0 Installed --------0 0 0

Reserved -------0 0

Unused Unused Unused Unused 0 0 0 0 0 Unused Unused Unused Unused 4 4 4 4 0 Licensed Licensed Licensed Licensed 4 4 Unused Unused Unused Unused 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12


The following exit values are returned: 0 1 Successful completion. User cancel.

System Administration 259

1M Invalid usage. User does not have valid privileges. An internal error occurred. For further information see /var/opt/SUNWSMS/adm/platform/messages.

2 3 >3


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values




showcodlicense(1M), codd(1M)

260 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M NAME SYNOPSIS showcomponent - display the blacklist status for a component showcomponent [-a|-d domain_indicator] [-v] [ location]... showcomponent -h DESCRIPTION showcomponent(1M) indicates whether the specified component is listed in the platform, domain, or ASR blacklist file. If neither the -a nor the -d option is specified, showcomponent displays the platform blacklist. If no location is specified, showcomponent displays all components in the specified blacklist. The blacklist is an internal file that lists components that POST cannot use at boot time. POST reads the blacklist file(s) before preparing the system for booting, and passes along to OpenBoot PROM a list of only those components that have been successfully tested; those on the blacklist are excluded. SMS supports three blacklists: one for domain boards, one for platform boards, and the internal automatic system recovery (ASR) blacklist. For more information on the use and editing of platform and domain blacklists refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide. OPTIONS The following options are supported: -a -d domain_indicator Specifies the ASR blacklist. Specifies the domain using one of the following: domain_id ID for a domain. Valid domain_ids are AR and are not case sensitive. domain_tag Name assigned to a domain using addtag(1M). -h Help. Displays usage descriptions.

Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h

is ignored. -v Verbose. Displays all available command information.

262 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M OPERANDS The following operands are supported:

System Administration 263

1M location List of component locations, separated by forward slashes and comprised of: board_loc/proc/bank/logical_bank board_loc/proc/bank/all_dimms_on_that_bank board_loc/proc/all_banks_on_that_proc board_loc/all_banks_on_that_board board_loc/proc board_loc board_loc/procs board_loc/cassette board_loc/bus board_loc/paroli_link

264 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M Multiple location arguments are permitted, separated by a space. The location forms are optional and are used to specify particular components on boards in specific locations. For example, the location SB5/P0/B1/L1 indicates Logical Bank 1 of Bank 1 on Processor 0 at SB5. The SB0/PP1 location indicates Processor Pair 1 at SB0. The CS0/ABUS1 location indicates address bus 1 at CS0. The following board_loc forms are accepted: Sun Fire 12K/E20K: SB(0...8) IO(0...8) CS(0|1) EX(0...8) Sun Fire 15K/E25K: SB(0...17) IO(0...17) CS(0|1) EX(0...17)

System Administration 265

1M Processor locations indicate single processors or processor pairs. There are four possible processors on a CPU/memory board. Processor pairs on that board are procs 0 and 1, and procs 2 and 3. The MaxCPU has two processors: procs 0 and 1, and only one proc pair (PP0). Using PP1 for this board causes showcomponent to exit and display an error message. The following proc forms are accepted: P(0...3) PP(0|1)

The following bank forms are accepted: B(0|1) The following logical_bank forms are accepted: L(0|1) The following all_dimms_on_that_bank forms are accepted: D The following all_banks_on_that_proc forms are accepted: B The following all_banks_on_that_board forms are accepted: B The following paroli_link forms are accepted: PAR(0|1)

266 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M The hsPCI assemblies contain hot-swappable cassettes. The following hsPCI forms are accepted: C(3|5)V(0|1) The hsPCI+ assemblies contain hot-swappable cassettes. The following hsPCI+ forms are accepted: C3V(0|1|2) and C5V0 There are three bus locations: address, data, and response. The following bus forms are accepted: ABUS|DBUS|RBUS (0|1) EXTENDED DESCRIPTION
Group Privileges Required

You must have platform administrator, platform operator, platform service, domain administrator, or domain configurator privileges to run this command. If you have domain privileges you can run this command only on the domain for which you have privileges. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.



Displaying Whether SB0 is ASR Blacklisted

sc0:sms-user:> showcomponent -a SB0 Component SB0 is disabled: #High Voltage


Displaying Whether SB15 (V3CPU) is ASR Blacklisted

sc0:sms-user:> showcomponent -a SB15 Component V3CPU at SB15 is NOT disabled in the specified blacklist


Displaying Whether SB11 (CPU) is ASR Blacklisted

sc0:sms-user:> showcomponent -a SB11 Component CPU at SB11 is disabled in the specified blacklist: # ESMD sensor read failure 0528.1306.24

System Administration 267


Displaying Whether Four Boards/Components in Domain B Are Blacklisted

sc0:sms-user:> showcomponent -dB IO4/PP0 SB5 IO6/C5V0 EX7/ABUS0 Component IO4/PP0 is disabled: #High temp Component SB5 is disabled: <no reason given> Component IO6/C5V0 is NOT disabled. Component EX7/ABUS0 is NOT disabled.


Displaying Whether the Logical Bank on IO7 in Domain B Is Blacklisted

sc0:sms-user:> showcomponent -dB IO7/P0/B1/L0 Component IO7/P0/B1/L0 is disabled: <no reason given>


Displaying All Platform-Blacklisted Components showcomponent

is disabled: #High temp is disabled: is disabled. <no reason given>

sc0:sms-user:> Component SB0 Component SB3 Component IO2


Displaying All Domain B Blacklisted Components

sc0:sms-user:> showcomponent -dB Component IO4/PP0 is disabled: #High temp Component SB5 is disabled: <no reason given>


Displaying All ASR-Blacklisted Components

sc0:sms-user:> showcomponent -a Component SB0 is disabled: #High temp


The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 Successful completion. An error occurred.


The following files are used by this command. /etc/opt/SUNWSMS/config/asr/blacklist /etc/opt/SUNWSMS/config/platform/blacklist /etc/opt/SUNWSMS/config/domain_id/blacklist List of components excluded by esmd. List of platform components excluded. List of domain components excluded.

Note The ASR blacklist file is created and used internally and should not be
edited manually.

268 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M ATTRIBUTES See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values




enablecomponent(1M), disablecomponent(1M), esmd(1M)

System Administration 269

1M NAME showdatasync - display the status of system controller (SC) data synchronization for failover showdatasync [-l|-Q] [-v] showdatasync -h DESCRIPTION showdatasync provides the current status of files propagated (copied) from the main SC to its spare. Data propagation synchronizes data on the spare SC with data on the main SC, so that the spare SC is current with the main SC if an SC failover occurs. The following options are supported: -h Help. Displays usage descriptions.



Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h is ignored.

-l Lists the files in the current data propagation list. For details on the information displayed see the EXTENDED DESCRIPTION section. Lists the files queued for propagation. Each file name includes the absolute path to the file. Verbose. Displays all available command information.


This section describes the information displayed by the showdatasync command. If you do not specify an option with the showdatasync command, the following information is displayed:
File Propagation Status: Active File: Queued files:

System Administration 271

1M where: File Propagation Status Displays the current status of data synchronization: Active Indicates that the data synchronization process is enabled and functioning normally. Indicates that the data synchronization process has been disabled because SC failover was disabled. Indicates that the data synchronization process cannot currently propagate files to the spare SC.



Active File Queued files

Displays either the absolute path of the file currently being propagated or a dash (-) indicating that the link is idle. Specifies the number of files to be propagated but not yet processed.

If you specify the -l option with the showdatasync command, each entry in the data propagation list is displayed in the format:
TIME PROPAGATED time INTERVAL interval FILE filename

where: time interval filename

Group Privileges Required

Indicates the last time that the file was propagated from the main SC to the spare. Specifies the interval, in minutes, between checks for file modification. The default interval is 60 minutes. Provides the absolute path and name of the propagated file.

You must have platform administrator, platform operator, platform service, domain administrator, or domain configurator privileges to run this command. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.



Displaying Data Synchronization Status

sc0:sms-user:> showdatasync File Propagation State: ACTIVE Active File: Queued files: 0

272 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006


Displaying Data Synchronization List

FILE /tmp/t1

sc0:sms-user:> showdatasync -l TIME PROPAGATED INTERVAL Mar 23 16:00:00 60


Displaying Data Synchronization Queue

sc0:sms-user:> showdatasync -Q FILE /tmp/t1


The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 Successful completion. An error occurred.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values





System Administration 273

1M NAME SYNOPSIS showdate - display the date and time for the system controller (SC) or a domain showdate [-d domain_indicator] [-u ] [-v ] showdate -h DESCRIPTION showdate (1M) displays the SC's current date and time. Optionally, showdate displays domain time of day. The following options are supported: -d domain_indicator Specifies the domain using one of the following: domain_id ID for a domain. Valid domain_ids are AR and are not case sensitive. domain_tag Name assigned to a domain using addtag(1M). -h Help. Displays usage descriptions.


Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h

is ignored. -u -v EXTENDED DESCRIPTION
Group Privileges Required

Interprets and displays the time using Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The default is the local time zone. Verbose. Displays all available command information.

You must have platform administrator, platform operator, or platform service privileges to display the date on the SC. You must have domain administrator or domain configurator privileges for the specified domain to display the domain date. Refer to Chapter 2, "SMS Security Options and Administrative Privileges" in the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.



Showing the Current Local Date in Pacific Standard Time

sc0:sms-user:> showdate System Controller: Sat Feb 2 15:23:21 PST 2002


Showing the Current Date Using GMT

sc0:sms-user:> showdate -u System Controller: Sat Feb 2 23:23:21 GMT 2002

System Administration 275


Showing the Current Local Date on Domain A in Pacific Standard Time

sc0:sms-user:> showdate -d a Domain a: Sat Feb 2 15:33:20 PST 2002


Showing the Current Date on Domain A Using GMT

sc0:sms-user:> showdate -d a -u Domain a: Sat Feb 2 23:33:20 GMT 2002


The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 Successful completion. An error occurred.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values




addtag(1M), setdate(1M)

276 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M NAME SYNOPSIS showdevices - display system board devices and resource usage information showdevices [-v] [-p bydevice|byboard|query|force] location... showdevices [-v] [-p bydevice|byboard] -d domain_indicator showdevices -h DESCRIPTION showdevices(1M) displays the configured physical devices on system boards and the resources made available by these devices. Usage information is provided by applications and subsystems that are actively managing system resources. You can perform offline queries of managed resources to display the predicted impact of a system board DR operation. Unmanaged devices are not displayed by default; you must use the -v option. showdevices gathers device information from one or more Sun Fire high-end system domains. The command uses dca(1M) as a proxy to gather the information from the domains.

278 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M OPTIONS The following options are supported. -d domain_indicator Specifies the domain using one of the following: domain_id ID for a domain. Valid domain_ids are AR and are not case sensitive. domain_tag Name assigned to a domain using addtag(1M). -h Help. Displays usage descriptions.

Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h

is ignored. -p Displays specific reports. Valid arguments for -p are:
bydevice byboard List output is grouped by device type (CPU, memory, IO). This is the default. List output is grouped by system board. Default output is in tabular format grouped by device type (CPU, memory, IO). List output is the result of a query to predict the effect of removing a system board Forced offline query. Resource consumers are requested to apply force semantics in predicting whether they are able to relinquish usage of the system resources. (see cfgadm(1M)).

query force

Note The query and force arguments are not valid with the -d option.
-v Displays all I/O devices. Includes both managed and unmanaged I/O devices. Managed devices export actively managed resources. Unmanaged devices are physically configured but do not export actively managed resources. No usage information is available for unmanaged devices.

System Administration 279

1M OPERANDS The following operands are supported: location List of board locations, separated by a space. Multiple location arguments are permitted. The following location forms are accepted: Sun Fire 12K/E20K: SB(0...8) IO(0...8) Sun Fire 15K/E25K: SB(0...17) IO(0...17) EXTENDED DESCRIPTION Showdevices fields:

domain board CPU: id state speed ecache Memory: board mem perm mem base address domain mem board

Tag or identifier Board identifier

Processor ID Processor state CPU frequency in MHz CPU ecache size in MB

Board memory size in MB Amount of nonrelocatable memory on board in MB Base physical address of memory on board System memory size in MB Board identifier

280 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M If a memory drain is in progress, the following is available: target board deleted remaining Target board identifier Amount of memory already deleted in MB Amount of memory remaining to be deleted in MB

I/O devices: device resource usage query

Group Privileges Required

I/O device instance name Managed resource name Description of resource usage instance Result of offline query of resources

You must have domain administrator/configurator privileges on all boards specified to run this command. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.



Displaying devices for Board IO1

sc0:sms-user:> showdevices IO1 IO Devices ---------domain board device resource A IO1 sd3 /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0 A IO1 sd3 /dev/dsk/c0t3s0s1 A IO1 sd3 /dev/dsk/c0t3s0s1 A IO1 sd3 /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s3 A IO1 sd3 /var/run

usage mounted filesystem "/" dump device (swap) swap area mounted filesystem "/var" mounted filesystem "/var/run"

System Administration 281


Displaying devices for SB1 and IO1

sc0:sms-user> showdevices sb1 io1 CPU --domain board id state speed B SB1 32 online 1050 B SB1 33 online 1050 B SB1 34 online 1050 B SB1 35 online 1050 B SB1 36 online 1050 B SB1 37 online 1050 B SB1 38 online 1050 B SB1 39 online 1050

ecache 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8


Memory -----domain B board SB1 board mem MB 16384 perm mem MB 934 base address 0x2000000000 domain mem MB 16384

IO Devices ---------domain board device resource B IO1 ce0 SUNW_network/ce0 addresses: B IO1 sd0 /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 B IO1 sd0 /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s1 B IO1 sd0 /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s1

usage ce0 hosts IP mounted filesystem "/" swap area dump device (swap)


Displaying Offline Query Result for System Board IO1

sc0:sms-user:> showdevices -p query IO1 Location IO1 - Domain A ==================== IO Devices ---------device resource sd3 /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0 sd3 /dev/dsk/c0t3s0s1 sd3 /dev/dsk/c0t3s0s1 sd3 /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s3 sd3 /var/run

query fail fail fail fail -

usage/reason mounted filesystem "/" dump device (swap) swap area mounted filesystem "/var" mounted filesystem "/var/run"

The query field shows the predicted result of removing the resource. The failure of the mounted file system /var to offline prevents the query from reaching the layered mount point /var/run.

282 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ATTRIBUTES Successful completion. An invalid domain was specified. A command line error such as an invalid option was detected. More than one domain was specified. An error occurred while communicating with pcd. An error occurred while communicating with a domain. An error occurred while handling device information. An internal error, such as failed memory allocation, occurred.

See attributes(5) for a description of the following attribute.

Attribute Type Attribute Value




addtag(1M), dca(1M), pcd(1M)

System Administration 283

1M NAME SYNOPSIS showenvironment - display the environmental data showenvironment [-d domain_indicator [, domain_indicator]...]...[-p temps|volts|currents|fans|powers [,temps|volts|currents|fans|powers]..] [-v ] showenvironment [-d domain_indicator[, domain_indicator]...]... [-p faults] [-v ] showenvironment -h DESCRIPTION showenvironment(1M) displays the environmental data (temperatures, voltages, and so on). If a domain domain_id or domain_tag is specified, environmental data relating to the domain is displayed, provided that the user has domain privileges for that domain. If a domain is not specified, all domain data permissible to the user is displayed.

