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Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Introduction 3 Operating sustainably 31

Executive letters 4 Our ambition 32

Highlights 6 Our operations 32

Our sustainability strategy 7 Net-zero carbon 33

Targets and progress summary 8 Water stewardship 49

Emerging opportunities 9 Circular economy 55

inside Nature and biodiversity

Spotlight: Building a more sustainable


Empowering individuals 12
campus in Mountain View

Our ambition 13

About this report Our approach 13 Governance and engagement 75

Helping people make 14
Google’s 2023 Environmental Report provides an overview of our environmental About Google 76
more sustainable choices
sustainability strategy and targets and our annual progress towards them. 1

Reducing home energy use 14 Sustainability governance 76

This report features data, performance highlights, and progress against our
targets from our 2022 fiscal year (January 1 to December 31, 2022). It also mentions Providing sustainable 17 Risk management 77
some notable achievements from the first half of 2023. After two years of transportation options Stakeholder engagement 78
condensed reporting, we’re sharing a deeper dive into our approach in one place.
Sharing other actionable information 19 Public policy and advocacy 79
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES The journey ahead 19 Partnerships 83

• 2023 Environmental Report: Executive Summary Awards and recognition 84

• Working together 20

• Sustainability reports Appendix 85
Our ambition 21
• Sustainability blog
Our approach 21 Reporting approach and methodology 86
• Our commitments
Supporting partners 22 Environmental data tables 90
• Alphabet environmental, social, and governance (ESG)
Investing in breakthrough innovation 28 Environmental reporting frameworks index 96
• About Google
Creating ecosystems for collaboration 29 Endnotes 101
The journey ahead 30 Glossary 103
Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Executive letters

SVP of Learning and


Chief Sustainability Officer


Introduction Our sustainability strategy

Targets and progress summary

Emerging opportunities

AI for sustainability

Our gigaton aspiration

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Executive letters data centers is difficult. Despite this, we remain focused on

developing new ways to make AI computing more efficient
while leveraging the opportunities that AI presents to have By making information accessible and

A letter from our Senior Vice President a positive environmental impact. accelerating innovation, we can help
create a more sustainable future.
of Learning and Sustainability Beyond our own footprint, Google’s founding mission—
“Organize the world’s information and make it universally
accessible and useful”—can play a very important role in
more extreme weather (flood forecasting, for instance),
I was introduced to the problem of climate change in the late accelerating progress in climate information and action.
optimizing systems from traffic lights to car routes, and
1980s through a prescient class I took as an undergraduate. A sustainable future will be built upon billions of decisions
mitigating climate change in new ways, for example.
The models were less sophisticated and more uncertain than made by governments, organizations, and individuals,
they are today, but the implications were already worrying. which will need to be grounded in good information.
In our 2023 Environmental Report, we’re highlighting how
Thirty years later much has changed. The threat is now Increasingly, we see through Google Trends that more
these themes of information and innovation run through
more immediate, but the world is also taking action—from and more people are looking for ways to live sustainably.
much of our work:
governmental policy and technology innovation to actions I believe that we have many strengths and capabilities in
by individuals and organizations—driven by a broader providing quality information that people are seeking to For information, we’ll feature Google Trends
awareness of the danger. make decisions that’ll drive positive action for our planet. insights alongside key initiatives to show
how our work is informed by societal trends
I worked on Search for 20 years, leading the product for Helpful information can be critical in both efforts to reduce
and expectations.
many of those, and learned a lot about the unique impact emissions as well as adapt to extreme climate events like
Google can have on the world. I’ve always been proud floods, wildfires, and heat waves. But this information often And for innovation, we’ll call out the many

of Google’s leadership in pushing the boundaries of lives in silos and is hard to access. Making the information places where AI is helping to break down

sustainability in our data centers, including achieving carbon accessible and useful can be a tough technical challenge. barriers and advance our work.

neutrality in 2007 (at the time, such accomplishments were Our products like Environmental Insights Explorer, Earth
Over my tenure at Google, I’ve seen how we’ve been
uncommon). Going further, we’ve matched 100% of our Engine, and Data Commons are key solutions to support
working to integrate sustainability into our work. This
global electricity use with renewable energy purchases for the decisions that cities and organizations will have to
transition is going to be challenging—both for us and for
the last six years—a goal that seemed almost crazy when make. Information can also have a significant impact
the world at large—and there’s no playbook for making
we set it in 2012. on the decisions of individuals—particularly in the areas
it happen. But we see our efforts as part of a bigger
of home energy and transportation. Our products like
Today our ambitions have evolved—we now have a bold picture, setting our goals to help scale global solutions,
Maps, Search, and Nest reach billions of users around the
goal to achieve net-zero emissions across all of our and I’m optimistic that we can, through our efforts in both
world, and we’re building many features to respond to the
operations and value chain, and as part of that goal, to information and innovation, play a helpful role in building a
demand for that information in our products.
run on 24/7 carbon-free energy on every grid where we more sustainable and resilient future.

operate. The path to get to these goals is difficult, and we’re Given the scale of the problem, innovation will also be
committed to working through the challenges we face with key to getting us to a better future. In order to push the Benedict Gomes
the ultimate aim of driving larger systems change to create frontiers of innovation, Google has long had a world-class Benedict Gomes
a more sustainable future. Further, predicting the future research organization that’s been at the forefront of AI and SVP, Learning & Sustainability
growth of energy use and emissions from AI compute in our machine learning. These solutions can help in predicting Google
Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

A letter from our

Chief Sustainability Officer sustainability strategy, which focuses on where we can
make the most significant positive impact. Our work
is organized around three key pillars: empowering In 2022, we signed contracts for
I grew up in Muir Beach, California, and was fortunate
individuals to take action, working together with approximately 2.8 GW of clean energy
to spend my childhood exploring its beautiful redwood
our partners and customers, and operating our
generation capacity—more than in
forests and vibrant tidepools with my family. Today, I’m
business sustainably.
raising my daughter in these same special places, but now any prior year.
these delicate ecosystems are threatened, just like many
In 2022, we reached our goal to help 1 billion people
other parts of the world.
make more sustainable choices through our products.
We achieved this by offering sustainability features like
Climate change affects all aspects of society, from food
eco-friendly routing in Google Maps, energy efficiency • We opened our new Bay View campus, which is
production and human health to infrastructure and the
features in Google Nest thermostats, and carbon all-electric, net water-positive, restores over 17 acres
economy. These impacts are interconnected and can have
emissions information in Google Flights. Looking ahead, of high-value nature, and incorporates the leading
a cascading effect on people and the planet. The response
our aspiration is to help individuals, cities, and other principles of circular design.
calls for systemic, global action to reduce emissions,
partners collectively reduce 1 gigaton of their carbon
improve watershed health, maximize the reuse of finite
equivalent emissions annually by 2030. 2
• We signed 20 more renewable energy agreements,
resources, and protect biodiversity. bringing our total to more than 80 agreements
totaling approximately 10 GW of clean energy
After two years of condensed reporting, we’re sharing a
Since Google was founded, our efforts to mitigate climate generation capacity—we estimate we’ll spend
deeper dive into our approach in one place in our 2023
change have started with our own operations, and we’ve approximately $10 billion to purchase clean energy
Environmental Report. In 2022, we continued to make
worked hard to lead by example with the ultimate goal through 2040. 4
measurable progress in many key ways, such as:
of driving larger systemic change. In our third decade
of climate action, we’ll continue to take a science-based We expect this new era of technological innovation to
• We enhanced and launched new sustainability
approach to our efforts, while sharing our own lessons open up even greater opportunities to accelerate system-
product features, such as eco-friendly routing in
and progress with others. level change. It’s a big part of the reason we’re optimistic
Maps, which is estimated to have helped prevent
about what’s possible in the years ahead. If we move
more than 1.2 million metric tons of carbon emissions
I joined Google eight years ago to lead our sustainability forward collectively and decisively, there’s no limit to
from launch through 2022—equivalent to taking
efforts, and have witnessed our sense of urgency and what we can achieve.
approximately 250,000 fuel-based cars off the road
ambition firsthand. We’re empowering individuals,
for a year. 3
governments, businesses, and other organizations to Kate E. Brandt
make decisions that can drive positive action for people • We expanded the availability of Google Earth Kate E. Brandt
and our planet. Engine—which provides access to reliable, up-to- Chief Sustainability Officer
date insights on how our planet is changing—to Google
The opportunity we have through our products and include businesses and governments worldwide as an
platforms is reflected in our updated environmental enterprise-grade service through Google Cloud.
Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

This section provides a snapshot of our highlights as of the end of 2022, and select highlights from the first half of 2023. For a more complete overview
of our performance over time, see the Targets and progress summary section and our Environmental data tables.

1 billion users 1.2 million metric tons 113 billion kWh 99% of itineraries
Our core products helped more than of estimated carbon emissions reductions of energy cumulatively saved by customers on Google Flights included carbon
1 billion users make more sustainable enabled by Google Maps eco-friendly using Nest thermostats from 2011 to 2022 6— emissions estimates

Empowering choices in 2022 routing as of the end of 2022—equivalent to more than double Portugal’s annual electricity
taking approximately 250,000 fuel-based consumption 7 and equivalent to preventing
individuals cars off the road for a year 5 an estimated 36 million tCO2e emissions 8

40,000+ cities 400 startups 80 countries 100s of sources

Environmental Insights Explorer made supported by our Startups for Sustainable are included in our Flood Hub platform, of sustainability data, from most
actionable climate data available to more Development program in over 60 countries, covering 460 million people globally, and real- OECD countries, aggregated by

Working than 40,000 cities and provided Tree and global researchers, academics, and time wildfire boundaries in Search and Maps Data Commons—making data more
Canopy Insights to more than 350 cities NGOs supported with climate- and nature- are available in cities around the world accessible and useful for addressing
together related data and analytics sustainability challenges

10+ GW 271 million gallons 100% 44 acres

of clean energy generation capacity from of water replenished as of the end of 2022— of Pixel, Nest, and Chromecast devices of native habitat restored on our
more than 80 signed agreements from 2010 equivalent to more than 400 Olympic-sized launched in 2022 include recycled materials 9 Bay Area campuses as of the end
Operating to 2022—the equivalent capacity of more swimming pools of 2022

sustainably than 31 million solar panels

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Information and innovation
strategy We’re helping to lead the transition to a more sustainable future by making information accessible and by driving innovation forward.

We believe Google has a unique

opportunity that extends beyond
managing the environmental impacts
of our own operations and value chain.

Empowering individuals Working together with our Operating our

By making information accessible and by driving to take action partners and customers business sustainably
innovation forward through our products and platforms
that billions of people engage with every day, we’re
helping individuals, businesses, and other organizations
make decisions that can drive positive action for people
We’re empowering people with the We’re helping partners and customers We’re building on our legacy of
and our planet. In shaping our strategy, we consider
information they’re seeking to help to reduce their emissions and achieve sustainability leadership by accelerating
where we can make the most significant positive
make more sustainable choices in their sustainability goals by advancing the transition to a net-zero carbon future,
impact. Our work is focused on three key pillars:
everyday lives. transformative technology for advancing water stewardship, building a
empowering individuals to take action, working together
sustainability and climate action. circular economy, and protecting nature
with our partners and customers, and operating our
and biodiversity.
business sustainably.

Learn more in the Learn more in the Learn more in the

Empowering individuals section Working together section Operating sustainably section

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Targets and progress summary

Topic Target Unit 2021 2022 Target year Status

Help 1 billion people make more sustainable choices through our More than Achieved
Product impact Products
products by 2022
Users N/A
1 billion 10
(see pg. 14)

Achieve net-zero emissions across all of our operations and value chain by 2030

Net-zero Carbon Reduce 50% of our combined Scope 1, 2 (market-based), Ongoing

tCO2e emissions N/A 10.2 million 11 before 2030
carbon reduction and 3 absolute emissions (versus our 2019 baseline) before 2030 (see pg. 36)

Carbon-free Ongoing
Run on 24/7 carbon-free energy on every grid where we operate by 2030 % carbon-free energy 66% 64% 12 2030
energy (see pg. 43)

Replenish more water than we consume and help improve water quality and ecosystem health in the communities where we operate
stewardship Water Replenish 120% of the freshwater volume we consume, % freshwater Ongoing
N/A 6% 2030
replenishment on average, across our offices and data centers by 2030 replenished (see pg. 52)

Maximize the reuse of finite resources across our operations, products, and supply chains
Data % of data centers at Ongoing
Achieve Zero Waste to Landfill for our global data center operations 30% 38% N/A
centers Zero Waste to Landfill (see pg. 57)

Offices Divert all food waste from landfill by 2025 % food waste diverted N/A 85% 2025
(see pg. 60)

Use recycled or renewable material in at least 50% of plastic used across % recycled/
economy Ongoing
36% 41% 2025
Consumer our consumer hardware product portfolio by 2025 renewable material (see pg. 62)

% plastic-free Ongoing
Make product packaging 100% plastic-free by 2025 97% 96% 2025
packaging (see pg. 63)

Achieve UL 2799 Zero Waste to Landfill certification at all final
Supply chain % of sites certified 9% 90% 2022 progress
assembly consumer hardware manufacturing sites by 2022
(see pg. 65)

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Emerging opportunities
As the world becomes increasingly aware of the need for sustainability, individuals, businesses, and communities are
looking for new ways to reduce their environmental impact. Artificial intelligence (AI) and the power of information to help
individuals and organizations reduce emissions are two emerging opportunities that Google is focusing on to help build a
more sustainable future.

AI for sustainability
Seven years into our journey as an AI-first company, we’ve emissions since launch—equivalent to taking approximately
made AI foundational to every part of our business and 250,000 fuel-based cars off the road for a year. 14 Our planet, as seen via Google Earth ©2020 Landsat / Copernicus
all Google products. Our approach to AI must be both
bold and responsible. To us, that means developing AI in a Additionally, for over a decade, our Nest Learning
way that maximizes the positive benefits to society while Thermostats have used machine learning (ML) to help
addressing the challenges, guided by our AI Principles. people save energy and money at home. From 2011
to 2022, Nest thermostats have helped customers
We believe that AI is a foundational and transformational technology that will provide compelling and helpful
We can use AI to help accelerate solutions to tackle cumulatively save more than 113 billion kWh of
benefits to people and society through its capacity to assist, complement, empower, and inspire people in
climate change by providing better information to energy 15—more than double Portugal’s annual electricity
almost every field of human endeavor. It has the potential to contribute to tackling some of society’s most
individuals, operational optimization for organizations, consumption 16 and equivalent to avoiding an estimated
pressing challenges and opportunities—among these, climate and sustainability, where we’re researching
and improved prediction and forecasting. We must 36 million tCO2e emissions.17
and innovating to help unlock scientific discoveries and to assist people in making informed choices and
also continue to find ways to reduce the environmental
communities impacted by climate change.
footprint of AI models. Optimization: Bringing carbon-efficient computing
to customers and partners. We’ve made significant
We believe that getting AI right—which to us involves innovating and delivering widely accessible benefits to
Information: Empowering people to live more investments in cleaner cloud computing by making our
people and society, while mitigating its risks—must be a collective effort involving us and others, including
sustainably through AI. In 2022, searches for data centers some of the most efficient in the world
researchers, developers, users (individuals, businesses, and other organizations), governments, regulators,
“solar energy,” “electric bicycles,” and and sourcing more carbon-free energy. We’re helping
and citizens. It’s critical that we collectively earn public trust if AI is to deliver on its potential for people and
“electric cars” reached all-time highs. 13 People are our customers make real-time decisions to reduce
society. As a company, we embrace the opportunity to work with others to get AI right.
interested in how to live more sustainably, and our goal is to emissions, and mitigate climate risks with data and AI.
make it easier for them to do so. Features like eco-friendly For example, Google Cloud customers can reduce their
James Manyika
routing in Google Maps leverage AI to help people get to cloud footprint with a feature called Active Assist, which
SVP, Research, Technology, & Society
their destinations as quickly as possible while minimizing uses machine learning to identify unused (and potentially
fuel or battery consumption. Eco-friendly routing has wasteful) workloads that could reduce carbon emissions
helped prevent 1.2 million metric tons of estimated carbon if removed.

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Flood Hub, which allows local governments and aid With AI at an inflection point, predicting the future growth We’re excited about the progress we’ve already made
organizations to identify when a riverine flood will occur, of energy use and emissions from AI compute in our data in developing more sustainable tools and products that
up to seven days in advance. In early 2023, we expanded centers is challenging. Historically, research has shown harness the power of AI, and we’re optimistic about the
We’re making advancements in many
this tool from 20 to 80 countries across the globe. By using that as AI/ML compute demand has gone up, the energy progress we’ll unlock in the years ahead.
transformative areas of AI, but I’m particularly
AI to analyze satellite imagery, we’re also helping to enable needed to power this technology has increased at a much
excited about AI for Social Good, including
rapid detection when a wildfire starts and to predict how it slower rate than many forecasts predicted. We have
climate adaptation. AI has great potential to
will spread, enabling authorities to better manage fires and used tested practices to reduce the carbon footprint of
both reduce overall emissions as well as help us
provide emergency alerts to individuals who are at risk. workloads by large margins; together these principles
address the effects of climate change, including
have reduced the energy of training a model by up to AI is one of the most transformational
helping people adapt to new challenges.
Prediction: Using AI to predict locust outbreaks, 100x and emissions by up to 1,000x. We plan to continue technologies of our time. I believe it has
helping farmers protect their crops. Locust infestations applying these tested practices and to keep developing the potential to unlock major benefits for
Jeff Dean
can have a devastating effect on food crops. Through new ways to make AI computing more efficient. us all, including tackling climate change.
Chief Scientist
collaborations with AI product-focused company At Google DeepMind, we’re committed to
Google DeepMind and
InstaDeep and the Food and Agriculture Organization Google data centers are designed, built, and operated to driving responsible research that can make
Google Research
(FAO) of the United Nations, the Google AI Center maximize efficiency—even as computing demand grows. a positive and lasting impact on society.
in Ghana is building a model that forecasts locust On average, a Google-owned and -operated data center I’m hopeful AI will accelerate scientific
breeding grounds using historical data from the FAO and is more than 1.5 times as energy efficient as a typical progress and help us address a number of
Optimization: Helping communities with AI-powered environmental variables like rainfall and temperature. enterprise data center and, compared with five years
global challenges to leave the world a better
climate action planning. Green Light is an AI-based tool This model will help to better detect locust outbreaks and ago, we now deliver approximately three times as much place for the generations that follow.
that helps city traffic engineers optimize the timing of enable farmers to implement control measures. computing power with the same amount of electrical
light changes to reduce stop-and-go traffic. Our recent power. 20 To support the next generation of fundamental Lila Ibrahim
tests in Hamburg, Germany, showed that at traffic lights Prediction: Using generative modeling for nowcasting advances in AI, our latest TPU v4 is proven to be one Chief Operating Officer
with our AI-driven recommendations, cars made over rain. We’re using generative modeling to make detailed of the fastest, most efficient, and most sustainable ML Google DeepMind
25% fewer stops, resulting in approximately 10% fewer and plausible predictions, up to two hours ahead, that infrastructure hubs in the world.
emissions. 18 The Environmental Insights Explorer (EIE) is capture the amount, timing, and location of rainfall.
a freely available online tool built with and for cities and With such methods, we can both accurately capture
regions to support effective climate action planning. large-scale events, while also generating alternative rain
Many features in EIE are made possible through machine scenarios. We’re interested in the ability of these models
learning, such as estimating the solar potential of rooftops, to make predictions on medium- to heavy-rain events,
calculating transportation emissions, and mapping tree which most impact people and the economy.
canopy coverage.
Environmental footprint: Leveraging AI to optimize
Prediction: Using AI to help communities address our own operations, and working to reduce energy use
extreme weather events. AI-powered tools can help and emissions from AI computing in our data centers.
address some of the worst impacts of climate-related AI and machine learning workloads are quickly becoming
disasters, from early warnings of natural disasters to larger and more capable, raising concerns about their A row of servers in our

reducing the impact of wildfires. In 2022, we launched St. Ghislain, Belgium, data center
energy use and their impact on the environment.
Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Our gigaton aspiration

Approaches Inherent uncertainty
Uncertainty is inherent to most GHG accounting

Consider carbon accounting principles methodologies and results, and it increases when

Established carbon accounting principles (such as well- considering enabled emissions reductions due to a lack
We believe that Google has a unique For context, 1 GT is comparable to the entire annual
defined baselines and true and fair representation of of primary data and precise information about real-world
emissions of Japan. 22 Helping others to reduce 1 GT of
opportunity that extends beyond reducing data) provide helpful insights as we develop estimation actions and their effects. However, understanding the
carbon equivalent emissions per year, starting in 2030, is
the environmental impacts of our own methodologies for enabled emissions reductions. sources, types, and magnitude of uncertainty is crucial
a bold aspiration focused on where we can have the most
to deploy conservative estimates, inform improved data
operations and value chain. 21 impact—enabling others to reduce emissions in key areas
Quantify and evaluate real world action inputs, and properly interpret results.
like energy and transportation. Our ultimate measure of
In 2020, Google shared our aspiration to help others reduce The data available to us from our technology, products,
success will be how much we’ve helped individuals, cities,
or services may be several steps removed from actual, While carbon accounting principles and these concepts
1 gigaton (GT) of their carbon equivalent emissions annually
and other partners to achieve their own greenhouse gas
real-world action and impact that resulted in reduced are a good start towards estimating enabled emissions
by 2030. This is an ambitious vision that we’ve set to push us
(GHG) emissions reduction goals.
or avoided emissions. We’ll have to use inference and reductions, we expect that methodologies will rapidly
to contribute meaningfully to helping with climate solutions
judgment to evaluate the effect of those actions. evolve, and we welcome the opportunity to collaborate
beyond our own operations and value chain.
Many of the solutions to achieve a gigaton of carbon
with others to advance best practices.
emission reductions don’t yet exist. However this ambition
We initially focused on helping cities and local Challenges
pushes us to innovate and be audacious in our approach
The Empowering individuals and Working together
governments reduce 1 GT of emissions. A key tool in this
and to collaborate with others to drive systemic solutions.
Unintended impacts sections include many examples of how we’re already
effort is the Environmental Insights Explorer (EIE), which
We’ll share progress and learnings along the way.
Emissions reduction efforts don’t happen in isolation. supporting and enabling individuals and partners to
provides actionable climate and sustainability data to
Actions in one industry or sector might result in net new reduce their emissions.
government officials in cities and regions worldwide. It’s
been used in multiple ways across the globe, including by
city leaders in Dublin to analyze bicycle usage and inform
Estimating impact emissions in another. Similarly, emissions reductions in
one area can sometimes lead to increases in another.

smart transportation policies, and by the city of Austin to These are difficult effects to control for, but they must be
Estimating the carbon impact of actions taken by many
prioritize planting trees in areas with the highest need. considered when estimating enabled emissions reductions.
millions of people, communities, and organizations will be
inherently difficult, imprecise, and fundamentally different
To better reflect the broader group of partners we aim to
from measuring a corporate carbon footprint. However,
help, we’re updating our shared ambition:
it’s also useful to enable us to prioritize the most helpful
solutions for others.

After reviewing emerging best practices and applying our

We aim to help individuals, cities, internal product measurement expertise to advance our
measurement work, we’ve identified a set of approaches
and other partners collectively reduce
and known challenges that will inform how we estimate
1 gigaton of their carbon equivalent
enabled emissions reductions.
emissions annually by 2030.

The Environmental Insights Explorer makes actionable climate data available to more than 40,000 cities and regions worldwide.
Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Our ambition

Empowering Our approach

individuals Helping people make more

sustainable choices

Reducing home energy use

We’re empowering people Providing sustainable

transportation options
with information to make
Sharing other actionable
more sustainable choices information

The journey ahead

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Our ambition Our approach

At Google, we have an opportunity to lead Every day, billions of people turn to Google to ask FIGURE 1
questions, discover something new, or learn about what’s
the transition to a more sustainable future See hybrid and electric vehicle options on Google Search
important to them. More people are interested in how to When people search for car models and brands, we tag hybrid and electric options to make them easier to find.
by making information accessible and by
live more sustainably than ever, and our aim is to make it And when people look into a specific EV, we show compatible charging stations nearby and typical charge times.
driving innovation forward. Grounded in easier for them to do so. In 2022, searches for
our mission, we’re empowering people with “solar energy,” “electric bicycles,” and
the high-quality information they’re looking “electric cars” reached all-time highs. 23

for. Through our products and platforms

These kinds of changes to lifestyles and behavior matter:
that billions of users engage with every day,
the International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that
we’re helping people make decisions that
around 55% of the cumulative emissions reductions
can drive positive action for our planet. needed to achieve a net-zero global energy system by
2050 are linked to consumer choices. Yet, there’s a wide
Last year’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
“say-do gap” among consumers—between those who are
(IPCC) AR6 Working Group 3 Report, for the first time,
concerned about sustainability, and those who ultimately
set out measurable ways that individuals can take
make sustainable decisions. 24
meaningful climate action in line with the Paris Agreement.
The IPCC report offers a detailed and practical plan
To tackle a problem at the scale of climate change, it
for societal emissions reduction, complementing the
can be hard to know where to start. That’s why we’ve
critical action required by governments, policymakers,
taken a first-principles approach, looking at what’s
and organizations to decarbonize energy, transport, and
contributing the most to global emissions. Home energy
material systems. The report also calculates the significant
and transportation are two such areas—collectively
well-being and economic benefits that will result from
they account for more than 20% of emissions. 25 They’re
these actions, including for individuals.
also sectors where people are actively searching for
sustainable alternatives that often provide benefits like
These important findings have reinforced our conviction
saving them money or time, or improving their health.
that Google can make a meaningful difference beyond
our own operations and value chain, and they highlight
The accuracy and quality of the information that informs
the benefits of helping individuals through our products
these decisions is critical. When people come to us
and platforms.
looking for answers, we aim to provide high-quality and
authoritative information.

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Helping people make more TARGET 2022 PROGRESS

sustainable choices Help 1 billion people make Achieved: Helped more than
more sustainable choices 1 billion users make more
In 2020, we announced a goal to help 1 billion people make • Google Maps: Eco-friendly routing feature that shows
more sustainable choices through our products by 2022. users the most fuel-efficient route, based on factors through our products by 2022 sustainable choices
We’re pleased to share that we reached that goal in 2022, such as traffic and road incline.
through innovative solutions offered to users, including:
• Google Travel: Users can see associated carbon
emissions for nearly every flight, sustainability
• Google Nest: Programmable energy efficiency Year set: 2020 | Base year: N/A | Target year: 2022
certifications and attributes for hotels, and quickly
schedules for homes that can help users save energy, Scope: Unique, signed-in Google users that were provided information so they could make a more
find more sustainable options.
money, and carbon emissions throughout the day. sustainable choice by at least one sustainability product feature.

Reducing home FIGURE 2

Google Shopping feature for water heaters

energy use
We’ve launched a number of products and features to
help people make more informed choices about the
products they buy and the energy they use.

Searches for “how to save energy” reached a 10-year
high, worldwide, in 2022. 26 And global searches for
“heat pumps” reached an all-time high in 2022. 27

When someone uses Google Search in the U.S. to look for

furnaces or water heaters, suggestions in the Shopping
tab can help narrow their search to cost-effective and
Nest thermostats help people save energy at home. efficient options (see Figure 2).
Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Smart thermostats
Features such as Energy Shift gather local power grid FIGURE 3
emissions forecasts and identify opportunities where
Nest Renew features
heating or cooling a home slightly earlier or later would
Nest thermostats help control residential heating and
mean taking advantage of cleaner energy. These small
cooling systems, saving energy in a variety of ways.
actions add up; as of December 2022, we estimate that
The collective impact of these savings is significant.
Energy Shift 32 has already helped Nest Renew users 33
From 2011 to 2022, Nest thermostats have helped
collectively prioritize cleaner energy usage for more than
customers cumulatively save more than 113 billion
110 million hours.
kWh of energy 28—more than double Portugal’s annual
electricity consumption 29—and equivalent to preventing
For people who want to do more to support the growth
an estimated 36 million tCO2e emissions. 30 In 2022 alone,
of clean energy from their homes, Google offers Nest
Nest thermostats helped customers save more than
Renew Premium as a paid subscription option. It matches
26 billion kWh of energy 31—more energy than Google used
the fossil fuel electricity used in their home with enough
in the same year.
clean energy to cover the average U.S. household. We’re
working with renewable energy plants that support
projects in Google’s own portfolio—like the Bethel Wind
plant in Castro County, Texas—to purchase high-quality
Nest thermostats use AI and machine learning
renewable energy credits for Nest Renew customers,
to reduce energy consumption and achieve
beyond Google’s existing clean energy purchases.
collective savings as they learn how and when to
keep customers comfortable, while optimizing
People can also access features like impact reports and
for energy efficiency.
the Energy Impact Program, which lets them direct Nest
Renew funds to nonprofit partners working toward an
equitable sustainable future (see Figure 3).

Clean energy
Because electricity grids tend to be cleaner at certain
times of day, when we use electricity can be as important In 2022 alone, Nest thermostats
as how much electricity we use. That’s why we launched helped customers save more than 26
Nest Renew in the United States to help individuals billion kWh of energy 34—more energy
automatically shift their energy consumption to times of
than Google used in the same year.
day when local grid electricity is cleaner or less expensive

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Information about FIGURE 4

Europe energy information panels

Global search interest in “eco-anxiety” reached a
15-year high in 2022, as did search interest in how to
“save energy at home,” 35
showing us that people
want—and need answers.

Due to the energy crisis in Europe, people, businesses,

and governments across the continent are concerned
about rising prices and increased pressure on the energy
grid, which is evident from the information they’re
searching for.

In 2022, we worked with the IEA to rapidly develop a set

of recommendations to help individuals reduce energy
use at home. When people searched for topics such as
“Europe energy crisis” and “energy price”, they saw news
articles, local information including financial assistance
that may be available, and recommended actions to help
conserve energy (see Figure 4).

Going solar
Global search interest in “solar energy” and
“solar installation” reached all-time highs in 2022. 36

Project Sunroof, launched in 2015 in the United States

and Puerto Rico, helps people decide whether to go solar.
It uses AI to analyze high-resolution aerial mapping and 3D
modeling of residential roofs, making estimations of solar
potential faster and easier.
Exploring potential solar capacity for homes in San Francisco, California in the Project Sunroof tool.

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Providing sustainable transportation

Since the most fuel-efficient route will vary by engine and emissions. We also show which models qualify in
type, drivers using eco-friendly routing in Europe, Egypt, the U.S. under the latest government rebate programs

the U.S., and Canada can now select their engine type— designed to help make EVs a more affordable option. For
petrol or gas, diesel, hybrid, or electric vehicle (EV)—in people considering a new bike or scooter, in select Asian
order to get the best route and most accurate fuel or countries, Search provides information such as range,
energy efficiency estimates. speed, and price for electric bikes and scooters.
Global search interest in “sustainable transport” FIGURE 5
reached a 15-year high in 2022. 37 Transportation relies
Eco-friendly routing When EV owners search for “EV charging” on Google
Electric vehicles
more heavily on fossil fuels than any other sector. 38
Maps, they’ll see charging stations nearby with charger
This is why, for people in most high-income countries,
availability displayed in some cases. People with a car
changing travel patterns is a high-impact way to reduce
EVs accounted for nearly 14% of new global car sales in that has Google Maps built in are routed to the most
their footprint. We’ve added several features across our
2022, 41 and global search interest for “electric vehicles” convenient charging location based on factors like traffic,
products to allow people to more easily make sustainable
reached an all-time high in 2022. 42 charge levels, and charger speed. By the end of 2022,
travel and transportation decisions.
Google Maps included nearly 300,000 EV charging

Eco-friendly routing For people considering purchasing a new vehicle, we locations globally.
want to make it easy to understand when switching to a
hybrid or electric vehicle makes sense for them. Search In the Waze app, individuals can also find compatible
A simple thing everyone can do to reduce emissions is
can help people figure out how much they can save by charging stations along their route. Thanks to local map
use existing vehicles more efficiently. Global searches for
going electric by providing fuel savings estimates and editors from our Waze Community, EV data is reviewed
“how to save fuel when driving” have increased by
information about how similar cars compare in range and updated in real time to provide the most accurate,
60% between 2022 and 2023. 39 In 2021, we launched eco-
comprehensive information.
friendly routing in Google Maps to help people get to
their destinations as quickly as possible while minimizing
fuel or battery consumption (see Figure 5). By building AI
models on the emissions profile of diverse vehicle types,
this feature leverages insights from the U.S. Department
of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory and
data from the European Environment Agency to optimize
fuel-efficient route choices.

In 2022, we expanded eco-friendly routing to Canada

and nearly 40 European countries, as well as in Egypt
ahead of COP-27. As of the end of 2022, it’s estimated
to have helped prevent more than 1.2 million metric tons
of carbon emissions since launch—equivalent to taking
approximately 250,000 fuel-based cars off the road for
a year. 40
An EV plugged in at a charging station. Finding a place to charge your EV is easy with Google Maps.
Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Sustainable commuting Long-distance travel

“Less emissions only” filter. In 2022, we expanded Over time, we’ve refined and improved the TIM with help
coverage of carbon emissions estimates to 99% of from academic and nonprofit experts, as well as various
itineraries on Google Flights. partners in the travel industry. We then formalized these
One sustainable way to travel is to avoid driving When individuals search in Google Flights, they now see
collaborative efforts by establishing an independent
altogether, which is why we’re making it easier to use carbon emissions estimates for nearly every flight, right
We also created the Travel Impact Model (TIM), advisory committee to oversee future changes to the TIM.
Google Maps for sustainable commuting in urban areas, next to price and duration (see Figure 6). Lower emissions
a public and freely accessible methodology for predicting
by providing mass transit options, bike routes, bike flights are labeled with a green badge, and results can
the per-passenger CO2 emissions produced by an Google Search can also help people find more
shares, and walking directions. be sorted or filtered by carbon impact. If people want to
upcoming flight. Today, the TIM powers the emissions sustainable alternatives to flying when available.
view only flights that have lower emissions compared to
estimates you see on Google Flights, as well as select Trips taken by train or bus often produce lower emissions
By tapping on the Google Maps transit icon, individuals the average for similar trips, they can simply tap the
travel sites, through our work in the Travalyst coalition. and can frequently save individuals time or money over
can get directions to their destination by bus, train,
shorter distances.
subway, and even ferry. Google Maps provides, on
average, more than 2 billion kilometers (1.2 billion miles)
People can now compare train ticket prices directly on
of public transit results per day. FIGURE 6 Google Search for travel in and around select countries. As

Google Flights emissions estimates an example, when looking for “Berlin to Vienna trains,”
Global searches for “e-bikes” have doubled over
individuals will see a new module in the search results that
the past three years. In 2022, we added over 90,000
lets them choose their departure date and compare the
kilometers (56,000 miles) of bike lanes and bikeable
available options. To further expand individual choices for
roads to Google Maps. Individuals can also find nearby
intercity travel, we’ve also started testing a similar feature
bike and scooter shares in over 400 cities around
for bus tickets.
the world.

