API 510 Study Questions

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The following questions and answers on the API material are

for memorization. The API questions will be open book on the
first part of the exam and closed book during the second half.

Practice remembering the key words as opposed to learning the

entire answer.

API 510 EIGHTH ED., .JUNE, 1997 ADDENDA# 1 DEC. 1998, # 2 DEC. 2000, # 3 Dec. 2001 and
Aug. 200.3


Section 1 ·General Application

I. The p1 imary code for the inspection of pressure vessels after they enter service is'?
( I .I )

• The API 51 0 Code

2. Relative to prcssur c vessels, when does API 51 0 apply?

(I I)

• Only applicable to vessels after they have been placed in service.

I t

I .J. What docs the API inspection code cover?

( 1.1 )

• Maintenance inspection, repair, alteration, andre-rating procedmes fm pressure vessels used by

petroleum and chemical process indust1·ies .

4.. What type of pressure vessel is exempt from periodic inspection requirement<>?

• Pressure vessels on movable structures covered by otherjmisdictional requirements .

• All classes listed for exemption from the inspection scope of the ASME Code Section VIII,
Division L
• Pressure vessels that do not exceed specified volumes & pressures

Section 3 -Definitions

5, What is an alteration?
(3, I )

• A phJ'Sical change in any component or a re-rating which has design implications which affect
pressure-containing capability beyond the scope of existing data reports.

6, What thfee situations should nOt be ·considered alterations?

(3. I )

• Comparable or duplicate replacement

• Add ilion of reinfOrced nozzle less tl1an or equal to existing reinforced nozzles
• Addition of nozzles not requiring reinforcement



7, In what situation would the term "applicable requirements of ASME Code" be used'?
(3. 2)

• When the AS:tviE Code cannot he fOllowed because of its new constmction orientation (new or
revised material specificntions. inspection requirements! certain heat treatments and pressure tests,
and stamping and inspection requirements). the engineer or inspector shall conform to this
inspection code rather than to the ASME Code . If an item is covered by requirements in the
ASME Code and this inspection code 01 if there is a conflict between the two codes, for vessels
that have been placed in service, the requirements of this inspection code shall take precedence
over the ASME Code As an example of the intent of this inspection code, the phrase "applicable
requiiemenls of the ASME Code" has heen used in this inspection code instead of the phrase "in
accordance with the ASME Code."

8. What is an Authorized Inspector or Inspector?

(.l J)

• An employee of an Auth01 ized Inspection Agency who is qualified and certified to perform
inspection under this inspection code,

9. List 4 examples of an Authorized Inspection Agency


• Inspection OI ganization of the jurisdiction in which the pressure vessel is used or;
• Inspection mganization of insurance company which is licensed or registered to write and actually
writes pressure vessel insm ance,
• An owner or user of pressure vessels who maintains an inspection organization for uctivities
relating only to his equipment and not for vessels intended for sale or resale.
• An independent organization or individual licensed or recognized by the jwisdiction in which the
pressure vessel is used and employed by or acting under the direction of the owner or user.

10 Define "construction code".


• The code or standard to which a vessel was originally built, such as API/ ASME, API, or State

II What does the term "inspection code" refer to in API 510?


• Shortened title f(n API 510 used in this publication,

12. Define Jm isdictions.

(3. 8)

• A legally constituted government administration, which may adopt mles relating to pressure

13. Define Maximum Allowable W01 king Pressure (MA WP) as it relates to API 5 m
(3 9) and (Sect Vlll UG-98)

• The maximum gage pressure permilled at the lop of a pressure vessel in its operating position f(lr a
designated temperature that is based on calculations using the minimum {or average pitted)
thickness fOr all eli tical vessel elements, not including corrosion allowance or loading other than
press me,



14 When determining Minimum Allowable Shell Thickness. what must be considered when making
0 10)

• Temperature. pressure, and all loading.

15. What type of inspection uses nondestructive examination procedures to establish the suitability of
pressm e vessels fOr continued operation?

• On-stream Inspection

16 What is the key clement of an On-stream inspection?


• Because the vessel may be in operation while an on-stream inspections being carried out the
vessel is not entered for internal inspection,

17. What is a Pressure Vessel'?

(3 12) and (Sect Vlll U-1 (a))

• A container designed to withstand internal or external pressure, which can be imposed by an

external source, by the application of heal from a direct or indirect source, or by any combination
thereof This definition includes unfired steam generators and other vapor generating vessels,
which use heat from the operation of a processing system or other indirect heat source. (Specific
limits and exemptions of equipment cove1ed by this inspection code are given in Section I and
Appendix A.)

18, Who shall be a pressme vessel engineer?


• Shall be one or more persons or organizations acceptable to the owner-user who are
knowledgeable and experienced in the engineering disciplines associated with evaluating
mechanical and material characteristics which affect the integrity and reliability of pressure
vessels, The pressure vessel engineer, by consulting with appropriate specialists, should be
regarded as a composite of all entities needed to properly assess the technical requirements,

19. What is the definition of quality assurance as given in API 51 0?

(.3 '14)

• All planned, systematic, and preventative actions required to determine if materials, equipment, or
services will meet specified requirements so that equipment will perfOrm satisfactorily in service,
The contenl<; of a quality assurance inspection manunl ure outlined in 430

20 What is a Repair?

• The wo1 k necessary to restore a vessel to a condition suitable for safe operations at the design
conditions. "IF" design tempemture or pressure chnnges due to Jestoration, then re-rating
requi1ements shall also be satisfied



2 I. List the four examples of a Repair Organization.

(3 16)

• The holder of a valid ASME Certificate of Authorization for the use of an appropriate ASME
Code symbol stamp

• An owner or user of pressure vessels who repairs his own equipment in accordance with the API
510 code.

• A contractor whose qualifications are acceptnhle to the owner or use1 of pressure vessels and
makes repairs in accordance with this inspection code.

• A repair concern that is authorized by the legal jurisdiction

22 . What is re~rating?
(3 17)

• A change in eilher the temperatme ratings 01 the maximum allowable working pressure mting of a
vessel.. or a change in both. The maximum allowable working lempemture and pressure of a
vessel may be increased 01 decreased because of a re-rating, and sometimes a re-mting requires a
combination of changes. De-rating below original design conditions is a permissible way to
provide for cmrosion . When are-rating is conducted in \vhich the maximum allowable WOI king
pressure or temperature is increased or the minimum temperature is decreased so that additional
mechanical tests are required, it shall be considered an altemtion<

2.1 What is a pe1missible way lo provide for conosion?

0 17)

• De-rating below original design conditions.

24. What distinguishes an examiner from and inspector?

(3 18)

• A person who assists the API authorized pressure vessel inspector hy perfOrming specific NDE on
piessure vessels hut does not evaluate the results of those examinations in accordance with API
510, unless specifically trained and authorized to do so by the owner or user 'The examiner need
not be certified in accordance with API 510 or be an employee of the owner or user but shall be
trained ~nd competent in the applicable procedures in which the examiner is involved.

25. Define Controlled-Deposition Welding

(3.1 9)

• Any welding technique used to obtain controlled grain refinement and tempering of the underlying
heat affected zone (HAZ)in the base metaL Various controlled-deposition techniques, such us
temper-head (tempering of the layer below the cmrenl bead being deposited) and half-bead
(requiring removal of one-half of the first layer), are included. Controlled-deposition welding
requires control of the enti1 e welding pmcedure including the joint detail, preheating and post
heating. welding technique, and welding parameters



Section 4 ~ Owncr~Uscr Inspection Organization

26. What me lhc education and experience requitements fOr becoming an inspectm7
(42 go to Appendix B)

• Degree in engineering & I year experience in the design, construction. repair, operation. or
inspection of boilers or pressure vessels.
• 2-year CCI tificate in engineering or technology hom a technical college & 2 years of experience in
the design. construction. repair, ope1ation, or inspection of boilers or pressure vessels
• Equivalent of a high school education plus 3 years of expetience. (and).
• Five years experience in the inspection ofboile1s or pressme vessels.

27 Who will be responsible to the ownei-user when allewtions. inspections. or repairs are performed?

• The API authorized pressure vessel inspector-



Section 5- Inspection Practices

28- \Vhy are safety precautions important in pressme-vessel inspections?

15 .I)

• Because ofthe limited access to and the confined spaces of pressure vessels,

29 \Vhat guidelines must an inspector follow to enter a vessel that has been in service'?

• OSHA Regulations rega1ding Confined Space Entry

30. Explain the safety precautions and fHOcedures that should he taken when performing an internal
{5 I)

• Isolate vessel from all sources of liquids, gas or vapms.

• Drain. purge, clean and ventilateo
• Gas test.
• Wem protective equipment as required.
• Warn all persons working mound the vessel that inspection personnel me inside,
• Warn all inside the vessel of work that is done outside the vesseL
• Check all tools and safety equipment needed hefore inspection.

31 When developing an inspection plan fi:n vessels thai operate at elevated temperatures (750 to I 000
° F) what things should be considered when assessing the remaining life of the vessel?
(5.2) .

• Creep deformation and stress rupture.

