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Project Guidelines - DPU

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Dr. D. Y.

Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune

(Deemed to be University)
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on a four-point scale at ‘A++ Grade)
(ISO 9001: 2015 and 14001:2015 Certified University and Green Education Campus)
Centre for Online Learning

Project Guidelines
Understanding the significance of a Project Report
Many learners underestimate the significance of a project report and make a mistake of thinking that excellent
marks can be scored by simply producing a good lay-out. This is fundamentally not the case as many projects
are graded well below their potential because of an indifferent or poor write-up. In order to acquire the right
balance, a learner should consider the objective of making a good project. It provides the opportunity for a
learner to demonstrate independence and originality, to plan and organize the project work, and to put into
practice some of the techniques a learner has learned throughout the program.

Meaning of a Project
A project can be defined as a temporary Endeavour undertaken to achieve a particular objective or it is a study
of factual information for comprehending and applying the various concepts of the course into practice. In
simple words, a project can be understood as under: It is a practice of verification or demonstration of concepts
or hypotheses or processes learnt. It is also a technique of self-learning, learning by doing. It has a practical
value. The purpose of project is not to generalize but to study the situation with a practical orientation. We
allow learners to take up any topic of their interest and choice for project work. However, learners should bear
in mind that project topic should be relevant in their area of specialization. For example, the learners of Finance
specialization should carry out their project work only in the functional areas of Finance or IT learners should
select topics from their area of choice.

Although an illustrative list of the topics is being given at the end in order to give an idea about project topics
or titles of the project, learners are however advised not to restrict themselves only to the topics specified. We
gives liberty to select any topic relevant to a learner’s specialization.

Steps in Research Process

• Selecting the Project Topic
• Defining the Research problem and Project Objectives
• Designing Project Plan
• Collecting Data
• Analysis of Data
• Interpretation and reporting the findings
Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune
(Deemed to be University)
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on a four-point scale at ‘A++ Grade)
(ISO 9001: 2015 and 14001:2015 Certified University and Green Education Campus)
Centre for Online Learning

Project Synopsis
Once the learner decides the Project topic, he/she should prepare a project synopsis as per the format given
below. The Proposal should not be more than 1 to 2 pages.

Format of Project Synopsis

Name of the Learner:
PRN No.:
Specialisation Name:
Mobile No.:
Project Synopsis must carry the following information.
Title of the Project
Objectives of the Project
Need for the topic.
Methodology and Procedure of Work
Statistical Techniques to be used (If any)
Technical specifications of the project report
Paper: A4 size Bond Paper only (11"x 8.5")
Fonts: Times New Roman, 12 font size, ‘1.5’ spacing
Margin: Left 35 mm, Right 20mm, Top 35mm, Bottom 20mm
Binding: Rexin Black Binding
First (preliminary) page should have the following information:
i) Top: The Title in BLOCK CAPITALS
ii) Centre: Full name of the Learner in Capital letters and ERP ID / PRN Number
iii) Bottom: Name of the Institute, in Block Capitals, and the Academic year
Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune
(Deemed to be University)
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on a four-point scale at ‘A++ Grade)
(ISO 9001: 2015 and 14001:2015 Certified University and Green Education Campus)
Centre for Online Learning

Instructions for the preparation of hard copy of the project report

Learners should note the following important points regarding project work:
• The title of the project-report should not be the same as the objectives, as there can be more than one
objective for a particular study.
• Each objective will have at least one or more findings and suggestions.
• Each objective must have relevant questions in the questionnaire and/or interview schedule.
• Learner must ensure adequate coverage of the topic in general and objectives in particular.
• Coloured figures/diagrams/graphs/tables will add value to the presentation of the report.
• Every table and diagrammatic representation should have a serial number and a caption.

A Project report (Hard copy) has to be sent by post or delivered personally at the address of Dr. D.Y. Patil
Vidyapeeth Center for Online Learning, Sant Tukaram Nagar, Pimpri Pune-411018. Learners should submit
the draft of the project report to the Project Guide before the final submission and make the necessary changes,
corrections as suggested by the guide.

Project Report should be of minimum 70 pages.

Learners have to strictly follow the deadline for submission of the project report. Project reports received after
the deadline will not be evaluated.

Important Note
While sending the project report to Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth Center for Online Learning, Pimpri Pune, please
mention (on the top of the envelope) “PROJECT REPORT for MBA program.”.

Company Certificate
If the project is carried out in an organization, a certificate of the CEO or any other authorized person of the
organization is necessary, mentioning that the project has been done in their organisation.

The certificate should bear the name of the authority with signature and company stamp. Alternatively, the
certificate should be given on the company’s letterhead and signed by the company’s authorized person.
Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune
(Deemed to be University)
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on a four-point scale at ‘A++ Grade)
(ISO 9001: 2015 and 14001:2015 Certified University and Green Education Campus)
Centre for Online Learning

For Employed Learners

This is to certify that ………. (Learner’s name) is an employee of this institute/organization for the past
…………month / years. We have no objection for him / her to carry out a project work titled
“………………………………………………………………………” in our organization and for submitting
the same to the Director, Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth Center for Online Learning, Pimpri Pune as a part of
fulfillment of the….....................Program. We wish him / her all the success. Seal of the company Signature
of the competent authority of the Institute / Organization



For Non-Employed Learners


This is to certify that ……………………………. (Learner’s name) is permitted to use relevant data /
information of this organization for his / her project in fulfillment of the ……………...Program. We wish him
/ her all the success.

