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Why we require Cleansing?

1. Body is temple of God
2. House is to make His Presence
What the BLOOD OF GOD does?
-Cleanse & make us Holy
- Anointing with Holy Spirit
Note: **Poverty, Sickness and Bondages to leave.
Prophetical Action matters when deliverance to be received.(* Moses did to receive the Power of
God and Isaiah)
- “Peoples opinion and suggestions can change ; not the Power of God”
Like, many witch doctors burnt and repented publicly (* showing the act of repentance)
I John 1: 8-10
i. We are the house of God and we can’t dwell in stinky places, unclean areas.
ii. Wearing White doesn’t make us Holy. (*there is no scriptures referring to white
iii. It represents us HOLINESS- God has made as clean and Holy. (* Revelation :
Clothed with white robe)
Verse 8: No Sin – Truth is no in us
Verse 9: Confess – Forgive & Cleanse is from all unrighteousness.
Verse 10: If we claim not sinned – Make God (HIM) a liar. (* Minimal action of Faith is to
Ephesians 4: 27 “Nor give place to the devil”
Acts 19: 18-19
Deuteronomy 23:14 (Note: * Know the level of hierarchy in the Spiritual Realm ; Category of
Authority and Power: Faith)
- God will give deliverance and victory because we are born again
- Lord will teach us
Holy Spirit in the bible represented as dove (bird) (* How careful we will be in every more, every
action, every word that makes the bird to stay or leave- Very Sensitive)

What kind of sin we would have exposed to in our life?

1. Against own body
2. Against own self
3. Against Fellow Christian/brothers
4. Evil against Lord
How do we overcome it? - Only way by confession to God

Let God’s presence dwell in our homes; (* Manifesting Presence, Glorifying Presence)
One of the main reasons, why people don’t like us is ‘Jealousy’
- Don’t let anybody into the house unless you feel the peace of God letting them in. (*knowing
them very well) Example: In Isaiah, temple treasure was taken away because of letting
unwanted things.
Ezekiel 36: 23 -38
SANCTIFICATION – It is required because if the committing sin by actions and Father’s name is
taken into vein.
Verse 23 : He will sanctify us
Verse 24: He will bring back to the Land
Verse 25: Sprinkle water and cleanse us from our filthiness. (Water signifies the Holy Spirit, spring
forth through us and by us)
Verse 26: God will give us new heart that is tender, yielding, and soft in nature)
Verse 27: He will put His Spirit and make us walk in His Judgment.
Verse 28: Shall dwell in the land and we shall be His People. (*Establishment)
Verse 29: Call for the grain and multiply. We will have no famine. (*will be more productive)
Verse 30: God will multiply the fruit of the tree and increase the fields - (never again reproach of
famine among the nations)
Verse 31: Remember from where God has delivered and brought us through.
Verse 32: Confounded for your own ways has brought this to us. Confess it openly. (* do not feel
ashamed to speak out. The more you tell it out, more the bondages are broken/deliverance
Verse 33: Enable us to establish and rebuilt / restore our lives.
Verse 34: Desolate land shall be tilled. (* More productivity is coming)
Verse 35: Land of desolate will become the Garden of Eden (* represents order, protection,
purification, management in the presence of God)
Verse 36: Let everyone knows that this is done by the Lord. (*Glory to God – I, the Lord has
Verse 37 & 38: God will increase the flocks and Let is fill the land. People will know that it is from
the Lord (* Development and Growth is coming)

Proverbs 26: 20 Take out unwanted things from the houses. Automatically, growth will come.
Proverbs 24: 3 Ask Lord His Wisdom and Understanding in building a house.
Acts 9: 19 Receive the Word of God and Meditate in the Word which will strengthen us in all areas of
our lives.
Deuteronomy 70: 25- 26
a. Images of gods: Burn them completely – Do not cover gold and silver on them. (* Gold and
silver belongs to God however, if it brings abomination, then burn it)
b. Do not bring anything accursed. (*Paintings, Images, carvings, stickers, dolls, any depiction of
death/suicide/ lifeless/divorce/ jewelries that symbolizes uncleanness, perfumes named
ungodly) Anything which is not from the Lord, written in the bible/Word to be thrown out.
Never doubt and never rethink/ don’t have second thought to destroy or dispose.

 Collect the things which is as mentioned and discussed earlier. Pray over it and then
dispose it off.
 Cleanse the house with the oil /water (* Elders/ Pastors to pray over)
 Simple prayer: “Anoint my house with the Holy Spirit and say, thank you Lord for
cleansing my house.”
 Ministration of the Holy Spirit is very important with reference to cleansing the


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