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NASA Technical Paper 3559

Aerodynamic Characteristics of Two

Waverider-Derived Hypersonic Cruise
Charles E. Cockrell, Jr., Lawrence D. Huebner, and Dennis B. Finley

July 1996
NASA Technical Paper 3559

Aerodynamic Characteristics of Two

Waverider-Derived Hypersonic Cruise
Charles E. Cockrell, Jr. and Lawrence D. Huebner
Langley Research Center • Hampton, Virginia

Dennis B. Finley
Lockheed-Fort Worth Company • Fort Worth, Texas

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Langley Research Center • Hampton, Virginia 23681-0001

July 1996
Available electronically at the following URL address: http:lltechreports.larc.nasa.govlltrslitrs.html

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An evaluation was made of the effects of integrating the required aircraft compo-
nents with hypersonic high-lift configurations known as waveriders to create hyper-
sonic cruise vehicles. Previous studies suggest that waveriders offer advantages in
aerodynamic performance and propulsionairframe integration (PAl) characteristics
over conventional non-waverider hypersonic shapes. A wind-tunnel model was devel-
oped that integrates vehicle components, including canopies, engine components, and
control surfaces, with two pure waverider shapes, both conical-flow-derived wave-
riders for a design Mach number of 4.0. Experimental data and limited computational
fluid dynamics (CFD) solutions were obtained over a Mach number range of 1.6
to 4.63. The experimental data show the component build-up effects and the aero-
dynamic characteristics of the fully integrated configurations, including control sur-
face effectiveness. The aerodynamic performance of the fully integrated configura-
tions is not comparable to that of the pure waverider shapes, but is comparable to
previously tested hypersonic vehicle models. Both configurations exhibit good lateral-
directional stability characteristics.

1. Introduction integrating all vehicle components. The final objective

was to evaluate the controllability of each of the fully
A waverider is any shape designed such that the bow integrated vehicles and the effectiveness of the control-
shock generated by the shape is perfectly attached along surface design. These objectives were accomplished
the outer leading edge at the design flight condition. The
using results from wind-tunnel testing and a limited num-
waverider design method leads to several potential
ber of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solutions.
advantages over conventional non-waverider hypersonic
The CFD predictions were obtained for the pure wave-
concepts. The attached leading-edge shock wave con- rider shapes only and provide comparisons with experi-
fines the high-pressure region to the lower surface and mental data and design-code predictions. Two wind-
results in high lift-drag ratios. Several design predictions tunnel models were designed that integrate canopies,
suggest that waveriders may offer an aerodynamic per- engine packages, and control surfaces with two Mach 4.0
formance advantage in terms of higher lift-drag ratios
pure waverider shapes. The models were tested in the
over non-waverider hypersonic concepts (refs. 1 and 2).
Langley Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel (UPWT) at NASA
In addition, the flow field below the waverider bottom
Langley Research Center.
surface is uniform and, in the case of waveriders derived
from axisymmetric flow fields, there is little or no cross-
This report describes the waverider aerodynamic
flow in this region, making these shapes attractive candi-
design code used and discusses the method used in the
dates for engine integration. These advantages have led
development of the wind-tunnel models. The details of
to interest in using waverider shapes for the forebody
the experimental study are then presented as well as the
geometries of hypersonic airbreathing engine-integrated
computational method used to obtain the CFD predic-
airframes. Waveriders have been considered for various
tions. The results are analyzed in three sections. First, the
types of missions including hypersonic cruise vehicles,
results of the pure waverider shapes without integrated
single-stage-to-orbit vehicles, airbreathing hypersonic
vehicle components are presented. These results include
missiles, and various space-based applications (ref. 3).
flow-field characteristics from CFD solutions and experi-
The purpose of the current study is to examine the mental flow-visualization data as well as aerodynamic
aerodynamic characteristics of two waverider-derived characteristics from the experiment and CFD predictions.
hypersonic cruise vehicles. No experimental data cur- Second, the experimental results of adding aircraft com-
rently exist that address the integration of realistic vehi- ponents to the pure waverider shapes are presented. The
cle components with waverider shapes. Therefore, the effects of the canopy, engine components, and control
objectives of this study were threefold. The first was to surface additions on aerodynamic performance and
create an experimental and computational database for stability are examined. Finally, the aerodynamic charac-
waverider-derived configurations. The second was to teristics of the fully integrated waverider-derived config-
examine the effects of individual vehicle components on urations are examined and compared with those of the
pure waverider performance and to determine the differ- pure waverider shapes. Control-surface effectiveness is
ences in aerodynamic characteristics that result from also addressed in this section.
2. Symbols p density, lbm/ft 3
B.L. buttline of model (distance from centerline in Subscripts:
spanwise direction), in.
c conditions at first cell center next to solid
drag coefficient boundaries
G rolling-moment coefficient
c.g. center-of-gravity location
OC t
Ct_ flee-stream conditions
rolling-moment derivative, _

G lift coefficient
3. Configuration Design and Model
cM pitching-moment coefficient Development
cn yawing-moment coefficient
3.1. Waverider Design Method
_C n
C_ yawing-moment derivative, _l 3 A specific waverider shape is uniquely defined by
free-stream conditions, the type of generating flow-field
moment reference length, in.
body, and a leading-edge definition (ref. 1). The shapes
CL of the upper and lower surfaces of the configuration fol-
lift-drag ratio, low from these parameters. The free-stream conditions,
including Mach number and Reynolds number or alti-
Mach number tude, are selected based on mission criteria. The design
model station (distance from nose in stream- method used in this study involves a specific design
wise direction), in. point. The generating flow-field body is used to define
the shock shape upon which the leading edge of the
P pressure, lbf/fi 2 waverider is constructed. Although any arbitrary body in
roll rate, deg/sec supersonic or hypersonic flow can be used as a generat-
ing flow-field body, this study focuses specifically on the
Re Reynolds number class of conical-flow-derived waveriders, in which the
planform area, ft 2 generating flow-field body is a right circular cone in
supersonic or hypersonic flow. At the outset of this
U velocity component, ft/sec
research effort, this option was the best available for the
V total volume, ft3; velocity, ft/sec application of interest. Other possible generating flow
fields include osculating cone flow fields (ref. 4), hybrid
cone-wedge generated flow fields (ref. 5), and inclined
volumetric efficiency, Sref
circular and elliptic conical flow fields (ref. 6). The
W.L. waterline of model (distance from zero refer- length of the generating cone, length of the waverider,
ence in vertical direction), in. and semiapex angle of the cone are specified by the
designer. The selection of these parameters can signifi-
moment reference center location
cantly affect the shape of the waverider generated as well
X,F,Z Cartesian coordinates, in. as the aerodynamic performance of the configuration.
y+ inner law variable Figure 1 illustrates the design of a conical-flow-derived
waverider. The planform shape, or leading edge, is
angle of attack, deg defined on the shock wave produced by the cone. The
sideslip angle, deg lower surface of the configuration is defined by tracing
streamlines from the leading edge to the base of the cone.
angle of aileron deflection (trailing edge down
The result is that the lower compression surface is a
positive), deg
stream surface behind the conical shock wave. The con-
angle of elevon deflection (trailing edge down figurations studied here have an upper surface that is
positive), deg designed as a constant free-stream pressure surface.
distance from solid boundary to first cell However, other techniques may be used, such as shaping
center, in. the upper surface as an expansion or compression
surface. The conical flow field, defined behind the
viscosity coefficient, lbf-sec/ft 2
shock wave, exists only below the lower surface of
computational coordinates the waverider.

The resultingconfigurationoffers two possible The design code used in this study is the (University
advantages over non-waverider hypersonic configura- of) Maryland Axisymmetric Waverider Program
tions.Thefirst is a potentialaerodynamic performance (MAXWARP) (refs. 1, 2, and 9). The MAXWARP code
advantage (refs.1, 2, and7). Theoretically, the shock is an inviscid design method that includes an estimate for
waveis perfectly attached alongtheouterleadingedgeat skin friction in the design process. Various volumetric
the designMachnumber.Theresultis thatthe high- constraints may also be imposed by the user in order to
pressureregionbehindtheshockwaveis confined tothe produce waveriders with desirable structural characteris-
lowersurface, andnoflow spillagefromthelowersur- tics and component packaging. These constraints include
faceto theuppersurface occurs.Themaximum lift-drag aspect ratio, slenderness ratio, and total volume. For
ratiosthismethodproduces promisetoexceedthoseof the case of conical-flow-derived waveriders, the Taylor-
existinghypersonic configurations.Figure2,takenfrom Maccoll equation, which describes the flow field behind
reference 2, showsthetraditional"L/D barrier"in the a conical shock wave (ref. 10), is integrated using a
supersonic/hypersonic regimeforconventional vehicles. fourth-order Runge-Kutta method to compute the invis-
Thiscorrelation isempirical,based onactualflightvehi- cid conical flow field behind the shock wave. The cone
cleexperience atsubsonic andlowsupersonic speeds and semiapex angle and length of the flow-field generating
extrapolated to hypersonic Machnumbers (ref.7).The body are specified by the user along with free-stream
symbols in figure2 represent predictionsforavarietyof conditions. The code starts with an initial leading-edge
conical-flow-derived waveridershapes generated using definition on the conical shock wave and creates a
thecurrentmethod, whichis described in detailin refer- waverider shape from this initial leading edge. The pres-
ence2.Thewaverider shapesrepresented hereareonly sure distributions on the surface of the configuration are
theforwardportionsof possiblehypersonic configura- integrated to calculate lift and drag coefficients. An esti-
tionsandtherefore arenotrealisticvehicles. Thepredic- mate for skin friction is also included so that force coeffi-
tionsshownassume thattheconfiguration haszerobase cient predictions include both inviscid and viscous
dragin orderto removethe effectof the bluntbase, effects. This estimate is based on the reference tempera-
whichwill beeliminatedin a fully integrated vehicle, ture method, which is described in reference 11. The
andshowonlytheperformance of theforwardportionof effect is to generate shapes for which wetted surface area
sucha vehicle.In otherwords,thepredictions assume is minimized to reduce skin friction drag. The code uses
thatfree-stream staticpressureactsatthebase, makinga a simplex optimization routine (ref. 1) to optimize
directcomparison of thelift-dragratiosfor waveriders waveriders for a given figure of merit: maximum lift-
andthoseof existingsupersonic/hypersonic configura- drag ratio or minimum drag. More recent versions of the
tionsdifficult.Furthermore, thewaveriders represented code allow the user to construct various other objective
heredo nothavelevelsof volumetricefficiencycompa- functions. At each iteration in the optimization process,
rabletothoseofthevehicles usedin theL/D barrier cal- an updated leading-edge definition is used to generate a
culation and may not have been obtained at similar new waverider shape that progresses toward the desired
flight-scaled Reynolds numbers. Although the lift-drag figure of merit. This process continues over a number of
ratios of a fully integrated waverider configuration with iterations until the optimum shape is found without viola-
the blunt base closed would likely be lower than those tion of any of the user-specified volumetric constraints.
for the pure waverider shape, these predictions suggest
that waveriders may offer an aerodynamic performance
3.2. Waverider Shape Description
advantage over non-waverider vehicle concepts. Another
advantage of axisymmetric waverider flow fields is that The pure waverider shapes used in this study, which
the lower surface flow field is uniform, and there is pure define the forward portions of the waverider-derived
conical flow in this region for a perfectly attached shock vehicles, were designed using the MAXWARP design
wave. Therefore, a known uniform flow field can be code. Free-stream conditions and optimization parame-
delivered to scramjet engine modules on the lower sur- ters were chosen based on the applicability of this study
face, providing a benefit in propulsion/airframe integra- to a hypersonic cruise vehicle, with available ground-
tion (PAl) (ref. 8). The osculating cone and cone-wedge based test facility limitations taken into account. The
concepts mentioned previously may provide an even design free-stream Mach number was 4.0 and the design
greater benefit over conical-flow-derived waveriders Reynolds number was 2.0 x 10 6 per foot. Although the
(refs. 4 and 5). The aerodynamic performance and PAI specific cruise Mach number for this type of vehicle
benefits suggested in previous research efforts have gen- would be higher, Mach 4.0 was selected as the design
erated interest in using waveriders for various hypersonic point based on the limitations of the UPWT and the
vehicle designs. range of data desired. The Mach number range of this
facilityis 1.47to4.63.A designpointofMach4.0would of free-stream conditions.Therefore,an attemptwas
permitthe validationof the waveriderconceptat the madeto increase thevolumetricefficiencyasmuchas
designMachnumberandalsoallowfor thedetermina- possiblewhileaccepting a minimumpenaltyin maxi-
tion of aerodynamic characteristics
at off-designMach mumlift-dragratio.Finally,aconfiguration withaflator
numbers. Theuseof endothermic fuelson thisvehicle slightlyconvexbottomsurface in thecrosssectionwas
classis expected to drivetheselection of cruiseMach desiredfor easein propulsionsystemsintegration.In
numberto approximately 5.0to 5.5.No significantdif- additiontothesethreeprimarydesignguidelines, acon-
ferences in theflow physicsareexpected betweenthe figurationfreeof substantial
curvature overmostof the
ultimatedesignMachnumberandthe Machnumber crosssectionwasalsodesired toprovidefortheinclusion
rangeinvestigated in thisstudy.TheReynolds number of aninternalsparin anactualaircraft.Furthermore, the
chosen is basedon nominalfacilityoperating conditions targetvalueof span-to-lengthratiowas0.8.Information
in theUPWTandis notrepresentative of a flightcruise from previousstudiesshowsthat largerspan(higher
altitude.Theconfiguration wasoptimized formaximum aspectratios)waveriders providehigherlift-dragratios
lift-dragratioatthedesignpointbecause thisquantityis but aremoredifficult to integrate as a full waverider-
moreappropriate thanminimumdragasa hypersonic basedvehicle(ref.12).
cruiseperformance parameter.
A three-viewdrawingandan obliqueviewof the
A fullyturbulentboundary layeranda walltempera- straight-wing puretheoretical waverider shapegenerated
tureof 585°Rwerespecifiedin thedesign.This wall by thedesigncodeareshownin figure3.Table1 sum-
temperature wasselected basedonprevious experimental marizesthe characteristics of this shape.Thespan-to-
datafrommodelstestedin theUPWT.It isnotlikelythat lengthratiois 0.83.Thelowersurfaceof the straight-
fully laminarconditions couldbemaintained in experi- wing configuration hasa slightconvexcurvaturethat
mentaltestingattheconditions of interest,
andtransition facilitatesintegrationof the propulsionsystem.The
is difficultto predict.Fullyturbulentconditionscanbe lengthselectedfor the waveriderconfigurationwas
achieved andmaintained by theapplicationofboundary- 24.0in. basedon the sizeof the test sectionin the
layertransitiongrittothemodelsurface. UPWT.Thelengthof thegenerating conewasselected
to fix thelocationof thewaverider leadingedgeon the
Twodifferentpurewaverider shapes weredeveloped conicalshockwaveto achieve thedesigncriterianoted
for this study.The first is referredto asthe "straight- previously (48.0in. for thisapplication). A selection of
wing" shapeandwasdesigned usingtheMAXWARP differentlocationson the conicalshockwavewould
optimizationroutine.The second,referredto as the resultin waveriderswithmuchdifferentgeometric char-
"cranked-wing" shape,wascreated byadjusting thelead- acteristics
andmayresultin thegeneration of unrealistic
ing edgeof the straight-wingwaveriderto createa shapes thatcouldnot be integrated into vehicles.The
curvedwingtipshapethathadincreased aspectratiobut volumetric efficiency,Vef f, of this configuration is 0.11
still maintained
shockattachment alongtheouterleading with a predicted maximum lift-drag ratio of 6.9.
edgeat the designfree-stream condition.The term
"cranked"inthiscontextreferstoa wingshape in which A three-view drawing and an oblique view of the
the sweepanglenot only changes but alsoexhibitsa cranked-wing pure theoretical waverider shape generated
largeoutboarddihedralanglein theplaneof thebase. by the design code are shown in figure 4. The cranked
The cranked-wingshapewas designedto provide leading edge still lies on the same conical shock wave
improvements in subsonicaerodynamic performance produced by the generating cone used to design the
(becauseof increasedaspectratio) and in lateral- straight-wing waverider. The characteristics of the
directionalstability(because of dihedraleffect)while cranked-wing waverider shape are summarized in
maintaininghigh performancein the supersonic/ table 2. The span-to-length ratio is 0.96, which represents
hypersonic regime. an approximately 16 percent increase in aspect ratio.
This increase in aspect ratio should improve the subsonic
Threeprimarydesigncriteriawereusedtoselectthe aerodynamic performance over the straight-wing wave-
bestwaveridershapedesigns for thisapplication.
First, rider while maintaining the structural characteristics
themaximumlift-dragratiowaschosentobeashighas of the straight-wing waverider near the centerline of
possible whilenotviolatingotherdesignguidelines.
This the configuration. The volumetric efficiency of this
criteriondrivestheselectionof theconesemiapex angle configuration is 0.108 with a calculated maximum lift-
for the generatingflow field. A valueof 8.1° was drag ratio of 6.7. This configuration represents only a
Second, thevolumetric
effi- slight decrease of both parameters from the straight-wing
ciency(V2/3/Sref)waschosento beashighaspossible. waverider. The slight convex curvature of the bottom
An inverserelationship existsbetweenthe volumetric surface is maintained toward the centerline of the
efficiencyandthemaximumlift-dragratioforagivenset model. The dihedral angle of the aft cranked section is
approximately28° whenmeasured
of surface to integrate some type of engine system and is
thissection. not intended to be a realistic propulsion simulation. The
inlet capture area, expansion ramp turning angle, and
Thevaluesfor maximumlift-dragratiogivenarefor nozzle exit area were designed for full-scale Mach 4.0
thepurewaveridershapesonly. The waveriders were conditions. The compression surface shown in figure 8 is
subsequently altered to close the blunt base and add con-
required for additional precompression of the flow enter-
trol surfaces. The predictions assume that free-stream
ing the inlet. The non-flow-through configuration
static pressure are acting at the base of the unaltered pure
attempts to model the external cowl drag present on a
waverider shape, so that only forebody drag values are
realistic flow-through nacelle, but does not have the
included in the performance predictions. As will be
associated internal drag. Two different nozzle/expansion
shown later, the incorporation of aftbody closure is a sig-
ramps were designed for the model. The first was used
nificant issue in hypersonic vehicle development.
with the pure waverider configurations with the nacelle
attached and the second was used with configurations
3.3. Wind-Tunnel Model Designs that had control surfaces attached. These nozzles are
Two slight modifications to the design-code shapes referred to as the "short" and "long" nozzles, respec-
were implemented in the wind-tunnel model design in tively (figs. 10(a) and 10(b)). Identical nozzles with static
order to accommodate model support hardware and addi- pressure taps were also fabricated in order to obtain sur-
tional vehicle components. A smooth ogive-cylindrical face pressure measurements on the nozzle. The non-
fairing was blended on to the upper surface of the pure instrumented ramps were used for force and moment
waverider shapes to accommodate the sting and balance runs.

