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Deliberation on Electoral Bonds and Campaign Finance reforms with additional

emphasis on EVM frauds and Search and seizure operations.

2 January 2018 a day when corruption was made legal in the nation a day
when the Republic of India, that once symbolized a free and democratic
nation, became an artificial oasis amidst the grim desert of Indian politics. A
day which turned the article 19A granting right to information into just a mere
few words enshrined in the constitution. A day when electoral bonds were
introduced A so-called reform in the way political parties received donations.
But in reality, all it was
Was a method of extortion of citizen money, a method to help puppet
companies evade taxes, and a method to satisfy the never-ending greed of
corrupt politicians.
Greeings delegates I am Amaay Gupta and today ill be presenting my stance
against the motion
Delegates a company named Shirke Construction, with a significant track
record of fatalities caused by negligence, was awarded several government
tenders valued at approximately ₹2,000 crore because it bought BJP’s electoral
bonds worth 200cr.
Even Megha infrastructures was undergoing Ed action just after which it
bought BJP’s electoral bonds worth 500cr . Now this makes us wonder if BJP
has become synonymous with a washing machine. Whosoever comes under
the BHARAT JAD SE UKHADO PARTY becomes clean as a slate.
Delegates this is a clear example of how political parties today use our money
to run their chanda-dhanda model and how Extortion is going on under the
name of electoral bonds.
If you are not wearing the glasses of andhbhakti then you would know,
Chandigarh municipal elections where the election officer declared 8 votes
invalid to supposedly make another Party win. This is what makes us stand just
two steps away from being under an authoritarian regime of the supreme
leader of you know who. Today We have made a great achievement of
reaching this prestigious position of being an electoral autocracy. Thankfully
our judiciary isn’t corrupted enough to declare this valid and instead bashing
the so called ‘independent’ election commission in the face of BJP.
Delegates this begs the question Is this what the so called pillars of world’s
biggest democracy stand for, a rigged election commission, rigged policies to
extort money, rigged elections, and also a rigged republic..?
We were looted 600 years ago by Mughals, 200 years ago by the British and
now again we are being deprived of our rights as the citizens of the republic,
we are being robbed legally because the government stands corrupted down
to its very core.

Greetings delegates I am Amaay Gupta and today I will be speaking against the
Prior to the scheme being introduced in 2018, the Election Commission had written to the
Ministry of Law warning against electoral bonds and said that it would help political parties
hide illegal donations yet this was ignored so now We do not know if they received
donations from Pakistan we do not know if they received donations from
daoud ibrahim we do not know if they received donations from Al-qaida.
In the past every political party had to show how much money was being
donated to each political party in their annual report now there is no need for
that. Now the desk of the government are all open for extorting money,
granting tenders worth millions to incompetent industrialists, criminals and the
list goes on and on…
Delegates we were told lies after lies that the purchase of electoral bonds is
anonymous. However, the said anonymity does not apply to the government
of the day, which can always access the donor details by demanding the data
from its extension SBI and use it to torture companies making donation to the

This makes the struggle of MKSS pointless and the RTI act enshrined in the
article 19 of our constitution to just mere words. This privilege has been
snatched away from us tactfully by the very supreme leader, soon to be

Is it fair for the PRIME MINISTER to call this so-called reform a liberation and a measure to
increase transparency? Absolutely not. This is nothing but a stain on the face of democracy, a
blatant lie to the very people who brought him to power. This is nothing more than a sinister
ploy to transform our nation into a dictatorship.

Delegates, do not be fooled by these hollow promises and deceitful claims. This is not about
transparency or liberation; it is about consolidating power and silencing opposition.

3. Campaign finance
In 2019 the Companies Act, 2013 (Companies Act) enables an Indian company to contribute
any amount to any political party made using electoral bonds. This amount was needed to be
displayed in either the companies or the party’s statement.
In 2020 the foreign contributions act was amended to make anonymous foreign donations
Delegates, all of this was done under the guise of campaign finance reform, supposedly to provide a
fair chance to political parties and collect funds for the betterment of the people. But let's not be
fooled—this was a blatant lie. In reality, these reforms served only to fortify our supreme leader’s
regime, while we stood by, helplessly watching like good andh bhakts.

