jireeyna proposal
jireeyna proposal
jireeyna proposal
Id no
August, 2021
First of all I would like to express full thanks to '' God '' for all his support in all my life and also
for his support in letting me to reach where I am now. Also I would like to thanks my Family
who support me financially and morally.
My special thanks also go to my advisor woldesilasssie H (MBA) for his ultimate guidance,
advice and for his important support throughout the study.
CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................................6
1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY.............................................................................................................6
1.2 BACK GROUND OF THE ORGANIZATION............................................................................................7
Vision of the organization.........................................................................................................................7
Mission of the organization.......................................................................................................................8
1.3 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM..............................................................................................................9
1.4 RESEARCH QUESTION........................................................................................................................9
1.5 OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY......................................................................................................................9
1.5.1 General objective................................................................................................................................9
1.5.2 Specific objectives............................................................................................................................10
The specific objectives of this study are the following: -...........................................................................10
1.6 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY............................................................................................................10
1.7 SCOPE OF THE STUDY.......................................................................................................................10
1.9 ORGANIZATION OF THE PAPER............................................................................................................11
CHAPTER TWO...........................................................................................................................................12
2. LITERATURE REVIEW..............................................................................................................................12
2.1 DEFINITION AND CONCEPT OF SERVICE..............................................................................................12
2.2 DEFINING CUSTOMER VALUE AND SATISFACTION..............................................................................13
2.3. CUSTOMER DELIVERY VALUE..............................................................................................................14
2.3.1 TOTAL CUSTOMER VALUE.................................................................................................................14
2.3.2 TOTAL CUSTOMER COST...................................................................................................................14
2.4 CUSTOMER SATISFACTION..................................................................................................................15
2.5 DELIVERING CUSTOMER VALUE AND SATISFACTION...........................................................................15
.2.5.1 VALUE CHAIN...................................................................................................................................15
2.5.2 Value delivery system.......................................................................................................................16
2.6 RETAINING CUSTOMERS......................................................................................................................16
2.8 SERVICE MARKETING...........................................................................................................................17
2.9 MANAGING SERVICE QUALITY.............................................................................................................17
2.10 CHARACTERISTICS OF SERVICE..........................................................................................................20
Perish ability..............................................................................................................................................21
2.11 QUALITY.......................................................................................................................................21
2.13 SERVICE DELIVERY.............................................................................................................................22
CHAPTER THREE........................................................................................................................................22
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY......................................................................................................................22
3.1 RESEARCH DESIGN..............................................................................................................................22
3.2 SAMPLE DESIGN...................................................................................................................................22
3.3 SOURCE OF DATA................................................................................................................................23
3.4 TOOLS FOR DATA COLLECTION............................................................................................................23
3.5 SAMPLE SIZE........................................................................................................................................23
3.6. Analysis of the collected data.............................................................................................................23
Time and cost budget................................................................................................................................23
Customer service deliver is a task, other than common operation that involves interaction with
customer in person, by telecommunication mail of automated process. The meaning of customer
varies from one organization to another, with in the services sector, it can be described as the
total quality of the services process as perceived by the customer. Mehiret, 2003).
Services is any act or performance that one party can offer to another that is essential intangible
and does not result in the ownership of anything. (kotler and koller,2006). Customer service
representative used to be only down in the trenches handling customer complaints. The
straightened out various mix-ups like lost or incorrect orders and tried to satisfy irate customer,
now customers managers are moving up in the organization. this new status comes from a push
for better customers and its use a key element in marketing strategy. Unfortunately, customer
service is one of the most misunderstood areas in business perhaps because no general definition
exists. Certainty a definition must reflect both the quality of the system in delivering products to
users and a customer orientation. (Brekowitz, 2002).
When emperor Menelik through the intermediately of his advisor engineer “Alfredilg “had
introduced various innovations in the country. Telecommunication was the product of the
invention of the telephone by “Grahame and Ethiopia was one of its beneficiaries hundred and
more years ago.
The Ethiopia telecommunication corporation has currently been extending extensive and
comprehensive efforts to satisfy the ever increasing demand of telecommunication services in all
over the country. ETC’S had widened its technological advancement and currently giving the
following services
Telephone service
Network communication
Radio communication
Micro wave
ETC envisions an information –based Ethiopia society where all our people have access to
information infrastructure on equitable basis. ETC shall be an internationally recognized
agile, strong and vibrant world class ICT infrastructure and service provider.
Provide world –class telecommunication service including basic telephone Mobile internet
and multimedia service.
Core Value
We will be committed to understand. meet and exceed the need and expectations
We will recognize our employees as our most important asset and we will help them develop
and grow.
We will have committed to high level performance. service quality organization excellence
and continuous development
We will make every effort to achieve superior financial return for our corporation
2. Is there a relevant and adequate customer handling system that promotes quality Service?
1.5.1 General objective
The general objective of this study is to the assess of customer service deliver in Ethiopia
telecommunication Yirgalem branch.