necessary to measure the aerodynamic loads on the

model during testing. This volume was added to the Control surfaces were provided to examine their
upper surface rather than the lower surface because pre- effects on waverider aerodynamic performance as well as
vious research indicates that modifications to the lower the effectiveness of the control concept. The control sur-
surface have an affect on the PAI characteristics of the faces were sized based on control-volume trends from
waverider (ref. 13). Figures 5 and 6 show tunnel installa- supersonic fighter aircraft to extend and close the blunt
tion photographs of the straight-wing and cranked-wing base of the configurations. Elevon deflections of 0% pos-
pure waverider models with the upper surface fairing. itive 20 ° (trailing edge down), and negative 20 ° (trailing
The lower surface of the theoretical waverider shape was edge up) were incorporated. A set of outboard ailerons
modified slightly by creating an inboard expansion sur- having the same three deflection angles was designed for
face with an angle of approximately 10 °, beginning the straight wing. Because of the curved surface of the
approximately 22 in. aft of the nose of the configuration cranked wing and the small thickness of the outboard
and measuring approximately 3.5 in. in the spanwise leading edge, the set of ailerons for the cranked-wing
direction. The lower surfaces follow the waverider theo- configuration consisted of an inboard aileron, which
retical stream surface up to this point. This modification remained fixed at 0 °, and a set of outboard ailerons,
was made in order to facilitate the integration of engine which were deflected at 0 ° and +_20°. A vertical tail sur-
components and to reduce the closure angle necessary for face was also designed in order to augment directional
control surfaces. Figure 7 shows a photograph of the stability. Figures 8 and 9 show photographs of the model
lower surface of the cranked-wing waverider with the components with the various control surfaces. Figure 11
expansion on the aft end of this surface. shows three-view drawings of the elevons, straight-wing
ailerons, cranked-wing inboard ailerons, and cranked-
A realistic canopy was designed for the waverider-
wing outboard ailerons. This figure indicates the perti-
based configuration. The canopy was provided with fac-
nent dimensions and shows the hinge-line locations for
eted surfaces to resemble the canopy for a hypersonic each control surface.
vehicle. The aft portion of the canopy was designed to
blend with the cylindrical fairing on the upper surface
The model design allowed for testing of the straight-
discussed previously. Figures 5 and 6 show the pure
wing and cranked-wing pure waverider models, which
waverider models with the ogive-cylindrical fairing
are defined as configurations with no engine components
attached (i.e., canopy-off configuration). Figures 8 and 9
or control surfaces. A configuration build up of the
show the model with the faceted canopy attached.
waverider models with different vehicle components
The engine package for this configuration included a could also be tested up to and including the fully inte-
compression ramp, a non-flow-through engine module grated waverider-derived configurations, which are
with side walls, and a nozzle/expansion ramp. The defined as configurations with engine components, con-
engine-package-on configuration provided an indication trol surfaces, and the canopy. Table 3 shows the pertinent
of the effect of modifying the theoretical waverider lower model geometry for each configuration tested. Figure 12

shows a three-view drawing of the fully integrated ify that yawing and rolling moment values are linear over
configurations. this range (ref. 15). Based on these results, stability
derivatives were calculated from data obtained at the two
4. Experimental Method fixed sideslip angles.

The facility used in this study was the UPWT at The data obtained from the wind-tunnel tests include
NASA Langley Research Center. The UPWT is a closed- six-component force and moment data, static pressure
circuit, continuous-flow pressure tunnel with two 4- by readings on the blunt base of the model, static pressure
4- by 7-ft test sections, which were both used in this data on the nozzle surfaces, and flow-visualization data.
study. The Mach number range of the facility is 1.47 The balance used in this case was the NASA-LaRC-
to 4.63, with a range in the low Mach number test section designated UT-50-B balance, which is a six-component
of 1.47 to 2.86 and a range in the high Mach number test strain gauge balance. Unless otherwise noted, the
section from 2.30 to 4.63. Continuous variation of Mach
moment reference center for all configurations was
number is achieved by using asymmetric sliding block located 16.623 in. aft of the nose. A total of 11 5-psi
nozzles to vary the nozzle throat-to-test-section area pressure transducers were used to measure the static
ratio. The Reynolds number range of this facility is pressure along the blunt base of the configurations and in
0.5 x 106 to 8.0 x 106 per foot. However, the nominal the cavity surrounding the sting. Integrated areas were
Reynolds number for most tests is 2.0 x 106 per foot. assigned to each tap or averaged group of taps and used
A detailed description of the UPWT can be found in to calculate the base axial force. All of the force data pre-
reference 14.
sented is corrected to assume free-stream static pressure
acting at the base. This procedure is carried out so that
The configurations tested ranged from the straight
the data may be presented showing only the upper and
and cranked pure waverider models to the fully inte-
lower surface lift and drag values and eliminating the
grated waverider-derived vehicles. The test configura-
effect of the blunt base. This procedure is necessary
tions were chosen to show pure waverider performance;
because the base will be eliminated in any realistic
to isolate the effects on waverider aerodynamic perfor-
waverider-derived configuration. The method of assum-
mance of the canopy, engine package, and control sur-
ing free-stream pressure at the base is consistent with the
faces; and to show the aerodynamic performance and
design-code method and with previous studies showing
stability characteristics of the fully integrated configura-
predictions for waverider aerodynamic performance
tions. Only the cranked-wing configurations were tested
in the low Mach number test section. The data were cor- (refs. 2, 9, and 16). Details on the procedure used are
included in reference 15. For configurations with both
rected for flow angularity in the test sections. Calibration
data for the UPWT shows that the flow in both test sec- engines and control surfaces, only two base and two
chamber pressures were measured. A 32-port, 5-psi
tions has an upflow angle generally within 0.5 ° of the
external electronically scanned pressure (ESP) module
tunnel centerline (ref. 14). In each run, either six-
was used to measure the static pressure on the nozzle
component force and moment data, nozzle pressure data,
surface for four runs. Figure 10 shows the locations of
or vapor-screen photographs were obtained. Schlieren
pressure taps on the nozzle surfaces for the short and
photographs were taken during the force and moment
long nozzles. Recall that the short nozzle is used with
configurations having no control surfaces and the long
The test conditions were chosen to investigate the nozzle is used with configurations with control surfaces.
aerodynamic performance and stability of each configu- A total of 12 pressure taps were located on the short noz-
ration at both the design Mach number and at off-design zle and 24 pressure taps were located on the long nozzle.
Mach numbers. Data were obtained at Mach numbers of The data are used to correct the nozzle surface pressures
2.3, 4.0, and 4.63 for all configurations studied and, addi- to assume free-stream static pressure acting on these sur-
tionally, at Mach numbers of 3.5 and 4.2 for some con- faces for some configurations.
figurations. Data for the cranked-wing configurations
were also obtained at Mach numbers of 1.6, 1.8, and 2.0. Schlieren and laser-vapor-screen photographs were
The free-stream Reynolds number for most runs was taken in order to examine flow-field features includ-
2.0 x 106 per foot. Some runs were made at Reynolds ing the shock attachment characteristics for various
numbers of 1.5 x 106 per foot and 3.0 x 106 per foot in configurations. For the vapor-screen runs, the laser was
order to investigate the effects at off-design Reynolds positioned outside of the test section window and the
numbers. The angle-of-attack range studied was -6 ° to light sheet was projected across the model surface in the
10 ° at fixed sideslip angles of 0 ° and 3 °. Data were spanwise direction, illuminating one cross section at
obtained over a sideslip angle range of-5 ° to 5 ° for the a time. The camera was mounted inside of the test sec-
first configuration run in each test section in order to ver- tion above and behind the model. This setup gives a
viewof thewaverider
flow fieldin the k-computational direction runs from the surface of the
photographs. configuration to the outer boundary. The grids for each
of the two pure waverider shapes contained 91 points in
The accuracy of theUT-50-Bbalance, basedon a the _ direction, 111 points in the 11 direction, and
May1993calibration, is0.5percent
of full scaleforeach 91 points in the _ direction. Blunt leading edges were
component to within 95-percent confidence. Thefull- modeled for each configuration in order to provide a bet-
scaleload limits were600lbf normal,40 lbf axial, ter comparison with experimental data. Grid points were
1500in-lbfpitchingmoment, 400in-lbfrollingmoment, also clustered near the surface of each configuration in
800in-lbfyawingmoment, and300ibf sideforce.Asan order to adequately resolve the boundary-layer flow. The
example,usingthemethodof root-mean-squares sum- amount of grid spacing needed is judged by examining
mationtocombine independenterrorsources, theselim- the grid spacing parameter, y÷, which is given by
itscorrespond to arangeof uncertaintyin lift coefficient
of 0.0053at_ =0° to 0.0054atot= 10° andanuncer-
tainty rangein dragcoefficientof 0.00036at o_=0° y+= / pcucA_
to0.001ato_= 10° fortheMoo = 4.0 and Reoo = 2.0 × 106 6/ 0c (1)

