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Gatoraid: Board of Education Superintendent Boar D Member S

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School Phone: 408-252-5414 ~ Absence Line 408-252-5414-6 ~ FAX 408-996-9725

Boa rd o Sup f Ed erin uca tend tion ent: Boa Phil Quo Anja rd Mem n bers Josep li Kausa : r, Be hine n Luce y, Ga Liao, ry M Phyl lis Vo cCue gel ,


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FEBRUARY 2, 2012

2/2 2/6-2/16 2/7 2/8 2/9 2/9 2/10-2/16 2/14 2/14 2/15 2/17

7:15 p.m. 6:30-7:15 p.m. 7:20-8:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 3:45 p.m. 6:00 p.m.





EVERY TUESDAY IS EARLY DISMISSAL Students are dismissed at 1:30. PRE-PAY FOR CUSD LUNCHES at PAMS (Parent Account Management System) Lunchroom! You can make payments and view your students account balance online by going to http://www.pamslunchroom.com or by calling 1-888-994-5100. TO EMAIL STAFF:lastname_firstname@cusdk8.org ATTENDANCE: If your child will be absent, please call 252-5414. Ext. 6, by 8:30 a.m. to report the absence. HOMEWORK: Homework may be requested for illness absences of three days or more. Please call the office before 9:00 a.m. to request the homework for pickup after 3:00 p.m.


New Student Council Officers Garden Gate students in third through fifth grade recently elected new Student Council Officers for Spring, 2012. Congratulations to all the candidates who ran and to the following winners: President: Harshini Mangipudi Vice President: Ashrav Shetty Secretary: Ranjani Ravi Treasurer: Gautham Raghupathi Sports coordinators: Steven Long and Audrey Lai Public Relations: Shir Talmor and Allison Yen Need Insurance Coverage? Did you know that thousands of children in California are without health insurance? Did you know countless school hours are lost due to dental pain, vision problems and illnesses that could be prevented or treated? There are no-cost or low-cost insurance coverage programs available for you and your child. You can give your child a better chance to learn. Our school district has always known what experts are just now realizing that there is a direct link between childrens health and school success. For more Medi-Cal/ Heathly Families information, call toll-free: 1-888-747-1222. OR Medi-Cal/Healthy Families Program: Each year thousands of children in California miss out on basic medical care because their family cannot afford health coverage. We have information from the California Department of Health Services Medi-Cal/ Healthy Families Program available in our front office, or call toll free: 1-888-747-1222.

District Health Guidelines

It is important that our children follow good health practices at all times and be kept home when they are ill. A child may not be in school when he or she is experiencing one or more of the following symptoms: * * * * * * Nausea or vomiting (must remain at home until free of symptoms for 24 hours). Diarrhea (must remain at home until free of symptoms for 24 hours). Severe headache. Continuous coughing or runny nose. Evidence of a communicable disease such as rash, swelling or unusual sore throat. Undiagnosed rash (rashes need to be verified by your doctor that they are non-contagious, a doctors note is needed). * Temperature of 100 degrees or higher (must remain at home until he/she has a normal 98.6 degree temperature for 24 hours without the use of a fever reducer such as Tylenol). * Conjunctivitis (pink eye). If a student is sent home from school due to illness, the child may not return that day. A doctors note for absences over five (5) days is required. Keeping sick kids at home until they recover prevents contagious illness from spreading to other students and members of the community. Thank you for your cooperation in helping to keep all children and staff healthy.

When Parents Talk Less, Their Children Actually Listen More!

When your child was younger, he needed you to talk a lot. Its the way he learned the language that describes the world around him. But now that your child is older, he needs a lot less narration. Yet many parents of elementary schoolers find themselves talking on and on ... even while their children are listening less and less. Of course you still want to talk with your child about his day. You want to have conversations about what hes reading and thinking. But if youre like most parents, youd like to spend less time talking about whether its time to feed the pets or why his clothes are still scattered all over his bedroom floor. Here are some tips on how you can make the most of the words you say to your child: * Make infrequent requests. As much as possible, help your child develop a routine for things like homework and daily chores. * Keep the volume down. Your child doesnt actually hear you any more clearly if you yell. * Keep it short. When you do have to give your child directions, see if you can say it in five words or fewer. So instead of saying, Jack, I need you to get to the car. Dont forget your backpack. Do you have your homework? try saying, Jack. Homework. Backpack. Car. Source: L. Ticknor, When I Stopped Yelling, Washington Parent, February 2009.


Do you wonder how to connect better with your children? Do you wonder what matters to them, and how you can assist them to grow up to be healthy, caring and responsible citizens? I encourage you to try a "propeller" - a question intended to spark conversations with your children. Try it around the dinner table tonight! This week's propeller: What builds your self-esteem? Why?




