Blockchain Technology Based Medical Healthcare
Blockchain Technology Based Medical Healthcare
Blockchain Technology Based Medical Healthcare
DOI: 10.1002/spy2.83
Arijit Saha Ruhul Amin Sourav Kunal Satyanarayana Vollala Sanjeev K. Dwivedi
architecture, blockchain, healthcare system, security
Medical care has been an indispensable part of our lives and so the medical data, for example, prescriptions, previous medical
records has also become a vital part for patient's diagnosis and for further proceedings. Traditionally, medical data were recorded
on paper, which were prone to get damaged and modified. Therefore, it was necessary to preserve the data electronically.
However, the medical database could be tampered or deleted permanently. Then, there was also a concern on information
blocking. Information blocking occurs when an entity, for example, a person may be with or without his intention to access the
data which should not have been seen without the patient's or hospital's concern.1 Technology always plays a very significant
role if it is about enhancing the quality or about resolving issues such as resource allocation along with information blocking,
here in medical-care data sharing technology needed to be evolved with time. Generally, patients may have a lot of service
providers in terms of medical healthcare that include general physicians or specialists or even therapists. Since a disease could
be because of the previous disease,2 so they all need to share health record securely without any manipulation. Patient need
not be always a professional or to have a good memory to remember all the data properly if all the data are stored and shared
securely. Patients need to keep updating their own medical data history. According to the Fundamental Right to Life and Liberty
under Article 21 and freedom of expression and movement under Articles 19(1)(a) and (b) of the Constitution of India, a patient
has right to consult or get transferred to another hospital for his treatment. Now, again it is patients' wish to share his data. Also,
if a hospital wants to share his data for research there must be consent from the patient. Again, if consent is also there then
the data transferring process takes a lot of time. Moreover, if the data that are transferred are in paper mode or even through
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email, there is time, speed, storage, and security issues. Storing data in a database has many limitations such as storage and
prone to cyber-attacks. Attackers may intrude into the system and get some patient's sensitive data. One can also not rely upon
a centralized database because practically different access controls for different users, searching procedure over an encrypted
channel, large memory for medical data storage etc. is difficult. Also, Al Omar et al3 discuss various problems that occur when
data are stored in an encrypted format. Access to a distributed ledger for sharing of medical data in a transparent manner can
guarantee data security4 as bitcoin was thought to be secured for transaction. Since this is used for medical data, patient should
be prioritized. A patient purpose centric access model should be designed. Also, every record of a patient cannot be made public
and it should be flexible,1 where the patient should know which data are being provided to the insurance company and which
data are to be provided to blood bank, etc.
Therefore, researches came up with a solution of blockchain technology in medical healthcare, which will not only protect
data from being tampered but will also ensure that the data leakage is stopped. This technology could preserve data and thus
guarantee reliability. And if this technology is used along with cloud computing technology,5 problems related to storage can
also be vanished, because cloud is trusted for storing and managing data. Also, the blockchain can address the security issues
of the cloud. Indeed, medical data sharing and storing with Blockchain-based cloud can address a lot of issues of medical data.
Furthermore, this technology can be implemented in the wearable device of the patient keeping his information.6 Patient's body
will be scanned for the biometric signature. This signature will be required while scanning of this wearable device embedded
with IoT technology, where data are stored for further analysis. Also, wireless mobile technology is developing, Telecare Medical
Information Systems can be used more and more, which can help track the patients and their data.7 This location can help track
those patients suffering from chronic disease or an infectious disease etc. This telemedical data can also be manipulated or
destroyed by the attackers. Again, the blockchain comes into picture when we discuss about confidentiality and privacy of the
patients' data, while data sharing through the telemedical technology.
Blockchain or a ledger for transaction was proposed by Nakamoto et al8 as a decentralized cryptocurrency in a distributed
manner. This technology guarantees that an adversary or an attacker cannot intrude into the database.9 His model worked as a
permissionless model where leaving and joining of the node was flexible without any apriori knowledge of consensus nodes.