We are being brainwashed by propagandists who secretly collect chanda from unknown sources.
Shockingly, almost 55% of the donations received by the BJP came from undisclosed sources.
Companies are now allowed to make unlimited donations. Take Dharival Industries, for example: last
year, this company reported a loss of ₹80 crores but still managed to donate ₹120 crores to the BJP.
Why would a loss-making company donate such a vast sum? The answer is clear: to secure
government favors. This company was rewarded with government tenders worth ₹1,200 crores,
effectively siphoning off our tax money. And what did we do? We watched, powerless, like andh

All this is a direct result of the so-called campaign finance reforms. Delegates, it is high time
we remove our blinders and see the world for what it really is. We are being deceived and
manipulated. It's time to wake up and recognize the truth.

We must rise against this blatant corruption and reclaim our democracy.

4.EVM fraud

Mit jayegi makhluk On the 17th of April, during a mock poll in Kasargod, UDF
and LDF candidates alleged that at least four electronic voting machines
(EVMs) registered extra votes in favor of the BJP. This means that the so-called
invulnerable security measure was manipulated.
Delegates, what does this mean? Was it just an isolated incident or does it
reveal a broader, more sinister truth? I regret to say that the latter is the
unfortunate but undeniable reality. Our elections, the very pillars of our
democracy, are corrupted.
This is not a minor glitch. This is a glaring indication that our democratic
process is being hijacked.
Delegates, there was once a time when people truly believed in the sanctity of
elections. But thanks to the so-called harbingers of democracy, even that sense
of trust is now lost. In September 2023, the central government was warned
about the threat of regressive verifications of EVMs by the election
commission, meaning your vote is not cast for the party you choose, but for
the party favored by the polling office—all without your knowledge yet this
issue was suprssed kept far from the eyes of the public.
Delegates, while I acknowledge that EVMs might offer some advantages over
traditional voting methods, they are nowhere near as safe. With the
introduction of this so-called reform, how do we plan to combat technological
failures, electronic tampering, or the pre-fixing of EVMs? Even our ex election
commissioner sunil arrora acknowledged that evms are for more suspectable
to fraud than conventional ballots bapers.
Yet we are played on our emotions and into following the trails of corrupt
people like andhbhakts who in the name of innovation lead us to a dead end.
So delegates let us break free of this. Ab nhi sahen ge Aur ab kar
denge takta palat…

• In the past every political party had to show how much money was being
donated to each political party in their annual report now there is no need for

• Extortion of citizen money.

• BJP lied donor details were stored and it was not anonymous as per RTI
act 6(4) sbi will have to give the details of donors to law enforcement agencies.
• BJP knew everything
• Tax evasion
• Extortion
• General financial rules

• Gave 9cr electoral bonds
• 118 crores.
• Death by niglegnce, tower crane 3 deaths. Given more contracts.
• Remdesivir. Zydus cadila

• 5000 cr more money given to company
• BJB and Congrs rivals fought a case together by hiring 12 lawyers
collectively. They were held guilty for receiving foreign funding 29D
representation of people act.
• The purchase of electoral bonds is tax free
• RBI act was amended giving powere of printing bonds to sbi
• How will you track because anyone can buy and anyone can give it to
• SBI president is appointed by Government
• Electoral bond was not the least restructive method. It violated article
• 92% were 1cr bond meaning majority donations were from corporate
• Delgate we are olso constantly being lied too. If we go asper BJP no data
regarding donors and purchases couldn’t be traced but this was yet again a lie
because according to act 6(4) issued by rbi sbi will have to give the details of
donors to law enforcement agencies if asked for. Which again proves that we
were lied too and the information was indeed available to sbi and was shared
with the centeral government which they then used against parties donating to
the opposition and used puppet organizations to take false action against
• In September, the Election Commission in an affidavit said to the court that 100%
verification of EVMs was “regressive” and would imply going back to paper ballots.
Crucially it also said there was no “fundamental right” of the voters to verify through
VVPATS that their votes had been “recorded as cast” and “counted as recorded”.
• Prior to the scheme being introduced in 2018, the Election Commission had written to
the Ministry of Law warning against electoral bonds and said that it would help
political parties hide illegal donations from foreign sources and might even “lead to
increased use of black money for political funding through shell companies”.
• Section 182 of Companies Act, 2013 (Companies Act) enables
an Indian company to contribute any amount to any political
party. The conditions are that the contribution should (i) be
authorized by the Board; (ii) not made in cash, and (iii) be
disclosed in the Company’s P&L account.
• While the Representation of People Act, 1951 and the Foreign
Contributions (Regulations) Act, 2010 (FCRA) bar political
parties from accepting donations from a ‘foreign source’ by an
amendment in 2016, Indian companies with foreign
investment up to the limits permitted under foreign exchange
laws, even if more that 50%, are no longer treated as a
‘foreign source’. As a result such companies are now able to
make political contributions under section 182 of Companies
• Often a question arises whether a political contribution runs
the risk of being seen as a ‘bribe’. The Prevention of
Corruption Act, 1988 (“POCA”) criminalizes taking of
gratification by a ‘public servant’ or by any person for inducing
a ‘public servant’.

