data scince report
data scince report
data scince report
Faculty of Engineering
Computer Systems Engineering department
Prepared By
Name: Moustafa Atef Farouk ID: 195339
Supervised By
Dr Manal moustafa
Data science is an exciting and rapidly growing field that is transforming
the way businesses and organizations make decisions. It is a powerful tool for
understanding the world around us, and it is used to uncover hidden relationships
between variables, to identify trends and patterns in data, and to develop
predictive models that can be used to make decisions and optimize processes.
Data science is a combination of several disciplines, and it is used in a variety of
industries to uncover patterns, trends, and correlations in large datasets, and to
develop predictive models that can be used to make decisions and optimize
Data science is more than the mere analysis of large data sets. It is also about the
creation of data. The field of “text-mining” expands available data enormously,
since there is so much more text being generated than numbers. The creation of
data from varied sources, and its quantification into information is known as
“datafication.”. The datafication can be done in different levels. It could be in
personal levels or business levels.
If all the data necessary for the project is packaged and handed to you,
you’ve won the lottery. More often than not, finding the right data takes both time
and effort. If the data lives in databases, your job is relatively simple - you can
query the relevant data using SQL queries, or manipulate it using a dataframe tool
like Pandas. However, if your data doesn’t actually exist in a dataset, you’ll need
to scrape it. Beautiful Soup is a popular library used to scrape web pages for data.
If you’re working with a mobile app and want to track user engagement and
interactions, there are countless tools that can be integrated within the app so that
you can start getting valuable data from customers. Google Analytics, for
example, allows you to define custom events within the app which can help you
understand how your users behave and collect the corresponding data.
Using all of this information, you start to form hypotheses about your data
and the problem you are tackling. If you were predicting student scores for
example, you could try visualizing the relationship between scores and sleep. If
you were predicting real estate prices, you could perhaps plot the prices as a heat
map on a spatial plot to see if you can catch any trends.
5. Logistics
Data Science is used by logistics companies to optimize routes to ensure
faster delivery of products and increase operational efficiency.
6. Fraud Detection
Banking and financial institutions use data science and related algorithms
to detect fraudulent transactions.
7. Internet Search
When we think of search, we immediately think of Google. Right?
However, there are other search engines, such as Yahoo, Duckduckgo, Bing,
AOL, Ask, and others, that employ data science algorithms to offer the best
results for our searched query in a matter of seconds. Given that Google handles
more than 20 petabytes of data per day. Google would not be the 'Google' we
know today if data science did not exist.
8. Speech recognition
Speech recognition is dominated by data science techniques. We may see
the excellent work of these algorithms in our daily lives. Have you ever needed
the help of a virtual speech assistant like Google Assistant, Alexa, or Siri? Well,
its voice recognition technology is operating behind the scenes, attempting to
interpret and evaluate your words and delivering useful results from your use.
Image recognition may also be seen on social media platforms such as Facebook,
Instagram, and Twitter. When you submit a picture of yourself with someone on
your list, these applications will recognise them and tag them.
9. Targeted Advertising
If you thought Search was the most essential data science use, consider
this: the whole digital marketing spectrum. From display banners on various
websites to digital billboards at airports, data science algorithms are utilised to
identify almost anything. This is why digital advertisements have a far higher
CTR (Call-Through Rate) than traditional marketing. They can be customised
based on a user's prior behaviour. That is why you may see adverts for Data
Science Training Programs while another person sees an advertisement for
clothes in the same region at the same time.
10. Airline Route Planning
As a result of data science, it is easier to predict flight delays for the airline
industry, which is helping it grow. It also helps to determine whether to land
immediately at the destination or to make a stop in between, such as a flight from
Delhi to the United States of America or to stop in between and then arrive at the
Data scientists are among the most recent analytical data professionals
who have the technical ability to handle complicated issues as well as the desire
to investigate what questions need to be answered. They're a mix of
mathematicians, computer scientists, and trend forecasters. They're also in high
demand and well-paid because they work in both the business and IT sectors.
10. conclusion
Data will be the lifeblood of the business world for the foreseeable future.
Knowledge is power, and data is actionable knowledge that can mean the
difference between corporate success and failure. By incorporating data science
techniques into their business, companies can now forecast future growth, predict
potential problems, and devise informed strategies for success.