Out of several consensuses to manage the ledgers Santoshi adopted proof-of-work (POW),10 which is now also used by several
other cryptocurrencies. Main consideration of this POW is the speed in which the transactions are processed. So, the speed
transaction tradeoffs should be secure in blockchain.11 Chain of digital signatures was used to define an electronic coin. Each
coin is transferred by its owner to another by signing digitally a hash of its previous transaction with the public key of the next
owner and finally adding it to the end of this coin. A trusted third party, that is, central authority checks each transaction so that
double spending can be stopped. After each transaction, these coins were required to be submitted to the central authority who
then issues a fresh new coin as described in Figure 1. Hash-cash12 initially was used to tackle the unmetered resources of the
Internet such as email which is now also used in bitcoin.
Since the company or the party who is providing the coin knows all the data and can even manipulate the data, so for this
problem Santoshi proposed a Timestamp Server concept. This timestamp server takes the hash of all the entities that are to be
timestamped and broadcasts the hash. So, every timestamp has the hash of its previous timestamp and forms a chain. Let us
take an instance that an attacker generates a chain that is faster than an honest chain. Still, the attacker cannot take the money
because nodes do not accept payment if there is an invalid transaction and node will then not be accepted by the honest node.
All these nodes work in coordination, can join, leave, and even rejoin the network. Also, malicious nodes can be detected by
using the clustering protocol.13 So, we can sum up all the features of Blockchain14 as follows:
• Decentralized. It is the main feature of blockchain that it does not rely upon centralized node.
• Transparent. All the data that are stored are secured and transparent to all the nodes.
• Open-source. Anyone can use this blockchain technology to create any application.
• Autonomous. In blockchain, every block can update or transfer its own data securely.
• Immutable. Since records in blockchain will be stored forever and cannot be changed.
• Anonymous. Blockchain to be anonymous, it successfully maintains trust between node-to-node.
Blockchain should not be restricted only to the financial sector, it should be extended beyond bitcoin,15 for public healthcare16
and many more applications.17 Blockchain-based medical system is an emerging topic. All the medical data that are created to
be credible needs to be verifiable and untampered. Patient or his family members or a researcher or even any user who requires
the data should be able to verify that the data are correct. Several researchers are merging various other technologies with
blockchain technology to make their specific zone secured for sharing data. Several researchers have embedded blockchain with
other technology such as Tian 5 used radio frequency identification with blockchain in the field of agri-food supply chain tracing.
Blockchain, cloud technology along with IoT,18,19 blockchain in smart contracts,20,21 blockchain in vehicular ecosystem,22 etc.
The basic architecture of blockchain is shown in Figure 2.
Healthcare has been the industry with the highest boom in terms of both revenue and data. With the growing needs of the
healthcare industry, there has also been the need to secure the data. With so much of electronic health records (EHR), the
security has been the need of the hour. With better facilities, data sharing is almost required aspect of the healthcare industry.
The informations related to patients and all other relevant things have slowly drifted toward cloud storage. To make this critical
information more secure, there has been an urge to use the blockchain technology. We have given a tree model for the history
of medical blockchain technology in Figure 3 for better understanding.
framework considers the researchers, public health authorities, medical stakeholders to participate in the system as blockchain
miners. The system proposed by the authors gives secure access to the medical history of all the patients. This makes sure that
the patients are being taken in confidence as now they are fully aware of their own medical history, also if any changes made
to it. Proper permission management has been implemented in the proposed system which checks on what type of data will be
shown to which blockchain miners. A connection has also been done with the existing data storage infrastructure. The system
can take input data from various sources such as physician offices, hospital servers, etc. The proposed system achieves the
decentralization of medical records in a secured manner. Their framework used the smart contract mechanism and POW–based
consensus algorithm to validate a new block in their blockchain-based system.
layer consists of all those entities or the blockchain miners who will try to access or request the data. The system management
is the central and the most important layer where all connections are established for secure transactions. The last layer, that is,
the storage layer consists of the entire data which are being securely stored on the cloud for further diverse applications.
