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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)

Vol-3, Issue-5, 2017

ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in

Review on Enchantment an Arduino for

Multi Utility Meter, Load Profiling and a
Novel Waveform Logger Application
Satyanarayan D. Dhakate1 & Nilesh Bodne2
Department of Electronics (Comm. Engineering), R.T.M. Nagpur University
Department of Electronics (Comm. Engineering), R.T.M. Nagpur University

Abstract: A Multi- utility Energy Meter for shortcomings of the technology of the traditional
Automatic Meter Reading using Arduino kit. It has Arudino Meter Reading, by combining the
provision of connecting with Central database characteristics of the Wireless technology and
maintained by energy provider using computing as IEEE802.15.4 standard with AVR Microcontroller
well as Tampering detection of energy meters .It can ATMega16. The hardware implementation was
prevent theft detection from unregistered users designed, and then analyzed the use cases for
saving losses due to it. Remarkable feature of this Arudino Meter. The live metering system is
meter is Internet of Things based implementation designed to make the prevailing electricity billing
According to the market requirements of Arduino system simpler and efficient. The conventional
Meter there is necessity of smart Arduino Meter. metering system is done manually. An employee of
Nowadays the system will use Wireless system for the Electricity Board will be coming to take the
communication protocol. The Wireless is used since reading and enter in the card. There are more chances
the application need high speed data rate; need to be of manual error, delay in processing, tampering of
low powered and low cost. In this project presenting the meter and misusage of the Electricity by other
the remote wireless Arduino Meter Reading System. sources. It requires so many workers, one set of
This aims at resolving the shortcomings of the workers to note down the reading and other set to cut
technology of the traditional Arduino Meter Reading, the power if the payment is not paid at the right time
by combining the characteristics of the Wireless and we have very poor servicing.
technology and IEEE 802.15.4 standard with AVR
Microcontroller ATMega16. The hardware Instead of utilizing man power in billing
implementation was designed, and then analyzed the system, we can automate the system and the man
use cases for Arduino Meter. There are more power can be utilized to provide quality service. The
chances of manual error, delay in processing, system is installed at the site of a standard utility
tampering of the meter and misusage of the meter and is configured for monitoring and operation
Electricity by other sources. It requires so many by a user via keyword command programming on a
workers, one set of workers to note down the reading data terminal or personal computer. In the Live
and other set to cut the power if the payment is not metering System designed, the units consumed are
paid at the right time and we have very poor measured at the consumer side in the form of pulses,
servicing. it is transmitted to the Electricity Board side where
the units consumed and amount equivalent is
Keywords: Arduino, AVR Microcontroller, calculated. The monetary values are displayed both
Tampering. etc. at the consumer module and electricity board side.

1. Introduction According to the market requirements of

Arudino Meter there is necessity of smart Arudino
According to the market requirements of Meter. Nowadays the system will use Wireless
Arudino Meter there is necessity of smart Arudino system for communication protocol. The Wireless is
Meter. Nowadays the system will use Wireless used since the application need high speed data rate,
system for communication protocol. The Wireless is need to be low powered and low cost. In this project
used since the application need high speed data rate, presenting the remote wireless Arudino Meter
need to be low powered and low cost. In this project Reading System. This aims at resolving the
presenting the remote wireless Arudino Meter shortcomings of the technology of the traditional
Reading System. This aims at resolving the Arudino Meter Reading, by combining the

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 908

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-5, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in