The paper will try to give detail information about the general service delivery of customers at
the organization
This paper will contain five chapters. The first chapter contains introduction part which
includes background to the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study,
significance of the study, scope, limitations, and background of the organization. The second
chapter states review of literature and chapter three deals study of methodology of the fourth
with data analysis and the five chapter deals with the conclusion and recommendation
The service component can be minor or a major part of the total offer five categories of offer
can be distinguished.
1. Pure tangible good:-offer consists primarily of a tangible good such as soap tooth paste or
salt. No service accompanies the product.
2. Tangible good: -with accompanying service, the offer consists of a tangible good
accompanied by one or more service to enhance its consumer appeal.
3. Hybrid: - the offer consists of equal parts of goods and service for example people
patronize restaurants for bother their food and service.
4 Major Service with accompanying minor’s goods and service the offer consists of a major
service along with additional services and/or supporting goods. For example, airline
passengers are buying transportation service. However, the trip includes some tangibles such
as foods and drinks and airlines magazines.
5. Pure services: -the offer consists primarily of a service. Examples include baby –sitting,
psychotherapy and massages. Service might take different forms on bases of skill offer
sooner, clients, or a sense, ultimate need and objectives.
First: - service vary as to whether they are equipment based (automated car washers, ending
machines) or people based (window washing, accounting service) people-based service vary
by whether they are provided by unskilled, skilled or professional workers.
Second: -some service requires the client presents but car repair does not. If the client must be
present, the service provides has to be considerate of his or her needs. Thus, beauty shops
operators will invest in their shops decant. Play back ground music and engage in light
conversation with the client.
Third: - Service differs as to whether they meet a personal need (personal service) or a
business need (business service), service provides typically develop different marketing
programs for personal and business markets.
Fourth: - Service provides differ in their objectives (profit or no profit) and ownership
(private or public) (kotler and keller,2006).
is “to create customers” however, creating customers can be difficult task. Today’s customers
face vast area of product and brand choices, prices and supplies The Company must answer a
key questions how do customers make their choices?
The answer is that customers choose the marketing after that gives them the most value.
Customers are value maximizes within the bounds of search costs and limited knowledge,
mobility and income. They form expectation of value and act up on them. Then they can
compare actual value they receive in consuming the product to the value expected, and this
affects their satisfaction and repurchases behaviors. We will now examine the concept of
customer value and customer satisfaction more carefully. {kotler and Armstrong,2006}.
Thus, the customer form judgments about the value of marketing offers and make their buying
decisions based up on these judgments. Customer satisfaction with a purchase depends on the
product’s relative to buyer’s expect actions. A customer might experience various degrees of
satisfactions. If the product’s performance falls short of expectations, the customer is
satisfied, if performance exceeds expectations. The customer is highly satisfied or delighted
(kotler and keller,2006)
For example, procurement involves obtaining the various inputs for each primary activity only
a fraction of procurement is done by the purchasing department. Technology development and
human resource management also occur in all departments. The firms’ infrastructure covers
over head of general management, planning finance, accounting and legal and government
borne by all primary & support activities. under the value chain concept firms should be
examine its costs & performance in each value creating activity to look for improvement. It
should estimate its competitor’s costs and performance as benchmark. To the extent that firm
can perform certain activities better than its competitors. It can achieve competitive advantage
(kotle and keller,2006).
growing so fast that the company did not worry about fully satisfying its customers.
accompany could lose 100 customers a weak but gain other 100 customers and consider its
sale to the satisfactory such accompany, operating on a “leaky bucket” theory of business,
believes that there always be enough customers to replace the defecting one. However, this
high customer join involves higher costs then if company retained all 100 customers acquired
no new ones. Customer retention, as the name indicates, means keeping customer to continue
to deal with a company by meeting their frequent and flexible needs. Alternatively, this means
making customers very satisfied so that they will be less likely to find other company that
they believe can satisfy them at the same high.
Companies have failed to retain their customers. Due to their failure to meet their needs
on time by their own actions, companies my leave a large portion of their customers
dissatisfied that is, either their sales people are aggressive that they persuade customers to buy
products or service that relay do not fit their needs or the company has exaggerated the
performance of its product or service, leaving customers disappointed.
performance. Some firms have become almost legendary for their high-quality service. The
key is to exceed the costumer’s service-quality expectations. As the chief at American express
puts it “promise only what your delivery and more than you can promise”. These expectations
zero based on past experiences, word of mouth, and service firm advertising. It perceived
service of a given firm exceeds expected service; costumers are adapting to use the provider
again. customer retention is the best measure quality a service firm’s ability to have on to its
costumers depends on how consistently it delivers value to them. Thus, whereas the
manufacturers quality goal might be (zero defects) the service providers goal is (zero
costumer defections.) The service providers need to identify, unfortunately, service quality is
harder to identify and judge than product quality. It is harder to get agreement on the quality
of hair –cut than on product quality of a hair dryer, for instance, moreover, although greater
service quality result in greater costumers in service usually pay off through increased
costumers retention and sales. Whatever the level of service provided, it is important that the
service provider clearly define and communicate that level so, that its employees know what
they must deliver and costumers know what they will get. Many service companies have
invested heavily to develop streamlined and sufficient service delivery system. They want to
ensure that customers will receive consistently high quality service in every service encounter.