Seal of the company

Signature of the competent authority of the Institute / Organization

Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune
(Deemed to be University)
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on a four-point scale at ‘A++ Grade)
(ISO 9001: 2015 and 14001:2015 Certified University and Green Education Campus)
Centre for Online Learning


This is to be given by the learner and the guide indicating that this project work is original and submitted for
the first time.


This is to declare that I have carried out this project work myself in part fulfilment of the
MBA Program of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth Center for Online Learning, Pimpri Pune
The work is original, has not been copied from anywhere else and has not been submitted to any other
University/Institute for an award of any degree/diploma.

Date: Signature:
Place: Name:


Certified that the work incorporated in this Project Report… (Title) submitted by
……………. (Learner’s name) is his/her original work and completed under my supervision.
Material obtained from other sources has been duly acknowledged in the Project Report

Date: Signature of Guide:

Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune
(Deemed to be University)
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on a four-point scale at ‘A++ Grade)
(ISO 9001: 2015 and 14001:2015 Certified University and Green Education Campus)
Centre for Online Learning

First Six Pages should include the following :
1) Title Page
2) No Objection Certificate (from Organisation / Company)
3) Certificate / Declaration Regarding Originality (Given by the Learner)
4) Certificate of Guide (Given by the Project Guide)
5) Acknowledgement (Given by the learner)
6) Table of Content

Table of Content

Sr.No. Name of Chapter Page No.

1 Executive Summary / Project Synopsis

2 Industry Certificate of Project completion
3 Introduction (Company Profile & General
Introduction of Topic)
4 Objective, Scope and Purpose of Study
5 Literature Review
6 Research methodology
7 Data Analysis
8 Findings, suggestions, recommendation
9 Conclusion, suggestions and enhancements
10 Bibliography & References, Annexure

Scheme of Assessment and Evaluation of Project

• Selection of Project Topic (Area and topic selected for the project work.)
• Need of the project topic and statement of objectives of the project work.
• Methodology and procedure of the project work
• Tools of data collection
• Presentation of collected data tabulation, diagrams, graphs etc.in a concise form.
• Analysis of data
• Use of statistical techniques for analysing of data
Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune
(Deemed to be University)
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on a four-point scale at ‘A++ Grade)
(ISO 9001: 2015 and 14001:2015 Certified University and Green Education Campus)
Centre for Online Learning

• Findings, inferences, their educational implications, and recommendations.

• Preliminary pages of the project report, typing, binding and get-up of the report
• Overall impression about the project work and its presentation in the report form
• If the project has any relevance to the existing job profile, a learner has to furnish a feedback from
his/her immediate superior as to why/how the particular topic has been chosen by the concerned learner
and what value it would add in general or in particular.

• All Learners should prepare Project Reports as per the guidelines given by Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth
Center for Online Learning, Pimpri Pune 411018
• Learner’s has to sent Project hard copy to Dr. D.Y.Patil Vidyapeeth Center for Online Learning, Sant
Tukaram Nagar, Pimpri, Pune 411018.
• Every Learner has to submit the soft copy (pdf format) of the complete project on ERP portal

The project can be selected in various ways like

• Select a company / organization / institute concerned.
• Discuss with concerned persons, your specific requirements and select the subject/topic in their
• Discuss with your faculty concerned, before making a choice of your subject/topic.
• Consult experts in the field to make a right choice of the subject.
• Study various articles / news items etc. appearing in dailies, weekly, monthly magazines to look for a
desired topic.
• Discussions with the relevant firm may help select a proper topic.

Suggested List of Topics for Project Work

Marketing Management
1) The brand loyalty of the carbonated drinks the taste and preferences of the hostel food the preferred
brand of vodka
2) Emerging trends in retailing Effective brand management Service industry in India Reasons for brand
3) Analysis of sales promotion and advertising strategies CRM in India
4) Psychology of Indian consumer
Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune
(Deemed to be University)
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on a four-point scale at ‘A++ Grade)
(ISO 9001: 2015 and 14001:2015 Certified University and Green Education Campus)
Centre for Online Learning

5) Survey on Consumer Choices of different brands of two-wheelers in Pune Market Potential for
Logistics Business in Pune city
6) Brand Equity in select FMGC products in Mumbai city
7) Service Quality and Consumer satisfaction of Maruti Service Centres A Study on Marketing Strategies
of HLL in South India (A Case Study)
8) Impulse Buying Behaviour of Customers in Delhi
9) Advertising Strategy and Effectiveness towards company
10) Study of Branding Strategy of Company
11) Study on Consumer Awareness
12) Study of Client Acquisition Strategy of Company
13) Study of Brand Positioning of Coca Cola
14) Study of CRM Implementation in Company (MBA Marketing)
15) Study of Brand Promotion Strategy Zomato & Swingy
16) Approach Analysis for HPLC Columns and SPE Cartridge Clients
17) Various Factors that Influence Brand Loyalty
18) Marketing Analysis on Product Segmentation in Kyocera Document Solutions
19) Study of Consumer Awareness and Attitude Towards the Recycled Packaging
20) Market Research for Launch of Me Kong Bowl in Hyderabad
21) An Analysis of Effectiveness of Digital Marketing Strategies
22) Impact of Information technology in E-commerce with special reference of Amazon
23) Comparative Study of Marketing Analysis of Urban Clap vs Looks
24) Online Services Viz-a-viz Customer Awareness and Satisfaction in J&K Bank
25) Role of product development in gaining of market share in B2B of construction equipment(Tata
26) Study on Online shopping habits of working Professionals
27) Comparative study on branding strategy of online ordering and delivery platforms of food Industry
with reference of Zomato & Swiggy
28) Marketing Research on Recent B2B Healthcare Marketing Trends
29) Factors Affecting the Authenticity in an Ethnic Themed Restaurant on Customer Satisfaction
30) Marketing-Analysis-Of-Hindware
31) Analyzing Consumer Behavior and Understanding Perception of Different Services
32) Study the effectiveness of Personal Selling
Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune
(Deemed to be University)
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on a four-point scale at ‘A++ Grade)
(ISO 9001: 2015 and 14001:2015 Certified University and Green Education Campus)
Centre for Online Learning