• In December, parliament passed the controversial Chief Election

Commissioner and Other Election Commissioners (Appointment, Conditions of
Service and Term of Office) Bill, 2023 that provides for the appointment,
salary and removal of the chief election commissioner (CEC) and election
commissioners (ECs), in the absence of the opposition.

• Under the terms of the new legislation, the government-dominated selection

committee will fill vacant slots on the commission from candidates short-listed
by a search committee headed by the Union cabinet secretary.


Will the doomsayers die, bitten with envy, when spring returns to our
dismissed land?

Greetings delegates I am Amaay and today I will be presenting my stance for

the motion. Doomsayers who consistently depict reforms such as EVMs and
electoral bonds as if the whole nation at large has been scammed by a so-
called rising autocrat are simply incompetent burden of the face of earth who
have seen nothing but defeat in their short-lived political career and never skip
a chance of ranting blames on the harbingers of viksit bharat. Delegates, it is
important to remember that there was an era when trucks carrying ballot
papers were carjacked and replaced with fake votes. An age when the right to
vote held no significance, merely existing as a few words enshrined in the

Delegates I don’t see any of this happening today, instead what I see is
innovation. An innovation that despite of the ever-growing population has
been able to reduce election costs by 25%. An innovation that has saved over
20 lakh trees from being cut, an innovation that has reduced cases of election
fraud and malpractices by 60%.Who is to blame here delegates the
doomsayers or us that continue to be manipulated by their propaganda?
Delegates, electoral bonds too, a mere innovation in the way they received
donations, were portrayed as a form of extortion with the sole intention of
inciting moral panic. But now that they are gone How do you plan to solve the
problems of money laundering in the garb of donations, inclusion of black
money, and prevent hafta vasuli of companies who donate to opposition
parties, while also preserving the Right to Information of the citizens? Now still
if some of you continue to speak against this innovation for the greater good of
democracy then I believe you minds are too corrupted and brainwashed by the
propagandists or rather I should say anti nationalists

Hence delegates we must break free of the shackles of propaganda, because

today we live in a society where development is no longer valued. A society
where political parties no longer stand as voices of people but instead use us
to get some headlines, retweets and viral videos, where ultimately, they want
to spread their anti-democratic and anti-societal propaganda to destroy what
is left of this nation...!


The date: Thursday, May 23, 1979. A pivotal court hearing unfolds as a stakeholder of Tata
Steel files a case against the company for unauthorized donations to political parties. In a
shocking turn of events, Tata’s own advocate admits on record that these donations are made
to ensure a steady flow of government tenders.

Delegates, this is a glaring revelation of the extortion and utter lack of transparency that has
plagued our donation system from the very beginning.

Greetings delegates I am Amaay Gupta and today I will be speaking for the

Article 21 of our Indian Constitution, which grants the right to life and personal liberty, also
entitles donors to maintain their anonymity while donating to political parties. Who are we to
question the laws enshrined in our Constitution? Yet, today, the doomsayers continue to
portray such policies as if they are some kind of scam or fraud. It seems we have forgotten
the times when even this minimal freedom was a distant dream—when trucks laden with cash
were delivered to political parties, when fake records of donations were fabricated to avoid
transparency. I guesse we have forgotten the time when tata steel on record admitted that they
made donations to congress so that they keep offering them government projects.

