Notes unit 7
Notes unit 7
Notes unit 7
Economic growth : Growth of economic activity of an economy measured by GDP, GDP per
capita, etc.
Economic development : it involves an increase in economic welfare of people through growth
in the productive scale and wealth of an economy. It is a wider concept, includes economic
growth and also general improvement in the standard of living as measured by life expectancy,
infant mortality, literacy rate, health care, etc.
World Bank defines countries as low income, middle income and high income. This helps
making decisions about lending money and supporting development projects in different
Rapidly developing economies: China, Russia, Brazil, India, South Africa, Etc.
Development as Freedom (by Amartya Sen): He reasons that by providing freedom in terms of
social opportunities, political freedom, economic opportunities and security, development is
most likely to occur. (Eg. Kerala). Contrary to general belief, Economic growth on its own will
not bring about development.
Development Indicators:
1. GDP per capita – most commonly used relative measure of development
Narrow measure of eco dev – doesn’t take purchasing capacity into account,
access to healthcare, education
Non- economic aspects (like religious, political freedom, crime) not taken into
Eg. China – GDP per capita rose, but still 36% live in poverty
Eg. Trinidad, Brunnei – high GDP, but rely mostly on production of oil
2. Population on less than $ 1.25 per day
Below $1.25 – extreme poverty
Below $ 2 – moderate poverty
3. Life expectancy at birth
Malnutrition, poor sanitation, lack of access to health care, wars, famines
prevalent in less developed countries
4. Adult literacy rate
Sub-saharan Africa – only 1 in 3 literate
5. Access to safe water supplies and sanitation
6. Ownership of consumer goods
Low incomes, lack of efficient production in developing countries
7. Proportion of workers in agriculture compared to industry and services
Developing countries have majority of population employed in agriculture sector