Note Only domain configuration units (DCUs) (for example, CPU or I/O) belong to
a domain. Displaying environmental data relating to such things as fan trays, bulk power, or other boards (exb, csb) requires platform privileges. You can also specify individual reports for temperatures, voltages, currents, bulk power status, and fan tray status; or specify faults with the -p option. If the -p option is not present, all reports are shown. OPTIONS The following options are supported: -d domain_indicator Specifies the domain using one of the following: domain_id ID for a domain. Valid domain_ids are AR and are not case sensitive. domain_tag Name assigned to a domain using addtag(1M). -h Help. Displays usage descriptions.

Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h

is ignored.

System Administration 285

1M Displays specific reports. Multiple report arguments are separated by commas. Valid reports are:
temps volts currents fans powers List output is grouped by temperature List output is grouped by voltage List output is grouped by current List output is grouped by fans List output is grouped by bulk power supplies


-p faults

List output is of all component readings not within the optimum thresholds.

Note The faults argument cannot be used in

conjunction with any other report argument. -v EXTENDED DESCRIPTION Verbose. Displays all available command information.

The Unit field contains one of three measurements:


Degrees Celsius Volts Amperes

The Status field can contain one of 16 states. Temperature readings: OVERLIMIT HIGH_CRIT HIGH_WARN LOW_CRIT LOW_WARN OK INVALID Over limit High critical High warning Low critical Low warning Optimum Reading failure

286 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M Voltage readings: HIGH_MAX LOW_MIN OK INVALID High maximum Low minimum Acceptable Reading failure

Group Privileges Required

The difference between both companion component readings is within tolerance. The difference between both companion component readings is out of tolerance. Reading failure.

Power on. Power off. A HotPlug card is present in slot 1. Failure state. Set to high speed. Set to normal speed. Reading failure. Age of the reading. Unknown power/board type.

Only domain information for which you have domain administrator or configurator privileges for is displayed. Otherwise, you must have platform administrator, operator, or service privileges. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.

System Administration 287


showenvironment Output
SENSOR -----------RIO Temp IOA Temp PS0 Temp PS1 Temp AMB 0 Temp AMB 1 Temp AMB 2 Temp 1.5 VDC 3.3 VDC 3.3 VDC HK 5.0 VDC +12.0 VDC -12.0 VDC 3.3 VDC HK 5.0 VDC +12.0 VDC 1.5 CVT0 VDC 1.5 CVT1 VDC 3.3 V_PS0 3.3 V_PS1 5.0 V_PS0 5.0 V_PS1 RIO Temp IOA Temp PS0 Temp PS1 Temp SBBC Temp CBH Temp AMB 0 Temp AMB 1 Temp AMB 2 Temp 1.5 VDC 3.3 VDC 3.3 VDC HK 5.0 VDC +12.0 VDC -12.0 VDC 3.3 VDC HK 5.0 VDC +12.0 VDC 1.5 CVT0 VDC 1.5 CVT1 VDC 3.3 V_PS0 3.3 V_PS1 5.0 V_PS0 5.0 V_PS1 AMB Top Temp AMB Bot Temp SBBC Temp 1.5 VDC 3.3 VDC 2.5 VDC 3.3 VDC HK AMB Top Temp AMB Bot Temp 1.5 VDC VALUE ----35 28 43 37 21 22 22 1.48 3.28 3.28 4.99 12.03 -12.01 3.30 5.02 12.48 1.58 1.66 6.29 6.44 6.34 6.46 33 27 37 48 40 45 20 20 20 1.50 3.26 3.28 5.12 12.03 -12.01 3.30 4.99 12.03 0.98 0.97 5.27 10.69 4.51 9.27 27 28 39 1.51 3.28 2.54 3.28 25 26 1.51 UNIT ---C C C C C C C V V V V V V V V V A A A A A A C C C C C C C C C V V V V V V V V V A A A A A A C C C V V V V C C V AGE -----41.3 sec 41.3 sec 41.3 sec 41.3 sec 43.8 sec 43.8 sec 43.8 sec 19.8 sec 19.8 sec 19.8 sec 19.8 sec 19.8 sec 19.8 sec 19.2 sec 19.2 sec 19.2 sec 19.8 sec 19.8 sec 19.8 sec 19.8 sec 19.8 sec 19.8 sec 41.3 sec 41.3 sec 41.3 sec 41.3 sec 41.3 sec 41.3 sec 43.8 sec 43.8 sec 43.8 sec 19.4 sec 19.4 sec 19.4 sec 19.4 sec 19.4 sec 19.4 sec 19.1 sec 19.1 sec 19.1 sec 19.5 sec 19.5 sec 19.5 sec 19.5 sec 19.5 sec 19.5 sec 41.4 sec 41.4 sec 41.4 sec 20.0 sec 20.0 sec 20.0 sec 20.0 sec 41.3 sec 41.3 sec 19.9 sec STATUS -----OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK

LOCATION ---------SC at SC0 SC at SC0 SC at SC0 SC at SC0 SCPER at SCPER0 SCPER at SCPER0 SCPER at SCPER0 SC at SC0 SC at SC0 SC at SC0 SC at SC0 SC at SC0 SC at SC0 SCPER at SCPER0 SCPER at SCPER0 SCPER at SCPER0 SC at SC0 SC at SC0 SC at SC0 SC at SC0 SC at SC0 SC at SC0 SC at SC1 SC at SC1 SC at SC1 SC at SC1 SC at SC1 SC at SC1 SCPER at SCPER1 SCPER at SCPER1 SCPER at SCPER1 SC at SC1 SC at SC1 SC at SC1 SC at SC1 SC at SC1 SC at SC1 SCPER at SCPER1 SCPER at SCPER1 SCPER at SCPER1 SC at SC1 SC at SC1 SC at SC1 SC at SC1 SC at SC1 SC at SC1 CSB at CS0 CSB at CS0 CSB at CS0 CSB at CS0 CSB at CS0 CSB at CS0 CSB at CS0 CSB at CS1 CSB at CS1 CSB at CS1

288 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

CSB at CS1 CSB at CS1 CSB at CS1 CP at CP0 CP at CP0 CP at CP0 CP at CP0 CP at CP0 CP at CP0 CP at CP0 CP at CP0 CP at CP1 CP at CP1 CP at CP1 CP at CP1 CP at CP1 CP at CP1 CP at CP1 CP at CP1 EXB at EX0 EXB at EX0 EXB at EX0 EXB at EX0 EXB at EX0 EXB at EX0 EXB at EX0 EXB at EX0 EXB at EX0 EXB at EX0 EXB at EX0 CPU at SB0 CPU at SB0 CPU at SB0 CPU at SB0 CPU at SB0 CPU at SB0 CPU at SB0 CPU at SB0 CPU at SB0 CPU at SB0 CPU at SB0 CPU at SB0 CPU at SB0 CPU at SB0 CPU at SB0 CPU at SB0 CPU at SB0 CPU at SB0 HPCI at IO0 HPCI at IO0 HPCI at IO0 HPCI at IO0 HPCI at IO0 HPCI at IO0 HPCI at IO0 HPCI at IO0 HPCI at IO0 HPCI at IO0 HPCI at IO0 HPCI at IO0 3.3 VDC 2.5 VDC 3.3 VDC HK DMX0 Temp DMX1 Temp DMX3 Temp DMX5 Temp AMX0 Temp AMX1 Temp RMX Temp DARB Temp DMX0 Temp DMX1 Temp DMX3 Temp DMX5 Temp AMX0 Temp AMX1 Temp RMX Temp DARB Temp AMB Top Temp AMB Bot Temp SBBC Temp AXQ Temp SDIM Temp SDISC Temp SDISE Temp 1.5 VDC 3.3 VDC 2.5 VDC 3.3 VDC HK PROC 0 Temp PROC 1 Temp PROC 2 Temp PROC 3 Temp SDC0 Temp AR0 Temp DX0 Temp DX1 Temp DX2 Temp DX3 Temp SBBC0 Temp SBBC1 Temp 1.5 VDC 3.3 VDC Core 0 Volt Core 1 Volt Core 2 Volt Core 3 Volt PS0 Temp PS1 Temp SDC0 Temp AR0 Temp DX0 Temp DX1 Temp SBBC Temp IOA0 Temp IOA1 Temp 1.5 VDC 3.3 VDC 5.0 VDC 3.30 2.54 3.28 32 30 28 24 32 32 32 28 30 28 28 26 34 34 35 30 33 30 44 37 43 43 37 1.50 3.28 2.49 3.30 50 53 54 50 66 60 59 58 54 50 55 56 1.51 3.30 1.39 1.40 1.39 1.38 42 34 62 57 53 46 35 45 46 1.49 3.30 4.99 V V V C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C V V V V C C C C C C C C C C C C V V V V V V C C C C C C C C C V V V 19.9 19.9 19.9 41.5 41.5 41.5 41.5 41.5 41.5 41.5 41.5 41.4 41.4 41.4 41.4 41.4 41.4 41.4 41.4 41.9 41.9 41.9 41.9 41.9 41.9 41.9 21.0 21.0 21.0 21.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 23.1 23.1 23.1 23.1 23.1 23.1 43.8 43.8 43.8 43.8 43.8 43.8 43.8 43.8 43.8 22.7 22.7 22.7 sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK

System Administration 289

HPCI at IO0 HPCI at IO0 HPCI at IO0 HPCI at IO0 HPCI at IO0 HPCI at IO0 HPCI at IO0 HPCI at IO0 HPCI at IO0 Schizo0.0 Schizo1.0 Schizo0.1 Schizo1.1 EXB at EX1 CPU at SB1 HPCI at IO1 EXB at EX3 V3CPU at SB3 HPCI at IO3 EXB at EX6 EXB at EX6 EXB at EX6 EXB at EX6 EXB at EX6 EXB at EX6 EXB at EX6 EXB at EX6 EXB at EX6 EXB at EX6 EXB at EX6 CPU at SB6 MCPU at IO6 MCPU at IO6 MCPU at IO6 MCPU at IO6 MCPU at IO6 MCPU at IO6 MCPU at IO6 MCPU at IO6 MCPU at IO6 MCPU at IO6 MCPU at IO6 MCPU at IO6 MCPU at IO6 MCPU at IO6 EXB at EX7 MCPU at IO7 EXB at EX8 MCPU at IO8 EXB at EX9 EXB at EX9 EXB at EX9 EXB at EX9 EXB at EX9 EXB at EX9 EXB at EX9 EXB at EX9 EXB at EX9 EXB at EX9 EXB at EX9 +12.0 VDC -12.0 VDC 3.3 VDC HK 1.5 CVT0 VDC 1.5 CVT1 VDC 3.3 V_PS0 3.3 V_PS1 5.0 V_PS0 5.0 V_PS1 Schizo 0 Slot Schizo 1 Slot Schizo 0 Slot Schizo 1 Slot ------AMB Top Temp AMB Bot Temp SBBC Temp AXQ Temp SDIM Temp SDISC Temp SDISE Temp 1.5 VDC 3.3 VDC 2.5 VDC 3.3 VDC HK -PROC 0 Temp PROC 1 Temp SBBC0 Temp SDC0 Temp AR0 Temp DX0 Temp DX1 Temp DX2 Temp DX3 Temp 1.5 VDC 3.3 VDC 3.3 VDC HK Core 0 Volt Core 1 Volt ----AMB Top Temp AMB Bot Temp SBBC Temp AXQ Temp SDIM Temp SDISC Temp SDISE Temp 1.5 VDC 3.3 VDC 2.5 VDC 3.3 VDC HK 11.88 -12.01 3.30 1.49 0.00 10.25 10.25 3.78 3.90 N/A N/A N/A N/A ------22 23 36 29 33 35 29 1.51 3.32 2.51 3.30 -31 31 32 44 39 39 39 38 37 1.49 3.28 3.28 1.38 1.37 ----34 31 46 36 40 42 36 1.51 3.30 2.49 3.28 V V V A A A A A A N/A N/A N/A N/A ------C C C C C C C V V V V -C C C C C C C C C V V V V V ----C C C C C C C V V V V 22.7 22.7 22.7 22.7 22.7 22.7 22.7 22.7 22.7 N/A N/A N/A N/A ------42.1 42.1 42.1 42.1 42.1 42.1 42.1 21.1 21.1 21.1 21.1 -3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 22.8 22.8 22.8 22.8 22.8 ----4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 20.9 20.9 20.9 20.9 sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK PRESENCE PRESENCE PRESENCE PRESENCE OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OFF OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OFF OFF OFF OFF OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK

0 0 1 1

sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec

sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec

290 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

CPU at SB9 CPU at SB9 CPU at SB9 CPU at SB9 CPU at SB9 CPU at SB9 CPU at SB9 CPU at SB9 CPU at SB9 CPU at SB9 CPU at SB9 CPU at SB9 CPU at SB9 CPU at SB9 CPU at SB9 CPU at SB9 CPU at SB9 CPU at SB9 HPCI+ at IO9 HPCI+ at IO9 HPCI+ at IO9 HPCI+ at IO9 HPCI+ at IO9 HPCI+ at IO9 HPCI+ at IO9 HPCI+ at IO9 HPCI+ at IO9 HPCI+ at IO9 HPCI+ at IO9 HPCI+ at IO9 HPCI+ at IO9 HPCI+ at IO9 HPCI+ at IO9 HPCI+ at IO9 HPCI+ at IO9 HPCI+ at IO9 HPCI+ at IO9 HPCI+ at IO9 HPCI+ at IO9 HPCI+ at IO9 HPCI+ at IO9 HPCI+ at IO9 HPCI+ at IO9 HPCI+ at IO9 HPCI+ at IO9 XMITS0.0 XMITS1.0 XMITS0.1 XMITS1.1 EXB at EX13 EXB at EX13 EXB at EX13 EXB at EX13 EXB at EX13 EXB at EX13 EXB at EX13 EXB at EX13 EXB at EX13 EXB at EX13 EXB at EX13 PROC 0 Temp PROC 1 Temp PROC 2 Temp PROC 3 Temp SDC0 Temp AR0 Temp DX0 Temp DX1 Temp DX2 Temp DX3 Temp SBBC0 Temp SBBC1 Temp 1.5 VDC 3.3 VDC Core 0 Volt Core 1 Volt Core 2 Volt Core 3 Volt D147#0_0 D147#0_1 D147#0_2 D147#1_0 D147#1_1 D147#1_2 XMITS0 Temp XMITS1 Temp SBBC Temp SDC0 Temp AR0 Temp DX0 Temp DX1 Temp 1.5 VDC0 2.5 VDC0 3.3 VDC0 5.0 VDC0 +12.0 VDC0 -12.0 VDC0 3.3 VDC HK0 1.5 VDC1 2.5 VDC1 3.3 VDC1 5.0 VDC1 +12.0 VDC1 -12.0 VDC1 3.3 VDC HK1 XMITS 0 Slot 0 XMITS 1 Slot 0 XMITS 0 Slot 1 XMITS 1 Slot 1 AMB Top Temp AMB Bot Temp SBBC Temp AXQ Temp SDIM Temp SDISC Temp SDISE Temp 1.5 VDC 3.3 VDC 2.5 VDC 3.3 VDC HK 39 41 43 41 62 56 56 56 53 47 49 54 1.51 3.34 1.63 1.63 1.62 1.62 34 41 33 36 42 39 37 49 35 58 57 55 48 1.51 2.48 3.28 5.05 12.34 -12.18 3.32 1.52 2.48 3.28 5.05 12.34 -12.10 3.32 N/A N/A N/A N/A 22 23 37 29 33 33 29 1.50 3.30 2.49 3.28 C C C C C C C C C C C C V V V V V V C C C C C C C C C C C C C V V V V V V V V V V V V V V N/A N/A N/A N/A C C C C C C C V V V V 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 43.7 43.7 43.7 43.7 43.7 43.7 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 N/A N/A N/A N/A 42.0 42.0 42.0 42.0 42.0 42.0 42.0 20.8 20.8 20.8 20.8 sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK PRESENCE PRESENCE PRESENCE PRESENCE OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK

sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec

System Administration 291

CPU at SB13 WPCI at IO13 WPCI at IO13 WPCI at IO13 WPCI at IO13 WPCI at IO13 WPCI at IO13 WPCI at IO13 WPCI at IO13 WPCI at IO13 WPCI at IO13 WPCI at IO13 WPCI at IO13 WPCI at IO13 WPCI at IO13 WPCI at IO13 WPCI at IO13 WPCI at IO13 WPCI at IO13 WPCI at IO13 Schizo0.0 Schizo0.1 EXB at EX15 EXB at EX15 EXB at EX15 EXB at EX15 EXB at EX15 EXB at EX15 EXB at EX15 EXB at EX15 EXB at EX15 EXB at EX15 EXB at EX15 CPU at SB15 HPCI+ at IO15 HPCI+ at IO15 HPCI+ at IO15 HPCI+ at IO15 HPCI+ at IO15 HPCI+ at IO15 HPCI+ at IO15 HPCI+ at IO15 HPCI+ at IO15 HPCI+ at IO15 HPCI+ at IO15 HPCI+ at IO15 HPCI+ at IO15 HPCI+ at IO15 HPCI+ at IO15 HPCI+ at IO15 HPCI+ at IO15 HPCI+ at IO15 HPCI+ at IO15 HPCI+ at IO15 HPCI+ at IO15 HPCI+ at IO15 HPCI+ at IO15 HPCI+ at IO15 HPCI+ at IO15 HPCI+ at IO15 -IOA0 Temp DX0 Temp DX1 Temp SDC Temp SBBC Temp AR Temp WCI0 Temp WCI1 Temp +12 VDC -12 VDC 3.3 HK 3.3 VDC 1.5 VDC 2.5 VDC 5.0 VDC 1.5 VDC PAR0 1.5 VDC PAR1 3.3 VDC PAR0 3.3 VDC PAR1 Schizo 0 Slot 0 Schizo 0 Slot 1 AMB Top Temp AMB Bot Temp SBBC Temp AXQ Temp SDIM Temp SDISC Temp SDISE Temp 1.5 VDC 3.3 VDC 2.5 VDC 3.3 VDC HK -D147#0_0 D147#0_1 D147#0_2 D147#1_0 D147#1_1 D147#1_2 XMITS0 Temp XMITS1 Temp SBBC Temp SDC0 Temp AR0 Temp DX0 Temp DX1 Temp 1.5 VDC0 2.5 VDC0 3.3 VDC0 5.0 VDC0 +12.0 VDC0 -12.0 VDC0 3.3 VDC HK0 1.5 VDC1 2.5 VDC1 3.3 VDC1 5.0 VDC1 +12.0 VDC1 -12.0 VDC1 --26 C 47 C 42 C 46 C 33 C 42 C 26 C 26 C 12.03 V -11.92 V 3.28 V 3.28 V 1.49 V 2.47 V 4.96 V 1.51 V 1.52 V 3.26 V 3.24 V N/A N/A N/A N/A 23 C 24 C 37 C 29 C 31 C 35 C 31 C 1.50 V 3.28 V 2.49 V 3.36 V --25 C 29 C 29 C 28 C 31 C 37 C 32 C 53 C 30 C 40 C 36 C 36 C 36 C 1.51 V 2.49 V 3.28 V 5.02 V 12.34 V -12.26 V 3.35 V 1.52 V 2.49 V 3.28 V 4.99 V 12.34 V -12.18 V -43.2 43.2 43.2 43.2 43.2 43.2 43.2 43.2 22.4 22.4 22.4 22.4 22.4 22.4 22.4 22.4 22.4 22.4 22.4 N/A N/A 42.1 42.1 42.1 42.1 42.1 42.1 42.1 20.8 20.8 20.8 20.8 -43.2 43.2 43.2 43.2 43.2 43.2 43.2 43.2 43.2 43.2 43.2 43.2 43.2 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.3 OFF OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK PRESENCE PRESENCE OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OFF OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK

sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec

sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec

292 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

HPCI+ at IO15 XMITS1.0 XMITS0.1 XMITS1.1 EXB at EX16 EXB at EX16 EXB at EX16 EXB at EX16 EXB at EX16 EXB at EX16 EXB at EX16 EXB at EX16 EXB at EX16 EXB at EX16 EXB at EX16 V3CPU at SB16 V3CPU at SB16 V3CPU at SB16 V3CPU at SB16 V3CPU at SB16 V3CPU at SB16 V3CPU at SB16 V3CPU at SB16 V3CPU at SB16 V3CPU at SB16 V3CPU at SB16 V3CPU at SB16 V3CPU at SB16 V3CPU at SB16 V3CPU at SB16 V3CPU at SB16 V3CPU at SB16 V3CPU at SB16 HPCI at IO16 HPCI at IO16 HPCI at IO16 HPCI at IO16 HPCI at IO16 HPCI at IO16 HPCI at IO16 HPCI at IO16 HPCI at IO16 HPCI at IO16 HPCI at IO16 HPCI at IO16 HPCI at IO16 HPCI at IO16 HPCI at IO16 HPCI at IO16 HPCI at IO16 HPCI at IO16 HPCI at IO16 HPCI at IO16 HPCI at IO16 Schizo0.0 Schizo1.0 Schizo0.1 3.3 VDC HK1 XMITS 1 Slot 0 XMITS 0 Slot 1 XMITS 1 Slot 1 AMB Top Temp AMB Bot Temp SBBC Temp AXQ Temp SDIM Temp SDISC Temp SDISE Temp 1.5 VDC 3.3 VDC 2.5 VDC 3.3 VDC HK PROC 0 Temp PROC 1 Temp PROC 2 Temp PROC 3 Temp SDC0 Temp AR0 Temp DX0 Temp DX1 Temp DX2 Temp DX3 Temp SBBC0 Temp SBBC1 Temp 1.5 VDC 3.3 VDC Core 0 Volt Core 1 Volt Core 2 Volt Core 3 Volt PS0 Temp PS1 Temp SDC0 Temp AR0 Temp DX0 Temp DX1 Temp SBBC Temp IOA0 Temp IOA1 Temp 1.5 VDC 3.3 VDC 5.0 VDC +12.0 VDC -12.0 VDC 3.3 VDC HK 1.5 CVT0 VDC 1.5 CVT1 VDC 3.3 V_PS0 3.3 V_PS1 5.0 V_PS0 5.0 V_PS1 Schizo 0 Slot 0 Schizo 1 Slot 0 Schizo 0 Slot 1 3.35 N/A N/A N/A 31 30 42 37 39 39 39 1.51 3.30 2.51 3.28 51 54 56 53 62 56 56 54 54 49 54 52 1.51 3.30 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 51 37 68 64 56 47 38 56 49 1.49 3.28 4.96 11.88 -12.01 3.30 1.49 0.00 10.54 10.10 4.27 4.27 N/A N/A N/A V N/A N/A N/A C C C C C C C V V V V C C C C C C C C C C C C V V V V V V C C C C C C C C C V V V V V V A A A A A A N/A N/A N/A 22.3 N/A N/A N/A 42.1 42.1 42.1 42.1 42.1 42.1 42.1 20.7 20.7 20.7 20.7 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.7 23.4 23.4 23.4 23.4 23.4 23.4 42.4 42.4 42.4 42.4 42.4 42.4 42.4 42.4 42.4 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 N/A N/A N/A sec OK PRESENCE PRESENCE PRESENCE OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK PRESENCE PRESENCE PRESENCE

sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec










System Administration 293


POWER ----PS at PS at PS at PS at PS at PS at


UNIT ---OK OK OK OK OK OK VALUE ----13.94 0.00 48.60 677.48 12.35 0.00 50.20 619.97 14.34 0.00 49.40 708.40 12.35 0.00 50.20 619.97 11.95 0.00 50.60 604.67 13.54 0.00 50.80 687.83 3918.32







POWER --------PS at PS0 Current0 Current1 48VDC Power PS at PS1 Current0 Current1 48VDC Power PS at PS2 Current0 Current1 48VDC Power PS at PS3 Current0 Current1 48VDC Power PS at PS4 Current0 Current1 48VDC Power PS at PS5 Current0 Current1 48VDC Power Total Power

294 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006


Showing Power Output

UNIT ---OK OK OK OK OK OK VALUE ----41.83 0.00 49.20 2058.04 39.84 0.00 47.01 1872.88 39.84 0.00 48.21 1920.69 38.25 0.00 48.41 1851.68 0.00 39.84 48.60 1936.22 41.03 0.00 48.60 1994.06 11633.57 AC0 --OK OK OK OK FAIL OK AC1 --FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL OK FAIL UNIT ---A A V W A A V W A A V W A A V W A A V W A A V W W DC0 --ON ON ON ON ON ON STATUS -----N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A DC1 --ON ON ON ON ON ON FAN0 ---OK OK OK OK OK OK FAN1 ---OK OK OK OK OK OK

POWER ----PS at PS at PS at PS at PS at PS at


POWER --------PS at PS0 Current0 Current1 48VDC Power PS at PS1 Current0 Current1 48VDC Power PS at PS2 Current0 Current1 48VDC Power PS at PS3 Current0 Current1 48VDC Power PS at PS4 Current0 Current1 48VDC Power PS at PS5 Current0 Current1 48VDC Power Total Power


The following exit values are returned: 0 1 2 3 4 Successful completion. An invalid domain was used. An invalid command-line option was used. Invalid permission. An internal error occurred.

System Administration 295

1M ATTRIBUTES See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values

Availability Interface Stability Command Output

SUNWSMSop Evolving Unstable



296 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M NAME SYNOPSIS showfailover - display system controller (SC) failover status or role showfailover [-r] [-v] showfailover -h DESCRIPTION showfailover(1M) enables you to monitor the state of the SC failover mechanism. This command displays the current status of the failover mechanisms. If you do not specify a -r option, then the following information is displayed:
SC Failover Status: state

The failover mechanism can be in one of four states: ACTIVATING, ACTIVE, DISABLED, or FAILED. See the EXTENDED DESCRIPTION section. OPTIONS The following options are supported: -h Help. Displays usage descriptions.

Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h is

ignored. -r -v EXTENDED DESCRIPTION Displays the SC's role as either MAIN, SPARE, or UNKNOWN. Verbose. Displays all available command information.

The failover mechanism states are as follows:


Indicates that the failover mechanism is preparing to transition to the ACTIVE state. Failover becomes active when all tests have passed and files have been synchronized.

298 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M Indicates that the failover mechanism is enabled and is functioning normally. Indicates that the failover mechanism has been disabled due to a failover or an operator request (for example, setfailover off). Indicates that the failover mechanism has detected a failure that prevents a failover. In addition, if the external network has been configured, showfailover displays the state of each of the external network interface links monitored by the failover processes. The display format is as follows: external community name: [UP|DOWN] A failure string is returned, describing the failure condition. Each failure string has a code associated with it. The codes and associated failure strings are defined in the following table.






No failure. The spare SC external network interface has failed. A fault has been detected on the spare SCs console bus path. The spare SCs local clock has failed. The spare SCs system is full. The spare SC is down and/or unresponsive. If this message results from the I2 network/HASRAMs being down then the spare SC could still be running. Login to the spare SC to verify. The spare SCs memory/swap space has been exhausted.


System Administration 299

String Explanation


At least one SMS daemon could not be started/ restarted on the spare SC. The spare SC is running a different version of SMS software. Both SCs must be running the same version.

I2 NETWORK/HASRAMS DOWN Both interfaces for communication between the SCs are down. The main cannot tell what version of SMS is running on the spare nor what its state is. It declares the spare SC down and logs a message to that effect. Dependent services, including file propagation, are unavailable.

Group Privileges Required

You must have platform administrator, platform operator, or platform service privileges to run this command. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.



Displaying a Failover Status That Indicates That Everything is OK

sc0:sms-user:> showfailover SC Failover Status: ACTIVE C1: UP


Displaying a Failover Status That Indicates That the Spare SC System is Full

sc0:sms-user:> showfailover SC Failover Status: FAILED S-SC DISK FULL C1: UP


Displaying the SC Role showfailover -r

sc0:sms-user:> SPARE


Displaying the Status of All Monitored Components

sc0:sms-user:> showfailover -v SC Failover Status: ACTIVE Status of Shared Memory: HASRAM (CSB at CS0): ......................................Good HASRAM (CSB at CS1): ......................................Good Status of xc30p13-sc0: Role: .....................................................MAIN SMS Daemons: ......................... ....................Good System Clock: .............................................Good Private I2 Network: .......................................Good

300 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

Private HASRAM Network:....................................Good Public Network.......................................NOT TESTED System Memory: ...........................................38.9% Disk Status: /: ..................................................17.4% Console Bus Status: EXB at EX1: ..........................................Good EXB at EX2: ..........................................Good EXB at EX4: ..........................................Good Status of xc30p13-sc1: Role: ....................................................SPARE SMS Daemons: ..............................................Good System Clock: .............................................Good Private I2 Network: .......................................Good Private HASRAM Network:....................................Good Public Network: .....................................NOT TESTED System Memory: ...........................................34.2% Disk Status: /: ..................................................17.1% Console Bus Status: EXB at EX1: .........................................Good EXB at EX2: .........................................Good EXB at EX4: .........................................Good


The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 Successful completion. An error occurred.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:

Attribute Types Attribute Values

Availability Interface Stability Command Output

SUNWSMSop Evolving Unstable



System Administration 301

1M NAME SYNOPSIS showkeyswitch - display the position of the virtual keyswitch showkeyswitch -d domain_indicator [-v ] showkeyswitch -h DESCRIPTION showkeyswitch(1M) displays the position of the virtual keyswitch of the specified domain. The state of each virtual keyswitch is maintained between power cycles of the system controller (SC) or physical power cycling of the power supplies by the pcd(1M). The following options are supported: -d domain_indicator Specifies the domain using one of the following: domain_id ID for a domain. Valid domain_ids are AR and are not case sensitive. domain_tag Name assigned to a domain using addtag(1M). -h Help. Displays usage descriptions.


Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h

Group Privileges Required

Verbose. Displays all available command information.

You must have platform administrator, platform operator, platform service, domain administrator, or configurator privileges for the specified domain to run this command. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.



Displaying the Keyswitch Status for Domain A

sc0:sms-user:> showkeyswitch -d A Virtual keyswitch position: ON


The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 Successful completion. An error occurred.

304 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M ATTRIBUTES See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values




addtag(1M), setkeyswitch(1M), pcd(1M)

System Administration 305

1M NAME SYNOPSIS showlogs - display message log files or the event logs. showlogs [-F] [-f filename] [-d domain_indicator] [-p m|c|s ] [-v ] showlogs [-F] [-f filename] [-d domain_indicator] [-E ] [-p e [event_class|list|ereport|ena0x<ena_value>|uuid<uuid_value>|event_code] [ number] ] showlogs -h DESCRIPTION showlogs(1M) displays the following:

Message logs, console logs, or syslog for the platform or a specified domain, depending on the options specified. The default is the platform message log. You must have platform group privileges to run the default; otherwise you receive an error message. Portions of the event log, depending on the options specified.


