Financial Management notes class12
Financial Management notes class12
Financial Management notes class12
Class - Xll
Subject - Business studies
Notes - Financial Management
in the business.
Financial Decisions
2. Financing Decision
3. Dividend Decision
Financial Planning
Capital Structure
Capital structure refers to the mix between owner’s funds and
borrowed funds. It will be said to be optimal when the proportion of
debt and equity is such that it results in an increase in the value of the
equity share. The proportion of debt in the overall capital of a firm is
called Financial Leverage or Capital Gearing. When the proportion of
debt in the total capital is high then the firm will be called a highly
levered firm but when the proportion of debts in the total capital is
less, then the firm will be called a low levered firm.
Factors Affecting Capital Structure:
1. Trading on Equity: t refers to the increase in profit earned by the
equity shareholders due to the presence of fixed financial charges like
interest. Trading on equity happens when the rate of earning of an
organization is higher than the cost at which funds have been
borrowed and as a result, equity shareholders get a higher rate of
dividend per share.
The use of more debt along with the equity increases EPS as the debt
carries a fixed amount of interest which is tax deductible. Let us
understand with an example:
Working Capital
Working Capital refers to the capital required for day to day working of
an organization. Apart from the investment in fixed assets every
business organization needs to invest in current assets, which can be
converted into cash or cash equivalents within a period of one year.
They provide liquidity to the business. Working capital is of two types -
Gross working capital and Net working capital. Investment in all the
current assets is called Gross Working Capital whereas the excess of
current assets over current liabilities is called Net Working Capital.
The following are the factors which affect the working capital
requirements of an organization:
1. Nature of Business: A trading organization needs a lower amount
of working capital as compared to a manufacturing organization, as
trading organization undertakes no processing work.
2. Scale of Operations: An organization operating on large scale will
require more inventory and thus, its working capital requirement will
be more as compared to small organization.
3. Business Cycle: In the time of boom more production will be
undertaken and so more working capital will be required during that
time as compared to depression.
4. Seasonal Factors: During peak season demand of a product will
be high and thus high working capital will be required as compared to
lean season.
5. Credit Allowed: If credit is allowed by a concern to its customers
than it will require more working capital but if goods are sold on cash
basis than less working capital is required.
6. Credit Availed: If a firm is able to purchase raw materials on credit
from its suppliers than less working capital will be required.
7. Inflation: Working capital requirement is also determined by price
level changes. For example, during inflation prices of raw material,
wages also rise resulting in increase in working capital requirements.
8. Operating Cycle/Turnover of Working Capital: Turnover means
speed with which the working capital is converted into cash by sale of
goods. If it is speedier, the amount of working capital required will be