ZKBio CVSecurity V6.4.0_Release Notes_20241205
ZKBio CVSecurity V6.4.0_Release Notes_20241205
ZKBio CVSecurity V6.4.0_Release Notes_20241205
Thank you for choosing our product. Please read the instructions carefully
before operation. Follow these instructions to ensure that the product is
functioning properly. The images shown in this manual are for illustrative
purposes only.
is a registered trademark of ZKTeco. Other trademarks involved in this manual are owned by
their respective owners.
This manual contains information on the operation and maintenance of the ZKTeco equipment. The
copyright in all the documents, drawings, etc. in relation to the ZKTeco supplied equipment vests in and is
the property of ZKTeco. The contents hereof should not be used or shared by the receiver with any third
party without express written permission of ZKTeco.
The contents of this manual must be read as a whole before starting the operation and maintenance of the
supplied equipment. If any of the content(s) of the manual seems unclear or incomplete, please contact
ZKTeco before starting the operation and maintenance of the said equipment.
It is an essential pre-requisite for the satisfactory operation and maintenance that the operating and
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thorough training in operating and maintaining the machine/unit/equipment. It is further essential for the
safe operation of the machine/unit/equipment that personnel has read, understood, and followed the
safety instructions contained in the manual.
In case of any conflict between terms and conditions of this manual and the contract specifications,
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shall prevail. The contract-specific conditions/documents shall apply in priority.
ZKTeco offers no warranty, guarantee, or representation regarding the completeness of any information
contained in this manual or any of the amendments made thereto. ZKTeco does not extend the warranty
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ZKTeco does not assume responsibility for any errors or omissions in the information or documents which
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Document Conventions
Conventions used in this manual are listed below:
GUI Conventions
For Software
Convention Description
Bold font Used to identify software interface names e.g., OK, Confirm, Cancel.
Multi-level menus are separated by these brackets. For example, File > Create >
For Device
Convention Description
<> Button or key names for devices. For example, press <OK>.
Window names, menu items, data table, and field names are inside square
brackets. For example, pop up the [New User] window.
Convention Description
1 STATEMENT ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6
2 PRECAUTIONS WHEN UPGRADING ZKBIO CVSECURITY .......................................................................................... 6
3 VERSION 6.4.0 ..................................................................................................................................................................7
4 VERSION 6.3.0 ..................................................................................................................................................................9
5 VERSION 6.1.3 ................................................................................................................................................................12
6 VERSION 6.1.0 ................................................................................................................................................................12
7 VERSION 6.0.2 ................................................................................................................................................................16
8 VERSION 6.0.1 ................................................................................................................................................................16
9 VERSION 6.0.0 ................................................................................................................................................................16
10 VERSION 5.4.2 ............................................................................................................................................................. 20
11 VERSION 5.4.1 ............................................................................................................................................................. 20
12 VERSION 5.4.0 ............................................................................................................................................................. 20
13 VERSION 5.3.0 ............................................................................................................................................................. 21
14 VERSION 5.2.0 ............................................................................................................................................................. 22
15 VERSION 5.1.1 ............................................................................................................................................................. 23
16 VERSION 5.0.0 ............................................................................................................................................................. 25
1 Statement
1. ZKBio CVSecurity offers three updates: Major Updates, Minor Updates, and Patch.
Major Updates: Major updates include significant updates in modules or functionalities of the
Software and are recommended to all users.
Minor Updates: Minor updates include improvements in a few functionalities of the Software.
Patch: The bugs are fixed in the Patch version.
2. Version Number Description:
3 Version 6.4.0
Release Date: 2024/11/30 Update Type: Major Updates
New Features and Improvements
No Update Module Key Update Figure
New module implementation with the following
1. Mobile Booking System: added compatability
for Facekiosk H10A devices for mobile booking
system: real-time space occupancy monitoring,
detailed space information display (capacity,
Space dimensions, available facilities) and instant booking
Management confirmation.
2. Automated Notifications: email and mobile
app notifications for booking confirmations. And
meeting reminders and updates.
3.Comprehensive Reporting System: space
utilization analytics, booking history and trends and
custom report generation.
1. Device Management: IoT gateway integration
and offers terminal device monitoring and control.
2. Scene Management: supports attribute to scene
linkage and cross-module integration, for instance,
binding with space management.
2 Energy Saving 3. Verification Records: attendance records can be
generated from time & attendance devices, access
control terminals, license plate recognition (LPR)
devices and facial authentication via IPC. All
verification records are instantly displayed on the
monitoring dashboard.
1. Scenario Centre: a new “Real-time
Attendance”application,employs the use of an IP
camera for real-time attendance monitoring. The IP
camera captures a face template, and integrates
with ZKBio CVSecurity to facilitates the real-time
attendance function.