The following options are supported: -d domain_indicator Specifies the domain using one of the following: domain_id ID for a domain. Valid domain_ids are AR and are not case sensitive. domain_tag Name assigned to a domain using addtag(1M). If you specify a domain with the -p e options, the event logs for only that domain are displayed. -F Displays only lines that have been appended to the log file since the showlogs command was executed. Similar to the tail -f command. Output continues until interrupted by Ctrl-c. Places the output of the showlogs command into a specified file. Formats and condenses the event log information displayed when specified with the -p e options. Help. Displays usage descriptions.

-f filename -E -h

Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h

is ignored.

System Administration 307

1M Displays a specific log type: the platform message log, domain console log, domain syslog, or event log. Valid arguments for -p are:


m Displays the platform message log. Displaying the platform message log requires platform group privileges.

c Displays the domain console log. Displaying the domain console log requires the -d option and domain privileges for that domain.

s Displays the domain syslog. Displaying the domain syslog requires domain privileges for that domain. syslogs forwarded to the system controller (SC) are stored in /var/opt/SUSNWSMS/adm/anonymous.

e [event_class|list|ereport|ena0x<ena_value>| uuid<uuid_value>|event_code][number]] Displays information from the event log. The -p e option displays the last entry in the event log by default, unless you specify a number of events to be displayed. Displaying event log information requires platform administration or service privileges. You can use the following arguments to display certain event log information. This information can be used for additional troubleshooting purposes by your service provider.

308 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M Displays a specific log type: the platform message log, domain console log, domain syslog, or event log. Valid arguments for -p are:


m Displays the platform message log. Displaying the platform message log requires platform group privileges.

c Displays the domain console log. Displaying the domain console log requires the -d option and domain privileges for that domain.

s Displays the domain syslog. Displaying the domain syslog requires domain privileges for that domain. syslogs forwarded to the system controller (SC) are stored in /var/opt/SUSNWSMS/adm/anonymous.

e [event_class|list|ereport|ena0x<ena_value>| uuid<uuid_value>|event_code][number]] Displays information from the event log. The -p e option displays the last entry in the event log by default, unless you specify a number of events to be displayed. Displaying event log information requires platform administration or service privileges. You can use the following arguments to display certain event log information. This information can be used for additional troubleshooting purposes by your service provider.

System Administration 309

1M event_class Displays the last event in the event log that matches a specified ereport event class. The event_class is a dot-separated string that identifies the error report event class, for example: ereport.asic.sdc.porterr.parity_bidi_er ror list Displays the last list event in the event log. A list event provides a list of faults associated with the hardware error. ereport Displays the last error event in the event log. An error report contains data on an unexpected condition or behavior. ena0x<ena_value> Displays the error event in the event log that matches the Error Numeric Association (ENA) hex value specified, where <ena_value> is a hex value. For example, in the ENA specification ena0xc4fc168cfe77b402, the hex value is c4fc168cfe77b402. The ENA differentiates multiple instances of the same error event. uuid<uuid_value> Displays the list event in the event log that matches the Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) value specified, where <uuid_value> is the UUID value. For example, in the UUID specification uuid042c2762-982f-11d7800a-080020fa6556, the UUID value is 042c2762-982f-11d7-800a-080020fa6556. The UUID is used by the system to track fault management activity. event_code Displays the last list event that matches the specified event code, which is a dash-separated alphanumeric text string that uniquely identifies an event type, for example: SF15000-8000-A1. The event code summarizes the fault classes involved in the list events and is used by your service provider to obtain further information concerning the event. number An integer that indicates a specific number of events to be displayed. The events displayed match any other arguments specified. If a number is specified with the -p e option, the specified number of the events in the event log is displayed. For example, -p e 5 displays the last five events in the event log.

310 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M Verbose. Displays all available command information.

Group Privileges Required

The group privileges determines the type of showlogs output that you can view:

If you have platform administrator, operator, or service privileges, you can display the platform messages log file. If you have platform administrator or service privileges, you can display event log information. If you have domain administrator/configurator privileges, you can display only those log files for domains for which you have privileges.

Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information. EXAMPLES

Displaying Platform Message Log to Standard Out

sc0:sms-user:> showlogs Aug 24 14:30:53 2000 xc8-sc0 hwad[104609]: [0 5751139758216 ERR 1347] getCrt - Client: 104621.14 has locked - 167 Aug 24 14:30:53 2000 xc8-sc0 hwad[104609]: [0 5751170721148 ERR 1362] getCrt - Client: 104621.14 about to unlock - 167.....


Displaying Domain A Message Log to Standard Out

sc0:sms-user:> showlogs -d A Aug 15 14:28:05 2000 xc8-sc0 dsmd[106850]-A(): [0 8500962546702 INFO 125] DOMAIN_UP A event has been sent to SYMON, rc = 0. Aug 15 14:28:05 2000 xc8-sc0 dsmd[106850]-A(): [0 8500963756755 INFO 183] Start monitoring domain A every 5 second....


Displaying Newly Appended Lines to Domain A Message Log to Standard Out

sc0:sms-user:> showlogs -d A -F Aug 25 14:28:05 2000 xc8-sc0 dsmd[106850]-A(): [0 8500960648900 INFO Observers.c c 193] DOMAIN_UP A event has been sent to DXS, rc = 0.....


Displaying Domain A Console Log to Standard Out

sc0:sms-user:> showlogs -d A -p c ** Domain Server Shutting Down - disconnecting ** Domain Server Shutting Down - disconnecting Sun Fire 15K/E25K system, using IOSRAM based Console OpenBoot 4.0, 2048 MB memory installed, Serial #10000000. Ethernet address 8:0:20:b8:2d:b1, Host ID: 80a3e446.

System Administration 311


Displaying Domain sms2 Syslog to Standard Out

sc0:sms-user:> showlogs -d sms2 -p s Sep 7 13:51:49 sms2 agent[6629]: [ID 240586 daemon.alert] syslog Sep 07 13:51:49 agent {received software termination signal) Sep 7 13:51:49 sms2 agent[6629]: [ID 985882 daemon.alert] syslog Sep 07 13:51:49 agent *** terminating execution *** Sep 7 13:51:50 sms2 platform[22481]: [ID 345917 daemon.alert] syslog Sep 07 13:51:50 platform *** terminating execution *** Sep 7 14:49:07 sms2 platform[4309]: [ID 745356 daemon.alert] syslog Sep 07 14:49:07 platform general parsing error Sep 7 14:49:07 sms2 platform[4309]: [ID 334248 daemon.alert] syslog Sep 07 14:49:07 platform file://localhost/scmonitor-d.x;flags=ro Sep 7 14:49:07 sms2 platform[4309]: [ID 449452 daemon.alert] syslog Sep 07 14:49:07 platform couldn't load file ...


Displaying the Last Event in the Event Log

sc0:sms-user:> showlogs -p e version: 1 class: list.suspects fault-diag-time: Mon Jun 6 17:20:15 MDT 2005 DE: scheme: diag-engine authority: product-id: SF15000 chassis-id: 301AFFFFF domain-id: D name: sms-de version: 1.5 uuid: 0x147e965ebb5ec code: SF15000-8000-A1 list-sz: 1 fault-events: version: 1 class: fault-diag-time: Mon Jun 6 17:20:15 MDT 2005 DE: scheme: diag-engine authority: product-id: SF15000 chassis-id: 301AFFFFF domain-id: D name: sms-de version: 1.5 ENA-list-sz: 4 ENA-list: 0x62a6680600000002 0x636a74de00000402 0x6400cd9800000802 0x64be80d400000c02 FRU: scheme: sf-hc part: 5015396 serial: 445883 authority: product-id: SF15000 chassis-id: 301AFFFFF domain-id: D

312 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

component: IO15 resource: scheme: sf-hc part: 5015396 serial: 445883 authority: product-id: SF15000 chassis-id: 301AFFFFF domain-id: D component: io15/p0 certainty: 100


Displaying the Last Event in the Event Log Condensed Format

sc0:sms-user:> showlogs -E -p e List Event Class: list.suspects Diagnosis Engine Name: sms-de Diagnosis EngineVersion: 1.5 Timestamp: Mon Jun 6 17:20:15 MDT 2004 Code: SF15000-8000-A1 Number of fault events: 1 Fault Event Class: Fault Event Timestamp: Mon Jun 6 17:20:15 MDT 2005 Domain ID affected by the failure: D Diagnosis Engine Name: sms-de Diagnosis Engine Version: 1.5 Indicted resource component: io15/p0 PnSn: 5015396445883 Certainty: 100 FRU: IO15 Part Number Serial Number : 5015396445883


Displaying the Last Three List Events in the Event Log Condensed Format

sc0:sms-user:> showlogs -E -p e list 3 List Event Class: list.suspects Diagnosis Engine Name: sms-de Diagnosis EngineVersion: 1.5 Timestamp: Mon Jun 6 17:20:15 MDT 2005 Code: SF15000-8000-A1 Number of fault events: 1 Fault Event Class: Fault Event Timestamp: Mon Jun 6 17:20:15 MDT 2005 Domain ID affected by the failure: D Diagnosis Engine Name: sms-de Diagnosis Engine Version: 1.5 Indicted resource component: io15/p0 PnSn: 5015396445883 Certainty: 100 FRU: IO15

System Administration 313

Part Number Serial Number : 5015396445883 List Event Class: list.suspects Diagnosis Engine Name: sms-de Diagnosis EngineVersion: 1.5 Timestamp: Mon Jun 6 13:21:20 MDT 2005 Code: SF15000-8000-A1 Number of fault events: 1 Fault Event Class: Fault Event Timestamp: Mon Jun 6 13:21:20 MDT 2005 Domain ID affected by the failure: D Diagnosis Engine Name: sms-de Diagnosis Engine Version: 1.5 Indicted resource component: io4/p1 PnSn: 5015397028518 Certainty: 100 FRU: IO4 Part Number Serial Number : 5015397028518 List Event Class: list.suspects Diagnosis Engine Name: sms-de Diagnosis EngineVersion: 1.5 Timestamp: Mon Jun 6 13:15:18 MDT 2005 Code: SF15000-8000-A1 Number of fault events: 1 Fault Event Class: Fault Event Timestamp: Mon Jun 6 13:15:18 MDT 2005 Domain ID affected by the failure: D Diagnosis Engine Name: sms-de Diagnosis Engine Version: 1.5 Indicted resource component: io17/p1 PnSn: 5015397028488 Certainty: 100 FRU: IO17 Part Number Serial Number : 5015397028488

Displaying the Event Log for a Specific Event Code Condensed Format

sc0:sms-user:> showlogs -E -p e SF15000-8000-H7 List Event Class: list.suspects Diagnosis Engine Name: sms-de Diagnosis EngineVersion: 1.5 Timestamp: Mon Jun 6 12:28:12 MDT 2005 Code: SF15000-8000-H7 Number of fault events: 1 Fault Event Class: Fault Event Timestamp: Mon Jun 6 12:28:12 MDT 2005 Domain ID affected by the failure: B Diagnosis Engine Name: sms-de Diagnosis Engine Version: 1.5 Indicted resource component: sb12/p0

314 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

PnSn: 5014362008423 Certainty: 100 FRU: SB12 Part Number Serial Number : 5014362008423


Displaying an Ereport (Error Report) Condensed Format

sc0:sms-user:> showlogs -E -p e ereport Error Event Class: ereport.asic.proc.emushad.isap:_system_request_parity_error_on_incoming addr. Domain ID affected by the failure: D


The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 Successful completion. An error occurred.


The following files are used: /var/opt/SUNWSMS/adm/platform/messages /var/opt/SUNWSMS/adm/domain_id/messages /var/opt/SUNWSMS/adm/domain_id/console /var/opt/SUNWSMS/adm/domain_id/syslog /var/opt/SUNWSMS/SMS/adm/platform/events/ eventlog Platform message file Domain message file Domain console file Domain syslog file Stores all the hardwarerelated error and fault events


See attributes(5) for a description of the following attribute.

Attribute Type Attribute Value





System Administration 315

1M NAME SYNOPSIS showobpparams - display OpenBoot PROM bring up parameters for a domain showobpparams -d domain_indicator [-v ] showobpparams -h DESCRIPTION showobpparams(1M) enables a domain administrator to display the virtual NVRAM and REBOOT parameters passed to OpenBoot PROM by setkeyswitch(1M). The -d option with domain_id or domain_tag is required. The following options are supported: -d domain_indicator Specifies the domain using one of the following: domain_id ID for a domain. Valid domain_ids are AR and are not case sensitive. domain_tag Name assigned to a domain using addtag(1M). -h Help. Displays usage descriptions.


Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h

Group Privileges Required

Verbose. Displays all available command information.

You must have domain administrator or domain configurator privileges for the specified domain to run this command. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.



Displaying OpenBoot PROM Parameters for Domain A

sc0:sms-user:> showobpparams -d a auto-boot?=false diag-switch?=true fcode-debug?=false use-nvramrc?=false security-mode=none


The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 Successful completion. An error occurred.

316 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M ATTRIBUTES See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values




addtag(1M), setkeyswitch(1M), setobpparams(1M)

System Administration 317


318 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION showpcimode - Displays the mode settings for all PCI-X slots on the hsPCIX board. showpcimode [location], [location], ... This command lists the mode settings for all the PCI-X slots on a V2HPCIX I/O board in your server. The settings are specified by the setpcimode command. A slot that returns a status of normal is running in PCI-X mode. A slot that returns a status of pci_only has been forced to run in PCI mode. If you specify an I/O board that is not a V2HPCIX board, the command returns an error.

Note You can only run this command from the main SC.
OPERANDS The following operand is supported: [location] Specifies the board and slot number for which you want to display the mode setting. If you use showpcimode without specifying a location, the command returns information for all boards which you have permission to view. location takes the form IO#/slot_name, where: IO# # is an integer from 0 to the maximum expander number on the board.

Group Privileges Required

You must have domain or platform administrator privileges to run this command. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information. showpcimode returns error messages when certain error conditions are encountered. The following table lists these error messages and the conditions that cause them to be displayed. ERROR: Invalid location: %s The location specified in the command line argument is invalid. This error can occur if the location specified is not a PCI-X slot on a V2HPCIX I/O board, or if the location string (%s) is not in an acceptable format. ERROR: not a %s board This error is returned when the location specified in the command line argument does not belong to a V2HPCIX board.


System Administration 319


ERROR: unable to get domain board info for %s This error appears when showpcimode is unable to retrieve PCI slot status for the specified location, or when the command fails to find which domain contains the I/O board corresponding to the specified slot. This error should not occur if SMS is functioning normally. ERROR: You do not have the appropriate privilege to execute this command for %s This error appears when you do not have the appropriate domain/platform privileges to issue the showpcimode command for the specified location. ERROR: an error occurred while processing %s This error appears if an internal error occurred for the command. Some examples of errors include running out of memory, or other types of unexpected errors. This error should not occur if the SC is functioning properly. ERROR: unable to retrieve PCI mode setting for %s The showpcimode command is not applicable to the location specified in the command line argument. This error is only returned when the user specifies slot C5V0 as the location.. EXAMPLES

Displaying Settings for One PCI-X Slot

sc0:sms-user:> showpcimode IO3

IO3/C3V0: normal IO3/C3V1: normal IO3/C3V2: normal


The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 Successful completion. An error occurred.