system to implement the security and privacy of the healthcare data using the blockchain technology. They used six entities to
implement the system. Starting with the user, it gives the input of the various health-related data using wearable devices. These
devices closely keep a check on the heartbeat rate, walking speed and distances, sleep timings, etc. Such sensitive healthcare
data get uploaded on the cloud using the wearable devices. The user has all the access rights on these data. When the patien-
t's needs treatment, they can easily share their stored medical records with the doctors. Next entity is the wearable device that
serves as an interface to store and display, all the information that gets timely stored. Whenever any new data get uploaded, at
the same time, the blockchain also updated immediately, which provides efficiency of the proposed system. Healthcare provider
is the next layer, which is responsible to store the patient's treatment data. Next layer is the health insurance layer, which gets
access to the treatment data with proper verification techniques. The blockchain layer is the one which stores the entire data in
the form of the blocks and updates itself whenever new data get added. The last entity is the Cloud database that consists of all
the transactions in the form of user queries, requests. The proposed architecture by the author has been given in Figure 6.
architecture that ensures decentralization. This has the data in a distributed environment, which would also increase the inter-
operability. Here, the files are in fragmented manner, where the transaction happens and then gets stored on the various nodes.
In this proposed architecture, after the user requests for a transaction, an identity check of the user is done using cryptographic
techniques. After the user has been verified by the system, a new block on the existing blockchain gets added about the trans-
action that is being made. The system monitors every user accurately to ensure that there are no malicious activities. In this
system, the data sharing records are stored in a tamper proof way. This system has minimal risk to the data related to the health-
care. The system acts as a mediator between users and sensitive healthcare data. The system proposed by the authors uses a
lightweight blockchain that ensures fast transactions. This has also made sure a perfectly secure system with proper efficiency.
The authors have kept the communication and the authentication protocols as a part of further study.
3.11 Li et al28
The authors expresses that healthcare has been an essential space in the lives of individuals, which includes the storage of
high measures of data. It has sensational effects in the lives of individuals. Be that as it may, this data can be effectively
altered or stolen by the attackers which will result in wrong diagnosis and tremendous misfortune in income. In this way, the
authors proposed a blockchain-based information preservation framework that guarantees solid stockpiling of information and
furthermore gives protection to the users utilizing the blockchain architecture. This framework ensures user security utilizing
cryptographic calculations. So, they have implemented this system on a platform named Ethereum. It provides effective and
efficient performance results. It gives successful and proficient execution results. The proposed architecture by the authors to
provide privacy and security in the domain of healthcare data management consists of various users who are patients and wants
their medical data to get stored on the blockchain. Whenever a new patient is added, a new block gets added on the existing
blockchain architecture. The blocks are connected with each other and have a distributed and decentralized network. Every
block in the existing blockchain has a timestamp which gets verified with cryptographic mechanisms and also contains the hash
information of the previous block. The system monitors every user accurately to ensure that there are no malicious activities. In
this system, the data sharing records are stored in a tamper proof way. This system has the minimal risk to the healthcare data.
3.12 Ji et al7
The authors believe that patients' location these days is a significant viewpoint while thinking about the mobile healthcare tech-
nologies. However, it has difficulties of security and protection. Thus, the authors have proposed a multilevel blockchain-based
location sharing scheme. This guarantees total dependability, assurance, decentralization, and realness of the location of the
patient. The performance evaluations of the above scheme are efficient and effective for the real life implementation. The pro-
tocol proposed by the authors has various entities and roles in it. Data sender layer plays an important role, it takes in all the
medical-related data of the user and encrypts it using the cryptographic mechanisms and preserves it. It also checks whether
the data or information entered by the user are correct or not. The data receiver layer will be authenticating the system and then
receive the data from the users. Next is the registration unit, which has the responsibility to store the credentials of all the new
users who want to access data from the system. This unit will store the identity, password, and biometric information of the
users. After entering the credentials one time, the user just has to log in through the secured channel for making any transaction.