• Creep crack growth.
• EffCct of hydrogen on creep.
• Interaction of creep and fatigue.
• Possible metallurgical effects, including a reduction in ductility.

32. Locations where metals of different thermal coefficients of expansion are welded together are
susceptible to what?
• Thermal Fatigue,

33. The actual or estimated levels of what four items must be considered in any evaluation of Creep?

• Time
• Temperature
• Stress
• Material Creep Strength

34 At ambient tempeJUtures, em bon. low alloy, ~md other J·Crritk steels may be susceptible to what?
15 2)

• Brittle Failure



.35 Define Temper Ernblittlement

(5 2)

• A loss of ductility and notch toughness due to PWHT or high temperature service above 700
degrees F (370 degrees C)

36 What kind of steel is prone toTem per Embr ittlernent?


• Low alloy steels. especially 2 1/4-Cr-1 Mo

.37, What three methods may be used to detennine the pmbable rate of corrosion?
(5 .l)

• Calculate rate hom data collected flum same 01 similar service.

• Estimate rule from owner-user experience m from published data on comparable se1 vice,
• On-stream determination aftei 1000 hours of service using a suitable corrosion monitoring
device or NDE thickness measurements (UT), subsequent inspections shall be made until the
corrosion rate has been establishetL

38, How should the MAWP for the continued use of a pressure vessel be established?
(5 4)

• By using the Code to which the vessel was fabricated or by using the appropriate formulas and
requirements of the latest edition of the ASME Code to establish the design temperature and

39. In corrosive service, the wall thickness used in the MAWP calculations shall be the actual
thickness obtained by inspection minus ___.
• Twice the estimated corrosion loss before the date of the next inspection, except as modified in
section 6 4

40. What is the most important and the most universally accepted method of inspection?

• Careful visual examination

41. What dete1mines the parts of avessel that should be inspected?


• The type of vessel and its operating conditions

42 Fm proper visual exnmination, what surface preparation is required?


• The type of surface preparation tlepends on individual circumstances, but surface preparation such
as wire bnishing, blasting, chipping. grinding, or a combination of these may be l'cquired .



4.3 If distortion is suspected during the inspection of a pressme vessel what is the proper course of
(5 5)

• If any distortion of a vessel is suspected or observed, the overall dimensions of the vessel shall be
checked to confirm whether or not the vessel is distmted and, if it is distOJted, to detennine the
extent and seriousness of the distortion. The parts of the vessel that should be inspected most
carefully depend on the type of vessel and its operating conditions

44 What type ol' examiners shall the when the owner/user requires inspection fOr detection of inte1 ior
surface breaking planar naws?

• fndustty~qualified UT Shear Wave examiners

45. List the inspections, which include the h!atures that are common to most vessels and that are most
(5 .6)

• Examine the surfaces of shells and heads carefully fm possible c1ncks, blisters, bulges, and other
signs of deterioration,
• Examine welded joint<; and the adjacent heat-affected zones fOr service-induced cracks or othe1
• Examine the surfaces of all man ways. nozzles, and other openings for distortion, cracks, and other
46. Name two reasons why it is necessary for the API 510 inspector to examine llange faces,

• To look for distmtion

• To determine the condition of gasket-seating surfaces

47, Corrosion may cause what two fOrms ofloss?

(5 . 7)

• UnifOrm loss- a general, relatively even wastage of a surface area

• Pitted appearance- an obvious, irregular surface wastage

48. Name three ways the minimum thickness of a pressure vessel can be determined.

• Any suitable nondestructive examination

• Measurements taken through drilled lest holes
• Gauging fromun-corroded smfaces in the vicinity of the corroded area,

49 For a em roded area of considerable size in which the circumferential st1 esses govern, the least
thickness along the most ciitical element of the area may be ave1aged ove1 a length not exceeding
(5. 7)

• Fm vessels with inside diameters less tlmn or equal to 60 inches ( 150 centimete1s), one half the
vessel diameter or 20 inches (50 centimeters}. whichever is less,
• For vessels with inside diamete1s greater than 60 inches, one third the vessel diameter m 40 inches
( 100 centimeters), whichever is Jess,



50 When can widely scattered pits be ignored?

(5 7 )

• No pit depth is more than l/2 the vessel wall thickness exclusive of corrosion allowance.
• Total area of pits does not exceed 7 sq. inches in any 8 inch diameter circle
• Sum of pit dimensions along any suaight line within the circle does not exceed 2 inches,

51. When should the design by analysis methods of Section Vlll, Division 2, Appendix 4, of the
ASME Code he used?

• To determine if components with thinning walls, which are below the minimum required wall
thicknesses, are adequate for continued service.
• To evaluate blend ground areas where defects have been removed.

52. What do you use to determine if the thickness at the weld or remote from the weld governs the
allowable working pressure when the surface at the weld has a joint fl1ctor other than 1.0?

• For this calculation,. the surface at :.t weld includes ! inch (2.5 centimete1s) on either side of the
weld, or twice the minimum thickness on eilhe1· side of the weld, whichever is greater,

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53. Describe the goveming thickness when measuring the corroded thickness of ellipsoidal and
tolispherical heads,,

• The thickness of the knuckle region with the head rating calculated by the appropriate head
• The thickness of the central portion of the dished region, in which cnse the dished region may be
consideted a spherical segment whose allowable pressure is calculated by the code formula for
spherical shells,

54, What is the spherical segment of both ellipsoidal and torisphetical heads'
(57 h)

• That mea located entitely within a circle whose center coincides with the center of the head and
whose diamete1 is equal to 80% of the shell diameter.
55- On torisphericul heads,. what is used as the radius of the spherical segment?
(5 7,h)

• Radius of the dish.

56, The radius of the spherical segment of ellipsoidal heads sltnll be considered to be what?

• The equivalent spherical radius K 1D, where Dis the shell diameter (equal to the major axis) and
K 1 is given in Table I,

57 When evaluating metal loss in excess of a vessel's corrosion allowance what API document
should be consulted?
(5 .8)

• API RP 579 Sections 45 and 6

Section 6 ~ Inspection and Tcsting o[ Pressure Vesse Is and Pressure-Relieving Devices

58, When is an internal field inspection of new vessels not required'!

(6 I J

• When the manufactures' data teport (U I) assuring that the vessels me patisfactory f01 their
intended service is available.

59. Name two factors to be considered when inspection inte1 vals are being determined
(6 .I)

• The risk associated with operational shutdown and start-up and the possibility of increased
conosion due to exposme of vessel surfaces to air and moisture,

60 '0lhat are the essential elements of a risk based assessment inspection?


• The combination ol· likelihood of failure and the consequences of failure


12 \

I '
61 What other tactors should be conside1ed in a RBI prot.TTam}
(6 2)

• Approp1 iateness of the matetials, vessel tlesign conditions relative to operating conditions,
app1 op1 iateness of the tlesign codes and standards utilized, effectiveness of corrosion monilOJ ing
rrograms: and the quality of inspection I quality asstuance and maintenance programs.-

62. What action should he taken after an effective RBI assessment has been finished?

• Choose the most appropriate inspection tools and methods based on the degradation expected.
• Set the approp1 iate hequency for internal and external and on~stream inspections
• Determine if pressure testing will be required based on damage or after repairs.
• Decide on prevention and mitigation steps to reduce the likelihood of a vessel failure

63 How often should each above ground vessel be given a visual exte1nal inspection?

• Each vessel aboveground shall be given a visual external inspection, p1eferubly while in operation,
at least every 5 years or at the same interval as the required intemul or on~sueam inspection,
whichever is less.

64 When making an external inspection, what shall the inspection include?

(6 3)

• Condition of the exterior insulation

• Condition of the supports
• Allowance f(n expansion
• General alignment of the vessel on its supports

65 .. Buried vessels shall be periodically monitored to determine their external environmental

condition. What shall the inspection inlet vals be based on?

• Corrosion rate information obtained during maintenance on adjacent connecting piping of similar
• Information from the interval examination of similarly buried conosion test coupons of similar
• InfOrmation fmm representative portions of the actual vesseL
• Information from a vessel in similar circumstances.

66 What is the minimum interval fOr checking the insulating system or outer jacketing of vessels that
are known to have a remaining lifC of over I0 years or that are protected against external
co1 msion '?

• Every 5 years and repaired us needed,

67 What is the maximum period between internal or on~stream inspection'?


• The maximum period shall not exceed one half the estimated remaining corrosion-rate life or 10
years. whicheve1 is less



68- If the remaining safe operating life of a vessel is less than 4 years, what is inspection interval?

• InteJva! may be the fulllemaining safC operating life up to a maximum of 2 yems<

69. Under what conditions would a vessel with a corrosion rate less than 0005 inch (0.125
millimeter) per year and an estimated remaining life greater than 10 years be exempt from an
internal inspection and inspected externally instead?