See attributes(5) for a description of the following attribute:

Attribute Types Attribute Values




esmd(1M), pcd(1M), setpcimode(1M)

320 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M NAME showplatform - display the platform type, board available component list, the domain state for each domain, and Capacity on Demand (COD) information. showplatform [-d domain_indicator] [-p report ] [-v ] showplatform -h DESCRIPTION showplatform(1M) displays the platform type, chassis serial number, available component list, domain state, and Ethernet address for domains. COD information includes the headroom amount, number of installed COD right-to-use (RTU) licenses, and the number of COD RTU licenses reserved for domains. If a domain_id or domain_tag is specified, only the information for that domain is displayed. If domain_indicator and -p option are not specified, the available component list, domain states, Ethernet addresses, and COD information for all domains for which you have privileges are displayed. For platform type, older Sun Fire 12K/15K systems will display Sun Fire 15000, unless they have been manually updated by Sun service. Newer systems will display one of the following:
Sun Fire 12K Sun Fire 15K Sun Fire E20K Sun Fire E25K


System Administration 323

1M OPTIONS The following options are supported: -d domain_indicator Specifies the domain using one of the following: domain_id ID for a domain. Valid domain_ids are AR and are not case sensitive. domain_tag Name assigned to a domain using addtag(1M). -h Help. Displays usage descriptions.

Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h

is ignored. -p report Displays specific reports. Valid reports are:

List output is grouped by domain state. List output is grouped by domain available component list. List output is grouped by domain Ethernet addresses. Capacity on Demand information is displayed. The chassis serial number of the Sun Fire high-end system is displayed. Displays the platform type of the Sun Fire high-end system.

ethernet cod csn platform


Verbose. Displays all available command information.

The domain status is one of the following:


The domain state could not be determined. For Ethernet addresses, the domain idprom image file does not exist. Contact your Sun service representative. The domain is powered off. The keyswitch for the domain is in STANDBY position. The domain power-on self-test is running. The OpenBoot PROM for the domain is being loaded.

Powered Off Keyswitch Standby Running Domain POST Loading OBP

324 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M The OpenBoot PROM for the domain is booting. The OpenBoot PROM for the domain is running. The domain has been halted and has returned to the OpenBoot PROM. The OpenBoot PROM is loading the Solaris software. The domain is booting the Solaris software. The domain OpenBoot PROM has exited. The domain OpenBoot PROM has failed. The OpenBoot PROM is in sync callback to the Solaris software. The OpenBoot PROM has exited. The domain is in OpenBoot PROM due to an error reset condition.

Booting OBP Running OBP In OBP Callback Loading Solaris Booting Solaris Domain Exited OBP OBP Failed OBP in sync Callback to OS Exited OBP In OBP Error Reset

Solaris Halted, in OBP Solaris software is halted and the domain is in OpenBoot PROM. OBP Debugging Environmental Domain Halt The OpenBoot PROM is being used as a debugger. The domain was shut down due to an environmental emergency.

Booting Solaris Failed OpenBoot PROM is running, but boot attempt has failed. Loading Solaris Failed OpenBoot PROM is running, but loading attempt has failed. Running Solaris Solaris Quiesce Inprogress Solaris Quiesced Solaris Resume Inprogress Solaris Panic Solaris Panic Debug Solaris software is running on the domain. A Solaris software quiesce is in progress. Solaris software has quiesced. A Solaris software resume is in progress. Solaris software has panicked, and panic flow has started. Solaris software has panicked and is entering debugger mode.

Solaris Panic Continue Solaris software has exited debugger mode, and panic flow continues.

System Administration 325

1M The OpenBoot PROM for the domain is booting. The OpenBoot PROM for the domain is running. The domain has been halted and has returned to the OpenBoot PROM. The OpenBoot PROM is loading the Solaris software. The domain is booting the Solaris software. The domain OpenBoot PROM has exited. The domain OpenBoot PROM has failed. The OpenBoot PROM is in sync callback to the Solaris software. The OpenBoot PROM has exited. The domain is in OpenBoot PROM due to an error reset condition.

Booting OBP Running OBP In OBP Callback Loading Solaris Booting Solaris Domain Exited OBP OBP Failed OBP in sync Callback to OS Exited OBP In OBP Error Reset

Solaris Halted, in OBP Solaris software is halted and the domain is in OpenBoot PROM. OBP Debugging Environmental Domain Halt The OpenBoot PROM is being used as a debugger. The domain was shut down due to an environmental emergency.

Booting Solaris Failed OpenBoot PROM is running, but boot attempt has failed. Loading Solaris Failed OpenBoot PROM is running, but loading attempt has failed. Running Solaris Solaris Quiesce Inprogress Solaris Quiesced Solaris Resume Inprogress Solaris Panic Solaris Panic Debug Solaris software is running on the domain. A Solaris software quiesce is in progress. Solaris software has quiesced. A Solaris software resume is in progress. Solaris software has panicked, and panic flow has started. Solaris software has panicked and is entering debugger mode.

Solaris Panic Continue Solaris software has exited debugger mode, and panic flow continues.

326 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M Panic dump has started. Solaris software is halted. Solaris software has exited as a result of a panic. An environmental emergency has been detected. Debugging Solaris software; this is not a hung condition. Solaris software has exited. The domain is down and setkeyswitch is in the ON, DIAG, or SECURE position. The domain is in the midst of an automatic system recovery.

Solaris Panic Dump Solaris Halt Solaris Panic Exit Environmental Emergency Debugging Solaris Solaris Exited Domain Down In Recovery

Group Privileges Required

If you have platform administrator, operator, or service privileges, showplatform displays the available component list and board state information on all domains. Otherwise, only information for domains for which you have domain administrator or configurator privileges is displayed. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.


Note An Unknown state for an Ethernet address as shown in the following

example indicates a missing idprom image file for the domain. Contact your Sun service representative.

Displaying the Available Component List, Domain State, and COD Information for All Domains on a Sun Fire 15K/E25K System

The output shown is what you would see if you had platform privileges.


PLATFORM: ======== Platform Type: Sun Fire 15000 CSN: ==== Chassis Serial Number: 353A00053 COD: ==== Chassis HostID : 5014936C37048 PROC RTUs installed : 8 PROC Headroom Quantity : 0 PROC RTUs reserved for domain A : 4

System Administration 327

PROC PROC PROC PROC PROC PROC PROC PROC PROC PROC PROC PROC PROC PROC PROC PROC PROC RTUs RTUs RTUs RTUs RTUs RTUs RTUs RTUs RTUs RTUs RTUs RTUs RTUs RTUs RTUs RTUs RTUs reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for domain domain domain domain domain domain domain domain domain domain domain domain domain domain domain domain domain B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Available Component List for Domains: ===================================== Available for domain newA: SB0 SB1 SB2 SB7 IO1 IO3 IO6 Available for domain engB: No System boards No IO boards Available for domain domainC: No System boards IO0 IO1 IO2 IO3 IO4 Available for domain eng1: No System boards No IO boards Available for domain E: No System boards No IO boards Available for domain domainF: No System boards No IO boards Available for domain dmnG: No System boards No IO boards Available for domain domain H: No System boards No IO boards Available for domain I: No System boards No IO boards Available for domain dmnJ: No System boards No IO boards Available for domain K: No System boards No IO boards Available for domain L: No System boards No IO boards Available for domain M: No System boards No IO boards

328 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

Available for domain N: No System boards No IO boards for domain O: No System boards No IO boards for domain P: No System boards No IO boards for domain Q: No System boards No IO boards for domain dmnR: No System boards No IO boards





Domain Ethernet Addresses: ============================= Domain ID Domain Tag A newA B engB C domainC D E eng1 F domainF G dmnG H I J dmnJ K L M N O P Q R dmnR

Ethernet Address 8:0:20:b8:79:e4 8:0:20:b4:30:8c 8:0:20:b7:30:b0 8:0:20:b8:2d:b0 8:0:20:f1:b7:0 8:0:20:be:f8:a4 8:0:20:b8:29:c8 8:0:20:f3:5f:14 8:0:20:be:f5:d0 UNKNOWN 8:0:20:f1:ae:88 8:0:20:b7:5d:30 8:0:20:f1:b8:8 8:0:20:f3:5f:74 8:0:20:f1:b8:8 8:0:20:b8:58:64 8:0:20:f1:b7:ec 8:0:20:f1:b7:10

Domain Configurations: ====================== DomainID Domain Tag A newA B engB C domainC D E eng1 F domainF G dmnG H I J dmnJ K L M N O -

Solaris Nodename sun15-b sun15-c sun15-d sun15-e sun15-f sun15-g sun15-g sun15-k sun15-n -

Domain Status Powered Off Keyswitch Standby Running OBP Running Solaris Running Solaris Running Solaris Running Solaris Solaris Quiesced Powered Off Powered Off Booting Solaris Powered Off Powered Off Keyswitch Standby Powered Off

System Administration 329



sun15-p sun15-q sun15-r

Running Solaris Running Solaris Running Solaris

Showing the Available Component List and Domain State for Domain engB showplatform -d engB


PLATFORM TYPE: ==== Platform Type: Sun Fire 15000 COD: ==== PROC RTUs reserved for domain B : 0 Available Component List for Domains: ===================================== Available for domain engB: SB4 SB5 SB6 IO4 IO5 Domain Ethernet Addresses: ============================= Domain ID Domain Tag Ethernet Address B engB 8:0:20:b4:30:8c Domain Configurations: ====================== DomainID Domain Tag B engB

Solaris Nodename sun15-b

Domain Status Keyswitch Standby


Displaying the Platform for Domain Administrators

330 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M The following example shows the domain available component list and state information for all domains for which you have domain administrator or configurator privileges; in this case, domains engB, C, and E.
sc0:sms-user:> showplatform PLATFORM TYPE ============= Platform type: Sun Fire 15000 COD: ==== PROC RTUs reserved for domain B : 0 PROC RTUs reserved for domain C : 0 PROC RTUs reserved for domain E : 0 Available Component List for Domains: ==================================== Available for domain engB: SB1 SB2 SB3 SB4 SB5 SB6 IO1 IO2 IO3 IO4 IO5 IO6 IO7 Available for domain C: SB1 SB2 SB3 SB4 SB5 SB6 IO1 IO2 IO3 IO4 IO5 IO6 IO7 Available for domain E: SB1 SB2 SB3 SB4 SB5 SB6 IO1 IO2 IO3 IO4 IO5 IO6 IO7 Domain Ethernet Addresses: ============================= Domain ID Domain Tag B engB C domainC E eng1 Domain Configurations: ====================== DomainID Domain Tag B engB C domainC E eng1

Ethernet Address 8:0:20:b4:30:8c 8:0:20:b7:30:b0 8:0:20:f1:b7:0

Solaris Nodename sun15-b sun15-c sun15-e

Domain Status Keyswitch Standby Running OBP Running Solaris


Showing the Available Component List for Domain engB showplatform -d engB -p available


Available Component List for Domains: ==================================== Available for domain engB: SB4 SB5 SB6 IO4 IO5

System Administration 331


Displaying Domain Status for Domain engB showplatform -d engB -p domains


Domain Configurations: ====================== DomainID Domain Tag B engB

Solaris Nodename sun15-b

Domain Status Keyswitch Standby


Displaying COD Right-to-Use (RTU) License Reservation for Domain engB showplatform -d engB -p cod


COD: ==== PROC RTUs reserved for domain B : 0


Displaying All COD Information

The output shown is what you would see if you had platform privileges. If the Chassis HostID value is Unknown, power on the centerplane support boards and then run the command showplatform -p cod again to display the Chassis HostID. After you power on the centerplane support boards, allow up to one minute for the Chassis HostID information to display in the showplatform output.

showplatform -p cod

COD: ==== Chassis HostID : 5014936C37048 PROC RTUs installed : 8 PROC Headroom Quantity : 0 PROC RTUs reserved for domain A PROC RTUs reserved for domain B PROC RTUs reserved for domain C PROC RTUs reserved for domain D PROC RTUs reserved for domain E PROC RTUs reserved for domain F PROC RTUs reserved for domain G PROC RTUs reserved for domain H PROC RTUs reserved for domain I PROC RTUs reserved for domain J PROC RTUs reserved for domain K PROC RTUs reserved for domain L PROC RTUs reserved for domain M PROC RTUs reserved for domain N PROC RTUs reserved for domain O PROC RTUs reserved for domain P PROC RTUs reserved for domain Q PROC RTUs reserved for domain R

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

332 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Successful completion. An invalid domain was specified. An invalid command-line option was specified. An incorrect number of domains was specified. The user does not have valid privileges. An error occurred while communicating with the platform configuration daemon (pcd(1M)). An error occurred while communicating with the hardware access daemon (hwad(1M)). An error occurred while communicating with the task management daemon (tmd(1M)). An internal error occurred. An error occurred while communicating with the Capacity on Demand daemon (codd(1M)).


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values

Availability Interface Stability Command Output

SUNWSMSop Evolving Unstable


addcodlicense(1M), addtag(1M), hwad(1M), pcd(1M), setupplatform(1M), tmd(1M)

System Administration 333

1M NAME showxirstate - display CPU dump information only after a reset pulse has been sent to the processors showxirstate -d domain_indicator [-v ] showxirstate -f filename [-v ] showxirstate -h DESCRIPTION showxirstate(1M) displays CPU dump information, but only after a reset pulse (with the reset -x command) has been sent to the processors. This save-state dump can be used to analyze the cause of abnormal domain behavior. showxirstate creates a list of all active processors in that domain and retrieves the save-state information for each processor, including its signature. If a domain_indicator or filename is not specified, showxirstate returns an error. OPTIONS The following options are supported: -d domain_indicator Specifies the domain using one of the following: domain_id ID for a domain. Valid domain_ids are AR and are not case sensitive. domain_tag Name assigned to a domain using addtag(1M). -f filename Name of the file containing a previously generated xir_dump. The default is /var/opt/SUNWSMS/adm/ domain_id/dump and cannot be changed. Help. Displays usage descriptions.



Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h

Group Privileges Required

Verbose. Displays all available command information.

You must have domain administrator privileges on the specified domain to run this command. No special privileges are required to read the xir_dump files. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.