We’re also helping people get from point A to point B Hotel accommodations
on foot. Google Maps offers turn-by-turn directions
for pedestrians, with Immersive View and Street View When people search for travel accommodations, they
offering route previews, and Live View, which uses can see which hotels have been certified for meeting
augmented reality to display arrows and directions high standards of sustainability by select independent
clearly overlaid on the map. organizations. For example, hotels certified by Green Key
or EarthCheck will have an eco-certified badge next to
their name.


Google Maps provides, on average,

more than 2 billion kilometers
(1.2 billion miles) of public transit
results per day.

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Sharing other actionable information Recycling points

The journey
People recognize that recycling plays a crucial role in
preserving the future of our planet; global searches for
Outside of home energy and transportation, individuals
can make other sustainable choices that add up to create
Climate change “recycling” are the highest of any sustainability action. 45

a positive impact. This includes understanding local air information In 2021, we launched a new feature that makes it easier for
While a single individual’s actions may seem small, when
billions of people have the tools to make more sustainable
quality, accessing climate change information, identifying people to find nearby recycling points on Search and Maps.
nearby recycling locations, or purchasing pre-owned items. decisions, they add up to have a meaningful impact on
We’re making it easier for people to find climate change In addition to providing information on recycling depots
their communities and the entire planet.
information. When people search for “climate change” and waste transfer stations, we’re also helping small
in certain languages, they’ll see information panels and businesses share when they offer in-store recycling. By
Air quality visuals on the causes and effects of climate change, and adding the new recycling attribute to Business Profiles on
We’re excited by the opportunity to enable climate and
environmental action far beyond Google’s direct impact,
individual actions they can take to live more sustainably, Search and Maps, local storefronts and shops can show
Air quality around the world is being negatively impacted through information and innovation.
provided by authoritative sources like the United Nations. the recycling services they offer in just a few clicks—
by air pollution and increasingly severe wildfires. We’ve whether it’s for plastic bottles, packaging, or electronics.
added a new Air Quality feature in Google Search and LEARN MORE
We’re also engaging with individuals on climate and other
Maps that shows the air quality conditions for the day,
whether it’s unusually smoggy or dangerously smoky.
environmental topics via YouTube. On Earth Day 2022,
we launched a Non-Fungible Planet campaign, where we
Pre-owned items • Empowering with technology

Available in cities in the U.S., Singapore, Brazil, and Chile, teamed up with environmental non-profits, creators, and
• Google Maps eco-friendly routing
Global search interest in “slow fashion” reached
among other locations, this data can help people consider other organizations to show what makes Earth so special
a 15-year high in 2022. 46 And global searches for
• Searching for sustainability with Google
their activities for the day, including whether to stay and worth protecting. They journeyed to one-of-a-kind
indoors. locales and created videos to highlight the stress our
“thrifting” have nearly tripled over the most recent • Supporting a clean energy future with Nest Renew
three-year period compared to the previous three-year
environment is under and what we can do to help. In 2022,
period, 47 reaching a 15-year high in 2022. 48 The apparel
• The search for sustainability
Google Maps and Waze both support user alerts for YouTube also held our first ever Creators for Climate Action
industry is responsible for nearly 7% of global carbon
clean air zones. A clean air zone is a designated summits, one in New York and one with TED Countdown
emissions, so clothing choices have a big impact on
urban area with high air pollution where measures are in London.
reducing both waste and emissions. 49
implemented to improve air quality, such as charging
an entry fee to drivers of high-emissions vehicles. If a To stay safe during extreme weather events, people often
Buying pre-owned items is a small action people can
route crosses a clean air zone, the driver will be alerted to turn to the internet with questions. For example, global
take to live more sustainably. In 2022, we launched
add a permit if they own one, then eligible routes will be search interest in “heat waves” reached an all-time
enhancements to the Google Shopping experience in
suggested for them based on that pass. high in July 2022. 44 To surface authoritative and helpful
the United States for pre-owned products, such as used
information in these moments, we’re providing information
and refurbished products.
through Search alerts on flooding, wildfire boundaries, and
extreme heat. More details on how AI enables these alerts
can be found in the Working together section.

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Our ambition

Our approach

together Supporting partners

Investing in breakthrough

We’re working together with our Creating ecosystems for

partners and customers to advance
technology for sustainability The journey ahead

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Our ambition
Data most efficient in the world and sourcing more carbon-free change, and we see exciting opportunities for further
energy. This enables others to expand their use of digital impact. AI is embedded into many of our sustainability

To effectively mitigate and adapt to climate change and technologies in a more sustainable way, by monitoring and initiatives—including detecting and forecasting floods and

protect ecosystems, organizations need a data-driven optimizing cloud-related emissions, and choosing cleaner wildfires, helping people and cities adapt to extreme heat,
regions in which to run their workloads. and protecting critical species habitat.
We believe that Google has a unique understanding of their impacts. Currently, much of this data
is fragmented across thousands of silos and a multitude
opportunity that extends beyond reducing
of databases. To help solve this problem, we’ve curated a AI We’re leveraging this unique suite of capabilities in three key
the environmental impacts of our own ways: supporting partners, investing in breakthrough
large catalog of Earth observation datasets in the Earth
operations and value chain. By organizing Engine Data Catalog. We created Environmental Insights As an AI-first company, we’ve established a track record of innovation, and creating ecosystems for collaboration.
information about our planet and making Explorer, which empowers thousands of cities and regions applying AI to some of the most significant challenges facing
it actionable through technology and with actionable data and insights to reduce global emissions. humanity, such as environmental degradation and climate

platforms, we can help partners and More recently, we also built Data Commons, an open-
source tool to organize hundreds of public sustainability
customers create even more positive impact.
datasets into a single, accessible resource.

Digital technologies play a critical role in industry

transitions, allowing us to measure and track sustainability Geospatial technology
progress, optimize the use of resources, reduce
greenhouse gas emissions, and enable a more circular Google has made deep investments over nearly two
economy. 50 Cloud computing and digital technologies decades in geospatial technology and platforms such
underpin the transformation in many sectors, such as as Google Maps and Google Earth. Google Earth Engine
energy, transportation, and agriculture. Research that is a leading technology platform for planetary-scale
we commissioned in 2022 found that 20%–25% of what’s environmental monitoring that was launched in 2010
required for the EU’s 2050 net-zero goal requires some for scientists and NGOs. In 2022, it was expanded for
sort of digital enablement. 51 commercial use by businesses and governments as
an enterprise-grade service through Google Cloud.
Researchers from academic institutions, NGOs, and

Our approach intergovernmental organizations have leveraged and

built upon our tools for a wide variety of use cases from
measuring habitat ranges to protecting forest and
ocean ecosystems.
By combining Google’s suite of unique capabilities in
data, geospatial analytics, cloud computing, and AI,
we’re enabling our partners and customers to advance Cloud
sustainability goals.
Google Cloud is helping to transform a number of carbon-
emitting sectors, such as energy, transportation, and
agriculture. We’ve made significant investments in cleaner Governments, aid organizations, and individuals can use Flood Hub to take timely action and prepare for riverine floods,

cloud computing by making our data centers among the seeing locally relevant flood data and forecasts up to 7 days in advance.
Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Supporting partners
emissions accounted for almost 23% of total city emissions cooler environments. As of March 2023, we expanded our
in 2018. 54 Izmir is using EIE to assess the effectiveness of coverage to more than 350 cities on four continents. For
GHG emissions mitigation actions and apply them to policy example, the city of Austin has used the EIE Tree Canopy
and decision-making to align with the goals defined in the tool to prioritize planting trees in vulnerable areas and help
city’s Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan. place bus shelters to increase shade.
We’re building partnerships to advance sustainability strategies to reduce emissions, and adapt to climate
goals through technology across three key groups: change impacts. EIE is supported and offered to cities
governments and intergovernmental organizations; for validation by leading city networks including the Tree canopy coverage
customers and commercial partners; and researchers, Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy (GCoM), Tree Canopy Insights uses AI and aerial

academics, and NGOs. C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, ICLEI, and others. EIE also provides Tree Canopy Insights, which uses imagery to detect and map tree canopy
AI and aerial imagery to detect and map tree canopy coverage in cities.

EIE makes actionable climate data available to more than coverage in cities (see Figure 7) to help them create

Governments and 40,000 cities and regions worldwide. Over a thousand

intergovernmental cities globally have signed up to view their data and

use the insights for their GHG inventories and climate
action planning. For example, Iniciativa Climática de
EIE Tree Canopy Insights
México is working with city officials to evaluate Mexico
We’re creating tools to help governments and City’s building emissions and the potential to generate
intergovernmental organizations make decisions on key renewable energy from rooftop solar, using data from EIE,
topics—such as urban infrastructure, transportation and support from and ICLEI.
systems, regulations, and investments—that have a
significant, long-term impact on people and our planet. Building emissions
Cities and urban areas are a particular focus for our work,
since they’re home to a large proportion of the global In 2022, EIE released building emissions data for 4,000 new
population and produce a significant amount of GHG cities, bringing our total buildings data coverage to over
emissions. More than half the world’s population now lives 13,000 cities worldwide. We’ve substantially increased our
in urban areas, with this number expected to grow to 68% geographic coverage of the world, improving it by over
by 2050, and cities account for 70% of energy-related
250%—from just over 9.5 million square kilometers to over
carbon dioxide emissions globally. 53
35 million square kilometers—resulting in over 50% more
buildings counted and 40% more building floor area used
to estimate emissions.
Environmental Insights
Explorer Transportation emissions

Google created Environmental Insights Explorer (EIE) with Using anonymized traffic patterns and other geospatial
and for cities and regions. This freely available online tool information, EIE is also able to estimate transportation
brings many of our technological advancements together emissions for trips within a city’s boundary. For example,
to help measure emission sources, analyze data, identify in Izmir, Turkey’s third most populous city, transportation
Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Air quality Flood forecasting approaches that use machine learning to create scalable
We’re exploring how AI and aerial models in real-world settings.

Google has worked with several cities to capture imagery can be used to help cities and Annually, floods cause thousands of fatalities worldwide,58
hyperlocal air quality insights used to help improve the governments address “heat islands” disrupt the lives of millions, and cause significant financial In May 2023, we expanded coverage to territories in 60 new

lives and health of residents. We partnered with Dublin by implementing cool roofs in damages. countries across Africa, the Asia-Pacific region,

City Council to map air quality street-by-street using relevant locations.

an electric Street View car, to increase awareness of air Our Flood Forecasting Initiative, launched in 2018, uses
quality levels and help implement smart transportation AI to predict when and where riverine flooding will occur, We’re applying AI and working with fire
policies. We also partnered with New York state to helping to keep people safe and informed. Our Flood Hub authorities to detect, track, and predict
launch a statewide air quality and greenhouse gas Adaptation support for platform now displays flood forecasts to help governments, wildfires, and to help authorities respond
mobile monitoring initiative in areas overburdened by communities aid organizations, and at-risk communities take timely action. better to new wildfire threats.
environmental pollution. These breakthroughs are a result of innovative modeling
As climate change increases extreme weather events

Road traffic around the world, we’re also helping communities adapt
to environmental changes and stay one step ahead of

We also know that many cities suffer from urban road natural disasters.

traffic, which wastes fuel and creates harmful air pollution.

That’s why we created Green Light, an AI tool that Wildfire detection and prediction
measures driving trends at intersections and develops
recommendations that city traffic engineers can use to Climate change is increasing the frequency and severity
optimize the timing of light changes to reduce stop-and- of wildfires, which are having a devastating impact on
go traffic. Our recent tests in Hamburg, Germany showed communities and ecosystems around the world. 56 To
that at traffic lights with our AI-driven recommendations, minimize the impact of wildfires on communities, Google has
cars made over 25% fewer stops, resulting in developed a new AI-based technology to map wildfires in
approximately 10% fewer emissions at intersections. 55
near real time. It uses data from geostationary satellites such
as NOAA’s GOES constellation to show the size of a wildfire,

Cool roofs with data being refreshed roughly every 15–20 minutes.
Additionally, we’re collaborating with the USFS on wildfire

Cool roofs are designed to reflect sunlight and absorb less research by using advanced simulation and AI techniques to

heat, and they’re especially impactful in communities that accelerate their fire spread model. 57

may not have access to reliable air conditioning. We’re

exploring how our technology—such as AI algorithms and We’ve also been working closely with U.S. agencies, such

aerial imagery—can help more places implement cool as the U.S. Forest Service (USFS). USFS used Google Earth

roofs. We’re able to map out the solar reflectivity of cities Engine and Google Cloud technology to build a Landscape

so urban planners and governments can identify what Change Monitoring System to map and monitor land cover
From wildfire mapping, to earthquake detection and alerts to flood forecasting, we continue to find new ways for technology
areas would benefit most from cool roofs. We’ll soon change across the United States and support forest planning
to be helpful at the most critical times.
begin piloting this tool with select cities. and post-fire recovery.
Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Europe, and South and Central America. Flood Hub now Water security FIGURE 8
displays forecasts for 80 countries. This includes some of
Freshwater Ecosystems Explorer
the territories with the highest percentages of population We’re putting Google’s products and technology in The Freshwater Ecosystems Explorer helps to quantify and visualize surface water changes.
exposed to flood risk and experiencing more extreme service of helping others to study and respond to water
weather, covering 460 million people globally. All forecasts security challenges. Improving water security requires an
are displayed for free. accurate accounting of freshwater resources and how
they change over time.

We’re applying advanced machine learning As an example, we partnered with the United Nations

methods to forecast when and where riverine Environment Programme (UNEP) and the European

floods may occur, up to seven days in advance, Commission’s Joint Research Centre to develop the

helping to save lives and livelihoods. Freshwater Ecosystems Explorer. Following the launch of
the Sustainable Development Goals, UNEP requested that
all 193 member states provide indicator 6.6.1 data on the
extent of their water-related ecosystems. 59 At that time,
Risk to infrastructure and natural the majority of member states couldn’t report on this
resources metric. To fill this gap, the Freshwater Ecosystems Explorer
( helps to quantify and visualize surface
In 2022, we announced our Google Cloud climate insights water changes over the course of decades. This free,
offerings to help government agencies better understand easy-to-use geospatial platform and data product helps
the risks to infrastructure and natural resources due to decision-makers access national, sub-national, and basin-
climate change. level data on freshwater ecosystems (see Figure 8).

For example, we partnered with the State of Hawaii In addition to other water outflows, freshwater is
Department of Transportation (HDOT), which manages transferred to the atmosphere via evapotranspiration.
2,500 miles of highway—much of which is facing risks due Together with government and academic research
to erosion and sea level rise. HDOT is leveraging Google groups and the nonprofit OpenET, Google has helped
Earth Engine and other Google Cloud services for its improve water management by supporting the
Climate Resilience Platform, using big data and insights automation and scaling of evapotranspiration (ET)
to assess risk and prioritize investment decisions based models. These models provide estimates of how much
on multiple climate risks, asset conditions, and community water is transferred from the land to the atmosphere, a
impact. crucial but difficult to measure process within the overall
hydrological cycle. Now OpenET is making satellite-based
ET data widely accessible to farmers, landowners, and
water managers.

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Cloud customers and

forests, water cycles, and biodiversity that intersect
Climate risk and resilience its supply chain. We also helped launch TraceMark, a
Renewable energy
commercial partners Many of our commercial customers are eager to
Google Cloud Ready – Sustainability Solution designed
Wind farms are an important source of carbon-free
for enterprises, which aims to accelerate the delivery of
assess and improve their resilience to climate change. electricity, but wind can fluctuate depending on the
We’re collaborating with customers and commercial traceability and transparency in global supply chains for
From transportation companies to financial service weather. Through Google Cloud, customers like Engie
partners across a number of sectors—including energy, raw materials.
organizations, Google is helping organizations integrate (a global energy and renewables supplier) can optimize
transportation, agriculture, manufacturing, consumer
climate data and geospatial analysis into business strategy their wind portfolio in short-term power markets
goods, and financial services—to work towards
sustainability goals.
and risk management. For example, we partnered with
Transportation-related by predicting wind power output 36 hours ahead of
RSMetrics and Infosys to publish a design pattern for actual generation and making optimal hourly delivery
portfolio climate risk analysis and we’re helping insurers
emissions commitments to the grid, a full day in advance.
We’re providing powerful insights to help our Google
boost responses to disaster-related claims.
Cloud customers around the world predict climate risk, We’re working with a number of commercial organizations
increase visibility across their supply chain, and reduce
We’ve launched SpatiaFi, together with our partner
to tackle transportation-related emissions. Ecommerce Sustainability partner
shipments are on track to double by 2026, and 90% of
and report on their emissions.
Climate Engine, to help the banking sector harness the
U.S. consumers expect free two-to-three-day shipping, 61
power of geospatial analytics to support climate finance.
so we’re helping businesses optimize every stage of the
Carbon footprinting For example, geospatial data can help a bank’s agriculture
customers build a personalized picture of flood and
last mile delivery journey: capturing valid addresses,
Partner solutions are important to scale the impact for our
customers and help them get the support they need, from
optimizing delivery routes, efficiently navigating
drought risks and biodiversity at a field-specific level. processing ESG data to reducing carbon emissions. This is
In 2022, we introduced the Carbon Sense Suite, which drivers, tracking shipment progress, and analyzing fleet
why we launched Google Cloud Ready – Sustainability, a
includes products such as Carbon Footprint and Active performance. We’re also helping organizations harness
designation to validate and promote sustainability partner
Assist, and tools such as Cloud region picker. The suite is
Responsible sourcing the power of data and AI to drive more intelligent logistics
solutions built on Google Cloud.
enabling Google Cloud customers to accurately measure, operations and supply chains. For example, our customer
report, and reduce their cloud-related carbon emissions. EV Suitability Assessment helps organizations monitor
As global demand for raw materials continues to grow,
We help developers and organizations make low-carbon their fleet of vehicles and make choices that minimize
deforestation is increasing, contributing to GHG emissions.
architecture decisions and provide best practices to environmental impact.
Companies want to know more about the origins of their
improve sustainability.
raw materials, including which are sourced responsibly—
and how they can improve their sourcing practices. Data analytics tools from Google Cloud are also helping
Developers at companies such as L’Oréal and SAP are airlines. Lufthansa Group partnered with Google Cloud
using Google Cloud tools to reduce the emissions and Google Research to develop a platform that facilitates
Google Cloud, in partnership with NGIS (a geospatial
associated with their technology footprint. Working better planning and management of daily flight operations.
solutions company) is helping brands gain a deeper
closely with these customers, we developed our Carbon
understanding of sustainable sourcing practices across
Footprint product—a freely available tool that provides
supplier networks. By combining the power of our cloud
monthly emissions data on a per service, project, and
computing, AI, and geospatial analytics, we’re helping We’re helping organizations harness
region basis. The data can be accessed in BigQuery for
companies get real-time, reliable information into the power of data and AI to drive more
analysis and can be easily integrated with popular carbon
operations at a local supplier level, globally. For example, intelligent supply chains.
accounting tools. Carbon Footprint data is also integrated Great Western wind farm in Oklahoma
we’re helping Unilever build a more holistic view of the
with recommendations to reduce emissions. (225 MW for Google)

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Researchers, academics,
In 2022, researchers addressed urban climate change FIGURE 9
inequities using publicly available data from Earth Engine.
Glacier retreat in Sermersooq, Greenland, seen from Timelapse in Google Earth.
and NGOs This study used Earth Engine to combine medium-to-high-
resolution satellite observations with census data to calculate

We’re providing cutting-edge climate- and nature-related the feasible area available for planting new trees in urban

data and analytics to scientific researchers from academic areas for over 200 areas in California. 62 By quantifying this,

institutions and NGOs. This support is enabling advances they were able to provide estimates of several co-benefit

in the most complex areas of their fields, applying AI, of tree cover.

machine learning, and geospatial analytics at a global

To accelerate the innovation that we’ve seen from the
scale to accelerate the shift to a sustainable future.
scientific and NGO communities, we’re now bringing
Google Earth Engine to public and private sector users.
Planetary-scale platforms In 2022, we expanded Google Earth Engine’s availability for
commercial use by businesses and governments worldwide
Launched in 2010, Google Earth Engine is Google’s as an enterprise-grade service through Google Cloud.
planetary-scale platform for Earth science data and With access to reliable, up-to-date insights on how our
analysis. It offers over 1,000 Earth observation datasets with planet is changing, organizations will be better equipped
powerful cloud computing to show timely, accurate, high- to move their sustainability efforts forward.
resolution insights about the state of the world’s habitats and
ecosystems—and how they’re changing over time. Google Earth
Scientists, researchers, and developers have been using

Our planet has seen rapid environmental change in the past
Earth Engine for more than a decade to detect changes, half-century—more than at any other point in human history.
map trends, and quantify differences on the Earth’s surface.
In 2022, over 90,000 users regularly used Earth Engine’s Timelapse in Google Earth is a global, zoomable
data analytics and computing for research and educational time-lapse video of the planet, providing a clearer picture
purposes. Multiple global conservation and restoration tools of Earth’s dynamic change since 1984—not just problems,
have also been built on the platform. For example, founded but also solutions, as well as beautiful natural phenomena
by Crowther Lab in Zurich and powered by Google Earth that unfold over decades—from irrigation systems
Engine and Google Cloud, Restor allows anyone to analyze emerging in the deserts of Egypt to volcanic eruptions,
the restoration potential of any place on Earth. When you logging, and wildfires changing the landscape of
outline a given area on the Restor map, it will show you California’s Lassen National Forest and glaciers retreating
data on local biodiversity, the current and potential amount in Sermersooq, Greenland (see Figure 9).
of solid carbon stored in the soil, land cover, soil pH, and
annual rainfall. With this information, the platform connects The imagery also captures how cities have adapted
practitioners, facilitates the exchange of information, and to combat climate change—like offshore wind farms
makes projects visible to potential funders and the public. in Middelgrunden, Denmark and a large-scale solar
installation in Granada, Spain.
Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Data Commons Natural disasters the highest levels of food insecurity. They can then map out
specific food support sites to see which counties will need We’re working with partners to leverage

Partnering with the John Doerr School of Climate at more civil society organizations helping with food insecurity. machine learning to monitor and protect
Sustainability data is fragmented across thousands of silos,
Stanford, Data Commons has helped Stanford create wildlife habitats, such as coral reefs.
in many formats and schemas, and across a multitude
a climate disaster dashboard to identify areas affected
of databases. In 2017, we started the Data Commons
by wildfires, wet bulb temperatures, and other natural
Wildlife monitoring
project, which aggregates data from a wide range of
sources into a unified database to make it more accessible disasters exacerbated by climate change. The Data
In 2022, global search interest in “wildlife” nearly
and useful. Data Commons was developed by Google to Commons team was able to take numerous climate models
tripled, 63 reaching a 15-year high. 64 We’re using our
organize sustainability data from hundreds of sources, and model probabilities for future temperature ranges in
technology to support wildlife conservation efforts around
such as the World Bank, National Aeronautics and Space specific areas.
the world. TerrAdapt uses satellite monitoring technology
Administration, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control
powered by Google Earth Engine to project habitat
and Prevention (CDC). It makes this data available to Water quality conditions given future climate and land-use scenarios.
researchers, journalists, policymakers, individuals, and
TerrAdapt can help prioritize areas for conservation
other stakeholders around the globe. Data Commons is helping communities get a better
actions—like habitat restoration, increasing protection
understanding of water use, quality, and availability. For
status, and building wildlife crossings.
Today, Data Commons is one of the world’s largest example, a researcher at the Indian Institute of Technology
knowledge graphs on sustainability, including data about Madras is working with Data Commons to add India-based
Google teamed up with the Commonwealth Scientific
climate, health, food, crops, shelter, emissions, and more. data on water quality.
and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO—Australia’s
Anyone can access, explore, and understand this data using
national science agency) and the Kaggle data science
Google Search or our free dashboards and visualization Food security community to protect coral reefs including Australia’s
tools, and they can use our open and free APIs to build
Great Barrier Reef, the world’s biggest coral reef system.
new tools based on this data. For enterprise customers, Feeding America is a nationwide network of 200 member We developed a machine learning solution to analyze
this data is available via Data Commons on the BigQuery food banks serving tens of millions of people in need in the underwater images of a species of starfish that feed
Analytics Hub. United States. Data from their annual Map the Meal Gap on living coral. By detecting them more accurately and
study is accessible in Feeding America Data Commons, so efficiently, scientists can now more easily monitor the reef
Data Commons is being used to monitor and address a anyone can explore food security and how it intersects with and manage the impact of the starfish more effectively.
variety of sustainability challenges, including climate change, variables like health, climate, and education. For example, In collaboration with CSIRO and other partners, we’re also
natural disasters, water quality, and food security. it shows that counties that will be most affected by climate applying AI to measure carbon sequestration capacity of
change are also already most affected by food scarcity. seagrass ecosystems.
Climate change This data allows Feeding America to quickly identify U.S.
locations where food insecurity is most exacerbated by Since 2017, Google has been a founding technology
Data Commons can ingest health data from the CDC and other root causes of disparities and hardship. partner in Wildlife Insights—a collaboration between
climate data from the IPCC, and combine them by aligning seven leading conservation organizations to streamline
data on location, health conditions, or dates. A policymaker Nonprofit TechSoup used Data Commons to identify how biodiversity monitoring with the help of AI and to fill critical
can then use Data Commons to compare these two datasets climate change will impact food security needs in California. data gaps to inform data-driven decisions. This platform
to identify outliers and understand how temperature changes This allowed them to see that agricultural counties that will makes it easier for conservationists and scientists to collect Wildlife Insights helps conservationists protect species
may affect populations with pre-existing conditions. be most impacted by temperature changes are already at and analyze data from remote cameras. from extinction with AI.
Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Investing in breakthrough innovation Sustainable food Mineral is using robotics, AI, and
computer vision to create a more

systems sustainable food production system.

We’re helping advance the next generation of audacious Increasing agricultural productivity and sustainability food production system. It’s developing perception-
technologies to address sustainability challenges.
Ocean ecosystems is imperative to feed the planet’s growing population. powered solutions with partners across the agriculture
Incubating breakthrough technologies is essential for Modern agriculture has a significant environmental value chain—from grocery retailers and enterprise
Tidal is X’s moonshot to protect the ocean with impact, such as soil degradation and biodiversity loss farms to equipment manufacturers and crop protection
the transformative change needed to deliver deep
technology systems while feeding humanity sustainably. due to weeds, pests, diseases, herbicide resistance, and companies—to develop a better understanding of the
emissions reductions at scale and to bend the curve
Its underwater sensor system and machine perception excess chemical input waste. Mineral uses robotics, complex interactions of plants, their growing environment,
of climate change.
tools are bringing visibility to our ocean ecosystems so we AI, and computer vision to create a more sustainable and farm management practices.
can better understand and protect them while sustainably
And at X, Alphabet’s “moonshot factory,” our teams are
harnessing the ocean to solve some of humanity’s biggest
developing cutting-edge technology that aims to solve
challenges—from food production to climate change.
problems for millions of people and change systems
worldwide. Climate-related projects comprise more than
Tidal’s first product monitors fish and environmental
half of X’s current moonshots, which include experiments
conditions underwater to detect and interpret things
in ocean health, carbon sequestration, clean energy,
like fish behaviors, which are helpful for feeding and
wildfire awareness, waste reduction, and sustainable
health tracking, and predict outcomes such as growth
agriculture. X is using what they’ve learned from a decade
trends over time—all of which can help fish farmers make
of climate projects to shape the work they’re doing now.
better, more environmentally-friendly and cost-effective
decisions about fish feeding, welfare, and health.

Clean electricity
Tapestry aims to unlock access to clean, reliable, and
Autonomous driving
affordable electricity worldwide by providing greater
Waymo’s mission is to make it safe and easy for people
insight into our increasingly dynamic and complex
and things to get where they’re going. Waymo’s fleet of
electricity system. As X’s moonshot for the electric grid,
shared electric vehicles provides a fully autonomous ride-
it’s creating a single virtualized view of the electricity
hailing service in Phoenix and San Francisco, connecting
system that can predict and simulate what might happen
communities with the benefits of EVs. Waymo’s EV fleet is
on the grid from nanoseconds to decades into the
also matched with 100% renewable electricity.
future. Insights from such computational models can
lead to reduced energy consumption, lower emissions,
and improved resilience to outages, as well as reduce
interconnection queues, enabling more renewable energy
capacity to be added to the grid.
Tidal testing its technology at a fish farm north of the Arctic Circle.
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Creating ecosystems for collaboration

Beyond our own tools and programs, we continue to Examples of other sustainability-focused investments
invest in promising initiatives that aim to create scalable, include:
high-impact collaboration ecosystems for climate change
and sustainability. • AI for the Global Goals, $25 million in funding
to support the development of new AI-driven
approaches that accelerate progress on the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

• A $10 million grant to ICLEI-Local Governments for aims to bring the best of Google to help solve
Sustainability to support 10 nonprofit-led projects
some of humanity’s biggest challenges. This includes
that help cities accelerate their sustainable transition
combining funding, innovation, and technical expertise to
through data-driven environmental and climate action
support underserved communities, provide opportunity
at the local level.
for everyone, and help address a number of sustainability
challenges. • The Environmental Justice Data Fund, a collection
of grants totaling nearly $9 million that aim to help
Launched in 2022, the Impact Challenge on frontline communities that have been historically
Climate Innovation allocates up to $30 million to support underserved and disproportionately impacted by
breakthrough projects that use data and technology to climate change and environmental injustice.
accelerate climate action. Selected organizations will
• AVPN’s APAC Sustainability Seed Fund provides
receive funding to scale their activities, along with access
$3 million in grant funding to 13 local organizations
to Google’s technical expertise and products to help
focused on sustainability solutions for vulnerable and
them maximize their impact. Our first recipient, the World
underserved communities in Asia Pacific.
Resources Institute (WRI), will receive $5 million to support
its project, which will use sensors, satellite imagery, and AI
to help decision-makers understand where to implement
cool surface infrastructure to reduce the impact of
extreme heat.

We’ve launched the Impact Challenge:

Tech for Social Good—the first open call for European
organizations to apply for pro bono technical support
and funding for charitable projects focused on tackling
complex issues, including sustainability. Googlers collaborate in the Event Center at our Bay View campus.
Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

• Google for Startups Accelerator: Circular

Google for Startups Economy: Launched in 2022, this new program
focuses on supporting startups and nonprofits in
By investing early in technologies aimed at tackling
North America and Asia Pacific working on challenges
sustainability challenges like climate change, we have
related to advancing a more circular economy—from
the potential to move the needle on sustainability and
food waste to fashion, recycling, and reuse—with
positively impact our planet. We have a portfolio of
technical solutions.
sustainability-focused accelerators, which support
early stage innovations to grow and scale.
Startups for Sustainable
Google for Startups
Accelerator Through our Startups for Sustainable Development
program, we’re working with impact-driven startups using

Google for Startups is working to identify, support, and technology to build a more sustainable future. All are on a

scale startups that are building technologies to combat mission to address one or more of the U.N.’s 17 Sustainable

climate change and build a more circular economy. These Development Goals, from eradicating poverty and hunger

accelerators are 10-week programs for Seed to Series to improving healthcare and advancing climate action.

A technology startups, designed to bring the best of We provide them with long-term support to scale their
The Impact Challenge on Climate Innovation supports breakthrough projects that use data and technology to
Google’s programs, products, people, and technology impact: mentoring from expert advisors, connections to
accelerate climate action.
to some of the most innovative and impactful climate funding partners, and access to cutting-edge research

change and circular economy technologists. In addition to and technology. The program now supports nearly 400

The journey ahead

mentorship and technical project support, the accelerator startups in over 60 countries, working with a network of

focuses on product design, customer acquisition, and over 140 partner organizations.

leadership development for founders.

• Google for Startups Accelerator: Climate Change: 2022 HIGHLIGHT From measuring and monitoring changes on the Earth’s LEARN MORE

Since launching the program in 2021, we’ve hosted surface, improving forecast and prediction models for
Our Startups for Sustainable • Data Commons
four climate accelerators, each with a distinct flooding and wildfires, optimizing operations, combining

geographic focus. The first three cohorts included 33 Development program now supports disparate data sources, and designing more efficient • Environmental Insights Explorer

startups in North America that report they’ve raised nearly 400 startups in over 60 products, we continue to leverage our expertise in
• Google Cloud sustainability
technology and apply the latest advancements to help
over $650 million in funding. We also announced the countries working with a network
expansion of this program to Europe, in partnership solve global challenges. • Google Earth Engine
of over 140 partner organizations.
with Google Cloud, where we worked closely to
• Sustainability-focused accelerators
accelerate 13 climate tech companies from the sub We believe that by working together with our partners and

sectors of Agtech, SaaS, fintech, real estate, supply customers, we can make a real difference in addressing the

chain, and circular economy. challenges of climate change and ecosystem degradation.

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Our ambition

Operating Our operations

Net-zero carbon

sustainably Water stewardship

Circular economy

We’re showing the way forward

Nature and biodiversity

through our own operations

Spotlight: Building a
more sustainable campus
in Mountain View

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Our Our
ambition operations
Our work on sustainability started with our Google uses energy, natural resources, and products
and services to build our workplaces, data centers, and
own operations, and we’ve worked hard
consumer hardware products. At the end of 2022, we had
to lead by example, with the ultimate goal
offices and data centers in roughly 200 cities and nearly
of driving larger systems change. We set 60 countries around the world. We also had two retail
ambitious sustainability goals. We share the stores, both in New York City.
innovations we create and the lessons we
learn with others, so we can help accelerate The products and services that our customers and users
rely on—like Gmail, Google Cloud, Search, and YouTube—
the global transition to a low-carbon and
are powered by our data centers and networking
sustainable future.
infrastructure. At the end of 2022, we had 28 Google-
owned and -operated data center campuses across 24
We’re working to drive sustainability across our operations
data center locations 65 on four continents, as well as more
in four key ways: accelerating the transition to a net-zero
than 30 Google Cloud regions. In addition to our Google-
carbon future, advancing water stewardship, building a
owned and -operated data centers, we use additional
circular economy, and protecting nature and biodiversity.
third-party-operated data centers as well.

