Aldrin John A. Tungol
Project Secretary
Executive Summary
Epunla Co. was founded with the intention of providing a financial education program, but after being
inspired by Juan Bag Ph, we developed a program that will recycle plastic garbage into a valuable product in
exchange for teaching financial literacy which we called Basya Campaign or Basura para sa Literasiya Campaign.
Our main target was indeed the youth of Lagunense, but owing to a lack of resources and feasibility, we
opted to start with the out-of-school youth in Cabuyao, with the goal of catering to all of Cabuyao's youth by the
Salitan, Epunla, and Pag-gawa are the three activities that will take place during the Basya Campaign.
Epunla Co. anticipates that it will improve the youth's plastic waste management as well as their knowledge and
For successfully carrying out and achieving the entirety of the project’s vision and mission Epunla Co.
needed a capital approximate to 30,000 pesos, which would be required as the primary source of information e of
the project's initiation phase. However, accomplishing the project does not just need monetary resources; we would
Next to playing video games, online shopping is one of the most popular online pastimes among Filipinos,
with 26 and 52 percent of online consumers in 2018 being between the ages of 18 to 24 and 25 to 34, respectively.
According to the report, Filipinos used around 212 million sachets and shopping bags per day, reflecting the
However, “we may believe that we, as consumers, are the ultimate recipients of these single-use plastics,
but it is [nature] that bears the brunt of this waste” (Calugay of JuanBag PH).
Hence, the Philippines has been viewed as a major contributor to the worldwide plastic waste problem.
Additionally, wearing a face shield is one of the health practices in the Philippines to prevent COVID-19, which
that is dedicated to practicing mindful consumption through a program that will collect plastic waste and turn it
But it is not just the plastic problem that we're dealing with. Another issue, according to Governor
Benjamin E. Diokno, is that many Filipinos are facing "apparent financial insecurity" as a result of a lack of
financial literacy, making it difficult for them to cope amid a "once-in-a-lifetime pandemic" (Business World,
2020). According to the survey, despite their forward-thinking perspectives, Filipinos performed negatively in
This type of behavior has the potential to become compulsive, leading to serious addiction. Someone may
face financial difficulties or overspend. We are currently submerged in more material than we have been in the
past. Purchasing has evolved from a means of survival to a source of enjoyment, to the point that it has become a
harmful habit. Consumption and waste, to put it another way, are on the rise.
As a result, Epunla Co. created a program named BASYA Campaign, with the phrase “Basura para sa
Literasiya,” since we are not only aiming to improve plastic waste management, but also to encourage every
Lagunense youngster to understand their financial priorities and calculate financial risk in the future through
financial literacy education, which will help them acquire financial skills, make informed decisions, and at the very
Since we feel that any advancements in financial literacy can have a big impact on our economy by
ensuring financial stability and can motivate all Filipinos, we believe that a financial investing education program
can be designed and strengthened. It may not be easy, but it has the potential to drastically reduce the
Target Beneficiaries
The target beneficiaries will be the youth ages 15- to 24-year-old. But to make it possible and realistic , the
initial phase will be Out-Of-School Youth here in the City of Cabuyao, afterwards will be the other sector of youth
Educating youth about finances through this program may encourage them to be more responsible and
knowledgeable about financial decisions as they grow older. A World Bank study titled, “Enhancing Financial
Capability in the Philippines,” shows that saving habits and preferences formed during childhood stay into
adulthood, and the regular use of a broad range of media has effects on how they make financial decisions.
Investments in recycling collection support a strong and diverse recycling manufacturing industry, which
brings jobs and high wages to our fellow Lagunense. The collection of recyclable materials is the first - the most
critical link in a chain of economic activity. Investment in local collection infrastructure pays great dividends in
supporting significant downstream recycling economic activity. The benefits will not just be for the youth but also
The uniqueness of the program will have “TrashCash” incentives that will make it more fun and enjoyable.
The program's implementation will be impossible without the prospective organization mentioned below.