Hello Gator Families,

Garden Gates Literacy Night and Book Exchange is Next Week!

Literacy Night and the Book Exchange is on Tuesday, February 7th. The last day to bring your gently used books is tomorrow, Friday, February 3rd. Your books must be in good condition. Before you give the books to the librarian, please make sure that you have the students name and room number attached to the bag or box. In exchange, you will receive tickets which can be used to purchase books of your choice. Get ready to have loads of fun while buying new books. We hope to see you then!

February PTA Meeting

Our PTA Meeting for this month is tonight, Thursday, February 2nd at 7:15 in the GLC. You are welcome to attend so you can get the latest on school events and PTA activities and plans. I especially urge PTA members to join us, as we will be voting on some new budget items and a Nominating Committee as well.

Take Part In International Day at Garden Gate!

International Day will be held on Tuesday, March 27th, 2012. We especially need Fifth Grade students to sign up to participate in this event. The continent assigned to the fifth grade students is Africa. Fifth Grade Gators, get your thinking and creative caps on and jump into taking your part in International Day. I guarantee, you will have fun preparing skits or dances for this day and it will be an experience that you will remember and cherish as you head off to Middle school and beyond! You can contact the International Day Coordinator, Mahalakshmi Rameshbabu at mahaaramesh@yahoo.com to sign-up.

Collect Box Tops For A New Play Structure!

Gators, please remember to continue to collect your Box Tops to raise funds for a new playground structure! Parents, please help your kids and the PTA in this effort by also purchasing gift cards from our scrip table and signing up for e-scrip. Our children will greatly benefit by working for a common cause and will sense a feeling of pride in supporting their school.

Iwishyouallawonderfulweek! AzmehMalik GardenGatePTAPresident

Garden Gate Elementary School 10500 Ann Arbor Ave., Cupertino CA 95125

Tyler Enfield Visits Garden Gate February 8th! Author Tyler Enfield returns to Garden Gate on February 8th to read from and discuss his newest book, Wrush: Tabethas Last Task. The book is the sequel to Wrush: The Secret Worlds of Tabetha Bright, which Tyler brought to Garden Gate last year. Tylers assembly will be for students in grades two through five. Your child will have the opportunity to purchase one or both of the Wrush books. Please check the yellow flier that will come home in your childs Green Folder today. Each book is $12. If you purchase both books, the cost is $20. Please have your child bring the order slip and cash or check on Feb. 8th to the assembly.


Get Free Popcorn....

The Garden Gate CDC is having an open enrollment for their Mid Year Recess Camp. Please stop by the booth located in the Kindergarten play area for more information on February 6th at 1:30 p.m.

Important School Calendar Dates

The CUSD Board of Education has approved the calendar for the 2012-2013 school year. The first day of school will be on August 20, 2012. The last day of school for this year is June 12, 2012. Students must be present on the last day of school and on the first day of school in order to be guaranteed a spot at Garden Gate. Students not attending the last or first day of school will be dropped and parents will need to re-register when the child returns.

Book Exchange Tuesday, February 7th

Please join us for the annual Garden Gate Book Exchange on Tuesday, Feb. 7 from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. in the GLC. Also, please remember to bring in your gently used books and DVDs to our school librarian, Mrs. Gokhale. The deadline to bring in your books and DVDs is Friday, February 3. Your child will earn a ticket for each book donated. The tickets can then be used at the Book Exchange.

Math Around The World

Lawrence Hall of Science brings the highly interactive Math Around the World family festival to Garden Gate on Wednesday, March 7th. All Garden Gate families are invited and encouraged to attend. To make the event a success, we need 12 adults to volunteer at the math stations. No experience is necessary. Youll be given instructions and taught what to do. If you can volunteer from 5:30 - 8:00 p.m. for the event, please email Patti Wolf at wolf_patti@cusdk8.org

Absences and Tardies

Yearbook Cover Contest

The annual Garden Gate Yearbook Cover Contest is here! Put your artistic thinking cap on and your winning artwork could be show cased on the covers of this year's yearbook. All 3rd through 5th grade students are encouraged to participate with their best creative work! Good luck, be creative, and have fun! The sky is the limit for your imagination and creativity. Please be sure to design both a front and back cover for the yearbook. On the front cover, please include Garden Gate School, 2011-2012 and our school mascot - GATOR! You may also include a phrase and catchy title. Your name and room number must be on the back. Design the cover with paper provided by your teacher. Be sure to make your work attractive and bright. Use lots of color. All entries are to be submitted to the students teacher by February 28 at 8:00 a.m.