We work worldwide with suppliers that support

our business and operations, including hardware
manufacturing and indirect services. Through our
Supplier Responsibility program, we collaborate with
stakeholders across our supply chain to uphold our high
standards for protecting workers and the environment.

Google’s data center in St. Ghislain, Belgium.

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Our ambition
The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel operate our data centers and office campuses on 24/7
carbon-free energy on every grid where we operate by
on Climate Change is unequivocal: climate
2030 (24/7 CFE). We’ve been working hard to transition our
change is an urgent threat to human
operations and the electricity grids that serve us to cleaner
well-being and the health of the planet. 66 sources of power, through a combination of clean energy
While the last several years have seen procurement, technology innovation, and policy advocacy.
significant progress in mobilizing the global And we expect our work to decarbonize electricity grids

community to take more ambitious climate where we operate to contribute to decarbonization across
our value chain as well.
action, the world isn’t on track to meet the
targets established by the Paris Agreement
to limit temperature rise to 1.5°C. 67
Charting our path

Our ambition Achieving net-zero emissions and 24/7 CFE by 2030 are
At Google, we’re working to accelerate the transition to a

extremely ambitious goals—what we call “moonshots.”
carbon-free future. We know that our responsibility begins
We also know that our path to net-zero emissions won’t
with our own carbon footprint, which is why we’ve taken
Our approach be easy or linear; it may require us to navigate significant
significant steps over the past two decades to minimize our

uncertainty and deploy new systems and technologies
own emissions. In 2021, we set our most ambitious goal yet:
across our business. Some of our plans will take years to
Measuring our carbon to achieve net-zero emissions across all of our operations
deliver their full results, particularly where they involve
footprint and value chain by 2030. To accomplish this, we aim to
building new large-scale infrastructure with long lead
reduce 50% of our combined Scope 1, Scope 2 (market-
times. So as our business continues to evolve, we expect
based), and Scope 3 absolute emissions (versus our 2019
Reducing carbon emissions our emissions to rise before dropping towards our
baseline) before 2030, and plan to invest in nature-based and
We aim to achieve net-zero technology-based carbon removal solutions to neutralize
absolute emissions reduction target.

our remaining emissions. We’ve formally committed to

emissions across all of our Advancing carbon-free energy In our third decade of climate action, we recognize that
the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) to seek their
we can’t achieve our goals alone. Transitioning to a carbon-
operations and value chain validation of our absolute emissions reduction target.
free future will require stronger government policies and
Managing residual emissions
partnerships with many other organizations, as well as
by 2030 One of the key levers for reducing emissions from our
new technologies and structural changes to the broader
operations is transitioning to clean energy. Energy use
The journey ahead contributes to a significant share of our carbon footprint
systems that serve our operations and value chain,
such as electricity grids and hardware supply chains.
due to the electricity needs of our operations—in particular,
our data centers. That’s why, in 2020, we set a goal to

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

It will be especially critical for governments around the differ widely in maturity. In some cases, this limits our
world to enact policies that drive rapid technological ability to successfully influence them, and to collect
and economic transformations, including the full the data needed to accurately estimate our
decarbonization of the global energy system. That’s why Scope 3 emissions.
Google advocates for stronger clean energy and climate
policies, and partners with many other organizations to Availability of carbon-free energy
accelerate clean energy and climate progress. We’ve played
instrumental roles in setting up advocacy organizations, • There are often long lead times between our
including the Clean Energy Buyers Association (CEBA) in investments and resulting GHG reductions. For
the United States, the RE-Source Platform in Europe, and example, with new wind and solar projects, it can
the Asia Clean Energy Coalition (ACEC). take years before projects that we contract are
constructed and begin to generate clean electricity.
To learn more about our public policy and advocacy,
• System-level decarbonization is proceeding more
Norther Offshore wind farm in Belgium (92 MW for Google)
including policy engagement, trade associations,
slowly than needed in many regions and sectors, and
memberships, and partnerships, see the Governance
while we aim to accelerate these changes through our

Our approach
and Engagement section.
efforts and engagement, they aren’t within our control.

Challenges to address Use of carbon removals

While we’re excited about our net-zero emissions journey,

• Because the carbon removals sector is in the earliest Our core business involves using data to solve hard There are three main focus areas that make up our
we recognize that we face many challenges. For example: stage of development, costs are currently high, and problems, and our unique strength is combining engineering approach to our net-zero goal: reducing emissions across
there are limited volumes of removals available for skills with an innovative mindset and a global reach. our operations and value chain, advancing carbon-free
Growing energy needs purchase. 68 energy, and addressing our residual emissions with carbon
removals (see Figure 10).
• As we work towards our absolute 50% emissions As we move towards our net-zero goal, the scale of these
reduction target, our business is continuing to evolve FIGURE 10 Our net-zero approach
challenges will only increase, along with the difficulty
to meet the needs of a rapidly digitalizing world, and of additional progress. We believe that the urgency of
to harness the opportunities presented by climate change demands immediate action, and setting
AI technology. ambitious, near-term targets is a valuable way to focus our
efforts and drive important progress across the energy
• Our operations and value chain are global and involve a
diverse range of industries, which means we must make systems and value chains in which we operate.

progress within hard-to-abate sectors and carbon-

intensive geographies, such as the Asia Pacific region.
Carbon reduction Carbon-free energy Carbon removals

Reduce emissions across our Advance carbon-free energy across Address our residual emissions
• We have a large number of different suppliers, both
direct and indirect, each with climate programs that operations and value chain our operations and value chain with carbon removals

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Measuring our carbon footprint


Our carbon footprint

We began calculating our annual carbon footprint in 2006. we’ve procured clean energy to reduce the carbon
Every year since 2009, we’ve publicly reported the results emissions from our electricity use: our Scope 2 (location- Scope 1:
to CDP, a global organization that asks companies to based) emissions, which don’t take into account our 91K tCO2e
disclose information on their GHG emissions performance renewable energy procurement through power purchase
and management. agreements (PPAs), represent 51% of our carbon footprint,
demonstrating the dramatic emissions reductions that
In 2022, our total GHG emissions were approximately we’ve achieved through PPAs. Scope 2
10.2 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent
Total emissions: (market-based):
2.5M tCO2e
(tCO2e), which represents our Scope 1, Scope 2 10.2M tCO2e
(market-based), and Scope 3 emissions. In 2022, our total Scope 3 emissions
operational emissions were approximately 2.9 million
tCO2e, where operational emissions represent Scope 1 Our Scope 3 emissions are indirect emissions from other
Scope 3 (total):
and Scope 2 (market-based) emissions, as well as Scope 3 sources in our value chain, such as our suppliers, use of 7.6M tCO2e
emissions from business travel and employee commuting, our consumer hardware products, and business travel.
including teleworking (see Figure 11). The majority of these emissions come from upstream
manufacturing of consumer hardware products, the
production of capital goods we have purchased for
Scope 1 emissions use in our data centers, and data center construction.
After accounting for the impact of renewable energy
Scope 1 emissions represent 1% of our carbon procurement through PPAs, Scope 3 emissions
Scope tCO2e %

footprint. Our main sources of Scope 1 emissions include represent 75% of our carbon footprint. Scope 1 91,200 1%
transportation (company vehicles and aircraft), fuel use
from back-up generators, natural gas use, and refrigerant For more information on our GHG emissions, see the Scope 2 (market-based) 2,492,200 24%
leakage in our data centers and offices. Reporting approach and methodology section and our Scope 3 Business travel 211,000 2% emissions:
Environmental data tables. 2.95M tCO2e
Scope 3 Employee commuting (including teleworking) 151,000 2%

Scope 2 emissions Scope 3 Capital goods 2,096,000 21%

Scope 2 (market-based) emissions represent 24% of Scope 3 Upstream transportation and distribution 556,000 5%
our carbon footprint, mainly due to the electricity
Scope 3 Other categories 4,586,000 45%
demands of our data centers. Scope 2 emissions are
thus a key focus of our decarbonization efforts, given that Scope 3 (total) 7,600,000 75%
we have more direct control over our data centers than
many other parts of our value chain. For over a decade, Total emissions 10,183,400 100%
Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Reducing carbon emissions

our data center hardware, as well as the LCAs and LCA In 2022, we reported Scope 2 (location-based) emissions
emission factors used to calculate emissions related to of 8.0 million tCO2e, which doesn’t take into account our
data center construction. renewable energy procurement, and Scope 2 (market-
based) emissions of 2.5 million tCO2e. This means that
We’re working to reduce our emissions across our
operations and value chain. Key efforts include energy-
Our emissions reduction These changes are reflected in our reported Scope
3 emissions for fiscal year 2022, but not for the prior
through our PPAs, in 2022, we achieved a 69% reduction
in our emissions from our electricity use (see Figure 17).
efficient and low-carbon facilities, electrification, sustainable goal years. Had we not made these changes, we estimate
travel and commuting, and supplier engagement. that our reported Scope 3 emissions would have been Since 2011, our carbon intensity per unit of revenue has
In 2022, our total GHG emissions were approximately approximately 18% higher, remaining relatively flat when decreased by 76% while our business grew significantly
Clean energy is also critical to reducing emissions across 10.2 million tCO2e. We revised our Scope 3 methodology compared to the prior year (see Figure 12). over the same period. 69 We continue working to lower
our value chain. Procuring carbon-free energy has a to calculate upstream emissions related to consumer the correlation between our business growth and our
significant impact on reducing our Scope 2 emissions by hardware manufacturing by moving away from using a Our Scope 2 (market-based) emissions increased by GHG emissions.
eliminating emissions associated with our electricity use. spend-based methodology to a Life Cycle Assessment 37%, primarily due to increased data center electricity
In addition, a significant share of our Scope 3 emissions (LCA)-based methodology. consumption and a lack of full regional coverage of
can be traced back to the electricity grids that power our renewable energy procurement in the United States
suppliers and users, so accelerating the decarbonization We also made improvements to the quality of data used and Asia Pacific regions.
of electricity grids is also key to our net-zero goal. For to estimate our emissions associated with manufacturing
more information, see the Carbon-free energy section.

FIGURE 12 Legend

2022 PROGRESS Total emissions

TARGET Annual emissions
Business as usual (footprint in absence of PPAs)

Reduce 50% of our Total GHG emissions: Scope 3

Estimated difference in 2022 total emissions
methodology due to Scope 3 methodology update
20M Base year
combined Scope 1, 2 10.2 million tCO2e* change

(market-based), and 3 *Due to a methodology change, we’re not reporting

a percent progress towards this target for 2022
absolute GHG emissions
10M In 2022, our reported total GHG emissions decreased
before 2030 due to improvements we made to our Scope 3
accounting methodology, which we haven’t yet
applied to prior years.
Year set: 2021 | Base year: 2019 | Target year: before 2030 Had we not made these methodology changes,
2019 2020 2021 2022
Scope: Percent reduction in combined Scope 1, 2 (market-based), and 3 absolute emissions across our we estimate that our reported 2022 Scope 3 emissions
12,528,000 10,322,100 11,371,200 10,183,400 would have been approximately 18% higher, remaining
operations and value chain, when compared to a 2019 base year. This represents our operations and value
chain, including consumer hardware products. 16,850,600 15,275,800 16,124,300 15,736,600 relatively flat when compared to 2021.

(in metric tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent [tCO2e])

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Energy-efficient and
which is projected to have 96% fewer embodied carbon that support the digital economy. As a part of this effort,
emissions than an equivalent steel and concrete structure, we’re collaborating with industry peers to highlight the In 2022, we filed a patent for using machine

low-carbon facilities factoring in sequestration. 70 importance of low-GHG construction materials, such learning technology to improve our ability to

as greener concrete, and to accelerate progress in the prevent emissions from refrigerant leaks.

We pursue a set of integrated strategies to reduce Preventing refrigerants from leaking and finding low- development and deployment of these materials.

the carbon footprint of our facilities, including energy global warming potential (GWP) alternatives is critical for
each one to maximize efficient use of energy, water,
efficiency, building and fleet electrification, on-site reducing global emissions. 71 We’re taking steps to more

generation of clean energy, and carbon-free energy accurately measure refrigerant leak rates and working Data centers and materials.

procurement. Reducing waste is another strategy, to develop new technology solutions that can prevent
Our long-standing data center efficiency efforts are
emissions from these leaks. For example, at our data Google’s data centers are the engine of our company,
which is covered in the Circular economy section.
important because our data centers represent the vast
centers, we’re developing and deploying cooling solutions powering products like Gmail, Google Cloud, Search, and
majority of our direct electricity use. To reduce their energy
that include natural, low-GWP refrigerants. YouTube for billions of people around the world. We’ve
When designing our data centers and offices, we consider
use, we strive to build the world’s most energy-efficient
worked to make Google’s data centers some of the most
options to reduce their carbon impacts, such as the
computing network, outfitting each data center with high-
Google is a founding member of the iMasons Climate efficient in the world, improving their environmental
incorporation of low-GHG materials and adaptive reuse
performance servers that we’ve custom-designed to use as
Accord, an industry coalition working to reduce GHG performance even as demand for our products has risen.
of existing buildings. For example, in Sunnyvale, California,
little energy as possible. For example, our tensor processing
emissions across the technical infrastructure systems We’ve done this by designing, building, and operating
we’re building our first ground-up mass timber building,
unit v4 has enabled us to train machine learning algorithms
with industry-leading efficiency, resulting in significant
emissions reductions compared to business as usual. 72
We also install smart temperature and lighting controls,
redesign how power is distributed to reduce energy loss,
and employ advanced cooling techniques, including
energy-efficient evaporative cooling.

At some sites, we also recapture heat generated by our

servers and use it to heat our data center office spaces and
other on-site facilities. We continue to assess opportunities


Compared with five years ago, we

now deliver approximately three times
as much computing power with the
same amount of electrical power. 73

A visualization of the roof of our landmark Platform G office development in King’s Cross, London.
Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

for off-site heat recovery, where environmentally sound energy. Since 2012, our average annual fleet-wide PUE has Historically, research has shown that as AI/ML compute
and technically feasible, considering the remote location of stayed at or below 1.12 (see Figure 13). demand has gone up, the energy needed to power this
many of our data centers and the infrastructure required. technology has increased at a much slower rate than
Heat recovery is also a key part of our office development In 2022, we maintained our ISO 50001 certification for all many forecasts predicted. We have used tested practices As of 2022, over 1.8 million square
strategy, as well as one of the main levers to help us Google-owned and -operated data centers in Europe that to reduce the carbon footprint of workloads by large
meters (nearly 20 million square
electrify—because reusing heat often requires less energy met our operational threshold for power usage. We were margins; together these principles have reduced the
feet) of Google office facilities have
than creating new heat. the first major internet company to achieve a multi-site energy of training a model by up to 100x and emissions
energy management system certification to ISO 50001, by up to 1,000x. For more information, see the AI for achieved LEED certification.
Our efforts have paid off. On average, a Google-owned which we first obtained in 2013. sustainability section.
and -operated data center is more than 1.5 times as
energy efficient as a typical enterprise data center 74 and,
compared with five years ago, we now deliver approximately 2022 HIGHLIGHT Offices
three times as much computing power with the same
amount of electrical power. 75 In 2022, the average annual On average, a Google-owned and For new office buildings and spaces, we optimize

power usage effectiveness (PUE) 76 for our global fleet of -operated data center is more than overall performance, including both efficiency and user

data centers was 1.10, compared with the industry average experience (see Figure 14 on the next page for some
1.5 times as energy efficient as a
of 1.55 77—meaning that Google data centers use about 5.5 examples). We design to internationally recognized
typical enterprise data center. 78
times less overhead energy for every unit of IT equipment and industry-leading green building standards, such
as Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
(LEED) certification, Building Research Establishment
Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM), and

FIGURE 13 International Living Future Institute’s (ILFI) Living Building

Challenge (LBC) and Zero Carbon Certification.
Energy efficiency at Google-owned and -operated data centers

As of 2022, over 1.8 million square meters (nearly 20 million

1.20 Legend
square feet) of Google office facilities have achieved LEED

1.18 Trailing 12-month PUE 79

certification. Of our LEED-certified square footage, 27%
Trailing 12-month PUE

has achieved a Platinum rating, and 60% a Gold rating.


1.14 As we work to improve performance across our existing

portfolio, we use energy management strategies, building
1.12 optimization, and data analytics to help drive efficiency
measures like equipment upgrades, setpoint adjustments,
and lighting retrofits.

We received the highest LEED certification for our Google

0 store in New York City’s Chelsea neighborhood.
2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022
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Examples of energy- and carbon-efficient Google offices

1105 Peachtree 6 Pancras Square Energy audits

in Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A. in London, U.K. in Asia-Pacific

In 2022, we opened our 1105 Peachtree office, which is designed to Our 6 Pancras Square office was the first building project in the world In 2022, we conducted more than 20 energy audits across our largest
meet LEED v4 Gold Certification. To promote low-carbon commutes, to receive ILFI Zero Carbon Certification. It’s also certified LEED v2009 Asia Pacific sites. As a result, we identified more than 200 energy
it’s located near mass transit and offers on-site bike parking. It also Platinum and received a BREEAM Excellent rating. conservation measures that we’re now actively implementing—which
includes smart building technology throughout to decrease energy use. are projected to save a total of 5,600 MWh of energy.

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Electrification at our offices

Sustainable travel
by spend, provided data. Our supplier data is used to help
2022 HIGHLIGHT set goals and priorities for our sustainability program and

Electrification—which helps enable transitioning away and commuting Google shuttle buses in the Bay Area
we continue to refine our data quality and methodology

from fossil fuels—is an essential first step toward for calculating the carbon footprint associated with the

Our transportation team plans, implements, and operates

produced savings of more than 10,000 manufacturing of our hardware products throughout their
decarbonizing our operations, followed by 24/7 CFE
procurement. We’re exploring opportunities to electrify sustainable commuting options that help Googlers get to tCO2e emissions—the equivalent of life cycle.

our facilities, from retrofitting existing building work by riding shuttles, carpooling, taking public transit, taking on average more than 2,000
In 2022, in addition to our CDP supply chain disclosure
systems, to including electrification standards for new biking, or walking. cars off the road for a year. 82
development, to working with landlords on electrification- requests, we engaged with suppliers directly to drive

friendly leases for buildings we don’t own. We have a growing number of electric vehicles in improved data and accounting, including increased

Supplier engagement
our corporate fleet, and the majority of our global fuel completeness and accuracy for their Scope 1, 2, and

We’ve been piloting technologies to enable building consumption from non-electric vehicles is renewable 3 emissions.

electrification since 2010. For example, our first all- diesel. We strive to provide electric vehicle charging
We work with many suppliers that are committed to
electric office—1842 North Shoreline in Mountain View, stations for 10% of the total parking spaces at our Bay
California—has been in operation for over a decade. Area headquarters, and we continue to work toward this
sustainability, and we’re partnering with them to develop Developing roadmaps to
Many of these pilots led us to confidently implement new design standard for new development projects.
decarbonization roadmaps and build essential data
infrastructure to accurately quantify emissions and
reduce emissions
technology in our large development projects. In 2022,
reductions across the value chain.
we advanced a comprehensive plan to electrify systems To date, we’ve installed more than 5,000 electric vehicle Since setting our net-zero emissions goal, we’ve engaged
across our building portfolio. charging ports at our offices. We estimate that employee our key suppliers to develop roadmaps to reduce
We engage with our suppliers—including hardware
EV commuting in the United States and Canada prevented emissions across our supply chain. During Google’s
manufacturing and indirect services suppliers—to help
More recently, in 2022, we opened Bay View—an all- roughly 12,000 tCO2e emissions in 2022. 80 2022 Supplier Sustainability Summit, we communicated
reduce their energy consumption and GHG emissions,
electric campus with an innovative geothermal installation the expectation for suppliers to publicly set targets to
as stated in our Supplier Code of Conduct, which all
and the largest electric kitchen in our global portfolio. Many campuses offer commuter shuttles to reduce reduce GHG emissions. We provide in-depth training
suppliers are required to sign. We assess suppliers’
Learn more in our Bay View spotlight. individual vehicle trips. In 2022, we launched an for key suppliers on setting ambitious GHG reduction
practices to report, manage, and reduce their emissions
expansion of our all-electric buses for the Bay Area and and renewable electricity targets. For suppliers that
and incorporate this into our supplier scorecard.
We’re also working to eliminate use of natural gas by are introducing these throughout 2023 to replace our completed our CDP supply chain survey, 75% reported
designing all-electric kitchens at our offices, including in existing fleet. For 2022, our shuttle buses in the Bay Area having GHG emissions reduction targets, and of those
the Bay Area, Europe, and Latin America. produced savings of more than 10,000 tCO2e emissions—
Reporting suppliers, 36% reported that their target is science-
the equivalent of avoiding more than 41 million vehicle km based. We aim to accelerate our suppliers’ GHG
(25 million vehicle miles) or taking on average more than
environmental data emissions reductions through further integration of
2,000 cars off the road for a year. 81 climate performance into key procurement tools and the
2022 HIGHLIGHT We expect all our suppliers to report environmental data,
development of new mechanisms to drive deep supplier
and we encourage them to respond to CDP’s Climate
In 2022, we opened Bay View—an all- decarbonization.
Change survey. In 2022, we invited 222 suppliers to
electric campus.
participate, and at least 90% of our hardware suppliers,

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Advancing carbon-free energy Renewable energy

Our primary approach for reducing our Scope 2 emissions We’re working to achieve 24/7 CFE through three main We buy electricity directly from new wind and solar farms
is through the procurement of carbon-free energy. Since
initiatives: purchasing carbon-free energy, accelerating via long-term PPAs on the grids where we operate, and we
2017, we’ve matched 100% of the electricity consumption of new and improved technologies, and transforming the also buy renewable power through utilities via renewable
our global operations with purchases of renewable energy energy system through partnerships and advocacy. energy purchasing models that we helped create.
on an annual basis. 84
From 2010 to 2022, we signed more than 80 agreements
However, because of differences in the availability of Purchasing totaling approximately 10 GW of clean energy
renewable energy sources like solar and wind across the
regions where we operate—and because of the variable
carbon-free energy generation capacity—the equivalent of more than
31 million solar panels. Through these agreements, we
supply of these resources—we still need to rely on estimate we’ll spend approximately $10 billion to purchase
Achieving 24/7 CFE is far more complex and technically
carbon-emitting energy sources that power local grids clean energy through 2040. 86
challenging than annually matching our energy use with
(see Figure 15). That’s why, in 2020, we set a goal to run on
renewable energy purchases. No company of our size
24/7 carbon-free energy on every grid where we operate In 2022, we signed contracts for approximately 2.8 GW
has achieved 24/7 CFE before, and there’s no playbook
by 2030, aiming to procure clean energy to meet our of clean energy capacity—more than in any prior year.
for making it happen. But we see our efforts as part of a
electricity needs, every hour of every day, within every This included two new projects in the U.K. and Spain, our
bigger picture, and we’ve set this ambitious goal to help
grid where we operate. Achieving this will also increase first in each country, that will help our Cloud regions and
scale new, global solutions. We’re excited to see others—like
the impact of our clean energy procurement on the offices move closer to 24/7 CFE.
the U.S. federal government—set similar goals as well.
decarbonization of the grids that serve us. 85

Hourly carbon-free energy performance at an example data center Legend
While Google buys large amounts of wind and solar power (symbolized by green spikes
Gaps in carbon-free energy From 2010 to 2022, we signed
below), these resources are variable, meaning that our data centers still sometimes rely
on carbon-based resources. Carbon-free energy supply more than 80 agreements totaling
approximately 10 GW of clean energy
January 1 December 31 generation capacity. Through these
agreements, we estimate we’ll spend
approximately $10 billion to purchase
clean energy globally through 2040. 87

demand Maevaara wind farm in Sweden (105 MW for Google)

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

In 2022, we also saw projects we’d contracted over the • Finland: Google signed a contract with Ilmatar FIGURE 16
past few years becoming operational in Belgium, Chile, for approximately 60% of the 211 MW generation
Renewable energy purchasing compared with total electricity use
Denmark, and Finland—providing important clean energy capacity Piiparinmäki, Finland’s largest wind farm,
resources to the grids where we operate, and bringing us which was completed in November 2021. Google’s
closer to 24/7 CFE: early agreement to buy the output of this project was 21.78
critical to the wind farm getting built, and in 2022 it Total electricity consumption
• Belgium: At our facility in St. Ghislain, Belgium, we became fully operational and began feeding into Renewable energy %

100% 18
installed the first-ever battery-based backup power the grid that powers our Hamina data center.

Electricity consumption
system for a data center.
100% 14
In 2017, we became the first major company to match Google first
• Chile: In 2019, Google signed a contract with AES achieved 100% 12

100% of the annual electricity consumption of our global RE match 100%
Chile to build 23 new wind turbines in Chile’s Biobío 10
operations with renewable energy purchases. As of the Google 100%
region. The project is part of a hybrid wind and solar public goal to 8
end of 2022, we’ve now achieved six consecutive years
portfolio that adds 125 MW of clean energy generation 100% RE match 100%
of 100% renewable energy matching on an annual basis
capacity. With this wind farm now operational, our 4
(see Figure 16).
data center in Chile operated at 90% CFE in 2022. 61%
48% 2
34% 35% 37%
• Denmark: The Rødby Fjord solar project began adding From 2011 to 2022, our renewable energy purchasing
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

carbon-free energy to the grid that powers our data has resulted in emissions savings of more than 30 million
center in Fredericia, Denmark. In total, this project tCO2e—equivalent to taking more than 6 million cars off
adds 54.5 MW of generation capacity to the more the road for a year, or the carbon sequestered by more
than 100 MW of existing operational solar resources than 36 million acres of U.S. forests in a year 88
in Denmark. (see Figure 17).
Annual impact of renewable energy purchases on Scope 2 emissions

Without renewable energy 8.05
With renewable energy

Scope 2 emissions
(million tCO2e)

2.49 2

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Rødby solar farm in Denmark (55 MW for Google)
Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

these difficulties, load growth continued in regions where

TARGET 2022 PROGRESS CFE contracting is especially difficult given local market
dynamics and resource availability constraints (such as
Run on 24/7 carbon-free 64% global average carbon- the PJM [Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland] grid region
in the eastern United States and certain Asia Pacific
energy on every grid where free energy across our data
grid regions).
we operate by 2030 centers and offices
Despite these significant headwinds, we’re proud of the
progress we were able to make across many of our data
DETAILS center facilities. Seven of our 41 grid regions achieved
Year set: 2020 | Base year: N/A | Target year: 2030 at least 90% CFE, and 13 achieved at least 85% CFE
89 (see Figure 18). These 13 grid regions span North America,
Scope: Regional % carbon-free energy scores , averaged across Google’s global portfolio of data centers
and offices for 2022. This represents the clean energy procured to meet our electricity needs, every hour of Latin America, and Europe.
every day, within every grid where we operate. In 2022, we expanded our reporting from only Google-owned
and -operated data centers to also incorporate offices and third-party data centers. While load grew significantly within the central United
States, our CFE procurement in this region kept pace—
keeping the Midcontinent Independent System Operator
and Southwest Power Pool among our highest-scoring
24/7 CFE progress operated facilities. Without this change in methodology, grid regions. We increased our contracted CFE in the

CFE for Google-owned and -operated data centers would U.K., Finland, and Germany.
We believe in transparency as a guiding principle, so
have remained relatively flat year-over-year.
this year, we’re expanding our carbon-free energy To see more data regarding CFE by region, see the
reporting. For the first time, we’re including CFE scores Environmental data table.
Our total electricity load across all data center facilities
for both Google-owned and -operated data centers and
increased by roughly 3 TWh (18%) from 2021 to 2022, while
third-party facilities where Google leases space and
our contracted CFE 91 increased by roughly 2 TWh (17%). Offices
data processing capacity to support our services. As a
Despite this significant expansion of carbon-free energy
result, there are new grid regions 90
included in this year’s For our offices, which represent a small portion of our
supply, the percentage of our energy use that came from
reporting. We’re also including a separate CFE score of global CFE score, we achieved approximately 56% round-
carbon-free sources remained relatively flat because of
the global average for our offices. the-clock carbon-free energy.
the significant growth in our total electricity load.

Data centers Beyond the challenge of growing our CFE CFE for commercial real estate faces different challenges,
procurement to keep up with our growing power including variability in building characteristics, work
In 2022, we achieved approximately 64% round-the-clock demand, last year we also faced headwinds that made it patterns, and geographic locations with a broad range of
carbon-free energy across all of our data center sites, more challenging to purchase CFE—including continued electricity grid carbon intensities. In addition to helping
inclusive of those operated by third parties. Our 2022 CFE disruptions to renewable energy supply chains, delays us achieve our own climate goals, pursuing CFE for our
represents a 2% change from 2021 (66% CFE), as a result for interconnecting new utility-scale projects, and offices can help expand clean energy options in the cities
Golden Hills wind farm in California (43 MW for Google)
of updating our metric this year to include third-party increased demand for clean energy projects. Adding to we call home.
Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report


Global data center carbon-free energy map

In 2022, Google reached 64%

carbon-free energy globally on
an hourly basis. This performance TENNESSEE

varied widely by region, with seven IOWA

of our regions achieving at least OHIO 39% 97%
90% carbon-free energy, and NEBRASKA
thirteen achieving at least 85%. 87% VIRGINIA
How to read clocks
Example 100% match with
carbon-free energy 41% 40%

18:00 06:00


12:00 0% match with

carbon-free energy

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

communities that host our facilities—in particular,

Innovative purchasing historically underserved communities that haven’t
Accelerating new and We’re deploying machine learning
models typically benefited from the clean energy transition. Three improved technologies solutions to optimize wind power
years ago, we started a journey to better understand how forecasting and project economics.
Our early adoption and long-term support of clean energy we can help lower barriers to an equitable clean energy Wind and solar power have played a critical role in
projects has coincided with the rapid growth of the transition, culminating in two additions to our clean energy enabling Google’s clean energy progress, but meeting
industry and remarkable declines in the cost of solar and procurement approach that respond to those challenges. local solar and wind power are most plentiful, and
24/7 CFE—and maximizing our contribution to global
wind power. 92 Along the way, we’ve pioneered innovative to shift tasks geographically across data centers so
decarbonization—will require expanding our technology
new contracting models and industry partnerships to The first program extends clean energy’s financial that we can do more computing in regions where
toolkit. In 2022, we continued to work on a wide range
help accelerate the adoption of corporate clean energy benefits to local communities. Through a first-of-its- CFE is abundant.
of projects to demonstrate, scale, and maximize the
practices and make clean energy more accessible to a kind partnership with EDPR NA Distributed Generation, climate impact of carbon-free energy technologies, • Accelerating next generation energy sources:
wider range of corporate buyers. we’ll create a 500 MW community-based solar portfolio, using Google’s engineering capabilities and purchasing In 2021, we signed the first corporate agreement to
adding clean energy to the regional U.S. PJM power grid demand to accelerate the commercialization of new develop a next-generation geothermal power project,
New contracting approaches and providing Google with Renewable Energy Credits clean energy technologies: and in 2022, we installed the first-ever battery-
that contribute to 24/7 CFE. At least 10% of the portfolio’s based backup power system for a data center at our
revenues will be redirected annually for up to 15 years as
In 2022, we published a white paper outlining details of the • Optimizing generation from existing CFE facility in St. Ghislain, Belgium. This application will
CFE Manager model, a new approach to clean energy utility bill credits to more than 25,000 households facing a technologies: To reduce the carbon footprint of enable Google to optimize the carbon footprint of
procurement that can help a wide range of energy buyers high energy burden. our new Bay View and Charleston East campuses, backup power, buying local, low-carbon power for
streamline their clean energy purchasing. We share three we designed and installed “dragonscale,” a new solar backup when available rather than relying on diesel
case studies where Google recently signed CFE Manager The second program aims to spur long-term investments roofing technology that helps us power our facilities generators.
agreements—in Virginia, Germany, and California—and to improve housing infrastructure. Through a partnership through on-site generation. Learn more in our
discuss some contractual terms and issues that buyers with Sol Systems, we’re providing funding to three rural • Improving energy data and clean energy tracking:
Bay View spotlight.
electric cooperatives and one regional organization Google is driving the development of advanced
pursuing these agreements should consider.
with deep roots in North Carolina and South Carolina to • Managing energy demand across our global methods for tracking clean energy, including time-

undertake critical home pre-weatherization and safety operations: We developed a “carbon-intelligent based energy attribute certificates. We’re also working
In addition to the CFE manager model, in 2022 we piloted
upgrades for low- and moderate-income households. computing platform” that optimizes the timing and to improve the quality, consistency, and granularity of
a new approach to clean energy requests for proposals
Alongside this investment, the partnership will deliver new location of computing tasks based on local CFE grid electricity data through active collaborations with
that can reduce the time to negotiate and execute a
solar energy and battery storage resources, moving us availability. This allows us to shift some of our data organizations including EnergyTag, Electricity Maps,
clean energy PPA by up to 80%. We’re hopeful this new
closer to 24/7 CFE and bringing clean energy to one of the centers’ computing tasks to the times of day when FlexiDAO, and more.
approach will give clean energy buyers and sellers
useful new options for negotiating PPAs, and enable all most challenging grids to decarbonize.

organizations that want to decarbonize their electricity

use to join us on the journey to 24/7 CFE. Both of these programs are based on discussions with
U.S. government officials, national NGOs, and policy
advocates about challenges to an equitable energy
Helping local communities
transition in their communities. We’ll continue to build on
these programs to extend the benefits of our investments
Finally, we believe that our clean energy procurement
to underserved communities. For our Bay View campus, a first-of-its-kind building-integrated solar panel called “dragonscale” was developed
shouldn’t only benefit the climate, but also the local
to create a seamless design. (Photo: Iwan Baan)
Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Transforming the
clean energy buyer around the world. As we advance In addition to purchasing renewable energy for our
toward our goal of 24/7 CFE, we’re committed to working own operations, we also make targeted investments in
CFE for supplier operations
energy system through with others and advocating for clean energy policies renewable energy. Investment in renewable capacity is
More of our suppliers are using renewable energy. Of
that can enable 24/7 CFE for all energy consumers by a scalable approach to creating system-level change by
partnerships and decarbonizing electricity grids at the scale and pace driving grid decarbonization and enabling greater access
the suppliers invited to report to Google via CDP Supply
Chain, 26% (58 suppliers) said they have renewable energy
advocacy required to meet the world’s climate challenge. to carbon-free energy. This is especially significant in
targets, and 12% (26 suppliers) have targets that are part
markets where credible procurement mechanisms for
of the RE100 initiative. To accelerate decarbonization of
Global search interest in “sustainable energy” We also recognize that accurate, comprehensive, and clean energy are nascent or nonexistent. We aim to invest
our supply chain, we’re engaging with our key suppliers to
reached an all-time high in March 2022. Our 24/7 CFE
93 actionable corporate GHG inventories are essential to in clean energy projects that reduce emissions and serve
encourage them to commit to procuring 100% renewable
efforts are designed to maximize our contribution to the help companies understand their carbon footprints and manufacturing operations across our supply chain.
energy for their operations.
decarbonization of power grids worldwide. That’s why determine how to mitigate emissions. That’s why we

we’re supporting others to join us on the journey to 24/7 recently submitted comments in response to an open Google aims to enable 5 GW of new carbon-free
Our work in increasing supplier access to renewable
CFE, by sharing insights and lessons we’re learning and survey on the future of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol energy through investments in our key manufacturing
energy is intentionally inclusive. We aim for our
new approaches we’re developing. (GHGP). Updating the GHGP will drive continued regions by 2030. In 2022, we signed agreements to invest
investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency to
improvements in the accuracy of companies’ GHG approximately $350 million to support 0.5 GW of renewable
drive better manufacturing across Google’s supply chain
One such example is the United Nations 24/7 Carbon- inventories, providing useful information that enables energy projects towards this 5 GW total. This builds on our
and—importantly—to reduce the environmental impact
free Energy Compact, which we helped launch with them to make decisions and take actions that drive real, long-standing track record in this space; From 2010 to 2022,
of manufacturing for people and communities around
Sustainable Energy for All and other partners in 2021. The measurable GHG reductions. we entered into agreements to invest nearly $2.9 billion in
the world.
Compact is a global community dedicated to building the renewable energy projects with an expected combined

technologies, policies, tools, ideas, and advocacy needed For more information on our public policy and advocacy, generation capacity of approximately 4.2 GW.
Looking ahead, we’re working to:
to accelerate the decarbonization of electricity grids. see the Governance and engagement section.