per foot condition. The repeatability of measurements

where Pc, Uc, and _tc are the density, velocity, and viscos-
was observed to be better than these uncertainties. There-
ity at the first cell center next to the solid surface and A t
fore, differences less than the indicated ranges for com-
is the distance from the first cell center to the body sur-
parisons with data from different configurations in the
face. Previous research has shown that y÷ values on the
same test, could be considered significant. However,
order of I provide accurate solutions (ref. 21).
comparisons between independent measurements are
only good to within the quoted uncertainty ranges. Tran- The CFD solutions were obtained using the General
sition grit (no. 60 size sand grit in the low Mach number Aerodynamic Simulation Program (GASP), version 2.2
tests section and no. 30 size grit in the high Mach number (refs. 22 and 23). GASP is a finite volume code capable
test section) was applied in a 0.1-in-wide strip to the of solving the full Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes
model upper and lower surfaces along the outboard lead- (RANS) equations as well as subsets of these equations,
ing edge at a location approximately 0.4 in. from the including the parabolized Navier-Stokes (PNS), thin-
leading edge in the streamwise direction. These proce- layer Navier-Stokes (TLNS), and Euler equations. Time
dures were established for models tested in the UPWT integration in GASP is based on the integration of primi-
based on unpublished transition experiments conducted tive variables, and convergence to a steady-state solution
in the UPWT and the methods of references 17 to 19. is obtained by iterating in pseudotime until the L2 norm
of the residual vector has been reduced by a sufficient
5. Computational Method amount. GASP also contains several flux-split algo-
rithms and limiters to accelerate convergence to steady
Computational grids were developed for each of the state. Mesh sequencing is available as a means to accel-
pure waverider configurations by first developing a erate convergence.
numerical surface description and then creating 3-D
In this study, each configuration was modeled as a
volume grids. Numerical surface descriptions of the
two-zone problem, as illustrated in figure 13. The first
straight-wing and cranked-wing wind-tunnel models
zone includes the blunt nose of the configuration. The
were obtained from computer-aided design (CAD)
flow in this region is a combination of subsonic and
descriptions of the model parts. Three-dimensional vol-
supersonic flow because a small area of subsonic flow
ume grids were created for each configuration using the
exists behind the detached bow shock. Therefore, the
GRIDGEN software package, which uses algebraic
TLNS equations are solved over the first zone using a
transfinite interpolation methods with elliptic interior
global iteration procedure. The second zone encom-
point refinement (ref. 20). Only the pure waverider
shapes with no integrated vehicle components were mod- passes the remainder of the configuration, extending
from the zonal boundary to the base of the configuration.
eled for the CFD analysis.
The flow in this region is computed by solving the PNS
The computational grids for each of the two pure equations. These equations are valid for regions of
waverider shapes model only half of the configuration predominately supersonic flow with no streamwise
because each is symmetric about the centerline. The grid separation. A no-slip boundary condition is applied to all
orientation is shown in figure 13. The k-computational solid boundaries with a fixed wall temperature of 585°R,
direction runs from the nose of the configuration to the which is identical to that specified in the MAXWARP
base in the streamwise direction. The q-computational optimization routine when designing the waverider
direction begins at the upper centerline and wraps around shapes. Free-stream conditions are applied at the outer
the leading edge, ending at the lower centerline. The boundary, second-order extrapolation from interior cells
is applied at the last streamwise plane, and symmetry sion surface begins, so the flow entering the inlet would
boundary conditions are applied at the center plane. The be highly compressed. Similar data are shown in fig-
Baldwin-Lomax algebraic turbulence model was used in ure 15 for the cranked-wing pure waverider model. The
these solutions to model turbulent boundary layers, and shock can be seen in the right-hand side of the photo-
convergence to a steady state was obtained by reducing graph to be very near the outer leading edge of the
the L2 norm of the residual vector by 5 orders of model. The lower surface is again highlighted by the
magnitude. laser light. The full cross-sectional view is not shown
because of the poor quality of the photographs. The
In order to make appropriate comparisons, the condi- experimental data confirm the qualitative shock location
tions at which solutions were obtained were chosen
at the outer leading edge, which is predicted by the CFD
based on conditions at which experimental data were solution for this case as well. Figure 16 further illustrates
available. Solutions were obtained at Mach 4.0 at angles that the shock is slightly detached at the outer leading
of attack of -6 °, 0 °, 2 °, 4 °, and 8 ° for the straight-wing edge for both models. This figure shows a close-up view
model. Solutions were obtained at Mach 4.0 at angles of of the outer leading edge at the base of the cranked-wing
attack of-6 °, 0 °, and 8 ° for the cranked-wing model. and straight-wing waverider shapes from CFD solutions
Solutions were also obtained at off-design Mach num- at Mach 4.0 and 0 ° angle of attack. Both of the views
bers of 2.3 and 4.63 at 0 ° angle of attack for each in figure 16 are to the same length scale, and non-
configuration. dimensional static pressure contours are shown in each
6. Flow-Field and Aerodynamic
Characteristics of Pure Waverider Models The flow-field characteristics of each pure waverider
shape at off-design Mach numbers can also be illustrated
6.1. Flow-Field Characteristics by examining experimental flow-visualization data and
CFD solutions. Figure 17 shows a comparison of a
The flow-field characteristics of the pure waverider vapor-screen photograph and a CFD solution for the
models at the design Mach number can be illustrated by cranked-wing shape at Mach 2.3 and 0 ° angle of attack.
examining computational solutions of each configuration The free-stream Reynolds number is 2.0 × 106 per foot.
and laser vapor-screen photographs from wind-tunnel The data shown in this figure and orientation of the
tests. Figure 14 shows a laser vapor-screen photograph of camera in the test section are the same as in figures 14
the flow at the base of the pure straight-wing waverider and 15. At Mach numbers below the design Mach num-
model and nondimensional static pressure contours at the ber of 4.0, the shock-wave angle is larger and the detach-
base of the same configuration from a CFD solution at ment distance should be much larger than at the design
Mach 4.0, 0 ° angle of attack, and free-stream Reynolds Mach number. This outcome is predicted by the CFD
number of 2.0 x 106 per foot. The model lower surface is solution and confirmed by the experimental data. Fig-
highlighted in the photograph by the laser light sheet on ure 18 shows similar views of the same configuration at
the surface. The bow shock is indicated by the contrast Mach 4.63. The photograph in this figure was taken with
between light and dark regions below the light sheet. On the laser light sheet approximately 5 in. upstream of the
the left-hand side of the photograph, the shock is base because the quality of the photograph taken with the
observed to be very near the edge of the lower surface. light sheet at the base was poor. At Mach numbers
Thus, the vapor-screen photograph confirms the qualita- greater than the design Mach number, the shock moves
tive shock location predicted by the CFD solution. A closer to the leading edge than at the design condition, as
small detachment distance exists even at the design point illustrated in both the vapor-screen photograph and pre-
caused by blunt leading edge and boundary-layer dicted by the CFD solution. A large high-pressure region
displacement effects. These effects are not accounted for still exists in the bottom-surface flow field of this config-
in the design code. The CFD predictions also indicate uration at Mach 4.63. The qualitative shock locations can
that the high-pressure region remains mostly confined be further illustrated by examining planform schlieren
below the model lower surface. A large low-pressure photographs of the cranked-wing model. Figure 19
region (P/P** of 0.95 or less) exists near the centerline of shows schlieren photographs of the cranked-wing pure
the model below the bottom surface because of the bot- waverider model in a planform view at Mach 2.3 (top),
tom surface expansion present on the model. However, Mach 4.0 (middle), and Mach 4.63 (bottom). The right
the remainder of the bottom surface flow field is a side of the figure shows a close-up view near the leading
smooth, conical flow field, so the presence of this slight edge at each Mach number. The schlieren images in this
expansion surface does not degrade the favorable PAl figure have been enhanced by computer imaging tech-
characteristics offered by the waverider. Engine modules niques in order to show the shock structure more clearly.
would be placed upstream of the point where the expan- At Mach 2.3, the schlieren photograph shows that the
shockis detached
fromtheleadingedge.Theoutermost occurs at an angle of attack greater than 0 ° for the wave-
shockin the top view represents
the bowshock.At rider configurations studied in these references.
Mach 4.0, the shock is much closer to the outer leading
A direct comparison of the experimental aero-
edge, but a small detachment distance still exists. At
dynamic performance of the two pure waverider models
Mach 4.63, the photograph does not show the presence of
is shown in figure 22. The experimental data show that
a shock wave near the leading edge, possibly because the
shock is attached at this condition. the cranked-wing shape has a slightly higher maximum
lift-drag ratio than the straight-wing shape. At positive
angles of attack, the straight-wing shape produced
6.2. Aerodynamic Performance slightly higher lift coefficients. Aside from these obser-
vations, there are no significant differences between the
The aerodynamic performance characteristics of the two configurations.
two pure waverider models are examined here using
experimental force and moment data and computational The off-design performances of the straight-wing
predictions. Off-design Mach number and Reynolds pure and cranked-wing pure waverider models are shown
number effects are evaluated using experimental data. in figures 23 and 24, respectively. Each of these figures
The longitudinal and lateral-directional stability charac- shows the experimental lift, drag, and lift-drag ratio at all
teristics are also examined for each configuration using Mach numbers studied as well as maximum lift-drag
experimental data. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the ratio versus Mach number. The data indicate that there is
experimental and computational data presented have no significant performance degradation at off-design
been corrected to a condition of free-stream pressure act- Mach numbers. Both configurations show higher maxi-
ing at the blunt bases of the configurations, as previously mum lift-drag ratios than the design point value at Mach
discussed. numbers less than 4.0, using the assumption of free-
stream pressure acting at the base. Similar results have
The aerodynamic performance of the straight-wing been found in previous waverider studies (refs. 13,
and cranked-wing pure waverider shapes at the design 16, and 24) and are also typical for non-waverider
Mach number is shown in figures 20 and 21. These fig- supersonic/hypersonic configurations. The cranked-
ures show experimental data, CFD predictions, and wing waverider shape provides better aerodynamic per-
design-code predictions for the lift, drag, and lift-drag formance at Mach numbers of 4.0 and below. At higher
ratios of each configuration at Mach 4.0 and a Reynolds Mach numbers, there are no significant differences
number of 2.0 x l06 per foot. The computational values between the performance of the two configurations.
were obtained by integrating surface pressure and skin
The effects of Reynolds number on aerodynamic
friction predictions from CFD solutions. Because the
performance of the straight-wing and cranked-wing con-
data are corrected to eliminate the base drag, these data
figurations are shown in figures 25 and 26, respectively.
should be interpreted as the performance of the forward
No significant effects of Reynolds number variation were
portion (or forebody) of a possible hypersonic configura-
observed for either configuration in the range studied,
tion and not that of a realistic hypersonic vehicle. In gen-
except for a slight increase in maximum lift-drag ratio at
eral, agreement is good between the experimental data the 3.0 x 106-per-foot condition for both configurations.
and computational predictions. Both the computational
This result is most likely because the skin friction coeffi-
predictions and experimental data show lower lift and
cient decreases as Reynolds number increases, resulting
higher drag values than the predicted design-code values,
in decreased drag and thus increased lift-drag ratios at
and these differences can be attributed to several causes.
higher Reynolds numbers. The decrease in drag observed
The flow-visualization data and CFD flow-field solutions
experimentally is approximately equal to the decrease in
showed that a slight detachment distance exists at the
viscous drag predicted by the reference temperature
outer leading edge even at the design condition, which
method (ref. 11). Computational solutions at Mach 4.0
results in a lift loss and a drag decrease. However, the and a Reynolds number of 2.0 x 106 per foot show that
design code assumes an infinitely sharp leading edge
the viscous drag contribution is approximately 34 percent
with a perfectly attached shock wave. An additional lift
of total drag. By comparison, the MAXWARP design
loss results from the expansion ramp on the bottom sur-
code predicts a viscous contribution of approximately
face of the waverider, and an increase in drag results
38 percent to the total drag.
from the additional volume added to the upper surface of
the model. The experimental data also show that the The pitching-moment characteristics of the straight-
maximum lift-drag ratio occurs near 2 ° angle of attack wing and cranked-wing pure waverider configurations
for each configuration. This finding is also consistent are shown in figure 27. This figure shows the pitching-
with previous studies, such as those in references 13 moment coefficient versus angle of attack at each Mach
and 16, which show that the maximum lift-drag ratio number studied. Both configurations are longitudinally

at all Mach numbers studied. The moment refer- tion when the faceted canopy is used. Similarly, a
ence center location here is an arbitrarily selected 5.1-percent reduction in maximum lift-drag ratio occurs
location at the approximate location of the center of grav- for the cranked-wing configuration. The data indicate
ity of the fully integrated model. This moment reference that a penalty was incurred for the canopy, and therefore
center location (16.623 in. aft of the nose) is used for all attention should be paid to the canopy design in a hyper-
configurations studied unless otherwise stated. The sonic waverider-based vehicle.
cranked-wing pitching moment curve is more nonlinear
than that for the straight-wing shape, indicating that the 7.2. Effect of Engine Package
shock may be detached at higher angles of attack for the
cranked-wing configuration. The yawing moment char- The engine component effects are evaluated by com-
paring experimental data from engine-on and engine-off
acteristics are shown in figure 28. This figure shows the
configurations. Figures 32 and 33 show the effects of
yawing moment derivative versus angle of attack at each
adding the engine package (ramp, inlet, and nozzle com-
Mach number studied for both configurations. The
ponents) to the straight-wing and cranked-wing configu-
straight-wing configuration is directionally unstable at all
rations, respectively. The data shown here are for
Mach numbers studied at angles of attack of 8 ° and
configurations with the canopy and no control surfaces.
below. The cranked-wing configuration is directionally
The data are corrected to assume free-stream static pres-
stable at all Mach numbers studied above an angle of
sure acting at the base. No correction is applied to these
attack of 4 °. Both configurations experience a destabiliz-
data for the nozzle surface pressures. Each figure shows
ing effect as Mach number increases. The cranked-wing
lift and drag coefficients as well as lift-drag ratios at
configuration was expected to provide improved direc-
Mach 4.0 and the maximum lift-drag ratio at comparative
tional stability from the increased dihedral along the out-
Mach numbers for engine-on and engine-off configura-
board leading edge. The rolling moment characteristics
tions. The addition of engine components results in a
are shown in figure 29 for each configuration. The
slight increase in lift and a significant increase in drag at
cranked-wing waverider shows better lateral stability
Mach 4.0. These effects are caused by the inlet compres-
characteristics than the straight-wing model. The
sion surface and the increase in projected frontal area and
cranked-wing configuration exhibits positive effective
produce a decrease in lift-drag ratio at positive values of
dihedral above 0 ° angle of attack at all Mach numbers.
lift and a reduction in maximum lift-drag ratio over the
The straight-wing model is unstable at angles of attack
below 6.0 ° at Mach numbers of 4.0 and 4.63 and is unsta- Mach number range studied. The straight-wing engine-
on configuration shows a 19.7-percent reduction in the
ble at angles of attack below 4 ° at a Mach number of 2.3.
maximum lift-drag ratio at Mach 4.0 over the engine-
off configuration. The cranked-wing model shows a
7. Component Build-Up Effects 17.7-percent reduction at the same condition.

7.1. Effect of Canopy 7.3. Effect of Control Surface Addition

The effects of adding the canopy on the aerodynamic The effects of adding undetected control surfaces
performance of the pure straight-wing and cranked-wing are illustrated by comparing data for configurations with
waverider models are illustrated in figures 30 and 31, no control surfaces to those with undetected ailerons and
respectively. These data were obtained for configurations elevons attached. Each configuration includes the canopy
that have no control surfaces or engine components and engine components. Data for both the straight-wing
attached, and the data are corrected to assume free- and cranked-wing configurations are shown. The coeffi-
stream static pressure acting at the base. Each figure cient data are reduced by the planform areas of each cor-
shows the lift and drag coefficients as well as lift-drag responding configuration so the effects of increased
ratios at Mach 4.0 and the maximum lift-drag ratio at planform are accounted for in the normalization of these
each comparative Mach number studied for the canopy- data. The plots showing drag and lift-drag data include
off and faceted-canopy configurations. The canopy-off three separate data sets. The first is the data for the
configurations have the ogive-cylindrical fairing on the controls-off configuration corrected to assume free-
upper surface, as discussed previously. Both the straight- stream pressure at the base. Therefore, only forebody
wing and cranked-wing configurations show little differ- drag values are included in these data and base drag is
ence in lift when the canopy is added. The canopy-on not included. The second data set is the controls-on data
configurations show slightly higher drag than those with and the third set is the controls-off data with base drag
no canopy and an accompanying decrease in lift-drag included (i.e., uncorrected data from wind-tunnel mea-
ratios at positive values of lift over the Mach number surements), so that these data include the effect of the
range studied. The maximum lift-drag ratio at Mach 4.0 blunt base. A comparison between the second and third
is reduced by 3.6 percent for the straight-wing configura- data sets shows the aerodynamic effect of adding control

