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Time : 45 Minutes

60 Questions

Part A


Each sentence in Part A has a word or phrase underlined. Below each sentence are four other or phrases. You
are to choose the one word or phrase which would best keep the
meaning of the originalsentence if it were substituted for the underlined word.

1. Mr. Jacob’s sole objective is to make his firm a Fortune 500 company
(A) only
(B) principal
(C) important
(D) immediate
Answer: (A) only

2. The president of the company will resign at the and of the fiscal year
(A) quit
(B) relocate
(C) reserve
(D) get a raise
Answer: (A) quit

3. Professor jhonson has a trough knowledge of egyptian hieroglyphich

(A) complete
(B) hazy
(C) wonderful
(D) scientific
Answer: (A) complete

4. The detective’ resourcfulness helped him solve the mystery.

(A) assistance
(B) skill
(C) family
(D) money
Answer: (B) skill

5. they have been vacationing in the country recently

(A) midget
(B) diligent
(C) transient

(D) unmotivated
Answer: (C) transient

6. The Johnsons' new garage was not wide enough for the camper to fit.
(A) Too new
(B) Too big
(C) too long
(D) too narrrow
Answer: (D) too narrow

7. The old utilities building was demolished and a new highrise took its place.
(A) renovated
(B) razed
(C) remoleded
(D) reconciled
Answer: (B) razed

8. Perhaps the customer has overlooked his monthly statement and notpaid the bill.
(A) perused
(B) confused
(C) neglected
(D) not received
Answer: (C) neglected

9. The current edition of that magazine discusses the ancient civilizations of Latin America.
(A) latest
(B) first
(C) observations
(D) duties
Answer: (A) latest

10. He is a person who understands his obligations and attends to them.

(A) restrictions
(B) annoyances
(C) observatios
(D) duties
Answer: (D) duties

11. He was refused admission to the restaurant for not wearing a tie.
(A) granted
(B) denied
(C) acquiesced
(D) appealed
Answer: (B) denied

12. John was not promoted because his work did not meet the manager's expectations.
(A) anticipations
B) expenditure

(C) expertise
(D) gaudiness
Answer: (A) anticipations

13. Joyce is loved by all her friends because she is very congenial.
(A) pleasant
(B) wealthy
(C) courageous
(D) sensitive
Answer: (A) pleasant

14. The students were given complimentary passes for the new movie.
(A) inexpensive
(B) free
(C) expensive
(D) good
Answer: (B) free

15. Prehistoric cave art portrayed animals in motion.

(A) enhanced
(B) hindered
(C) criticized
(D) depicted
Answer: (D) depicted

16. She discarded the cores after Nellie had baked the apple pie.
(A) peels
(B) seeds
(C) centers
(D) carton
Answer: (C) centers

17. Victoria Holt and William Shakespeare are prolific writers.

(A) productive
(B) famous
(C) esteemed
(D) celebrated
Answer: (A) productive

18. After receiving her check, Suzy endorsed it and took it to the bank.
(A) destroyed
(B) signed
(C) folded
(D) deposited
Answer: (B) signed

19. After the rope had broken, the mountain climber was left dangling freely.
(A) swinging
(B) falling

(C) sliding
(D) wrinklin
Answer: (A) swinging

20. The professor's introductory remarks concerned the development of thelaser beam.
(A) preliminary
(B) final
(C) supplementary
(D) interminable
Answer: (A) preliminary

21. The speaker was asked to condense his presentatin in order to allow hisaudience to ask questions.
(A) abbreviate
(B) expand
(C) continue
(D) delay
Answer: (A) abbreviate

22. Fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls have been found in recent years.
(A) aromas
(B) piesces
(C) drawings
(D) writers
Answer: (B) piesces

23. We were caught in a deluge while returning from our vacation.

(A) hailstorm
(B) downpour
(C) sandstorm
(D) blizzard
Answer: (B) downpour

24. The daring rescue of those stranded on the mountaintop was truly acreditable deed.
(A) Hard to believe
(B) Praiseworthy
(C) unusual
(D) risky
Answer: (B) praiseworthy

25. The driver of the car was liable for the damages caused to thepassenger.
(A) arrested
(B) liberated
(C) legally responsible
(D) proposed
Answer: (C) legally responsible