3 Service Center
2. Event Center Renovation: Users can query and
export all activity records for an individual in access
control, attendance, parking, and consumption
using their personnel ID or name.
3. Event Center - Event Types: Incorporate SOP
issues handling.
1. Self-Registration System: a cloud-based visitor
registration system. Visitor can pre-register
4 Visitor remotely.
2. Enhanced Security: protect visitor data by end-
to-end encryption and protect the local server
4 Version 6.3.0
Release Date: 2024/06/30 Update Type: Major Updates
New Features and Improvements
5 Version 6.1.3
Release Date: 2024/06/17 Update Type: Patch
Security Patch Notes:
1. Fixed Arbitrary File Upload Path Deletion Issue Post-Login: Resolved a vulnerability where
unauthorized deletion of file paths could occur after logging in, which could lead to directory
2. Fixed Unauthorized Hierarchical Resource Access Post-Login: Addressed an issue that allowed users to
access resource information across directory levels based on the resource path name after logging in.
3. Fixed Form Export Vulnerability Post-Login: Rectified a security flaw where the password field in the
export form was removable, enabling unauthorized export of data without a password.
4. Strengthened Cross-Site Illegal Character Interception: Enhanced security measures to better
intercept and block illegal characters in cross-site interactions to mitigate the risk of injection attacks.
5. Fixed Unauthorized System Administrator Creation Post-Login: Corrected a privilege escalation
vulnerability that allowed users to create system administrator accounts without proper authorization
after logging in.
6 Version 6.1.0
Release Date: 2024/01/03 Update Type: Major Updates
New Features and Improvements
Elevator Control-Reader supports
7 optional downlink wiegand
1. Hybrid cloud connection
25 CVSecurity
2. APP function operation
7 Version 6.0.2
Release Date: 2023/11/14 Update Type: Patch
Bug Fixed
1. Fixed the PULL Devices incorrect online/offline status.
2. Fixed the software hang sometimes issue when sync data to PULL Device.
3. Fixed the issue that the video map management menu not show when upgrade from old version.
8 Version 6.0.1
Release Date: 2023/08/15 Update Type: Patch
New Features and Improvements
1. Newly add options of manual patrol or auto patrol of Video Patrol function.
2. Allow user batch modify the duration of each cameras of video patrol plan.
3. Newly add photo quality guidance when user uploading BioPhotos.
Bug Fixed
1. Fixed the issue of upgrading the attendance device’s firmware with return error return value -3.
2. Fixed the issue of batch sync personnel to PULL device but only one personnel get synced.
3. Fixed the issue that the Global Linkage menu was disappear of Intelligent Analytic Module after
upgrade from old ZKBio CVSecurity version to newest.
9 Version 6.0.0
Release Date: 2023/06/30 Update Type: Major Updates
New Features and Improvements
No. Module Function Update Content Description
Newly added support for uploading BioPhoto, separated from
User Photo.
Personnel BioPhoto
2 Supports batch import of Biophoto.
3 Supports viewing of Biophoto.
4 DCS Application Integration with KONE for DCS application.
Added field for Real-time monitoring, reports, and API now support parking
parking time time field.
TBM Ticket
6 Dispenser License Ticket dispenser license control is separate from LPR.
7 Car ID + TBM Ticket Car ID and TBM ticket dispenser can be used simultaneously.
8 Real-time Supports preview before remote door control.
Access monitoring
Control supports live Supports live preview of doors when clicking on the door icon
preview of doors in the map center.
47 C/S Client The client supports preview, playback, electronic maps, alarms.
10 Version 5.4.2
Release Date: 2023/06/01 Update Type: Patch
Bug Fixed
1. While Adding NVR failed, the camera list has extra cameras info without cameras.
2. Fixed the issue of cannot adding the NVR with same IP (The WAN NVR has the same IP and different
11 Version 5.4.1
Release Date: 2023/05/17 Update Type: Patch
Bug Fixed
1. Fixed the bug when changed the area of device, the event point of logs will missing and the reader
name became 'other'
2. Fixed the bugs that when system auto previewed the temporary employees, the biophoto path
stored in database has a '/' extra, which will lead to the biophoto sync failed to device.
3. Fixed the bug that the commands of sync personnel lack of biophoto.
4. Fixed the bug that the back-end verification events of part controllers cannot stored at database.
12 Version 5.4.0
Release Date: 2023/04/28 Update Type: Minor Updates
New Features and Improvements
No. Features Sub-menu Key Updates
Crowd situation
Device Device Added to support the connection for ZK
Management connection 16/32CH NVR 2HDD models.
Added to support ZK NVR for fast retrieval of
7 Video Playback Video retrieval target video by human & vehicle alarms, marked
by different color in the play bar.