surfaces totheconfiguration,
anda comparison between a waverider stream surface all the way to the base while
the first two datasetsshowstherelativeperformance designing the upper surface as an expansion surface.
betweentheclosedconfigurations andthatof thefore- Longer control surfaces would also reduce the closure
bodysurface onlywithouttheeffectof thebluntbase. angle and enhance the pitch control power of the
Theeffectof addingundeflected controlsurfaces to
straight-wing waveriderconfiguration with thecanopy 8. Characteristics of Fully-Integrated
andenginecomponents attached is summarized in fig-
Waverider-Derived Hypersonic Cruise
ure34.Theadditionof controlsurfaces causes a slight
decrease in lift coefficientatMach4.0.Thisdecrease is Configurations
partiallycausedby the largeexpansion anglethat is
present on theelevonlowersurfaces anda 16-percent 8.1. Aerodynamic Performance
increase in reference areafor thecontrols-on configura- Aerodynamic characteristics of each of the fully
tion. A comparison of the controls-offdatawith base integrated waverider-derived configurations are exam-
dragandthecontrols-on datashowsadecrease in dragat ined over the Mach number range using experimental
agivenlift-coefficient value.Thereis aslightincrease in data, and the performance of these configurations are
lift-dragratiosat low positiveanglesof attackandan compared to that of the pure waverider shapes. The
increase in maximumlift-dragratioswhen0° control fully integrated configurations are defined here to have
surfaces wereaddedto theconfiguration. However,a the canopy, the engine components, the undeflected aile-
comparison of thecontrols-on datawiththecontrols-off rons, the undeflected elevons, and the vertical tail
datawith nobasedragshowsthattheclosedconfigura- attached. The aerodynamic characteristics of the straight-
tionhassignificantly higherdragvaluesandlowermaxi- wing and cranked-wing configurations are presented first
mumlift-dragratiosthantheforebody-only values. This followed by comparisons to the corresponding pure
resultindicates thattheinclusionof aftbodyclosurepre- waverider configuration.
sentsa significantchallenge in theintegration of pure
waverider shapes intohypersonic vehiclesandthatthis The aerodynamic performance of the straight-wing
aspectof the configurationdeserves specialconsider- and cranked-wing waverider-derived hypersonic cruise
ationin thedesignprocess. It is likely thatthelift-drag configurations are shown in figures 36 and 37, respec-
ratiosof aclosedconfiguration cannotapproach thoseof tively. The data presented here have the nozzle surface
purewaverider shapes because theeffectof basedragis pressures corrected to assume free-stream pressure acting
oftennotincludedin lift-dragvaluesfortheseconfigura- on the nozzle surface. The data are presented using this
tions.Theeffectsof controlsurfaceadditionaresimilar method to show the aerodynamic characteristics without
for the cranked-wing configuration asindicatedin fig- any propulsive effect on the nozzle surface. The force
ure35. Forreference, the baseareais approximately data were corrected by assigning integration areas to
8.3 percentof theplanformareafor the straight-wing each pressure tap measurement and computing the cor-
model with no control surfacesand approximately rected coefficients. The locations of pressure taps are
9.1percent forthecranked-wing model. shown in figure 10. The straight-wing configuration has
a maximum lift-drag ratio of 4.69 at Mach 4.0 and the
Thecontrolsurfacedesignfortheconfiguration used cranked-wing configuration has a value of 4.56 when the
in thisstudywasasomewhat arbitrary
designbasedonly nozzle surface pressures are corrected to free-stream
on trendsfromvarioussupersonic fighteraircraft.A pressure. The aerodynamic performance of each configu-
moreoptimumdesigncouldminimizetheperformance ration does not vary significantly at off-design Mach
degradation causedby theclosureof thebluntbase.A numbers. The maximum lift-drag ratio for each configu-
performance improvement couldbeobtained by includ- ration also occurs near 2 ° angle of attack at Mach 4.0.
ingthe aftbodyclosurein thedesign/optimization pro- The angle of attack for maximum lift-drag ratio increases
cess.Previousstudieshaveexamined thepossibilityof as Mach number decreases. At Mach numbers of 2.0 and
usingblunttrailingedgesoncontrolsurfaces asameans below, the maximum lift-drag ratios for the cranked-
of enhancing the aerodynamicperformance (refs.25 wing configuration do not follow the general trend of
to27).Thebluntbasereducesthestrengthof the base increasing maximum lift-drag ratio with decreasing
recompression shockandproperdesignof the trailing Mach number. This situation results from lift curve slope
edgecanresultin an increasein basepressure anda values that show similar inconsistencies at Mach num-
decrease in drag.A controlsurfacedesignthattakes bers less than 2.3.
advantage of theseeffectswould enhance the aero-
dynamic performanceof the configuration.This A direct comparison of the straight-wing and
enhancement couldbe accomplished by reducingthe cranked-wing fully integrated vehicles is shown in fig-
thicknessof thebaseby maintainingthelowersurfaceas ure 38. The straight-wing configuration produces slightly

highervaluesof maximumlift-dragratio than the maximum lift-drag ratio at Mach 4.0 for the fully inte-
cranked-wing configuration
atMachnumbers of 2.3and grated configuration is 4.56, compared to a value of 6.72
higher.Thestraight-wing modelalsoshowshigherlift for the fully integrated vehicle.
From these results, it can be concluded that the max-
showsa maximumlift-dragratio thatis 3.0 percent
imum lift-drag ratios of a fully integrated waverider-
derived configuration with aftbody closure likely cannot
approach those of pure waverider shapes. Theoretical
Comparisons of the aerodynamics of the straight- predictions for waverider configurations do not include
wingpurewaverider modelandthefullyintegrated con- the effects of aftbody closure. However, it will be shown
figurationareshownin figure39.Thisfigureshowslift that the fully integrated waverider-derived configurations
anddragcoefficients aswellaslift-dragratiosatMach studied here are comparable in aerodynamic performance
4.0andthemaximumlift-dragratiosateachMachnum- to previously tested hypersonic models with performance
berstudied.Asin figures34and35,thesedatasetsare improvements possible through enhanced control surface
presented forcomparison in thedragandlift-dragplots. and propulsion system designs.
Thefirst datasetrepresents thepurewaveridershape
with nobasedragincluded.Thesecondrepresents the In order to characterize the lift-drag values of the
waverider shapewithbasedrag,andthethirdrepresents configurations studied here, a comparison is made
the fully integratedconfiguration. Thenozzlesurface between data for the present cranked-wing fully inte-
pressures arecorrected toassume free-streampressureon grated waverider-derived configuration and experimental
thenozzlesurfacefor the fully integrated vehicles.A data from six hypersonic vehicle wind-tunnel models
comparison of the purewaverider datawith basedrag previously tested in NASA Langley facilities (refs. 28 to
andthefully integrated datashowsthattheaerodynamic 33) in figure 41. Although direct comparisons of these
performance of the purewaveridershapeis degraded data are not possible here because of different conditions,
whenallof thevariousvehiclecomponents areadded.A geometries, levels of volumetric efficiencies, and force
reduction in lift coefficientfor thefully integrated con- accounting methodologies, a range of values can be
figurationis observed at Mach4.0 above0° angleof obtained to compare with the data from the current study.
attack,whichincreases asangleof attackincreases. An As shown in figure 41, the waverider falls within the
increase in dragis observed whenall components are same general range of lift-drag values as the non-
integrated withthepurewaverider model.Theseeffects waverider hypersonic configurations. The lift-drag ratios
resultin a decrease in lift-dragratiosatMach4.0andin of the waverider configurations studied could be
maximum lift-dragratiosatcomparative Machnumbers improved significantly through a better design of the pro-
of 4.0andabove.At Mach2.3,thereis a slightincrease pulsion system and control surface closure. Therefore,
in maximumlift-dragratiowhenall vehiclecomponents the waverider configurations studied here offer at least
areadded.Thisincrease is mostlikelycaused bythenoz- comparable aerodynamic performance and perhaps a
zle surfacepressure correctionto free-stream pressure. modest advantage over conventional non-waverider
Thefree-stream staticpressure increasesasMachnum- hypersonic vehicles.
berdecreases. However,theaerodynamic performance
of thefully integrated vehicleis significantly degraded 8.2. Longitudinal Control Effectiveness and Trim
fromthatofthepurewaverider shapeonlywithnobase
Both fully integrated configurations are longitudi-
dragincluded,because of thedragproduced by thecon-
nally unstable at each Mach number studied. The
trol surfaceaddition.The maximumlift-dragratio at
pitching-moment coefficient data as a function of angle
Mach4.0 for thefully integrated vehicleis 4.69,com-
of attack at each Mach number studied are shown in fig-
paredto6.68forthepurewaverider shape.
ure 42. Data for the straight-wing and cranked-wing fully
A comparison of thefully integrated cranked-wing integrated waverider-derived hypersonic cruise configu-
configurationand the pure cranked-wingwaverider rations are shown. The moment reference center is
modelyieldsconclusions similartothoseofthecompari- located at 62.5 percent of the centerline chord. At higher
sonof thestraight-wing configurations. Figure40shows angles of attack, the cranked-wing configuration shows a
the aerodynamicperformanceof the cranked-wing destabilizing increase in the pitching moment curve. This
waveriderforebodyandthe cranked-wing fully inte- increase indicates that the shock may have detached from
gratedconfiguration.The additionof vehiclecompo- the leading edge of the outer cranked portion of the wing
nentscausesa slightdegradation in the aerodynamic at higher angles of attack. The longitudinal instability of
performance,but the lift-drag ratios observed for the these configurations may be addressed in one of two
fully integrated model are significantly lower than those ways. First, it may be possible to shift the center-of-
for the pure waverider shape only with no base drag. The gravity location for a fully integrated flight vehicle to a

locationthatwouldprovideatleastneutralstabilityover sible to control the shift in static margin from subsonic to
the Machnumberrange.Recommendations for such supersonic speeds using fuel transfer. Neutral stability
locationsarepresented laterin thissection.Second, the can be achieved by placing the center of gravity at a loca-
additionof a fully functioning propulsion system would tion equal to 58 percent of the centerline chord for the
enhance thelongitudinal instabilitybyincreasing theaft- fully integrated straight-wing configuration and 59 per-
bodylowersurfacepressures. cent of the centerline chord for the cranked-wing config-
uration. Data for lift and pitching-moment coefficients
Thepitchcontroleffectiveness of theelevonsand referenced to these center-of-gravity locations are shown
devon/aileron combination for thestraight-wing config- in figure 45 for the straight-wing vehicle and in figure 46
urationis shownin figure43.Dataareshownforthree for the cranked-wing vehicle. In figure 45, the data for
trimsettings. Thefirst is onewithboththeelevons and the trailing-edge-up elevon deflections were extrapolated
aileronsat 0°, the secondwith a positive20° elevon from the cranked-wing data and applied to the straight-
deflection(_E) and a 0 ° aileron deflection (_A), and the
wing configuration. Also note that all of the data pre-
third with both elevons and ailerons deflected at 20 °. The
sented here are for unpowered conditions. The addition
effectiveness of the elevon decreases as Mach number
of a functioning propulsion system will enhance the lon-
increases, as evidenced by the smaller increments in lift
gitudinal stability of the vehicle even further. These data
and pitching-moment coefficients produced by each
are presented only to indicate the effects of an alternative
deflection. The ailerons were more effective than the
choice of center-of-gravity locations. Subsequent data
elevons in pitch control because of the shadowing of the
are presented at the original moment reference center
elevon behind the thick wing shape and the location of
location of 62.5 percent of the centerline chord.
the elevon in an expansion flow field. The CFD flow
field solutions showed that the bottom surface flow field
8.3. Lateral-Directional Stability and Control
expands to pressure below free-stream pressure in the
region where the elevons are placed. Also, the closure
angle for the elevon was severe because of the thick base The lateral-directional stability of the straight-wing
of the waverider. Each aileron has only 70 percent of the and cranked-wing hypersonic cruise vehicles are shown
planform area of the elevon but at higher angles of attack in figures 47 and 48, respectively. Each figure shows
generates substantially more pitching moment. These yawing and rolling moment derivatives at each Mach
characteristics may be unacceptable and indicate that the number studied. Both configurations are directionally
pitch control concept should be redesigned. stable at all Mach numbers investigated, with the
cranked-wing model providing higher stability levels
The pitch control effectiveness of the elevons for the
than the straight-wing model. The cranked-wing fully
cranked-wing configuration is shown in figure 44. Each
integrated configuration is laterally stable across the
figure shows data for 0 °, 20 °, and -20 ° elevon deflec-
angle-of-attack range at all Mach numbers studied. The
tions with 0 ° ailerons. No runs were made with both aile-
straight-wing fully integrated configuration is laterally
rons and elevons deflected at the same angle because of
unstable at angles of attack below 6 ° (at Mach 4.0). This
the shape of the trailing edge for the cranked-wing con-
roll instability may be caused in part by the high place-
figuration. The elevon pitch control power for this con- ment of the balance in the model. No transfer distance in
figuration also decreases as Mach number increases.
the vertical direction was applied to the moment refer-
However, in contrast to the straight-wing pitch control
ence center in the presentation of data.
data, the cranked-wing pitching moment curves are non-
linear. This factor makes the elevon pitch control power Figures 49 and 50 show the effect of the vertical tail
even more critical for this configuration than for the on yawing moment derivative and rolling moment deriv-
straight-wing vehicle. These data indicate that the nose- ative values for each configuration. The effect of the ver-
down pitch control power of this configuration is not suf- tical tail is to significantly enhance the directional
ficient. Either symmetric ailerons must be used to pro- stability of both the straight-wing and cranked-wing con-
vide additional pitch control power or the elevon area figurations, indicated by the large positive shift in yaw-
should be increased. ing moment derivatives when the vertical tail is added to
each model. No rudder control effectiveness runs were
Because of the combination of unstable pitching
made in this study, so it is not clear whether sufficient
moment characteristics and low pitch control power
yaw control power exists to augment stability. The addi-
observed in the experimental data, the configurations
tion of the vertical tail does not cause any significant
should be balanced such that they are at least neutrally
change in the lateral stability characteristics of either
stable to ensure adequate pitch control power throughout
the angle-of-attack range. For a realistic full-scale flight
vehicle, it should be possible to control the center-of- The effectiveness of a 20 ° aileron deflection on the
gravity location through packaging. Also, it may be pos- straight-wing configuration is shown in figure 51. A 20 °

ailerondeflection indicated
hereimpliesoneaileronwith controllability characteristics of the fully integrated
a 20° trailing-edge-down deflection and the other with a hypersonic cruise vehicles.
20 ° trailing-edge-up deflection. The elevons remained
The flow-field characteristics and aerodynamic per-
fixed at 0 ° for these runs. Figure 51 shows rolling
formance of the two pure waverider shapes were
moment and yawing moment increments between the
examined using experimental and computational data.
deflected and nondeflected runs. Additionally, the
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) predictions and
DATCOM computer code was used to estimate the
laser vapor-screen photographs of the straight-wing and
steady state roll rates for this configuration (ref. 34).
cranked-wing pure waverider models confirmed the
Table 4 shows the steady roll rate capabilities as pre-
shock attachment/detachment characteristics of each
dicted by this method. The roll rate is shown as deg/sec
configuration. The shock was slightly detached from the
of roll, normalized by flight velocity. For most vehicles
outer leading edge at the design Mach number of 4.0
of this type, excess roll-control power is available at
and 0 ° angle of attack. This detachment distance exists
lower angles of attack. The requirements for pitch and
roll control surfaces for the waverider-derived vehicles because of boundary-layer displacement effects as well
as blunt leading-edge effects. The design code assumes
may be driven by low-speed flying qualities. These qual-
an infinitely sharp leading edge and does not account for
ifies include roll-rate capabilities at subsonic speeds and
the physical presence of a boundary layer. Comparisons
crosswind landing requirements.
between experimental force data and CFD predictions
Figure 52 shows the effectiveness of the ailerons for were generally good. The maximum lift-drag ratios
the cranked-wing fully integrated configuration. How- observed experimentally were lower than the design-
ever, a significant difference exists between these results code predictions, as expected. These lower lift-drag
and those for the straight-wing configuration. The ratios were caused by a loss of lift and an increase in drag
cranked-wing ailerons produce considerably more caused by the shock not being perfectly attached as well
adverse yaw at 0 ° angle of attack than the straight-wing as to loss of lift from the lower-surface expansion and an
configuration, as evidenced by the large negative values increase in drag from the additional volume added to the
of AC t. The adverse yaw produced by the cranked-wing upper surface to accommodate model support hardware.
ailerons will further drive the control power requirements The maximum lift-drag ratio for each configuration
of the rudder. occurs at an angle of attack above 0 °. Both the CFD pre-
dictions and experimental data showed that there were no
Figure 53 shows the aileron effectiveness on lateral-
significant performance degradations at off-design Mach
directional stability with the ailerons deflected at 20 ° for
numbers. The cranked-wing pure waverider model
the cranked-wing fully integrated configuration. Rolling exhibited slightly better aerodynamic performance at the
moment and yawing moment increments for a positive comparative Mach numbers studied than the straight-
20 ° elevon deflection and a +_20° aileron deflection are
wing model.
shown. A comparison of these data shows that a 20 °
elevon deflection has no effect on roll control power, Component build-up effects of waverider-derived
indicating that interaction between controls is minimal at vehicles were examined by comparing experimental
the Mach numbers studied here. force and moment data. The primary effect of individu-
ally adding the canopy and the engine package was to
increase the drag of the configuration, thereby resulting
9. Concluding Remarks
in a degradation in aerodynamic performance. The aero-
The aerodynamic performance and stability and con- dynamic effect of adding control surfaces was to increase
trol characteristics of two Mach 4.0 waverider-derived the maximum lift-drag ratios slightly at each Mach
hypersonic cruise configurations were examined. Experi- number studied. However, the aerodynamic performance
mental force, moment, and flow-visualization data were of the controls-on configurations was significantly
obtained for the two Mach 4.0 waverider configurations degraded from that of the pure waverider shape only by
in both test sections of the Langley Unitary Plan Wind the addition of aftbody closure and the associated drag
Tunnel (UPWT). The wind-tunnel models were designed production. The values presented for the pure waverider
to allow testing of various configurations ranging from model show the performance of the waverider surface
pure waveriders to fully integrated vehicles. The two only and do not include base drag. These results indicate
pure waverider shapes were referred to as the straight- that additional consideration should be applied to
wing pure and the cranked-wing pure waveriders. Exper- the design of control surfaces and aftbody closure in
imental data as well as limited computational solutions waverider-based hypersonic cruise configurations. A
were used to examine the flow field and aerodynamic control surface configuration with a less severe closure
characteristics of the two pure waverider shapes, the angle or controls with blunt trailing edges may result in
component build-up effects, and the aerodynamic and improved performance. Inclusion of the aftbody closure