334 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006


Displaying Dump Information for Domain A With 1 CPU

sc0:sms-user:> showxirstate -dA Location: XIR Magic SB4/P0 XIR Version 00415645 Buglevel 00000000

XIR Save Total Size 0x58495253 bytes ver tba : 00000000.00000000 : 00000000.00000000

pil : 0x0 y : 00000000.00000000 afsr : 00000000.00000000 afar : 00000000.00000000 pcontext: 00000000.00000000 scontext: 00000000.00000000 dcu : 00000000.00000000 dcr : 00000000.00000000 pcr : 00000000.00000000 gsr : 00000000.00000000 softint : 0x0000 pa_watch: 00000000.00000000 va_watch: 00000000.00000000 instbp : 00000000.00000000 tick: 00000000.00000000 tick_cmpr: 00000000.00000000 stick: 00000000.00000000 stick_cmpr: 00000000.00000000 tl: 0 tt tstate tpc tnpc 0x00 0x0000000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 0x00 0x0000000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 0x00 0x0000000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 0x00 0x0000000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 0x00 0x0000000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 Globals: R Normal 0 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 1 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 2 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 3 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 4 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 5 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 6 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 7 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 wstate: 0x00 cansave: 0 canrestore: 0

Alternate 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000

Interrupt 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000


cleanwin: 0 otherwin: 0

Register Windows: Window 0

System Administration 335

R 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Locals 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 Ins 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000

Window 1 R 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Locals 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 Ins 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000

Window 2 R Locals 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000

Ins 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000

Window 3 R Locals 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000

Ins 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000

Window 4 R Locals 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000

Ins 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000

Window 5 R Locals


336 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000

00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000

Window 6 R Locals 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000

Ins 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000

Window 7 R Locals 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000

Ins 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000

nest_save_ptr: 00000000 XIR Nest Version 00000000 Buglevel 00000000 XIR Nest nest_count 0 save_block 88 tick: 00000000.00000000 stick: 00000000.00000000 tl: 73 tt tstate 0x00 0x00 0x0000000000 0x0000000000

tpc 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000

tnpc 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000

System Administration 337

0x00 0x00 0x00 0x0000000000 0x0000000000 0x0000000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000 00000000.00000000

Processor signatures: SB0/P0: Solaris/Run/Null (4f530100) SB0/P1: Solaris/Run/Null (4f530100) SB0/P2: Solaris/Run/Null (4f530100) SB0/P3: Solaris/Run/Null (4f530100) IO0/P0: Solaris/Run/Null (4f530100) IO0/P1: Solaris/Run/Null (4f530100) SB1/P0: OBP/???/Null (4f421300) SB1/P1: Solaris/Run/Null (4f530100) SB1/P2: OBP/Exit/Error Reset Reboot (4f420209) SB1/p3: Solaris/Run/Null (4f530100) IO1/P0: Solaris/Run/Null (4f530100) IO1/P1: Solaris/Run/Null (4f530100)


The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 Successful completion. An error occurred.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values





338 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M NAME SYNOPSIS smsbackup - back up the SMS environment smsbackup directory_name smsbackup -h DESCRIPTION smsbackup(1M) creates a cpio(1) archive of files that maintain the operational environment of SMS. To create a complete and accurate backup, turn off SMS before running smsbackup. For information about manually starting and stopping SMS refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Installation Guide. Whenever changes are made to the SMS environmentfor example, by shutting down a domain you must run smsbackup again to maintain a current backup file for the system controller. The name of the backup file is sms_backup.X.X.cpio, where X.X represents the active version from which the backup was taken. Restore SMS backup files using the smsrestore(1M) command. If any errors occur, smsbackup writes error messages to /var/sadm/system/ logs/smsbackup if /var/sadm/system/logs exists and /var/tmp if it does not exist. OPTIONS The following option is supported -h Help. Displays usage descriptions.

Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h is

ignored. OPERANDS The following operands are supported: directory_name Name of the directory in which the backup file is created. This file can reside in any directory on the system, connected network or tape device to which you have read/write privileges. If no directory_name is specified, a backup file is created in /var/tmp. The directory_name does not require the absolute path name for the file. The directory_name specified must be mounted as a UFS file system. Specifying a TMPFS file system, such as /tmp, causes smsbackup to fail. If you are not certain that your directory_name is mounted as a UFS file system, type: /usr/bin/df -F ufs directory_name A UFS file system returns directory information. Any other type of file system returns a warning. 340 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

Group Privileges Required

You must have superuser privileges to run this command. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.


Backing Up SMS to /var/opt/SUNWSMS/bkup /var/opt/SUNWSMS/bkup

sc0:sms-user:> smsbackup


Backing Up SMS to Tape Device 0

sc0:sms-user:> smsbackup /dev/rmt/0


Backing Up SMS to TMPFS System

sc0:sms-user:> smsbackup /tmp ERROR: smsbackup fails to backup to /tmp, a TMPFS file system. Please specify a directory that is mounted on a UFS file system. ABORT:


The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 Successful completion. An error occurred.


The following file is used by this command: /var/sadm/system/logs/smsbackup smsbackup log file


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values





System Administration 341

1M NAME SYNOPSIS smsconfig - configures the SMS environment smsconfig -m smsconfig -m I1 [ domain_id| sc| netmask] smsconfig -m I2 [sc0| sc1| netmask] smsconfig -m L smsconfig -g smsconfig -a -u username -G platform_role platform smsconfig -r -u username -G platform_role platform smsconfig -a -u username -G domain_role domain_id smsconfig -r -u username -G domain_role domain_id smsconfig -l domain_id smsconfig -l platform smsconfig -v smsconfig -h DESCRIPTION smsconfig(1M) configures the SMS environment in a three areas: network management, security, and user group privileges. smsconfig configures and modifies host name and IP address settings used by the MAN daemon, mand(1M). For each network, smsconfig can singularly set one or more interface designations within that network. By default, smsconfig steps through the configuration of both internal networks and the external community network.

Note Once you have configured or changed the configuration of the MAN network you must reboot the system controller (SC) in order for the changes to take effect.
To configure an individual network, append the net_id to the command line. Management network net_ids are designated I1, I2, and L. Configure a single interface within an enterprise network by specifying both the desired interface and its net_id. Any changes made to the network configuration on one SC using smsconfig -m must be run on the other SC. Network configurations files are not automatically propagated. For security purposes, SMS disables forwarding, broadcast, and multicast by setting the appropriate ndd utility variables upon startup.

System Administration 343

1M smsconfig configures the UNIX groups used by SMS to describe user privileges. SMS uses a default set of UNIX groups installed locally on each SC. smsconfig enables you to customize those groups using the -g option. For more information refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Installation Guide. smsconfig also adds users to SMS groups and configures domain and platform administrative privileges. smsconfig sets access control list (ACL) attributes on SMS directories.

Note Do not manually edit the /etc/group SMS file entries to add or remove
users. Otherwise user access will be compromised. OPTIONS The following options are supported: -a Adds a user to an SMS group and provides read, write, and execute access for a domain or for the platform directories. You must specify a valid username, SMS group, and if applicable, a domain_id Indicates an SMS group. No group name is case sensitive. Configures the UNIX groups used by SMS to describe user privileges. Help. Displays usage descriptions.

-G -g -h

Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h is

ignored. -l -m -m I1 Lists all users with access to the specified SMS domain or platform. Configures all interfaces for all enterprise networks and the external community. Configures all interfaces for enterprise network I1. Network designation is not case sensitive. You can exclude a domain from the I1 network configuration by using the word NONE as the MAN hostname. This applies to the I1 network only. Configures all interfaces for enterprise network I2. Network designation is not case sensitive. Configures all interfaces for the external community network. Network designation is not case sensitive. Removes a user from an SMS group and denies read, write, and execute access for a domain or for the platform directories. You must specify a valid username, SMS group and if applicable, a domain_id.

-m I2 -m L -r

344 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M This interface is deprecated. rsh/ssh is no longer required. Indicates user login name. Displays the network configuration.

-s -u username -v OPERANDS

The following operands are supported: domain_id domain_role ID for a domain. Valid domain_ids are AR and are not case sensitive. Valid domain_roles are: admn rcfg platform Specifies the Sun Fire high-end platform and platform-specific directories. The platform name must begin with a letter, can contain numbers, letters, and the - symbol, and must not exceed 15 characters. (It must comply with RFC-921.) The platform name is used as the default prefix for hostnames of internal network interfaces. In Example 1, below, the platform name is sun15. Valid platform_roles are: admn oper svc SC0, SC1 netmask Interface designation for the Sun Fire high end systems SC. Interface designations are not case sensitive. A 32-bit number that masks or screens out the network part of an IP address in a subnet so that only the host computer part of the address remains visible. Commonly displayed in decimal numbers; for example, is a common netmask in a Class C subnet. netmask is not case sensitive.


Group Privileges Required

You must have superuser privileges to run this command. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.

System Administration 345

1M EXAMPLES Setting Up the MAN Network You must configure all interfaces in the MAN network. This example steps through all the prompts needed to completely set up all three enterprise networks using IPv4. Caution The IP addresses shown in the following examples are examples only. Refer to your Sun Fire System Site Planning Guide for valid IP addresses for your network. Using invalid network IP addresses could, under certain circumstances, make your system unbootable! There are no prompts for netmasks, and /etc/ipnodes are modified in addition to /etc/hosts. On the CP1500 board, the default NICs for community C1 are hme0 and eri1. On the CP2140 board, they are eri0 and eri3. The CP2140 board has no hme devices. IP addresses on the external network for failover, hme0, eri0, eri1, and eri3 on each SC must be unique. The floating IP address is the same on both SCs. By default, the I1 network settings are derived from the base network address entered for that network. You can exclude a domain from the I1 network configuration by using the word NONE as the MAN hostname. See EXAMPLE 4. For more information, refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Installation Guide. Once you have configured the MAN network, you must reboot the SC.

Configuring the MAN Network

sc0:# smsconfig -m The platform name identifies the entire host machine to the SMS software. The platform name occupies a different name space than domain names (hostnames of bootable systems). What is the name of the platform this SMS will service? sun15 Configuring the External Network for Community C1 Do you want to define this Community? [y,n] y Two network interfaces controllers (NICs) are required for IPMP network failover. Enter NICs associated with community C1 [hme0 eri1]: [Return] Enter hostname for hme0 [sun15-sc0-hme0]:[Return] Enter IP address for sun15-sc0-hme0: Enter hostname for eri1 [sun15-sc0-eri1]:[Return] Enter IP address for sun15-sc0-eri1: The Logical/Floating IP hostname and address will "float" over to whichever system controller (SC0 or SC1) is acting as the main SC. Enter Logical/Floating IP hostname for community C1 [sun15-sc-C1]:

Enter IP address for sun15-sc-C1:

346 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

Enter Netmask for community C1:

Enter hostname for community C1 failover address [sun15-sc0-C1failover]:[Return] Enter IP address for sun15-sc0-C1-failover: Hostname -------sun15-sc-C1 sun15-sc0-C1-failover sun15-sc0-eri0 sun15-sc0-eri3 IP Address (platform=sun15) ---------

Do you want to: 1) Accept these network settings. 2) Edit these network settings. 3) Delete these network settings and go onto the next community? [y,n] y Configuring the External Network for Community C2 Do you want to define this Community? [y,n] n Configuring I1 Management Network - 'I1' is the Domain to SC MAN. MAN I1 Network Identification Enter the IP network number (base address) for the I1 network: Enter the netmask for the I1 MAN network [ ]: [Return} Hostname -------netmask-i1 sun15-sc-i1 sun15-a sun15-b sun15-c sun15-d sun15-e sun15-f sun15-g sun15-h sun15-i sun15-j sun15-k sun15-l sun15-m sun15-n sun15-o sun15-p sun15-q sun15-r IP Address platform=sun15) ---------

Do you want to accept these network settings? [y,n] y Configuring I2 Management Network - 'I2' is for SC to SC MAN. MAN I2 Network Identification Enter the IP network number (base address) for the I2 network: Enter the netmask for the I2 MAN network [ ]:[Return] Hostname -------IP Address(platform=sun15) ----------

System Administration 347

netmask-i2 sun15-sc0-i2 sun15-sc1-i2

Do you want to accept these settings? [y,n] y Creating /.rhosts to facilitate file propagation ... done. MAN Network configuration modified! Changes will take effect on next reboot. The following changes are about to be applied to the "/etc/hosts" hosts file. ---------------------ADD: sun15-a #smsconfig-entry# ADD: sun15-b #smsconfig-entry# ADD: sun15-c #smsconfig-entry# ADD: sun15-d #smsconfig-entry# ADD: sun15-e #smsconfig-entry# ADD: sun15-f #smsconfig-entry# ADD: sun15-g #smsconfig-entry# ADD: sun15-h #smsconfig-entry# ADD: sun15-i #smsconfig-entry# ADD: sun15-j #smsconfig-entry# ADD: sun15-k #smsconfig-entry# ADD: sun15-l #smsconfig-entry# ADD: sun15-m #smsconfig-entry# ADD: sun15-n #smsconfig-entry# ADD: sun15-o #smsconfig-entry# ADD: sun15-p #smsconfig-entry# ADD: sun15-q #smsconfig-entry# ADD: sun15-r #smsconfig-entry# ADD: sun15-sc-i1 #smsconfig-entry# ADD: sun15-sc-C1 #smsconfig-entry# ADD: sun15-sc0-C1-failover #smsconfig-entry# ADD: sun15-sc0-hme0 #smsconfig-entry# ADD: sun15-sc0-eri1 #smsconfig-entry# ADD: sun15-sc0-i2 #smsconfig-entry# ADD: sun15-sc1-i2 #smsconfig-entry# ---------------------Update the hosts file, "/etc/hosts", with these changes? [y,n] y Hosts file "/etc/hosts" has been updated. The following information is about to be applied to the "/etc/netmasks" file. ---------------------ADD network:, mask: ADD network:, mask: ADD network:, mask: ---------------------Update the netmasks file, "/etc/netmasks", with these changes? [y,n] y Netmasks file "/etc/netmasks" has been updated. smsconfig complete. Log file is /var/sadm/system/logs/smsconfig sc#

348 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006


Configuring the I2 Network

sc0: # smsconfig -m I2 Configuring I2 Management Network - 'I2' is for SC to SC MAN Which System Controller are you configuring [choose 0 or 1]: 0. Hostname IP Address (platform=sun15) ----------------netmask-i2 sun15-sc0-i2 sun15-sc1-i2 Do you want to accept these network settings? [y,n] n MAN I2 Network Identification Enter the IP network number (base address) for the I2 network: Enter the netmask for the I2 MAN network [ ]: [Return] Hostname IP Address (platform=sun15) ----------------netmask-i2 sun15-sc0-i2 sun15-sc1-i2 Do you want to accept these network settings? [y,n] y Creating /.rhosts to facilitate file propagation ... done. MAN Network configuration modified! Changes will take effect on the next reboot. The following changes are about to be applied to the "/etc/hosts" hosts file. ---------------------ADD: sun15-sc0-i2 #smsconfig-entry# ADD: sun15-sc1-i2 #smsconfig-entry# ---------------------Update the hosts file, /etc/hosts. with these changes [y,n] y Hosts file /etc/hosts has been updated. The following information is about to be applied to the /etc/netmasks file. --------------------ADD network:, mask: --------------------Update the netmasks file, /etc/netmasks, with these changes? [y,n] y Netmasks file /etc/netmasks has been updated. sc#

System Administration 349


Configuring Internal Host Name and IP Address, SC to Domain B, on the I1 Network

sc0: # smsconfig -m I1 B Enter the MAN hostname for DB-I1 [ sun15-b ]: domainB-i1 I could not automatically determine the IP address of domainB-i1. Please enter the IP address of domainB-i1: You should make sure that this host/IP address is set up properly in the /etc/inet/hosts file or in your local name service system. Network: I1 (DB-I1) Hostname: domainB-i1 IP Address:

Do you want to accept these settings? [y,n] y Creating /.rhosts to facilitate file propagation ... done. MAN Network configuration modified! Changes will take effect on the next reboot. The following changes are about to be applied to the "/etc/hosts" hosts file. ---------------------ADD: domainB-i1 #smsconfig-entry# ---------------------Update the hosts file, "/etc/hosts", with these changes? [y,n] y Hosts file "/etc/hosts" has been updated. sc#


Excluding Domain D From the I1 Network

By excluding a domain, you will no longer be able to perform DR operations (rcfgadm) from the SC on that domain. You can still perform DR operations (cfgadm) on the domain itself. Refer to the Sun Fire High-End Systems Dynamic Reconfiguration (DR) User Guide for more information.
sc0: # smsconfig -m I1 D Enter the MAN hostname for DB-I1 [ sun15-b ]: NONE Network: I1 (DB-I1) Hostname: NONE IP Address: None Do you want to accept these settings? [y,n] y Creating /.rhosts to facilitate file propagation ... done. sc#

350 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006


Configuring Non-Default Groups

In this example, all domain administrator and domain reconfiguration groups are left as the default groups.
sc0: # smsconfig -g 1) Edit current configuration 2) Restore default groups 3) Quit Select one of the above options: 1 NOTE: In order to configure a new group the group must already exist. The Platform Administrator group has configuration control, a means to get environmental status, the ability to assign boards to domains, power control and other generic service processor functions. Enter the name of the Platform Administrator group [platadmn]? zeus The Platform Operator group has a subset of the platform privileges, limited generally to platform power control and platform status. Enter the name of the Platform Operator group [platoper]? poseidon The Platform Service group posses platform service command privileges in addition to limited platform control and platform configuration status privileges Enter the name of the Platform Service group [platsvc]? kronos The Domain Administrator group posses domain control and status, and console access privileges (for the respective domain), but does not posses platform wide control or platform resource allocation privileges. Enter the name of the Domain A Administrator group [dmnaadmn]? [Return] Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the name name name name name name name name name name name name name name name name name of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R Administrator Administrator Administrator Administrator Administrator Administrator Administrator Administrator Administrator Administrator Administrator Administrator Administrator Administrator Administrator Administrator Administrator group group group group group group group group group group group group group group group group group [dmnbadmn]? [dmncadmn]? [dmndadmn]? [dmneadmn]? [dmnfadmn]? [dmngadmn]? [dmnhadmn]? [dmniadmn]? [dmnjadmn]? [dmnkadmn]? [dmnladmn]? [dmnmadmn]? [dmnnadmn]? [dmnoadmn]? [dmnpadmn]? [dmnqadmn]? [dmnradmn]? [Return] [Return] [Return] [Return] [Return] [Return] [Return] [Return] [Return] [Return] [Return] [Return] [Return] [Return] [Return] [Return] [Return]

The Domain Reconfiguration group posses a subset of the Domain Administration group privileges. This group has no domain control other than board power and reconfiguration (for the respective domain).

