Father Medical Insurance
Father Medical Insurance
Father Medical Insurance
Policy Issuing Office Aditya Birla Health Policy Servicing Aditya Birla Health Insurance Co.
Insurance Company Limited, Office Limited, 7th Floor, C building,
10th Floor, R- Tech Park, Modi Business Centre,
Nirlon Compound, Kasarvadavali, Thane (W) -
Goregaon-East, Mumbai- 400615
Master Policy 71-22-00081-00-00 Certificate Number GHI-TB3-OL-21-IN6189952
Master Policy Holder Bajaj Finance Limited
Product Name Group Activ Health Member ID BF-0000053067-01
Name of Insured R Suryakanth Unique Identification IN6189952
Person and H NO 2-66, Number
Address of
Insured person
TELANGANA - 500094
Benefit Description
Group Mediclaim Refer Coverage Details below
Premium Details
Particulars Amount (Rs.)
Net Premium 17,441.53
IGST(18.00%) 1,339.48
Gross Premium 18,781.00
Premium Payment Mode Annual
GST Registration No. 27AANCA4062G1ZN Category: General
Insurance SAC Code:997133
Claim Process
Please contact Address for Correspondence Aditya Birla Health Insurance Company Limited,
us through any Claims Dept. 5th floor, C building, Modi Business Centre,
of these Kasarvadavali,Mumbai,
Modes Thane West 400 615
Contact Number 1800 270 7000
Email ID care.healthinsurance@adityabirlacapital.com
Note- At the time of claim, dependent member need to establish relationship with the Insured Person by
submitting relevant documents as a relationship proof.
Grievance Redressal
In case of a grievance, the Insured Person/ Policyholder can contact Us with the details through our
website: www.adityabirlacapital.com. Email:care.healthinsurance@adityabirlacapital.com or Toll Free : 1800
270 7000. Address: Any of Our Branch office or Corporate office. For senior citizens, please contact
respective branch office of the Company or call at 1800 270 7000 or write an e- mail at
seniorcitizen.healthinsurance@adityabirlacapital.com. The Insured Person can also walk-in and approach the
grievance cell at any of Our branches. If in case the Insured Person is not satisfied with the response, then
they can contact Our Head of Customer Service at the following email
carehead.healthinsurance@adityabirlacapital.com. If the Insured Person is still not satisfied with Our redressal,
he/she may approach the nearest Insurance Ombudsman. The contact details of the Ombudsman offices
are provided on Our website and in the Policy.
Premium Certificate is for the purpose of deduction under Section 80-(D) of Income Tax (Amendment) Act
This is to certify that KUNCHI PRASANNA DINESH paid INR 8,781.00 (In words Eight Thousand Seven
Hundred And Eighty- One Only) towards Premium for Health Insurance for the Period From 00:01 hrs on
(21/01/2022) to midnight (20/01/2023).
Instrument Number Instrument Date Amount Name of the Bank
- - - -
Stamp Duty- The stamp duty of Rs. 1 paid vide MH008239866202122E & 30/10/2021, received from
Stamp Duty Authorities vide Receipt No./GRASS DEFACE NO '0004071843202122 & 10/11/2021,
payment has been made vide Letter of Authorisation No. CSD/186/2021/4609 Dated 11/11/2021 from
Main Stamp Duty Office
Date: 21/01/2022
Place: Mumbai
Note: Amount is inclusive of all taxes and cesses as applicable. This certificate must be surrendered
to the Insurance Company for issuance of fresh certificate in case of cancellation of Master Policy or
any alteration in the insurance affecting the premium.
Annexure-1 Basic coverage
Coverage Details
Plan Type Mother( Divya Nair)
the associated Medical Expenses. Single Private Treatment and Surgery of any kind, unless
Room means a basic (cheapest) category of single requiring Hospitalization due to an Accident.
room in a Hospital with/without airconditioning 32.Cost incurred for any health check-up or
facility where a single patient is accommodated for the purpose of issuance of medical
and which has an attached toilet (lavatory and certificates and examinations required for
bath). employment or travel or any other such
41.Pre-Existing Disease Waiting Period 33.Artificial life maintenance, including life
We will not make any payment for any claim in support machine used to sustain a person,
respect of any Insured Person directly or indirectly who has been declared brain dead, as
caused by, based on, arising out of, relating to or demonstrated by:
howsoever attributable to any Pre-Existing 1. Deep coma and
Diseases or any complication arising from the unresponsiveness to all forms of
same, until the time period of 3 Years has stimulation; or
elapsed since the Start Date of the first Policy 2. Absent pupillary light reaction; or
with Us. 3. Absent oculovestibular and
corneal reflexes; or
42.Specified Disease / Procedure Waiting 4. Complete apnea.
Period 34.Treatment for developmental
A waiting period of 24 months from the Start problems, learning difficulties eg. Dyslexia,
Date shall apply to the treatment, whether medical behavioral problems including attention deficit
or surgical and of the Illness/conditions and their hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
complications mentioned in Annexure-II 35.Treatment for Age Related Macular
Degeneration (ARMD) , treatments
43.30 Days Waiting Period such as Rotational Field Quantum
Any treatment taken during the first 30 days of the Magnetic Resonance (RFQMR), External
Start Date shall not be covered under the Policy, Counter Pulsation (ECP), Enhanced
unless the treatment is required as a result of an External Counter Pulsation (EECP),
Accident that occurs during the Policy Period. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.
36.Expenses which are medically not
If any of the Illness/conditions listed above are required such as items of personal
Pre - Existing Diseases, then they will be covered only comfort and convenience including but
after the completion of the Pre-Existing Disease not limited to television (if specifically
Waiting Period. charged), charges for access to telephone
and telephone calls (if specifically
Road Ambulance Expenses - charged), food stuffs (save for patient’s
diet), cosmetics, hygiene articles, body care
products and bath additives, barber
We will cover the costs incurred up to Rs. 3000 expenses, beauty service, guest service as
on transportation of the Insured Person by road well as similar incidental services and
Ambulance to a Hospital for treatment in an supplies, vitamins and tonics unless
Emergency following an Illness or Injury which certified to be required by the attending
occurs during the Policy Period. We will also cover Medical Practitioner as a direct
Website: www.adityabirlacapital.com