in the optimization process for the waverider shape may 2.
Corda, Stephen; and Anderson, John D., Jr.: Viscous Opti-
also improve the performance significantly. mized Hypersonic Waveriders Designed From Axisymmetric
Flow Fields. AIAA-88-0369, Jan. 1988.

The characteristics of the fully integrated waverider-

3. Eggers, A. J., Jr.; Ashley, Holt; Springer, George S.; Bowles,
derived hypersonic cruise vehicles were also examined
Jeffrey V.; and Ardema, Mark D.: Hypersonic Waverider Con-
by comparisons of experimental force and moment data. figurations From the 1950's to the 1990's. Proceedings of the
The aerodynamic performance of each fully integrated 1st International Hypersonic Waverider Symposium, John D.
waverider model (straight-wing and cranked-wing con- Anderson, Jr., Mark J. Lewis, Stephen Corda, and Isaiah M.
figuration) was significantly degraded from that of the Blankson, eds., Univ. of Maryland, 1990.
pure waverider shapes, because of the inclusion of aft-
Sobieczky, H.; Dougherty, E C.; and Jones, K.: Hypersonic
body closure in the fully integrated configuration. The
Waverider Design From Given Shock Waves. Proceedings of
straight-wing fully integrated configuration provided
the 1st International Hypersonic Waverider Symposium,
slightly better aerodynamic performance than the John D. Anderson, Jr., Mark J. Lewis, Stephen Corda, and
cranked-wing fully integrated model. The maximum lift- Isaiah M. Blankson, eds., Univ. of Maryland, 1990.
drag ratios at Mach 4.0 were 4.69 for the straight-wing
Takashima, Naruhisa; and Lewis, Mark J.: Waverider Configu-
model and 4.56 for the cranked-wing model. The wave-
rations Based on Non-Axisymmetric Flow Fields for Engine-
rider concept also provides a uniform compressed flow
Airframe Integration. AIAA-94-0380, Jan. 1994.
field to the inlet, which offers potential advantages for
airbreathing propulsion systems integration. The use of Rasmussen, Maurice L.: Waverider Configurations Derived
different generating flow fields, such as osculating-cone From Inclined Circular and Elliptic Cones. J. Spacecr &
and cone-wedge flow fields, may further improve these Rockets, vol. 17, no. 6, Nov.-Dec. 1980, pp. 537-545.
characteristics. Furthermore, the results of this study
7, Kuchemann, D.: The Aerodynamic Design of Aircraft. Perga-
have identified areas where design improvements could mon Press, Inc., 1978.
enhance performance, such as control surfaces, aftbody
closure, and propulsion system design. 8. O'Neill, Mary K. L.; and Lewis, Mark J.: Optimized Scramjet
Integration on a Waverider. J. Aircr., vol. 29, no. 6, Nov.-Dec.

Both fully integrated vehicles are longitudinally 1992, pp. 1114-1121.

unstable across the Mach number range studied for 9. Corda, Stephen; and Seifert, E. Scott: User Information for
unpowered conditions with the selected reference Maryland Axisymmetric Wave Rider Program (MAXIWARP).
moment center. Additionally, locations were recom- Univ. of Maryland, Jan. 1989.
mended for placement of the center of gravity in each
10. Anderson, John D., Jr.: Modern Compressible Flow--With
configuration in order to ensure at least neutral stability
Historical Perspective. McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1982.
across the Mach number range. The pitch-control effec-
tiveness of the elevons was judged to be unacceptable for 11. Anderson, John D., Jr.: Hypersonic and High Temperature Gas
both configurations, and the data indicate that the pitch Dynamics. McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1989.
control concept should be redesigned. The ailerons were
12. Beuerlein, David L.: Optimization of Waveriders to Maximize
significantly more effective than the elevons for pitch
Mission Performance. Proceedings of the 1st International
control. The cranked-wing vehicle shows significantly
Hypersonic Waverider Symposium, John D. Anderson, Jr.,
better lateral-directional stability than the straight-wing Mark J. Lewis, Stephen Corda, and Isaiah M. Blankson, eds.,
vehicle. The straight-wing configuration was unstable at Univ. of Maryland, 1990.
angles of attack below 6 ° at Mach 4.0. The vertical tail
13. Cockrell, Charles E., Jr.: Interpretation of Waverider Perfor-
has a significant stabilizing effect on directional stability,
mance Data Using Computational Fluid Dynamics. AIAA-
but very little effect on lateral stability. The ailerons are
93-2921, July 1993.
also highly effective for the cranked-wing vehicle, but
produce a significant amount of adverse yaw. 14. Jackson, C. M., Jr.; Corlett, W. A.; and Monta, W. J.: Descrip-
tion and Calibration of the Langley Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel.
NASA TP-1905, 1981.

NASA Langley Research Center 15. Cockrell, Charles Edward, Jr.: Vehicle Integration Effects on
Hampton, VA 23681-0001 Hypersonic Waveriders. NASA TM-109739, 1994.
May 6, 1996
16. Bauer, Steven X. S.; Covell, Peter F.; Forrest, Dana K.; and
McGrath, Brian E.: Analysis of Two Viscous Optimized
References Waveriders. Proceedings of the 1st International Hypersonic
Waverider Symposium, John D. Anderson, Jr., Mark J. Lewis,
1. Bowcutt, K. G.; Anderson, J. D.; and Capriotti, D.: Viscous Stephen Corda, and Isaiah M. Blankson, eds., Univ. of
Optimized Hypersonic Waveriders. AIAA-87-0272, Jan. 1987. Maryland, 1990.

17. Braslow, A. L.; and Knox, Eugene C.: Simplified Method for 27. Dutton, J.; Herrin, J.; Molezzi, M.; Mathur, T.; and Smith, K.:
Determination of Critical Height of Distributed Roughness Some Problems in Transonic Aerodynamics. AIAA-95-0476,
Particles for Boundary-Layer Transition at Mach Numbers Jan. 1995.
From 0 to 5. NACA TN-4363, Sept. 1958.
28. Penland, Jim A.; Hallissy, James B.; and Dillon, James L.:
18. Braslow, A. L.; Hams, R. V., Jr.; and Hicks, R. M.: Use of
Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Hypersonic Research Air-
Grit-Type Boundary-Layer-Transition Trips on Wind-Tunnel
plane Concept Having a 70 ° Swept Double-Delta Wing at
Models. NASA TN D-3579, 1966.
Mach Numbers From 0.80 to 1.20, With Summary of Data
From 0.20 to 6.0. NASA TP-1552, 1979.
19. Stallings, Robert L., Jr.; and Lamb, Milton: Effects of Rough-
ness Size on the Position of Boundary-Layer Transition and on
29. Dillon, James L.; and Pittman, Jimmy L.: Aerodynamic Char-
the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a 55 Degree Swept Delta
acteristics at Mach 6 of a Wing-Body Concept for a Hyper-
Wing at Supersonic Speeds. NASA TP-i 027, 1977.
sonic Research Airplane. NASA TP- ! 249, 1978.
20. Steinbrenner, John P.; and Chawner, John R.: The GRIDGEN
Version 8 Multiple Block Grid Generation Software. MDA 30. Penland, Jim A.; Edwards, Clyde L. W.; Witcofski, Robert D.;
Engineering Report 92-01, 1992. and Marcum, Don C., Jr.: Comparative Aerodynamic Study of
Two Hypersonic Cruise Aircrafi Configurations Derived From
21. Richardson, Pamela F.; McClinton, Charles R.; Bittner, Robert
Trade-OffStudies. NASA TM X-1436, 1967.
D.; Diiley, A. Douglas; and Edwards, Kelvin W.: Hypersonic
CFD Applications for the National Aero-Space Plane. SAE 31. Small, William J.; Kirk.ham, Frank S.; and Fetterman,
892310, Sept. 1989.
David E.: Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Hypersonic

22. McGrory, W. D.; Huebner, L. D.; Slack, D. C.; and Waiters, Transport Configuration at Mach 6.86. NASA TN-D-5885,
R.W.: Development and Application of GASP 2.0. AIAA-
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32. Watts, Joe D.; Olinger, Frank V.; Weidner, John P.; Johnson,
23. McGrory, William D.; Slack, David C.; Applebaum, Stuart K.; Sanders, Bobby W.; and Keyes, J. Wayne: Mach 5
Michael P.; and Waiters, Robert W.: GASP Version 2.2--The Cruise Aircraft Research. Proceedings of the Langley Sympo-
General Aerodynamic Simulation Program. AeroSoft, Inc., sium on Aerodynamics, Volume 2, Sharon H. Stack, Compiler,
1993. NASA CP-2398, 1986, pp. 285-304.

24. Takashima, Naruhisa: Navier-Stokes Computations of a Vis- 33. Ellison, James C.: Investigation of the Aerodynamic Charac-
cous Optimized Waverider. NASA CR- 189658, 1992.
teristics of a Hypersonic Transport Model at Mach Numbers
to 6. NASA TN D-6191, 1971.
25. Bushnell, D. M.: Supersonic Aircraft Drag Reduction. AIAA-
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26. Chapman, Dean R.: Reduction of Profile Drag at Supersonic Stability and Control Digital Datcom. Volume 1: User's Man-
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Table 1. Characteristics of Straight-Wing Waverider Designed by MAXWARP

Waverider length, in .......................................... 24.0

Span/length ................................................. 0.83

Base height/length .......................................... 0.092

Volumetric efficiency (Veff) ................................... 0.112

Planform area, Sre f, ft 2 ........................................ 1.89
Predicted maximum LID ....................................... 6.9

Base area, ft 2 .............................................. 0.136

Table 2. Characteristics of Cranked-Wing Waverider Designed by MAXWARP

Waverider length, in .......................................... 24.0

Span/length ................................................. 0.96

Base height/length .......................................... 0.092

Volumetric efficiency (Veff) ................................... 0.108

Planform area, Sre f, ft 2 ........................................ 2.05

Predicted maximum LID ....................................... 6.7

Base area, ft 2 .............................................. 0.153

Table 3. Reference Quantities for Various Configurations

Length, in. Base Xc.g.,

Configuration Sre f, ft 2 Span, in. _ area, ft 2 percent of _"

Straight-wing pure model 1.894 19.80 24.0 0.1580 69.3

Straight-wing pure model with engine 1.894 19.80 24.0 0.1481 69.3
Straight-wing fully integrated model 2.202 19.80 26.60 0.0194 62.5 a

Cranked-wing pure model 2.052 23.016 24.0 0.1860 69.3

Cranked-wing pure model with engine 2.052 23.016 24.0 0.1745 69.3

Cranked-wing fully integrated model 2.346 23.016 26.60 0.0194 62.5 b

aFor some data: 58.0.

bFor some data: 59.0.

Table 4. Steady-Roll-Rate Capabilities Calculated From

DATCOM for Straight-Wing Fully
Integrated Configuration

Mach number Pss per unit velocity,

2.3 0.119
4.0 0.095
4.63 0.095



Waverider leading edge

Bottom surface (stream surface)

Figure 1. Design of conical-flow-derived waverider.



14 L/Dma x = 4(M + 3)/M "L/D Barrier"

Conical-flow-derived waveriders


.... I , , , , I , , , , I .... I , , , i I , , , , I

5 10 15 20 25 30
Mach number

Figure 2. Comparison of L/Dma x values of conventional vehicles and waveriders.


_' ,,i _i,_ i__iii :iiiii,iii!iiiii!iiiii!ii_iiiiiiiiiii_iiii_iiii_iiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_


; i_ii_i!J_ii_ii!ii_ii!ii_i!_!_i]iiii!iiii!

, i i i il,ii ii iiiiiiii!iiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
...... !iiii
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiililiiii!iii_ili_i!iiiii!ii_iiiii!_ ¸_
_ _ _ _i,_iiiii,i_iiiii!_iiiiiiii!ili!!!ii;_

,_: _ iiili ii_,i

ii i iiiiii!_[_i_ ¸y

Plan form Oblique

Profile Rear

Figure 3. Straight-wing pure waverider shape designed by MAXWARP.

.... i

, : 9:

. ¢ :: 3,_ -

_ _;_._ i_ -:_

.::.. !: ;_:_::i:,i_:::::_ '_


Planforrn Oblique

Profile Rear

Figure 4. Cranked-wing pure waverider shape designed by MAXWARP.

Figure5. Straight-wing
modelin UPWT.







_-- Expansion

Figure7. Lowersurface










o .o

Tap No. Model Sta. B.L. W.L.
1 22.030 -1.353 -1.785
2 22.030 -1.015 -1.788
3 22.030 -0.676 -1.792
4 22.030 -0.338 -1.796
5 22.791 -1.353 -1.244
Top view 6 22.791 -1.015 -1.252
7 22.791 -0.676 -1.254
8 22.791 -0.338 -1.255

9 23.552 -1.353 -0.964

I 10 23.552 -1.015 -0.974

B.L. 0.0
I 11 23.552 -0.676 -0.974

I 12 23.552 -0.338 -0.975


Short ramp
(No-controls configurations)

M.S. M.S.
21.779" 23.750"

W.L. 0.0

Taps 9-12--...._ o o o ool

--_ 1.386" Taps 5-8_ o ooo1

Pressure tap
locations on nozzle
Side view Rear view

(a) Short expansion ramp used with no-controls configurations.

Figure 10. Three-view drawings of expansion ramps.