In Europe, we work with the European 24/7 CFE Hub, a Towards our 5 GW goal, Google’s investments will be
targeted to support bringing additional carbon-free
• Close our first renewable energy investment deal in a
collaboration with Eurelectric to create a platform where
energy buyers, suppliers, and policy makers can meet to CFE investments energy capacity online in key manufacturing regions
key Asia Pacific manufacturing region, working toward
our broader goal to enable 5 GW of new carbon-free
learn more about 24/7 CFE and receive technical training around the globe, including in North America, Latin
energy in key regions by 2030.
and implementation guidance. Google works with suppliers around the world. The America, Europe, and Asia Pacific. Such projects may
electricity grids in many countries where our suppliers reduce Google’s carbon footprint directly, may reduce • Increase access to cost-effective renewable energy at
operate lack sufficient carbon-free energy capacity to a Google supplier’s carbon footprint, or may simply help scale for supply chain partners in key manufacturing
Public policy and advocacy support rapidly growing demand, and may even face decarbonize the local grid. regions through direct supplier and public policy
energy shortages that affect not just manufacturing engagements.
In addition to corporate action, we recognize that the but also the communities and livelihoods of the people Asia Pacific—a critical region for our suppliers—is one of
the most challenging regions for contracting or investing
• Participate in advocacy efforts related to supply chain
clean energy transition also requires strong actions from in these regions. Our long-term vision is that all of our
renewable energy and carbon mitigation, working
governments, and we call for ambitious public policies suppliers—for hardware manufacturing, transport, in carbon-free energy projects. 94 Making carbon-free
collaboratively with industry-leading institutions to
aimed at decarbonizing electricity grids worldwide. In logistics, and indirect services—and their communities energy investments in key Asia Pacific regions is, and will
research solutions and share best practices.
2022, we published a first-of-its-kind policy roadmap have access to reliable, cost-effective, carbon-free continue to be, an area of deep focus for Google moving
sharing our recommendations for energy policy and energy. And we’ll get there only through significant global forward. Google has identified several promising carbon-
market reforms to accelerate electricity decarbonization, investment in new wind, solar, and other clean energy free energy investment opportunities in the region, all of
informed by our experiences as a large energy user and capacity, as well as more robust grid systems. which are in various stages of due diligence.
Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Managing residual emissions

We aim to avoid or reduce GHG emissions to reach our removal (CDR) to counterbalance hard-to-abate residual
absolute emissions reduction target, but there are some emissions is unavoidable if net-zero emissions are to be
emissions that will remain difficult to abate. We’re taking achieved.” 95 That’s why we’re supporting the development
multiple approaches to address these residual emissions and commercialization of emerging carbon removal
and are aiming to play an important role in advancing technologies, as well as the development of initiatives to
the development and deployment of nature-based and ensure the integrity and climate impact of CDR solutions.
technology-based carbon removal solutions.
Starting in 2022, we began funding the development of
As we continue to build out these efforts, we’ll share nature-based and technology-based carbon removal
an annual disclosure of our use of carbon credits and solutions. At the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting
removals on our path to net-zero emissions. This will in 2022, Google joined the First Movers Coalition. As a
include information about our criteria, approach, and champion for the Carbon Dioxide Removal sector, Google
portfolio, including details on project purchases and any committed to contract for durable and scalable net carbon
relevant certifications. dioxide removal to be achieved by the end of 2030.

In 2022, we contributed $200 million towards a $925 million

2022 HIGHLIGHT total pledge to Frontier, an advanced market commitment Google and clean-energy startup Fervo signed the world’s first corporate agreement to develop a next-generation

that’s accelerating the development of carbon removal geothermal power project.

We contributed $200 million to
technologies by guaranteeing future demand. As a
Frontier, an advanced market founding member of Frontier, we’re signing our first offtake
commitment that’s accelerating the deals in 2023, with removals expected to be delivered
destruction of highly potent greenhouse gasses through verification and developing tools to support robust,
development of carbon removal starting in 2024. Already, Frontier has announced its first
the procurement of high-quality carbon credits. well-functioning markets. For example, has
technologies, as one of five companies deal, a partnership with the start-up Charm Industrial to
contributed more than $6 million to efforts to strengthen
remove 112,000 tons of CO2 between 2024 and 2030.
that made a $925 million total pledge. Since we began procuring high-quality carbon credits, carbon markets, digitize their infrastructure, and set
we’ve learned a lot from our experience—including the standards for high-quality carbon credits.

Strengthening carbon importance of developing and following guiding principles

Carbon removal markets

related to credit quality, implementing robust validation
processes, and establishing long-term partnerships
As we move forward on our path to net-zero emissions,
we’ll continue to evolve our approach to counterbalancing
solutions with project owners and developers. We’re now working our residual emissions.

While CDR technologies are being proven and scaled over to help strengthen carbon credit markets through
While permanent carbon removal solutions aren’t yet the short to medium term, we believe that carbon credits engagement with other companies and stakeholders in
economically viable or deployed at scale, the IPCC can play a valuable role in keeping the world on track for a the scientific, academic, and NGO communities. We’re
stated in 2022 that “the deployment of carbon dioxide 1.5ºC future. Since 2007, we’ve supported the capture and partnering on improving measurement, reporting, and
Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

The journey ahead

As we move forward on our journey to reduce our The clean energy transition also requires strong
emissions, we’ll continue to focus both on our own actions from governments, and we call for ambitious
footprint and on the larger systems that serve us—from public policies aimed at decarbonizing electricity grids
electricity grids to transportation networks to materials worldwide.
supply chains.
• Policy recommendations to accelerate
We’ve made great progress in procuring clean energy, carbon-free energy
but we still have a long way to go to meet our 2030
net-zero target. We recognize we’ll face many challenges Ultimately, achieving a carbon-free future for all requires
along the way, for example: rapid and far-reaching transformations to these systems,
and as we grow our efforts towards net-zero emissions
• Meeting our growing energy needs for our own footprint, we’ll prioritize actions where we can
make unique contributions and maximize our impact on
• Availability of carbon-free energy
larger systems change.
• Cost and limited volumes of carbon removals
For more details, see the Challenges to address
• Accelerating climate action at Google and beyond:
section above.
A progress update

We also know we can’t get there alone. To scale our • 24/7 carbon-free energy: Methodologies and metrics
work, we’ve created tools, white papers, and case studies
to help others adopt some of the approaches that have
worked for us.

• The CFE manager: A new model for driving

decarbonization impact

• Time-based energy attribute certificates

El Romero solar farm in Chile (80 MW for Google)

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Our ambition Our approach

The world is facing an unprecedented At Google, we use water to help cool our data centers,
and in our offices around the world. Water is also used
water crisis, with global freshwater demand
throughout our value chain, in the manufacturing of both
predicted to exceed supply by 40% by
consumer hardware products and data center equipment.
2030. 96 Climate change has exacerbated
water stress, causing destabilizing We work to drive water efficiency and reuse across our
droughts and unpredictable flooding global operations, from reducing our potable water use

around the world. intensity at our San Francisco Bay Area headquarters to
using seawater for cooling at our data center in Hamina,

In 2021, we announced our commitment to water Finland.

stewardship: we aim to replenish 120% of the freshwater 97

volume we consume, on average, across our offices Our water stewardship strategy is centered on

and data centers by 2030, and help restore and improve assessing and addressing water-related risks to our

Our ambition the quality of water and health of ecosystems in the business and the opportunities we have to not just

communities where we operate. This ambition is bold, mitigate those risks, but also create solutions that can be

particularly when considering both the growth of our scaled beyond our own corporate footprint. We also strive
Our approach

business and the challenges and complexities of global to partner with others to address this shared challenge.

water stewardship work. Understanding the most

impactful intervention requires local context, and water When it comes to addressing shared water challenges,
Advancing responsible
replenishment is still a maturing field with some limitations technology can be a useful tool to bring visibility to these
water use
to identifying ready-to-implement project opportunities. challenges to enable smarter, more informed decision-
making. We’re building tools to make water data and
We aim to replenish more Benefiting watersheds and We’re working to achieve this replenishment target technology universally accessible, enabling effective

through continued and scaled investments in projects water stewardship and improving the resilience of
water than we consume and that are located within the watersheds we rely on to watersheds and ecosystems.

provide water to our data centers and offices. We work

help improve water quality Supporting water security with external partners to implement these projects, which

and ecosystem health in the with technology deliver both volumetric water benefits and improve other
locally relevant aspects of watershed health, such as

communities where we operate The journey ahead

water quality, community water access, and biodiversity.

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Advancing responsible water use

We’re committed to advancing and enhancing our water use non-potable sources of freshwater and alternatives to
management practices across our operational footprint freshwater.
at Google’s offices and data centers around the world.
We continue to collaborate, test, and share our learnings As part of our commitment to using water responsibly, we
on responsible water use. This includes accelerating water evaluate and take into account local water stress when
reuse practices across our offices and data centers, and deciding where to locate our facilities, how to design
tailoring site-specific solutions based on facility types, them, and how to operate them—from water systems in
locations, and local water contexts. our offices to cooling systems in our data centers. That’s
why, in 2022, 82% of our freshwater withdrawals came
These colorful pipes in our Douglas County, Georgia data center send and receive water for cooling our facility.
In 2022, total water consumption at our data centers and from regions with low water stress. 99 In locations facing
offices was 5.6 billion gallons—the equivalent of what it water stress, we’re actively exploring new partnerships
takes to irrigate 37 golf courses annually, on average, in the and opportunities to improve overall watershed health and Data centers
southwestern United States. 98 Wherever feasible, we try to resilience. By working to replenish more than we consume,
we’re striving to help address the water scarcity gap. To minimize the net-climate impact at each of our data center in Douglas County, Georgia, we redirect local
center campuses, both today and in the future, we consult sewer water that would otherwise be discharged in
with local experts and make regionally appropriate cooling the Chattahoochee River and use it to cool our facility.
FIGURE 19 technology decisions that balance the availability of Additionally, our data center in Hamina, Finland, uses
Our water stewardship focus areas carbon-free energy and responsibly sourced water. seawater for cooling rather than withdrawing freshwater.
Additionally, at our data center in Eemshaven, the
In many places, water is the most efficient means of Netherlands, we partnered with the community to bring
cooling. When used responsibly, water cooling can play in industrial canal water to cool our data center, leaving
an important role in reducing emissions. We’ve found that potable water for other uses.
our water-cooled data centers use about 10% less energy
and emit roughly 10% less carbon emissions than our air- In 2022, we described our climate-conscious data
cooled data centers. 100
center cooling strategy, in which we both championed
Advance responsible Benefit watersheds Support water security
with technology responsible water use and explained how this work
water use and communities
At our data centers, we aim to implement technologies complements our efforts to run on 24/7 CFE on every
and solutions that reduce freshwater consumption when grid where we operate by 2030. In this blog, we published
Enhance our stewardship Collaborate to replenish Share technology and tools
feasible, and use alternative sources such as reclaimed our 2021 annual water metrics for our U.S. data center
of water resources across our freshwater consumption and that enable everyone to
wastewater and even seawater. We withdraw reclaimed or locations, and committed to sharing annual water metrics
Google office campuses improve watershed health while predict, prevent, and recover
non-potable water at 25% of our data center campuses. for additional global locations beginning with this report.
and data centers supporting ecosystems and from water stress
Due to these solutions, 23% of our total data center water See our Environmental data tables for our 2022 water
water-stressed communities
withdrawal (excluding seawater) is reclaimed wastewater data—disclosed both globally and by data center location.
and other non-potable water. For example, at our data
Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Offices Supply chain

Around the world, our offices use water for a variety Addressing water challenges requires accurate water
of needs including preparing food, cleaning and use data throughout our supply chain. By monitoring
hygiene, irrigating campus landscapes, and keeping our this data, we can focus our water stewardship efforts
workspaces cool. We take a variety of approaches to on supplier facilities with the greatest opportunities for
manage water responsibly and drive responsible water improved management. To measure water use and assess
use in our real estate operations through increased water risk in our value chain, we ask suppliers to disclose
efficiency and by sourcing water from non-potable water-related data via the CDP supply chain platform
supplies. and complete and disclose water risk assessments of their
direct operations and value chain.
One of the main ways we conserve water in Google
workplaces is by adopting design standards aligned In 2022, 177 of the 186 suppliers (95%) that were invited
with leading third-party certifications, including LEED to participate in the Water Security portion of the CDP
and the LBC. Our building design requirements for new Supply Chain survey responded. This reporting includes
construction include the incorporation of water-efficient data on water withdrawal, consumption, and discharge—
fixtures, such as faucets, toilets, and irrigation systems. all water withdrawn from all sources (e.g., surface water,
These design standards also address replacing old fixtures groundwater, rainwater, municipal water supply, and
with highly efficient ones in any space we move into, and trucked water), the portion of water permanently lost in the
installing water meters with automatic leak detection. In withdrawal (e.g., evaporated or incorporated into products
multiple offices around the world, we’ve achieved Alliance from cooling, irrigation, and production processes), and the
for Water Stewardship certification, a leading third-party water effluents discharged to all locations (e.g., subsurface
standard that helps us develop best-in-class, regional and surface waters, sewers, and groundwater).
strategies for responsible water use, and to engage with
local partners on watershed health projects. To learn more about how we assess and manage our water-
related risks, see the Governance and engagement section.
Beyond these standards, we drive water stewardship in our
workplaces by developing innovative solutions that strive
to be replicable and scalable. For example, our new Bay
View campus, which opened in 2022, is on track to be the
largest development project in the world to achieve Water As of the end of 2022, we estimate
Petal certification from the LBC, with an on-site stormwater our 38 replenishment projects had the
and wastewater treatment system that can serve as a capacity to replenish over 1.3 billion
model for others. Learn more in our Bay View spotlight.
gallons of water annually once
fully implemented. 101

Steam rises above the cooling towers at our data center in The Dalles, Oregon.
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Benefiting watersheds and TARGET 2022 PROGRESS

communities Replenish 120% of the As of the end of 2022, our

freshwater volume we contracted watershed projects
Many watersheds around the world are degrading in health,
with each location facing unique challenges. Improving
Water replenishment consume, on average, have replenished 271 million
watershed and ecosystem health is a critical part of our projects across our offices and gallons of water, or 6% of our
strategy, which allows us to focus on solutions to shared
water challenges that are impacting watersheds the most, In support of our water stewardship strategy, we’ve made
data centers by 2030 2022 freshwater consumption
whether they’re related to water quantity and availability, progress in helping to restore and improve the quality of
water quality, ecosystem and habitat degradation, loss of water and health of ecosystems in the watersheds we rely DETAILS
biodiversity, or community access to water. on. We’ve intentionally designed our strategy to prioritize Year set: 2021 | Base year: N/A | Target year: 2030
a range of watershed health issues, enabling us to invest Scope: Freshwater replenished annually (excluding seawater and reclaimed wastewater), as a percentage of
In addition to focusing on responsible water use within our in a diverse set of impactful watershed health projects the amount of freshwater we consume each year at our offices and data centers. Replenishment benefits are
operations, we aim to replenish 20% more freshwater that are appropriate for each local context. counted from projects that are active within the watersheds that our operations rely on and that have confirmed
than we consume each year, on a global average basis. volumetric benefits from the reporting year.
We’ll focus our replenishment efforts in watersheds that We conduct regular water risk assessments of our global
Google offices and data centers rely on. The additional assets to identify priority basins. Within each priority
volume of water we replenish at each location will vary basin, we assess local water context and shared water
depending on the local conditions, and we’ll prioritize challenges through data analysis and engaging with local
replenishment projects in water-scarce regions to help partners and stakeholders.
ensure that we’re positively impacting the areas that need
it most. As of the end of 2022, we’ve supported 38 water
stewardship projects in 26 watersheds (see Figure 20).
As of the end of 2022, the first full year since we launched In 2022 alone, we added 25 projects to our portfolio.
this strategy and target, our contracted watershed
projects have replenished 271 million gallons of water 102— This marked a strong first year of implementation of our
equivalent to more than 400 Olympic-sized swimming water replenishment strategy, and while we still have a
pools. This represents 6% of our 2022 freshwater long way to go to meet our 2030 target, we’re proud of
consumption. As of the end of 2022, we estimate that the impactful partnerships that we’ve already engaged
these 38 replenishment projects had the capacity to in around the world. We’re excited to continue working
replenish over 1.3 billion gallons of water annually once alongside our existing partners and to find new partners
fully implemented. in water-stressed geographies where we’ll work over the
next few years.

A rainwater retention pond outside our data center in Berkeley County, South Carolina.
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Global water replenishment project map

This map shows all 38 water stewardship projects we’ve supported as of the end of 2022,
with highlights of specific projects and partnerships:


We recently co-funded a pilot project to install water-saving We partnered with the Bonneville Environmental Foundation to fund

technology in three multi-family buildings in Los Angeles. The Thames21 to support the creation of a system of wetlands that will

technology takes aim at behind-the-scenes leaks, like malfunctioning intercept and filter water at Chinbrook Meadows park before it enters

toilets, that are capable of leaking thousands of gallons of water in a the River Quaggy and the greater Thames River watershed, improving

single day. The pilot is on track to save a total of 6.4 million gallons of water quality with the added benefits of flood protection, climate

water a year in the L.A. watershed where we operate. We’re also funding adaptation, and recreation opportunities.

work to bring this approach to parts of San Francisco and New York City.

We’re working with United Way of Hyderabad to restore the

Surface water diversions from the Colorado River make up the primary Mullakathuva Lake in northwest Hyderabad, with CLEAN International

source of irrigation water supply for the Colorado River Indian Tribes to reopen 20 wells across three cities, and with WaterAid to provide

(CRIT) reservation and CRIT farms. We’re working with the Bonneville water, sanitation, and hygiene access to nearly 9,000 local residents

Environmental Foundation to fund the CRIT to support irrigation in Hyderabad communities. These projects not only support our

infrastructure efficiency by lining a leaky earthen irrigation canal— replenishment and water security goals, they also help strengthen

reducing seepage loss and water diversion demands in the Colorado public health in the communities that make up an important part of our

River watershed. global workforce.


In Mexico City, Google partnered with Isla Urbana to provide households Google partnered with the Bonneville Environmental Foundation on two

that don’t currently have reliable potable water connections to their initiatives to improve watershed health in Chile’s Maipo Basin. We provided

homes with a source of easily accessible potable water via rainwater funding to our implementation partner, Kilimo, to scale up precision

harvesting and potabilization systems. We also partnered with irrigation using AI to support increased agricultural productivity, maintain

Pronatura to support a comprehensive watershed study along with or improve natural pest control, protect groundwater and surface water

the implementation of multiple water management practices, resources, and reduce water demand across 260 hectares of farmland.

including reforestation, the creation of a percolation pond to increase Google also supported The Nature Conservancy’s efforts to monitor,

groundwater infiltration, and restoration activities to improve soil health. protect, and improve the management of the High Andean wetlands,
which offer many climate and water resilience benefits, as well as advocate

Land conservation and restoration (7 projects) Aquatic habitat restoration (11 projects) for its large-scale protection.

Water supply reliability (7 projects) Water quality (8 projects)

Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) (5 projects)
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Supporting water security with The journey ahead

technology While we have a history of responsible water use, 2022 To scale impact, we’ve created tools and case studies
marks our first full year of operationalizing our strategy to help others adopt some of the approaches that have
Supporting global water security needs collective action. for vulnerable communities, a critical first step to and our water replenishment target. We’ve deployed worked for us, from data center cooling strategies to
Global search interest in “water security” more than replacing unsafe water infrastructure. innovative solutions to responsibly manage our water achieving LBC Water Petal certification.
doubled in 2022, 103
reaching a 15-year high in 2022. 104
That’s footprint, developed internal data infrastructure and
• Global Water Watch, which aims to democratize
• Climate-conscious data center cooling
why we’re putting Google’s products and technology in governance models for our replenishment efforts with
information on water resources. This information will
service of helping others study and respond to water security
empower policymakers, conservation organizations, internal operational teams, and identified new, impactful • How to achieve LBC Water Petal certification
challenges. We work on getting environmental information organizations to partner with in specific watersheds.
and communities to better manage water resources
on the world’s forests, fisheries, watersheds, and air into the We’re excited about the future of our water stewardship
hands of decision-makers, in support of our aims to both While we still have a long way to go to meet our 2030 efforts and the impact we’ll have within our own
address a key need for informed decision-making, and to • American University of Beirut, to apply machine target, we’re proud of our progress this year—replenishing operations, in the communities where we operate,
support efforts to scale models and solutions that make learning to weather and agricultural data to improve 6% of our 2022 freshwater consumption. We know and for everyonewho relies on clean, fresh water.
water resource information visible and actionable. irrigation for resource-strapped farmers in Africa and challenges lie ahead, including:
the Middle East, providing farmers with near-real-time LEARN MORE has also awarded millions of dollars in grants water use data predictions to conserve the region’s • Navigating the local complexities of watershed health.
• Google water stewardship: Accelerating positive
to promising water stewardship solutions, including: dwindling water resources.
• The limited supply of replenishment projects in many change at Google, and beyond
• BlueConduit, to develop publicly accessible tools Additional details can be found in the Empowering • 3 ways we’re tackling water challenges in India
to quantify and map hazardous lead service lines individuals and Working together sections.
• Saving water in L.A., one leaky toilet at a time

Cooling towers at our data center in St. Ghislain, Belgium.

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Our ambition Our approach

Humans are consuming natural resources Our impact on the circular economy cuts across all our
core business operations. It includes the data centers we
and generating waste at alarming rates.
build and operate to power our products, the workplaces
We need 1.75 Earths to sustain our current
where Googlers come together to create the next
rate of natural resource consumption, but
breakthrough technology, and the consumer hardware
we only have one planet. 105 The circular products that people use every day. Our impact also
economy aims to minimize waste and spans the entire value chain, including data centers,

maximize reuse of existing materials. workplaces and stores, products, and our suppliers,
and we’ve set goals to measure our progress in each area.
An important component of this is
promoting safer materials for human and
Our ambition Our circularity principles focus on designing out waste
environmental health, to maximize their
from the start, keeping materials in use for as long as
reuse potential. The circular economy possible, and promoting healthy materials—for our data
Our approach
offers a tremendous opportunity for centers, workplaces, and products (see Figure 21).

Circular Reducing data center waste

new business and innovation, capable of
generating an estimated $4.5 trillion in new
economic output by 2030. 106

economy Building circular workplaces

and stores
The world can’t achieve net-zero carbon emissions
without accelerating the circular economy. Roughly 45%
of global GHGs come from embodied carbon emissions,

Designing more sustainable generated from creating new goods and infrastructure. 107
We aim to maximize the reuse consumer hardware products
We can reduce up to 10 GT of carbon by 2050 through
circular strategies, such as using recycled materials and
of finite resources across our low-carbon building approaches. 108
Working with suppliers
operations, products, and To support the transition to a circular economy, we aim to
become a circular Google—maximizing the reuse of finite
supply chains Enabling others resources across our operations, products, and supply
chains and enabling others to do the same.

The journey ahead

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Our circularity principles

We design out We keep materials in use We promote safe and

waste and pollution as long as safely possible healthy materials

We design for circularity from the start, making it easier We pursue strategies to extend the life of our products, We design products, workplaces, and data centers with
for the materials used in the creation of our products, workplaces, and data centers for as long as safely possible healthy materials that are safe for people and for the
workplaces, and data centers to be reused in the future to maximize the use of materials that went into their creation environment, enabling them to be safely reused in the future

A Google Nest Audio is disassembled.

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Reducing data center waste TARGET 2022 PROGRESS

Achieve Zero Waste to 38% of Google-owned and

Landfill for our global data -operated data centers have
center operations achieved Zero Waste to Landfill

Year set: 2016 | Base year: N/A | Target year: N/A
Scope: Annual operational waste for all Google-owned and -operated data centers globally.
“Zero Waste to Landfill” means that more than 90% of waste is diverted from landfill. When possible,
we strive to align measurement of waste diversion at our data centers with the UL Environment Standard
2799 Environmental Claim Validation Procedure for Zero Waste to Landfill.

Storage at Google’s Singapore data center.


Zero waste to landfill

servers for as long as possible, refurbish components
Data centers achieving zero waste to landfill
for future reuse, reuse or resell components following a
rigorous security process, and recycle any components Legend
In 2016, we announced our aim to achieve Zero Waste
that can’t be reused.
Still progressing toward zero waste to landfill goal
to Landfill for our global data center operations. As of
Zero waste to landfill goal achieved
the end of 2022, 10 out of 26 (38%) Google-owned and
Since 2015, we’ve resold more than 37 million hardware
-operated data centers have met this Zero Waste to
components from our data centers into the secondary
Landfill target (see Figure 22). For example, our data
market for reuse by other organizations, including nearly
center in Fredericia, Denmark, achieved Zero Waste to
5 million resold components in 2022 alone. As of the end
Landfill from day one. Our data center waste footprint
of 2022, 21% of components used for server deployment,
increases as we increase the number of our data centers,
maintenance, and upgrades were refurbished inventory.
so we continue working towards our target as we grow.
In 2022, across our global fleet of Google-owned and
Looking forward, we continue to face challenges for waste
-operated data center operations, we diverted 86% of
diversion at a local level due to the lack of availability of
operational waste away from landfills.
recycling infrastructure in some of the rural communities
where we operate and inconsistencies in what’s accepted
Beyond these goals for landfill waste, our approach
for recycling.
to circularity for data center equipment is to maintain

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Building circular workplaces and stores

Building design and construction is one of the largest
sources of global waste—roughly 30% of all global
Circular design and
annual waste comes from building construction and construction
demolition. 109 When we design and build Google
workplaces and stores around the world, we strive to To make our workplaces more circular, we design
deliver on our commitment to accelerating the circular adaptable spaces that can be adjusted over time using
economy. fewer renovation materials, we incorporate reuse and
material salvage practices, and we provide a rigorous
When the right opportunity comes up, we pursue model for healthy materials that can be adopted by
adaptive reuse projects, renovating existing buildings others. For example, our Bay View and Charleston
to serve a new purpose rather than demolishing them East campuses both incorporate salvaged materials
for new builds. These reuse projects tend to use fewer into the building design, and both aim to reduce
materials, produce less construction waste, and have future renovation waste through highly flexible and
lower embodied carbon. They also preserve community reconfigurable work areas.
history, giving historic structures new life as Google
workplaces and, in some cases, community spaces, too. For more than a decade, we’ve prioritized building
materials that demonstrate safer chemistry to create
Some examples include our Playa Vista, California, healthy indoor environments and advance our circularity
office—a repurposed 1943 airplane hangar, and our goals. One way we promote healthy materials is by
Pier 57 office in New York City—a historic cruise terminal leveraging third-party standards like the LBC, one of the
and transit depot that sat vacant for 20 years before most ambitious green building certifications in the world.
Google reimagined it into an office and community space. Our focus on transparency aims to encourage stronger
standards in the building industry at large, paving the
We also consider adaptive reuse for our data centers, way for others to purchase healthier materials.
such as for our data center in Hamina, Finland, which was
formerly an abandoned paper mill. We recently opened or advanced several workplace
and store projects that reflect these core principles of
circular design and construction (see Figure 23). Our
Bay View campus—opened in 2022—also incorporates
our circularity principles of designing out waste from the
start, keeping materials in use for as long as possible,
and promoting healthy materials. Learn more in our Pier 57, which served as a historic cruise terminal and transit depot, sat vacant for 20 years before Google reimagined it into
Bay View spotlight. an office and community space.
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Examples of circular design and construction at our workplaces and stores

237 Moffett Park Drive Charleston East Google store Bolands Mills
in Sunnyvale, California, U.S.A. in Mountain View, California, U.S.A. in Chelsea, New York, U.S.A. in Dublin, Ireland

Our newest addition to Google’s Sunnyvale In 2022, we advanced construction for our In 2021, we opened our first flagship retail store Our Bolands Mills office is the reincarnation of a
campus—237 Moffett Park Drive—is the world’s Charleston East campus, with the goal of in New York City’s Chelsea neighborhood, which 150-year-old flour mill, repurposed as a workspace
largest LBC Materials Petal Certified Renovation expanding the boundaries of sustainable design, achieved LEED-ID+C Retail v4 Platinum status. Every for Googlers. There are plans for a public ground-
Typology project. The existing building was including around healthy and reclaimed materials. element of the Google Store—the materials, building floor food market that will reforge visitors’
transformed into a workplace that embodies Charleston East is on track to achieve LEED-NC processes, mechanical systems and more—was connection to food. With Bolands Mills, we have the
regenerative design and promotes well-being. v4 Platinum certification and be one of the largest painstakingly considered and selected. For example, opportunity to preserve an iconic heritage site while
Materials were given a second chance throughout new construction projects ever to attain the LBC the veneer on the walls is a soft gray, responsibly- creating a place that will support Google and the
the building—from still-functioning components Materials Petal Certification, which helps ensure sourced hickory, and our custom cork and wood neighborhood for years to come.
of the original mechanical systems to roughly 300 the health of the building occupants, the local furniture was created with a local craftsman from
interior doors made with veneer from oak trees community, and the broader supply chain. Using the Greenpoint, Brooklyn. We even attached our
salvaged from recent California wildfires. In total, LBC Red List as a framework, thousands of materials carpeting (which was manufactured with recycled
nearly 3,400 tons of waste (or 91% of total waste on the project went through a rigorous sourcing materials) in a sustainable way. In 2022, we opened our
generated) was diverted from landfill during its and review process. The design of Charleston East second retail location in Brooklyn, New York, which
construction. also incorporates salvaged materials and Forest also earned a LEED-ID+C Retail v4 Platinum rating.
Stewardship Council (FSC)-certified wood products.

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Our goal
Workplace Operations
In 2022, we announced our food waste goal: by 2025,

We take a holistic approach to circularity in our offices, we aim to send zero food waste to the landfill. Towards Divert all food waste from 85% of food waste diverted
starting with designing buildings for zero-waste this goal, we aim to cut food waste in half for each
Googler, compared to a 2019 baseline.
landfill by 2025 from landfill
operations. Not only do we strive to divert solid waste
from landfills and incinerators for office operations, but
we also aim to minimize the amount of materials we use We’re on track to cut food waste in half for each Googler

and maximize their lifespan within our ecosystem and the and send zero food waste to the landfill by 2025. In 2022, DETAILS
surrounding community. We have ambitious targets for we diverted 85% of food waste from landfill, and and Year set: 2022 | Base year: N/A | Target year: 2025

food loss and waste, and we’re working to reduce single- we’ve reduced food waste per Googler by 18% since Scope: Annual food waste diverted from landfill in kitchens and cafes at Google’s offices globally. “Zero food

use plastics in our operations. 2019. 114 We’re seeing progress across all operations in waste to landfill” is defined as 99% diversion of food waste from landfill via composting, anaerobic digestion,
all regions, across different types of cafes, and by using or other on-site processing.

In 2022, the global landfill diversion rate for our offices different intervention levers to spark necessary behavior

was 75%. To ensure that what we keep out of landfills can and operational change.

actually be recovered, we prioritize diverting high-quality

materials and only count non-contaminated recyclable From 2014 through 2021, we prevented nearly 10 million

material. 110 pounds of food from entering landfills.

