Starry Night E1-E4 Questions
Starry Night E1-E4 Questions
Starry Night E1-E4 Questions
1) Answer: B
Antares is 550 light years away from the observer
2) Answer: D
The angular separation between Antares and the Moon is 36 degrees\
3) Answer: C
Antares is 469 light years away from Sabik
4) Answer: B
The moon was at an 11-degree angular separation from Antares on 07/08/2014
5) Answer: D
I am facing NW at an AZ of 315 degrees
6) Answer: B
The Moon is 30 arc minutes in diameter
7) Answer: B
Alkaid is 104 light years away
E1 to E4
1a: The Big Dipper is in the Ursa Major constellation
1b: The stars at the tip of the bowl point to Polaris
1c: You can also follow the arc of the Big Dipper's handle to see the Ursa Minor, Arcturus in
Bootes, and then Spica in Virgo.
2a: Its so close to the celestial north pole, that is traces out a very small circle. On top of this, it
is one of the brightest stars in the night sky.
2b: The North Star or the Pole Star
3: It has had an amplitude change. When it was measured in the early 1900s, it had over 0.1
magnitude, but since 1963, it has gradually decreased. It is still one the brightest stars,
1a: Orion is often called "The Hunter" because it resembles a figure with a belt and a sword.
1b: Under a starry night, Orion the Hunter spotted Taurus the Bull entangled in dark clouds.
Canis Major sprang into action barking away the shadows. Together, they guided the lost bull to
safety, their lights shining, projecting hope. As the great star approached, their friendship faded,
and once again they became shadows under the veil of blue sky.
1c: Aldebaran
4a: 4b:
Time: 22:00
4c: ` 4d:
1a: The stars aren’t in the same position because we are now observing them from New York
City instead on Ontario, Canada.
1b: The stars will shift to the right
4a: Aires, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpius, Sagittarius, Capricornus,
Aquarius, and Pisces
4b: The sun, the moon, various planets, and asteroids
1a: The sun would be in the Leo constellation
1b: The sun moved into Libra, then Scorpio, and then finally Sagittarius
2: In the year 1 A.D, the sun was in Pisces during the spring, Gemini in the summer, Virgo in the
Autumn, and Sagittarius in the winter
3: The sun had the exact same cycle of entering constellations as it did in 1 A.D. Pisces, to
Gemini, to Virgo, to Sagittarius
4a: The constellations do not really allign anymore. When they were established by the
Babylonians and the Greeks around 2500 years ago, the Sun moved differently than it does
today. The dates no longer match the actual position.
4b: Using the modern zodiac system, which divides the sky into 12 equal parts, is deeply
enshrine din Babylonian astrology. The Babylonians were the first to organize the sky and they
assigned sectors according to 30-degree signs that fit their lunar calendar of 12 months. Since
so much of the zodiac and astrological positions are embedded within Greek and Babylonian
systems, and they were not true nations or people until around 2500 years ago, it is obvious that
the systems aren’t 4000 years old.
4c: Ophiuchus, which is between Scorpius and Sagittarius
4d: There is misalignment, no scientific data, exclusions of various constellations that the sun
passes through, a focus on symbolism, and a general insult to Astronomy as a whole.