Tap No. Model Sta. B.L. W.L.
13 24.313 -1.353 -0.724
14 24.313 -1.015 -0.731
15 24.313 -0.676 -0.734
16 24.313 -0.338 -0.745
17 25.075 -1.353 -0.516
18 25.075 -1.015 -0.523
19 25.075 -0.676 -0.532
20 25.075 -0.338 -0.739
Top view 21 25.836 -1.353 -0.332
22 25.836 -1.015 -0.339
23 25.836 -0.676 -0.451
24 25.836 -0.338 -0.739

B.L. 0.0 Locations for taps 1 to 12 are given on

previous page.

Long ramp
(Fully integrated configurations)

_-- 3.5"
M.S. M.S.
21.779 26.597
Taps 21-22 _ I
4_ 4.818" _
W.L. 0.0
_o----'_'_-- --_ W.L. 0.0
Taps 17-19_
Taps 13-16 oOoO_ [
.... - 2.01
Taps 9-12 _ o °oo °oi _ Taps 20,

Taps 5-8 _°°°°i I_ [ I located

23,24 on
Sting sl
Taps 1-4 _ ' B.L. 0.0 sting sleeve
x____ Pressure tap locations
on nozzle surface
Side view Rear view

(b) Long expansion ramp used with fully integrated configurations.

Figure 10. Concluded.

Hinge line


lnboard side
----3.760"-------,- 10 o
_'-_ __._ \ /---Trailing edge
\ " _t
0.588-| "_
U _

_ "_Trailing edge

(a) Elevons. (b) Straight-wing ailerons.

27__ edge railing edge

(c) Cranked-wing inboard ailerons. (d) Cranked-wing outboard ailerons.

Figure 11. Dimensions of elevons and ailerons.

/ wing


Cranked wing

Canopy --


Moment ref. center 9.9 _l

62.5 percent of
model length Straight wing

1 ' Straight

Cylindrical uppper Vertical tail

surface fairing i2.81,,

L 0.87" radius
Elevon surface
Waverider /
stream surface _jr
Compression ,/
surface ","_ Sidewalls -- Aileron surface
""--- Lower surface of engine module

Figure 12. Three-view drawing of fully integrated waverider model.

PNS marching zone

7 TLNS global
iteration zone

Figure 13. Coordinates and computational scheme for waverider CFD solutions.


(a) Vapor-screen

configuration 1.71


\ 1.54




_ 1.20




(b) Base view of CFD solution.

Figure 14. Comparison of base-view vapor-screen photograph and CFD nondimensional static pressure contours of
straight-wing pure waverider model at M = 4.0 and cx = 0 °.


(a) Vapor-screen

configuration 1.61







i i



(b) Base view of CFD solution.

Figure 15. Comparison of base-view vapor-screen photograph and CFD nondimensional static pressure contours of
pure cranked-wing waverider model at M = 4.0 and _x = 0%











/ 1.00

(a) Cranked-wing pure waverider model.





\ 1.79







(b) Straight-wing pure waverider model.

Figure 16. Comparison of CFD nondimensional static pressure contours near leading edge at base of cranked-wing and
straight-wing pure waverider models at M = 4.0 and ot = 0 °.


Upper surface
of model

(a) Vapor-screen photograph at base.


Base of 1.28
\,\ 1.24








(b) Base view of CFD solution.

Figure 17. Comparison of base-view vapor-screen photograph and CFD nondimensional static pressure contours of
cranked-wing pure waverider model at M = 2.3 and o_ = 0 °.


of model

(a) Vapor-screen photograph 5 in. upstream of base.


Base of


i .46







(b) Base view of CFD solution.

Figure 18. Comparison of base-view vapor-screen photograph and CFD nondimensional static pressure contours of
cranked-wing pure waverider model at M = 4.63 and o_ = 0 °.


Figure 19. Comparison of planform schlieren photographs of cranked-wing pure waverider model at M = 2.3, 4.0,
and 4.63.

.25 C)




C) Experimental
-.10 dictions

-.15 C] MAXWARP prediction

- -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Q) Experimental (3
.06 CFD predictions
[] MAXWARP prediction
._ .04

§ .03

g .02


0 I I I I [ I I I I [ .... [ .... [ .... [ .... I .... [ .....

-. 10 -.05 0 .05 .10 .15 .20 .25 .30

Lift coefficient, CL


-2 ental
-4 _ _ CFD predictions
/_) [] MAXWARP prediction
-6 ,¢
i i i i I i i i i [ .... I , i . . I .... I .... [ , i i . I .... I
-.10 -.05 0 .05 .10 .15 .20 .25 .30

Lift coefficient, CL

Figure 20. Comparison of experimental data, CFD predictions, and design-code predictions for aerodynamic perfor-
mance of straight-wing pure waverider model at M = 4.0 and Reynolds number of 2.0 x 106 per foot.





= .10

_ CFD predictions
[] MAXWARP prediction

-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

C) Experimental
.06 dl&

I, CFD predictions O
[] MAXWARP prediction
.05 O

_= .04

§ .03

_ .02


0 .... I , , J , I , , , t I , , , , I .... I L t _ i I i i t _ t j j L i I

-.10 -.05 0 .05 .10 .15 .20 .25 .30

Lift coefficient, CL


-2 rimental
-4 _ CFD predictions

/ [] MAXWARP prediction
.... I .... I .... I .... I .... I .... t .... I .... I
-.10 -.05 0 .05 .I 0 .15 .20 .25 .30

Lift coefficient, CL

Figure 21. Comparison of experimental data, CFD predictions, and design-code predictions for aerodynamic perfor-
mance of cranked-wing pure waverider model at M = 4.0 and Reynolds number of 2.0 x 106 per foot.

.25 [] Straight wing []

•" .10

o Cran_OZ)(__




-6 --4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

[] Straight wing []
.O6 O Cranked wing

.05 ©
r,.) []


8 .03



0 i L , , i .... i .... i .... i .... i .... i .... t .... I

-.10 -.05 0 .05 .10 .15 .20 .25 .30

Lift coefficient, CL

O_U_)_) _)_)
4 [] _t_

2 0


# -2
0 [] Straight wing

[] 0 Cranked wing
-4 O

.... I .... 1 .... i .... I .... I .... I .... 1 .... I

-.10 -.05 0 .05 .10 .15 .20 .25 .30

Lift coefficient, CL

Figure 22. Comparison of aerodynamic performance of straight-wing and cranked-wing pure configurations at M = 4.0
and Reynolds number of 2.0 x 10 per foot.

.3 D
> %
¢o .2

"3 .1

0 <3 Mach 3.5

j D Mach 4.0

-.1 * Mach 4.2

D © Mach 4.63

i , ,_l , ,
I, ,,I
-2 , ,L[t
0 2
4 '
6I ' ' ,ll
8 , ,I
10 , , ,

Lift coefficient, CL

10 10.0

_> t> l> D 9.5

4 __ t>E>D 9.0
,.d O
6 2 80
•_ o <> D Mach 2.3 _ 7.5
,= < Mach 3.5 "_
-2 7.0
"7 -4 <_ _ Mach 4.0 6.5 © 0

45 6.0 ©
<_ + Mach 4.63
©Mach 4.2
-8 DD 5.5

I _ I
-10 , , , I n i , I h J , , , l , _ , , * , , J , i i i L i I , i _ i i

-. 1 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 5"02.0'' '2'.5''' 3.0 '3t.5 ' 4.0 '415' '5'.0

Lift coefficient, CL Mach number, Moo

Figure 23. Aerodynamic performance of straight-wing pure waverider configuration across Mach number range

.4 .07
[] 13 Mach 1.6
[] b b Mach 2.3
.3 .06
<1 Mach 3.5
[] b
,.d .05 Mach 4.0
..J * Mach 4.2
e- [z []_> r_
© Mach 4.63 b
.1 [] Mach 1.6
.03 []
Q _ Mach 2.3 8
0 et0 []
<_ Mach 3.5 t_
,.d .02
_ Mach 4.0
--.1 []
+ Mach 4.2 .01

Mach 4.63
45 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0.2 -.1 6 .! .L .3 .;
Lift coefficient, CL

14 12.0
12 11.5
[] []
10 11.0
8 10.5
1_ Ib _> b U []
6 [] [] 10.0
bb 9.5
6 9.0
2 O
0 8.5
[] Mach 1.6 E
-2 8.0
D Mach 2.3

-4 7.5
<1 Mach 3.5
-6 7.0 O
-8 Mach 4.0 6.5 O0
-10 [] [] + Mach 4.2
-12 _- O Mach 4.63 5.5
-2 -. 1 0 .l .2 .3 .4 5°1_5'''2'.6'''2'.5'' '3'.6"'315' :_Y i5.... 5'.0
Lift coefficient, CL Mach number, Moo

Figure 24. Aerodynamic performance of cranked-wing pure waverider configuration across Mach number range


.25 (_(_

.15 (_

e- .10

.05 __1. 6
5XlO per foot
8 o
,d -.05
(_(_ 0[] 2.0 x× 106
106 per foot
3.0 per foot


-'2_-8 _ -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 I0 12


/k 1.5 × 106 per foot t_

.06 [] 2.0 x 106 per foot 0

0 3.0 × 106 per foot 0

e., 0
._ .04
8 .o3 d


.... I .... i .... I .... I .... I .... I , . , _ i L L i i I

-.10 -.05 0 .05 .10 .15 .20 .25 .30

Lift coefficient, CL



6 2 0
0 /_ 1.5 x 106 per foot
-? -2
eq [] 2.0 × 106 per foot
-4 0 0 3.0 x 106 per foot


--lO , , , I .... I .... I .... I . , . t I .... I .... I .... I

-.10 -.05 0 .05 .10 .15 .20 .25 .30

Lift coefficient, CL

Figure 25. Effects of Reynolds number on aerodynamic performance of straight-wing pure waverider configuration at
M= 4.0.


.20 0
,2 .15

= .10
.o 0
.05 0
0 O O /X 1.5 x 106 per foot

{_ [] 2.0 x 106 per foot

.2 -.05
O _ O 0 3.0 x 106 per foot


-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

/_ 1.5 x 106 per foot
[] 2.0 x 106 per foot

.05 O 3.0 x 106 per foot


._ .04

_ .03


.01 _ O
0 , , , , i .... i .... I .... i .... i .... i .... i .... I

-.10 -.05 0 .05 .10 .15 .20 .25 .30

Lift coefficient, CL

4 O t_¢_f_t _

6 2

{_ /X 1.5 x 106 per foot
[] 2.0 x 106 per foot
,.-1 -4
0 3.0 x 10 6 per foot

.... I .... I .... I .... I .... I .... I .... i .... i
-.!0 -.05 0 .05 .10 .15 .20 .25 .30

Lift coefficient, CL

Figure 26. Effects of Reynolds number on aerodynamic performance of cranked-wing pure waverider configuration at
M= 4.0.

.030 [>
Mach 2.3
.025 <3 Mach 3.5 D
.020 0 Mach 4.0

* Mach 4.2 b b <s _oO

© Mach 4.63



0 AJ

-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

(a) Straight wing.

[] Mach 1.6
[] b
t> Mach 2.3 [] E>

Mach 3.5
.020 q
[] t>
0 Mach 4.0 [] b
0 <_
÷ Mach 4.2 [] I> .q (_

,fi .010 0 Mach 4.63 [] t>

.005 [] °;


-.010 _,,I,,,l,,_l,_,l,,,I,J,l_l,,,l,,,]tll I

-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

(b) Cranked wing.

Figure 27. Pitching moment characteristics of pure waverider configurations.




u Stable b
,_ -.0001

'_ -.0002 O> _ _ _ _a_.3

_ Mach 4.0
-.0003 b B
0 Mach 4.63


-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

(a) Straight wing.


r,.) []
,; .0004

_" .0002
[] 8
lStab,o [] _ e
d_ b [] Mach 1.6
.- -.0002
Mach 2.3

Mach 4.0

0 Mach 4.63
L , , I , , _ I _ , , I . , , I , , , I . _ i I e A i I e _ , I , _ , I

-4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

(b) Cranked wing.

Figure 28. Yawing moment characteristics of pure waverider configurations.


.0012 D" Mach 2.3


_ Mach 4.0
d .0008
_(_ O Mach 4.63

_ .0004 g> % o
E 0 0 0
P 0 0
I Stable O
._ -.00O4


-.0012 _'I'J'I''LI'''I'''IllLiIIII_I_I

-2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

(a) Straight wing.




_- o
_ _ _ 8 8 i Stable
._ -.0004
-.0012 []
o P
_-.0016 []
[] Mach 1.6
-6 -.0020 Mach 2.3 []

Mach 4.0 []
0 Mach 4.63

-2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

(b) Cranked wing.

Figure 29. Rolling moment characteristics of pure waverider configurations.

.07 Moo = 4.0
.25 O
.06 []
.20 0
,..1 .15 r_ .05
r_ 0
,.z .10 []
.__ .04

_ o 8 .o3 []o
._ -.05 .02

.01 _ [] Canopy
(2) Canopy on

-'20-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 o_o.......................................
.I -.05 0 .05 .10 .15 .20 .25 .30

Lift coefficient, CL

8 Moo = 4.0 10.0

9.5 0 Canopy off

9.0 [] Canopy on
0 8.5

2 [] _ 8.0 8
0 o S 75
-2 0
0 D 0 o
,.d 6.5
[] [] []
-4 @
-6 _S_IS)DO O
[] Canopy off
on 6.0


I .... I ....

i ....

I ....

.10 .15
I .... i ....

i ....


• .............................
2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0

Lift coefficient, CL Mach number, Moo

Figure 30. Effect of canopy on aerodynamic performance of straight-wing pure waverider configuration.

.30 Mo_ = 4.0
Moo = 4.0

.20 O0 ° .06

..a .15 0 © .05 {3

¢0 ¢.)
.10 O0 ° e-, 0
0 ._ .04
.05 0
8 0 _ .03 ©
O0 O0
..a -.05 0 0 Canopy off _ .02 ©
O 0 0 Canopy off
O [] Canopy on
/DO ° [] Canopy on

' - '6"S "-'2...................
0 '2'' 4 6 8 'l_O'' 1_2
°_ ............. , .... , .... , ...............
20.l -.05 0 .05 .10 15 .20 .25 .30

Lift coefficient, CL

M = 4.0 14

13 O Canopy off
12 [] Canopy on
O0 0
11 D
.1 23
2 © 12
0 10
i -2 9

,-.1 8
-4 ID
© Canopy off 7

[] Canopy on 6

--8 .... I .... I .... i .... I .... I .... I I I L I I J _ L, I

-.10 -.05 0 .05 .10 .15 .20 .25 .30 5L5 .......................
2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4 ,...........
0 4.5 5.0

Lift coefficient, CL Mach number, M

Figure 31. Effect of canopy on aerodynamic performance of cranked-wing pure waverider configuration.

Moo = 4.0
.30 .07
Moo = 4.0

,..z .15 .05

"-: .10 .,..r
ID .04

.05 %
o 8 .03

,.-: -.05 .02

-.10 u- [] Engine on
[] Engine
Engineoff on
.01 IODdz3ODO%% _%E3Ofi_D[_IZ_ O

-.20 0
-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 -.10 -.05 0 .05 .10 .15 .20 .25 .30

Lift coefficient, CL

8 Moo = 4.0 10

6 0000 Or-,, O Engine off

Drl o
o [] ,--, [] Engine on
[] _c_D o
2 (D°
[] E
4P O
-2 Oo
[] 0
-4 %
[] []
Iz] []
[] O O Engine off []
0 0 [] Engine on

-8 - i _ , i i .... I .... I .... t _ i _ i I i , i i I i i i i i .... I

4 .... ] , , , t t L , , i i .... J .... i .... J

-.10 -.05 0 .05 .10 .15 .20 .25 .30 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0

Lift coefficient, CL Mach number, M

Figure 32. Effect of adding engine package on aerodynamics of straight-wing pure waverider model with canopy.

