Consideration of Sustainable Opportunities V0.3
Consideration of Sustainable Opportunities V0.3
Consideration of Sustainable Opportunities V0.3
Consideration of Sustainable
Opportunities whilst undertaking
Business Continuity Planning Works
1. Sustainability Standards and Business Continuity
Planning (BCP) .................................................................... 1
2. Key Considerations for Sustainable Opportunities 2
3. Examples of Sustainable Opportunities .................. 4
November 24 V0.3
NHSScotland Assure Consideration of Sustainable Opportunities
1.2. It has been noted that BCP works identified following the risk-based approach, may present
opportunities for works related to sustainability and clarity has been requested as to how
such opportunities, beyond mitigation of a risk identified, should be considered by Boards.
1.3. The following information aims to provide the clarity related to both meeting environmental
sustainability standards and considering sustainable opportunities.
1.4. In order to meet environmental sustainability standards, it is expected that all works will
follow current NHSScotland guidance and NHSScotland policy including:
A policy for NHS Scotland on the climate emergency and sustainable development - DL
(2021) 38
SHTN 02-01 Sustainable Design and Construction Guide
1.5. Works should also recognisance any existing strategies or policy related to sustainability
and net zero so as avoid any immediate or future adverse impact from works carried out as
part of BCP. Such policies or strategies may include
NHSScotland Climate emergency and sustainability strategy: 2022-2026
Board specific Net zero route maps
Board specific Climate Change Risk Assessments
Board specific Adaptation Plans
Recently shared SGov update of 1 October 2024 on SG Energy Transition.
1.6. It is acknowledged that by following the above guidance, policies and strategies that BCP
works will/ should inherently include risk mitigation works that meet environmental
sustainability standards. There will however be opportunities for works to go beyond risk
mitigation with a view to enhance asset performance related to sustainability standards.
Such works will considered as sustainable opportunities and the proposed methodology for
review and consideration for presentation as part of the BCP is as identified in the following
section of this report.
2.2. Programme
Impact, if any, of the proposed sustainable opportunity on overall delivery programme of
the BCP works. Boards should consider how inclusion of sustainable opportunities
impacts all aspects of the delivery programme including any related design
development, procurement as well as delivery. It is acknowledged that BCP works are
related to risk mitigation so any prolongation or delay should be identified to allow
consideration of impact and whether or not this is to an acceptable level related to the
risk being mitigated.
2.3. Financial
Analysis of the capital cost, whole life cycle cost including payback and prelim cost
efficiency for proposed sustainable opportunities should be considered by the board.
Acknowledging that any proposed sustainable opportunity will increase costs, the cost
impact should be considered and determined whether or not it is to a proportionate
supportable level when compared with the cost of the proposed BCP works.
Whole life cycle costing should be considered by boards and the information used to
determine if/ when longer term cost savings will be realised compared to the initial
capital expenditure.
Boards should also consider cost benefits of delivering sustainable opportunities at the
same time as the proposed BCP works. It may be the BCP works and how they are to
be delivered offer access for sustainable opportunities and therefore inclusion of the
additional works in tandem with the BCP works offers longer term savings related to
capital investment, and cost benefit by taking preventative action at this time.
3.3. Consideration for inclusion would need to include analysis of the roof location,
surroundings, orientation, type, extent and statutory consents to ensure any installation
proves beneficial and can deliver on the longer-term cost benefits associated with such an
installation. In addition, consideration should also be given to those items noted in section 2
of this report and in this scenario, it is likely inclusion can be justified based on ease of
integration into the design, procurement and installation processes. For example, full
scaffolding access is in place which will reduce costs for the works and an M&E contractor
who can complete the installation is already in place to manage/re-site existing plant
equipment as part of the works. Due to the staged nature of the roofing works, designed to
limit impact on the clinical services, the installation of PV panels will not add substantially to
the main programme.
3.5. Due to the logistics and disruption associated with window and door replacement, it is
recognised there will be longer term cost and performance efficiencies in carrying out any
fabric upgrades in tandem. Further surveys including for air tightness and thermal imaging
are therefore proposed to be carried out on the building in advance of any BCP works to
help establish a wider scope of works to improve overall building fabric performance and
inform the already planned Dynamic Simulation Modelling (DSM) for the core BCP works.
