Let God’s presence dwell in our homes; (* Manifesting Presence, Glorifying Presence)
One of the main reasons, why people don’t like us is ‘Jealousy’
- Don’t let anybody into the house unless you feel the peace of God letting them in. (*knowing
them very well) Example: In Isaiah, temple treasure was taken away because of letting
unwanted things.
Ezekiel 36: 23 -38
SANCTIFICATION – It is required because if the committing sin by actions and Father’s name is
taken into vein.
Verse 23 : He will sanctify us
Verse 24: He will bring back to the Land
Verse 25: Sprinkle water and cleanse us from our filthiness. (Water signifies the Holy Spirit, spring
forth through us and by us)
Verse 26: God will give us new heart that is tender, yielding, and soft in nature)
Verse 27: He will put His Spirit and make us walk in His Judgment.
Verse 28: Shall dwell in the land and we shall be His People. (*Establishment)
Verse 29: Call for the grain and multiply. We will have no famine. (*will be more productive)
Verse 30: God will multiply the fruit of the tree and increase the fields - (never again reproach of
famine among the nations)
Verse 31: Remember from where God has delivered and brought us through.
Verse 32: Confounded for your own ways has brought this to us. Confess it openly. (* do not feel
ashamed to speak out. The more you tell it out, more the bondages are broken/deliverance
Verse 33: Enable us to establish and rebuilt / restore our lives.
Verse 34: Desolate land shall be tilled. (* More productivity is coming)
Verse 35: Land of desolate will become the Garden of Eden (* represents order, protection,
purification, management in the presence of God)
Verse 36: Let everyone knows that this is done by the Lord. (*Glory to God – I, the Lord has
Verse 37 & 38: God will increase the flocks and Let is fill the land. People will know that it is from
the Lord (* Development and Growth is coming)
Proverbs 26: 20 Take out unwanted things from the houses. Automatically, growth will come.
Proverbs 24: 3 Ask Lord His Wisdom and Understanding in building a house.
Acts 9: 19 Receive the Word of God and Meditate in the Word which will strengthen us in all areas of
our lives.
Deuteronomy 70: 25- 26
a. Images of gods: Burn them completely – Do not cover gold and silver on them. (* Gold and
silver belongs to God however, if it brings abomination, then burn it)
b. Do not bring anything accursed. (*Paintings, Images, carvings, stickers, dolls, any depiction of
death/suicide/ lifeless/divorce/ jewelries that symbolizes uncleanness, perfumes named
ungodly) Anything which is not from the Lord, written in the bible/Word to be thrown out.
Never doubt and never rethink/ don’t have second thought to destroy or dispose.
Collect the things which is as mentioned and discussed earlier. Pray over it and then
dispose it off.
Cleanse the house with the oil /water (* Elders/ Pastors to pray over)
Simple prayer: “Anoint my house with the Holy Spirit and say, thank you Lord for
cleansing my house.”
Ministration of the Holy Spirit is very important with reference to cleansing the