Licensing SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe

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Licensing SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe

Nikhil Dhairyawan

Solution Manager


This presentation outlines our general product direction and should not be relied on in making a purchase decision. This presentation is not subject to your license agreement or any other agreement with SAP. SAP has no obligation to pursue any course of business outlined in this presentation or to develop or release any functionality mentioned in this presentation. This presentation and SAP's strategy and possible future developments are subject to change and may be changed by SAP at any time for any reason without notice. This document is provided without a warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. SAP assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in this document, except if such damages were caused by SAP intentionally or grossly negligent.

SAP 2008 / Page 2

General information on Pricing of SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe

SAP delivers about 2300+ (print and Interactive) standard forms through different SAP solutions like SAP HCM, SAP Financials, SAP SRM, SAP CRM etc. SAP Customers may import these forms and customize them to adapt them to their own business processes or create new forms from scratch. Print forms are completely free of cost irrespective of how and to what extent the customers customize them or create new ones from scratch. Interactive forms delivered by SAP can be adapted or customized cosmetically without having to be licensed. Please see the slide 3 for details on what modifications are considered to be cosmetic. Interactive forms customized beyond the extent considered to be cosmetic are considered to be modified and are then licensable. These forms are licensable only if they are brought into productive use through deployment on a productive system. Modified forms deployed on a nonproductive system e.g development system, Test system etc need not be licensed Interactive forms created from scratch and deployed on a productive system are also licensable

* Please refer to SAP general disclaimer

SAP 2008 / Page 3

What is considered as a cosmetic change to a SAP delivered Form deployed on a Productive system?
Adding, deleting or changing the color, position, or style of lines, circles, arcs, boxes in a form. Adding, deleting or changing the color, font, content or formatting of boiler-plate text. Adding, deleting or changing logos or other static graphics elements Changing the color, style, font, formatting or borders on a field. Deleting a form field.

* Please refer to SAP general disclaimer

SAP 2008 / Page 4

What is considered as a licensable change to a Form delivered by SAP (Non-Cosmetic)

Adding an interactive field on a form Copying a field from one form design to another form design Changing the position of a field on the form Adding a new image field (which calls data from the SAP application) and submits image location via URL in the form data Adding a new image field (which calls data from the SAP application) and submits image data in the form data

* Please refer to SAP general disclaimer

SAP 2008 / Page 5

Licensing Considerations While Localization Of Forms

SAP creates an interactive form design in English and Stamps it i.e marks it as shipped by SAP. Later on, that interactive form design gets translated by the SAP translation process
NOT Licensable: The translation facility does not affect the stamp i.e the stamp stays intact . The translated form designs are not licensable

The customer receives an interactive form design from SAP and localizes the design (e.g. change all the language strings from English to German)
NOT Licensable: The form design stamp stays intact and is therefore not licensable

The customer creates a custom form design and requires 20 localized versions of the custom design
Variant A: NOT Licensable: If the customer uses the SAP provided translation capabilities only one custom form design is counted for licensing Variant B: Licensable: If the customer copies the form designs 20 times and does the localization manually, 20 form designs are counted as licensable

* Please refer to SAP general disclaimer

SAP 2008 / Page 6

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