• When size, configuration, or Jack of access makes vessel entry fOr intemal inspection physically
• When the general corrosion rate of a vessel is known to be less than 0.005 inch (0 . 125 millimeter)
pe1 year and the estimated remaining life is greater than l 0 years, and all of the fOllowing
conditions me met:

• The corrosive character of the contents. including, the effect of trace components, has been
established by atleast5 years of the same or comparable service experience with the type of
contents being handled.
• No questionable condition is disclosed by the external inspection specified in 62.
• The operating temperature of the steel vessel shell does not exceed the lower temperature limits
f01 the creep-ruptme range of the vessel materiaL
• The vessel is not considered to be subject to environmental cracking 01 hydrogen damage from the
fluid being handled. Alternatively, a RBI assessment, as pem1itted in can be performed to
determine that the risk associated environmental cracking or hydrogen damage is acceptably low
and that the effectiveness of external inspection techniques is adequate for the damage mechanism.
This assessment should include a review of past conditions and likely future process conditions"

• The vessel is not strip-lined or plate-lined.

70 Write the fonnula to be used when determining the safe remaining !iff: of a vessel.

t actual-t required
Remaning. Life Yrs. = --------------------
Corrosion rate

• Where: tactual= the thickness, in inches millimeters), measured at the time of inspection for the_
limiting section used to determine the minimum allowable thickness. t minimum= the minimum
allowable thickness, in inches (millimeters), for the limiting section or zone

71, The1e are two kinds of corrosion rates to be considered \\'hen calculating the remaining I iff of a
vessel What are these types?

• Short Term and Long Term rates.



72 When conducting a pressure test as part of a periodic inspection. what shall the shell temperature
be during the test?

• To minimize the risk of brittle fracture during the test the metaltemperatme should be maintained
at least 30 ° F {-l °C) above the minimum design metal temperature For vessels that are more than
2 inches thick, or I0" F (-12 "C) above for vessels that have a thickness of 2 inches or less. The
test temperature need not exceed 120 "F (50 "C) unless there is infcumation on the brittle
chm acteristics of the vessel matet ial indicating that a lower test temperature is acceptable or a
higher test temperature is needed.

73 When should pneumatic testing be done and what are some of the considerations to be taken into
(6 5)

• Pneumatic testing may be used when hydrostatic testing is impracticable because of temperature,
foundation or process reasons, however, the potential personnel and prope1ty lisks should be

74. Should safCty relief valves ever be removed from a vessel during pressure testing?

• Yes, if a pressure test is being conducted in which the test pressure will exceed the set pressure of
the safety relief valve with the lowest selling

75 When a pressure relief valve requires repair, who is allowed to make this repair?

• Testing and repairs shall he made by a repair organization experienced in valve maintenance. The
repair mganization shall have a written quality control system with the minimum requirements as
listed in 45 of the API 510 code and maintain a tmining program to insure the qualifications of the
repair personnel.

76 How often shall a safety relief valve be tested?

(6 . 6)

• The intervals between pressure relieving device testing or inspection should be determined by the
perfbrma1.1ce of the devices in the particular seivice concerned. Test 01· inspection i~tervals on
pressure-relieving devices in typical process services should not exceed 5 years, unless service
experience indicates that a longer interval is acceptable For clean (non-fouling), non-corrosive
se1 vices. maximum intervals may be increased to I 0 years.

77 Pressure vessel owners and users are required to maintain permanent and pmgressive records of
their pressure vessels. What things are included in these records?
(6 7)

• Construction and design inf01mntion

• Ope1uting anti inspection history.
• Repair, alterulion, am.l 1·e-rating infOrmation.
• 1:itness~fOr-se1 vice asSe!=isment documentation



Section 7~ Repairs, Alterations, and Rerrating of Pressure Vessels

78. Who must app10ve any repain; or alterations?

17 I I)

• All repair and alte!ation work must be authorized by the authorized pressure vessel inspector
befOre the work is started by a repair organization (see 3.13). Authorization fOr alterations to
p1essure vessels that comply with Section Vlll, Divisions I and 2, of the ASME Code and for
repairs to pressme vessels that comply with Section VIII. Divisimi 2, of the ASME Code may not
he given until a pressure vessel engineer experienced in pressure vessel design has been consulted
about the allemtions and repairs and has approved them. The authorized pressure vessel inspector
will designate the fabrication appmvals that are required. The authorized p1essme vessel inspectot
mny give prim general authorization fOr limited or routine repairs as long as the inspector is sure
that the repairs are the kind that will not require pressllle tests

79 \Vho shall approve all specified repair and alte1 ation world
(7 I 2)

• The API authotized p1essure vessel inspector. after the wmk has been pmven to he satisfactory
and any required pressure lest has been witnessed

80 What must be removed from base material prior· to welding?

(7.1 J)

• Surface irregularities and contamination

81. All repair and alteration welding shall he in accordance with what code?

• ASME Code, except as permitted in 7 2 II

82. What must he done before Preheat or Controlled Deposition Welding is used in lieu of PWHT?

• Prior to using any alternative method a metallurgical review must be conducted to detennine if the
proposed alternative is suitable for the application.

8.3. Name the materials allowed when using the alte111ntive p1eheating method when notch toughness
testing is not required. ·

• The materials shall be limited toP-Nos. P-No. I Group I,2 and 3 and P-No 3, Group I and 2
(excluding Mn-Mo steels in G10up 2).

84. Name the male! ials allowed f01 use with the Controlled-Deposition Welding Method.

• The materials shall he limited toP-No. I, P-No 3 ami P-No. 4.



85. Can local post weld heat treatment (PWHT) be substituted for 360 degree banding?
(7 . 2 5)

• YES provided the following conditions are met:

• Application is reviewed and procedure developed by engineer experienced in pressure vessel

design & PWHT requirements.
• In evaluating the suitability of a procedure, all applicable factors (base metal thickness, material
properties, etc ) are considered
• Pteheat of 300 degtee or higher per WPS is maintained.
• PVVHT temperature is maintained fOr distance not less than 2 times base metal thickness meastned
from weld. A minimum of 2 thermocouples is used. Heat is applied to any nozzle or other
attachment in PWHT area

86 What considerations must be given to the rep ail of stainless steel overlay and claddings?
(7 .2.6)

• Consideration shall be given to factors which may augment the repair sequence such as stress
level. P number of base matelial, seivice environment. possible previously dissolved hydrogen,
type of Iining, deterioration of base metal properties (by temper embrittlement of chromium-
molybdenum alloys), minimum pressurization temperatures, and a need for future periodic

87 Per API 51 0, state the design 1equirements for:

Butt Joints, Rep/ncemelll Parts,
New Connections, Fillet Weld Patches,
Overlay Patches, Flush patches
(7 2.7)

• BUTT JOINTS - shall have complete penetration and fusion.

• REPLACEMENT PARTS- shall be fabricated in accordance with the applicable requirements
of the appropriate code.
• NEW CONNECTIONS- design, location, and method of attachment shall be in accordance with
the applicable requirements of the appropriate code
• FILLET WELDED PATCHES- require special design considet at ions, they are temporary
repairs Also it must be true that;

(a) 1l1e fillet-welded patches pr.ovide design safety equivalent to reinforced openings
designed according to the applicable section of the ASME Code.
(h) The fillet-welded patches are designed to absorb the membrane strain of the pmts so that
in accordance with the rules ofthe applicable section ofthe ASME Code, the following

• The allowable membrane stress is not exceeded in the vessel parts or the
• The strain in the patches does not result in fillet-weld stresses that exceed
allowable stresses for such welds.

• OVERLAY PATCHES - shall have rounded corners.

• FLUSH (insert) PATCHES shal1 have rounded comers and be installed with ful1 penetration butt



88 Summm ize the rules fOr the use of a h11l encirclement lap band on a pressure vessel

(7 2. 7)

• A full encirclement lap band repair may he considered a long term 1epai1 if the design is approved.
and documented by the pressure vessel engineer and the authorized API pressure vessel inspector
and the fOllowing requirements are met:

• The repair is not being made to a crack in the vessel shelL

• The band alone is designed to contain the full design pressure.
• All longitudinal seams in the repair band are full penetration bult welds with the design joint
efficiency and inspection consistent with the apptopriate code,
• The circumferential fillet welds attaching the band to the vessel shell are designed to lransler the
full longitudinal load in the vessel shell. using a joint efficiency of 0 45, without counting on the
illlegrity of the original shellmatelial covered by the band.
• Fatigue of the auachment welds, such as fatigue resulting from UifffJential expansion of the band
relative to the vessel shell, should he considered if applicable
• The band material and weld metal me suitable for contact with the contained lluid at the design
conditions and an appropriate corrosion allowance is provided in the band<
• The degradation mechanism leading to the need fOr 1epair shall be conside1ed in detelmining the
need for any additional monitoring and future inspection of the repair Non-penetrating nozzles
(including pipe caps attached as nozzles) may be used as long term repairs for other than cracks
when the design and method of attachment comply with the applicable requirements of the
appropriate code. The design and reinfOrcement of such nozzles shall consider the loss of the
original shell material enclosed by the nozzle The nozzle material shall be suitable for contact
with the contained tluid at the design conditions and an appropriate corrosion allowance shall be

89 Describe the material suitable for making repairs or alterations.

(72 8)

• Shall conform to the applicable section of the ASME Code, be of known weldable quality and be
compatihle with the original material. Carbon 01 allow steel with a carbon content over 0.35
percent shall not be welded

90< When making a repair or alteration, what should the acceptance criteria include?
(7 2 9)

• NDE t~chniques that are in accordance with the applicable sections of the ASME Code or another
appl icahle vessel rating code.

