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Oral 1.

Part 1. A formal presentation

For this task, you will select two of the provided texts, which correspond to
potential introductions and conclusions to research proposals. You need to
choose one introduction and one conclusion set. Your objective is to deliver a
natural and fluent presentation, applying the correct intonation, rhythm, and
stress patterns that we have discussed in class. Ensure to double-check the
pronunciation of any words that were mispronounced in the occupational video
provided. Pronounce contractions when required. Maintain an appropriate
speed and intonation suitable for a formal academic or professional
presentation. Evaluation will primarily focus on pronunciation, intonation, and
stress (both at the sentence and word level). Record your audio and uploaded
to TECdigital. ONLY the audio.

Introductions Conclusions
Good morning/afternoon, everyone. Today, I'm thrilled to In conclusion, our research proposal represents a crucial
present our groundbreaking research proposal in step forward in drug discovery, offering novel solutions to
biotechnology, which 's going to address the pressing gap combat disease and enhance human health. By harnessing
in drug discovery by exploring the pharmacological the pharmacological potential of marine organisms and
potential of marine organisms in our oceans. Despite collaborating with industry partners, we're poised to make
advancements in pharmacology, there remains a significant strides in biomedicine. Looking ahead, our next
significant need for novel drug candidates to combat steps 'll involve conducting preclinical trials to validate our
emerging diseases and drug-resistant pathogens. Our findings and advance potential drug candidates towards
project 'll bridge this gap by leveraging private sector commercialization. The importance of our project lies in
resources and interdisciplinary expertise to delve into the its potential to save lives, improve healthcare outcomes,
untapped biodiversity of our oceans. Through genetic and contribute to the pharmaceutical industry's growth
analysis, bioinformatics, and pharmacological screening, and innovation.
we aim to identify promising compounds with therapeutic
potential. Moving forward, we 'll translate our findings
into preclinical trials, with the ultimate goal of developing
new drugs to benefit humanity.
Greetings, everyone. Today, I'm honored to introduce our To sum up, our research proposal holds immense promise
ambitious research proposal in biotechnology, which 's set for transforming agriculture and addressing global food
to revolutionize agricultural practices through gene security challenges. By harnessing the power of
editing technologies. As the global population continues to biotechnology and collaborating with governmental
rise, agricultural sustainability has become a paramount agencies and industry stakeholders, we're laying the
concern. However, traditional farming methods are facing groundwork for a more sustainable future. Moving
challenges such as climate change, soil degradation, and forward, our next steps 'll involve field trials to assess the
pest infestations, necessitating innovative solutions. Our performance of genetically modified crops under real-
project aims to address this gap by specializing in genetic world conditions and engage in stakeholder consultations
modification to enhance crop resilience and productivity. to ensure the responsible deployment of biotechnological
By leveraging cutting-edge gene editing techniques and innovations. The importance of our project cannot be
multidisciplinary expertise, we intend to develop overstated—it has the potential to enhance agricultural
genetically modified crops that 'll thrive in diverse productivity, mitigate environmental impact, and improve
environmental conditions while minimizing the use of livelihoods for millions of people around the world.
pesticides and fertilizers. Our ultimate goal is to
contribute to food security, environmental sustainability,
and the resilience of farming communities worldwide.
Hello, everyone. I'm excited to present our innovative In closing, our research proposal represents a significant
research proposal in biotechnology, which 'll utilize step towards sustainable environmental stewardship and
renewable resources for environmental cleanup through ecological restoration. By harnessing the natural abilities
bioremediation. In recent years, industrial activities have of mushrooms and fostering multidisciplinary
led to widespread environmental contamination, posing collaboration, we're pioneering innovative approaches to
significant threats to ecosystems and human health. address environmental contamination. Looking ahead, our
Traditional remediation methods often fall short in next steps 'll involve scaling up our bioremediation efforts
addressing these challenges, highlighting the need for through field trials and community engagement initiatives.
alternative approaches. Our project focuses on harnessing The importance of our project extends beyond scientific
the power of mushrooms as bioagents for bioremediation, discovery—it embodies our collective responsibility to
capitalizing on their unique ability to degrade organic preserve and protect our planet for future generations.
pollutants and restore ecological balance. Through hands- Through continued research and advocacy, we aim to
on educational initiatives and specialized training catalyze positive change and create a more resilient and
programs, we aim to empower environmental scientists sustainable environment for all.
with the skills and knowledge needed to implement
sustainable remediation strategies. By cultivating
mushrooms in contaminated sites and monitoring their
effectiveness, we seek to demonstrate the viability of
bioremediation as a cost-effective and environmentally
friendly solution.
Part 2. Your future pathway.
For this task, I'd like you to provide insights into your future aspirations and
plans. Begin by sharing details about your academic major and what motivated
you to pursue it, drawing upon your personal experiences and interests. Then,
transition into discussing your future plans, expectations, and goals, outlining
how you intend to achieve them. Maintain a formal yet natural and relaxed
tone, as this question often arises in application videos used to assess
candidates for employment or academic research opportunities. Your response
should be between 1 to 3 minutes in length, focusing on your grammar,
vocabulary choices, pronunciation, and overall coherence. Avoid relying on
ChatGPT for generating ideas; instead, use your authentic voice to convey your
thoughts effectively. Avoid reading. Record the audio and upload it to tec

Both audios can come together as one. You can also upload them to as cloud
and share the link. Just make sure to grand me permission to access them.
Due to: March, 22nd

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