26. That he should ask her to marry him was rather presumptuous on hispart.
(A) audacious

(B) stupid
(C) brave
(D) nice
Answer: (A) audacious

27. The Lucas family emigrated from Switzerland before the war.
(A) departed
(B) arrived
(C) was exiled
(D) resided
Answer: (A) departed

28. The pianist was adept at playing the arpeggios.

(A) proficient
(B) adjustable
(C) awkward
(D) careful
Answer: (A) proficient

29. The company asked for additional information.

(A) certain
(B) emphatic
(C) further
(D) enchanting
Answer: (C) further

30. The president'’s compassion for the refugees caused him to admit a very large number of them.
(A) friendship
(B) respect
(C) pity
(D) hostility
Answer: (C) pity


Part B

In Part B, the questions are based on a variety of reading material (single sentences, paragraphs,
advertisements, and the like). You are to choose the one best answer, (A), (B), (C), or (D), to each question.
Them, on your answer sheet, find the number of the problem and mark your answer. Answer all questions
following a passage on the basis of what is stated orimplied in that passage.

Questions 31 through 36 are based on the following passage.

Although the period that we call the Renaissance began in Italy inthe fourteenth century,this idea of
rebirth in Earning characterized other epochs in history in different parts of the world.

In 800 A.D. Charlemagne became king of the Franks and initiated theCarolingian Renaissance, a period
which saw beautiful and moremodern cities patterned on Roman architecture. His improvements ininstruction
for boys expanded the educational system, helped maintainRoman culture, and continued a society in Western
Europe, as well ascreated libraries (a carryover from Alexandrian Egypt of 323 B.C.).

Kievan Russia,also enjoyed a period of rebirth some 200 years laterunder the able rule of Yaroslav the
Wise. Like Charlemagne,hefounded schools, established libraries, and brought about many archi-tectural

31. Which was the earliest period of rebirth mentioned?

(A) Russian.
(B) Italian.
(C) Carolingian.
(D) Roman.
Answer: (C) carolingian

32. The president' scompassion for the refugees caused him to admit a very large number of them.
(A) Friendship (C) pity
(B) respect (D) hostility
Answer: (B) respect

33. Which was the earliest period of rebirth mentioned?

(A) Russian.
(B) Italian.
(C) Carolingian.
(D) Roman.
Answer: (A) Russian

34. How mana centuries separated the Kievan and the Italian Renaissance?
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5
Answer: (B) 3

35. what can we assume a out Yaroslav?

(A) He has demented
(B) He wsa a competent leader
(C) He was inept
(D) He was cruel
Answer: (B) He was a competent leader

36. The word carryover in this selection mis nearly means

(A) remnant
(B) residue
(C) innovation
(D) barbarism
Answer: (A) remnant

Questions 37 through 40 are based on the following reading,

Gelatin is a protein substance that comes from the skins and bones of
animals. Most people know it as the substance used to make a jellylikesalad or dessert. Not only is it useful in
making these foods, but it is alsobeneficial to the consumer because of its high protein content. Gelatin isalso
commonly used in the photographic industry and in makingmedicinal capsules.
The process for producing gelatin is a long and complex one. In theprocessing of gelatin made from
bones, whichvaries slightly from that ofgelatin made from skin, the grease first must be eliminated.
Then,thebones are soaked in a solution of hydrochloric acid in order to rid them ofminerals and are washed
several times in water. Next, the bones areplaced in distilled water,heated to over 90°F for a few hours, placed
infresh distilled water, and then heated again at a little over 100°F.A fluidforms from this heating, and it is
concentrated, chilled, and sliced.Finally, it is dried and ground. In its final form, gelatin is white,tasteless, and

37. What can we assume from this read ig passage?

(A) One could easily make glatin at home
(B) It is necessary to add minerals to the gelatin
(C) Fat aids in making good delatin
(D) Gelatin is useful for elderly and ill people because it is easy to chewand high in protein.
Answer: (D)

38. Which of the following is true?

(A) Gelarin Made from skin is produced in the same way as that Made from bones
(B) Grease probbably does not aid in producing gelatin
(C) The chemical used in making gelarin comes off the surface of the bones by rinsing with water
(D) When the gelarin is dried, it is in powder prom.
Answer: (B)

39. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?
(A) The procces of Making Gelatin
(B) Protein fooda
(C) Usea for Bones
(D) A Great Desert
Answer: (A)

40. Which of the following industries is not mentioned as using gelatin?

(A) Lawn care
(B) Photograph
(C) Pharmaceutical
(D) Food
Answer: (A)

Questions 41 through 45 are based on the following reading.