Private accessible unit is where two parties can collaborate and stream of information can take in terms of an exchange through
the verified channel. It acts as a mediator unit that serves as a bridge between the user and the sensitive data stored in the exist-
ing blockchain. The blockchain returns an identifier that helps user to access the requested data. The proposed architecture by
the author has been given in Figure 7.
for further diverse applications. It is suggested that there is a tremendous amount of risk involved with the healthcare data as
if malicious activities are performed on the data, it can cause severe damage to revenues and activities involved. The current
methods involved to protect the privacy of the data are not sufficient and also not efficient. The privacy of the medical data
is almost priority nowadays, because it endangers to breach the patient's condition. If this breach happens, it impacts all the
patients, stakeholders, and the miners negatively. To avoid such a situation, the authors propose a blockchain-based framework
to protect the autonomity of the data using a cloud environment.
with the symmetric key pair, which vary patient to patient. The access to the data depends on what type of access control has
been defined by the patients. An entire performance evaluation has been done by the authors on the grounds of privacy, security,
and scalability.
• In the electronic medical record-based system, security and privacy of patient's data are the primary concern. Patient's data
need to be stored in a secure manner such that unauthorized users are not performed malicious activity on it. Existing
EMRs system tries to handle, this issue with the use of different cryptographic methodologies. Some authors try to solve the
above-mentioned problem, with the adoption of blockchain technology in the EMRs system. Azaria et al1 use the blockchain
technology in the medical record system, but in their work, the security of the database is not guaranteed.
• Authentication and key-management are the second type of problem, which exist in the EMRs system. Many authors, Li
et al28 and Zhou et al29 adopt a cryptographic mechanism to provide secure and reliable sharing of patient's data. The patients,
in EMRs system, are increasing day-by-day. Managing patient's key pair is a big challenge in the EMRs system.
• Currently, many researchers are proposing the blockchain-based electronic medical record system. The inherent mechanism
of blockchain is widely suitable in the EMRs system. The advantage of using blockchain is that it provides immutable
patient's records. Smart contract and consensus are the core functions of the blockchain mechanism. But only a few authors,
Zhang and Lin,2 Griggs et al,16 and Zhou et al29 suggested smart contract and consensus for data validation and verification.
Research in this direction is needed.
• Several existing EMRs are centric toward health providers. The health providers are performed the necessary actions, accord-
ing to their need, unacquainted from patients. Many researchers used blockchain-based EMRs/EHRs system, where patients
are in a central role, to provide their own records to other health providers. The authors in Liang et al27 used patient-centric
modal to preserve the privacy of patient's record.
• Today, medical data are growing rapidly day-by-day and it is heterogeneous in nature. Several authors proposed
blockchain-based EMRs system, but only a few of them consider the heterogeneity nature of medical data. Kaur et al23 used
blockchain-based EMRs system based on the heterogeneous collection of medical data, stored in the cloud environment. A
suitable architecture is needed, which considers the above-mentioned issue.
• Scalability is the next issue that is associated with the EMRs system. The patients are increasing at an exponential rate. The
traditional EMRs-based system is not able to grapple with the above situation. To deal with the above-mentioned issue, a
framework is needed, which is scalable in nature.
Medical care has been an indispensable part of our lives and so the medical data, for example, prescriptions, previous medical
records has also become a vital part for patients' diagnosis and for further proceedings. Traditionally, medical data were recorded
on paper, which was prone to get damaged and modified. Therefore, it was necessary to preserve the data electronically. However,
the medical database could be tampered or deleted permanently. Then, there was also a concern on information blocking.
Information blocking occurs when an entity, for example, a person may be with or without his intention to access the data that
should not have been seen without patients or hospitals concern. Technology always plays a very significant role if it is about
enhancing the quality or about resolving issues such as resource allocation along with information blocking, here in medical-care
data sharing technology needed to be evolved with time. This paper has reviewed all possible works on the medical healthcare
using blockchain technology with a proper comparative study. Furthermore, the same paper also highlights privacy issues on
the blockchain-based medical system.