33) Role of product development in gaining market share (MBA Marketing)

34) Study on Comparative Analysis of Pepsi and Coke
35) Study on Consumer Perception towards Entry Level Motorcycle with reference to Honda.
36) A Study on Impact of Social Media Advertisements on Online Purchase Decisions of Consumers
37) Impact of Chinese Products in Indian Market
38) Facebook Advertising, Increase in Customer Acquisition Cost with Increase in Marketing
39) Budget for e-commerce clothing Startups (MBA Marketing)
40) Study on Marketing Analysis of Wrist Watches with special reference to Titan
41) Study on consumer preferences towards Parsvnath Developers
42) Study on Marketing and Operations in Nike (MBA Marketing)
43) Analysing consumer behavior of mobile phone Industry
44) Study on consumer behavior towards mobile phone insurance company
45) Business Development at Future Generali India Insurance Company
46) Analysing Consumer Behavior regarding two wheelers Industry with reference of Hero MotoCorp
47) Marketing Research on Impact of Digitalization on MSME in India
48) Study On Consumer Behaviour and Perception towards Fast Food Industry
49) Role of CRM Software in the Improvement of Lead Management System in Healthcare Industry
50) Study on Impact of social media on Teenagers buying Behaviour in Women Fashion Industry
51) Study on Effectiveness of Sales Promotion Techniques on Purchase Decision
52) Behavioural Finance and Investment Decision during Covid-19 – Evidence from India

Human Resource Management

1) Philosophy and Management of Human Resources in select large sized Indian Industries
2) Leadership styles – A comparison of Indian and Foreign Banks in Pune
3) Job satisfaction and Job involvement of employees in select Textile Mills in Gujarat Status of Industrial
Relations and Implementation of Labour Welfare
4) HR Practices and Organizational Strategies in select IT companies in India 360 degree appraisal in
ABC Corporation
5) Potential appraisal in Maruti Udyog
6) Strikes and lockouts in ABC Cross cultural issues in HR Industrial conflict
7) Transfer and Promotional Strategies
8) Job satisfaction survey of XYZ organization
Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune
(Deemed to be University)
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on a four-point scale at ‘A++ Grade)
(ISO 9001: 2015 and 14001:2015 Certified University and Green Education Campus)
Centre for Online Learning

9) A study of performance appraisal / performance management system in XYZ organization

10) Training effectiveness in an organization (company name)
11) Assessment of role stress amongst the employees of XYZ organization
12) Competency mapping in an organization (company name)
13) Study of organizational culture OCTAPACE profile.
14) Motivational analysis of organization
15) A comparative study of team effectives in an organization: Team effectiveness assessment measure.
16) A detailed study of promotion and reward policy of organization
17) A study of Compensation Management System
18) A study of quality of work life in an organization.
19) Mapping training need of employees: Training Need Analysis
20) Study of Awareness and effective utilization of ESI benefits among Employees
21) A study on satisfaction level of employees with special reference IT/ITES industry
22) A study of exit interview in xyz Company
23) Study of Employee satisfaction and Quality of Work Life among employees of xyz Organization
24) Study of Employee satisfaction and Quality of Work Life among employees of xyz Organization
25) Study of Employees perception about organizational HR practices and culture
26) A Project Report on Scientific Screening process in a Recruitment Firm
27) Study of Effectiveness of Organizational Culture in Automobile sector in India
28) Study of Satisfaction level of the employees on the various welfare facilities provided by xyz
29) A study on performance appraisal in xyz company
30) A Study on Organizational Culture and its Impact on employee’s behavior in an organization
31) A study on awareness among corporate executives on pursuing higher studies.
32) A study on training and development of executive in the Himalaya drug
33) A study to identify the effect of implementation of 360-degree performance appraisal techniques in an
34) Study on Effectiveness of The Appraisal System at Indian Airlines and To Suggest Measures For The
Improvement Of The System
35) A comprehensive study on work-life balance in an organization
36) Study on Impact of intra organizational relationship on organizational effectiveness: A Case study of
xyz Company
Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune
(Deemed to be University)
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on a four-point scale at ‘A++ Grade)
(ISO 9001: 2015 and 14001:2015 Certified University and Green Education Campus)
Centre for Online Learning

37) Study on Impact of intra organizational relationship on organizational effectiveness: A Case study of
xyz Company
38) A study on the effectiveness of existing performance appraisal system: A Case STUDY in XYZ
39) A study on employee morale: A Case study of xyz company
40) A study on the effectiveness of performance appraisal in managerial employees of HDFC Bank
41) A study of labour welfare measures at Steel Authority of India Ltd.
42) A study on effectiveness of organizational climate in xyz Company in India
43) Study on absenteeism of workmen in BOSCH Ltd.
44) A comparative study on the effectiveness of search methods in a recruitment consulting firm
45) A study on the executives perception regarding the Training and development system: A case Study
of xyz organization
46) A study on employee motivation in TATA STEEL
47) A study on employee retention techniques of XYZ Company
48) A detailed study of promotion and reward policy of an XYZ organization
49) Study of Women at workplace: A Global Phenomenon
50) Study of Need and imperative of Induction and Orientation processes: an overview
51) A comparative study on employee motivation in IT -and Banking sector between Infosys and ICICI
52) Study of Prevention of Industrial Accidents: Measures and Challenges
53) A Detailed Study of Promotion and Reward Policy of IndusInd Bank
54) A Project Report on Training as a HRD tool with reference to xyz Company
55) A Project Report on Training as a HRD tool with reference to xyz Company
56) Employee attrition and retention strategies in BPO industry
57) Teacher Employee satisfaction in vocational education Institutes in Delhi
58) A study on the performance appraisal at xyz Company
59) Study of Future Trends in Recruitment- India and Overseas
60) A detailed study on selection and recruitment process: A Case Study of Reliance
61) Study the Employees Job Satisfaction at INFOSYS