91 After 1epairs or alterations. is a pressure test required?

(7 2 I 0)

• Repairs- pressure test only applied if inspect01 believes one is necessary

• Alterations- pressure test are nmmally required. Subject to the approval of the Jurisdiction
(where the jm·isdiction's approval is required), appropriate nondestructive examinations simi I be
required where a pressure test is not perfOrmed Substituting nondestructive examination
procedures f{)f a pressme test aftel' an alteration may he done only after a pressure vessel engineer
experienced in pressure vessel design and the authmized pressure vessel inspector have been



92, Write the API 510 Test pressure formula


• Test Pressure= I 3 MAWP X Stress at Test Temp/Sttess ut Design Temp

93. List the minimum tensile strength requirements for filler metals used on vessels weld repairs and
the details of this method of repair
(7 2 II)

• The filler metal used for weld repairs should have minimum specilied tensile strength equal to 01
greater than the minimum specified tensile strength of tl1e base metaL If a filler metal is used that
has a minimum specified tensile strength lower than the minimum specified tensile strength of the
hase metal, the compatibility of the filler metal chemistry with the base metal chemistry shall be
considered regaHling weld ability and service degradation. In addition, the following shall be met:

• The repair thickness shall not be more than 50 percent of the required base metal thickness,
exclmling cmrosion allowance.

• The thickness of the repair weld shall be increased by a ratio of minimum specified tensile
strength of the base metal and minimum specified tensile of the filler metal used for the repair.

• The increased thickness of the repair shall have rounded comets and shall be blended into the base
metal using a 3 to I taper.

• The repair shall be made with a minimum of two passes.

94. List the requirements associated with re~rating a p1essure vessel .


• Calculations f10m either the manufacturer or an owner-user pressure vessel engineer (or his
designated representative) expelienced in pressure vessel design, fabrication, or inspection shall
justify re-rating,
• Are-rating shall be established in accordance with the requirements of the construction code to
which the pressure vessel was built or by computations that are determined using the appropriate
formulas in the latest edition of the ASME Code if ail of the essential details comply with the
applicable requirements of the code being used If the vessel was designed to an edition or
addendum of th,e ASME Code earlier than the 1999 Addenda and was not designed to Code Case
2290 or 2278, it may be re-rated to the latest edition/addendum of the ASME Code if permitted by
Figure 7-
• Cunent inspection records verifY that the ptessure vessel is satisfactory fOr the proposed service
conditions and that the corrosion allowance provided is appropriate. An increase in allowa.ble
working pressure or temperature shall be based on tllickness data obtained ffom a recent internal
or on-stream inspection.
• The pressure vessel has at some time heen pressure tested in accordance with the new service
conditions, or the vessel integrity is maintained hy special nondestructive evaluation inspection
techniques in lieu of testing.
• The pressure vessel inspection and re-rating is accepti.!hle to the authorized pressure vessel



95 When is the re-lating of a piessme vessel considered complete?

(7 3)

• When the API authorized pressure vessel inspector oversees the attachment of an additional
nameplate or additional stamping that carries the f()IJowing information:

Rerated by:-cc--:-:---:-::-:-:-,---:c------
Maximum Allowable Wo1king Pressure _ _ psi
at de&,Tfees F Date _ _ _ _ __



Section 1 ~ General
I What is the general scope of API RP576'?
(I )

• To describe inspection and repair practices f01 automatic pressure-relieving devices commonly
used in the oil and petrochemical indust1 ics

Section 2 -References

2 What document should be refe1enced to determine the appropriate size fOr a ptessme relief

• RP 520 Sizing, Selection, and Installation of Pressure-Relieving Devices in Refineries

Section 3 ·-Definitions

3 Desc1 ibe a pin~actuated device.

(3" I 3)

• A non-reclosing pressure relief device actuated by static pressure and designed to function by
buckling or breaking a pin, which holds a piston or plug in place,

4. Wluit is a huddling clu1mbeJ?


• An annular pressure chamber located Llownstremn of the seat of a pressure rei ief vnlve for the
purpose of assisting the valve in lifting

5 Desc1 ihe "rated relieving capacity"

(33 6)

• The relieving capacity uscU as the hasis for the application ot a presswe vessel relief device
detennined using the applicahle code or regulation.



Section 4- Pressure-Relieving Devices

6. What is the function of pressme~Jelieving devices?

!4 I)

• To protect refinery equipment and personnel hy automatically opening at predetermined pressures,

7 Name common examples of pressure relieving devices.


• Direct spling loaded

• Pilot PRV
• Rupture disks
• Weight loaded tlevices
• P1essure/Vacuum vent valves

8, Name the five types of ptessure 1clief valves

(4.2. 43. 4.4, 4.6. 47)

• Safety valve
• Rei ief valve
• Safety relief valve
• Balanced Safety Relief Valve
• Pilot-operated safety relief valve

9 Describe a safety valve.

(4.2)(Section VIII UG-126 foot notes)

• Actuated by static pressure upst1eam of a valve

• Spring fully exposed outside casing to protect from escaping steam.
• Normally not pressure tight on their downstream side,

I0 Safety valves should not be used in what situations?

(4 .2.2)

• Conusive refinery services.

• Any back pressure service.
• \Vhere discharge is' piped to Jemote locatibnsc
• Where escape of lading fluid around blowing valves is not desirable
• In liquid service
• As pressure control or bypass valves

I 1. Describe a relief valve,

(4 ])(Section VIII UG-126 foot notes)

• Actuated by stalic pressure upst1eam of a valve

• Lifts in propollion to the increase in pressure.
• Usually 1eaches lull Iii\ at either 10% or25% ove1pressure.

12 Why Uo relief valves have closed bonnets?

(4 3)

• To prevent the release of conosive, toxic, flammable or expensive fluids.



13 Relief valves should not he used in what situations?

(4.3 .2)

• In steam, ait. gas. or vapor service

• In services piped to an enclosed header unless the effects of any constant or variable backpressure
have been accounted fOr.
• As pressure control or bypass valves,

14, There are two types of safety relief valves. What are these two types·>
(45,4 6)

• Conventional & Balanced

15. Describe a conventional safety relief valve

• Openi11g pressttte, closing ptessure and relieving capacity are affected by back pressure
• Has a closed bonnet
• The bonnet cavity is vented to the downstream side,

16. Where are conventional safety relief valves used?

(45 I)

• Refinery process industries that handle flammable, hot, or toxic materials,

17, May a conventional safety relief valve be used on boiler steam th ums or super heaters?
(45 2)

• No

18. Describe a balanced safety relief valve.


• Balanced safety relief valves are direct spring loaded and incorpmate a bellows or other means to
minimize the effects ol backpressure

19.. What are the proper applications for these pressure balanced safety relief devices:
(4.6 I)

• Balance safety relief valves are normally used in applications with flammable, hot or toxic
materials. where high pressures are present at the discharge of the valve

20 . What is a pilot-operated safety relief valve?

(4,7)(Section VIII UG-126 foot notes)

• A pressure-relief valve in which the major relieving device is combined with and is controlled by a
self-actuated presswe relief valve (called a pilot valve).



21 What are some applications of pilot-operated safety relief valves?

t4 7 I)

• \\'here a large relief mea and/or a high pressure is required

• Where a low differential exists between normal vessel p1essure and set pressure of valves
' I
• On large low-pressure storage tanks (See API Std 620)
• Where very sh01t blow tlown required.
• \\'here hack pressure is very high and a balanced design is required.
• Where the process tequiles the sensing of pressure at one location and the relief of nuid at anotheL
• V..'here inlet and outlet frictional losses are highc
• Where in-situ, in-service, set ptessure verification is desired.

22 Name some limitntions on the use of pilot-orerated safCty relief valves

(4.7 2)

• Where Jluids are dirty.

• Thick or viscous lluid service.
• With vapots which polymelize in the valve.

23. What are the three basic categories of pressure and/or vacuum vent valves?

• Weight-loaded pallet vent valve

• Pilot-operated vent valve
• Spring and weight-loaded vent valve

24 . What are the applications and limitations of pressure and/or vacuum vent valves?
(481 and.2

• They a1e designed to protect atnmspheric and low pressure storage tanks and are not generally
used in applications requiring set pressures ubove 15 lbflin2

25. Describe the parts of a Rupture Disk Device.

(4 9)

• The c?mbination of a mpture disk and rupture disk holder is known as a 1upture disk device .

26 Name the types of rupture disks.


• Conventional Rupture Disk.

• Scored Tension-Loaded Rupture Disk.
• Composite Rupture disk.
• Reverse-Acting Rupture Disk
• Graphite Rupture Disk.

27 \Vhal is one advantage of the graphite Uisk over metal Uisks?