In contrast, these policies have enabled law enforcement agencies to track donations and
ensure that funds are not sourced from crime, drugs, or ill-intentioned foreign entities,
thereby reducing the involvement of black money. These measures have reduced the limit of
unrecorded donations from ₹20,000 to ₹2,000. They have ensured that political parties driven
solely by greed are unable to misuse donation money, restricting the redemption of electoral
bonds to parties that secure at least 1% of votes in a Lok Sabha election—a step towards
making our election donation system significantly more transparent.

Yet today, we have been robbed of all these benefits, and are pushed back into a system
riddled with corruption, blind donations, and pure greed. The forces opposing these reforms
are dragging us back to a dark era. It is time we recognize the true value of these policies and
the transparency they bring to our democratic process and take a stand for innovation and

3. Sub agenda Campaign finance

Delegates, it is disheartening to see that we now dwell in a garden where the
weeds of political propaganda and rivalry overshadow the flowers of the
people's true interests. In this landscape, the seeds of democracy are merely
scattered words, while the bitter fruits of competition are what truly take root.

Greetings delegates. today We stand at a critical juncture in our nation's

history, where the integrity of our democracy is under siege by the dark forces
of corruption and manipulation.
Let’s be clear:
Our current system is broken. It is a system where the rich and powerful buy
influence and policy, leaving the common citizen voiceless and marginalized. It
is a system where corporations and special interest groups funnel obscene
amounts of money into political campaigns, expecting favorable treatment and
government contracts in return. This is not democracy; this is a plutocracy, led
by the rich whose sole motive is to exploit us to increase their own power.
These so-called reforms are nothing but a charade. The Companies Act, the
Representation of People Act, 1951, and the Foreign Contributions
(Regulations) Act are constantly demonized and labeled unconstitutional. In
reality, these laws were designed to provide even the poorest among us with
the freedom to openly fund their chosen party and contest elections.Yet, we
seem to have forgotten the lessons from Indira Gandhi's time when external
funding was banned for political parties except for Congress, creating a
government that trampled on the rights of minorities and silenced .
Delegates the truth is stark and clear the current situation call far a way for
leaders to gather funds hence we must voutch for campaign finance reforms
and bring back to power the people who actually stand for the nation
4. Sub ajenda evm

Delegates, it's an absolute travesty that some irresponsible individuals, who have likely never
even seen the inside of a polling booth, are now vilifying the most revolutionary
technological advancement in the history of elections: the Electronic Voting Machine (EVM).
After the last Lok Sabha election, MP Digvijay Singh had the audacity to claim that EVMs
were recording one vote as two for a specific party. This outrageous accusation only reveals
his ignorance about the functioning of EVMs. If our dear MP had even a basic understanding,
he would know that every EVM is equipped with a Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail
(VVPAT), which verifies each vote, making it virtually impossible to tamper with the results.
EVMs are undeniably the superior choice over outdated ballot papers.

Unlike the past, when the counting of votes took months, we can now complete the same process in
just a few days. Unlike the past, when millions of trees were sacrificed to make ballot papers, the
voting process now is far more environmentally friendly. Unlike the past, when no one knew what
happened to their ballot paper after they cast their vote, now everyone knows exactly who they
voted for and can be assured of its security. Unlike the past, when crores of rupees were wasted on
counting and making ballot papers, we can now do the same process 25 times cheaper. Unlike the
past, when cases of election fraud were rampant, today such cases have been slashed by 60%.

Yet, we continue to disregard these revolutions. But delegates, this is not our fault. The blame
lies with the hypocritical leaders who never question the authenticity of EVMs when they win
but, lacking the courage to accept defeat, cry fraud when they lose. Delegates, it's not the
people we must fight but the tyrants behind them—the manipulators who brainwash the
masses into doing their bidding. These deceitful leaders are the real enemy, poisoning our
democracy with their lies and cowardice. It is time to stand up against these oppressors and
reclaim our faith in a system that has proven its worth time and again.

1. 1961bincomtax bill. Mandir ko karoge to only 50%100% tax refund if you

make donations to political parties.
2. Jayntialal Ranchordas Koticha vs tata. Tata said congress gave substantial
deals etc.
3. Parties misused the cash system. They took big donations but only
registered thm as small oned under 20000
5. Swatantra party. Indra Gandhi banned donations to political parties
6. EVM randomization

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