International Business

1) The role of the government in international trade.

2) The Impact of Brexit on the Economy of the EU.
Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune
(Deemed to be University)
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on a four-point scale at ‘A++ Grade)
(ISO 9001: 2015 and 14001:2015 Certified University and Green Education Campus)
Centre for Online Learning

3) How Brexit affects the Economy of Dubai.

4) Understanding the strategy used by leading airlines.
5) Globalization yesterday and today: what is the difference?
6) The impacts of the US government shutdown on business.
7) Does the country-of-origin labelling affect sales internationally?
8) Economic consequences of nuclear power in the EU.
9) Factors affecting the choice of Foreign Direct Investments.
10) The application of Institutional-based view of business strategy by MNCs
11) Impacts of Coronavirus epidemic on international business processes
12) Resource-based interview and international business
13) Factors influencing MNCs choice of corporate political strategy in emerging economies.
14) Impacts of globalization of international business operations of MNCs
15) Impacts of culture on MNCs
16) Impacts of the changing global legal landscape on MNCs
17) Effective business communication channels when internationalizing
18) Impacts of organizational culture on innovation management
19) Intercultural differences in consumption patterns: The implication it has for MNCs.
20) Forms of financing available for emerging small and medium business enterprises

Financial Management
1) Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management Securities, Markets and Financial Institutions
2) Capital Markets, Financial Intermediation, and Investment Analysis Corporate Financial Problems
3) Field Study in Insurance sector
4) Portfolio Management for Governmental and Non-Profit Organizations in India Debt Management
and Capital Financing in ABC
5) Mergers & Acquisitions Investment Feasibility Study Future of derivatives in India
6) Study of growth prospects of Mutual Funds in India Banking Sector - PSUs are here to stay.
7) The Role of Financial Planning in Achieving Long-Term Wealth Goals
8) Wealth Management Strategies for High-Net-Worth Individuals (HNWIs)
9) Behavioral Biases and Their Impact on Personal Financial Planning
10) Retirement Planning: Challenges and Strategies for Different Age Groups
11) Tax Planning Strategies for Wealth Accumulation and Preservation
Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune
(Deemed to be University)
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on a four-point scale at ‘A++ Grade)
(ISO 9001: 2015 and 14001:2015 Certified University and Green Education Campus)
Centre for Online Learning

12) Estate Planning: Ensuring Smooth Wealth Transfer Across Generations

13) Investment Portfolio Diversification Strategies for Wealth Preservation
14) Financial Planning for Entrepreneurs and Business Owners
15) Wealth Management in the Digital Age: Robo-Advisors and Online Platforms
16) Risk Management Techniques in Personal Financial Planning
17) Sustainable Investing: Integrating ESG Factors into Wealth Management
18) Financial Planning for Expatriates and Global Citizens
19) Behavioral Finance Applications in Personal Wealth Management
20) Wealth Preservation Strategies in Times of Economic Uncertainty
21) Education Planning: Funding Strategies for Children's Higher Education
22) Impact of Inflation on Long-Term Wealth Preservation Strategies
23) Financial Planning for Special Needs Individuals and Their Families
24) Role of Life Insurance in Comprehensive Wealth Management Plans
25) Philanthropy and Charitable Giving Strategies in Wealth Management
26) Behavioral Economics in Retirement Savings and Withdrawal Decisions
27) Wealth Management Challenges for Millennials and Gen Z
28) Impact of Gender and Cultural Differences on Wealth Management Strategies
29) Long-Term Care Planning: Strategies for Managing Healthcare Costs in Retirement
30) Financial Planning for Unexpected Life Events: Divorce, Disability, etc.
31) Role of Trusts and Foundations in Wealth Management and Legacy Planning
32) Market Efficiency Hypothesis: Evidence from Developed and Emerging Markets
33) Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on Stock Market Returns
34) Factors Influencing Stock Price Volatility: A Comparative Analysis
35) Stock Market Integration: Evidence from Global Markets
36) Behavioral Biases and Their Impact on Stock Market Prices
37) High-Frequency Trading and Its Effects on Stock Market Liquidity
38) Role of Investor Sentiment in Stock Market Dynamics
39) Stock Market Anomalies: Causes and Implications for Investors
40) Initial Public Offerings (IPOs): Performance and Under-pricing Trends
41) Corporate Governance and Its Impact on Stock Market Performance
42) Role of Insider Trading in Stock Market Efficiency
43) Impact of Regulatory Changes on Stock Market Dynamics
Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune
(Deemed to be University)
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on a four-point scale at ‘A++ Grade)
(ISO 9001: 2015 and 14001:2015 Certified University and Green Education Campus)
Centre for Online Learning