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T A B L E 1 Shows the comparison of existing blockchain-based EMRs system with benefits and shortcoming
Blockchain challenge
S.No. Reference Idea type addressed Benefit Shortcoming
1 Azaria et al1 Blockchain-based EMRs Not Discussed Mining incentive Provide easy accessing Security of database
system to manage the and smart contract of patients' medical and legal issues are not
decentralized medical information to health addressed
data providers
2 Kaur et al23 Blockchain-based Not discussed Not discussed Heterogeneous medical Key generation and
system is used for data is stored on replacement are not
storing and blockchain in a addressed
managing the EMRs in distributed manner
cloud enviornment
3 Xia et al24 Blockchain-based data Permissioned Not discussed Adopt identity-based Authentication and
sharing framework for blockchain authentication and communication protocol
EMRs system in cloud key agreement protocol are not fully
envirnment for access control investigated
4 Xia25 Blockchain-based medi- Not discussed Smart contract Provide data Key generation and
cal data sharing frame- provenance when replacement are not
work for EMRs system sharing patients' addressed
among untrusted parties medical data
5 Dubovitskaya Blockchain-based Permissioned Not discussed Provide security and Heterogeneity of medi-
et al4 healthcare data blockchain privacy for sharing cal data and legal issues
management framework patients' medical data are not addressed
for EMRs system
6 Al Omar et al3 Blockchain-based Permissioned Smart contract Provide a patient- Key generation part is
privacy preserving blockchain centric healthcare data not fully investigated
framework for patients' management system
health data along with cryptog-
raphic primitives
7 Liang et al27 Permissioned Permissioned Hyperledger Adopt a patient-centric Smart contracts are not
blockchain-based data blockchain fabric model for ensuring data fully investigated
sharing framework for ownership and integrity
healthcare system
8 Li et al28 Blockchain-based data Not discussed Ethereum Adopt cryptographic Authentication protocol
preservation scheme for techniques to achieve and Heterogeneity of
patients' medical data in data privacy medical data, are not
EMRs system fully investigated
9 Ji et al 7 Blockchain-based Not discussed Not discussed Adopt an order- Security and privacy of
patients' location sharing preserving encryption patients' data are not
scheme for telecare med- scheme to achieve mul- addressed
ical information system tilevel location privacy
10 Zhou et al29 Blockchain-based Permissioned Consensus Adopt cryptographic Heterogeneity of
medical insurance blockchain techniques to achieve medical data not
storage system security and privacy of addressed
patients' data
11 Fan et al30 Blockchain-based secure Not discussed Consensus Provide data privacy by PBFT consensus is not
patients' medical data using the access con- fully investigated
sharing framework for trol protocol and crypto-
EMRs system graphic mechanism
SAHA ET AL . 13 of 14
T A B L E 1 Continued
Blockchain challenge
S.No. Reference Idea type addressed Benefit Shortcoming
12 Yang et al31 Blockchain-based Not discussed Miner and smart Provide data authentic- Smart contract and con-
scheme for secure shar- contract ity and confidentiality sensus mechanism are
ing of healthcare data in by using cryptographic not fully investigated
EMRs system primitives
13 Zhang and Lin2 Blockchain-based Consortium Consensus Provide secure sharing Scalability, in number
e-health system blockchain of PHI by using crypto- of private blockchains, is
for secure sharing of graphic primitives not investigated
personal health
14 Uddin et al32 Blockchain-based Not discussed Miner Provide a patient- Authentication and com-
remote healthcare centric scheme for munication protocol are
framework for EHRs remote patients' data not fully investigated
system management
15 Griggs et al16 Blockchain-based Permissioned Smart contract Provide patients' data Authentication protocols
smart contracts for blockchain and consensus validation by using are not addressed
secure remote patient PBFT consensus
monitoring mechanism
Abbreviation: EMR, electronic medical record; PBFT, practical byzantine fault tolerance; PHI, personal health information.
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How to cite this article: Saha A, Amin R, Kunal S, Vollala S, Dwivedi SK. Review on “Blockchain technology based
medical healthcare system with privacy issues”. Security and Privacy. 2019;e83.