For the collecting and manufacturing of plastic waste, we would obtain approval from the LGU of Cabuyao
City first, ensuring that safety measures are followed and that all barangay officials are informed. The Cabuyao
Youth Development Authority (CYDA) and the City Cooperative and Livelihood Office (CCLDO) for
Next, we're looking at forming a partnership with JuanBagPh and Plastic Flamingo, two newly formed
organizations that will be in charge of transforming our collected single-use plastic trash into new and beneficial
Furthermore, we would like to enlist the assistance of any financial institutions that will allow opening a
savings account and converting all single-use plastic trash into pesos, which will be immediately deposited into the
savings accounts (bank books) of all youths who will engage in the initiative.
Finally, the BSP, Jfinex, JCFAP and other organizations that will support the program by sharing their
experience and knowledge in order to achieve the program's aim of ensuring that every Lagunense youngster is
financially literate.
Furthermore, Epunla Co. is open to potential partnerships and collaboration with other organizations that
The activities of this program are divided into two categories: planning stage and the implementation.
Presentation This is the part wherein the Epunla Co. will present August 2021 -Via Zoom
to the target partners.
Revisions If there are any modifications from the partners, the August 2021 -Via Zoom
organization will include it in the plan.
Acquisition Right after the revisions, the items, tools and August 2021 -Laguna
equipment needed in the actual program will now
be acquired.
Advertisement After the preparation, it is the part where the Punla August 2021 -Social Media
Co. will publicize the program.
-Cabuyao City
o Basura Para sa Literasiya Campaign has three phases that can be seen in the diagram below.
Pagpapalista SALITAN starts with the youth filling out Google September to -Via Google
Forms to register (names, addresses, and emails of December 2021 Form
the participants). -Cabuyao
Pagkokolekta Then, with the support of CYDA and barangay September to -Barangays in
officials, Epunla Co. will begin collecting plastic December 2021 Cabuyao
waste per barangay, which would serve as proof of
If possible, we will seek a financial institution's
partnership in order for participants to have their own
savings account.
Paghahatid The gathered waste will then be delivered to the September to Cabuyao and
project's partners and stakeholders for production. December 2021 social media
b. EPunla
Confirmed participants go through to an Epunla (financial literacy program) that begins with Binhi
(fundamentals of financial planning) and progresses to SIBOL (investments) before reaching the final stage, ANI
(training), which will also determine the participants' risk tolerance and appropriate investment types.
As participants move through the process, their understanding of basic financial skills will widen as Epunla
add to and improve their understanding on the topic, much like the seed until the harvesting cycle of the plantation.
The implementation will take place via Zoom meetings from September to December.
c. Paggawa
With the cooperation of the target partners, the paggawa September to Cabuyao,
Paggawa (or manufacturing) of the gathered plastic garbage will be December 2021 Laguna
completed. Manila
The waste will be distributed between three partners to
make them feasible and realistic (CCLDO, Juan Bag PH
and The Plastic Flamingo).
Our target output for the CCLDO was to make a stool.
Pagbebenta Pagbebenta is where the finished product will be available September to Laguna
in the public. After that, the proceeds will be split between December 2021
the government and the participants.
The process of this stool was from a Korean student, wherein he recycles the used plastic mask into a stool.
And in Basya Campaign instead of the mask, any plastic waste will be utilized such as online shopping bags and
face shield.
Expected results
Plastics are low-cost, flexible, and long-lasting materials that can be molded into a wide range of items. As an
outcome, the production of plastics has increased substantially. Their current levels of consumption and waste,
however, create a variety of environmental concerns. Recycling gives chances to minimize oil consumption,
energy consumption, and the amount of garbage that must be disposed of. These are the expected results of the
● Educates every resident in the community on how to be disciplined, creative and resourceful individuals in
order to create a safe and friendly atmosphere for everybody that will increase awareness of proper waste
● Residents will have the chance to utilize their creative ideas to make things meaningful and useful from our
● It will enhance our community, specifically the youth’s financial literacy by knowing what they must know
about it, especially the dos and don’ts of it as well as the benefits of a strong understanding in financial
The proposed organization will be named Epunla Co. which consists of students from Pamantasan ng
Cabuyao. In order to facilitate the program, the following officers are proposed together with their duties and roles.
Proposed budget
Listed below are the assumption of the items and cost needed in the program (production and financial