Support configuration of alarm linkage to video
Decode on the Large screen wall window, the triggered alarm to
wall control automatically decode to video wall floating
window to display (by ZK Decoder)
Added to support BioSense Series intelligent
analytics based on human & vehicle targets
bidirectional interaction alarm linkage with
9 Global Linkage access control devices.
Added to support alarm linkage video on the
wall configuration, available to select channels
alarm on the wall and time.
Added Object Detection alarm, Smart motion
(human & vehicle) alarm, Area Detection
10 Alarm Report (human & vehicle) alarm, Line Crossing (human
& vehicle) alarm, Target Counting (human &
vehicle) alarm
Parameter Added to support CU Request control on/off,
11 Log
Configuration and log request from client side.
13 Version 5.3.0
Release Date: 2023/03/10 Update Type: Major Updates
New Features and Improvements
New support for EC16 elevator control panel: EC16 is the latest controller
1 Elevator developed by ZKTeco, supporting 16 floors, maximum support for 128 floors,
PUSH protocol, supports for direct access to floors.
2 Parking New support for ticket dispenser (TBM01/02) access and management.
3 Optimize Video Patrol function: support Video Patrol based on GIS map.
Smart Video
Support intelligent function configuration and alarm linkage of Biosense
series NVR.
5 Support ZKIVA-Edge N3 access: realize personnel and vehicle detection.
Optimize the function of Locker module: optimize the visual panel display,
6 Locker
add support for message linkage (SMS/Email, WhatsAPP, Line).
14 Version 5.2.0
Release Date: 2022/12/6 Update Type: Major Updates
New Features and Improvements
A New Module of ZKBio CVSecurity. This locker module manages an electronic locker
system in a unified platform. As a result, administrator can manage multiple lockers
simultaneously. Currently, the locker module supports the LockerPad-7B device, and
offers the following functions:
1. Supports facial recognition and card verification.
2. Supports online and offline working modes.
a. Online mode: With ZKBio CVSecurity's security platform, administrator can
unify the locker users’ allocation, advertising resources distribution, data
Locker recording and other functions of multiple devices.
Management b. Offline working mode: To manage device parameters, data records, locker
users’ allocation and advertisement displaying through the LockerPad-7B.
3. Supports locker users’ management and set different usage rules according to the
type of users:
a. Fixed users: e.g., permanent staff in factories and offices.
b. Temporary users: e.g., supermarket customers, generally random allocation
c. Fixed users + Temporary users: e.g., in some tourist areas, available for staff
and tourists to use the locker at the same time.
4. Supports cabinet allocation for one user, one cabinet for multi-users, one user for
5. Supports digital advertisement placement with image and video (3GP, MP4, MKV,
WEBM, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF) to increase commercial value and drive foot traffic.
6. Provides storage-pick-up records review.
7. Offers basic functions such as parameter setting, multi-language (Simplified
Chinese & English) switching.
In the actual use process, there are often cases of equipment failure; re-adding
equipment means that you need to reset the device parameters.
Device ZKBio CVSecurity's latest function of replacing equipment, to achieve a one-click
Replacement device replacement application. When the same type of equipment fails to operate,
you only need to enter the serial number of the new device to restore previous
When a suspicious person is found during real-time video viewing or playback, you
Fast Target
can zoom in and take screenshots, and quickly track the suspicious person by using
the quick "Target Search" button to achieve a person track search.
Optimize the visitor process, after the visitor invitation email is sent, ZKBio CVSecurity
will send an audit email to the host. The host can complete the operation of "Review
or Reject" by clicking on the audit link of the email, then quickly complete the review.
Import or Support import or export "access level". Batch import of "person information" and
Export "access level" via Excel to quickly complete the access control configuration in the
Access Level project.
15 Version 5.1.1
Release Date: 2022/08/18 Updates Type: Major Updates
New Features and Improvements
1. PTZ Control: Support cruising with pre-set time and positions
2. ZKNVR (Z8536NMR /Z8536NHR /Z8564NHR /Z85128NTR)-General intelligence -
Ability to set video linkage, support link to email, review recording, monitor and
PTZ control.
3. Support video intercom.
Support watermark function.
Intelligent 4. Protect the image from being copied and reused without permission and prevent
Video information leakage.
5. Support Tiandy network video recorder (NVR) management.
6. Support a real-time push notification of abnormal type alarms on the ZKNVR and
history record query. The abnormal type alarms will be triggered when the hard
disk is full; the system has not connected to the hard disk; the hard disk network is
disconnected; the hard disk has a SMART error; network failure and IP address
Support auto sign-in in the informal settings. Visitors do not need to register on-site
and get pass quickly.
16 Version 5.0.0
Release Date: 2022/04/23 Updates Type: Major Updates
The video capture records can be considered as an attendance log when users forget to
check in/check out on attendance devices.