44) Stock Market Crashes: Causes, Effects, and Regulatory Responses

45) Market Microstructure: Understanding Order Flow and Price Discovery
46) Behavioral Finance Applications in Stock Market Trading Strategies
47) Stock Market Reaction to Earnings Announcements: Evidence from Different Sectors
48) Market Timing Strategies: Empirical Evidence and Practical Implications
49) Role of Institutional Investors in Shaping Stock Market Trends
50) Impact of Global Events (e.g., Pandemics, Geopolitical Tensions) on Stock Markets
51) Stock Market Predictability Models: Evaluation and Comparison
52) Momentum Trading Strategies: Performance and Risk Analysis
53) Role of Information Technology in Shaping Modern Stock Market Practices

Operations Management
1) Comparison between Product Layout and Process Layout in an organisation
2) To study and analyse systematic layout procedure in a plant Study of Production, Planning and Control
in an organisation an analysis of Demand and Capacity
3) A study of Planning Strategies in public sector A study of JIT in a government organization JIT
4) KANBAN-An Integrated JIT System in a Japanese company Six sigma applications
5) Supply Chain Optimization to enhance efficiency and reduce costs.
6) Inventory Management Strategies impacting operational performance.
7) Lean Management Implementation in manufacturing or service industries
8) Quality Management Systems: Six Sigma or Total Quality Management (TQM) in enhancing product
or service quality.
9) Operations Strategy Development for improving operational effectiveness and competitiveness in a
specific industry.
10) Project Management Practices in different industries or contexts.
11) Process Improvement Initiatives strategies to streamline operations and enhance productivity.
12) Supply Chain Risk Management in case of disruptions and geopolitical issues.
13) IoT, AI, and blockchain Technology Integration in Operations management practices.
14) Sustainability in Operations practices to reduce environmental impact and enhance corporate social
15) Performance Measurement and Metrics for operational performance.
Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune
(Deemed to be University)
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on a four-point scale at ‘A++ Grade)
(ISO 9001: 2015 and 14001:2015 Certified University and Green Education Campus)
Centre for Online Learning

16) Capacity Planning and Management to meet demand fluctuations while minimizing costs.
17) Analysing the unique challenges and strategies for managing operations in service-based industries
such as healthcare, hospitality, or banking.
18) Investigating the complexities of managing operations in a global context, including issues related to
cultural differences, regulatory compliance, and supply chain logistics.
19) Examining strategies for managing organizational change effectively, particularly in the context of
operational process redesign or technology adoption
20) Implementation of IoT in 3PL/4PL Industry – Challenges; enablers & Success Factors
21) Implementation of E-logistics in Supply Chain Operations
22) Distribution Management for Global Supply Chain
23) Evaluation of technology use in modern supply chain management.
24) The extension of supply chain resilience through Industry 4.0

Agri Business Management

1) Evaluating the Impact of Organic Farming on Profitability and Sustainability
2) Transforming Agricultural Supply Chains: Innovations in Distribution and Logistics
3) Sustainable Practices in Dairy Processing: Balancing Profitability and Environmental Responsibility"
4) The Future of Biofertilizers: Market Potential and Adoption Barriers
5) Food Safety Standards in Processing: Ensuring Quality from Farm to Table
6) Vertical Farming: Analysing the Business Model for Urban Agriculture
7) Exploring the Role of Digital Marketing in the Promotion of Organic Products
8) Trends in Agrochemicals: Assessing the Future of Fertilizer and Pesticide Use
9) Market Analysis of Organic Inputs: Opportunities and Challenges for Farmers
10) The Role of Biotechnology in Developing Sustainable Seed Varieties
11) Evaluating the Impact of Biofertilizers on Crop Productivity: An Industry Perspective
12) Innovations in Crop Protection: Emerging Technologies in Insecticides and Fungicides
13) Supply Chain Optimization for Agro inputs: Strategies for Efficiency and Sustainability
14) Consumer Preferences in Agricultural Inputs: A Study of Smallholder Farmers
15) Digital Solutions in the Agro-input Sector: Enhancing Access and Information
16) The Role of Agricultural Inputs in Sustainable Farming Practices: A Case Study
17) Evaluating the Economic Impact of Fertilizer Subsidies on Crop Yield
18) The Future of Precision Agriculture Inputs: Adapting to Technological Advancements
Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune
(Deemed to be University)
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on a four-point scale at ‘A++ Grade)
(ISO 9001: 2015 and 14001:2015 Certified University and Green Education Campus)
Centre for Online Learning

19) Agrochemical Regulations: Navigating Compliance in the Global Market

20) The Importance of Soil Health: Integrating Organic and Conventional Inputs

Logistics, Materials & Supply Chain Management

1) Lean Inventory Management: Strategies for Minimizing Costs and Maximizing Efficiency
2) Risk Management in Global Supply Chains: Assessing Vulnerabilities and Mitigation Strategies
3) Technology Integration in Logistics: Analysing the Impact of IoT, Block chain, and AI
4) Green Logistics: Sustainable Practices for Environmental Responsibility and Cost Reduction
5) Supply Chain Resilience: Building Adaptive Strategies to Navigate Disruptions
6) Supplier Relationship Management: Enhancing Collaboration and Performance
7) Last-Mile Delivery Optimization: Improving Efficiency in Urban Logistics
8) Warehouse Automation: Evaluating the Benefits and Challenges
9) Reverse Logistics: Strategies for Effective Product Returns and Recycling
10) Supply Chain Transparency: Enhancing Traceability and Accountability
11) Analyzing and improving logistics operations of a company
12) The impact of digital technology on supply chain management
13) Enhancing customer service in logistics
14) Improving warehouse management efficiency
15) Optimizing inventory management in the retail sector
16) Implementing sustainable practices in supply chain operations
17) Digital Transformation in Supply Chain Management: Opportunities and Challenges
18) The Role of Technology in Supply Chain Visibility and Tracking
19) Evaluating the Impact of Supplier Relationships on Logistics Performance
20) Implementing Lean Principles in Warehouse Operations
21) Risk Management in Supply Chain: Identifying and Mitigating Disruptions