3.6. The output of the additional surveys will help inform the overall scope of fabric upgrade and
may include simple interventions such as sealing of gaps, filling of cracks, weather stripping
or be more extensive such as cladding replacement, over cladding or internal lining.
3.7. In this scenario it is likely any additional survey works would be supported and then overall
support of the resulting scope of works would be dependent on the considerations noted in
section 2 of this report. For example, due to the number of windows on the façade it is
determined that a scaffold providing access to the full façade will be required as part of the
main works. With full access in place there will be reduced costs for any works associated
with the fabric upgrade. Contractors appointed to install the windows and carry out
associated sealing, weather stripping and insulating works can accommodate the same,
more extensive works to the façade and the programming of the works managed in such a
way to limit any impact on clinical services.
3.9. For works including the replacement of any ventilation systems it would be expected for this
work, as part of the risk being mitigated, to include: provision of more localised control;
provision of more localised temperature monitoring; upgrade or addition of BMS to allow
seasonal commissioning and improve overall management and monitoring of performance.
As part of the core BCP works includes works to the BMS and provision of additional
monitoring and control, it may be possible to expand this provision and scope of works to
other existing areas where the ventilation system may not be as a high a risk, but is part of
the same distribution network. Benefits could therefore be gained by the board through
additional connectivity to the BMS, monitoring and controls. Progressing with such an
opportunity would allow the board to more efficiently and effectively monitor operational
temperatures and then utilise this data for review, adjustment and optimisation of use of
both new and existing systems. It may also be that due to the level of disruption and
programme along with having contractors and designers in place that such works could be
expanded to include the replacement of any fossil fuel system with a renewable system as
part of longer term energy transition plans.
November 2024 V0.3 Page 5 of 8
NHSScotland Assure Consideration of Sustainable Opportunities
3.10. For work including the replacement of any electrical or water system it would be expected
for this work, as part of the risk being mitigated, for sub-metering to be installed and for this
to be connected to any existing or upgraded BMS. As part of the core BCP works includes
works to the BMS and provision of sub-metering, it may be possible to expand this provision
to more areas where the electrical or water systems may not be as high a risk, but is part of
the same distribution network. Wider benefits and insights could then be gained by the
board through additional sub-metering. Installations could be to areas with similar
occupancy types and would allow the board to make comparison on usage and seek
improvements or efficiencies through review, adjustment and optimisation of operational
policies and procedures. It may also be that due to the level of disruption and programme
along with having contractors and designers in place that such works could be expanded to
include the replacement of any fossil fuel system with a renewable system as part of longer
term energy transition plans.
3.12. In this example the BCP works, as part of the risk being mitigated, the works to replace with
LED lighting could be viewed as only replacing the fluorescent tube lighting or full fittings
with LED types. Whilst this would mitigate the initial risk identified, SHTN 02-01 does
identify numerous other opportunities that should be considered for inclusion. Such
opportunities and considerations include a review of the extent of lighting fixtures as it may
be possible to reduce overall provision and still provide appropriate artificial lighting;
consideration for inclusion of dynamic lighting; addition of occupancy sensors, addition of
programmable, zoned lighting and addition of more localised control.
3.13. Whilst these proposed opportunities may lead to more extensive and intrusive works along
with design input, this considered along with those items noted in section 2 of this report, it
is likely inclusion can be justified based on ease of overall installation and improved
operational energy performance.
3.15. As part the core BCP works, surveys and investigations into grounds conditions, below
ground services, electrical infrastructure and points of connection will all be undertaken and
therefore the same information can be used to inform pathway design, lighting installation
and landscaping works. Groundworks and electrical contractors will also be in place for the
core BCP works and can be utilised for the proposed opportunities. Whilst the additional
works will increase the programme, works can be managed in such a way that delivery of
the charging infrastructure can be prioritised and accessed in advance of completion of the
other works.
3.17. To undertake this work, surveys, full detailed dynamic simulation modelling and a BIM
model have been created as part of design works. The opportunity of utilising these core
BCP works to produce a digital twin for the project can be undertaken through the design
process with little impact on programme. It is determined that the financial impact of
including the necessary smart building technologies can be included due to the
demonstrably beneficial improvements the sustainable opportunity works will bring over the
lifecycle of the project.