(4 9 I 5)

• High cot1osion resist:.mt:e



28. What is usually the service life of pre-bulgetl metal rupture disks installed so that pressure acts
against the concave side?
(4 9.3)

• One year -If not replaced pe1 iodically they can Jupture under normal pressures without warning,

29 Normally the operating pressure of a system protected by a pre-bulged ruptllle disk is from65%
to 85"'/o of the disk's predetermined bursting pressme, What determines this pressme mnge'?
(4 9 .l)

• The exact pe1centage depends on the disk's type,

30 What precaution should he taken when a ruptme disk is used in combination with another relief
Llevke and removed fOr any 1eason and will he reused?
(49 ))

• They should be handled with care to avoid damage which might cause prematme rupture

Section 5- Causes of improper Performance

31 What is the basic cause of many the difficulties encountered with pressure relief devices?
(5 . 1)

• Corrosion

.32. What effect can the severe over sizing of a relief valve have?

• Damaged valve seats

33. List the major causes of improper perfo11nance in pressurc"relieving devices,


• Corrosion
• Damaged seating surfaces
• Failed springs
• Impmper seating~ adjustments
• p"Jugging and sticking
• MisapplicatiOn of materials
• Improper location, history, or identification
• Rough handling
• Improper differential between operating and set pressures
• Improper piping test procedmes

.34, To prevent leakage of the lnding fluid, what must be maintained in the fl:.Hness of seating
surftlces a·n pressure relief valves?

• An optical precision on the o1der of 3 light heads/hands



35. What are some 1easons for damaged valve seats?


• Corrosion
• Foreign particles getting into valve
• Improper or lengthy piping to the valve inlet or obstructions in the line
• Careless handling during maintenance,
• Leakage past the seating surfaces of a valve aftei it has been installed.
• Improper blow down ring settings.
• Severe over sizing.

36 . What almost always causes btoken springs in pressme relief valves?


• Conosion (Note: two types- smfuce & stress)

37., What chemical fi'·equently causes stress-corrosion spring failure in petmchemical plants'?

• Hydwgen sulfide (H2S)

38. What may he done to prevent spring failure due to cmrosion'?

(5 J)

• Spring material which can resist the action of the cormsive agent
• Spring isolated by a bellows .
• Spring coated by a coating that can withstand the opernting temperature and environment

.39. What medium should be used to set the following pressure relief devices'?

• Safety relief valve - air or other gas.

• Vapor service valve air or inert gas .
• Steam service valves -steam but air may be used if suitable corrections are applied.
• Lic1uid service valves- water-

40. What is rect~mnended for lubricating sliding parts and threads on valves to prevent fouling?

• Valve pmts should be lubricated with a material that is compatible with the se1 vice and

41. In genernl, what should he considered in determining the materia! to be uscl1 for pressure-
relieving devices?

• T empernture
• Pressure
• Corrosion resistance requilements
• Atmospheric conditions



42 Why should relief valves be shipped in an upright position?

15 8 I)

• When relief valves are laid on their sides. the springs may not exe1 t the same force all mound the
seating surfUce

43. What is one important aspect of the wmk done to PRDs in the maintenance shop?
(5 . 8 2)

• Rough handling should he avoided such as the application of excessive huckpressure to bellows
type valves

44. If RV inlets and outlets are not covered during shipment what provisions should be made?
(5 .8 3)

• Provision should be made fOr such covering during all future shipments

45. What risks are incuned when a hydrostatic test of dischm ge piping fOr a PRD is perlbJmed?
(5 10)

• The disk, spring and body area on the discharge side of valve can be fouled.
• The bellows of a balanced relief valve can be damaged by excessive back pressure.
• The dome area and/or the pilot assembly of a pilot-operated pressure RV are fouled and damaged
by the back flow of the fluid .

Section 6 -Inspection and Testing

46. Name two types of inspections

(6 I)

• Shop inspections/ overhauls and visual on-stream inspections

47, When a relief valve is removed fOr inspection or overhauls what additional inspection should be
(6 2)

• Inlet and outlet piping should be inspected for internal deposits ar1d records made of their

48. After a PRV has been reinstalled what should be checked?

(62 I)

• After reinstalling the related piping should he checked to ensure that it is not imposing loads that
would cause pmblems with the pressure relief valve's body such as distortion leading to in-service

49 A complete operating hist01y of each pressure relief valve should be maintained and should
include what'!

• InfOrmation on upsets and theil eff'ects on the valve.

• The extent of any leakage that has occurred in operation
• Any othe1 evidence of mnlfunctioning,



50. When n relief device is removed from a system that is in operation, name a necessary step to
prevent an unexpected pressure release.
(6 24)

• The space between the relief valve and the adjacent block valve should he vented to release all

51 What must be done to valves in hydrofluoric acid service as soon as they are removed'?
(6 2 5

• They must he correctly neutralized immediately after removal

52 . Since inspection of RV piping cannot he done when removing the valve while the system is in
service what alternative inspection can be done to check for line any major blockage or fouling'?
(6 2.6)

• RadiogHlphic Inspection .

53. What can visual inspection of the piping after the 1emoval of a PRD indicate?

• The condition of the process piping whose interior is not visible,

54, VVhy should caution be used with the rigging to remove a lmge PRD f01 maintenance?
(6. 2 7)

• Prevent auxiliary piping and pilot assemblies from being damaged.

55. Prim to performing the as received pop test on a PRD what should he inspected and checked?

• Check that the seals are intact on the pressure set screw and the blow down 1ing screw cover,

56, When may the as received pop pressure test be waived by the owner/user?
(6.2 8)

• When the valve is extremely fouled and the test may damage the valve.

57. When unusu1:11 corrosion, deposits, or conditions are noted upon receipt of a PRD at the shop
what should be done?

• The inspector should participate in the shop inspection of the PRD

58 When is it not necessary to disassemble at PRD at the shop?

(62 10)

• If the valve has been tested at the appropriate API 510 interval and the as received pop test slmws
the valve to be operating properly disassembly is not mandatory



59. List at least foUl of the steps in the inspection of a relief valve upon disassembly
(62 II)

• Measure each part's dimensions.

• Check components fOr wear or cmrosion.
• Seating surfaces should be checked for roughness 01 damage
• Springs should be checked for cracking.

60. Dur·ing re-assemhly of· a pressure relief valve what should never he done?

• The nozzle and seating surfaces should never be oiled"

61, Af'tct re-assembly of a relief device how should any hlow down rings be set?

• In accordance with the manufactureJ"s recommendations.

62. Why do some manufactures recommentl at least three pop tests before releasing a relief device for

• It is believed that the first pop test helps to align all of the components and that the successive tests
verify the actual set pressure.



63. Once the valve is set to pop at its CDTP (cold differential test pressrue) it should be checked for
(6 2 15)

• Leakage anU seat tightness hy increasing the pressure on the test block to 90% of the CDTP,

64 When applying the hydraulic test method to ASME Section VIII pressure relief valves while on
equipment, what precautions should be taken7
(6 2.17)

• The potential for failure of the rupture disk in disk/relief valve combinations.
• Possible introduction of fOreign material into the valve sent are from popping .
• Possible wlease ofpwcess material to the atmosphete.

65 May a pilot opetated pressure relief valve be tested in place if no block valve exists bene'uth it'l

• No. it may be inspected and repaired only while the vessel is out of service.

66.. Whet e is a weight loaded pressure amJ/01 a vacuum vent used?

(6.2 20)

• On pressme storage tanks

67. What type of failllle me ptessure and/or vacuum vent valves prone to?

• Sticking,

68. Ts it permissible to reinstall a rupture disk once it has been unbolted and removed from its holder?

• No, it may not be possible to get a tight seal and unreliable performance is probable.
. \· t' '·' l.
69. What are the objectives of a visual on-stream inspection of relief devices?

• Make sure the correct device is installed, that the correct pressure can he detennined, that there are
not any blinds or g;l,IJ§j)Jstalled, that the seals are intact and that the valve is not leaking. Also
bellows if so equipped are connected and clear and vent piping is routed to a safe location. Any
upstream or downstream block valves are sealed or chained in the proper position That discharge
piping is supported, valve body drains and vent stacks are open, any required lifting lever is
present and properly positioned. Any heat trueing or insulation required is in good condition and
operational and if a rupture disk is installed it is properly oriented.

70. API 510 establishes the maximum interval between device inspections or tests of I0 years. what else
should be considered wl1en setting the frequency of inspection and testing?

• The perf(l! mance of the tie vice in a pnrticular service



71. How is the ff·equcncy of shop inspection or overhaul normnlly de tel mined?
(64 1.1)

• By the operating experience in the valve's present service corrosion service would be more
frequent for example

Section 7- Records and Reports

72, What is the principal objective in keeping records on pressme-relieving devices?

(7 I I

• To make available the information needed to ensure the perfonmmce of the devices meets the
requirements of their various installations

73, What should the recmd fOr a pressure-1eliving device include?


• lls specification data and a continuously accumulnting record of its tests and inspections results"

74. Which of the following per API 576 might he expected to initiate a work request on a PRD? The API
inspector or the Pmcess Unit Operato1?

• Process Unit Operator





Section 1 - General

L What are the main points covered in API RP 572''

(I I )

• Descriptions of the various types of p1 essure vessels.