Hospital Administration & Health Care Management

1) Evaluating the Impact of Telemedicine on Patient Care Delivery
2) Strategies for Reducing Patient Wait Times in Emergency Departments
3) The Role of Health Information Systems in Enhancing Hospital Efficiency
4) Patient Satisfaction Surveys: A Tool for Improving Hospital Services
5) Financial Management in Healthcare: Balancing Costs and Quality
6) Implementing Lean Management Principles in Hospital Operations
Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune
(Deemed to be University)
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on a four-point scale at ‘A++ Grade)
(ISO 9001: 2015 and 14001:2015 Certified University and Green Education Campus)
Centre for Online Learning

7) The Impact of Leadership Styles on Healthcare Team Performance

8) Analysing the Effectiveness of Hospital Accreditation on Quality of Care
9) The Future of Electronic Health Records: Challenges and Opportunities
10) Managing Change in Healthcare: Strategies for Successful Implementation
11) Quality Assurance in Healthcare: Best Practices for Hospitals
12) Patient Flow Management: Techniques for Improving Hospital Efficiency
13) Exploring the Role of Healthcare Marketing in Patient Engagement
14) The Importance of Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Patient Care
15) Assessing the Impact of Healthcare Policies on Hospital Administration
16) Innovative Approaches to Patient Discharge Planning
17) Evaluating the Role of Hospitalists in Improving Patient Outcomes
18) Crisis Management in Healthcare: Preparing for Natural Disasters
19) The Importance of Staff Training and Development in Healthcare Settings
20) Study on The Role of Health Insurance in Hospital Administration
21) A study of absenteeism of House-keeping staff and its impact on the patient care in public
22) A study on the cost analysis study in general ward of a hospital and its outcome in the
23) profitability of the multi-specialty hospital.
24) A critical study on job satisfaction of paramedic staff in ICU and its positive outcome in the
multi-specialty hospital
25) A study on formulation of marketing strategies for the promotion of the hospital services and its
26) impact on the revenue generation of the healthcare organization
27) A comparative study on waiting time in various hospital departments and recommendations to
28) decrease waiting time and enhance patient satisfaction in the hospital.
29) A study on job satisfaction of nurses in the Operation Theatre and its impact on the patient care
in government hospital
30) A study of sickness absenteeism of Nursing officers and staff and its impact on the patient care in
public hospital
31) A study on patient satisfaction in Health screening department in a multi-specialty hospital and its
impact on the revenue generation in the hospital.
Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune
(Deemed to be University)
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on a four-point scale at ‘A++ Grade)
(ISO 9001: 2015 and 14001:2015 Certified University and Green Education Campus)
Centre for Online Learning

32) A study on job satisfaction of nurses in the hospital wards and its impact on the care of patients
in government hospital
33) A study on patient satisfaction in Outpatient services department and its impact on healthcare
services in a multi-specialty hospital.
34) A comparative study on cost analysis of the various departments in a hospital and cost-cutting
recommendations for increasing the profitability of the Hospital.
35) A study of absenteeism of CSSD employees and its impact on the patient care in the multispecialty
36) A comparative study of incident of expiry goods in-house pharmacy and retail pharmacy and its
37) impact on the profitability of the pharmacy.(company name)
38) A study on hospital acquired infections in the ICU and prevention recommendations in a multispecialty
39) To study the incidence of Re-dos in Hospital Pathology laboratory and its impact on patient care
in a tertiary care Hospital.
40) A Study and analysis of Postoperative Pain Management in dental procedure patients for better
patient care in Dental Clinic.
41) A Study and Critical analysis of breakdown of bio medical equipment and its impact on patient
care in a multi-specialty hospital.
42) Study and analyze the incidence of Re-do of X-ray and CT scan department and its impact on
patient care at tertiary care centre.

Project management
1) The impact of work culture and team management in a project being successful or failing.
2) The impact of agile project management on IT productivity.
3) A study on evaluation and management of project risk
4) A practical study on the importance of project stakeholder management.
5) A study of project investment analysis with respect to XYZ project
6) The impact of effective project procurement on project success
7) A study on project planning and scheduling of XYZ company.
8) How are project integration and procurement done?
9) The effects of cultural diversity on project performance.
10) Evaluation of in-depth risk management assessment in XYZ project.
Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune
(Deemed to be University)
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on a four-point scale at ‘A++ Grade)
(ISO 9001: 2015 and 14001:2015 Certified University and Green Education Campus)
Centre for Online Learning