Our focus areas

Food waste
To further reduce food waste, we’re strengthening our
Global searches for “how to reduce food waste”
efforts in three key areas across our food program:
have more than doubled over the most recent five-year
period compared to the previous five-year period, 111
• In our kitchen and cafe operations, we’re preventing
reaching a 15-year high in 2022. 112 When food waste ends
waste from the moment we receive ingredients all the
up rotting in landfills, it generates methane—a greenhouse
way through to serving a finished dish.
gas that’s 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide. 113
• At the sourcing and procurement stage, we’re
What’s more, when food goes to waste, so do all of working with our suppliers, distributors, and vendors
the water, energy, and other resources that went into to prevent waste before it happens.
producing it.
• When there’s excess food—whether as prepared
dishes or plate waste—we’re ensuring it’s donated or
To achieve a low-carbon circular economy, we need
properly composted.
to collectively cut back on food waste. At Google, that
means doubling down on our efforts to reduce waste in
our kitchens, cafes, and overall food operations.
In our kitchen and cafe operations, we’re focused on ways to stop food waste before it starts.
Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Kitchen and cafe operations

Single-use plastics Designing
more sustainable
We’re making measurable reductions across back-of-
The world’s plastic pollution problem is a large and
house operations through improved culinary practices
complex challenge—more than 91% of plastic isn’t

and demand planning to ensure our production levels are
recycled, and the majority is left sitting in landfills or
consistent with user dining patterns.
littering our oceans and communities. 115 Reducing plastic

For example, in the United States, we recorded a 22%–30%

waste requires entire industries to come together and
take more meaningful action. At Google, that means
hardware products
reduction in egg waste by cooking smaller batches, and
rethinking our approach to the way we source products,
in India we recorded a 50% reduction in per-plate waste
serve food, and reduce our waste.
following a multi-channel waste reduction campaign. Our ambition is to create consumer hardware products
that leave people, the planet, and our communities better
Improving our plastics footprint isn’t as simple as not
Sourcing and procurement than we found them. Our consumer hardware products
buying single-use plastics. To reduce single-use plastics
and excess food include Pixel, Nest, Chromecast, and Fitbit devices.
(upstream) and bridge the infrastructure gaps for
recycling and composting (downstream), we need to
Additional progress will rely heavily on continued Since launching our first hardware products, we’ve
activate the entire food ecosystem, from manufacturers
engagement of our vendor partner operations teams, integrated sustainability considerations into materials
to distributors to waste management companies.
further enabling Googlers to join in, and expanding sourcing and science, engineering and supply chain

partnerships with municipal and community organizations operations, carbon emissions reductions, waste
We do this by working with vendors and suppliers to
to accelerate the pace of food donations and develop reduction, packaging products, and designing our
avoid or phase out products with single-use plastics;
compost infrastructure. retail stores.
rethinking how we handle, store, prepare, and serve
food and beverages; and using fully recoverable
In 2022, to activate industry-wide change, Google We aim to increase the circularity of our hardware
materials that are recyclable or compostable.
provided $1 million in anchor funding to kickstart the products and operations by decreasing our use of mined

ReFED Catalytic Grant Fund. The ReFED Catalytic Grant materials and signaling our demand for a more circular
We’re piloting and scaling plastic-free processes
Fund provides nonprofit and for-profit organizations with economy in our procurement of recycled materials. This
and products in our kitchens, cafes, and overall food
recoverable and non-recoverable grants to de-risk and is in addition to extending the life of our products through
operations. For example, we’re installing beverage
scale high-impact solutions to food waste. software updates and expanded repair options.
dispensers to replace single-use beverages. We’re
redefining what we serve—and how we serve it—to
We support greener electronics standards and
eliminate single-use plastics and ensure durable,
certifications, including UL 110, IEEE 1680.1, and the UL
washable dishware and cutlery are easy to choose.
ECOLOGO Program. 116

Looking to the future, we’re also planning to create

The aluminum in the phone enclosures of Pixel 5, 6, 6 Pro, 7,
food spaces that design out waste from the start.
and 7 Pro is made with 100% recycled content, reducing the
carbon footprint of the aluminum portion of the enclosures
by over 35% compared to 100% primary aluminum. 117

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Recycled materials
Using recycled materials can also lower the carbon
footprint of our product manufacturing. For example, the
aluminum in the phone enclosures of Pixel 5, 6, 6 Pro, 7, and
Reducing how much waste we generate as a company and
minimizing the demand for new raw materials starts with
7 Pro is made with 100% recycled content, reducing the
Use recycled or renewable 41% of the plastic used in
carbon footprint of the aluminum portion of the enclosures
how we source materials that go into our products.
by over 35% compared to 100% primary aluminum. 123 For material in at least 50% products manufactured in
more information on recycled material content for each of
In 2019, we announced our aim to include recycled of plastic used across 2022 was recycled content 124
our products, see our Product Environmental Reports.
materials in 100% of Google consumer hardware products
our consumer hardware
launching in 2022 and every year after. 118 We hit our goal
While many waste materials can technically be recycled,
early—in 2020—and have maintained it each year since for
whether or not they’re actually recycled depends on
product portfolio by 2025
Nest, Pixel, and Chromecast devices. 119 In 2020, we shared
market demand. This is why we’ve strategically prioritized
our next steps on this journey.
sourcing recycled materials for our products, in hopes
that increased demand will help maximize the utility of DETAILS
We committed to use recycled or renewable material in at Year set: 2020 | Base year: N/A | Target year: 2025
materials we already use.
least 50% of plastic used across our consumer hardware Scope: Includes the minimum percentage of recycled or renewable plastic content calculated as
product portfolio by 2025, prioritizing recycled plastic a percentage of total plastic (by weight) in Google’s consumer hardware portfolio for products
everywhere we can. 41% of the plastic Google used in manufactured in a given year. 125
products manufactured in 2022 was recycled content. 120

Approximately 30% of the material Google used in its

new products launched and manufactured in 2022 was
recycled content. 121 This includes recycled material used
in our devices’ aluminum, stainless steel, rare-earth
magnet, glass, and plastic parts.


The aluminum in the phone enclosures

of Pixel 5, 6, 6 Pro, 7, and 7 Pro is made
with 100% recycled content, reducing the
carbon footprint of the aluminum portion
of the enclosures by over 35% compared
to 100% primary aluminum. 122
Since the launch of our first hardware products, we’ve worked to improve the sustainability of how we make our products and the services we create around them.
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Sustainable packaging
Product packaging typically contains many materials—
like the plastic film materials you often see on electronic
packages—which can be difficult to recycle.
Packaging for Pixel 7 and 7 Pro uses
That’s why we’re committed to eliminating plastic from 99% plastic-free materials. 128
our hardware product packaging by 2025. By focusing
on fiber-based materials, we’re enabling consumers to
more easily recycle our packaging and ensure that the goal. For more information on packaging for each of our
materials will be accepted in as many recycling systems products, see our Product Environmental Reports.
as possible.
Transitioning packaging away from plastic is challenging
We design Nest, Pixel, and Fitbit packaging to minimize because many plastic-free alternatives are often not
the use of plastic. For new Google products launched available for specific packaging needs. We’ll continue to
and manufactured in 2022, our packaging was at least work with suppliers to create plastic-free solutions that
96% plastic-free, 126 and packaging for Pixel 7 and 7 Pro provide durability, protection, and aesthetics.
uses 99% plastic-free materials, 127 getting us closer to this
A Sorta Sunny color Pixel 6 Pro lies face-down on a table next to a variety of spare parts and iFixit-branded
repair tools. (Photo courtesy Andy Miller of iFixit)


Product longevity
updates for five years from when they first become
available on the Google Store in the United States. 130
Make product packaging For new Google products And new Chromebooks are built with sustainability in
Creating truly sustainable electronics includes crafting
mind, with automatic updates for up to eight years that
100% plastic-free by 2025 launched and manufactured experiences that guide consumers through the care,
keep them running fast and secure.
in 2022, our packaging was repair, reuse, and recycling of their products. While there’s
much more work to do, we’ve taken some initial steps in
at least 96% plastic-free 129 Repairing electronics
understanding consumers’ and organizations’ needs and
creating new services for them.
Providing new ways to repair electronics is an important
way to extend their lives. In 2022, we announced our
DETAILS It all starts with making sure products last long to begin
partnership with iFixit to provide genuine Pixel spare parts,
Year set: 2020 | Base year: N/A | Target year: 2025 with. Enabling security updates and bug fixes helps
tools, and documentation on models as far back as Pixel 2
Scope: ​​Based on the total weight of new Google Pixel, Nest, Chromecast, and Fitbit retail packaging globally promote product longevity. For Google Nest, we issue
for users who are skilled in repair and independent service
(excluding adhesive materials) for products launched and manufactured in a given year, as shipped by Google. critical bug fixes and patches for at least five years after
providers. This partnership, alongside our other mail-in
launch. Pixel 6 and later Pixel phones will get security

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

and authorized service provider repair channels, lowers

costs and expands the choices customers have in Pixel
E-waste recycling
phone repair. In tandem with our trade-in program, this
Since all products will eventually become obsolete,
extends the usable life of Pixel phones.
availability of and participation in e-waste recycling
programs is important to help keep electronics out of
In 2022, we announced ChromeOS Flex and the
landfills and reuse the critical minerals within them.
Chromebook repair program, which aim to extend
the useful life of laptops, PCs, and Chromebooks alike.
We’re focused on sourcing recycled and sustainable
ChromeOS Flex helps extend the life of aging Macs, PCs,
materials from our supply chain, and we recognize
and Linux devices by converting them to the ChromeOS
that the supply chain is only able to provide recycled
ecosystem and reducing the amount of e-waste that’s
materials when robust recycling collection, processing
generated. In addition to providing up to eight years of
infrastructure, and technologies are available. For devices
software updates for Chromebooks, schools can easily
at the end of their service life, we offer free recycling
identify which Chromebooks have commonly repaired
in every country where we ship consumer hardware
components—like the keyboard, display, and palmrest—
products. 131
through our new repair program site. This is just the first
step, and we’re looking forward to hearing feedback to help
While e-waste recycling programs are generally available,
grow and improve the program.
they often have low consumer participation rates. That’s
why, in 2022, we joined forces with industry peers and
We partner with device manufacturers (OEMs) to help
electronics recycling startup Retrievr on a new e-waste
increase the number of new Chromebooks that are made
recycling pilot designed to address the behavioral
with recycled materials and are easy to customize, repair,
reasons that stop consumers from recycling. Unlike
and upgrade. For example, the new Framework Laptop
recycling household items like food packaging or shipping
Chromebook Edition, made of 50% post-consumer
boxes, electronics have unique barriers to overcome
recycled aluminum, is the most customizable Chromebook
before consumers feel comfortable taking action. The
yet. It’s durable, powerful, thin, light, and designed to last.
goal of the pilot is to study how the industry can reduce
Individuals can upgrade the laptop’s memory and storage;
barriers and increase participation in e-waste recycling.
replace key parts like the screen, battery, and webcam; and
swap out the bezel with different colors, all without needing
to replace their entire laptop.

The Framework Laptop Chromebook Edition is easy to upgrade and repair.

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Working with suppliers

with some suppliers to replace shipping materials with proactively manage risk, and new industry partnerships
reusable and recyclable alternatives and to redesign that allow us to share best practices intended to
packaging to use less material overall. For example, for advance the industry at large.
Nest Wifi Pro, we partnered with multiple part suppliers
in 2022 to replace an estimated 30 metric tons of plastic We continue to enroll suppliers into e-learning courses,
Manufacturing waste 2022 HIGHLIGHT with corrugated cardboard, which is easier to recycle. which more than 250 manufacturing suppliers have
Building on these early successes, we’re now engaging completed as of the end of 2022—a number that
Material that’s lost during the product manufacturing Half of our consumer hardware more suppliers and comprehensively reviewing packaging continues growing as we extend trainings to more
process (often called “yield losses”) generates waste in final assembly sites achieved 100% for many more parts across our portfolio, in hopes of supplier personnel.
our supply chain, so it’s important to ensure that these identifying more opportunities to achieve even bigger
landfill diversion.
waste streams are also captured and recycled. In 2020, waste reductions. We’re working to eliminate antimicrobials and use
we announced our target to achieve UL 2799 Zero Waste safer flame retardants and solvents across our
to Landfill certification at all final assembly manufacturing (representing 100% landfill diversion). We plan to certify consumer electronics product portfolio. We’re also
sites for our consumer hardware products by 2022. the remaining sites in the future. We also aim to maintain Safer chemistry collaborating across the industry to find and promote
certification for 100% of our final assembly sites, including the understanding of safer flame retardants available
In 2022, we certified 90% of our established consumer new sites as they’re added. We’re protecting people and the planet through safer for the electronics sector. In 2022, we partnered with
hardware final assembly sites to the UL 2799 Zero Waste chemistry and responsible management across our ChemFORWARD, a trusted nonprofit source for chemical
to Landfill standard. These sites achieved at least Silver We’ve completed a new waste-reduction pilot program hardware products. The chemical safety of materials plays hazard data and alternatives, on a proactive approach to
certification level (representing a minimum 90% landfill focused on the packaging materials used to ship product a role in the impact they can have on natural ecosystems, assessing chemical safety beyond existing regulatory and
diversion), with half of our sites achieving Platinum level parts from suppliers to final assembly sites. We worked supply chain workers, and users. industry norms. We’ve commissioned over 100 chemical
hazard assessments and are working to make them
Through our Product Restricted Substances Specification available to others through the ChemFORWARD platform.
and Manufacturer Restricted Substances List, we restrict
many hazardous substances and ensure our suppliers
have processes in place to detect and prevent them
Achieve UL 2799 Zero Waste We achieved UL 2799 Zero
from entering the manufacturing process. We’ve laid
to Landfill certification at Waste to Landfill certification at a solid foundation as we pursue our next level goals in
safer chemistry.
all final assembly consumer Silver or higher for 90% of our
hardware manufacturing established final assembly sites In 2022, we shared more details about our comprehensive
Responsible Chemical Management program that
sites by 2022 132
includes assessments, guidance, and training resources
to help suppliers better mitigate occupational and
DETAILS environmental risks related to the chemicals they use.
Year set: 2020 | Base year: N/A | Target year: 2022 Recent initiatives have included in-depth assessment
Scope: All final assembly manufacturing sites globally for Google consumer hardware products programs with greater levels of detail and transparency, The Nest Thermostat is now made with fewer parts
with at least one year of data. extensive supplier training and guidance materials to more for a less complicated design.

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The journey ahead

At Google, we believe that realizing a sustainable world The challenge is large, but so is our ambition. We seek
means that we must accelerate the transition to a circular to enable others to embrace circularity, which is why we
economy where people, the planet, and businesses thrive. share knowledge and insight through research, product
This is a large and complex global challenge, but we’ve examples, and case studies with our partners, customers,
always viewed a challenge as an opportunity to be helpful and billions of users around the world. Examples include:
and make things better for everyone.

• Closing the plastics circularity gap

While we’re excited about our journey to a circular
economy, we recognize that we’ll face many challenges • Understanding barriers to electronics recycling

along the way. For example:

• Accelerating commercial deconstruction and reuse

• Recovering and diverting resources from landfills

Our goal with this work is to accelerate progress towards
requires robust collection and recycling infrastructure
a fully sustainable technology industry and real estate
around the world, beyond what exists today.
footprint operating on clean, efficiently used energy and
A Googler swaps out a motherboard at our data center in The Dalles, Oregon. When server parts break, • The lack of financially healthy end markets and local made with safe and circular materials.
we first try to repair them. If we can’t, we break them up into raw materials and recycle the components. reuse infrastructure for salvaged resources often
prevents or prohibits materials from making their way LEARN MORE
back into the economy.

Enabling others
How Google is supporting the circular economy
• The circular economy requires better data to enable
markets to identify, manage, and value available • A new accelerator for circular economy startups
resources. More and higher-quality data is needed to and nonprofits
The circular economy requires everyone to participate to using AI technology for waste identification. Our goal inform capital investments, infrastructure priorities,
to reach its fullest potential. That’s why we’re focused on with CircularNet is to develop a robust and data-efficient business plans, policies, and other interventions.
• Restricted substances specification

sharing insights about our efforts so others can adopt model for waste/recyclables detection, which can support
them, and why we invest in creating technologies that the way anyone in the waste management ecosystem can • Accelerating the switch from using single-use plastics
to more reusable solutions requires additional
enable everyone to have an impact. identify, sort, manage, and recycle materials.
innovation with the potential to scale across large real
estate portfolios.
For example, in 2022, we introduced product features We also support our partners to help discover, accelerate,

that help people and businesses recycle clothing and

and scale ecosystem solutions that can benefit everyone • We’re exploring the connection between low-GHG
tackling waste and reuse challenges. In 2022 and early construction materials and the circular economy,
other goods, and that help hardware customers keep
2023, we worked to jumpstart partner innovation by recognizing that recycled materials often have lower
their products in use longer. We’re also helping to improve
launching multiple accelerators focused on circular carbon footprints than virgin resources. 133
recycling through accurate measurement and data-led
economy solutions. Additional details can be found in the
insights using machine learning. In 2022, we shared details
Working together and Empowering individuals sections.
about CircularNet, a set of models that lowers barriers
Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Our ambition Our approach

The world has seen an average loss of We strive to protect and enhance nature and biodiversity

69% of mammal, bird, fish, reptile, and through our campuses and technology.

amphibian populations since 1970,134 and

Google has offices in nearly 60 countries around the world
climate change, water stress, and resource
(as of year-end 2022). In these locations, we aim to protect
depletion are only accelerating the stress and enhance nature and biodiversity through a four-pillar
on our natural environment. Roughly half approach that starts with building biodiversity at our own
of global GDP—or $44 trillion—depends office and campus developments, as well as protecting

on nature and its services, such as healthy nature and making it more accessible in the surrounding
communities where we operate (see Figure 24).
soils, flood prevention, clean water, nutrient
cycling, pollination, and a stable climate. 135
Our approach further focuses on sourcing responsibly
across our supply chain. And our billions of users have the
Our ambition Preserving nature is critical both to mitigating climate
potential to have a positive impact on their environments
change and adapting to it. We want nature and people to

Nature and
if given the information and tools to do so, so we’re also
flourish together in the communities that Google calls
Our approach developing technology to help increase nature’s resilience
home, as well as the ecosystems where we source food
to climate change.
for the hundreds of cafes we operate.

biodiversity Building for biodiversity

Protecting nature and FIGURE 24 Our approach to nature and biodiversity

making it more accessible

We strive to protect and enhance Sourcing responsibly

nature and biodiversity through Building for Protecting nature and Sourcing Developing technology to
Developing technology to biodiversity making it more accessible responsibly address biodiversity loss

our campuses and technology address biodiversity loss We build for biodiversity In the Bay Area and elsewhere We’re focused on sourcing We’re creating platforms,
on-site at Google offices across our portfolio where responsibly across our supply open tools, and geospatial
and campuses by designing appropriate, we nurture the chain by procuring sustainable and AI-powered solutions
The journey ahead for ecology and bringing environment and connect building and hardware that help to increase nature’s
nature back to cities. people to nature, both on our materials and supporting resilience to climate change
campuses and in the biodiverse food systems. and address the causes of
surrounding communities. nature loss.

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Building for biodiversity

publication of a public version that’s freely available for
2022 HIGHLIGHT landscape managers in public, private, and NGO settings. In
addition, our ecology team also issues guidelines on native
As of the end of 2022, we’ve created landscape maintenance, pollinator habitats, bird bath and
Centuries of agricultural intensification and urbanization campuses. In collaboration with local NGOs, ecology and restored more than 40 acres of nest design, plant pathogen prevention, and recycled water
have transformed landscapes and native habitats around experts, and government agencies, this work spans from habitat on Google’s campuses and use for native plants. All Bay Area ground-up construction
the world, including a loss of over 99% of native habitats in creating welcoming habitat patches for pollinators to the surrounding urban landscape, projects completed in 2022 incorporated bird-friendly
Silicon Valley. 136 Google is working to bring nature back into partnering on larger projects like restoring the Charleston design elements to reduce the risk of window collisions.
primarily in the Bay Area.
the built environment—in part, by restoring critical habitats Retention Basin. Together, these efforts drive landscape-
like oak woodlands and willow groves across our Bay scale restoration of historical ecosystems like oak In 2022, we opened Bay View, the first major campus
Area campuses. Our aim is to revive the area’s ecological woodlands, willow groves, and creek and wetland habitats The guidelines help landscape designers leverage plant designed by Google, and the most comprehensive
heritage and bolster the human experience while (see Figure 25). choices and layout to maximize wildlife habitat value. They example yet of our approach to designing for ecology.
creating thriving, functional landscapes for a biodiverse include detailed guidelines on native plant palettes, planting Bay View features over 17 acres of high-value natural
constellation of species. In the Bay Area and beyond, We’ve established landscape design practices that ensure structure and density, plant requirements, maintenance areas—including wet meadows, woodlands, and a marsh—
wherever possible, we strive to build biodiversity on-site ecologically-designed landscapes thrive over the long term, requirements, and bird-safe practices. To promote wider designed to reestablish native landscapes and rehabilitate
at Google offices and campuses by designing for ecology primarily through our internal Habitat Design Guidelines. use and impact of these guidelines, we sponsored the Bay Area wetlands. Learn more in our Bay View spotlight.
and bringing nature back to cities.

How we’re restoring native habitats in Silicon Valley

Designing for ecology
We increase native, biodiverse habitats on our development
sites through both large- and small-scale efforts that
prioritize local species. For example, we contributed to the
restoration of the Charleston Retention Basin near our
Bay Area campuses, including nearly 6 acres 137 of new and
enhanced freshwater marsh, native upland, and riparian
communities, and we continue to protect a rookery that’s
regionally important for the local egret population. In 2022,
we created nearly 5 acres of new habitat on our campuses
for monarch butterflies and other pollinators.

As of the end of 2022, we’ve created and restored more

than 40 acres of habitat on Google’s campuses and
the surrounding urban landscape, primarily in the Bay
Area—including 17 acres at our Bay View campus. We’ve
also planted roughly 4,000 native trees on our Bay Area

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Restoring habitat for Bringing nature back to cities

monarch butterflies
We’re also bringing nature back to many cities where we
operate. Global search interest in “pollinators” and
We’re taking steps to help address the threat facing
“tree planting” reached all-time highs in 2022. 139
California’s monarch butterflies—pollinators that are
important to our ecosystem. In 2020, California only saw
In urban areas around the world, we’re designing nature
2,000 monarch butterflies during the winter: a more than
into the built environment to improve urban biodiversity
90% decline from the millions of monarchs that visited the
and connect people to nature. For example, our Platform G
state in the 1980’s and 1990’s. 138
building in London’s King’s Cross neighborhood will include
a biodiverse green roof and planting palette designed to
Given our significant presence in California, in 2021,
support native birds, bats, bees, and insects, designed
we announced our aim to support the creation,
in collaboration with the London Wildlife Trust. A densely
restoration, and/or enhancement of 600 acres of habitat
planted outdoor roof garden with a rainwater irrigation
for monarchs and other pollinators across California,
system will provide a habitat for protected species of
including creating more habitat on our campuses. We’ve
bats and birds, as well as offering a quiet green space for
put $500,000 toward this effort on our campuses, and
breaks during the work day. We’re collaborating with the granted another $500,000 to the Xerces
London Wildlife Trust as part of a wider initiative to protect
Society and Peninsula Open Space Trust for habitat work
our native species and improve local biodiversity.
across the state.

In city centers lacking greenspace, the urban heat island

To date, this has helped to restore and enhance more
effect produces higher temperatures, leading to increased
than 500 acres of monarch and pollinator habitat across
energy needs, air pollution, and heat-related illness. 140
California, including creating nearly 5 acres of new habitat
Google is helping to abate the urban heat island effect
on our campuses in 2022.
by prioritizing plantings, green open spaces, and tree
canopy cover on our campuses, as well as reducing
impermeable surfaces like concrete.
We published insights from some of this work in an
We’ve provided grants to help academic paper, aiming to inspire others and provide them
restore and enhance more than with tools and techniques for integrating nature into dense
500 acres of monarch and pollinator urban areas.

habitat across California.

A monarch butterfly at our Charleston East campus. (Photo: Rick Miskiv for Google)
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Protecting nature and making it
Some recent buildings that reflect this approach to Pier 57 (New York, NY):
biophilic design include: In 2022, we opened Pier 57 in New York City, which

more accessible
incorporates water views and plantings throughout
• Bay View (Mountain View, CA): the building to support biophilic design.
With an abundance of biophilic design elements from
• Moffett Park (Sunnyvale, CA):
natural light to accessible trails, our Bay View campus
We recognize that our campus landscapes exist as part
Connecting communities
In Sunnyvale, we’re building our first ground-up mass
was a finalist for the 2023 Stephen R. Kellert Biophilic
of greater natural ecosystems, so it’s important that timber building, which will incorporate biophilic design

and nature
Design Award, presented by ILFI to recognize leading
we work to protect and support nature—and make it principles by exposing the natural timber structure to
examples of biophilic design in the built environment.
more accessible to people—both on our campuses and building occupants, and by providing abundant views
Learn more in our Bay View spotlight.
across the broader communities where we operate. We invest for the long term, so we want to care for the and daylight throughout the interior.
In the Bay Area and elsewhere across our portfolio environments and communities where we operate.
where appropriate, we nurture nature by supporting We engage with local communities and leading
restoration efforts beyond our campuses and by planning programming that extends the benefits of nature to all.
for resilience. We also connect people and nature by For example, in partnership with the Santa Clara Valley
providing community access to nature and improving Audubon Society, the City of Mountain View, and other
worker health through biophilic design. organizations, Google hosts “Egret Office Hours” at
the Shorebird Way rookery so the public can safely see
moments throughout the egret breeding cycle.
Nurturing nature across
ecosystems As another example, we created the Green Loop, a
publicly accessible pedestrian and cycling trail connecting
some of our buildings in Mountain View. The Green Loop
We invest in restoration projects outside of Google’s
was designed with native vegetation to enhance habitats
campuses to build health across the wider ecosystem
for pollinators and other wildlife (including nearly 100
and accelerate our water stewardship goals. In addition
native trees), as well as to help manage stormwater.
to grants mentioned above to create and maintain
pollinator habitat, we also support efforts to strengthen
We ensure that Googlers have access to the benefits
the ecological resilience of critical natural systems like
of high-quality biodiverse nature through incorporating
the San Francisco Bay. In 2022, we partnered with the
exterior landscapes and access to nature on our
San Francisco Estuary Institute to create the Shoreline
campuses, as described above. We also focus on bringing
Resilience Framework for Wildlife Support, which is being
attributes of natural environments into our interior spaces
used by regional agencies to identify, map, and enhance
by applying biophilic design practices, such as nature-
functions that contribute to shoreline resilience. These
inspired architecture, interior, and landscape design. To
functions may include protecting the shoreline from
further this, we collaborated on an initiative with the ILFI to
erosion, supporting threatened and endangered species,
make a Biophilic Design Toolkit that was launched in 2022
and maintaining critical landscape processes like marsh The Shorebird Way rookery on our Mountain View, California campus reflects a broader effort to design
and is freely available for anyone to use.
migration with sea-level rise. and build our offices with local environments, ecology, and animal habitats in mind.

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Sourcing Developing technology to address

aim to engage our users in nature-related tools, product
features, and information. For example, Google Shopping

responsibly biodiversity loss

restricts the sale and trade of endangered species via
content moderation policies. Additionally, we provide free
API access to our Maps and Places products for some
We’re focused on sourcing responsibly across our supply We build tools and technology that enable partners, solution that improves supply chain transparency. We nature-related uses, such as the iNaturalist app, which
chain by procuring sustainable building and hardware NGOs, governments, and academics around the world also use AI to help partners unlock new advances, such helps people learn more about their local environment.
materials and supporting biodiverse food systems. to help address nature and biodiversity loss. Our most as our machine learning model that helps the scientific
impactful technology in this area is Google Earth Engine, community in detecting humpback whale sounds, or in Additional details on how we’re developing breakthrough
We procure building materials for development projects a leading technology platform for planetary-scale finding hopeful signs of wildlife recovery after wildfires. technologies to address nature and biodiversity loss
and hardware materials for products aiming to minimize environmental monitoring such as land use change, the can be found in the Working together and Empowering
negative impacts on global biodiversity. For example, for most significant driver of biodiversity loss. Additionally, While supporting expert partners is important, we also individuals sections.
new campus developments, we’ve incorporated timber we’ve helped launch other platforms that help protect believe technology should help everyone do their part for
certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)—the nature, such as TraceMark, a sustainable sourcing nature and biodiversity. That’s why many of our products
world’s leading forest certification system for sustainable
wood building materials. The first time Google led the
concept and construction of our own major campuses,
Google and our development partners prioritized FSC
certification of all new wood purchased and installed,
achieving over 96% FSC-certified wood at Bay View. 141
Our efforts earned us a 2021 FSC Leadership Award,
which recognizes excellence in responsible forest
management and conservation.

We work to ensure our food operations contribute

positively to global biodiversity. Across our cafes, our
Food team is focused on increasing the proportion
of agrobiodiverse crops featured on our menus. We
leverage procurement practices and menu design
to replace monocrop commodities with climate-
resilient crops, and jump-start local markets to support
agrobiodiversity. In addition to agrobiodiversity, we also
support regenerative agriculture practices. This work
builds on the Food team’s vision of helping to feed the
world responsibly and sustainably.

We’ve incorporated timber certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) in our new campuses developments.
Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

The journey ahead

Our approach to protecting nature has important co- Our research papers, articles, and toolkits are intended
benefits. Protecting nature helps sequester carbon, to help others adopt some of the approaches that have
and sequestering carbon helps preserve nature. Water worked for us, from restoring native habitats to integrating
stewardship helps nature thrive, and thriving ecosystems nature into cities.
support water stewardship. By promoting circularity, we’re
• Habitat design guidelines
reducing the extraction of natural resources, which in turn
protects against environmental degradation—a direct • Biophilic Design Toolkit

driver of biodiversity loss. For that reason, we’ll seek to

• Toolkit for supporting nature in cities
evaluate these efforts with a more holistic view.
• Integrating nature into urban areas

While we’re excited about our work to protect and

enhance nature and biodiversity through our campuses Moving ahead, we’ll continue to build partnerships with

and technology, we recognize that we face some others, using lessons from our own efforts alongside new

challenges, including: tools and technology to help everyone take action.

• Navigating the local complexities of biodiversity and
ecosystem health, as well as forging a broad set of • Seeding resilience with ecology
partners to ensure collective action.
• Doing our part for California’s monarch butterflies
• Feeding a global workforce responsibly and
• AI reveals signs of recovery in areas devastated by
sustainably while supporting agrobiodiversity and
regenerative agriculture practices.
• Map of Life Indicators adopted in UN Biodiversity
• Procuring healthy materials for our campuses and
products while encouraging manufacturing partners
to embrace responsible material sourcing practices.

• Expanding the nature and biodiversity practices that

work in one region to more of the areas where we
operate around the world.

• Effectively measuring nature and biodiversity.

In 2022 we opened Pier 57 in New York City, which incorporates water views and plantings throughout the building
to support biophilic design.

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

SPOTLIGHT In 2022, we opened Bay View in Mountain predictive models. This integrated geothermal pile

View, California, the first major campus system also enabled us to electrify the building’s overall

Building a more sustainable developed by Google. From the start,

we had big ambitions for this project:
systems more effectively, because recycling ground heat
requires less energy than creating new heat. Bay View

campus in Mountain View

also features our largest electric kitchen, through which
re-envisioning the workplace with a focus we’re learning lessons that will inform the transition of all
on prioritizing the human experience and our kitchens to electric cooking.
community-centered development.
Water stewardship
Bay View has now achieved LEED Platinum certification To help address local water scarcity, Bay View is on track
and is on track to be the largest project to attain LBC to meet the LBC’s definition of “net water positive,”
Water Petal Certification, two of the world’s most meaning it’s designed to produce more recycled water
ambitious building standards. These achievements reflect than the site requires. Predictive models estimate that
our goal of building sustainability into everything at Bay the on-site geothermal energy system is expected to
View: it integrates low-carbon design, helps regenerate help reduce about 90% of the water needed for cooling,
local ecosystems, incorporates circularity principles, and compared with a traditional cooling tower system. To
is on track to achieve net water-positive status. further reduce water use, we designed the campus
landscapes with native plants and drought-tolerant
Net-zero carbon species that don’t require as much watering.
Bay View is a fully electric campus with on-site solar
energy and nearby wind farms that are expected to help We’re also capturing and reusing water on-site when
it operate on 90% clean energy. It features a first-of-its- possible. Stormwater retention ponds and constructed
kind dragonscale solar roof across all three buildings, wetlands for wastewater treatment were integrated into
which use the latest building-integrated photovoltaic the site landscape. A central plant treats stormwater
technology. Unlike a flat roof, where each panel gathered from retention ponds and wastewater collected
generates peak power at the same time of the day, the from buildings, producing recycled water that can be
roof’s unique shape enables it to generate power during used for cooling towers, flushing toilets, and irrigation.
an extended number of daylight hours.
Circular economy
To heat and cool the buildings, Bay View houses an Bay View incorporates our circularity principles of
innovative geothermal energy system, which is expected minimizing waste, keeping materials in use for as long as
to help reduce the building’s carbon emissions compared possible, and promoting healthy materials that are safe
An interior photo of the canopy ceiling at our Bay View campus. (Photo: Iwan Baan) with a conventional, code-compliant baseline, per our for people and the environment. We’ve diverted 76%

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

of construction waste from landfill, and over 96% of all design principles to the interior spaces, aiming to capture
new timber used in the campus is certified by the FSC, 142
proven health benefits for workers through approaches
earning us a 2021 FSC Leadership Award. We designed such as clerestory windows, which provide access to
flexible workspaces, including easily adjustable partition natural light from every work area. Due to these efforts,
walls, reducing the need for new materials as our needs Bay View was a finalist for the 2023 Stephen R. Kellert
evolve. And we vetted thousands of materials against the Biophilic Design Award.
LBC’s “Red List” to avoid toxins and create the healthiest
environment possible, from the carpet tiles and paints to Replicable solutions
the plywood and furniture. From the start of this project, we aimed to create shared
value through replicable solutions and innovations that
Nature and biodiversity could benefit others and drive innovation forward.
Bay View is the most comprehensive example yet of our The dragonscale roof taught us how to integrate solar
approach to designing for ecology. The site was designed panels into a building skin in ways that we believe can
to integrate with the native landscape and regenerate help standardize this practice. The on-site wastewater
local ecosystems such as wetlands. It features over treatment system can hopefully make it easier for
17 acres of high-value natural areas—including wet others in the area to design similar systems by paving
meadows, woodlands, and a marsh. the way for local codes to evolve. And our strategies to
minimize construction waste involved working closely
The significant amount of open space was thoughtfully with manufacturers to reduce packaging, an effort we
designed to echo pre-development water flows through believe could help others with similar goals. To share
stormwater treatment areas, which include open- our learnings and help raise awareness across the
water ponds that provide a habitat for aquatic wildlife. development industry, we released a book outlining all
New willow groves provide a critical habitat for local these innovations, in the hopes of ultimately expanding
wildlife and migrating songbirds, which have almost the impact of this project around the world.
entirely disappeared from the South Bay. Additionally,
pollinator gardens help the campus meet the LBC’s urban LEARN MORE
agriculture criteria, recognizing the key role of native
• Bay View and Charleston East
pollinators—such as bees—in local food production and
ecosystem health. • Pathways: Unlocking innovation at Bay View
and Charleston East
Bay View provides Googlers and community members
with access to nature through landscape restoration
and accessible trail networks. We also applied biophilic The outdoor courtyard between two primary buildings at our Bay View campus shows
Google’s focus on connecting employees with nature. (Photo: Iwan Baan)

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

About Google

Governance Sustainability governance

Risk management

and Stakeholder engagement

engagement Public policy and advocacy


Awards and recognition

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

About Google
As our founders explained in their first
letter to shareholders, Google’s goal is to
“develop services that significantly improve
the lives of as many people as possible.”

