Course Description
The course is designed to provide a broad understanding of social media marketing. The course
exposes students to the implications of social media as well as opportunities and challenges for
marketers, businesses and organizations. Special emphasis will be given to a large array of social
media applications and tools used in the marketing of product, services, and corporate image.
Topics include (but not limited to) social communities (e.g. social networking websites, message
boards, forums, wikis), social publishing (e.g. blogs, media sharing websites: video, photo, audio,
etc. and bookmark sharing), entertainment (e.g. social media game-based marketing, virtual
reality, and entertainment communities), social commerce (e.g. reviews and ratings, social
shopping websites) and social media metrics (i.e. measurements of success and effectiveness).
Learning Objectives
1. Describe the scope of social media marketing and identify current and emerging trends.
2. Explain how consumers interact socially and how this impacts product/service
evaluations and company image
3. Examine the dark side of social media
4. Design social media strategies.
5. Examine the interrelatedness and convergence of social media platforms with traditional
marketing channels.
6. Examine the methods used to evaluate the effectiveness of social media presence and
Learning Outcomes
1. Required Textbook
Title: Social Media Marketing
Publisher: Pearson/Prentice Hall
Authors: Tracy Tuten, Michael R. Solomon
Edition: 1/E
ISBN-10: 0132551799 • ISBN-13: 9780132551793©2013
Class Approach
Class format includes a combination of lectures, in-class discussions, case study, client-projects
and presentations. Much of this course is interactive and in-class participation is highly expected.
The course will primarily be conducted on lectures-discussion basis. Because active classroom
participation is an important component of the learning process, students are strongly encouraged
to attend each class and to complete each day’s readings before attending the class. A major time
of each class will be spent in reviewing the reading material and discussing topics on social
media retrieved from online references such as Social Media Examiner Blog (for more details
see required and optional online resources sections). All topics are tightened to the concepts
covered in the textbook.
Turnitin software will be used to conduct originality check on students’ assignments and projects.
Turinton compares submitted papers against a very large database, which includes: web pages,
previously-submitted student papers and Databases of electronic books and articles. Identifying
high similarities to content will be considered as plagiarism.
Grading Rubrics:
Students are required to form small groups of 2 to 3 students earlier (before the second lecture)
and pick a local small business for the project. The final paper should be 20 pages (minimum)
double spaced, including figures and exhibits (could also include links/screenshots, etc.). The
paper should cover at least the following rubrics, but students could add to these:
ordering blends with digital public relations to support raising money. Your challenge
is to recruit 100.000 new donors and to raise nearly 2.5 million.
The general criteria that will be used for evaluation purposes include (but are not limited to):
Is the audience successfully targeted?
Are social media tools used effectively?
Do the campaigns converge to the outlined challenges: generate and increase digital
orders and acquire donors?
Are the marketing campaigns truly integrated?
Is the choice of metrics appropriate for measuring the success of the campaigns?
Are the campaigns creative and original, while fitting within the budget?
What is the anticipated impact?
Online ordering originating from Facebook,
Online sales originating from other social sites,
Mobile applications downloads,
Mobile application usage rate,
Online contributions to raise funds originating from Facebook, other social media.
Overall, the proposed metrics should be suitable to assess the extent to which the campaigns is
close to achieve objectives, and also to compare Pizza Hut social media efforts compared to
competitors ones, especially in terms of presence and buzz, on which Pizza Hut is not well
positioned (see section 3 in the case study).
Your analysis should be in an “executive summary” format. Use bullet points wherever you
think that format adds value. It should be no longer than 10 pages, typed, and single-spaced on
bulleted areas and 1.5-spaced on paragraph areas. Your case solving should follow 4 general
headings in the paper:
(1) Brief summary of current situation (do not rehash the entire case) – provide your “take”
(2) Key problem(s) or issue(s) that need to be addressed as well as secondary problems, with
supported with evidence as to why you believe these deserve attention
(3) Campaigns that you have developed:
- An integrated marketing campaign to boost orders and sales
- A public relations campaign to recruit donors and raise money for the World Hunger Relief
(4) Your recommended action plan, including implementation, and metrics
Special Needs: If a student may have a need for special accommodation due to a physical and/or
learning disability, please contact the Coordinator of Special Needs Services at 585-4631.
Section: 317 – 001 W- from 07:00 p.m. to 09:45 p.m. Room TBA
(Schedule Subject to Revision )
W-Feb 10 Mid-Term Exam Review all material discussed in-class & Chapters 01 to 05
2. Online resources: search for one example of a company, brand
or product, etc. to illustrate one topic/concept to be discussed in
chapter #6.
3. Client proposal: deliverable#3 (social media marketing
W-Apr 06 Social Media Projects 1.PowerPoint presentations (Groups 01, 02…, &10)
2 Client proposal: deliverable#6( PowerPoint slides)
3 Case study analysis: written case