• Standards for construction.
• Reasons fOr inspection
• Causes of deterioration.
• Frequency & methods of inspection.
• Methods of repair.
• Prepamtion of records and reports .

Sections 3, 4, 5 and 6 contain duplicate information to that found in the API 510. You should still
read these sections however, at least once.

Section 7 -Reasons for Inspection

2. What are the basic reasons fOr inspection?

(7 I)

• To determine the physical condition of the vessel.

• Determine the type, I ate and causes of deterioration,

3 List :.tt least four additional reasons for inspections,

(7 I, 7.2)

• Safety maintained
• Periods of opemtion without shutdown extended - well planned maintenance program
• Rate of d~ often reduced ,:-- 01 1 o:.1 ~. •

• Future repair nnd replacement requirements estimated

Section 8 ~ Causes of Deterioration

4 List the 4 general fonns of deterimntion,


• Electrochemical
• Chemical
• Mechanical
• Comhination of allth1ee



5 List the 4 general classifications of things that cause Uetel'imation upon coming into contact wilh a
vessel surface
18 I)

• 01ganic & in01ganic compounds

• Contaminated or ft·esh water
• Steam
• Atmosphere

6 Name 6 factors, which acce!eJate the rate of deterimation

18 I)

• Tempetattll'e
• Stress
• Fatigue
• Impingement
• High velocity
• Ineguhn ity of flow

7, What is the prime cause of deterioration in a p1essure vessel'!

(8 2)

• Corrosion

8 What are the most common internal con·odents in refineries?


• Sulfur
• SallfChloride compounds

9 Define erosion.
(8 2 2)

• The removal of surface material caused hy numerous individual impacts of solid or liquid particles
or cavitation.

I 0. Ems ion is typically found where in a vessel?

(8.2 2)

• Downstream of control valves

• Downstream of orifices
• Downstream of pump dischmges
• At any point of flow direction change, such as impingement baftlesc



I 1 Problems with enviwnmental cracking have been experienced of high hmdness, areas of high
stress or both Examples of this include _ _
(8 2.3)

• Chloride stress corrosion cracking of austenitic stainless steels due to moisture under insulation
• Polythionic acid stress corrosion cracking (PSCC)
• Caustic stress conosion also know as caustic embrittlement
• Amine stress conosion ciacking in non-stress relieved vessels.
• Carbonate st1ess cormsion cracking in alkaline systems.
• Wet hyd10gen sulfide stress cracking, hyd10gen induced cracking, and hydrogen blistering,

11, Corrosion beneath refractory linings cun cause what?

(8 2.4)

• Bulging of the refractory

1.1. What does fatigue cracking in a vessel result from?

(8 25)

• Excessive cyclic stresses the are often below the yield strength of the material such as;
• Pressure stresses
• Mechanical stresses
• Thermal stresses

14. Creep damage may be difficult to detect until _ _;__

(8.2 6)

• Significant damage has occured

15 What factor increases susceptibility to high temperature hydrogen attack in a vessel's material?
(8 2.7) ! 6:

• Increasing car bon content of the materials

.. I·. t , sulfide conus ion 1ates of me relatively low at metal temperatllles

(8.2 S)

• Water
• 450 "F

17. When bmied vessels are equipped with mlequate cathodic proJection when will excavation be
required fOr inspection?

• \\'hen evidence of coating or wrapping damage is 1evealed

18. WIKit me the most impmtant microorgnnisms that directly infhtences the 1ate of metallic

• Sulfate reducing bacte1 ia fl1tmd in may soils



19 What causes titanium alloys to lose lluctility'1

(8 3.7)

• Absorption of hydrogen

20. Many of the problems that may develop in pressure vessels are traceable to what?

• Faulty material or fabrication

21, Poor welding, imprope1 heat treatment, fabrication with dimensions outside tolerances allowed hy
ASME Code, improper installation of internal equipment, and assembly of flanged or threaded
joints are examples of what r.roblem?

• fnully fabrication

22, List several consequences of improper welding techniques.

(85 2)

• Incomplete penetration
• Lack of fusion
• Cracking
• Undercutting
• Slag inclusion
• Porous welds

23. High residual stresses near welds affecting the physical properties and corrosion resistance of the
metal is caused by whnl?

• Improper heat treatment

24 Dimensional intolerance can lead to what'?

(8.5 4)

• Stress concentrations and subsequent failures

25. What are the consequences of improper installation of inteuml equipment'?

(8 55)

• Inefficient operation
• Blockage of passages
• Displacement of internal equipment with presstlle surges



26. Improper fitting or tightening of flanges or threaded joints may lead to what'?
(85 6)
• Leaks and possible failure

Section 9- Frequency and Time of Inspection

27. What are the important factors when determining the fi·equency with which a ptessure vessel
should be inspected''

• The 1ate of deterioration

• The remaining conosion allowance

28 What event can provide and oppmtunity fm an inspection?

• An unscheduled shutdown

29 What occasional check may locate the cause of functional deterimation'?

(9 2)
• A check of a vessel's operating record

30 What are the most important issues when scheduling a unil for inspections'?
(9 ..3)
• Safety and reliability

Section Ill Inspection Methods and Limitations

31. Before starting inspection of a pressure vessel, what are some basic things the inspector should
(10 I)

• Determine pressure and tempe1ature conditions under which the vessel has operated since last
• Ascertain the character of the vessel contents and the ftmction the vessel serves in the process

32. Name at least 8 types of tools required by an inspector to inspect a pressure vessel.
(I 0.2.2)

• Po1table lights
• Thin bladed knife
• Broad chisel or scraper
• Minors
• Calipers
• Steel tape measuJ e(50 feet)
• Hanuner
• Notebooks and pencils

3.1. Whe1e should the extelnal inspection start"?


• External inspection should start with ladders stairways" platforms, or walkways connected to or
hetu ing on the vessel The condition of most parts can be determined by h:.unmef'ing



4.3 If settling of a vessel has occurred, what should be checked for dist01tion and cracks?
(10 38

• Nozzles

44.. What is the recommended resistance fOr grounding connections?

(I 0 3 9)

• 5 ohms 01 Jess. not to exceed 25 ohms

45 Unchecked vibrations on auxiliary equipment such as gauge connectors can cause what type of
(IOJ 10)

• Fatigue failure

46 What type of inspection is usually sufficient for protective coatings and insulation?

• Visual

47 At what operating temperatme does CU1 become a concern on externally insulated vessels subject
to moisture ingress?

• Between 25 to 250" F

48 What are the normally required measurements on external metal surfaces of a vessel?

• Under nonnal conditions, at least one measurement in each shell ring and one on each head . If no
history exists fOr a vessel, then get a reading in each quadrant of each shell ring

49c Whallypes of corrosion me found on extemal surfaces of vessel?


• Atmospheric
• Cq.ustic Embrittlement
• Hydrogen blistering
• Soil corrosion

50 Vessels containing acidic corrodents are subject to hydrogen blisteling Where is this normally
found in the vessel?
( 10 3.13)

• Those meas helow the liquid level in vessels containing acidic corrodents are mme likely than
other meas to be sul~ject to hydrogen blistering, Blisters are normally on the inside, hut can occu1
on the outside sm face as well

51 Wlml should a vessel be checked fOr if a caustic is stored in it?

(103 13)

• ff u caustic matefial is stored or used in a vessel, the vessel should he checked fOr caustic
embri ttlement,



52. Evidence of white salts seeping through c"rcks will indicate what type of material?

• Caustic material

53 Unless readily visible. leaks are best found by what means?

( 10 J 13)

• Pressure or Vacuum testing

54 Describe how you would determine the extent of bulging or buckling on a vessel in service,

• By measuring the ch~nges in circumferences or hy making profiles of the vessel wall. Profiles me
made hy taking measurements from a line pmallel to the vessel waiL A smvey01 's transit or a I SO
deg1ee optical plummet may also he used

55. The degree of surface preparation needed fOr internal inspection will vary with sevewl factors
Foremost among these are:
( 104.2)
• Type of deterioration expected
• Location of any deterioration

56 0 acks in vessels are most likely to occtu where?


• In places where there me sharp changes in shape or size 01 near welded seams, especially if a high
stress is applied,

57 What may preliminmy inspections 1eveal?


• Unsafe conditions, such as those due to loose internals that may fall or due to badly corroded or
broken intemal ladders or platformso

58, A detailed inspection should stmt at one end of' the vessel and work toward the other end and
include what'?
( 10.4.4)

• A systematic procedure to avoid overlooking obscure but important items.