.30 Moo = 4.0
Moo = 4.0
.25 D

.20 .06 ©
,.d .15 .05
.10 e-,
.04 m©
.05 O _2 DO
o _3 _3
8 .03

-.05 O _ 0 Engine off m©
0 _ .02
DO O Engine off
-.10 [] Engine on
5_ [] DO [] Engine
-.15 .01 (_ (_ (_ (_(]_£0 0 on

-.20 0 , , , , I , , J , I , L, , I , , , , I .... I _ + L k l i i i i I i L i _ _
-6 -4 -2
+tI'''I'''JL'+I'+,IL,,I,++I,,,L,,,]+ 0 2 4 6 8 0 ,,I 12 -.!0 -.05 0 .05 .10 .15 .20 .25 .30

Lift coefficient, CL

8 M°° = 4.0 10
0 Engine off
6 00_00
[] Engine on
4 % [] [] [] D(_ (_ (_(_ (_ O

2 _ 8
d []
0 [] _ 7
© [] O
m Oo
[] 6 0
-4 []O
D_ 0 Engine off [] []
[] []
-60 w [] Engine on

-8 + , l .... i .... i + + , , [ i , , , i .... i , , i t [ i i , i i 4 , t, , I .... I .... _ i + i i I L i + + t,, + t I,,,, I

-.10 -.05 0 .05 .10 .15 .20 .25 .30 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0

Lift coefficient, CL Mach number, M

Figure 33. Effect of adding engine package on aerodynamics of cranked-wing pure waverider model with canopy.

Moo = 4.0
.30 .07
Moo = 4.0
.25 O
OAO/x .06
.20 O No controls (no base drag) AS]
L_ 0 ° controls
.15 0 ¢_OA _ .05 [] No controls (base drag) _3
L) L)
'_ .10 ¢-
_ .04
"U _yO
o 8 .03 _0
,2 -.05 No controls (no base drag) _ .02
zx_ /_ 0 ° controls _y_ _t_O _0
[] No controls (base drag) .01
_O--d 0 0 _

-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 o_
.1 o........
-.05 .... . 5.........................
.10 .15 .20 .25 .30

Lift coefficient, CL

8 M = 4.0 9.0

O 0 8.0
4 0 No controls (no base drag)
7.5 /k 0 ° controls
(Z 0
2 [] No controls (base drag)
6 7.0
0 /k 6.5
,.d 5.5
-4 O
Z_O0 0/x 5.0
0No controls
o controls (no base drag) O
-6 [] No controls (base drag) 4.5

-8 4.0
-.10 -.05 0 .05 .10 .15 .20 .25 .30 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0

Li_ coefficient, CL Mach number, Moo

Figure 34. Effect of undeflected control surface addition on aerodynamics of straight-wing pure waverider configura-
tion with canopy and engine package attached,

.3O Mo_ = 4.0
.07 Moo = 4.0 []
.06 O No controls (no base drag) _ O
/_ 0 ° controls _O
[] No controls (base drag)
,.d .15
'_ .10 _@@_q u._='_
.05 65o
_ 0 @ @ Q _ .03
Q O No controls (no base drag)
,_ -.05
O @
A 0ocontrols _ .02 E_ _Dso_°
-.10 [] No controls (base drag)


-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 °-.1o'-.;5; ............................
.05 .1o _5 So .25 .3o
Lift coefficient, CL

8 Mo_ = 4.0 8.5

0 No controls (no base drag)
6 8.0 /_ 0 ° controls
,-., 0000,_ 7.5 O [] No controls (base drag)

4 o__K:s_t_ @ 7.0
,.d O
d 6.5

o _9 .--i 6.0
-2 []_ O
..d 5.0
[]/x 0 No controls (no base drag) O
-4 _ O z_ 0 °controls
/x _ A
-6 O O [] No controls (base drag)

-8 _ , . i .... ] .... i , . , I i i L , , i .... i .... [ i i i i [ 3.5 t , , , I , * , , I .... I , i i i I i i j L I i i L _ I _ i _ i I

-.10 -.05 0 .05 .10 .15 .20 .25 .30 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0

Lift coefficient, CL Mach number, Moo

Figure 35. Effect of undeflected control surface addition on aerodynamics of cranked-wing pure waverider configura-
tion with canopy and engine package attached.

.30 .09
D Moo = 2.3 D Moo = 2.3
.25 M =4.0 .08 Moo = 4.0

.20 O Moo-- 4.63

O Moo = 4.63 i> D _8 .07
,-.I .15
"_" .10
CA -_ .05
_ .04
8 0
,_ -.05
-.15 .01 --v_

-.20 0 + + _ I i + + I i L + I h _ I I
-I -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 -.2 -.1 0 .1 .2 .3

Lift coefficient, CL

8 D Moo = 2.3 8.0

Moo = 4.0 7.5

O Moo = 4.63 7.0
2 O> 6.0
'_ 0 @ = 5.5

s.0 0
_Q 4.5 0 0

-6 3.5

I + i i I
-8 i i h i , +
0 .1 .2 .3 3"02 .d ' ' '2'.5.... 3t.O ...................
3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
-.2 -.1

Lift coefficient, CL Mach number, Moo

Figure 36. Aerodynamics of fully integrated straight-wing configuration.

.4 [] M = 1.6 .10 [] M = 1.6
/x Moo = 1.8 .[3 .09 /x Moo = 1.8
M:20 V
.08 V Moo = 2.0 []
.2 l> M =23 &_ I_ _,_
,..J .07 D Moo = 2.3 '_
O M =40 A_i7 _z9 Ga
M =-4.0
oo • ^n t_ _))U_) ¢- .06 oo
'ra O Moo = 4.63 _
E .05 L.),

¢J .04
,d .03


--.3 0 , , , I . . . I i i _ [ _ , i I i _ i I , , _ I , , , I
.... -6 .......
-4 -2 '''l'''''''jO 2 4 ...........
6 8 1'0''1'2 -.3 -.2 -.1 0 .1 .2 .3 .4

Lift coefficient, CL

[] Moo = 1.6 8.0

Moo = 1.8 7.5

V Mo =2.0 7.0
l> Moo = 2.3
2 Moo = 4.0
6 6.0
.,.._ O Moo = 4.63 E
0 5.5

0 0
,--i -2 4.5
) 0 0 0


-.3 -.2 -. 1 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Lift coefficient, CL Mach number, Moo

Figure 37. Aerodynamics of fully integrated cranked-wing configuration.

M = 4.0 M=4.0
.30 .07

.06 [] Straight wing (_
.20, 08
0 Cranked wing (5]
,_ .15 r_ .05

0 o e-
0 o .N .04
.05 0
Oo ° 8 .o3

-_ -.05 .02
[] Straight wing
0 Cranked wing .01

,,I,,,I,,,I,,,I,,,I, ,,I,,,I,,,I,,,I,,,I illll_j,,I .... I .... I .... 1 .... I .... I .... I

-'20-8 _5 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 -.10 -.05 0 .05 .10 .15 .20 .25 .30
Lift coefficient, CL

M,, ° = 4.0
[] Straight wing
6 11
0 Cranked wing

(9 9
6 0 8
e_D (9 .e_ 7
-2 0
[] Straight wing
(ff_3 0 Cranked wing
)o ° 0 0 0

.... I .... i .... I .... t .... i .... i .... i .... i

-.10 -.05 0 .05 .10 .15 .20 .25 .30 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0

Lift coefficient, CL Mach number, M

Figure 38. Comparison of aerodynamics of straight-wing and cranked-wing fully integrated configurations.

M = 4.0 M = 4.0
.4 .09

.3 0 Pure waverider (no base drag) 0 Pure waverider (no base drag)
.07 A Pure waverider (base drag) A
.2 [] Fully integrated DO
.06 z5
0 /_ Pure waverider (base drag) _20 .04

t_ .03


, , I , J , I I I I
-'3-8'''-6J'''-4''''-_2'''O_'''2''''4L'''6''''8J'''I_(I ''1_2 0_.2 --,1 0 .1 .2 .3

Lift coefficient, C L

M = 4.0
8 9.0

8.5 0 Pure waverider (no base drag)

6 O000Oo O A Pure waverider (base drag)
[] Fully integrated
4 7.5

2 @ 0
d [] ,..1 6.5 O0
E 0
0 6.0
,.d _0 /x /x /k A
-4 4.5 [] []
eq_ 0 Pure waverider (no base drag)
0 A Pure waverider (base drag) 4.0
0 0 [] Fully integrated 3.5
, J J I , , _ I , _ , I _ , , I J , , I
-8 3.0 t,,,l .... I .... l*il,lliiilliltl

--.2 -.1 0 .1 .2 .3 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0

Lift coefficient, CL Mach num_r, M

Figure 39. Comparison of aerodynamic performance of straight-wing fully integrated and straight-wing pure waverider

M o = 4.0 Moo : 4.0
.4 .09

.07 0 Pure waverider (no base drag)
.2 A Pure waverider (base drag)
,..1 @@@@ .06
[] Fully integrated
,.r I:_ °
.1 @@ @@ o .05
"5 _0
8 .04 _0
8 0
I_¢D QO _0
.03 _0
,.d ®@
(2) Pure waverider (no base drag) _0
A Pure waverider (base drag) @_ _0
--.2 [] Fully integrated .01
O__n 0
1 I
-'3_8' I ' I'--6
I ' ' ' --4
I ' ' '--12' L * 0I * ' k 2L _ ' ' 4L ' ' ' 6I ' ' ' 8
I ' ' ' lO
I _ ' _12 --.2 -.1 0 .! .2 .3
Lift coefficient, CL

Moo = 4.0
8 12

6 000000 -
(3 Pure waverider (no base drag)
4 Zk Pure waverider (base drag)
g_ 9 [] Fully integrated
2 (3
6 r_ 8
g_ .e. 7
(D 0 O0
-2 rq
_t A_(3 (3
A Pure
Pure waverider
waverider (no
(base base drag)
drag) 5 [] [] /k /xA ix
[_ [] [] []
0 [] Fully integrated 4
i i i I b _ i , I .... I .... I .... I .... I .... i
-8 L I I _ , J I I I 3
--.2 -.1 0 .1 .2 .3 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0

Lift coefficient, CL Mach number, M

Figure 40. Comparison of aerodynamic performance of cranked-wing fully integrated and cranked-wing pure waverider

Present fully integrated
cranked-wing waverider
• Reference 28
• Reference 29
• Reference 30
• Reference 31
• Reference 32
6 • Reference 33

= 4

2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Mach number, M._

Figure 41. Assessment of aerodynamic performance of waverider-derived vehicle.

.020 M_ = 2.3

M =4.0
¢0 0 M =4.63
t- b


,_ 0

_= -.005

-'010-8 ......
-6 _ - h ; _...........
4 6 _ '1;' ' '1'2

(a) Straight wing.

[] Moo = 1.6

A Moo = 1.8 []
v M_ = 2.0 []

D M = 2.3 [] z_v
E] &v
.015 []
O M,_ = 4.0 [] Av
0 M =4.63 0 DO A _V 0
,_ .010
E DD_DDO _b_b©QQ
_, .oo5
.=. bbv_ _
¢.., bbbb_
h2 0

-6 --4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 _d"12

(b) Cranked wing.

Figure 42. Longitudinal stability of each fully integrated waverider-derived configuration with undeflected elevons and

Mo_ = 2.3 Mo_ = 2.3
.3 .025

.020 []
[] _A = 0% fiE = 0° []
.2 r,.) []
,_ .015 _A = 0°' _E = 200 []
¢- [] 0
@ fA = 200' 8E = 200 [] []
t- [] GO ©
•D D _
,_ .005
8 ••D ©0 0 oo0
o 0
.=- -.005 00© 00000
-.1 _ 5 A = 0 °, 8 E = 20 ° ._,
O 5 A = 20 °, fE = 200 -.010
ooOO 000
4).15 '''l'''l'''l'''l'L'l_'l'''llllLIL_lLlll
-'2-8'"] '1--6
'''1'' -4 '- [2'_'1'''1
0 2 _ ''] 4 '''_ 6 '''1"' 8 10
_' ' 12 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

M = 4.0 M• = 4.0

.020 [] fA = 0% fE = 0°

,.s .015 _A = 0°' _E = 200

_d []
08 A=20 ° ,8 E=20 ° [] []

0 N .005
[]DaD•O© 0

8 aDDS• _ 000
o 0
-2 t@888 , =oo [] 0000 O0 O0
_O O 0000
-4 _ OSA = 0°, fE = 20° _ -.005
O00@QO0 00°0
0 fA = 20% _E = 20°
-6 -.010

-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 -8 -6 --4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

(a) M_ = 2.3 and 4.0.

Figure 43. Pitch control effectiveness of elevons and elevon/aileron combination for straight-wing fully integrated

M,, ° = 4.63 M = 4.63
.3 .O25

[] _A = 0°' _E = 0°
•-_ .015 O 8 A = 0 °, _E = 200
© _A = 20°, q_E = 20° [] []
e_ .1 []E3
[] O0 0
i .005 oog_,O0 0

.1 _ _&__oo ___oo ,E o
o _A: 0%_: 20° .=.-.oo5
©Sa : 2°°, _E = 20° _-.010

-" 281 ' '

[ ' ' '

_ ' ' '

' ' ' '

_ ''12 . ' '

] ` ' [

_ 1 ' '

J ' ' j

I ' t t

I _0.15

-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

(b) M.. = 4.63.

Figure 43. Concluded.

Moo= 1.6 Moo = 1.6
.4 .040

.030 0 o°
.2 .025
,-d 00000 []
O000OO []
...$ .o20
8 .015
O 0


0o ,.=

0 IS 8A = 0°, fiE = 0°

8o _A--°°,_ --2°° ._ -.005
t_ + 8 A = 0 °, 8 E = 20 °

o o 8A=0o,fie=_200 -.010 O 8A = 0°' 8E = -20°

-.015 '''''''''''''''J'''''''''''''' ''',_,,,_

-" -6 -4 -2 0 4 6 8 10 12 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Moo = 1.8 M = 1.8

.4 .040



'_ .025 0 o
k) 0 o
O00000oO0 Oo _D
o .010

o O

-.1 _ D (SA = 0°, 8E = 0° .= 0 E3 8A = 0°, 8E = 0°

-.2 _ +8A = 0°' fie = 20° -.005 8 A = 0% fiE = 20°

08 A = 0 °, 8 E =-20 ° -.010 0 8 A = 0% fie : -20 °

-.015 t,.I,,,I ,,.llllll,.i,_ ,i,,_l.,,i,,.lllll

-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

(a) M.o = 1.6 and 1.8.

Figure 44. Pitch control effectiveness of elevons for cranked-wing fully integrated configuration.

Moo = 2.0 Moo = 2.0
.4 .040

rj_ .030


.1 .015

.010 DE)[_ 0 00DC]OD OC] FIE) C]


_ .005
.= 0 m _A = 0°, 8E = 0°

O _5A 0 °, _)E = 20° ._ -.oo5 <_ 8A = 0°' _E = 20°


O 6 A = 0% _E = -200 -.010 O8 A = 0% qY)

E = -20 °

-'3--8'''_ ......-4 -'2 ...............