11) The impact of organization culture related characters in the success of a project.
12) The impact of organization structure related characters in the success of a project.
13) The impact of organization philosophy and value system related characters in the success of a project.
14) The effect of the planning and scheduling style in project management.
15) The impact of project length on management control and quality.
16) The importance of project length on management control and quality.
17) The relation between project management and project success.
18) The relation between green building and project management.
19) The influence of uncertainty on project success or failure.
20) The importance of critical path analysis in project management.
21) The impact of project management software tools on project efficiency.
22) Project risk management in XYZ project
23) Public procurement challenges in project management.
24) The stakeholder approach to successful adoption of projects w.r.t XYZ project
25) The project management best practices in Europe’s financial sector.
26) The impact of project management w r.t. efficient utilization of resources.
27) The importance of stakeholder’s relationship management in projects success.
28) The effect of holding virtual meetings when running different projects.
29) The major issues and conflicts that arise in teams affect most projects.
30) The importance of change management in project management
31) A study on public sector project externalities in terms of social cost and social benefit
32) A study on project scope creep management in XYZ project
33) A study on project performance evaluation wrt ABC project
34) A study on project performance control techniques used in XYZ project.
35) The challenges of accurate project status reporting.
36) The challenges of accurate software projects status reporting.
37) A case study on project lifecycle management in XYZ
38) Evaluate the girasole as a web-based software project management tool.
39) Analyze the impact of eco-friendly consideration shown in planning construction projects.
40) The major changes that have occurred in the construction project management over time.
41) How is quality managed in construction projects in developing countries?
42) Evaluate the trade-off between project cost and schedule.
Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune
(Deemed to be University)
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on a four-point scale at ‘A++ Grade)
(ISO 9001: 2015 and 14001:2015 Certified University and Green Education Campus)
Centre for Online Learning

43) Project network crashing and cost benefit analysis

44) The role of technology and funding in implementing projects
45) the effects of working from home on project management
46) A study on work breakdown structure wrt XYZ project
47) Impact of Project evaluation and control on project delivery
48) A study on various project scope creep management techniques followed among projects organizations
49) A study on network crashing as a project management technique
50) Scope of CPM and PERT techniques wrt constructure/IT projects

Information Technology Management

1) Implementation of Cloud Computing in Business Operations.
2) Analysis of Data Security Challenges in IoT Networks.
3) Role of IT in Digital Transformation of Traditional Businesses.
4) Optimizing IT Infrastructure for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).
5) Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in IT Helpdesk Solutions.
6) Impact of 5G Technology on Business Communication.
7) Evaluating Cybersecurity Measures for Financial Institutions.
8) Use of IT Solutions in Enhancing Supply Chain Efficiency.
9) Cloud-based Disaster Recovery Solutions for Enterprises.
10) Role of IT in Enabling Remote Work in a Post-Pandemic World.
11) Analysis of IT Governance Frameworks for Global Corporations.
12) Integration of Big Data Analytics in IT Decision-Making.
13) Enhancing User Experience through Mobile Application Development.
14) Implementation of ITIL Framework for IT Service Management.
15) Study on Digital Twin Technology and Its Business Applications.
16) Role of Augmented Reality in Enhancing E-commerce Platforms.
17) Developing Smart City Solutions using Information Technology.
18) IT Project Management Best Practices and Challenges.
19) Implementation of Blockchain in IT Security.
20) AI-based Chatbots for Customer Service in IT Sector.
Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune
(Deemed to be University)
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on a four-point scale at ‘A++ Grade)
(ISO 9001: 2015 and 14001:2015 Certified University and Green Education Campus)
Centre for Online Learning

Business Analytics
1) Predictive Analytics for Customer Churn Prediction in Telecom Industry.
2) Sales Forecasting Using Time Series Analysis.
3) Impact of Data Visualization Tools on Business Decision-Making.
4) Using Sentiment Analysis for Brand Monitoring.
5) Customer Segmentation Using Clustering Techniques.
6) Analysis of Marketing Campaigns using A/B Testing.
7) Building Recommendation Systems for E-commerce Platforms.
8) Predictive Maintenance Analytics for Manufacturing.
9) Analyzing Social Media Data for Business Insights.
10) Optimizing Supply Chain using Inventory Analytics.
11) Risk Analysis and Management in Financial Services.
12) Fraud Detection Using Machine Learning Techniques.
13) Market Basket Analysis for Retail Industry.
14) Credit Scoring Models using Business Analytics.
15) Application of Data Analytics in Healthcare Services.
16) Forecasting Stock Prices Using Machine Learning Algorithms.
17) Building a Data-Driven Customer Retention Strategy.
18) Predictive Modeling for Employee Attrition.
19) Analysis of Consumer Behavior through Web Analytics.
20) Implementing Business Intelligence Tools in Real-Time Reporting.

Blockchain Technology Management

1) Comparative Study of Consensus Algorithms in Blockchain.
2) Application of Smart Contracts in Supply Chain Management.
3) Implementation of Hyperledger Fabric for Enterprise Solutions.
4) Role of Blockchain in Enhancing Data Security.
5) Integration of Blockchain in Digital Identity Management.
6) Analysis of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Platforms.
7) Blockchain-Based Voting Systems: Opportunities and Challenges.
8) Development of NFT (Non-Fungible Token) Platforms.
9) Tokenization of Real Estate Assets using Blockchain.
Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune
(Deemed to be University)
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on a four-point scale at ‘A++ Grade)
(ISO 9001: 2015 and 14001:2015 Certified University and Green Education Campus)
Centre for Online Learning

10) Role of Blockchain in Cross-Border Payments.

11) Impact of Blockchain on Trade Finance.
12) Building a Private Blockchain Network using Hyperledger.
13) Application of Blockchain in Intellectual Property Protection.
14) Analysis of Regulatory Challenges in Blockchain Adoption.
15) Blockchain Solutions for Transparent and Secure Charity Donations.
16) Role of Blockchain in the Future of Digital Banking.
17) Blockchain-Based Data Management in Healthcare.
18) Application of Ethereum for Developing Decentralized Applications.
19) Blockchain Technology in Sustainable Energy Trading.
20) Comparison of Public vs. Private Blockchain Platforms for Business Use Cases.