59 What should all parts of a vessel be inspected for?


• Conosion
• Erosion
• Hydrogen blistering
• Cutcking
• Laminations

60 Some times the depth of a pit can he estimated by using what simple method?
( 10.4 4)

• EXtending the lead of a mechanical pencil



61. What types of methods are used fOr determining the extent of cracks?
(10 4 4)

• Dye penetfllnt
• Magnetic-particle (wet or d1y)
• Ultrasonic sl1ear-wave

62. Explain the difference in appearance between erosion and corrosion .

( 10.4 4)

• Er-osion is ch:.uacterized by a smooth, bright appearance: marked by the absence of the erosion
product.: and metal loss, is usually confined to a clenrly marked local area,

• Corroded areas are not often smooth or bright

63. Shells and heads of vessels should be inspected for deformation Which is mme likely to suffe1
1 1 defOrmation?
C'' \J

• The shell of a vessel

64 How do you check for (a) small distmtions, (b) bulging or buckling (c) out-of-roundness or

• Small distortions - by placing a straight edge against a vesseL

• Bulging/buckling- measuring the changes in circumference or by profile (measuring from a line
strung parallel to the vessel).
• Out-of round/bulge- by measuring the minimum and maximum internal deviation at the cross
sectional area and comparing the two .

65.. What is the best method of locating suspected deformations?


• Di1ect a nnshlight beam parallel to the surface to check for shadows in depressions and on the
non-light sides ot intemal bulges.

66. Vlhnt is the most sensitive method of locating surface cracking?


• Fluorescent Magnetic P:.uticle Method.

67. What is the difference between cracks and laminations?

( 1044)

• Laminations nm at a slant to the plate surface.

• Crncl<s run at right angles to the surface.

68, Name three important f'act01s in the inspection of metallic linings.


• That there is no corrosion.

• That the linings are propeTly installed
• That no holes or cracks exist.



69 Explain how the Corrosive Tab Method is used to determine the metal loss on vessel linings.

• Small I hy l inch tabs of lining that form a right angle are welded onto the lining with one leg
extended into the vessel, Dming inspections the thickness of the protruding leg is measured, and,
since both sides of the leg are exposed to cmrosive action, the loss in thickness would be twice
that of the lining.

70 What is the principle method used to inspect nonmetallic linings like glass. plastic, rubber,
concrete. and carbon block 01 brick

• For the most part all of the above will be visually inspected fm discontinuities or physical damage,

• Specific:
• For paint, glass. plastic, & mbber lining the spark tester method is used to locate holidays . For
concrete. brick, tile, or rermctmy lining the hammer testing method is used to locate Jack of

71 Name the factors to consider when selecting tools fOr thickness measwemenl~

• Accessibility from both sides.

• Desire for NDE methods.
• Accmacy desi1ed.
• Time available
• Economy

72 What is the primary means of· obtaining thiclmess measurements?

(10 5)

• Ultrasonic instruments

73 To analyze defects in welded seams that are not visible on the surface of the metal, what two
methods are used?
( 10 6)

• Radiography.
• Shear-wave Ultrasonic.

74 How does the Hammer Test ftmction in supplementing visual examination of a vessel fOr the
I 10 8 I)

• "Thin" -Locate thin sections in vessel walls. heads. and attachments.

• "Tightness"- Check fOr tightness of rivets, bolts. brnckets.
• "Cracks and Lack of Bond"~ Check for cracks in metallic linings nnd lack of bond in concrete
• "Scalc 11 -Remove scnle accmnulations f(n spot inspections



75 . When is usc of the Hammer Test not recommended?

t 108 I)

• When vessels are under pressure

• On piping upstream from a catalyst hed.

76" What is pressure testing?


• Filling a vessel with liquid or gas and building up an intemal pressme to a desired level

77. Which is the preferred method, pressure or vacuum testing, and why?

• Pressure testing. Leaks from an internal pressure source a1e mme easily located With vacuum
testing you will know if there me leaks, but the location is not evident.

78. What should an inspector examine before applying test pressure to the shell side of an exchanger?
(10 83)

• He should inspect the tube walls to be sure there is sufficient wall thickness to withstand external

79 In an exchanger where the cooling water is the lower pressure stream and a hytlmcmbon is the
higher ptessure stteam, what is a possible way to detect a leak?

• It may be possible to assess the hydmcarbon content upstream and downstream of the suspect

80. Name the two most limits of corrosion or othe1 deterioration that must be known by inspection.

• The retiring thickness of the part considered

• The rate of deterioration.

8 I. Often vessels have excess thickness above that required. fm pressure When taking ~red it fOr this
excess thickness what must always be considered'(
( 10.9)

• In some cases the excess thickness ol' the shell or head plates was used by the designer to
compensate for nozzle openings.

82. BefOre determining the limiting or retiring thicknesses of parts of any pressure vessel, what must
be known?
( 10 9)

• Which Code and edition of that Code it is to be rated umler.

• Are there specific regulations regarding limits and allowable 1epairs.



Section II - Methods of Repair

81 When is it rcqui1cd that a repair concern making welded repairs to a vessel have a National Board
R stamp?

• When the jul'isU iction dictates that the these repairs me to made by only R stamp ho\de!s

84 When is a pressure test of a vessel normally a requirement?

(I I)

a After an alteration

Section 12 - Records und Reports

85. A complete record Hie should contain what three types of infOrmation?

• Basic data- manuftu.:turet's diawings, data reports and specifications, design information. tesults
of any material tests.
• Field notes~ notes and measmements Jecorded on site including record of com1ition of all parts
inspectetl and repairs required.
• Cqntinuous file- all information on the vessel's opetating history, previous inspections, conosion
1 ate tables, records of repairs and replacements.

86 . When making reports recommending repairs, who should receive these reports?
( 12.2)

• All management gwups. This would 1101mally include engineering, operation, and maintenance
departments. Reports should include the location, extent, and reasons fOr recommended repair..

Appendix A - Exchangers

87. Why should bundles be checked when they are first pulled fiom the shells?
<A .9 I)

• The color, type, amount, nnd location of scales and deposits often help to pinpoint conosion

88. A distinctive Prussian blue on bundle tubes indicates the presence of what?
(A9 2)

• Fe1 riferrocyanide

89. Coils in open condenser hnxes and double-pipe exchanger shells should be inspected according to
what API Recommended Practice?
(A 10)

• RP574



201 General

1. \\'hat are the modes of failure that can he fOund in Jefine1y equipment?

• Fatigue Failures- caused by stress reversals. (In machinery these cJacks stmt at the smface and
progress with each stress reversal.)
• Distortion Failure- occurs when equipment is sul~jected to tempe1atures above design
temperature. (At high tempewtures the metal becomes weaket and distortion occurs which may
resuli in failure )
• Brittle Fracture- em bon steels are susceptible to brittle fracture at umbient temperatures ami
below, (A number ollank failures have been attributed to the brittle condition of steel at low
tempemtmes, combined with high loads that have been imposed by thermal stress set up rapid
tempe! ature changes.)
• Excessive l\1cf'nl Loss- may result in tlliltne if remaining wall thickness gets below safety valve
settings. This is a rare occurrence,
• Wrong Material or Wrong Gasl\cts- may lead to fail me

202 - Corrosion

2. Corrosion pmblems in refining operations cnn he divided into three majm groups. What. are these
(202 I)

• Corrosion from components present in crude oiL

• Corrosion from chemical use'd in refinery processes.
• Environmental con osion.

3. Name the conosion compounds found in crude oil.

(202.0 I)

• Hydmgen Chloride and organic/inorganic chloride

• Hydrogen sulfide, mercaptans, & organic sulfl1r compounds,
• Carbon dioxide.
• Dissolved oxygen and water..
• Organic acids.
• Nitrogen compounds.

4 What is hydrogen chloride? When does it become a corrosion problem in process streams?
(202 022)

• A d1y hydrochloric acid (normally not corrosive in process streams). It becomes corrosive when
water is available to form hydrochloric acid.

5. What do all cwde oils contain?


• Sail



6 What is the mm>t active of the sulfur compounds in causing corrosion in refinery equipment?

• Hyd10gen Sullide

7 At what temperatme range does accele!llted hydrogen sulfide corrosion occur in refinery equipment'?
• Between 450 an~ 900 °F

8 What makes carbon dioxide conosive'?

(202 . 024)

• \Vhen it is combined with water. it becomes carbonic acid,

9. Where is corrosion by carbon dioxide found to he most severe'? .


• In hydrogen planL,,

10. Dissolved oxygen and water is a corrosion problem in what equipment?


• Storage tanks

II \Vhen are organic acids very corrosive?

(202 026)

• At their boiling temperatures The most severe fOrm of con·osion occurs upon condensation

12. What two fOrms of corrodents are formed when nitrogen is cracked in a cracking or catalytic cracking

• Ammonia & Cyanide

I 3 What is phenol und what is it used f01?


• Carbolic add- Used in refinery operations in the 1-mmufacturc oflublicaling oils and aromatics.

14 What is caustic and what is it used for in refinery operations?


• Sodium Hydroxide- Used for the neutralization of acid components and fOr grease manufacture. ·

15. When ammonia is per milled to contact coppe1 base alloys in pH ranges of 8.0 and above, seven~
corrosion in three f01111 of genewl metal loss and stress corrosion diiCking will occuL How may this attack
be identified?
(202.037) '

• By the appenwnce of a blue salt deposit on the metal's surface.



I6 What are the primary uses of ammonia in the refining industry?


• As a reh ige1 ant

• For neutJalization of acidic components in oveihead streams. from pipe stills. and catalytic
cracking units

17< What matetials is ammonia harmful to?