System Administration 351

Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the name name name name name name name name name name name name name name name name name name of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the Domain A Reconfiguration group [dmnarcfg]? [Return] Domain B Reconfiguration group [dmnbrcfg]? [Return] Domain C Reconfiguration group [dmncrcfg]? [Return] Domain D Reconfiguration group [dmndrcfg]? [Return] Domain E Reconfiguration group [dmnercfg]? [Return] Domain F Reconfiguration group [dmnfrcfg]? [Return] Domain G Reconfiguration group [dmngrcfg]? [Return] Domain H Reconfiguration group [dmnhrcfg]? [Return] Domain I Reconfiguration group [dmnircfg]? [Return] Domain J Reconfiguration group [dmnjrcfg]? [Return] Domain K Reconfiguration group [dmnkrcfg]? [Return] Domain L Reconfiguration group [dmnlrcfg]? [Return] Domain M Reconfiguration group [dmnmrcfg]? [Return] Domain N Reconfiguration group [dmnnrcfg]? [Return] Domain O Reconfiguration group [dmnorcfg]? [Return] Domain P Reconfiguration group [dmnprcfg]? [Return] Domain Q Reconfiguration group [dmnqrcfg]? [Return] Domain R Reconfiguration group [dmnrrcfg]? [Return]

Configuration complete. Select one of the above options: 1) Edit current configuration 2) Restore default groups 3) Quit Select one of the above options: 3 sc#

Displaying the Network Configuration

sc0: # smsconfig -v NETWORK CONFIGURATION Platform name: xc Internal I1 Management Network - Used for Domain to SC communication MAN I1 SC Hostname: sun15-sc-i1 MAN I1 SC IP Address: MAN I1 Network Mask: Domain Hostname IP Address -----------------------------sun15-a sun15-b sun15-c sun15-d sun15-e sun15-f sun15-g sun15-h sun15-i sun15-j sun15-k sun15-l sun15-m sun15-n

352 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

sun15-o sun15-p sun15-q sun15-r

Internal I2 Management Network - Used for SC to SC communication MAN I2 Network Mask: SC Hostname IP Address -----------------------------sun15-sc0-i2 sun15-sc1-i2 No External Network Configured. Fri Jun 3 11:00:47 PDT 2005 smsconfig complete.

Adding a User to the Domain Administrator Group and Configuring Access to the Domain B Directories

You must specify a valid user name and valid SMS group and domain.
sc0: # smsconfig -a -u fdjones -G admn B fdjones has been added to the dmnBadmn group. All privileges to domain B have been applied.


Adding a User to the Domain Configurator Group and Configuring Access to the Domain C Directories

You must specify a valid user name and valid SMS group and domain.
sc0: # smsconfig -a -u fdjones -G rcfg C fdjones has been added to the dmnCrcfg group. All privileges to domain C have been applied.


Configuring Access to the Platform Directories

You must specify a valid user name and valid SMS group and the platform.
sc0: # smsconfig -a -u jtd -G svc platform jtd has been added to the platsvc group. All privileges to the platform have been applied.

System Administration 353


Displaying Users With Access to the Domain C Directories

sc0: # smsconfig -l C fdjones shea


Displaying Users With Access to the Platform Directories

sc0: # smsconfig -l platform fdjones jtd


Removing User Access to the Domain C Directories

You must specify a valid username and valid SMS group. Any user who belongs to more than one group with access to a domain must be removed from all groups before directory access is denied.
sc0: # smsconfig -r -u fdjones -G rcfg C fdjones has been removed from the dmnCrcfg group. fdjones belongs to the dmnCadmn group Access to domain C remains unchanged.

sc0: # smsconfig -r -u fdjones -G admn C fdjones has been removed from the dmnCadmn group. All access to domain C is now denied.


Configuring Using an Invalid Group name

You must specify a valid SMS group.

sc0: # smsconfig -a -u fdjones -G staff D ERROR: group staff does not exist ABORTING.


Mixing Groups and Designations

You must specify group names with the correct area designations. The admn group works with either designation.
sc0: # smsconfig -a -u fdjones -G rcfg platform ERROR: group rcfg cannot access the platform ABORTING.

354 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

sc0: # smsconfig -a -u fdjones -G oper D ERROR: group oper cannot access a domain ABORTING.


The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 Successful completion. An error occurred.


The following configuration files are required: /etc/hostname.scman0 /etc/hostname.scman1 MAN Ethernet interface file MAN Ethernet interface file

/etc/opt/SUNWSMS/config/ MAN daemon configuration file

Note is an internal SMS system file and should not be modified except by authorized Sun Microsystems personnel.
ATTRIBUTES See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.
Attribute Types Attribute Values

Availability Interface Stability

SUNWSMSop Evolving


mand(1M), ndd(1M), scp(1)

System Administration 355

1M NAME SYNOPSIS smsconnectsc - accesses a remote SC console smsconnectsc [-y|n] smsconnectsc -h DESCRIPTION smsconnectsc creates a remote tip console session from a local SC in order to reach a hung remote SC console. smsconnectsc enables the bit that connects the local SC's port B to the remote SC's RS-232 port A when you are logged in to the local SC. The remote SC is the SC that is hanging. Once the tty connection is enabled, smsconnectsc invokes a tip console session to the remote SC. Using the tip console session, you can do whatever needs to be done to the remote SC. smsconnectsc works in the absence of an external connection to the remote SC. If the remote SC has an active external connection to port A, then smsconnectsc fails and the session usually hangs. To exit, type: ~. After you finish, there are several ways to end the session, depending on whether you logged in to the local SC using telnet or rlogin. See the EXTENDED DESCRIPTION section. Using smsconnectsc as your permanent console connection to your system controller is not recommended; it should only be used when there is a problem with your external console connection. OPTIONS The following options are supported. -h Help. Displays usage descriptions.

Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h is ignored.

-n -y Automatically answers no to all prompts. Automatically answers yes to all prompts.

System Administration 357


In the tip console window established by smsconnectsc, a tilde (~) that appears as the first character of a line is interpreted as an escape signal that directs the tip console to perform the following action: ~. Disconnect the tip session. If you have established a telnet session to the local SC this disconnects the tip session and you remain logged in to the local SC. If you have established an rlogin session in to the local SC, this disconnects the tip session and also disconnects your rlogin session.

Note The tilde does not appear on the display until after you have
pressed the period. ~~. Disconnect tip session. ~~. Works only with rlogin. If you have established a telnet session in to the local SC, you receive the following error message: ~.: Command not found If you have established an rlogin session in to the local SC, this disconnects the tip session and you remain logged in to the local SC.

Note The first tilde does not appear on the display screen. The
second tilde does not appear until after you have pressed the period. rlogin also processes tilde-escape sequences whenever a tilde is displayed at the beginning of a new line. If you need to send tilde sequence at the beginning of a line and you are using rlogin, use two tildes (the first escapes the second for rlogin). Alternatively, do not enter a tilde at the beginning of a line when running inside of rlogin. If you use a kill -9 command to terminate a console session, the window or terminal in which the smsconnectsc command was executed goes into raw mode, and appears hung. To escape this condition, type:
sc#:sms-user:> CTRL-j sc#:sms-user:> stty sane sc#:sms-user:> CTRL-j

Group Privileges Required

You must have platform administrator privileges to run this command. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.


Creating a Remote Connection From the Local SC to the Hung Remote SC

358 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M In the following example the local SC is shown as sc1 and the remote SC is shown as sc0. Log in to the local SC as a platform administrator.
sc1:sms-user:> smsconnectsc TTY connection is OFF. About to connect to other SC. Do you want to continue (yes/no)? y connected sc0:sms-user:>


The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 Successful completion. An error occurred.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values




rlogin(1M), tip(1M)

System Administration 359

1M NAME SYNOPSIS smsinstall - install the SMS environment smsinstall directory_name smsinstall -p smsinstall -h DESCRIPTION smsinstall(1M) installs SMS packages on the main or spare SMS system controllers (SCs). You use this command when there are no previous versions of SMS on your system. If you use this command and there are previous versions of SMS installed, the command exits and returns an error message. The smsinstall command automatically hardens the SCs after installation. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Installation Guidefor instructions on how to install SMS using this command. If you are not running smsinstall from the Product directory (/download_directory/System_Management_Services_1_6/Tools), you must use the absolute path. If any errors occur, smsinstall writes error messages to /var/sadm/system/ logs/smsinstall. OPTIONS The following options are supported -h Help. Displays usage descriptions.

Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h is ignored.

-p OPERANDS Performs post-package add actions only.

The following operand is supported: directory_name Name of the directory which contains the SMS packages. The default path to the Product directory, directory_name, is: /download_directory/System_Management_Services_1_6/ Product where download_directory is the location where you downloaded the files from the Web.

Group Privileges Required

You must have superuser privileges to run this command. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information. System Administration 361


Installing SMS From the Web

sc#:sms-user:> download_directory/System_Management_Services_1_6/ Tools/smsinstall download_directory/System_Management_Services_1_6/ Product

Checking if Solaris Security Toolkit is already installed. Installing Solaris Security Toolkit package SUNWjass Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. Installation of <SUNWjass> was successful. Installing Solaris Security Toolkit package SUNBEfixm Installation of <SUNBEfixm> was successful. Installing Solaris Security Toolkit package SUNBEmd5 Installation of <SUNBEmd5> was successful. Solaris Security Toolkit packages installed successfully. Installing SMS packages. Please wait. . . pkgadd -n -d "../Product" -a /tmp/smsinstall.admin.24308 SUNWscdvr.u SUNWSMSr SUNWSMSop SUNWSMSdf SUNWSMSjh SUNWSMSlp SUNWSMSmn SUNWSMSob SUNWSMSod SUNWSMSpd SUNWSMSpo SUNWSMSpp SUNWSMSsu SUNWufrx.u SUNWufu SUNWwccmn Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. Installation of <SUNWscdvr> was successful. [...] Verifying that all SMS packages are installed.OK Setting up /etc/init.d/sms run control script for SMS 1.6 Setting up /etc/init.d/zoedsms run control script for SMS 1.6 /etc/opt/SUNWSMS/SMS1.5/startup/zoedsms. Attempting to restart daemon picld /etc/init.d/picld stop /etc/init.d/picld start Running Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2.0 hardening on System Controller. [NOTE] The following prompt can be disabled by setting JASS_NOVICE_USER to 0. [WARN] Depending on how the Solaris Security Toolkit is configured, it is both possible and likely that by default all remote shell and file transfer access to this system will be disabled upon reboot effectively locking out any user without console access to the system. Are you sure that you want to continue? (YES/NO) [YES] [NOTE] Executing driver, sunfire_15k_sc-secure.driver Solaris Security Toolkit hardening step executed successfully on the System Controller but it will not take effect until the next reboot. Before rebooting, please make sure SSH or the serial line is setup for use after the reboot. smsinstallcomplete. Log file is /var/sadm/system/logs/smsinstall.


The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 Successful completion. An error occurred.

362 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M FILES The following file is used by this command: /var/sadm/system/logs/smsinstall ATTRIBUTES smsinstall log file

See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values

Availability Interface Stability

SUNWSMSop Evolving


smsconfig(1M), smsupgrade(1M) System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Installation Guide

System Administration 363

1M NAME SYNOPSIS smsrestore - restore the SMS environment smsrestore filename smsrestore -h DESCRIPTION smsrestore(1M) restores the operational environment of the SMS from a backup file created by smsbackup(1M). Use smsrestore to restore the SMS environment after the SMS software has been installed on a new disk. Turn off failover and stop SMS before running smsrestore; start SMS and turn on failover, if you want, afterward. For information about manually starting and stopping SMS refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Installation Guide. If any errors occur, smsrestore writes error messages to /var/sadm/system/ logs/smsrestore.

Note If the main SMS environment has changed since the backup file was created for example, by shutting down a domain you must run smsbackup(1M) again in order to maintain a current backup file for the system controller.
OPTIONS The following option is supported. -h Help. Displays usage descriptions.

Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h is ignored.

OPERANDS The following operands are supported: filename Name of the backup file that was created by smsbackup(1M). If the specified file is not in the current directory, the filename must contain the full path name for the file. This file can reside anywhere on the system, connected network, or tape device. If no filename is specified, you receive an error message.

Group Privileges Required

You must have superuser privileges to run this command. Refer to Chapter 2, "SMS Security Options and Administrative Privileges" in the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.


Restoring SMS

sc# /opt/SUNWSMS/bin/smsrestore sms_backup.1.0.cpio

System Administration 365


Restoring SMS From Tape Device 0

sc# /opt/SUNWSMS/bin/smsrestore /dev/rmt/0/sms_backup.1.0.cpio


The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 Successful completion. An error occurred.


The following file is used by this command: /var/sadm/system/logs/smsrestore smsrestore log file


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values





366 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M NAME SYNOPSIS smsupgrade - upgrades the SMS software to the current version smsupgrade [-b] [-r] directory_name smsupgrade -p smsupgrade -h DESCRIPTION smsupgrade(1M) upgrades SMS software on the main or spare SMS system controllers. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Installation Guide for instructions about how to upgrade SMS using this command. The Solaris 10 OS on the SCs is supported only in SMS 1.6. If you are running the Solaris 10 OS on the SCs, you must upgrade your SMS version from 1.4.1 or 1.5 to SMS 1.6. You may not downgrade from SMS 1.6 to a different SMS version unless you first reinstall the Solaris 9 OS on the SCs. This restriction does not apply to Solaris 10 OS on domains. If you are not running smsupgrade from the Product directory you must use the absolute path. The absolute path is download_directory/ System_Management_Services_1_6/Product, where download_directory is the location where you downloaded the files from the web. If any errors occur, smsupgrade writes error messages to /var/sadm/system/ logs/smsupgrade. OPTIONS The following options are supported -b Neither smsbackup(1M) nor smsrestore(1M) are performed. The default is to run smsbackup to directory /var/tmp before upgrading SMS. -h Help. Displays usage descriptions.

Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h is

ignored. -p -r Performs post-package add actions only; it does not perform smsbackup or smsrestore. smsrestore(1M) is not performed after the upgrade The default is to run smsrestore from directory /var/tmp after upgrading SMS.

368 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

smsupgrade1M OPERANDS The following operands are supported: directory_name Name of the directory that contains the SMS packages. If you are installing from the Web, the path to the Product directory, directory_name, is /download_directory/ System_Management_Services_1_6/Product; where download_directory is the location where you downloaded the files from the Web. EXTENDED DESCRIPTION
Group Privileges Required

You must have superuser privileges to run this command. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.


Upgrading SMS

sc0:sms-user:> cd download_directory/System_Management_Services_1_6/Tools/ sc0:sms-user:> ./smsupgrade directory_name Attempting to stop daemon picld /etc/init.d/picld stop Verifying that all SMS packages are installed ...............OK Backing up SMS to /var/tmp/sms_backup.1.6.cpio before upgrade. Please wait. . . smsbackup /var/tmp smsbackup: Backup configuration file created: /var/tmp sms_backup.1.6.cpio SMS backup complete. Checking if Solaris Security Toolkit is already installed. Installing Solaris Security Toolkit package SUNWjass Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. Installation of <SUNWjass> was successful. Installing Solaris Security Toolkit package SUNBEfixm Installation of <SUNBEfixm> was successful. Installing Solaris Security Toolkit package SUNBEmd5 Installation of <SUNBEmd5> was successful. Solaris Security Toolkit packages installed successfully. Installing SMS packages. Please wait. . . pkgadd -n -d "../Product" -a /tmp/smsinstall.admin.24308 SUNWscdvr.u

System Administration 369

SUNWSMSr SUNWSMSop SUNWSMSdf SUNWSMSjh SUNWSMSlp SUNWSMSmn SUNWSMSob SUNWSMSod SUNWSMSpd SUNWSMSpo SUNWSMSpp SUNWSMSsu SUNWufrx.u SUNWufu SUNWwccmn Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. Installation of <SUNWscdvr> was successful. Installation of <SUNWSMSr> was successful. Verifying that all SMS packages are installed. OK Setting up /etc/init.d/sms run control script for SMS 1.6 Setting up /etc/init.d/zoedsms run control script for SMS 1.6 New SMS version 1.6 is active Restoring SMS from /var/tmp/sms_backup.1.6.cpio after upgrade. Please wait... smsrestore /var/tmp/sms_backup.1.6.cpio smsrestore complete. Log file is /var/sadm/system/logs/smsrestore. Attempting to start daemon picld /etc/init.d/picld start Attempting to start zoed... zoed started. It is recommended to harden the System Controller after an SMS upgrade. Execute the following to do this: 1) /opt/SUNWjass/bin/jass-execute -q \ sunfire_15k_sc-secure.driver 2) Reboot the System Controller smsupgrade complete. Log file is /var/sadm/system/logs smsupgrade.


The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 Successful completion. An error occurred.


The following files are used by this command: /var/sadm/system/logs/smsupgrade /var/tmp/sms_backup.1.5.cpio smsupgrade log file SMS backup file


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values

Availability Interface Stability

SUNWSMSop Evolving


smsbackup(1M), smsconfig(1M), smsinstall(1M), smsrestore(1M) System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Installation Guide

370 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M NAME smsversion - change the active version of SMS to another co-resident version of the SMS software smsversion new_version smsversion -t smsversion -h DESCRIPTION smsversion(1M) can be used to switch between two co-installed (and consecutively released) versions of SMS. The Solaris 10 OS on the SCs is supported only in SMS 1.6. If you are running the Solaris 10 OS on the SCs, you must upgrade your SMS version to SMS 1.6. If you upgraded both SMS and the operating system, you cannot switch to the previous version of SMS unless you first reinstall the previous version of the operating system. On the Solaris 9 OS, if you upgrade SMS from SMS 1.5 to SMS 1.6, you can switch back to SMS 1.5. If you upgrade from SMS 1.4 to SMS 1.4.1, SMS 1.5, and then to SMS 1.6, you cannot switch back to SMS 1.4 or SMS 1.4.1, only to SMS 1.5. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Installation Guide for more information. smsversion permits two-way SMS version-switching between sequential coresident installations on the same operating system, but with the following conditions:
Condition Explanation


New features

The features supported in the newer version of SMS may not be supported in the older version. Switching to an older version of SMS can result in the loss of those features. Also, the settings for the new features might be erased. Switching versions of SMS requires reflashing the CPU flash PROMs with the correct files. These files can be found in the /opt/SUNWSMS/ <SMS_version>/firmware directory. Use flashupdate(1M) to reflash the PROMs after you have switched versions. Refer to the flashupdate man page, the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide, and the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Installation Guide for more information on updating flash PROMs.

Flash PROM differences

smsversion, when invoked with no command-line argument, displays the list of all properly installed versions of SMS on the current system controller. You can pick from that list, and smsversion stores a copy of the current configuration environment and then switches all necessary software links necessary for activating the new version of the software. smsversion can run with an optional commandline argument specifying the target version for switching.


System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M Once smsversion completes the switch, the target version becomes the active version. To restore the configuration automatically saved by smsversion you must use smsrestore(1M). Your previous configuration is not automatically restored as part of the version switch. To restore your previous configuration, do the following:

Turn off failover and stop SMS. Then run smsrestore.

Note If you changed your network configuration using smsconfig -m after you
created the backup you just restored, you must run smsconfig -m and reboot before proceeding to the next step.

Start SMS and turn on failover. For information about manually starting and stopping SMS, refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Installation Guide.

If any errors occur, smsversion writes error messages to /var/sadm/system/ logs/smsversion. OPTIONS The following options are supported: -h Help. Displays usage descriptions.

Note Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h is ignored.

-t OPERANDS Displays the current active version of SMS and exits.

The following operand is supported: version_number Release number of the target SMS version

Group Privileges Required

You must have superuser privileges to run this command. This command must be run as root, or SMS will return an error. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.



Displaying the Version with One Version of SMS Installed

Displays the active version and exits when only one version of SMS is installed.
sc# /opt/SUNWSMS/bin/smsversion -t 1.6

System Administration



Changing the Active Version of SMS

Displays versions of SMS installed on this system controller. Choose the inactive version and perform a version switch. You must stop SMS before switching versions; otherwise, SMS returns an error. To switch versions, you perform these steps in order, as described in the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Installation Guide. Examples of the output for upgrade and downgrade follow. Disable failover. Stop SMS on the Main SC. Run smsversion on the Main SC. Run smsrestore on the Main SC, using the backup cpio file created by smsversion. Restart SMS on the Main SC. Stop SMS on the Spare SC. Run smsversion on the Spare SC. Run smsrestore on the Spare SC. Restart SMS on the Spare SC. Enable failover.


System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006


Switching To a Higher SMS Version

sc# /opt/SUNWSMS/bin/smsversion 1.6 smsversion: Active SMS version < 1.5 > You have requested SMS Version 1.6 Is this correct? [y,n] y smsversion: Upgrading SMS from <1.5> to <1.6>. smsversion: SMS version 1.6 installed To move to a different version of SMS an archive of critical files will be created. What is the name of the directory or tape device where the archive will be stored? [/var/tmp][return] smsversion: Backup configuration file created: /var/tmp/ sms_backup.1.6.cpio smsversion: Switching to target version <1.6>. smsversion: New Version <1.6> Active smsversion: Active SMS version < 1.6 > To use the previous SMS configuration settings type: smsrestore /var/tmp/sms_backup.1.6.cpio smsversion complete. Log file is /var/sadm/system/logs/smsversion.


Downgrading SMS Versions

sc# /opt/SUNWSMS/bin/smsversion 1.5 smsversion: Active SMS version < 1.6 > You have requested SMS Version 1.5 Is this correct? [y,n] y smsversion: Downgrading SMS from <1.6> to <1.5>. To move to a different version of SMS an archive of critical files will be created. What is the name of the directory or tape device where the archive will be stored? Enter archive location [/var/tmp]: [return] smsversion: Backup configuration file created: /var/tmp/ sms_backup.1.6.cpio smsversion: Switching to target version <1.5>. smsversion: New Version <1.5> Active You are downgrading to a version of SMS that requires you to perform the following operations: 1) Undo hardening 2) Redo hardening 3) Reboot the System Controller Perform these activities with the following command sequence: 1) /opt/SUNWjass/bin/jass-execute -u 2) /opt/SUNWjass/bin/jass-execute -q sunfire_15k_sc-secure.driver 3) reboot smsversion: Active SMS version < 1.5 > To restore the previous SMS configuration setting type: smsrestore /var/tmp/sms_backup.1.6.cpio smsversion complete. Log file is /var/sadm/system/logs/smsversion.

System Administration


1M EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 FILES Successful completion. An error occurred.

The following files are used by this command: /opt/SUNWSMS/bin/smsversion /var/sadm/system/logs/smsversion smsversion command smsversion log file


See attributes(5) for a description of the following attribute.

Attribute Type Attribute Value




smsbackup(1M), smsrestore(1M)


System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M NAME SYNOPSIS ssd - SMS startup daemon ssd [-f startup_file] ssd [-i message ] DESCRIPTION ssd(1M) starts, stops, and monitors all the key daemons and servers of SMS. When executed with no options ssd reads from the ssd_start file, which lists the daemons and servers that ssd starts and monitors. Do not execute this program manually. ssd(1M) is automatically invoked by a Solaris software run-control script and is periodically monitored for restart. OPTIONS The following options are supported: -f startup_file -i message Uses this file instead of the default ssd_start file. Places a notice message in the platform log file. Specified and used exclusively by the sms startup script.


The following files are supported: /etc/opt/SUNWSMS/startup/ssd_start /etc/opt/SUNWSMS/startup/sms Default startup file for ssd Default startup file for SMS


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values



378 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M NAME SYNOPSIS testemail - Test SMS event-reporting features testemail -c fault_class[,fault_class...] -d domain_indicator -i indicted_resource[,indicted_resource...] testemail -h DESCRIPTION testemail(1M) generates test events so you can verify that they were logged in the SMS platform message log file and reported by email as specified in the email control file ( For more information about the email control file, see the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide. When you invoke testemail, you can specify:

The event (or events) that testemail will generate The domain in which the event (or events) will be generated The components that will be reported faulty by the test event.

When invoking testemail using an Ecache resource, make sure that the system board containing the Ecache is powered on. Otherwise, the testemail invocation will fail and no email will be generated. OPTIONS Use these options: -h Help. Displays descriptions of testemail arguments and options.

Note Use alone. Other options included with -h are ignored.

-c fault_class [,fault_class ...] The fault class or comma-separated list of fault classes that testemail uses to generate an event. For example: -c fault_class,fault_class,fault_class Examples of valid fault classes are in the file /etc/opt/SUNWSMS/SMS/ config/SF15000.dict . -d domain-indicator The domain in which testemail will generate the events. Can be one of the following: domain_id Valid domain_ids are the characters AR, and are not case sensitive. domain_tag Name assigned to a domain using addtag(1M).


System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M -i indicted_resource [,indicted_resource ...] Optional. The component, or a comma-separated list of components, that will be reported faulty by the event. For example: -i indicted_resource,indicted_resource,indicted_resource A component does not have to be faulty to be included in the test event. Accepted components are:

board (a system_board, io_board, expander_board, or centerplane_support_board) system_board/port io_board/port system_board/port/physical bank/dimm system_board/port/physical bank/dimm/logical_dimm system_board/port/ecache io_board/port/iobus centerplane centerplane support bus (address bus, data bus, or response bus) expander_board/cdcdimm0 expander_board/bus system_controller system_controller_peripheral fan _tray power_supply

System Administration


1M -i indicted_resource [,indicted_resource ...] Optional. The component, or a comma-separated list of components, that will be reported faulty by the event. For example: -i indicted_resource,indicted_resource,indicted_resource A component does not have to be faulty to be included in the test event. Accepted components are:

board (a system_board, io_board, expander_board, or centerplane_support_board) system_board/port io_board/port system_board/port/physical bank/dimm system_board/port/physical bank/dimm/logical_dimm system_board/port/ecache io_board/port/iobus centerplane centerplane support bus (address bus, data bus, or response bus) expander_board/cdcdimm0 expander_board/bus system_controller system_controller_peripheral fan _tray power_supply


System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M where Components are: system_board SB(0...17) for Sun Fire 15K/E25K systemsSB(0...8) for Sun Fire 12K/ E20K systems IO(0...17) for Sun Fire 15K/E25K systemsIO(0...8) for Sun Fire 12K/ E20K systems EX(0...17) for Sun Fire 15K/E25K systemsEX(0...8) for Sun Fire 12K/ 20K systems P(0...3) B(0|1) D(0...3) L(0|1) I(0|1) E(0|1) CP(0|1) CS(0|1) ABUS|DBUS|RBUS(0|1) SC(0|1) SCPER(0|1) FT(0...7) PS(0...5)



port or processors for system_boards physical bank dimm logical dimm io_bus ecache centerplane centerplane support bus system_controller system_controller_peripheral fan tray power supply EXTENDED DESCRIPTION
Test Results

The results of the email test consist of:

Event messages in the platform messages log that record the test fault and event code, and a text string to ignore the message. Emails that notify the recipients specified in the email control file

System Administration


Group Privileges Required

You must have platform administrator or platform service privileges to run this command. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide for more information.



Generating Test Fault Events for Expander and I/O Boards

sc0:sms-user:> /opt/SUNWSMS/SMS/lib/smsadmin/testemail -c fault.board.ex.l1l2, -dD -i EX7,IO8


The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 Successful completion. An error occurred.


The following files are used by this command: /etc/opt/SUNWSMS/SMS/config/ Specifies the recipients of email notifications for different fault classes


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:

Attribute Types Attribute Values

Availability Interface Stability Command Output

SUNWSMSop Evolving Unstable




System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

1M NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION tmd - task management daemon tmd [-t number] tmd(1M) provides task management services, such as scheduling for SMS. The purpose of this service is to reduce the number of conflicts that can arise during concurrent invocations of the hardware tests and configuration software. This daemon is started automatically by ssd(1M). Do not start it manually from the command line. OPTIONS The following option is supported: -t number This option allows the number of concurrent invocations to be throttled. The value must be a positive number, greater than or equal to one. Caution Changing the default value can adversely affect system functionality. Do not adjust this parameter unless instructed by a Sun service representative to do so. EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 ATTRIBUTES Successful completion. An error occurred.

See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values





System Administration 385

1M NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION wcapp - wPCI application daemon wcapp wcapp(1M) is responsible for implementing Sun Fire Link clustering functionality specifically, handling requests from the domain-side drivers and responding to requests for information from the external Sun Fire Link fabric manager server. wcapp runs in a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) included with Solaris 8 02/02 operating environment or later. wcapp is responsible for managing Sun Fire Link clustering for all the domains in the Sun Fire high-end system. The Java side of wcapp exports a set of Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) interfaces that can be used by the Sun Fire Link fabric manager to set up and monitor a cluster. This daemon is automatically started by ssd(1M). Do not start it manually from the command line. EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned: 0 >0 ATTRIBUTES Successful completion. An error occurred.

See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute Types Attribute Values





System Administration 387


388 System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual Last Revised May 2006

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