1) A Study On Mutual Fund Advisory Business In India
2) The Evolution Of Mutual Funds: Redefining Investment Perspectives In Modern Financial
3) A Study On Pre- And Post-Merger Impact Of Punjab National Bank
4) A Study Of Risk Management In An Investment Portfolio.
5) Comparative Analysis Of Financial Performance Of Public Sector Banks And Private Banks In
6) Consumer Preferences In Mutual Fund Selection
7) Study Of Trade Life Cycle In Investment Banking.
8) A Study Of Working Capital Management Of West Coast Paper Mill Ltd.
9) Financial Planning Services By The Bank Of India (Boi)
10) Consumer Spending Habits Via Credit Card Icici Bank
11) A Study On Ratio Analysis Of Deluxe International
12) A Study Of The Impact And Challenges Of Gst On Various Constituents Of The Indian Economy
13) Financial Planning For Salaried Employees And Strategies For Tax Saving
14) Comparative Study Of Selected Mutual Funds
15) Accounts Receivable Management At Xyz Company
16) Study On Housing Finance Sector In India
17) Innovation In Financial Services: Navigating The Future Of Banking And Investment.
Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune
(Deemed to be University)
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on a four-point scale at ‘A++ Grade)
(ISO 9001: 2015 and 14001:2015 Certified University and Green Education Campus)
Centre for Online Learning

18) Analysis Of Financial Statements A Case Study – Hdfc Bank

19) A Study On Risk Perception And Portfolio Management Of Equity Investors
20) A Study On Investment Patterns And Preference Of Retail Investors
21) A Study Of Capital Budgeting With Reference To Hdfc Bank
22) Working Capital Management & Its Appraisal On Hdfc Bank.
23) Study On Digital Banking In Axis Bank
24) A Study Of Mutual Funds In India
25) Impact Of Dividend Policy Of Shareholders Wealth And Firm Performance"
26) Study Of Risk Management In Selected Indian Bank
27) A Study On Impact Of Dividend Policy On Stock Market
28) Study Of Interfirm Comparision Based On Ratio Analysis With Reference To Axis Bank And
Kotak Mahindra Bank
29) Impact Of Behavioural Biases And Personality Traits On Investment Decision: A Study On Gen
Y Investors In Mumbai City
30) Impact Of The Foreign Exchange Market On The Indian Economy
31) A Study On Credit Card Users Of Hdfc Bank
32) Capital Analysis For Service Sector Industries In India And Its Impact On Its Gdp
33) A Study Of Mutual Funds As An Investment Avenue.
34) Analytical Study Of The Financial Performance Of
35) Selected Private Life Insurance Companies In India“Analyzing Financial Statements Of Nagpal
36) Study Loans And Advances Of Kurukshetra Central Co-Op Bank With Special Reference
To Hiranandani Financial Services Ltd.

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

1) The role of artificial intelligence in evolving the workforce

2) The transformative economic impact of artificial intelligence
3) The legal and ethical boundaries of artificial intelligence
4) Is the destructive role of AI more than its constructive role in society?
5) Building AI algorithms to achieve the far-reaching goals of humans
6) How privacy gets compromised with the everyday collection of data
7) How businesses and governments can suffer at the hands of AI
Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune
(Deemed to be University)
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on a four-point scale at ‘A++ Grade)
(ISO 9001: 2015 and 14001:2015 Certified University and Green Education Campus)
Centre for Online Learning

8) Augmentation of the work humans do through artificial intelligence

9) The role of AI in monitoring and diagnosing capabilities
10) How AI helps to uncover criminal activity and solve serial crimes
11) The place of facial recognition technologies in security systems
12) How to use AI without crossing an individual’s privacy
13) What are the disadvantages of using a computer-controlled robot in performing tasks?
14) How to develop systems endowed with intellectual processes
15) The challenge of programming computers to perform complex tasks
16) Discuss some of the mathematical theorems for artificial intelligence systems
17) The role of computer processing speed and memory capacity in AI
18) Application of artificial intelligence in handwriting recognition
19) A case study of the key people involved in developing AI systems
20) Computational aesthetics when developing artificial intelligence systems
Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune
(Deemed to be University)
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on a four-point scale at ‘A++ Grade)
(ISO 9001: 2015 and 14001:2015 Certified University and Green Education Campus)
Centre for Online Learning

MBA Sem IV Project Report Schedule

Sr.No. Name of Chapter Stages of Submission

1 Executive Summary / Project Synopsis

2 Industry Certificate of Project completion
3 Introduction (Company Profile & General
Introduction of Topic)
4 Objective, Scope and Purpose of Study
5 Literature Review From 1st week – upto 7th
6 Research methodology week
7 Data Analysis
8 Findings, suggestions, recommendation
9 Conclusion
10 Bibliography & References,Annexure
11 Draft copy submission
Final submission From 8th week –
12 (Project Report Hard Copy and Soft copy) upto 16th week
Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune
(Deemed to be University)
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on a four-point scale at ‘A++ Grade)
(ISO 9001: 2015 and 14001:2015 Certified University and Green Education Campus)
Centre for Online Learning

MBA Sem IV Project Report Assessment Criteria

Sr,No. Name of Chapter Marks

1 Executive Summary / Project 10
2 Industry Certificate of Project 20
3 Introduction (Company Profile & 10
General Introduction of Topic)
4 Objective, Scope and Purpose of 10
5 Literature Review 10
6 Research methodology 50
7 Data Analysis 30
8 Findings, Interpretation of results, 40
suggestions, recommendation
9 Conclusion 10
10 Bibliography & 10
11 Total Marks 200
Final Submission
(Hard copy & PDF file)

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