Spectro Why Flame users move to ICP
Spectro Why Flame users move to ICP
Spectro Why Flame users move to ICP
Why Flame
AAS Users
Are Moving
Atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS or flame now offer the possibility of obtaining an ICP-
AAS) and inductively coupled plasma optical OES product at not much more than the cost
emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) represent two of an AAS device. (Case in point: the SPECTRO
long-established technologies used in a wide GENESIS ICP-OES analyzer.) So a number of
variety of analytical applications. ICP-OES has users previously locked into evaluating AAS
traditionally come with a considerably higher technology alone are now considering ICP-OES
price tag than AAS. Thus, many users have felt for their next analytical instrument purchase.
constrained to consider only AAS instruments for a
variety of tasks where lower costs were essential. This paper briefly outlines conventional flame
AAS and ICP-OES technologies, and offers
Recently, however, price points have shifted. comparisons to help users choose the analyzer
Manufacturing efficiencies and other changes that’s right for them.
Ease of use
Flame AAS, which uses a hollow cathode lamp for each element to
AAS instruments are widely used for
be analyzed, has long been the hot choice for many analyses. But the
increasing affordability of advanced, high-productivity ICP-OES casts
routine analyses in a variety of industries
a brighter light on AAS disadvantages. for several reasons — high among them,
ease of operation.
Temperatures reached within the AAS experience easily ionizable element (EIE)
flame don’t exceed 3000° C, so a number interferences when encountering matrices
of chemical bonds, most notably in containing Group I elements such as
refractory oxides, may persist. lithium, sodium, and potassium (and to
a lesser extent, also Group II elements).
With the ICP-OES plasma, it’s a different
However, ICP-OES models such as
story. Virtually all chemical bonds are
SPECTRO GENESIS eliminate effects
totally destroyed by about 6000° C. Since
of this interference via radial plasma
temperatures in the plasma can reach up
observation. No buffering is required.
to 10000° C, this technology completely
eliminates chemical interferences.
Spectral interferences
Long-term stability for an ICP-OES such them can be a significant factor in AAS
as SPECTRO GENESIS is excellent. At cost comparisons.
less than 2 percent long-term instability
Even from lower-cost, aftermarket
over an 8-hour period, the instrument
suppliers, HCL list prices in a recent
avoids the need for frequent recalibration.
survey ranged from $200 to $600 per
Also, ICP-OES instruments can — and lamp, depending mainly on the element-
AAS devices cannot — tolerate high specific cathode material.
levels of total dissolved solids (TDS).
As for lamp longevity: heavy-duty
usage — for instance, running an AAS
Lamp costs instrument more or less continuously, for
generates light of a specific wavelength to five HCLs per element per year! And
element’s atoms within the flame. So can exhibit quite short shelf lives. Since
an AAS instrument must be equipped lamp lifetimes are often rated at 1 year,
with a hollow cathode lamp (HCL) to even users who utilize their instruments
be analyzed.
In sharp contrast, since their technology
Costs to analyze 1 sample with 16 elements: Costs to analyze 1 sample with any number of
• Bottle of acetylene (8500 liters) $120.00
• Bottle of argon (15000 liters) $80.00
• Acetylene consumption 4 liters/minute;
$0.15 per analysis • Argon consumption 18 liters/minute;
$0.15 per analysis
• Electricity 0.03 kilowatt hour at $0.01
• Electricity 0.03 kilowatt hour at $0.01
Throughput: At 16 elements, can analyze up to 180 Throughput: At any number of elements, can
samples in an 8-hour shift analyze up to 320 samples in an 8-hour shift
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