In recent years, scientific and technological developments have
drastically changed human life on our planet, as well as our views bothof ourselves:as individuals in society and
of the universe as a whole.Maybe one of the most profound developments of the last decade is thediscovery of
recombinant DNA technology, which allows scientists tointroduce genetic material (or genes) from one organism
into another.In its simplest form, the technology requires the isolation of a piece of DNA, either directly from the
DNA of the organism under study, orartificially synthesized from an RNA template, by using a

viral enzymecalled·reverse transcriptase. This piece of DNA is then ligated to afragment of bacterial DNA
which has the capacity to replicate itselfindependently.The recombinant molecule thus produced can be intro-
duced into the common intestinal bacterium Escherishchia coli, whichcan be grown in very large amounts in-
synthetic media. Under properconditions, the foreign gene will not only replicate in the bacteria, butalso
express-itself, through the process of transcription and translation,to give rise to large amounts of the specific
protein coded by the foreigngene.
The technology has alrèady een successfully applied to the produc-tion of several therapeutically important
biomolecules, such as insulin,interferon, and growth hormones. Many other important applicationsare under
detailed investigation in laboratories throughout the world.

41. Recombinant DNA tecnology consist prima lu of?

(A) Producing seberapa therapeutically important biomolecules
(B) giving rise to large amounts of protein
(C) introducing genetic material from one organism into another
(D) using a viral enzyme called reserve transcriptase
Answer: (C)

42. Recombinant DNA technology has been used in the production of all of the following biomolucules
(A) growth hormones
(B) interferon
(C) insulin
(D) esherishchcia coli
Answer: (B)

43. Recombinant DNA technology has ben used in the prodUction of all of the following biomoleculles
(A) The foreign gene will replicate in the bacteria, but it will notexpress itself through transcription
and translation.
(B) The bacterium Escherischia coli can be grown in large amounts insynthetic media.
(C) Research continues in an effort to find other uses for this technolo-gy.
(D) Recombinant DNA technology is a recent dévelopment.
Answer: (A)

44. Expression of a gene in Escherischia coli requires.

(A) the viral enzyme reverse transcriptase
(B) the processes of transcription and translation
(C) production of insulin and other biomolecules
(D) The term recombinant is used because
Answer: (B)

45. The term recombinant is used because

(A) by ligation,a recombina is produced, which has thecapacity of replication
(B) the technique requires the combination of several types of technol-ogy
(C) by ligation, a recombinant protein is produced, part of whose aminoacids come from each
different organism
(D) Escherischia coli is a recombinant organism
Answer: (A)

Questions 46 through 49 are based on the following reading.

Of the six outer planets, Mars, commonly called the Red Planet, isthe closest to Earth. Mars, 4,200 miles
in diameter and 55% of the sizeof Earth, is 34,600,000 miles from Earth, and 141,000,000 miles fromthe Sun. It
takes this planet, along with its two moons, Phobos andDeimos, 1.88 years to circle the Sun, compared to 365
days for the Earth.
For many years, Mars had been thought of as the planet with theman-made canals, supposedly discovered
by an Italian astronomer,Schiaparelli, in 1877. With the United States spacecraft Viking I'slanding on Mars in
1976, the man-made canal theory was proven to beonly a myth.
Viking I, after on the soil of mars, prformed many scientific experiments and took numerous pictures.
The pictures showed that thebiological life was found, though it had been speculated by manyviolent dust
storms. Some water vapor, polar ice and permafrost (frost below thesurface)were found, indicating that at one
time there weresignificant quantitics of water on this distant planet. Evidence collectedvolcanos are belicved to
be dormant, if not extinct.