Attendance and punctuality are important in establishing good behaviors and building responsibility in young children. Please ensure that your child is at school everyday and that they arrive on time. If your child will be absent, please call the attendance line promptly (252-5414, ext. 6). If your child arrives after 8:00 a.m. they must report to the school office for a late slip before entering the classroom. Under state law, three unexcused absences or tardies may be considered truancy.

Important Reminders:

For the protection of the students, please remember that students are not to be on the Garden Gate campus before 7:45 a.m. There is no adult supervision until 7:45 a.m. Please do not congregate outside of the classrooms while school is still in session. This is very disruptive to both the teacher and the students and could be a distraction from valuable learning time. Every Tuesday is early dismissal day. Please remember that all a.m. Kindergarten students are dismissed at 11:10 a.m. and all p.m. Kindergarten students along with students in grades 1-5 are dismissed at 1:30. Please remember to pick up your children promptly.

Garden Gate Elementary School 10500 Ann Arbor Ave., Cupertino CA 95125

CUSD Bond Communiity Meetings



Our elementary and middle schools are among the top in the State. In order to maintain our high-quality schools, we need to ensure our students have a safe and modern learning environment. Superintendent Phil Quon will be holding two community meetings and would like to invite all interested parents and community members to attend and hear what steps the District is taking to keep our facilities up-to-date and to maintain a safe and modern learning environment for our students. Please attend any meeting that is convenient for you. If you have any questions, please contact Jeremy Nishihara at (408) 252-3000, Extension 323. The following is a list of the schedule and location of the meetings: Tuesday, February 7, 2012 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Hyde Middle School, Multi-Purpose Room (19325 Bollinger Road in Cupertino) Wednesday, February 8, 2012 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Cupertino Middle School, Gymnasium (1650 S. Bernardo Avenue in Sunnyvale)

DeAnza College Summer Extended Year Program 2012 De Anza College in partnership with the Cupertino Union School District will offer the Extended Year Program this summer, mornings only, from June 18 to July 13, 2012. Students entering grades 6 through 10 Classes will be held at Cupertino and Miller Middle Schools, and will include: Java Programming, Geometry & Spatial Sense, Intro to Algebra 1 & 2, LEGO Robotics, Debate and Critical Thinking, Forensic Science, and many others. Students entering grades 1 through 5 Classes will be held at Collins Elementary School, and will include: Writing: Paragraphs to Essays, Reading Intensive, Public Speaking, Spelling Bee, Journalism/Writing, and more! Program brochures will be sent home in early March and will also be available at your school office. More information is available at www.extendedyear.deanza.edu. Early registration is by mail only and will begin on March 5, 2012 and ends on May 18, 2012. There will also be walk-in registration available from May 29 to June 5, 2012.

A NOTE FROM THE CUSD NURSES Cold and flu season is upon us again! Prevent spread of illness by teaching children hand hygiene, to cough or sneeze into the elbow, and to stay home when contagious. Because the flu can cause serious illness in young children, many people wonder whether the flu shot is right for their family. Here are some facts about the flu shot. How does the flu shot work? The flu vaccination contains dead (flu shot) or deactivated (FluMist) virus that cannot cause the flu, but can cause your immune system to create a response (antibodies). Because the immune system has already been warned by the vaccine about what the virus looks like, it will have circulating antibodies that are ready to quickly fend off any attack from the real virus. What does the flu shot protect against? The flu shot is developed annually to stimulate an individuals immune response against three common strains of the influenza virus. These three strains are chosen based on scientific predictions of which strains will likely be most common in the coming year. Because influenza viruses mutate, the vaccine is different each year. I got the flu shot and I still got the flu. Why? Other strains of the flu that are not in the vaccine do exist, as well as hundreds of other types of viruses in our environment that could cause illness. You may have been exposed to a virus strain not in the vaccine. Additionally, as with all vaccines, the immune response to a vaccine can vary between individuals based on age, health status, and several other factors. Is the flu shot for everyone? Discuss with your health provider whether the vaccine is appropriate for members of your family. People with an allergy to eggs should not get the vaccine because of the way the vaccine was produced. What do I do if my child gets sick? Please refer to the Districts Health Guidelines and keep your children home when ill.

District Calendar 2011-2012 (all schools except Murdock-Portal) February 20-24, 2012 Mid-Year Recess March 19, 2012 Staff Learning Day April 16-20, 2012 Spring Recess Garden Gate Elementary School 10500 Ann Arbor Day Cupertino CA 95125 May 25, 2012 Staff Learning Ave., May 28, 2012 Memorial Day June 12, 2012 Last Day of School

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