We believe in technology’s potential to have a positive

impact on the world. That unconventional spirit has been a
driving force throughout our history, inspiring us to tackle
big problems and invest in moonshots, such as our long-
term opportunities in AI. We continue this work under the
leadership of Alphabet and Google CEO Sundar Pichai.

Alphabet is a collection of businesses—the largest of

which is Google. Google comprises two segments:
Google Services and Google Cloud. Google Services’
core products and platforms include ads, Android,
Chrome, hardware, Gmail, Google Drive, Google Maps,
Google Photos, Google Play, Search, and YouTube. Our
The Googleplex in Mountain View, California
consumer hardware includes Fitbit wearable devices,
Google Nest home products, and Pixel devices. Our

Sustainability governance
Google Cloud offerings include Google Cloud Platform
The Sustainability Focus Area includes the Chief
and Google Workspace.
Sustainability Officer and executives from across
the company with diverse skills, from teams such
Our headquarters are located in Mountain View,
as operations, products, finance, marketing, legal,
California. We own and lease office facilities and data
Alphabet’s Board of Directors has delegated to the Audit In 2022, Google evolved its approach to sustainability communications, and policy, among others. Through
centers around the world, primarily in North America,
and Compliance Committee the primary responsibility for governance by creating a Sustainability Focus Area, an the Sustainability Focus Area, sustainability and climate
Europe, and Asia. To learn more, see our data center
the oversight of many of the risks facing our businesses. The internal team led by our SVP of Learning and Sustainability ambitions are built into our company-wide goals, plans
locations and our office locations.
Audit and Compliance Committee reviews and discusses that provides centralized management oversight of of action, management policies, performance objectives,
with management any major risk exposures, including sustainability and climate-related issues. and how we monitor progress.
sustainability risks, and the steps that Alphabet takes to
detect, monitor, and actively manage such exposures.

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Risk management
risk perils such as heat stress, water stress, hail, tropical To identify and assess water-related risks in our supply
cyclones, tornadoes, droughts, wildfires, and wind gusts. chain, we’ve conducted a supply chain water use analysis
We also considered risks associated with transitioning and a supplier risk assessment using WRI’s Aqueduct
to a low-carbon economy (e.g., energy costs, future Water Risk Atlas, WWF’s Water Risk Filter, and WULCA
regulations, technology, market, and reputational risks, AWARE. The key risks identified included baseline water
Our Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) team is responsible aspects of climate resilience within Google, as well as the
among a few). We also assessed numerous climate- stress, flood risk, access to safe drinking water, and the
for identifying, assessing, and reporting risks related to internal and external actors who either influence or are
related opportunities such as building and expanding level of sanitation and hygiene services. This assessment
the company’s operations, financial performance, and influenced by Google’s climate resilience decisions. These
climate solutions to support users’ journeys to a low- enabled us to identify priority locations for supplier
reputation. As with financial, operational, and strategic ideas continue to inform how we think about addressing
carbon world, improving office and data center efficiency, engagement in Central America, Asia, and the
risks, the team assesses environmental risks as part of the long-term climate risk.
and advancing new energy efficient technologies. United States.
company’s overall risk management framework. The risks
and opportunities identified through this process support In 2020, Google conducted a climate risk assessment,

To safeguard the health of local waterways, we stipulate
public disclosures and inform Google’s environmental which included a low and high emissions climate scenario
that suppliers “[treat water] as required prior to discharge
sustainability strategy. Our Chief Sustainability Officer and analysis. This assessment modeled the impact of flooding,

or disposal of all wastewater.” To support the health and
sustainability teams work to address risks by identifying water stress, extreme heat, and wildfires on 26 priority
wellbeing of those in the communities we operate in,
opportunities to reduce the company’s environmental office sites and 23 data center locations. The key result
suppliers must “provide workers with ready access to
impacts from its operations and value chain, and through of this scenario analysis was that increased exposure to
To identify and assess water-related risks in our direct clean toilet facilities [and] potable water.” We conduct
improving climate resilience. extreme heat and flooding is likely to impact many of our
operations, Google annually undertakes a water risk regular supplier audits to monitor adherence to our
global offices and data centers as early as 2030, if not
assessment to identify priority locations with potential code of conduct. Additionally, we’ve engaged our
sooner. We consider these results when planning Google’s

water-related risks that may present opportunities for suppliers through the CDP Supply Chain Water Security
overall development strategy.
water stewardship action. Indicators from available risk questionnaire, inviting them to disclose their water

assessment tools, including WRI Aqueduct Water Risk management efforts.
In 2022, Google increased its efforts to align our
Atlas 3.0 and WWF Water Risk Filter 6.0, are blended
climate risk assessment process more closely with
with other metrics to evaluate risks related to scarcity,
the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-
Climate-related risks and opportunities have long time flooding, water quality, sanitation and hygiene, reputation,
Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), leveraging
horizons with high uncertainty regarding how climate and regulatory stressors.
the TCFD categories of risks and opportunities and
trends, policy, and socio-economic factors might evolve
conducting climate scenario analyses. In an effort to drive
in the future. Google continues to build on qualitative For our data center operations specifically, in 2022
completeness and consistency when reviewing these
and quantitative risk assessments to identify climate- Google finalized the development and application of a
categories, we adopted our ERM rating scales (i.e., impact,
related risks and opportunities, and to understand their context-based water risk and impact methodology to
frequency, likelihood, control effectiveness) to identify
associated impact. generate more granular insights than can be provided
and prioritize areas of focus.
by water risk screening tools. It provides a framework
In 2015, Google developed a set of Principles of Climate to measure and evaluate site-level water risks, and the
In 2022, climate-related risks and opportunities were
Resilience, which support our definition of climate risk potential watershed impact, to inform our decision-
analyzed in three time horizons—short term (through
and resilience. From there, we created a framework that making process for new site selection, water cooling
2030), medium term (through 2040), and long term
prioritizes the impact on people (including communities, design, and ongoing operations. The cooling towers at our Mayes County, Oklahoma data
(through 2050)—for financial, operational, legal, and
users, and Googlers), so that it represents the different center help keep our servers running efficiently.
strategic risks. We considered acute and chronic physical
Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Stakeholder engagement
Google’s Supplier Code of Conduct includes requirements severe issues immediately. We expect all other findings to
that enable us to ensure that those we partner with are be resolved in accordance with our guidelines as quickly
responsible environmental stewards. Along with having as is practical. While we work with our suppliers to help
suppliers evaluate their operations, we perform our own them address our findings, in some instances, we may
ongoing due diligence and audits to verify compliance and decide to no longer pursue a relationship or to terminate
We believe in the importance of outside perspectives business more sustainably. Throughout the year, we
to understand our supply chain’s current and potential risks. our current relationship.
to help inform our business decisions. We actively invite thought leaders and experts to speak about the
engage with our stakeholders (e.g., employees, NGOs, latest sustainability trends, and we post some of these
When we find that a supplier isn’t complying, we expect In 2022, we audited a subset of our suppliers to verify
policymakers, customers, researchers, academics, talks publicly on our Talks at Google YouTube channel.
that supplier to provide a corrective action plan (CAP) that compliance for the following environmental criteria:
and investors) throughout the year on a broad range of Employees can also access online sustainability courses
outlines the root cause of the finding, how and when that implementation of environmental management
environmental topics. and can join global and local internal community groups
company will resolve the issue, and what steps it will take systems, environmental permits and reporting, product
focused on sustainability topics. Some employees
to prevent recurrence. We determine whether the plan is content restrictions, and resource efficiency, as well as
Our engagement enables us to better understand also take on a 20% project—an opportunity to work
acceptable based on the severity of the noncompliance management of hazardous substances, wastewater,
our stakeholders’ perspectives, elaborate on our on something outside of their primary role—related
and the effort and time required to resolve the issue. solid waste, and air emissions.
environmental strategy, and progress against key targets, to sustainability. One great example of this is Project
We expect suppliers to demonstrate improvements to
and it creates a vital two-way dialogue that informs our Sunroof, which began as a 20% project back in 2015.
continue working with us. Our goal is to resolve the most
approach to the work. Lastly, employees have the opportunity to learn about
sustainability through internal newsletters and education
See below for more information on how we engage campaigns.
with employees, suppliers, policymakers, and partners.
For additional information on how we collaborate with
customers, researchers, academics, and NGOs, see the
Working together section.
Employee Through our supplier responsibility program, we’re

working to build an energy-efficient, low-carbon,
circular supply chain that makes smart use of the Earth’s
resources, protects ecosystems, and helps to combat
Sustainability is part of our culture, and we give our climate change. We focus on the areas where we can
employees opportunities to engage on environmental make an immediate and lasting impact, such as helping
issues and put their passions into practice. our suppliers improve their environmental performance
and integrate inclusivity, climate resilience, water
To celebrate Earth Day, we host an annual virtual event stewardship, and circular design into our supply chain.
for employees to learn more about what Google is doing We believe these principles can play a key role in reducing
to empower people to make more sustainable choices, environmental impact and protecting human rights and
support our partners and customers, and operate our community health.
Googlers chat among indoor plants at our Pier 57 office in New York City.
Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Public policy and advocacy Policy

in Brussels, which brought together policymakers, industry,
and civil society to discuss how to accelerate climate

action. He said, “At Google, we share the EU’s commitment
to action, and want to be a helpful partner in that progress.”
In the Asia-Pacific region, we provided a public submission
We know that strong public policy action is critical to Agreement, because climate scientists are clear: we have
Engagement on sustainability policy has been a top and statement of support for Australia’s Climate Change
creating prosperous, equitable, and resilient low-carbon until 2030 to chart a sustainable course for our planet, or
priority at Google for many years. Most recently, we Bill 2022 to enable the country to meet its Paris Agreement
economies around the world. we’ll face the worst consequences of climate change. 144
were an official partner at COP-27 in 2022, where we goals and reach net-zero emissions by 2050.
participated in over 50 events and moments throughout
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate In 2022, we saw major steps forward on climate policy in
the conference with public sector leaders from the United We’ve led significant public policy engagement to support
Change (UNFCCC)’s 2015 Paris Agreement states that the United States, Europe, and other regions. New policy
States, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia to call for strong sustainability outcomes. For instance, in the United
humanity must “keep global temperature rise this century measures and corporate commitments will continue to play
amplified ambition on climate and to showcase the role States last year, we provided comments to the SEC’s
well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels.” 143 Google an important role in driving emissions reductions in the next
that the technology sector can play in enabling climate proposed rule on enhanced climate-related disclosures.
remains unwavering in our commitment to the Paris decade. See Figure 26 for our position on climate policy.
mitigation and adaptation. In Europe, we shared input with the European Commission
to support policy measures to make smartphones and
We’ve consistently supported strong climate policies tablets, along with other devices, more repairable and
around the world in our public policy engagement and sustainable. We also advocated for measures in the EU
Our position on climate policy
advocacy. In 2020, we published a climate change public Renewable Energy Directive to support 24/7 carbon-free
policy position statement, Realizing a carbon-free future: energy supply models that enable companies to source
Google’s Third Decade of Climate Action, expressing clean energy for their operations.
At Google, we support public policies that: our support for public policies that strengthen global
climate action efforts through the Paris Agreement, See Figure 27 for a detailed list of our sustainability policy
• Strengthen global climate action efforts through the Paris Agreement, G20, and other multilateral establish emissions reduction targets and technology- engagements in 2022.
forums to enhance international cooperation on climate. neutral pathways to achieve a carbon-free economy,
• Establish emissions reduction targets and technology-neutral pathways to achieve a low-carbon and accelerate the development and deployment of
economy in line with the IPCC’s guidance and scientific consensus. 145 next generation low-carbon technology, among other
• Use competitive, interconnected energy markets to empower consumers and speed up the transition provisions. In the United States, our federal lobbying
to a clean economy. report covering Q4 2022 includes our lobbying efforts
• Accelerate the development and deployment of next generation low-carbon technology, including with regard to U.S. federal climate and energy policy,
harnessing digital technologies like AI and machine learning to support climate action across businesses, including the Clean Energy for America Act, the CLEAN
cities, governments, and civil society. Future Act, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act,
• Foster partnerships and deepen collaboration across public and private actors to enable progress on and the energy provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act,
climate mitigation and adaptation by harnessing the full potential of climate solutions. all of which align with our advocacy for ambitious federal
• Empower everyone to participate in the transition to a sustainable economy and ensure that the clean climate and clean energy policies.
energy economy provides economic growth for all—spurring a new generation of green jobs, benefiting
the communities most impacted by a changing climate, and leaving no one behind in the transition. In Europe, our CEO Sundar Pichai shared virtual remarks at A green wall at our inaugural Google European
our inaugural Google European Sustainability Summit Sustainability Summit in Brussels.

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report


Google’s policy engagements in 2022

U.S. SEC comments In partnership with nine other peer technology companies, Google provided comments to
Global and cross-cutting initiatives
on proposed rule on the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) proposed rule on enhanced climate-related
Google launched a policy roadmap for 24/7 CFE, laying out a vision for policies that we believe Enhancement and disclosures. The comments state our support for regular and consistent reporting of climate-
are critical to accelerating electricity grid decarbonization, informed by our experience as a Standardization of related matters; note that investors need consistent, comparable, and reliable information on
Policy Roadmap for large energy consumer and clean energy purchaser in many different markets around the world. Climate-Related the material risks and impacts of climate-related events and transition activities on a registrant’s
24/7 Energy Policy The paper puts forward a detailed policy agenda with three key pillars: 1) rapidly developing and Disclosures for consolidated financial position; and provide guiding principles and recommendations for the SEC
deploying clean energy technologies, 2) expanding and reforming markets to value carbon-free Investors to consider as it designs a final rule.
energy and drive innovation, and 3) empowering energy consumers.
U.S. Federal Google filed comments (initial and reply) in Improvements to Generator Interconnection
Energy Regulatory Procedures and Agreements (interconnection) Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. Our comments
Google was a financial sponsor of the 2022 Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC,
Commission emphasize the importance of reforms that allow independent power producers to continue
in partnership with the Egyptian government and the United Nations, and sent a delegation led
comments on to thrive and deploy new clean energy resources to meet customer demand. In particular, we
by Chief Sustainability Officer Kate Brandt and VP of Engineering & Research Yossi Matias, along
Google at COP-27 improving generator advocate for greater transparency in non-RTO (Regional Transmission Organization) regions
with a number of senior subject matter experts. Googlers participated in over 50 events and
UNFCCC Conference interconnection and penalties for delays to interconnection studies.
moments throughout the conference with public sector leaders from the United States, Europe,
Africa, the Middle East, and Asia to call for amplified ambition on climate, and to showcase the U.S. Department of Google filed comments on the Clean Hydrogen Production Standard draft guidance. In
role that the technology sector can play in enabling climate mitigation and adaptation. Energy comments particular, we highlighted the need for strong quality criteria—hourly temporal correlation,
on Clean Hydrogen geographic correlation, and additionality—to ensure that grid-based clean hydrogen is
Production Standard produced using clean electricity.
United States
Engagement with coalitions and sustainability initiatives
Engagement on U.S. federal sustainability, climate, and energy policy provided a philanthropic grant to support the establishment of the Secretariat of
Supporting the U.S.
As detailed in Google’s lobbying disclosure filings, we conducted lobbying efforts regarding the U.S. State Department’s Clean Energy Demand Initiative within the Clean Energy Buyers
State Department’s
U.S. federal sustainability, climate, and energy policy, including on the Clean Energy for Association. CEDI is an initiative led by the U.S. government that aims to connect countries with
Clean Energy Demand
America Act, the CLEAN Future Act, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the Clean companies seeking to rapidly deploy clean energy, enabling companies to send demand signals
Initiative (CEDI)
Legislative branch Electricity Performance Program provisions of the Build Back Better Act, the wholesale market for clean energy and advance policy measures that enable corporate clean energy procurement.
engagement expansion and reform provisions of the Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies
Together with business partners, Google helped launch three trade groups and campaigns
Appropriations Act 2022, and the energy provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), all of
to support the creation of customer-centric wholesale electricity markets across the
which align with our advocacy for ambitious federal climate and clean energy policies. Google Electricity customer
United States, with the goal of enabling rapid decarbonization of electricity grids while
executives expressed support for the clean energy and climate provisions in the IRA. coalitions
reducing costs. These include Western Freedom, Coalition for Energy Market Reform,
and Electricity Customers Alliance.
Google had multiple engagements with staff and leadership in the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), including 3 Google hosted events with EPA Administrator Michael U.S. state engagement
Regan on environmental justice, how Google products promote recycling within the circular
Google intervened in over 30 regulatory dockets across the United States with coalition
Executive branch economy, and using AI to identify lead pipes. At the U.S. Department of Energy, Nest continued Utility regulation
partners to promote the cost-effective adoption of clean energy resources.
engagement dialog with both the Loans Program Office about designation as an innovative product, and
Office of the Under Secretary for Science and Innovation. We also met with the White House Regulatory Google led discussions with the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners and
on multiple projects, and received invitations to summits for our work on lead pipe reduction frameworks for the National Association of State Energy Officials to discuss how Google’s 24/7 CFE goal can be
and home electrification. decarbonization a supportive framework to drive cost-effective grid decarbonization.
Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Europe Asia-Pacific
Engagement on European sustainability, climate, and energy policy As a founding member, Google helped launch ACEC at COP-27 to work together with other
Asia Clean Energy
companies and organizations to accelerate corporate clean energy sourcing and help
Google engaged with EU policy makers through Digital Europe to inform the development of Coalition (ACEC)
Energy Efficiency decarbonize electrical grids in the region.
a standardized energy and sustainability reporting framework for data centers, and establish
measures to encourage greater reuse of waste heat. Google supported an APEC Energy Working Group project, sponsored by the U.S. Department
of Energy and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. The project led to a report that
Asia-Pacific Economic
Google worked through Digital Europe and RE-Source to advocate for the inclusion of time- summarized key insights and recommendations shared during two workshops, highlighting
Cooperation (APEC)
stamping for Guarantees of Origin in the EU Renewable Energy Directive, enabling hourly ways governments and the private sector can lead and partner to accelerate power system
Renewable Energy
carbon-free energy matching and greater transparency of clean energy claims. Google also decarbonization across the region.
organized an industry letter encouraging the European Commission to issue strong rules that
maintain the environmental integrity of grid-based hydrogen production. Australia -
Clean Energy Google signed onto an MOU between Australia Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris
Demand Initiative Bowen and U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry, focused on breaking down
Circular economy
Memorandum of barriers to enable corporate clean energy procurement in Australia.
ecodesign regulations Google responded to public consultation in September 2022, providing technical feedback on
on smartphones and the EU ecodesign regulations on smartphones and tablets.
tablets Google partnered with the Australian Government’s national science and research agency, the
Australia - AI Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, and the Department of Foreign
Sustainable Google submitted comments to the European Commission’s public consultation regarding and blue carbon Affairs and Trade on a project to explore novel applications of AI to measure, with greater
consumption of the promotion of repair and reuse of goods. We shared our views on the core principles to collaboration efficiency and accuracy, the capacity of seagrass ecosystems to absorb and sequester carbon
public goods (e.g., consider when introducing policy measures to promote repair and reuse horizontally, and for in the Indo-Pacific.
“right to repair”) smartphones and tablets specifically.
Google provided a public submission and statement of support on the Climate Change Bill 2022
Body of European Google responded to a questionnaire by BEREC in view of the development of key performance and the Climate Change (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2022, which passed the Australian
Regulators indicators to characterize the environmental impact of electronic communications, networks, Australia - Climate Parliament on September 8th, 2022. The former outlines Australia’s GHG emissions reduction
for Electronic devices, and services. We provided information about our environmental reporting practices Change Bill targets of 43% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030, and net zero by 2050. The latter makes
Communications and suggestions to help identify which indicators would provide relevant environmental consequential amendments to incorporate Australia’s GHG emissions reduction targets under
(BEREC) information. the Paris Agreement into legislation for relevant Commonwealth entities and schemes.

Engagement with coalitions and sustainability initiatives

Google is a strategic partner and steering committee member of the RE-Source Platform, the
European platform for corporate renewable energy sourcing. Through its policy advocacy
RE-Source Platform
and resources for renewable energy buyers, RE-Source seeks to remove barriers to corporate
purchasing of renewable energy in support of Europe’s climate and energy goals.

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Trade associations and

We’re also members of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, its events or advocacy positions, nor the views of its 1.5°C and create a prosperous and competitive
Business Roundtable, and other business trade leaders or members. We assess the alignment of our zero-carbon economy. We’re in dialogue with our trade

third-party groups associations, where we’re engaged in climate and energy trade association participation with the goals of the Paris associations to encourage alignment between our
policy issues. For example, we’re founding members Agreement, and engage within organizations to support core public policy objectives and their policy advocacy

We belong to many sustainability-focused third-party of the Chamber’s Task Force on Climate Actions, and advocacy for climate policies needed to limit warming to activities, including on climate change.

groups through which we engage on sustainability policy we’ve engaged within the Task Force since its inception

issues around the world—for example, organizations like to support constructive engagement by the Chamber

the American Clean Power Association, the European on climate policy to create a zero-carbon economy. We

Climate Neutral Data Center Pact, RE100, the Asia Clean also participate in staff-level discussions on the Business

Energy Coalition, and many more. In addition, we’ve Roundtable’s Energy and Environment committee.

helped to found organizations such as the Clean Energy

Buyers Association and the United Nations 24/7 Carbon- We respect the independence and agency of trade

Free Energy Compact. See Figure 28 for more details. associations and third parties to shape their own policy
agendas, events, and advocacy positions. Our sponsorship
or collaboration with a third-party organization doesn’t
mean that we endorse the organization’s entire agenda,


Google’s sustainability-focused trade associations and memberships

• Advanced Energy United • Digital Europe

• Advanced Energy Buyers Group • Energy Alabama
• Advanced Power Alliance • Energy Tag
• Alliance to Save Energy • Glasgow is Our Business
• American Clean Power Association • Japan Climate Leaders Partnership
• American Council on Renewable Energy • Marktoffensive Erneuerbare Energien
• Americans for a Clean Energy Grid • North Carolina Sustainable Energy Association
• Asia Clean Energy Coalition • RE100
• Business Alliance to Scale Climate Solutions • RE-Source
• Carolinas Clean Energy Business Association • Resources for the Future
• Business Environment Leadership Council of • Renewable Northwest
the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions • Smart Electric Power Alliance
• Clean Energy Buyers Association • SolarPower Europe
• Clean Energy Demand Initiative • We Are Still In
• Clean Grid Alliance • WindEurope
With our Bay View campus, we paid careful attention to the characteristics of the spaces you can see and feel,
• Conservation Voters of South Carolina
like materials and daylight, but also to aspects that are harder to see, like air quality, thermal comfort, and acoustics.
Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Partnerships Organization

Exponential Roadmap

In 2021, we joined the Exponential Roadmap Initiative and the U.N. Race to Zero Campaign, the largest ever
Google partners with many organizations to accelerate progress towards shared sustainability goals. Initiative alliance committed to halving emissions before 2030 towards net-zero emissions by no later than 2050.

Examples of some key partnerships are in Figure 29. At the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in 2022, Google joined the First Movers Coalition. As a champion
First Movers Coalition for the Carbon Dioxide Removal sector, Google committed to contract for durable and scalable net carbon
FIGURE 29 dioxide removal to be achieved by the end of 2030.

In 2022, we committed $200 million to Frontier, an advanced market commitment that will accelerate the
Organization Details development of carbon removal technologies by guaranteeing future demand. We were one of five companies
In 2021, we helped launch the 24/7 Carbon-Free Energy Compact in partnership with Sustainable Energy for All that made a $925 million total pledge to Frontier. As one of its founding members, we’re helping to guide overall
24/7 Carbon-Free strategy and governance.
and UN-Energy to help grow the movement to enable zero-carbon electricity. In 2022, the compact surpassed
Energy Compact
100 signatories. Global Covenant of Google’s Environmental Insights Explorer was developed in partnership with GCoM through a shared vision to
Bonneville Google has partnered closely with BEF since 2019 to kick off the implementation of our water strategy. In support Mayors for Climate support city climate action with useful and accessible data and insights. Today, GCoM is a strategic partner,
Environmental of our 2030 replenishment and watershed health goals, it helped us to identify and support impactful water & Energy (GCoM) sharing EIE data with its alliance of cities and local governments to accelerate climate action.
Foundation (BEF) replenishment and watershed health projects globally, with a variety of local organizations and partners.
Google is a partner of the regional secretariats of ICLEI—Local Governments for Sustainability—in Africa, Europe,
Business for Social Google has been a member of BSR for many years and is one of a few select Spark members. We participate in
ICLEI Africa and the U.S. Through these partnerships, ICLEI regional teams support sustainable city development projects
Responsibility (BSR) a number of BSR collaboration initiatives, and one of our senior leaders sits on its board.
ICLEI Europe with data and insights from Google’s Environmental Insights Explorer. Additionally, in 2022, provided
C40 and Google launched the 24/7 Carbon-Free Energy for Cities program to empower cities around the world
ICLEI USA a $10 million grant to ICLEI to support 10 nonprofit-led projects in the United States and Europe that help cities
to run entirely on clean energy, and the program will soon be expanded into Africa with grant support from
accelerate their sustainable transition through data-driven environmental and climate action at the local level.
C40 Cities C40 is a strategic partner of Google’s Environmental Insights Explorer, using its environmental data
and insights to help support its network of nearly 100 world-leading cities collaborating to deliver urgent action iMasons Climate Google is a founding member and part of the governing body of the iMasons Climate Accord, a coalition united
to confront the climate crisis. Accord on carbon reduction in digital infrastructure.
In 2018, 21 companies joined Google in launching the Coalition to End Wildlife Trafficking Online, collectively
Coalition to End
creating a wildlife policy framework for online trade and an industry-wide approach to reduce online wildlife In 2022, to activate industry-wide change, Google provided anchor funding to kickstart the ReFED Catalytic
Wildlife Trafficking ReFED
trafficking. The coalition unites the tech industry to standardize prohibited wildlife policies, better detect illicit Grant Fund, with the goal of accelerating and scaling food waste solutions.
wildlife products, enhance automated detection filters, and empower users to report suspicious listings.
CDP (formerly In addition to reporting our carbon footprint to CDP since 2009, we’ve partnered with CDP to host its annual In 2022, Google supported three of the Nature Conservancy’s watershed projects in Chile and the United
known as the Carbon conference, a hack-a-thon, and to launch CDP scores in Google Finance, making corporate carbon disclosure States, and supported a three-phased approach to catalyze active reforestation of kelp at impactful
The Nature
Disclosure Project) information more widely available. scales. also provided a grant to TNC to develop a machine-learning-powered timber-tracing API to
Conservancy (TNC)
Google was actively involved in the creation of CEBA in 2018, chairing the Interim Board of Directors during its stop deforestation in the Amazon at scale; a team of Google engineers is working full-time for six months with
Clean Energy Buyers transition from an NGO-led effort into a corporate-led trade association. A Google representative continues to TNC to develop this product as part of the Fellowship Program.
Association (CEBA) serve as the Board Chair of this organization. Google provided initial financial support for the development of the
Since 2015, Google and the U.N. Food and Agricultural Organization have partnered on the monitoring of
organization and in 2022, provided a $1 million grant to support CEBA’s international expansion. United Nations Food
forests, natural resources, livelihoods, and the environment. FAO uses Google Earth Engine for satellite remote
Climate Neutral Data Google helped establish the Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact, a coalition of European data center operators who and Agriculture
sensing and geospatial data science towards groundbreaking science and operational workflows used by
Centre Pact (CNDCP) commit to a set of voluntary sustainability targets to set them on a path toward climate neutrality. Organization (FAO)
practitioners around the globe.
Google is a partner of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, having joined the foundation’s network in 2015, and has co-
Ellen MacArthur
authored a number of thought leadership white papers and case studies in areas such as safer chemistry, United Nations In collaboration with UNEP and the European Commission Joint Research Centre, Google launched a new
Foundation (EMF)
the deconstruction and reuse of commercial office buildings, electronics, and AI. Environment Program platform—the Freshwater Ecosystems Explorer—enabling all countries to freely measure and monitor freshwater
Environmental Google has partnered with EDF to map air quality using Street View cars in the U.S., Europe, and Southeast Asia, (UNEP) resources (towards Sustainable Development Goal 6.6.1), and when and where surface water is changing.
Defense Fund (EDF) and to detect methane leaks in cities since 2011.
World Business
Google supported the launch of the European 24/7 Hub with Eurelectric, which provides education on the Council for Google has been a member of the WBCSD for several years and participates in a number of its initiatives.
European 24/7 Hub “what, why, and how” of 24/7 carbon-free energy buyers and suppliers in Europe. Google spoke at the Sustainable We’re actively involved in initiatives related to improving well-being for people and the planet, including
launch event during European Sustainable Energy Week. Development shifting diets, consumer behavior changes, and regenerative agriculture.
European Climate Google was among the leading businesses that joined the European Climate Pact in its inaugural year to share our (WBCSD)
Pact commitment to help achieve a climate neutral Europe.
Google has a 13-year long relationship with WRI for impact-focused collaboration. Some key projects include
Google is an active member of the EGDC—a group of technology companies committed to supporting the
European Green World Resources developing a near-real-time land cover dataset (Dynamic World), deforestation monitoring and alerts (Global
green and digital transformation of the EU. As a member, Google participates in the initiative, designed to
Digital Coalition Institute (WRI) Forest Watch), ending commodity-driven deforestation and accelerating restoration (Forest Data Partnership),
harness the emission-reducing potential of digital solutions for all other sectors, and support green and digital
(EGDC) measuring and mitigating extreme heat (supported by, and educating stakeholders on 24/7 CFE.
transformations in the EU.
Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Awards and recognition

2022 CDP Climate Change A List 2022 CDP Supplier Engagement Leader EPA Green Power Leadership Award (2022)

Alphabet has been named to CDP’s Climate Change A list, Alphabet achieved an A-rating, making it onto CDP’s Supplier Google was recognized by the EPA for its exemplary use of
demonstrating our continued commitment to transparency and Engagement Rating Leaderboard. green power and commitment to innovation and market guidance
climate reporting. Since 2014, Alphabet has been included on through leadership in the green power markets.
CDP’s Climate Change A List eight times.

ENERGY STAR Excellence Award 2021 FSC Leadership Award RE100 Changemaker Award (2021)
in Product Design (2022)
Google earned a 2021 leadership award from the Forest Stewardship Google won RE100’s Changemaker Award for our innovative 24/7
Council (FSC), which recognizes excellence that advances clean power strategy.
In 2022, Google Nest won an ENERGY STAR Excellence Award in
responsible forest management and conservation, for our efforts
Product Design for the product’s best-in-class smart technology,
to incorporate FSC-certified timber at our Bay View and Charleston
enabling increased energy efficiency.
East office campuses.

Center for Resource Solution Green Power 2022 Carbon Clean200 2022 Corporate Knights’ 100 Most
Leadership Award Winner (2021) Sustainable Companies
Alphabet achieved a #2 ranking on the 2022 Carbon Clean200 list.

Together, Google and M-RETS won a Green Power Leadership Award Alphabet was ranked #37 out of the world’s 100 most
for Market Development for piloting their concept of time-based sustainable corporations.
energy attribute certificates at Google data centers.

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Reporting approach
and methodology

Report scope

Data measurement
and uncertainty



Forward-looking information

Environmental data tables

Environmental reporting
frameworks index



Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Reporting approach and Methodology

introduce and implement operational policies over an
asset, and we report all energy and emissions for Alphabet
Inc. and its subsidiaries’ data centers, offices, and other

methodology The below methodologies apply to our GHG emissions,

as well as certain other carbon, energy, and water metrics
assets under our operational control (“Global Facilities”).
In September 2022, Google acquired Mandiant, and
Mandiant’s emissions are included in our organizational
as presented in our Environmental data tables, focused
primarily on those where we have obtained third-party boundary for fiscal year 2022.
limited assurance. These metrics have been rounded as

Report scope
As we improve our methodologies and as new information
described below. Due to rounding applied to all reported Our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions include four of the
becomes available, we may continue to revise our estimates
years of data in our 2023 Environmental Report, some of seven GHGs addressed by the Kyoto Protocol—carbon
and assumptions. Methodology changes may include
our reported values for prior years don’t directly match dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), and
This report includes data covering our fiscal year changes in a calculation, improvements in the quality of
the related Independent Accountants’ Review Reports hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). Other GHGs, including
January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022. Most of data, new activity types for greater data granularity, and
from those years. perfluorocarbons (PFCs), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), and
our environmental data covers Alphabet Inc. and its updates to available supplier-reported data. Such updates
nitrogen trifluoride (NF3), aren’t included in our inventory,
subsidiaries, the largest of which is Google. All reported may result in material changes to our calculations and may
as they’re not emitted as a result of our operations.
also result in adjustments made to the current and previous
Greenhouse gas
data is global and annual unless otherwise specified.
Further, in 2022, CO2 alone represented over 98% of our
periods, including our base year. Where material, we’ve
disclosed these changes and whether previous periods
emissions total Scope 1 and Scope 2 market-based emissions. We

convert all emissions to metric tons of carbon dioxide
have been adjusted to reflect these updates.
equivalent (tCO2e) for reporting. All reported values are

measurement GHG emissions reporting rounded to the nearest hundred, unless otherwise noted.