46. Hich of the following is not true?

(A) Mars has two Moons
(B) Is takes longer gor Mars to circle the sun thankyou it takes Earth
(C) Martian soil is Rocky
(D) Mars is larger than Earth
Answer: (D)

47. Man Made canals were supposedly discovored by ?

(A) Viking 1
(B) Schiaperelli
(C) Phobos
(D) Martian
Answer: (B)

48. Mars has been nicknamed

(A) Viking 1
(B) The red planet
(C) Deimos
(D) Martian
Answer: (B)

49. the Viking I exploration accomplished all of the following except.

(A) Performing scientific experiments
(B) collecting informations shoping volcanic action
(C) monitoring weather conditions
(D) discovering large quantities of polar ice and permafrost
Answer: (D)

Questions 50 through 55 are based on the following passage.

Italy enjoyed a highly developed and specialized civilization fromabout 264 B.C. until the fall of the
Roman Empire in 476 A.D. Importantcontributions were made in art, science, education, religion, and archi-
tecture.Remains of Roman aqueducts and amphitheaters can still beseen in various parts of Africa and Europe
today. Probably the mostlasting of the Roman heritage to the world can be found in laws basedon Roman legal

principles as found in England, Latin America, and theUnited States, as well as the Roman alphabet which
forms the basis ofmany languages among which are English,Spanish,and German.

50. During how many centuries did italy enjoy an advanced

(A) 3
(B) 4
(C) 6
(D) 8
Answer: (D) 8

51. Which of the following is considered to be the most enduring heritage of the romance?
(A) art
(B) scienc
(C) law
(D) education
Answer: (C) law

52. Where can we stiill find evidence of Roman architecture today?

(A) Latin America (C) Germany
(B) Africa (D) United states
Answer: (B) Africa

53. All of the following are true except

(A) Roman law was so advanced that other natios adopted Roman legal princples
(B) Some Roman-built structures are spill standing
(C) Roman superiority began to decline in the fourth century A.D
(D) the ancient Romans were talented in many areas.
Answer: (C) Roman superiority began to decline in the fourth century A.D

54. Which of the following languages is not given as using the Romanaphalbet.
(A) English.
(B) German.
(C) Russian.
(D) Spanish.
Answer: (C) Russian

55. Which of the following areas was not mentioned has having a legal codebased on the
ancient Roman code.
(A) China.
(B) Latin America.
(C) England.
(D) United States.
Answer: (A) China

56. Which of the following could not become president of the United states?
(A) a 38-year-old man born in the United States.
(B) a 40-year-old naturalized citizen who has lived in the United States for 25 years
(C) a 45-year-old woman born of parents who were U.S. citizens.

(D) a 60-year-old woman who was born in japan of parents who were citizents of the United States
and who has lived in the United States for 20 years.
Answer: (B) A 40-year-old naturalized citizen who has lived in the United States for 25 years

57. What is the maximum number of years that a person can serve as president of the united States?
(A) 4.
(B) 8.
(C) 10.
(D) 14.
Answer: (C)

58. How long muat a citizen have lived in the United States before He or seh can become president?
(A) 8 years. (C) 22 years.
(B) 14 years. (D) 35 years.
Answer: (B)

Directions for questions 59 and 60:

For each of these questions, choose the answer that is closest inmeaning to the original sentence.
Note that several of the choices maybe factually correct, but you should choose the one that is the
closestrestatement of the given sentence.

59. All term papers are due tomorrow unless special arrangements are madeto turn them in at a later
(A) Term papers can be turned in later tomorrow after making specialarrangements.
(B) Unless previous arrangements are made, all term papers are duetomorrow.
(C) Special arrangements can be made tomorrow to turn in term papersat a latter date.
(D) Term papers arranged for a latter date can be turned in tomorrow.
Answer : (B) Unless previous arrangements are made, all term papers are duetomorrow

60. After many long and grueling hours of practice, Rita finally became anaccomplished violinist.
(A) Rita's long and grueling hoursof practice helped her become anaccomplished violinist.
(B) Rita accomplished many long, grueling hours of practice andbecame a violinist.
(C) After becoming an accomplished violinist, Rita spent many long grueling hours of practice.
(D) Rita spent many long, grueling hours accomplishing her violin practice.
Answer : (A) Rita's long and grueling hoursof practice helped her become anaccomplished violinist.

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