characteristics of the Wireless technology and about cumbersome meter reading and no reliable
IEEE802.15.4 standard with AVR Microcontroller protection of accuracy and real time; and enable both
ATMega16. The hardware implementation was userfriendlyand improving public sector efficiency
designed, and then analyzed the use cases for and management level. Existing wire-line meter
Arudino Meter. reading system has a large number of risks[2]. Wires
are more complex, detrimental to adjustment and
The live metering system is designed to maintenance of the system. The long-term indoor and
make the prevailing electricity billing system simpler outdoor installation easily leads to aging, resulting in
and efficient. The conventional metering system is a risk of short circuit and breakage. For these
done manually. An employee of the Electricity Board reasons, it has become the industry very unresolved
will be coming to take the reading and enter in the problem to design a remote meter reading system,
card. There are more chances of manual error, delay with long-term reliance and convenient installation &
in processing, tampering of the meter and misusage maintenance, which not only read data automatically
of the Electricity by other sources. It requires so but also monitor operation status. With the
many workers, one set of workers to note down the development of wireless communication technology,
reading and other set to cut the power if the payment in recent years there comes requirement for low cost
is not paid at the right time and we have very poor equipment of wireless networking technology, called
servicing. ZigBee. It is a short range, low-complexity, low cost,
lowpower consumption, low data rate two-way
Instead of utilizing man power in billing system, we wireless communication technology with high
can automate the system and the man power can be network capacity, short time delay, safety and
utilized to provide quality service. The system is reliance. Its main application areas include industrial
installed at the site of a standard utility meter and is controls, consumer electronics, car automation,
configured for monitoring and operation by a user agricultural automation, and medical equipment
via keyword command programming on a data control[4]. The core of this technology is established
terminal or personal computer. In the Live metering by IEEE 802.15.4 Working Group, and the ZigBee
System designed, the units consumed are measured Alliance foundedin 2002 is responsible for high-level
at the consumer side in the form of pulses, it is applications, interoperability testing, and marketing.
transmitted to the Electricity Board side where the Till now, the ZigBee Alliance has reached over 150
units consumed and amount equivalent is calculated. members of famous companies in the world
The monetary values are displayed both at the including IBM, Ember, Mitsubishi, Motorola, and
consumer module and electricity board side. Philips, etc[5] . Many semiconductor companies are
targeting the ZigBee market. Since the standards
2. Literature Survey: were launched not long ago, chips in line with
protocol have Been available of multi- chip solution
Hung-Cheng CHEN, Long-Yi CHANG National and single-chip solution. It can be expected that
Chin-Yi University of Technology Design and ZigBee will have comprehensive applications in the
Implementation of a ZigBee-Based Wireless field of automation. The main methods of metering
Automatic Meter Reading System at home and abroad are: manual meter reading, IC
ZigBee is a new global standard for wireless Card prepaid meter, wire-line and wireless meter
communications with the characteristics of low-cost, reading system. Manual meter reading has Been for
low power consumption, and low datarate. It has a decades, but with the implementation of one home
good market in wireless meter reading. The design one meter, drawbacks of this method of reading are
and implementation of a ZigBee-based wireless more and more, like difficult entrance to home, low
automatic meter reading system are proposed in this efficiency of fee settlement, etc[5].
paper. The experimental results show that the design
can meet the basic needs of automatic meter reading DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF
with flexibility and expansibility. It can act as a WIRELESS AUTOMATIC METER READING
platform of wireless monitor system and supplies a SYSTEM SHOEB S. SHEIKH Department of
new hardware design approach for wireless ZigBee Electronics ant Telecommunication, Nagpur
networks[1]. University, Nagpur, Maharashtra 440030, India
With the rapid development of automation and
measuring techniques, automatic recording of the Designing and implementing commercial as well as
data in the meter reading instrument has gradually industrial systems based on Wireless communication
become the target of people whose working, living, has always been a prominent field of interest among
and home conditions are of increasingly high level of many researchers and developers. This paper
intelligence. Meanwhile, utilities also hope that the presents an implementation methodology for a
development of new technologies to solve the wireless automatic meter reading system (WAMRS)
problems they encountered in the practicalwork incorporating the widely used GSM network. In

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 909

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-5, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in

many countries GSM network is widely known for For transporting the data from the energy
its vast coverage area, cost effectiveness and also for meter to the Host PC a communication media is
its competitive ever growing market[3]. Using GSM necessary. Communication can be done by two
as the medium for WAMRS provides a cost- ways,
effective, wireless, always-connected, two-way data a. Wired Communication: power lines,
link between utility company and WAMRS, the phone lines, dedicated lines.
WAMRS sends information of utility usage, power b. Wireless Communication: RF,
quality and outage alarm to utility company, GSM, GPRS.
tampering detection to the utility servers. In this Service provider can use any communication media
paper we suggest a method where we utilize depending upon the services available to the service
telecommunication systems for automated provider.
transmission of data to facilitate bill generation at the
server end and also to the customer via SMS, 4. Remote PC with compatible software:
Email[4]. The heart of the meter
reading station is the Meter Reading Software which
resides in the PC at the Meter Reading Station. It is a
3. EXISITING SYSTEM standalone system which is responsible for collecting
meter reading, storing them to the data base,
Let’s try to expand the problems in calculation of bills, switching ON/OFF of power
manual meter reading on the following supply, and providing analysis facility.

 Meter Tampering Detection 1 2 3 4

 Over load Detection Energy Interfacing Data Remote PC
Meter Device. Communication
 Meter reading resource: Time Media.

1. Time to access the site.

figure1 Blink Count, Tempering sensing and Data
2. Time to read the meter manually. Transmitting circuit

 Manual Meter reading: Commercial
This project is mainly concentrated on
network. When we discussed certain points to be
1. Conveying tamper recording remains notify. First point is we converting conventional
on the meter reader’s loyalty. energy meter which is about the project there are
2. No clue on demand/ over drawls by the electromagnetic into a digital meter. We are doing
consumer. automatic reading and also connection and
3. Delay in meter readings, delay bills, disconnection of meters using WIFI module. Then
delayed revenue, delay in cash-flow meter reading has come faster. It is publically
available for the customers. Both the peoples will be
using the information as per their requirements and
4. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY they will be having freedom to check the bill,
tampering, when the meter has been connected and
1. Energy Meter: disconnected before the due date. Finally concluding
Energy meter is a device which is used to our project that we are successfully monitored the
measure the energy consumed by the customer tampering i.e. seal tampering. Overall the new things
.Basically energy meter is of two types Electro- we are worked with in our project are ARM
Mechanical meter and Digital meter. Now a days controller coupled with Arduino controller.
digital meter are used because they are having high
accuracy, with limited control and theft detection
capability at nodes. 6. References
2. Interfacing Device:
It is a device which takes out readings [1] Jingrui Xie, Tao Hong, and Joshua Stroud “Long-Term
from meter and passes those readings to the remote Retail Energy Forecasting With Consideration of
pc through communication media. It also consists of Residential Customer Attrition” IEEE Transactions on
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[2] Pooja D Talwar, Prof.S.B Kulkarni “IoT Based Energy
Meter Reading” International Journal of Recent Trends
3.Data Communication Media: in Engineering & Research (IJRTER) Volume 02, Issue
06; June - 2016 [ISSN: 2455-1457]

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 910

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-5, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 911

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