Unlike product manufacturers who can adjust their machinery and inputs until everything is
perfect, however, service quality always will vary depending on the interactions between
employees and customers.
Problem inevitably occurs. As hard as they try even the best companies will have an
occasional late delivery, burned steak, or grumpy employee, however, although a company
cannot always prevent service problems, it can turn angry customers in to loyal ones. In fact,
good recovery can win more costumer purchasing and loyalty than if things had gone well in
the first place. Therefore, companies showed take steps not only to provide good service
everything, but also to recover from service mistakes when they do occur. (Kilter and keller,
Good customer service is good for business. It costs less to keep the good will of existing
customer than it does to attract new customer back lost customers. Firms that provide high-
quality service usually outperform there less service-oriented competitions. A study
comparing the performance of business that had high and law customer rating of service
quality found that the high service businesses managed to change more, grow faster, and
make more profits. Clearly, marketers need to think carefully about their service strategies.
Customer vary in the value they assign to different services thus, the first step in deciding
which product-support service is what happens between the customer determining his/her
needs and receiving the desired benefit. The smother all are able to help the customer navigate
that path means the more satisfactory customer service we are giving. However, most service
providers in the public service do not appropriately and on stand what service did very really
means. For this reason, many organizations fail to improve the level of their customer service
delivery. Unfortunately, the concept of customer service has been neglected in the public
result in marketing programs that are substantially different from those found in product
Generally, services have four characteristics that distinguish them from product.
Pure service cannot be defined in terms of the physical dimension, which is so important to
many tangible products, and the customer cannot be seen or tested them before purchase, this
poses problem in terms of defining this services. To reduce uncertainty, the buyer will look
for signs or evidence of the service quality. They will draw conclusions about the quality of
the service from the place, people, equipment, communication materials, symbols and price
that they see. Therefore, the service providing task is to manage the evidence to tangible the
intangible where as a product marketer changed to add abstract ideas
Services are highly variable, their quality depends on who provides them and when, where,
and how they are provided. Service buyers are aware of this high variability and frequently
tack to others before selecting a service provider. It is impossible for service industry or even
an individual seller of service to standardize output. Each “unit “of the service come what
different from other “unit” of some service. An added complication is that it is often difficult
to judge the quality of service.
Service firms can take several steps towards quality control. They can carefully select and
train their personnel, provide incentives that emphasize quality. They can make service
employees more visible and accountable to consumers. A firm can regularly check customer’s
satisfaction through suggestion and compliant system.
Perish ability
Higher levels of quality result in greater customers satisfaction, while at the same time
supporting higher prices and often lower costs, according to ’s chairman, john welch,jr,”
quality is our best assurance of customer allegiance, our strongest defense against foreign
competition ,and the only pattern to sustained growth and earning . Quality has been variously
defined as “fitness various” “conformance to requirements “and “freedom from variation.”
The American society for quality control defines quality as the totality of features and
characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs.
This is clearly a customers centered definition of quality whenever, it is product and service
meet or exceed customers’ needs most of the time is a quality company. It is important to
distinguish between performance quality and conformance quality. Performance quality refers
to the level at which a product performance it’s function.
offer is the quality that costumers want. This quality, intern, result in improved sales and
profits. TQ is the key to creating costumers value and satisfaction
Today customers face a growing range of choices in the products and service they can buy.
They base their choices on perceptions of quality, value and service; companies need to
understand the determinants of customer’s value and satisfaction. Customers’ delivery value
is the difference between total customers’ value and total customers cost customers will
normally choose the offer that maximizes their delivered value.
Customers satisfaction is the outcome fact by buyers who expectation a company
performance that fulfills expectations. Customers are satisfied when their expectations are
exceeded. Satisfied customers tend to remain loyal longer, buy more, are less price sensitivity
and tack favorable about the company. To delivery customer value chains and the entire value
delivery system in customer –centered way. The company’s goal is not only to get customers
but even more importantly, to retail customers. (kotler and keller 2006).
The term service delivery usually refers to a set of component that provides a service delivery
The delivery of service typically involves six factors
1. The accountability service provider and his service suppliers. E.G (the people)
2. Equipment used to provide the service.
E.g. technical system, computer system, vehicles
3. The physical facilities.
E.g. (building, parking)
4. The requesting service consumer.
5. Other customers at the service delivery location
6. Customer contact.
This study will use data collection from primary and secondary data source. The primary
data source with include questioner. The secondary data sources which includes record
document and internet engine
Topic Xx
1 selection
Preparation Xx Xx
2 of proposal
Collection of xx
3 useful
Data xx Xx
4 collection
Data Xx
5 analysis and
writing of
Submission Xx
6 of research
Presentation Xx
of final
7 research
t and Pens 6 10.00 60.00
Pencil 3 5.00 15.00
- - 375.00
Total cost
Contingency - - 250.00
Armstrong G, 2006). Marketing Information 10th Ed Practice Hall International Edition USA
Love Lock, 2009).Marketing management knowledge and skill 9thedition
Philip Kotler and Keller, 2009).A frame work for marketing management 4th end prentice hall