0 2 4 _,,,_ ........10 12 _.015_8,,,,,,,L,,,L2,..,*.,,,,,J,,,,,,,
-6 -4 - 0 2 4 6 8L,.._..., 10 12

M =2.3 M_o = 2.3



.2 .o
,-1 _9
.1 .015

oooooooooOO°°!°°° 13131313 00 °
0 0
896:f 8 g gg 88 _ .005 00[3013 rq ° ° u.... 0<_0
.1 --,l [] a A = 0 o, i_E = 0 o ._ 0 OO OOOOOOOv[]aA=O°,_=O °

_A = 0°' $)E = 200 _ -.005 O _iA = 0 °, i_E = 20 °

O _A = 0% _ = -20 ° -.010 O BA = 0% _5E = -200

-'38' -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 l0 12

(b) Mo. = 2.0 and 2.3.

Figure 44. Continued.

Moo = 4.0 Moo = 4.0
.4 .040

.3 [] 8 A = 0 o, 8 E = 0 o
¢9 8g = 0 °, 8 E = 20 °

,..j .2 8_ o
08 A = 0 °, 8 E =-20 °
.1 _0000_ 8 .o15
_80 _
,1 --.1

8_ 0g []_A__oo
__o o
,_ .005
oooooooo _VID t_
©O o

," 0

--,2 G 8 A = 0% 8 E = 20 ° ._-.oo5
O8 A = 0 °, 8 E =-20 ° -.010

, I , , , i , , , , , , I , , , I , , , J .... i -.015
-'38' ' _ _- ''2'- ()' 2 4 6 8' '1'() '1'2 ,,,r,,,I,,,t2,,,J,,,I,,,I,,,I,,,I,,,I,,,i
-6 -4 - 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Moo = 4.63 Moo = 4.63

.4 .040

.030 _ 8A = 0°, 8E = 0°

8 A = 0 °, 8 E = 20 °
..d .2 .025
08 A =0 °, 6 E =-20 °

0 _ 00_ .010
,_ .005
oooooooo0 O
-.1 [] 8A = 0o, $_E = 0o ,_
0 BSB8888_l_o_°°_
8 A = 0 °, 8 E = 20 ° -.005
--,2 e_
0 8 A = 0 °, fiE = -20° -.010

-' 3_8,,, -6t,,.,,.,L2,,,
-4 - 0I,,, 2I,,,J,,,t,,,,,..,,,,1,2
4 6 8 10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
ot O[

(c) M.. = 4.0 and 4.63.

Figure 44. Concluded.

M = 2.3 M. =2.3
.4 .040

[] _A = 0°' _ = 0°
r_ .030
_A = 0°, _E = 20°

.2 .025 O _A = 0°' _E = -20°


E .020
O .1 888888 8888 O

8 .015
0 E
...1 --.1
.= 0

o 6A = 0°, _E = 20° ._ -.005


© 6A = 0o, _ = _20° -.010

-" -6
,,,i,,,i,,,l,,,i,,,i.,.i,,,),,,i,,,i,,,i -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Moo = 4.0 M._ = 4.0

.4 .040

[] 8A = 0°, 8E = 0°
QSA = 0°, 8E = 20°
8 = .025 O _A = 0°' _E = -20°

.1 .015
OOO00o o .010
0 0 E
E, .005 00000000000000888
DFIr_ mDC)[] O DDI_ _ _ r_
.= o

O8 A = 0 o, _ = 20 ° ._ -.oo5

O 8 A = 0 °, _5E = -20 ° -.OlO

-'38' --6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 lO 12 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
o_ O_

(a) Mo. = 2.3 and 4.0.

Figure 45. Pitch control effectiveness of elevons for straight-wing fully integrated configuration with moment reference
center at 58 percent of body length.

Mo= = 4.63 M o = 4.63
.4 .040

.3 [] 8A = 0°' _E = 0°
6A = 0°' _E = 20°
.2 .025
O fiA = 0°' fiE = -20°
8 0
.=. .005 °°°°oooooo9888899
,.-I --.l
O 8 A = 0 o, _ = 0o .n 0 8<SS>8<Sa
+ _A = °°, _ = 2°° :_-.oo5
o 8A = 0%_ = -20 ° -.010

-.015 "'''_'''_'''''''_'" _'''_'_' J'''_,, ,'.,, _

-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

(b) M_ = 4.63.

Figure 45. Concluded.

Moo = 1.6 M, ° = 1.6
.4 4_5

D 8A = 0°, 8E = 0°
° .035
O _A = 0°' 8E = 20°

O 8 A = 0 °, _E = -20°
.2 .030 O

.025 O00000000000oO
0 []

.015 n n D FI E313r7 _D DFII313 fin

<_o []_A_-oo,__-o
o . ©

_o ° <>8A_-oo,__-2ook- .005 _©_©_©_©©_<_
O 0 8A = 0°' 8E = -20°

--.3 --.005 , ,_1, , ,I,_,lt J ,I,, ,iJ J,IJl_ll,,E_,,Ih, ,1

-6 -4 - 0 2 4 6 8 10 2 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

M = 1.8 Moo = 1.8

D 8A =0°, 8E =0°
.3 8 A = 0 o, 8 E = 20 °
R .030
O8 A = 0% 8 E =-20 °
.2 o= .025
,1 "0

'= .020
.1 OOOo000000OO00000
.010 [] D[] [] n D rIC_C)_C) D(_ [] C]N R
,.d --.1

_ _:oo,_:2oo _ o
o_:oo,_:-2oo -005

,,',,,',,,_,,,_,,''_''''''''''''''''''_ -.010
-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

(a) M** = 1.6 and 1.8.

Figure 46. Pitch control effectiveness of elevons for cranked-wing fully integrated configuration with moment reference
center at 59 percent of body length.

Moo = 2.0 Moo = 2.0
.4 .040
.035 O 8A = 0°, _E = 0°

.030 _A = 0°' f)E = 20°

© 8A = 0°' _E = -20°
,d .2 .025

8 QOOOOOOooooooOQO 0
- .015

E .010
8 0

o E
(3 CI D [3 CI C][31_ C]I_I V113 D V1CI rl FI


' _ o 00000'_00©©0.0©,00©0
-.2 _JA =0 ' _E 20o
(2) _iA = 0% gE = -20°

-.Ol0 ,,i,,,_,,,.,,,t,,._.,,,,,,,,,... ,_,,,i

-'--83 , ,1_6
i , , ,--4[ , , ,-2i , , , _, , , 2i , , , 4i , , , 6i , , , 8i , , , 10i , , , 12 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Moo = 2.3 M =2.3

.4 .040
D _A = 0°, 6E = 0°
_5A = 0% fiE = 20°
O6 A = 0 °, 6 E =-20 °
,..] .2 ._ .025

88 _8 020


0 8_ 8
8888188 _, .015
,.d --.|

6A = 0°' 815 = 20° ._ 0
--.2 tL
O _A = 0% _E = -20° -.005

-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

(b) M._ = 2.0 and 2.3.

Figure 46. Continued.

Moo = 4.0 .040 M = 4.0

.030 [] _A = 0°' _)E = 0°

.2 •_8 A = 0% 8 E : 20 °
,.d o .025
88_8 "o 0 8 A : 0 °, _E = -20°
.1 8088_ __ .020

8 80080 _ o15
,.d 888 _ olo °°°OOooooooooooo 8
[]_A=0%_E= 0o ._ 005 _[]••OrZDnDDDDDDO
+ 8A = 0 °, _ = 20 ° <P<}_'_O<D'OQCpO_O<D,O©O

O 8A = 0% _E = -20° -.005
--.3 -.010 ,, , ', ,, ',,, _,,, J,,, '... ',,, J,,, ..,, ,,.,
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Moo = 4.63 Moo = 4.63

.4 .04O

D 8A = 0°, 8E =0°
8 A = 0 o, 8E = 20 °
,..d .2 O0 "0
©8 A = 0 o, 8 E =-20 °
e-: .1 00000 .020
"0 8
-e- .015
o 0 0_0
8 _: .010

-.1 _ 0_00 E
& .005
13 8A = 0°, qSE= 0° °°Ooooooooooo9999
O 8A = 0 °, 8 E = 20 °
--.2 ta_

O8 A = 0 °, 8 E =-20 ° -.005

-.3 tttl'''l'''l ' ''['/'I'''I'L'I'J'I '''l'ljJ -.010

-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

(c) M**= 4.0 and 4.63.

Figure 46. Concluded.

.0008 .0020
[]M =2.3
NM =2.3
.0007 .0016 QM = 4.0
M = 4.0 I> _-
_= .0006 OM = 4.63
OM = 4.63 D _ .0012
> .0005 [ > b
'_ .0008
'r_ .0004
l> D D
4 .0004
._ .0003
_D 0 eP 8 8
.0002 <? E
I Stable
.0001 ° 8 _O _ _0
O 0 Stable
t _,-.oo_ B>

_2 -.0008 >
O i>
-.000l -.0012 I>

-4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Figure 47. Lateral-directional stability of straight-wing fully integrated configuration.

[] M =1.6 [] M =1.6
.O022 A Moo= 1.8 .0024 S M = 1.8
.0020 M o=2.0 .0020 V M =2.0
'_-.OOl8 D M =2.3 ca..0016 D M =2.3
d .0016 <_ M =4.0 [] d @ M =4.0
> .0008
"_ .0014 O M =4.63 [] ..-_
O Moo=4.63
A ;_ .0004
_ .oo12 [] .r"
[] A v ID
"_ 0
[] s /" v D g-.ooo4
E .0008 [] [] /x V
E .0006
v V
[> -.0008 [],,_' _> g g.
D _ v b
&-.O012 v D
.. .0004 t> > l> t> e-. [] s D
;-= -.0016 s V D
8 8 o_8 6 8 [] s
Stable I -.0020
[] A
0 -.0024
-.0002 ,,,I,.,l_,,I,,,I,,,I,.,ll_lljlllll_l -.0028
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Figure 48. Lateral-directional stability of cranked-wing fully integrated configuration.

.0010 .0016

O Vertical tail off O Vertical tail off

.0008 .0012
[] Vertical tail on [] Vertical tail on

,; .0006 d .0008

;_ .0004 ;_ .0004
.0002 E2 [] _ 0
[] [] [] []
Stable [ i Stable
o 0 O _ -.0004
E i
0 0 0 0 0 0
•=- -.0002 _ -.0008

--,0004 -.0012

-.0006 ,,,_,,, I,,, J,,,,,., i,,, ,,,, J,,, i,,, I -.0016

-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Figure 49. Effects of vertical tail on lateral-directional stability of straight-wing fully integrated configuration at
M_ = 4.0.

.0010 .0016
0 Vertical tail off 0 Vertical off
,_, .0008 .0012
[] Vertical tail on [] Vertical tail on

_; .0006 []
e_ [] .0004
.0004 [] O -r"
o [] [] D [] Q.I
"fi .00O2 © •_ 0
t t
© O O O Stable / 0 rl _ _Stable
o 0
E, _ -.0004
;= -.0008 @
•_ -.0002

--.0004 -.0012

-.000% .........
-4 - 2'"0 .... 2' ..............
4 6 8 .........10 ;2 -.0016 _ --4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Figure 50. Effects of vertical tail on lateral-directional stability of cranked-wing fully integrated configuration at
M_, = 4.0.

.016 .010
I> M = 2.3 _> Moo = 2.3
.014 (> Moo = 4.0 © Moo = 4.0
O Moo = 4.63 O Moo = 4.63
w- .004
- .010
t> b E>E>t> _ b _> .002
D b g
fi E
o .008 O 0
E D2> D I>D D2> E
" .006 .=.
-6 --.004
"¢ .004

L8 4 4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 -'01_-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Figure 51. Aileron effectiveness on lateral-directional stability of straight-wing fully integrated configuration;
fiA = +20° and _E = 0°-

Moo= 1.6 Moo= 1.6

Moo= 1.8 Moo = 1.8

Moo= 2.0 Moo = 2.0
Moo = 2.3 Moo = 2.3
Moo = 4.0 Moo = 4.0
Moo = 4.63 .010 Moo = 4.63
.014 .008
[] [] [3 [] [] .006
.012 n
A /X _ .004
A Eli
,J .010
VV V V_ _, A /X [3 _ .002
.008 0
= 88 reac; . vD -.002 eooo@@@
O _ -.004
_8888_@00001>00 O0 * -.006


08''''' --6 _' -4' '' '-2I '''''''' 0 2 _' _''''

4 6 ' ''''8 't*''ll
10 2 -.010 -8 '''''''''''''''+'''+'''''''_'''''''_'''_
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Figure 52. Aileron effectiveness on lateral-directional stability of cranked-wing fully integrated configuration;
_A = +20° and _5E = 0 °.

Moo= 1.6 Mo= 1.6

Moo = 1.8 Moo = 1.8

Moo = 2.0 Moo = 2.0

Moo = 2.3 Moo = 2.3

Moo = 4.0 Moo = 4.0

.016 .010
Moo = 4.63 Moo = 4.63
[] J .004
A []
.010 .-: .002
e_ V VV VVVszzA []

_ .008 E
o 0
" .006 ._ -.002 o@@@@g@
0 f>v - @@@@
_" .004
.002 -.008
[3 VI VI FI £)_ 13 i- I
,,,i,, ,i ,,,I,,,It,,/,ILI,,,I,,,II,,I,, ,I
08, , ,i,...6
i _, ,--4
] , , ,-2_, _, 0i , , , 2i , , , 4i , , , 6i _, , _, , ,lO
t , , , 12 -'010-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Figure 53. Combined roll/pitch effectiveness on lateral-directional stability of cranked-wing fully integrated configura-
tion; _A = +20° and 8E = 20°-

ouBNo.oro4-ol a8
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July 1996 Technical Paper


Aerodynamic Characteristics of Two Waverider-Derived Hypersonic Cruise

Configurations WU 466-02-01-01


Charles E. Cockrell, Jr., Lawrence D. Huebner, and Dennis B. Finley


NASA Langley Research Center

Hampton, VA 23681-0001


National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA TP-3559

Washington, _ 20546-0001


Cockrell and Huebner: Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA; Finley: Lockheed-Fort Worth Company,
Fort Worth, TX.


Subject Category 02
Availability: NASA CASI (301) 621-0390

13. A_,_IPIACT (Maximum 200 words)

An evaluation was made on the effects of integrating the required aircraft components with hypersonic high-lift
configurations known as waveriders to create hypersonic cruise vehicles. Previous studies suggest that waveriders
offer advantages in aerodynamic performance and propulsion/airframe integration (PAl) characteristics over con-
ventional non-waverider hypersonic shapes. A wind-tunnel model was developed that integrates vehicle compo-
nents, including canopies, engine components, and control surfaces, with two pure waverider shapes, both conical-
flow-derived waveriders for a design Mach number of 4.0. Experimental data and limited computational fluid
dynamics (CFD) solutions were obtained over a Mach number range of 1.6 to 4.63. The experimental data show the
component build-up effects and the aerodynamic characteristics of the fully integrated configurations, including
control surface effectiveness. The aerodynamic performance of the fully integrated configurations is not compara-
ble to that of the pure waverider shapes, but is comparable to previously tested hypersonic models. Both configura-
tions exhibit good lateral-directional stability characteristics.


Hypersonic cruise; Waveriders; Airbreathing vehicles 73

Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified
NSN 7540-01-280-5500
Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89)
Prescnbed by ANSI Std. Z39-18

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