Assurance standards
and uncertainty
We source the global warming potentials (GWP) for each
GHG from the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, Appendix
We obtain limited third-party assurance from an GHG emissions are calculated according to the A: Global Warming Potentials.
All reported values represent the best data available at time independent auditor for certain environmental data, Greenhouse Gas Protocol standards and guidance

of publication. Where actual data isn’t available, we may use including select GHG emissions, energy, and water developed by the WRI and the WBCSD, including A
Scope 1 GHG emissions
estimates. We base our estimates and methodologies on metrics as indicated in our Environmental data tables Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (Revised

historical experience, available information, and on various below. Ernst & Young LLP reviewed these metrics for the Edition), Scope 2 Guidance, and Technical Guidance
Scope 1 GHG emissions are direct emissions from sources
other assumptions that we believe to be reasonable. fiscal year ended December 31, 2022. For more details, for Calculating Scope 3 Emissions (collectively, “the
such as company vehicles or generators at our offices
see our 2022 Independent Accountants’ Review Report. Greenhouse Gas Protocol”).
and data centers. They represent direct emissions from
All environmental data found in this report is subject to
owned Global Facilities, including fuel use from back-up
measurement uncertainties resulting from limitations Prior to fiscal year 2019, another third party verified the
inherent in the nature and the methods used for following emissions: Scope 1, Scope 2 (market-based), Our inventory generators, fuel consumption from our operated vehicles
and aircraft, methane and nitrous oxide from biogenic
determining such data. The selection of different but Scope 2 (location-based), Scope 3 (business travel
fuel sources, natural gas usage, and refrigerant leakage.
and employee commuting), and biogenic. For more We use the operational control approach to define our
acceptable measurement techniques can result in
Where actual data isn’t available, estimated natural gas
information, see our prior annual Environmental Reports. organizational boundary, which means that we account for
materially different measurements. The precision of
consumption is calculated using square footage of Global
all emissions from operations over which we have control.
different measurement techniques may also vary.
Facilities and internally-developed natural gas intensity
We define operational control as having the authority to
Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

factors by office type, based on data from the current isn’t available, estimated electricity and natural gas Scope 3 GHG emissions factors from WRI and annual Bay Area procurement
fiscal year. consumption is calculated using square footage of Global volumes to estimate emissions, which we extrapolate to
Facilities and internally developed electricity and natural Scope 3 GHG emissions are indirect emissions from our global operations using building admittances.
Beginning in 2022, in an effort to continuously implement gas intensity factors by office type, based on data from other sources in our value chain, such as our suppliers,
best practice methodologies, we included fugitive the current fiscal year. use of our consumer hardware products, and business In our Environmental data tables, emissions from
emissions from refrigerant leakage in our operational travel. We estimate our Scope 3 GHG emissions using manufacturing consumer hardware products are
boundary. These emissions represented approximately Beginning in 2022, emissions from estimated refrigerant the the Greenhouse Gas Protocol’s Technical Guidance presented in Category 2: “Capital goods.” Emissions from
17% of our 2022 Scope 1 GHG emissions. Where actual leakage were calculated using an internally-developed for Calculating Scope 3 Emissions (version 1.0), in the our food program are presented in “Other categories.”
refrigerant leakage data isn’t available, we estimate global warming potential and leakage rate. Refrigerant following categories identified as relevant:
refrigerant leakage using an internally-developed leakage included in Scope 2 GHG emissions is immaterial. Category 2: “Capital goods” includes upstream
global warming potential and a leakage rate. We didn’t We didn’t recalculate prior year Scope 2 GHG emissions to • Category 1: Purchased goods and services emissions from the production of capital goods
recalculate our Scope 1 GHG emissions for prior years to include refrigerant leakage. • Category 2: Capital goods we’ve purchased, including computing and storage
include refrigerant leakage. • Category 4: Upstream transportation and distribution hardware used in our data centers. This category also
The emission factors used to calculate Scope 2 (location- • Category 6: Business travel includes emissions from data center construction. For
The emission factors used to calculate Scope 1 emissions based) emissions include the 2017 WRI/WBCSD GHG • Category 7: Employee commuting, including manufacturing of capital goods, we collect supplier
include the 2017 WRI/WBCSD GHG Protocol Emission Protocol Emission Factors from Cross Sector Tools, teleworking Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions data directly from our
Factors from Cross Sector Tools, the 2023 EPA Center the 2022 IEA Emission Factors, the 2023 EPA eGRID • Category 11: Use of sold products hardware contract manufacturers, component suppliers,
for Corporate Climate Leadership GHG Emission Emission Factors, and the 2022 Climate Registry Default • Category 12: End-of-life treatment of sold products and fabless suppliers through the CDP Supply Chain
Factors Hub, and the 2022 Department for Environment, Emission Factors. Program; these suppliers represent our key “Tier 1”
Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) U.K. Government GHG In our Environmental data tables, we present certain hardware manufacturing suppliers with whom we have
Conversion Factors. The emission factors used to calculate Scope 2 (market- emissions from Category 1, Category 2, Category 11, a direct relationship. Where supplier emissions data
based) emissions include the 2017 WRI/WBCSD GHG nd Category 12 as an aggregated subtotal—“Other isn’t available, we estimate with industry-average GHG

Scope 2 GHG emissions Protocol Emission Factors from Cross Sector Tools, the categories”—for business reasons, as described further intensities by commodity type and spend data. Data
2022 IEA Emission Factors, the 2022 Association for below. center construction emissions are estimated by using an

Scope 2 GHG emissions are indirect emissions from Issuing Bodies European Residual Mixes, the 2023 EPA LCA analysis to derive construction emissions data and

purchased electricity, the production of space heating for eGRID Emission Factors, the 2022 Climate Registry Default Our Operational Scope 3 emissions are made up of then applying this to our construction activity.

our leased offices, and refrigerant leakage at our leased Emission Factors, and emission factors specific to energy Category 6 and Category 7, and are third-party assured.
offices. The location-based method reflects the average attribute certificates. The adjusted emission factors from All reported Scope 3 emissions values are rounded to the In our Environmental data tables, emissions from our

carbon intensity of the electric grids where our operations the Association for Issuing Bodies European Residual nearest thousand. Tier 1 hardware manufacturing suppliers are presented in

are located and thus where our electricity consumption Mixes are used for European facilities. Outside of Europe, Category 2: “Capital goods,” and emissions beyond our

occurs. The market-based method incorporates our adjusted emission factors aren’t available to account for Category 1: “Purchased goods and services” includes Tier 1 hardware manufacturing suppliers are presented in

procurement choices, namely our renewable energy voluntary purchases. emissions generated from manufacturing consumer “Other categories.” Data center construction emissions

purchases via contractual mechanisms like power hardware and our food program. To estimate full supply are presented in “Other categories.”

purchase agreements (PPAs). chain emissions generated from manufacturing consumer

hardware, we perform third-party-verified Life Cycle Category 4: “Upstream transportation and

Actual data, such as third-party invoices, is used Assessments (LCAs) in accordance with ISO 14040 and distribution” includes emissions generated primarily

to calculate Scope 2 emissions. Where actual data 14044. For our food program, we use LCA emission from transportation and warehousing of our consumer

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

products and data center equipment. We collect worksites by private vehicle, public transit, motorcycle, Category 12: “End-of-life treatment of sold products”
consumer products and data center equipment and gas-powered scooter commuting trips. To determine includes GHG emissions associated with the end-of-life
Emissions reductions and
transportation emissions from our logistics providers. the number of commuting trips by mode made in 2022, we treatment of all of Google’s flagship consumer hardware compensations
These well-to-wheel (WTW) GHG emissions are surveyed our employees to determine typical commuting products sold in 2022. End-of-life impact was calculated
calculated based on fuel use or weight-distance data patterns and applied these commuting patterns to our through our LCA process using emission factors from We calculate our total operational emissions by summing

and routing associated with a shipment. Where logistics global employee population. The calculation uses an the 2022 Sphera LCA for Experts database. Our initial Scope 1, Scope 2 (market-based), Scope 3 (Category

provider emissions data isn’t available, we use weight average commuting distance for passenger vehicles assessments identify this category to be one that doesn’t 6: Business travel), and Scope 3 (Category 7: Employee

and distance data by shipment collected from the obtained from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s have significant life-cycle impact. We continue to develop commuting, including teleworking), per the criteria

providers to estimate WTW emissions, using emissions 2017 National Household Travel Survey and an average fuel programs to extend the life of our sold products and also described above. This market-based subtotal has been

factors from the 2019 Global Logistics Emissions Council efficiency for passenger vehicles obtained from the U.S. to ensure efficient management of end-of-life materials. reduced by the impact of renewable energy procurement

(GLEC) framework. Where logistics provider data isn’t Department of Transportation’s Transportation Statistics In our Environmental data tables, emissions from end-of- via PPAs and market-based emission factors.

available, emissions are estimated based on reported Table 4–23. Data obtained from our value chain partners life treatment of sold products are presented in “Other
data from other transportation providers and the number isn’t used at this time. Emissions are calculated using categories.” Our operational emissions are then further compensated

of units shipped. For warehousing emissions, we collect 2022 DEFRA U.K. Government GHG Conversion Factors for by high-quality carbon credits enabled through

energy data directly from the warehouses and estimate for passenger vehicles. This category also includes In 2022, we revised our methodology to calculate contracted carbon offset projects, which capture and

emissions using LCA electricity and fuel factors from teleworking emissions, which we began to estimate and emissions related to our consumer hardware destroy highly potent GHGs. A carbon offset project is

the 2022 Sphera LCA for Experts database. Where report in 2020, when teleworking became prevalent due manufacturing, as we updated from a spend-based an activity that reduces GHG emissions or captures GHG

warehouse energy data isn’t available, we estimate using to the global pandemic. Teleworking represents emissions methodology to a Life Cycle Assessment-based emissions from the atmosphere, ultimately represented

the 2018 Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption generated by employees working remotely from their methodology. We also made improvements to the quality by a carbon credit. The carbon credit signifies that

Survey (CBECS) data and the warehouse square footage homes. We apply the estimation methodology outlined in of data used in estimating our emissions associated GHG emissions are lower than if no one had invested

allocated to Alphabet. EcoAct’s 2020 Homeworking Emissions white paper to our with manufacturing our data center hardware, as well in the project. One carbon credit equals one metric ton

annual average workforce in 2022. as the LCAs and LCA emission factors used to calculate of carbon dioxide equivalent prevented from entering

Category 6: “Business travel” includes emissions from emissions related to data center construction. We didn’t the atmosphere. We assess these projects against

air, rail, and car rental travel. Distance and fuel-based Category 11: “Use of sold products” includes emissions recalculate prior year Scope 3 GHG emissions to reflect four standards before investing: additionality, leakage

travel data is collected through our online booking system generated by all of Google’s flagship consumer hardware these changes. prevention, permanence, and verifiability.

or through a third-party travel agency for all sources. products sold in 2022. Flagship consumer hardware
We primarily enter into long-term purchase agreements
Data obtained from our value chain partners isn’t used at products are products that can provide their main Biogenic emissions
this time. Emissions are calculated using 2022 DEFRA U.K. functionality without connection to another product. For with carbon credit suppliers to secure future deliveries.

Government GHG Conversion Factors for air travel, the example, this doesn’t include accessories, such as cases. Once carbon credits from a project under contract
In accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol,
2017 WRI/WBCSD GHG Protocol Emission Factors from Use impact was calculated using laboratory power draw are verified by a third-party and issued by a carbon
biogenic emissions are reported separately from
Cross Sector Tools for rail travel, and the 2023 EPA Center measurements, data on use patterns, common industry registry, per the agreement terms, ownership of the
other Scope 1 GHG emissions. These CO2 emissions
for Corporate Climate Leadership GHG Emission Factors assumptions on product lifetimes, and LCA electricity carbon credits is transferred from the project owner to
are generated from our operated vehicles consuming
Hub for car rental travel. emission factors from the 2022 Sphera LCA for Experts Google. Our carbon credits are verified under the Climate
biofuels. Biogenic emissions are calculated using emission
database. In our Environmental data tables, emissions Action Reserve (CAR), American Carbon Registry (ACR),
factors from the 2023 EPA Center for Corporate Climate
Category 7: “Employee commuting, including from use of sold products are presented in “Other Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), or the UNFCCC Clean
Leadership GHG Emission Factors Hub.
teleworking” includes emissions from the transport of categories.” Development Mechanism.

our full-time employees between their homes and their

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

All carbon credits are retired on a public registry after GRI Disclosure 302-1c(i) and 302-1f, and includes both
they’re delivered to us. Due to the timing of third-party purchased and self-generated electricity. Where actual
Water metrics
verifications, delivery and retirement for some 2022 electricity consumption for facilities isn’t available, we
We report all water metrics for Alphabet Inc. and its
carbon credits occurs after the year ended December estimate consumption using company square footage and
subsidiaries’ data centers, offices, and other assets under
31, 2022. The Greenhouse Gas Protocol states that a internally developed electricity intensity factors based on
our operational control. “Water consumption” is equal
GHG target can be met through using credits that are fiscal year 2022 data. References to information in this report should not be
to (“Water withdrawal” – “Water discharge”). Our
generated from GHG reduction projects at sources construed as a characterization regarding the materiality
reported water consumption, water withdrawal, and water
external to the (company’s) boundary. They’re designed Electricity purchased from renewable sources (%) is of such information to our financial results or our
discharge metrics don’t include seawater. Water metrics
to be interchangeable globally and deliverable from a calculated on a calendar-year basis, dividing the volume operations. While certain matters discussed in this report
are rounded to the nearest hundred thousand gallons and
variety of project types. Refer to our Google’s Carbon of renewable electricity (in megawatt-hours) procured for may be significant, any significance should not be read
are reported in million gallons.
Offsets: Collaboration and Due Diligence white paper our global operations (i.e., renewable energy procured as necessarily rising to the level of materiality used for
for additional information. The quantity of carbon credits through our PPA contracts, on-site renewable energy the purposes of complying with applicable securities
Water withdrawal data is based on actual metered
enabled through contracted projects is subject to the generation, and renewable energy in the electric grids laws and regulations. The information in this report may
or invoiced data when it’s available. At offices where
limited assurance procedures noted above; however, the where our facilities are located) by the total volume of contain projections, future estimates, plans, expectations,
metered or invoiced data isn’t available, water withdrawal
quality of our projects and the related due diligence isn’t electricity consumed by our global operations. This metric goals, and other forward-looking statements. Forward-
is estimated using facility square footage and internally
subject to the limited assurance procedures. includes all renewable energy purchased, regardless of looking statements are based on current expectations
developed water withdrawal intensity factors by office
the market in which the renewable energy was consumed. and assumptions that are subject to certain risks and
type based on fiscal year data. In all instances where
uncertainties, which could cause our actual results to
Other carbon and Google currently purchases enough renewable energy
actual potable water discharge isn’t available, we apply a
differ materially from those reflected in the forward-
90% discharge flow factor to the facility water withdrawal
energy metrics to match our annual global electricity consumption.
To achieve our 100% renewable energy match goal,
to estimate water discharge. For irrigation water, we apply
looking statements. Any changes in methodology may
result in material changes to our calculations and may
a 0% discharge flow factor to the facility water withdrawal
we first consider both our on-site renewable energy result in the current and previous periods, including our
Our carbon intensity metrics are calculated as defined to estimate water discharge. This estimation process is
generation and the renewable energy that’s already in the base year, to be adjusted. Except as required by law, we
by GRI Disclosure 305-4a-c. Carbon intensity metrics are applicable to all offices and to potable and irrigation water
electric grids where our facilities are located, then procure undertake no obligation to correct, revise, or update any
based on gross global combined Scope 1 and Scope 2 withdrawal at data centers used for domestic purposes
renewable energy through PPA agreements and utility information included in this report.
(market-based) emissions. Reported carbon intensity per (i.e., water not used for IT cooling) where actual discharge
renewable energy tariffs. We have a few facilities located
unit of revenue and per full-time equivalent (FTE) employee isn’t available.
in geographies where we’re not currently able to source
values are rounded to the nearest hundredth, and reported
large volumes of renewable energy, so we currently
carbon intensity per MWh of energy consumed values are
make up for this by buying surplus renewable energy
rounded to the nearest ten thousandth.
in regions where it’s abundant. For example, by buying
larger amounts of wind energy in places like Europe, we
Total energy consumption is calculated as defined
compensate for our lack of renewable energy purchases
by GRI Disclosure 302-1e-f. Total energy consumption
in Asia. This approach results in our Scope 2 market-based
includes all fuel and natural gas consumption, purchased
emissions being greater than zero, per the Greenhouse
electricity, purchased heating, and all electricity
Gas Protocol Scope 2 Guidance, despite us achieving our
generated on-site from renewable sources. Total
100% renewable energy match globally.
electricity consumption is calculated as defined by

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Environmental data tables

GHG EMISSIONS Unit 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Emission inventory 146

Scope 1 tCO2e 63,500 66,700 38,700 45,100 91,200 147

Scope 2 (location-based) tCO2e 4,344,700 5,116,900 5,865,100 6,576,200 8,045,400

Impact of PPAs and market-based emissions factors tCO2e -3,660,500 -4,322,700 -4,953,700 -4,753,100 -5,553,200
Scope 2 (market-based) tCO2e 684,200 794,300 911,400 1,823,100 2,492,200 148

Scope 3 (Category 2: Capital goods) 149 tCO2e 3,709,000 2,157,000 1,809,000 1,676,000 2,096,000
Scope 3 (Category 4: Upstream transportation and distribution) tCO2e 475,000 459,000 504,000 484,000 556,000
Scope 3 (Category 6: Business travel) tCO2e 312,000 369,000 110,000 26,000 211,000
Scope 3 (Category 7: Employee commuting) tCO2e 150,000 173,000 101,000 111,000 151,000 150
Scope 3 (Other categories) 151 tCO2e 8,252,000 8,509,000 6,848,000 7,206,000 4,586,000
Scope 3 (total) tCO2e 12,898,000 11,667,000 9,372,000 9,503,000 7,600,000

Total emissions: Scope 1, 2 (market-based), and 3 (total) tCO2e 13,645,700 12,528,000 10,322,100 11,371,200 10,183,400

Total operational emissions: Scope 1, 2 (market-based),

tCO2e 1,209,700 1,403,000 1,161,100 2,005,200 2,945,400
and 3 (business travel and employee commuting)
Emissions compensated for by carbon credits tCO2e -1,209,700 -1,403,000 -1,161,100 -2,005,200 -2,945,400
Total operational emissions after emissions reductions and compensations tCO2e 0 0 0 0 0

Biogenic emissions tCO2 22,900 21,900 5,400 3,800 17,900

Carbon intensity
Carbon intensity per unit of revenue tCO2e/million U.S.$ 5.47 5.32 5.21 7.25 9.13
Carbon intensity per FTE employee tCO2e/FTE 8.36 7.96 7.49 12.87 14.76

Carbon intensity per megawatt-hour of energy consumed tCO2e/MWh 0.0707 0.0675 0.0615 0.1006 0.1159

Assured for 2022

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

GHG EMISSIONS 2022 ENERGY 154 Unit 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Scope 2 Scope 2 Energy consumption
GHG emissions by type 152 Unit Scope 1
(market-based) (location-based)
Fuel MWh 468,200 366,400 181,800 205,200 374,800
CO2 tCO2e 74,700 2,458,200 7,978,700
Purchased electricity 155 MWh 10,094,900 12,226,200 15,125,700 18,238,400 21,685,300
CH4 tCO2e 200 3,400 15,100
Purchased heat MWh - 150,500 124,800 119,300 219,100
N2O tCO2e 200 8,100 29,100
On-site renewable electricity MWh 9,400 6,300 7,200 8,800 9,600
HFCs tCO2e 16,100 22,500 22,500
Total energy consumption MWh 10,572,500 12,749,500 15,439,500 18,571,700 22,288,800
Total tCO2e 91,200 2,492,200 8,045,400

Electricity consumption

Electricity consumption (U.S.) MWh 7,085,600 8,489,200 10,789,200 12,903,400 15,501,200

GHG EMISSIONS 2022 Electricity consumption
MWh 3,018,700 3,748,000 4,349,300 5,383,700 6,275,000
Scope 2 Scope 2 (international)
GHG emissions by region Unit Scope 1
(market-based) (location-based) Total electricity consumption 156 MWh 10,104,300 12,237,200 15,138,500 18,287,100 21,776,200

North America tCO2e 62,100 1,228,900 5,990,900

Europe, Middle East, & Africa tCO2e 20,900 27,300 685,200 Renewable energy

Latin America tCO2e 1,600 9,400 138,500 Renewable energy contracts

MW 3,800 5,400 5,700 7,200 11,600
Asia Pacific tCO2e 6,600 1,226,600 1,230,800

Global total tCO2e 91,200 2,492,200 8,045,400

Renewable electricity (PPAs) MWh 8,240,600 9,715,000 12,069,200 14,109,400 16,693,600

Renewable electricity (on-site) MWh 5,900 6,300 7,200 8,800 9,600

Renewable electricity (grid) MWh 1,857,800 2,515,900 3,062,100 4,168,900 5,073,000

Total renewable electricity
Electricity and Total renewable MWh 10,104,300 12,237,200 15,138,500 18,287,100 21,776,200
Unit Total electricity purchased
renewable energy by region energy allocated 153

North America MWh 15,585,100 11,288,200 Percentage of electricity procured

% 100 100 100 100 100
Europe, Middle East, & Africa MWh 3,429,500 3,356,300 from renewable sources 157

Latin America MWh 366,400 307,700

Asia Pacific MWh 2,395,200 10,800

Global total MWh 21,776,200 14,963,000

Assured for 2022

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

ENERGY EFFICIENCY (PUE) 158, 159 Unit 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Country Location

Belgium St. Ghislain PUE 1.09 1.09 1.08 1.08 1.09

Chile Quilicura PUE 1.12 1.09 1.08 1.09 1.09

Denmark Fredericia PUE - - - - 1.12

Finland Hamina PUE 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09

Ireland Dublin PUE 1.11 1.12 1.09 1.09 1.09

Netherlands Eemshaven PUE 1.11 1.09 1.09 1.08 1.07

Singapore 1st facility PUE 1.18 1.15 1.14 1.13 1.13

Singapore 2nd facility PUE - - - - 1.21

Taiwan Changhua County PUE 1.14 1.13 1.13 1.12 1.12

United States Berkeley County, South Carolina PUE 1.12 1.11 1.11 1.1 1.1

United States Council Bluffs, Iowa (1st facility) PUE 1.12 1.12 1.11 1.12 1.12

United States Council Bluffs, Iowa (2nd facility) PUE 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.08

United States The Dalles, Oregon (1st facility) PUE 1.13 1.11 1.1 1.11 1.1

United States The Dalles, Oregon (2nd facility) PUE - 1.07 1.07 1.06 1.07

United States Douglas County, Georgia PUE 1.12 1.12 1.1 1.09 1.09

United States Henderson, Nevada PUE - - - - 1.11

United States Jackson County, Alabama PUE - - - 1.13 1.12

United States Lenoir, North Carolina PUE 1.11 1.1 1.09 1.09 1.09

United States Loudoun County, Virginia (1st facility) PUE - - - 1.1 1.09

United States Loudoun County, Virginia (2nd facility) PUE - - - 1.13 1.09

United States Mayes County, Oklahoma PUE 1.1 1.10 1.12 1.1 1.1

United States Midlothian, Texas PUE - - - - 1.16

United States Montgomery County, Tennessee PUE - - - 1.1 1.11

United States New Albany, Ohio PUE - - - - 1.14

United States Papillion, Nebraska PUE - - - - 1.13

Average annual fleet-wide PUE across Google-owned and -operated data center campuses PUE 1.11 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

CARBON-FREE ENERGY (CFE) 160, 161 Unit 2019 2020 2021 2022

CFE across Google data centers (hourly) % 61 67 66 64

CFE across Google offices (hourly) % - - - 56

CFE across Google data centers and offices (hourly) % - - - 64

Country Regional grid 162 Unit Grid CFE Google CFE Country Regional grid 163 Unit Grid CFE Google CFE

Australia (New South Wales) Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO), Australia % 27 27 Netherlands Tennet, Netherlands % 42 57

Australia (Victoria) Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO), Australia % 34 34 Poland Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne (PSE), Poland % 24 24

Belgium Elia, Belgium % 74 80 Singapore Energy Market Authority of Singapore, Singapore % 4 4

Brazil Operador Nacional do Sistema Elétrico (ONS), Brazil % 89 89 South Korea Korea Power Exchange (KPX), South Korea % 31 31

The Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO), Spain Red Eléctrica, Spain % 67 67
Canada % 90 90
Switzerland Swissgrid, Switzerland % 85 85
Canada Hydro-Québec, Canada % 100 100
Taiwan Taiwan Power Company, Taiwan % 18 18
Chile Sistema Interconectado Central, Chile % 53 90
United States of America Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), U.S. % 89 89
Denmark Energinet, Denmark % 82 90
California Independent System Operator (CAISO),
United States of America % 56 56
Finland Fingrid, Finland % 86 97 U.S.
France Réseau de Transport d’Électricité (RTE), France % 87 87 United States of America Duke Energy Carolinas, U.S. % 59 63

Germany Germany % 56 96 United States of America Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), U.S. % 41 41

Great Britain National Grid ESO, Great Britain % 58 85 Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO),
United States of America % 35 96
Hong Kong Hong Kong % 28 28
United States of America Nevada Energy (NVE), U.S. % 27 27
India North India Regional Grid, India % 23 23
United States of America PacifiCorp East (PACE), U.S. % 31 31
India West India Regional Grid, India % 24 24
United States of America Pennsylvania, Jersey, Maryland Power Pool, (PJM), U.S. % 40 60
Indonesia Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN), Indonesia % 13 13

Ireland EirGrid, Ireland % 39 39 South Carolina Public Service Authority (Santee

United States of America % 26 26
Cooper), U.S.
Israel Israel Electric Corporation (IEC) % 2 2
United States of America Southern Company (SOCO), U.S. % 28 40
Italy Terna, Italy % 42 42

Japan Kansai Electric Power Company, Japan % 32 32 United States of America Southwest Power Pool (SPP), U.S. % 47 87

Japan TEPCO Power Grid, Japan % 16 16 United States of America Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), U.S. % 52 63

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

WASTE Unit 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 WATER 167 Unit 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Waste generation Global operational water 168

Waste generated 164 Metric tons 57,100 48,100 28,900 28,200 38,200 Water consumption Million gallons - 3,412.4 3,748.9 4,561.8 5,564.7

Water discharge Million gallons - 1,748.3 1,939.8 1,734.8 2,034.9

Waste diversion
Water withdrawal Million gallons 4,169.8 5,160.7 5,688.7 6,296.6 7,599.6
Landfill diversion rate (data centers) % 87 90 81 78 86

Landfill diversion rate (offices) % 76 71 71 64 75 165

Water replenishment 169

Total landfill diversion rate % 80 77 77 77 84

Water replenished Million gallons - - - - 271.0

Contracted water replenishment

Million gallons - - - - 1,317.2
Data center hardware refurbishment and reuse capacity over lifetime of projects

Refurbished inventory used for

server deployment, maintenance, % - - 10 13 21
and upgrades 166

Components resold into the Million

3.5 10.0 8.2 4.9 5.0
secondary market components

Assured for 2022

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report


2022 Golf course equivalents 2022 Golf course equivalents
DATA CENTER LOCATION 170 (estimated) 174
DATA CENTER LOCATION 175 (estimated) 178
Location Unit Withdrawal Discharge Consumption Location Unit Withdrawal Discharge Consumption

Ashburn, Virginia Million 48.8 Mayes County, OK Million 896.8

3.8 45.0 <1 207.1 689.7 4.6
Potable water gallons 48.8 Potable water gallons 896.8

Berkeley County, SC Million 732.4 Middenmeer, Netherlands Million 6.7

70.3 662.1 4.4 2.0 4.7 <1
Potable water gallons 732.4 Potable water gallons 6.7

Council Bluffs, IA Million 1,236.0 Midlothian, TX Million 117.3

339.9 896.1 6.0 24.0 93.3 <1
Potable water gallons 1,236.0 Potable water gallons 117.3

The Dalles, OR Million 352.2 Montgomery County, TN Million 285.3

78.0 274.2 1.8 36.6 248.7 1.7
Potable water gallons 352.2 Potable water gallons 285.3

Douglas County, GA Million 378.3 New Albany, OH Million 69.9

20.3 49.6 <1
Potable water gallons 72.4 73.1 305.2 2.0 Potable water gallons 69.9
Reclaimed wastewater 171 305.9
Papillion, NE Million 68.4
21.8 46.6 <1
Dublin, Ireland 172
Million 0.6 Potable water gallons 68.4
0.5 0.1 <1
Potable water gallons 0.6
Quilicura, Chile Million 186.5
82.9 103.6 <1
Eemshaven, Netherlands Million 336.7 Potable water gallons 186.5
Potable water gallons 2.0 109.9 226.8 1.5
St. Ghislain, Belgium Million 382.4
Non-potable water 173
Potable water gallons 14.2 111.8 270.6 1.8
Fredericia, Denmark Million 26.9 Non-potable water 176
7.7 19.2 <1
Potable water gallons 26.9
Sterling, VA Million 74.9
19.5 55.4 <1
Hamina, Finland Million 3.9 Potable water gallons 74.9
3.5 0.4 <1
Potable water gallons 3.9
Storey County, NV 177 Million 2.1
1.9 0.2 <1
Henderson, NV Million 133.2 Potable water gallons 2.1
51.1 82.1 <1
Potable water gallons 133.2
Other data center locations Million 664.3
Jackson County, AL Million 113.4 Potable water gallons 172.0
19.4 94.0 <1 61.4 602.9 4.0
Potable water gallons 113.4 Non-potable water 136.3
Reclaimed wastewater 356.0
Leesburg, VA Million 155.2
26.3 128.9 <1
Potable water gallons 155.2 Data centers total Million 6,621.4 1,401.9 5,219.9 34.8
Potable water gallons 5,120.6
Lenoir, NC Million 349.5
29.0 320.5 2.1 Non-potable water 839.1
Potable water gallons 349.5
Reclaimed wastewater 661.9

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Environmental reporting frameworks index

To determine what content to include in this report, its seven principles for climate disclosure, and we believe transparency and climate reporting. For our most recent our GHG emissions, science-based emissions reduction
we considered global sustainability reporting frameworks that our voluntary disclosures on climate-related matters CDP Climate Change Response, see our sustainability target, emissions reduction initiatives, low-carbon
and guidelines, industry best practices, and stakeholder are consistent with the recommendations of the TCFD reports page. products and services, value chain engagement, policy
expectations. framework. advocacy and engagement, climate risk assessment, and

Climate transition plan governance mechanisms.