(202 0.37)

• Copper base alloys

18. What is chlorine used for in refinery operations and when does it become very corrosive?

• Used fOr treating cooling water and f(H the manufactme of sodium hypochlorite h:n treating oils
It becomes very corrosive in contact with small amounts of moisttlle

19. Aluminum Chloride- What is it used fm? What does it 1'01 min the presence of water? How does it
affect carbon steel and stainless steels'?

• Used as a catalyst in isomerization units . .It fmms hydrochloric acid in the presence of water.
Hydrochloric acid causes severe pitting em 10sion in em bon steel and intergmnular and stress
corrosion cracking in stainless

20. What is the term applied to atmospheric corrosion?


• Galvanic

21. What is needed to prevent atmospheric corrosion?


• Eliminate water from the surface of the metal by means of a pmtective ban·ier or coating,

2L At what temperature does hidden corrosion take place under insulation and fireproofing if moisture
penetrates through CJ acks in the insulation?

• In vessels and piping operating below approximately 250 °E

2.1 When does oxygen become destructive?

(202 052)

• At high temperatures oxygen teacls with steel to cause scaling (iron oxide).

24. Why may stemn at high temperatures cnuse scaling?

(202 053)

• Because the steam may he decomposed to hyd10gen and oxygen! and the f1ee oxygen may cause
SCVel'e SCaling



25. Vanadium oxide conus ion does not take place below wl1at tempetatme?


26 The ext em con osive attack by hot sulfur compounds (sulfur dioxide. hyd10gen sulfide) depends on
what three things?
(202 055)

• Concentration. temperature. and oxidizing power of the envkonment

27 At what tempewture does all gray cast iron begin to detel'imate. resulting in extreme brittleness, loss of
strength. scaling, and gwwth'?

• 800 "F

28, G10wth of cast iron results flam what two things?

1202 056)

• Graphitization & infiltration of cmrosive gases into the structure.

29. What is graphitic corrosion?

(202 061)

• Low temperature cmrosion of gray cast irons in which metallic iron is converted into corrosion
products, leaving the graphite intact

30 In what material do you find gwphilic corrosion and at what temperature does it occm?
(202 063)

• In cast iron at temperatures below the dew point of water.

31 How can you recognize graphitic corrosion?

(202 063)

• By the soft porous stJ ucture that remains in the areas where it oc~m s
32 What materials is mercury harmfl1l to'?
1202 064)

• Monel and copper based alloys (stress corrosion cracking)

• Aluminum alloys

3.3 Define Stress Corrosion Crucldng.

1202 064)

• The spontaneous failure of metals by c1 acldng unde1 the combined action of co1 rosion aml tensile



34, What is dezincification?


• A type of corrosion that can occur in copper- zinc alloys (brasses) containing Jess than 85%
copper and used in water service

35 What are three types of dezincification?

(202 066)

• Plug- occurs in localized areas .

• Layer - covers large areas.
• Intercrystnlline- occurs along grain boundaries

36. What are inhibited brasses?

(202 066)

• Brasses which have been alloyed with arsenic, antimony, or phosphorus to inhibit dezincification.

37 What is galvanic corrosion'?


• An electrochemical type corrosion that occurs when two different metals are electrically
connected, either by direct contact or by an electrical conductor, and are in contact with an
electrical solution called an "electrolyte".

38. What is contact corrosion (crevice corrosion)?

(202 068)

• A type of corrosion that occurs at the point of contact or in a crevice between a metal and
nonmetal or between two pieces of' metal in the presence of a corrodent

39 What is biological corrosion?


• Corrosion influenced by primitive organisms.

40, What me the most important microorganisms that directly intluence the rate of metallic conus ion'?

• Sulfate reducing bacteria found in many soils

203 ~ Erosion

41 Erosion is flequcntly a problem in equipment utilizing the fluidized~ solids principle. What is this

• ff a gas stream of sufficient velocity is passed through a mass of finely divided solids, such as a
pnwder,the mass or particles will hehave ve1y much like a tn1e liquid

42, What method of'delerimation does cavitation induce?


• Erosion. Cavitations erosion is associated with the lbrmation and collapse of cavities in a liquid
althe metal to Iiquid interface.



204 - El'fects of High Temperatures

43. Define creep

(204 012)

• The tlmv or plastic deformation of metals held for long periods of time at stress lower than the
normal yield strength

44. A stress- rupture is what type of failure·>


• A brittle type failure- stress ntpture relates the time to failure with temperature and stress,

45. When austenitic stainless steels are heated m cooled in the tempet ature tange of 750 to 1.650 °F. what
does this make the matelial susceptible to?

• Inter granulm corrosion

46 When ferritic steels are heated above a certain temperature (above I I00" F for mild steel). how does
this afh::ct the material?

• Leads to geneHIIIowering of tJ1e tensile strength.

47 . What is incipient melting (burning)?

(104 022)

• When tenitic steels are heated above approximately 2,600 °F, melting and oxidation will begin at
the grain boundaries. The steel is called "bwned" and will be very weak and brittle upon cooling.

48. What is Gmr>hitization?


• A sUuctural change in certain fenitic steels that have operated for a long period of time between
825 and I,400 °F Carbide is unstable in that tempemtmc range and may decompose into iron
(ferrite) and graphite (carbon).

:\9. What are the two general types of Graphitization?


• Random Graphitization- graphite distributed unifOrmly throughout the steeL

• Localized Graphitization- graphite highly concentrated in local regions

50. What is Sensitization? What happens to sensitize(] steel when exposed to conodents?

• When Austenitic stainless steels are exposed to tempemtures of 750 to 1650 °F, precipitation of
complex chromium carbides at the gmin boundaries takes place 'Vhcn the sensitized steel is
exposed to em rodents, intergranulm corrosion takes place,



51 What is dccarburization?
(204 034)

• The loss of em bon from the smlUce of a ferrous alloy as a result of heating in a medium that reacts
with carbon. This 1esults in lower tensile strength, hmdness. and fatigue strengthc It can only be
fOund by metallurgical examination.,

52. At what temperature does hydrogen have a very destructive effect on steels?
(204 035)

• Above 450 "F

53. What cmve shows the different steel/temperature limits for hydrogen se1vice?
(204 035)

• Nelson Chart

lOS~ Subnormal and Ambient Temperature Effects

54. Denne notch toughness (a propetty of metals)

(205 01)

• The amount energy necessary to cause fracture in the presence of n sharp notch or stJess

55. Brittle fl'actme can be recognized by several characteristics. What are these characteristics?

• Cracks propagate at high speed.

• There may he a loud repmt or shmp rending sound
• There is almost a complete lack of ductility.
• The ffnctmed sm face has a brittle or fD.ceted surface,

206 - Excessive Pressure

56, What is excessive pressure?


• Tlm~e in excess of the MA WP of' the equipment under consideration,

57. Name four causes of excessive pressme.

(206021: 206.022; 206.023: 206.024; 206.Q25)

• a Added heat in excess of normal operations

• b Blocking off against a pressure source
• c Thermal expansion of a trapped liquid
• d Hyd1aulic hammer or resonant vibmtion



207 - Overloading

58 What are some indications of overloading of equipment?

(207 02)

• Visible distottion
• Change of shape"
• Change of position,

Appendix 1

59. Steel (ferrous alloy) is an alloy of iron und carbon What is the carbon coment mnge?
(App lA)

• 0.1)1% to 1.7% (Max em bon content of weld able steels lor Code ptnposes is 0 ..35%)

60 Usually lOr refinety construction steels have Jess than what percent em bon?
(App I A)

• Less than I %"

61, Steels for welding have a maximum of what percent carbon content?
(App lA)

• 0 ..35%

62, There are two general types of steels What are these?
(App I A)

• Ferritic Steel- ordinary carbon steel, low and intermediate alloy steels, and high alloy steels
(straight chromium).
• Austenitic - chromium - nickel stainless steels

6.3 Nonferrous metals and alloys contain what percent iron?

tApp I B)

• Less than 50%

M What is the only commqn copper- nickel alloy and what is it used for? •
(App I B)

• Monel It is used fOr relatively low temperature corrosion resistance,

650 What are the majm uses of commeicially ptne copper in refinelies'?
(App I B)

• Electtical conductors, gaskets, and corrosion resistance,

66. What are the majm uses of aluminum and its alloys in rcfinelies?
tApp I B)

• Corrosion tesistance and f<JI stJuclures which lightweight is a necessity .




• Sulfuric Acid and Hydrogen Fluoride~ used in a\Kylatimfs units ns a catalyst Concentrations nf
85% to 95% for sulflll ic acid and above 65% for hydrogen fluor ide

• Phenol (Carbolic Acid)- used for the manufacture of lubricating oils and aromatic hydrocarbons

• Phosphoric Acid - used for a catalyst in polymerization units.

• Caustic (Sodium Hydroxide)- used for neutralization of acidic components

• Mercury~ used in instruments

• Ammonia - used as a ref1 ige1 nnt and fOr tile neutralization of acidic components

• Chlorine- used to treat cooling tower wateJ and fOr the manufacture of sodium hypochlm ite used
to treating oils

• Aluminum Chloride- used as a catalyst for isomerization units,


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