We maintain an ESG Index which maps our public Every year since 2009, we’ve publicly reported our
disclosures to the Sustainable Accounting Standards carbon footprint to CDP (formerly known as the In this report, we’ve outlined elements of our climate To see where elements of our climate transition plan
Board (SASB) and to the Task Force on Climate-Related Carbon Disclosure Project). Since 2014, Alphabet has transition plan that will help us make progress toward can be found, see report locations marked with ( )
Financial Disclosures (TCFD) frameworks. We’ve formally been included on CDP’s Climate Change A-list eight our net-zero ambitions. This includes information about in the tables below.
expressed support for the TCFD reporting framework and times, demonstrating our continued commitment to

GENERAL Frameworks
Environmental disclosure
Topic 2023 Environmental Report location CDP Climate TCFD SASB

Statement from senior decision-maker • Introduction - Executive letters C16. Signoff

Strategy and governance
Sustainability governance • Governance and engagement - Sustainability governance C1. Governance Governance: A, B

Environmental accounting methodology • Appendix - Reporting approach and methodology - Methodology C5. Emissions methodology
approach and methodology
Third-party assurance • Appendix - Reporting approach and methodology - Methodology C10. Verification

Approach to stakeholder engagement • Governance and engagement - Stakeholder engagement C12. Engagement
engagement • Governance and engagement - Stakeholder engagement; Partnerships
• Empowering individuals
Value chain engagement C12. Engagement
• Working together
• Operating sustainably

Policy engagement • Governance and engagement - Public policy and advocacy C12. Engagement

• Governance and engagement - Public policy and advocacy - Trade associations

Trade association membership C12. Engagement
and third-party groups

Partnerships • Governance and engagement - Public policy and advocacy; Partnerships C12. Engagement

• Governance and engagement - Public policy and advocacy; Partnerships;

External initiatives C12. Engagement
Awards and recognition

Denotes sections that contain elements of our climate transition plan 96

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report


Environmental disclosure
Topic 2023 Environmental Report location CDP Climate TCFD SASB

Our strategy • Operating sustainably - Net-zero carbon C3. Business strategy

Governance and oversight
Board and/or management oversight • Governance and engagement - Sustainability governance C1. Governance Governance: A, B

Climate-related risks and opportunities over different time horizons • Governance and engagement - Risk management - Climate-related risks C2. Risks and opportunities Strategy: A, B
Management approach
Processes for identifying, assessing, and managing climate-related Strategy: B
• Governance and engagement - Risk management - Climate-related risks C2. Risks and opportunities
risks and opportunities for business strategy and financial planning Risk management: A, B, C

C2. Risks and opportunities

Description of scenario analysis process, strategy, and results • Governance and engagement - Risk management - Climate-related risks Strategy: C
C3. Business strategy

Integration of climate-related risks and scenario analysis

• Governance and engagement - Risk management - Climate-related risks C2. Risks and opportunities Risk management: C
into overall risk management and resiliency planning

• Operating sustainably - Net-zero carbon - Our approach - Reducing carbon emissions - TC-IM-130a.3
Integration of environmental risks in data center planning C2. Risks and opportunities Risk management: B
Energy-efficient and low-carbon facilities - Data centers TC-SI-130a.3

• Operating sustainably - Net-zero carbon - Reducing carbon emissions - Supplier engagement;

Value chain engagement on climate change C12. Engagement
Advancing carbon-free energy - CFE investments

• Operating sustainably - Net-zero carbon - Advancing carbon-free energy -

Transforming the energy system through partnerships and advocacy
Engagement with external targets and initiatives related to net zero C12. Engagement
• Working together - Our approach - Support partners - Cloud customers and commercial
partners; Creating ecosystems for collaboration -; Google for Startups

Engagement with public policy and trade associations on climate change • Governance and engagement - Public policy and advocacy C12. Engagement

Goals and targets Energy- and emissions-related targets and progress against goals • Introduction - Targets and progress summary C4. Targets Metrics and targets: A, C

• Appendix - Environmental data tables

Performance indicators Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions • Operating sustainably - Net-zero carbon - Our approach - Reducing carbon emissions - C7. Emissions breakdown Metrics and targets: A, B
Our emissions reduction goal

• Appendix - Environmental data tables

Average annual PUE • Operating sustainably - Net-zero carbon - Our approach - Reducing carbon emissions - C9. Additional metrics Metrics and targets: A
Energy-efficient and low-carbon facilities - Data centers

• Appendix - Environmental data tables

Carbon intensity • Operating sustainably - Net-zero carbon - Our approach - Reducing carbon emissions - C6. Emissions data Metrics and targets: A
Our emissions reduction goal

C1. Governance
• Appendix - Environmental data tables TC-IM-130a.1
Carbon-free energy percentage C4. Targets and performance Metrics and targets: A, C
• Operating sustainably - Net-zero carbon - Our approach - Advancing carbon-free energy TC-SI-130a.1
C8. Energy

Reduction of energy consumption within our organization • Operating sustainably - Net-zero carbon - Net-zero carbon - Our approach C2. Risks and opportunities Metrics and targets: C

• Appendix - Environmental data tables

Development of low-carbon products and services C4.5 Low-carbon products Strategy: A
• Operating sustainably - Net-zero carbon - Our approach

• Appendix - Environmental data tables

Emissions reductions, compensations, and removals for C6. Emissions data
• Operating sustainably - Net-zero carbon - Our approach - Reducing carbon emissions; Metrics and targets: C
our operations C11. Carbon pricing
Advancing carbon-free energy
C2. Risks and opportunities
• Appendix - Environmental data tables
C3. Business strategy
Renewable energy investments and contracts • Operating sustainably - Net-zero carbon - Our approach - Reducing carbon emissions; Metrics and targets: C
C4. Targets and performance
Advancing carbon-free energy
C6. Emissions data

Denotes sections that contain elements of our climate transition plan 97

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

WATER Frameworks
Environmental disclosure
Topic 2023 Environmental Report location CDP Climate TCFD SASB

Our strategy • Operating sustainably - Water stewardship

Governance and oversight
Board and/or management oversight • Governance and engagement - Sustainability governance C1. Governance

Processes for identifying, assessing, and managing water-related risks • Governance and engagement - Risk management - Water-related risks
C3. Business strategy
Management approach and opportunities for business strategy and financial planning • Operating sustainably - Water stewardship - Our approach

• Operating sustainably - Water stewardship - Our approach - Advancing responsible water TC-IM-130a.2
Water use from high-stress regions C3. Business strategy
use; Benefiting watersheds and communities - Our water replenishment projects TC-SI-130a.2

• Operating sustainably - Water stewardship - Our approach - Advancing responsible water TC-IM-130a.3
Integration of environmental considerations into data center strategic planning C3. Business strategy
use - Data centers TC-SI-130a.3

• Operating sustainably - Water stewardship - Our approach - Benefiting watersheds and

Interactions with water as a shared resource

• Operating sustainably - Water stewardship - Our approach - Advancing responsible water

Value chain engagement on water-related issues C12. Engagement
use - Supply chain

• Operating sustainably - Water stewardship - Our approach - Benefiting watersheds

and communities; Supporting water security with technology
Engagement with external targets and initiatives related to water stewardship • Working together - Our approach - Supporting partners - Adaptation support C12. Engagement
for communities
• Governance and engagement - Partnerships

• Operating sustainably - Water stewardship - Our approach

Goals and targets Water-related targets and progress against goals
• Introduction - Targets and progress summary

• Introduction - Targets and progress summary TC-IM-130a.2

Performance indicators Water consumption, withdrawal, and discharge
• Appendix - Environmental data tables TC-SI-130a.2

MATERIALS Frameworks
Environmental disclosure
Topic 2023 Environmental Report location CDP Climate TCFD SASB

Our strategy • Operating sustainably - Circular economy

Governance and oversight
Board and/or management oversight • Governance and engagement - Sustainability governance C1. Governance

Approach to circular economy • Operating sustainably - Circular economy - Our approach

Management approach
• Operating sustainably - Circular economy - Our approach - Reducing data center waste;
Circularity throughout our data centers, products, operations, TC-IM-130a.2
Building circular workplaces and stores; Designing more sustainable consumer hardware
and workplaces TC-SI-130a.2

Circularity throughout our value chain • Operating sustainably - Circular economy - Our approach - Working with suppliers

• Working together - Our approach - Supporting partners - Cloud customers and commercial
partners - Responsible sourcing
Engagement with external targets and initiatives related to circular economy
• Governance and engagement - Partnerships
• Operating sustainably - Circular economy - Our approach

• Introduction - Targets and progress summary

Goals and targets Circular economy-related targets and progress against goals
• Operating sustainably - Circular economy - Our approach

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

MATERIALS Frameworks
Environmental disclosure
Topic 2023 Environmental Report location CDP Climate TCFD SASB

• Operating sustainably - Circular economy - Our approach - Reducing data center waste -
Performance indicators Data center hardware components refurbished or resold Zero Waste to Landfill
• Appendix - Environmental data tables

• Operating sustainably - Net-zero carbon - Our approach - Reducing carbon emissions -

LEED-certified office space Energy-efficient and low-carbon facilities - Offices
• Appendix - Environmental data tables

• Operating sustainably - Circular economy - Our approach - Reducing data center waste -
Zero Waste to Landfill progress and certifications
Zero Waste to Landfill; Working with suppliers - Manufacturing waste

• Operating sustainably - Circular economy - Our approach - Building circular workplaces

Landfill diversion rate for offices and data centers and stores - Workplace operations; Reducing data center waste - Zero Waste to Landfill
• Appendix - Environmental data tables

• Operating sustainably - Circular economy - Our approach - Building circular workplaces

Food waste diverted from landfill
and stores - Workplace operations - Food waste


Environmental disclosure
Topic 2023 Environmental Report location CDP Climate TCFD SASB

C2. Risks and opportunities

Our strategy • Operating sustainably - Nature and biodiversity
C3. Business strategy
Governance and oversight

Board and/or management oversight • Governance and engagement - Sustainability governance C1. Governance

Integration of nature considerations into our buildings, operations, • Operating sustainably - Nature and biodiversity - Our approach - Building for biodiversity - C2. Risks and opportunities
Management approach and supply chain Designing for ecology; Bringing nature back to cities; Sourcing responsibly C3. Business strategy

• Operating sustainably - Nature and biodiversity - Our approach - Protecting nature

and making it more accessible; Developing technology to address biodiversity loss
C2. Risks and opportunities
Nature-related adaptation and mitigation strategy and activities • Working together - Our approach - Supporting partners - Governments and
C3. Business strategy
intergovernmental organizations - Environmental Insights Explorer; Adaptation support for
communities; Investing in breakthrough innovation - Ocean ecosystems

Approach to managing progress against internal and external

• Operating sustainably - Nature and biodiversity - Our approach
nature-related targets and expectations

• Working together - Our approach - Supporting partners - Governments and

Engagement with external targets and initiatives related to nature
intergovernmental organizations; Researchers, academics, and NGOs C15. Biodiversity
and biodiversity
• Governance and engagement - Partnerships

Goals and targets Nature- and biodiversity-related targets and progress against goals • Introduction - Targets and progress summary C15. Biodiversity

C2. Risks and opportunities

• Operating sustainably - Nature and biodiversity - Our approach - Building for biodiversity -
Performance indicators Native habitat restored and created on our Bay Area campuses C3. Business strategy
Designing for ecology
C15. Biodiversity

Denotes sections that contain elements of our climate transition plan 99

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report


Environmental disclosure
Topic 2023 Environmental Report location CDP Climate TCFD SASB

• Operating sustainably - Our operations; Net-zero carbon - Reducing carbon emissions -

Our strategy C12. Engagement
Supplier engagement
Governance and oversight

Board and/or management oversight • Governance and engagement C12. Engagement

Approach to supply chain risk environmental assessments and audits • Governance and engagement - Stakeholder engagement - Supplier engagement
Management approach
• Operating sustainably - Net-zero carbon - Our approach - Reducing carbon emissions -
Integration of environmental factors within procurement policies
Supplier engagement C12. Engagement
and supplier contracts
• Governance and engagement - Risk management

• Operating sustainably - Net-zero carbon - Our approach - Reducing carbon emissions -

Supplier engagement; Circular economy - Our approach - Working with suppliers - Safer
Approach to supplier capacity building, training, and corrective
action plans
• Governance and engagement - Risk management; Stakeholder engagement - Supplier

• Working together - Our approach - Supporting partners - Cloud customers and

Engagement with external targets and initiatives related to sustainable
commercial partners C12. Engagement
supply chains
• Governance and engagement - Partnerships

• Introduction - Targets and progress summary

Goals and targets Supplier environmental assessment-related targets
• Operating sustainably - Circular economy - Our approach - Working with suppliers

Performance indicators New suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria • Governance and engagement - Risk management C12. Engagement

• Operating sustainably - Net-zero carbon - Our approach - Advancing carbon-free energy -

Supplier renewable energy C2. Risks and opportunities
CFE investments

• Operating sustainably - Circular economy - Supply chain

Negative environmental impacts in the supply chain and actions taken
• Governance and engagement - Risk management

Denotes sections that contain elements of our climate transition plan 100
Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

third-party data centers. The 2022 data center CFE number represents a Google Search interest since 2004. distribution) to the amount of energy used to power IT equipment. A PUE of
2% change from 2021 (66% CFE), as a result of including third-party data 46 See endnote 35 above. 2.0 means that for every watt of IT power, an additional watt is consumed
centers. 47 See endnote 43 above. to cool and distribute power to the IT equipment. A PUE closer to 1.0 means
13 Based on Google Trends data as of December 2022, when comparing 48 See endnote 35 above. nearly all the energy is used for computing.
global Google Search interest since 2004. 49 “Measuring Fashion: Environmental Impact of the Global Apparel and 77 According to the Uptime Institute’s 2022 Global Data Center Survey, the
14 See endnote 3 above. Footwear Industries Study,” Quantis, 2018. global average PUE of respondents’ data centers was around 1.55.
1 Throughout this report, we use the term “sustainability” to refer to 15 See endnote 6 above. 50 “Digital Transformation,” UNEP, April 2022. 78 See endnote 19 above.
environmental sustainability. 16 See endnote 7 above. 51 “Digital Decarbonisation: How the Digital Sector is Supporting Climate 79 Trailing 12-month PUE consists of the average PUE for the previous 12
2 Our partners include governments and intergovernmental organizations; 17 See endnote 8 above. Action,” Implement Consulting Group, 2022. months.
customers and commercial partners; and researchers, academics, and 18 Based on Google’s analysis of traffic patterns before and after 52 “68% of the World Population Projected to Live in Urban Areas by 2050, 80 Data from reported ports for ChargePoint stations in the United States and
non-governmental organizations. recommended adjustments to traffic signals that were implemented during Says UN,” United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, May Canada only are used to estimate emissions prevented from employee EV
3 Google uses a high-quality ML prediction model to estimate the expected tests conducted in 2022. 2018. commuting.
fuel or energy consumption for each route option when users request 19 According to Google’s own analysis of our more efficient servers, power 53 SDG Indicators, United Nations: Unstats, 2022. 81 Based on data collected from shuttle commuting trips in the Bay Area,
driving directions. We identify the route that we predict will consume the infrastructure, and cooling systems, compared with data center industry 54 “Izmir Sustainable Energy Climate Action Plan,” AECOM, 2020. as compared to a scenario in which these employees had each used a
least amount of fuel or energy. If this route isn’t already the fastest one and averages. 55 See endnote 18 above. private, fuel-based car for commuting. Assumptions include average
it offers meaningful energy and fuel savings with only a small increase in 20 According to Google’s platform-neutral measurement for central 56 “Spreading Like Wildfire: The Rising Threat of Extraordinary Landscape Googler commute distance, miles per gallon assumptions from the Bureau
driving time, we recommend it to the user. To calculate enabled emissions processing unit (CPU) resources analyzed over a five-year period. Fires,” UNEP, 2022. of Transportation, and emissions per gallon of fuel assumptions from the
reductions, we tally the fuel usage from the chosen fuel-efficient routes 21 For more information on how we’re reducing the environmental footprint of 57 Our “Deep Learning for High-Resolution Wildfire Modeling” research was Greenhouse Gas Protocol. Equivalency estimate is based on workdays in
and subtract it from the predicted fuel consumption that would have our operations, see the Operating sustainably section. presented at the 2022 International Conference for Forest Fire Research. the year, using data from “Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator,” U.S.
occurred on the fastest route without eco-friendly routing and apply 22 “Japan’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions Rose 2% in FY21/22 as Economy 58 “Number of deaths due to floods worldwide from 1960 to 2020,” Statista, Environmental Protection Agency, accessed 2022.
adjustments for factors such as: CO2e factors, fleet factors, well-to-wheels Recovered,” Reuters, April 2023. April 2023. 82 See endnote 81 above.
factors, and powertrain mismatch factors. We then input the estimated 23 See endnote 13 above. 59 “Partnering with Member States,” UNEP, 2021. 83 Carbon-free energy is any type of electricity generation that doesn’t
prevented emissions into the EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies 24 “Net Zero by 2050 - A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector,” IEA, October 60 Pitney Bowes Parcel Shipping Index, 2021. directly emit carbon dioxide, including (but not limited to) solar, wind,
Calculator to calculate equivalent cars off the road for a year. The 2022 2021. 61 “Retail Speaks,” McKinsey & Company, 2021. geothermal, hydropower, and nuclear. Sustainable biomass and carbon
figure covers estimated emissions prevented after eco-friendly routing was 25 “CO 2 and Greenhouse Gas Emissions,”, 2020. 62 “Feasibility of Afforestation as an Equitable Nature-Based Solution in Urban capture and storage (CCS) are special cases considered on a case-by-case
launched, from October 2021 through December 2022. Enabled emissions 26 Based on Google Trends data as of December 2022, when comparing Areas,” Sustainable Cities and Society, vol. 81, June 2022. basis, but are often also considered carbon-free energy sources.
reductions estimates include inherent uncertainty due to factors that global Google Search interest since 2013. 63 Based on Google Trends data as of December 2022, when comparing 84 Alphabet’s renewable energy methodology is a custom calculation and is
include the lack of primary data and precise information about real-world 27 See endnote 13 above. global Google Search interest in 2022 to that of 2021. based on a global approach. Percentage of renewable energy is calculated
actions and their effects. These factors contribute to a range of possible 28 See endnote 6 above. 64 See endnote 35 above. on a calendar-year basis, dividing the volume of renewable electricity
outcomes, within which we report a central value. 29 See endnote 7 above. 65 Some of our locations have more than one data center campus, and others (in megawatt-hours) procured for our global operations (i.e., renewable
4 This estimated spend is based on contracts signed to purchase clean 30 See endnote 8 above. weren’t yet operational during 2022. energy procured through our PPA contracts, on-site renewable energy
energy for our operations. Actual spend may vary from these estimates 31 See endnote 6 above. 66 “Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability generation, and renewable energy in the electric grids where our facilities
based on changes in renewable electricity output from operational 32 Nest Renew Energy Shift usage reflects the total number of hours Working Group II Contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report of the are located) by the total volume of electricity consumed by our global
projects, the number of contracts signed, and energy market prices. thermostats enrolled in Nest Renew ran Energy Shift features to prioritize Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,” IPCC, 2022. operations. The numerator includes all renewable energy procured,
5 See endnote 3 above. cleaner or cheaper energy during 2022. 67 “Climate Commitments Not On Track to Meet Paris Agreement Goals regardless of the market in which the renewable energy was consumed.
6 Estimated energy savings are calculated based on the typical percentage 33 Nest Renew users include anyone in the continental U.S. with a 3rd as NDC Synthesis Report is Published,” United Nations Climate Change, Additional details on Alphabet’s criteria and methodology can be found in
of heating and cooling savings found in real-world studies of the Nest generation Nest Learning Thermostat, the Nest Thermostat E, or the February 2021. the “Achieving Our 100% Renewable Energy Purchasing Goal and Going
Learning Thermostat. To calculate the total Nest savings, we apply these newest Nest Thermostat connected to a Google account. 68 “Is Carbon Capture Too Expensive?” IEA, February 2021. Beyond” disclosure.
savings percentages to the actual heating and cooling hours of all Nest 34 See endnote 6 above. 69 See the Environmental data tables for Carbon intensity per unit of revenue 85 For example, research by Princeton University and TU Berlin has shown that
thermostats. 35 Based on Google Trends data as of December 2022, when comparing for 2022 (9.13 tCO2e/million U.S.$). Our 2011 carbon intensity factor was hourly (24/7) carbon-free energy goals have a greater impact on grid-level
7 “Portugal - Countries & Regions,” IEA, 2021. global Google Search interest since 2008. reported in prior Environmental Reports as 38.8 (tCO2e of gross global decarbonization than the prevailing approach of 100% annual renewable
8 The enabled emissions reductions are calculated based on these energy 36 See endnote 13 above. combined Scope 1 and market-based Scope 2 emissions/million U.S.$). energy matching.
savings, applying standard emission factors for fossil fuels, and using U.S. 37 See endnote 35 above. 70 This third-party projection is based on a 2020 whole-building LCA, 86 See endnote 4 above.
EPA AVERT marginal emissions for the 95% of electricity savings that occur 38 “Transport: Improving the Sustainability of Passenger and Freight following the LEED v4 Building Life Cycle Impact Reduction requirements. 87 See endnote 4 above.
in the U.S., with an adjusted value for the 5% of electricity savings outside Transport,” IEA, 2022. The interior design was not factored into this LCA. 88 “Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator,” EPA, accessed 2022.
the U.S. 39 Based on Google Trends data as of April 2023, when comparing global 71 Refrigerants used in HVAC and refrigeration equipment are often synthetic 89 Our CFE percentage measures the degree to which our electricity
9 For products launched in 2022: Pixel, Nest, and Chromecast devices are Google Search interest from April 2022–April 2023 to that of April 2021– compounds commonly referred to as super pollutants because their global consumption on a given regional grid is matched with CFE on an hourly
made with recycled materials ranging between 9% and 60% based on April 2022. warming potential is significantly higher than other GHGs like carbon basis. This is calculated using both CFE under contract by Google as well
respective product weights. 40 See endnote 3 above. dioxide. as CFE coming from the overall grid mix. CFE coming from the overall grid
10 Unique, signed-in Google users that were provided information to make a 41 “Global EV Outlook 2023 Abstract,” IEA, April 2023. 72 “The Carbon Footprint of Machine Learning Training Will Plateau, Then mix is based on data obtained from a third party, Electricity Maps, and has
more sustainable choice by at least one sustainable product feature. 42 See endnote 13 above. Shrink,” Computer, vol. 55, July 2022. not been assured. For more information, see our 2021 white paper, “24/7
11 Due to a methodology change, we’re not reporting a percent progress 43 Based on Google Trends data as of April 2023, when comparing global 73 See endnote 20 above. Carbon-Free Energy: Methodologies and Metrics.”
towards this target and have instead provided our total GHG emissions Google Search interest from April 2020–April 2023 to that of April 2017– 74 See endnote 19 above. 90 A grid region (or regional grid) corresponds to the area over which a
(Scope 1, 2 (market-based), and 3) in 2022. April 2020. 75 See endnote 20 above. single entity manages the operation of the electric power system and
12 In 2022, we expanded our carbon-free energy reporting from only 44 See endnote 13 above. 76 PUE is a standard industry ratio that compares the amount of non- ensures that demand and supply are finely balanced. In the United States,
Google-owned and -operated data centers to also incorporate offices and 45 Based on Google Trends data as of April 2023, when comparing global computing overhead energy (used for things like cooling and power this generally means the ISO or RTO in regions that have these regional

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

market structures. If no such structure exists, then Google defines the grid Search interest from April 2018–April 2023 to that of April 2013–April 2018. variations. Doesn’t include stand-alone accessory products other than not emitted as a result of our operations.
region as the electricity-balancing authority where our data centers are 112 See endnote 35 above. Pixel phone cases, and Pixel Watch Active, Stretch, and Woven bands. 153 “Total renewable energy allocated” includes the total amount of renewable
located. Outside of the United States, the grid region most often refers to 113 “Importance of Methane,” EPA, 2021. 127 Based on U.S. retail packaging weight with adhesive materials excluded. electricity generation conveyed via contractual instruments, which have
the geographic boundary of a country, because most grid system operators 114 Percent reduction in food waste per Googler was calculated as food waste To meet the request of some clients, plastic stickers are applied to some been used in the calculation of Scope 2 market-based emissions per the
operate at the national level. Certain regions that span multiple countries generated in kitchens and cafes at Google’s global offices per unique packaging variations. Greenhouse Gas Protocol Scope 2 Quality Criteria.
are well interconnected and could be considered as one grid; however, badge swipes, against a 2019 baseline. 128 See endnote 127 above. 154 Reported energy values (in MW or MWh) are rounded to the nearest 100.
our grid mix calculations already include import and export considerations 115 “A Whopping 91 Percent of Plastic Isn’t Recycled,” National Geographic, 129 See endnote 126 above. 155 “Purchased electricity” is electricity sourced from an electrical grid and
and therefore take into account power flows from neighboring grids. In December 2018. 130 See Learn when you’ll get software updates on Google Pixel phones for purchased from a local electric utility company. This metric differs slightly
the future, we may update our definition as we work with grid operators to 116 UL110 and IEEE 1680.1 are multi-attribute, consensus-based sustainability more details. from “Total electricity consumption,” which includes both purchased and
better understand how transmission constraints or congestion impact CFE standards for mobile phones and for computers and displays, respectively. 131 We offer free recycling for eligible products from any brand. Learn more self-generated electricity.
measurement within and across grid regions. Google uses a third party to validate conformance and independently about Google’s recycling program on our site. 156 See endnote 155 above.
91 Contracted CFE is the hourly electricity production from clean energy certify to these standards. See UL Spot Database. 132 Learn more about UL 2799 Zero Waste to Landfill certification. 157 See the Methodology section for an overview of our “percentage of
projects whose electricity and associated environmental attributes are 117 Carbon footprint reduction claim based on third-party verified life 133 See endnote 108 above. electricity procured from renewable sources” calculation.
contracted to Google via power purchase agreements, retail energy supply cycle assessment. Recycled aluminum in the enclosures is at least 9% of 134 “A Warning Sign: Where Biodiversity Loss Is Happening Around the World,” 158 We report individual campus PUE only for campuses with at least twelve
arrangements, or other contractual structures. See “24/7 Carbon-Free applicable product based on weight. World Wildlife Fund, 2021. months of data. All reported PUE values are rounded to the hundredths place.
Energy: Methodologies and Metrics” for more details. 118 Doesn’t include third-party products such as the Nest x Yale Lock. 135 See endnote 134 above. 159 See endnote 76 above.
92 “Why Did Renewables Become so Cheap so Fast?” Our World in Data, 119 For products launched in 2020 and 2021: Nest, Pixel, and Chromecast 136 “From Savanna to Suburb: Effects of 160 Years of Landscape Change 160 See endnote 89 above.
December 2020. devices are made with recycled plastic ranging between 9% and 68% on Carbon Storage in Silicon Valley, California,” Landscape and Urban 161 See endnote 12 above.
93 See endnote 13 above. based on weight of plastic used in each respective product launched Planning, vol. 195, March 2020. 162 See endnote 90 above.
94 “How the Tech Sector Can Drive Renewable Energy Opportunities in APAC,” during this timeframe. The following items are excluded: plastics in printed 137 “Charleston Retention Basin Improvement Project,” California 163 See endnote 90 above.
ENGIE Impact, accessed 2023. circuit boards, labels, cables, connectors, electronic components and Environmental Quality Act, accessed 2023. 164 Reported waste generated values are rounded to the nearest hundred.
95 “Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change Summary for modules, optical components, electrostatic discharge (ESD) components, 138 “Western Monarch Thanksgiving Count Tallies Over 330,000 Butterflies 165 Landfill diversion is calculated as waste diverted to a more sustainable
Policymakers,” IPCC, 2022. electromagnetic interference (EMI) components, films, coatings and Before Storms Batter Overwintering Sites,” Xerces Society, 2023. pathway than landfill, as a percentage of total waste. Starting in 2022, we’ve
96 “Turning the Tide,” Global Commission on the Economics of Water, 2023. adhesives. For products launched in 2022: Pixel, Nest, and Chromecast 139 See endnote 13 above. updated our landfill diversion rate methodology for our office operations by
97 We define freshwater as naturally occurring water from surface or devices are made with recycled materials ranging between 9% and 60% 140 “Reduce Urban Heat Island Effect,” EPA, May 2019. removing contamination from our recycling and compost streams, providing
groundwater sources that isn’t salty, and is suitable for consumption if clean based on respective product weights. 141 The percentage of FSC-certified wood used at Bay View and Charleston a more accurate representation of landfill avoidance, and supporting our
or processed. Freshwater excludes seawater and reclaimed wastewater. 120 Based on total plastic weight of (A) Google Pixel, Nest, and Chromecast East is calculated based on material costs for new wood purchased for efforts to maintain high-quality diverted materials.
98 Based on the average annual irrigation of golf courses in the southwest U.S. products manufactured in 2022 and (B) Fitbit products launched and these projects during construction. 166 We expanded this data center hardware refurbishment key performance
of 459 acre-ft or around 150 million gallons. Source: “How Much Water Does manufactured in 2022. Includes U.S. configuration of in-box accessories 142 See endnote 141 above. indicator from including only decommissioned parts that were reused for
Golf Use and Where Does It Come From?” U.S. Golf Association, 2012. but does not include standalone accessory products other than Pixel 143 “Paris Agreement,” UNFCCC, 2015. server maintenance to also including other refurbished part types reused for
99 Based on the WRI Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas tool, we define “high water phone cases, and Pixel Watch Active, Stretch, and Woven bands. This does 144 “Summary for Policymakers of IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of server maintenance as well as server deployment and upgrades. This change
stress” as areas with high or extremely high overall water stress, and “low water not include plastics in printed circuit boards, labels, cables, connectors, 1.5°C Approved by Governments,” IPCC, 2018. more accurately reflects Google’s approach to data center material reuse.
stress” as areas with low, low-medium, or medium-high overall water stress. electronic components and modules, optical components, electrostatic 145 “Sixth Assessment Report,” IPCC, 2019. 167 All reported water values are rounded to the nearest hundred thousand
100 According to Google’s own analysis of our data center energy use and discharge (ESD) components, electromagnetic interference (EMI) 146 All reported Scope 1 GHG emissions, Scope 2 GHG emissions, and gallons and reported in million gallons.
carbon emissions in 2021. components, films, coatings, and adhesives. biogenic emissions values are rounded to the nearest hundred. All 168 In 2019, we aligned our water reporting with industry standards to disclose
101 We contracted a third-party to quantify volumetric benefits by applying 121 Based on total weight of new Google Pixel, Nest, Chromecast, and Fitbit reported Scope 3 emissions values are rounded to the nearest thousand. three water indicators: total water withdrawal, consumption, and discharge.
industry standard methodologies and defensible data and assumptions. products launched and manufactured in 2022, including U.S. configuration 147 In 2022, we included estimates for hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) emissions Data for total water consumption and total water discharge is not available
102 See endnote 101 above. of in-box accessories. Does not include standalone accessory products resulting from the leakage of refrigerants from cooling equipment at our for prior years. Our reported water metrics don’t include seawater.
103 See endnote 35 above. other than Pixel phone cases, and Pixel Watch Active, Stretch, and Woven offices and data centers in our Scope 1 emissions. We have not updated 169 We contracted a third party to quantify volumetric benefits by applying
104 See endnote 63 above. bands. prior years to include estimated refrigerant emissions. industry standard methodologies and defensible data and assumptions.
105 “Earth Overshoot Day,” Global Footprint Network, 2023. 122 Carbon footprint reduction claim based on third-party-verified life 148 Our Scope 2 market-based emissions increased 37%, primarily due to See the Benefiting watersheds and communities section for more details.
106 “The Circular Economy Could Unlock $4.5 Trillion of Economic Growth, Finds cycle assessment. Recycled aluminum in the enclosures is at least 9% of increased data center electricity consumption and a lack of full regional 170 Our reported water metrics don’t include seawater. All reported water
New Book by Accenture,” Accenture, 2015. applicable product based on weight. coverage of renewable energy procurement in the United States and Asia values are rounded to the nearest hundred thousand gallons and reported in
107 “How the Circular Economy Tackles Climate Change,” Ellen MacArthur 123 See endnote 122 above. Pacific regions. million gallons.
Foundation, 2021. 124 See endnote 120 above. 149 Certain Category 1: “Purchased goods and services” emissions are 171 Treated wastewater from the Sweetwater Creek Sidestream Reuse Facility.
108 “Building a World Free from Waste and Pollution,” Ellen MacArthur 125 The following may be excluded from the calculation of percentage: printed presented in Category 2: “Capital goods.” See the Methodology section 172 Air-cooled facility; no water used for cooling.
Foundation, 2021. circuit boards, labels, cables, connectors, electronic components and for more details. 173 Industrial water supplied by North Water.
109 “Circular Economy of Construction and Demolition Waste: A Literature modules, optical components, electrostatic discharge components, 150 In 2022, we updated our Scope 3 Category 7: “Employee commuting” 174 See endnote 98 above.
Review on Lessons, Challenges, and Benefits,” NIH National Library of electromagnetic interference components, films, coatings, and adhesives. methodology to estimate additional modes of transportation due to the 175 See endnote 170 above.
Medicine, 2021. Renewable content consists of plastic made from bio-based material. availability of new data sources. See the Methodology section for more 176 Water drawn from the Nimy-Blaton-Peronnes shipping canal and treated
110 We’ve assessed contamination rates for our recycling and composting Does not include third-party products such as the Nest x Yale Lock. details. on-site.
streams and removed them from our calculation. This contrasts with our 126 Based on total weight of new Google Pixel, Nest, Chromecast, and Fitbit 151 We present certain Scope 3 emissions from Category 1, Category 2, 177 See endnote 172 above.
historical methodology and the industry standard diversion rate, which retail packaging (excluding adhesive materials) for products launched and Category 11, and Category 12 as an aggregated subtotal “Other categories” 178 See endnote 98 above.
assumes that anything placed in recycling or compost bins has zero manufactured in 2022, as shipped by Google. Due to global variations in for business reasons, as described further in the Methodology section.
contamination. packaging, U.S. retail packaging data is used for our reporting. To meet the 152 Other GHGs, including perfluorocarbons (PFCs), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6),
111 Based on Google Trends data as of April 2023, when comparing global Google request of some clients, plastic stickers are applied to some packaging and nitrogen trifluoride (NF3), are not included in our inventory, as they’re

Introduction Empowering individuals Working together Operating sustainably Governance and engagement Appendix 2023 Environmental Report

Glossary Photo details

On the cover:

AI: artificial intelligence lb: pound Google Earth image of Soalala, Madagascar ©2015 DigitalGlobe

Table of contents:
Bay View: our Bay View campus in Mountain View, LBC: Living Building Challenge
Norther Offshore wind farm in Belgium (92 MW for Google)
California LCA: life cycle assessment
CDP: formerly known as the Carbon Disclosure Project LEED: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Googlers in a courtyard at our new campus in Mountain View, California.

CDR: carbon dioxide removal m: meter

A letter from our Chief Sustainability Officer:
Photo by Vaughn Ridley/Sportsfile for Web Summit via Getty Images
CFE: carbon-free energy ML: machine learning
Empowering individuals:
CO2e: carbon dioxide equivalent MW: megawatt
A parking lot full of electric vehicles lined up outside a Google office,
plugged into charging stations.
EIE: Environmental Insights Explorer MWh: megawatt-hour
Working together:
EPA: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency NGO: non-governmental organization
Satellite-derived Earth Engine image showing seasonal agricultural peaks
near the Columbia and Snake Rivers in Washington state. The perfectly
ESG: environmental, social and governance PPA: power purchase agreement round fields are center pivot irrigated corn and wheat maturing in different
months. Data source: Landsat 8, U.S. Geological Survey.
EV: electric vehicle PUE: power usage effectiveness
Operating sustainably:
ft: foot SDGs: Sustainable Development Goals A view of our Bay View campus with the events center in the foreground
and a Google brandmark sculpture. (Photo: Iwan Baan)
FSC: Forest Stewardship Council tCO2e: metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent
Net-zero carbon:
GHG: greenhouse gas TCFD: Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Golden Hills wind farm in California (43 MW for Google)

GHGP: Greenhouse Gas Protocol Disclosures Water stewardship:

Our Bay View campus, as seen from across its stormwater retention pond.
GT: gigaton TWh: terawatt-hour (Photo: Iwan Baan)

GW: gigawatt WBCSD: World Business Council for Sustainable Circular economy:
A closeup of many small, broken circuit boards in a pile. Our approach
GWP: global warming potential Development
to circularity for data center equipment is to maintain components for
as long as possible, refurbish components for future reuse, reuse or
IEA: International Energy Agency WRI: World Resources Institute
resell components following a rigorous security process, and recycle any
components that can’t be reused.
ILFI: International Living Future Institute UNEP: United Nations Environment Programme
Nature and biodiversity:
IPCC: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change UNFCC: United Nations Framework Convention on
The design of the Charleston Retention Basin on our Mountain View
Climate Change Campus allows visitors to experience, learn about, and enjoy the expanded
ISO: International Organization for Standardization riparian habitat.
X: Alphabet’s “moonshot factory”
kg: kilogram Governance and engagement:
Googlers collaborate in a common space in one of our offices.
km: kilometer
kWh: kilowatt-hour A bright, colorful wall in a Google office.


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latest efforts?

To stay up to date on our news and progress,

see our Sustainability blog.

Publication date: July 2023

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