Chicken McDo_TSOC_Dec2010

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Training SOC (Station Observation Checklist) Production

Chicken McDo

Quality Holding Cabinet:

Temperature : 160 - 180ºF (71- 82oC)

□ What are the customer expectations for Timer : 45 minutes
Chicken McDo? Vent setting : 0

□ Hot, fresh balance taste and

slight garlic flavor □ Clean hands?

□ Golden color with crispy, Why is this critical?

flaky appearance and texture
Wash hands with AMH Handwash for 20 seconds, rinse and dry with
□ Tender and juicy meat, firm paper towels/hand dryer. Hands should be rewashed as needed, at
to bite least once per hour.

Prep □ Too many, too little chicken pieces?

Set-up chicken station. Refer to the vertical cabinet management chart/production chart to
determine how many chicken pieces will be cooked.

Product Low Med High

Chicken pieces 10 15 20

Spaghetti noodles 3 6 12
Spaghetti meat
Chicken McDo will over or undercook if equipment is not properly
set up for cooking. sauce 1 2 4

□ Turn on and check all equipment

Fried Chicken Cooker (Henny Penny) and

Fry vat (Frymaster/Pitco):

Temperature : 340ºF +/- 5 (171ºC +/- 3)

Timer : 11 minutes (Electric);
11 1/ 2 minutes (Gas)

Palm olein level - covering heating elements

Chicken Display:
o o
Ambient Temperature : 140 F (60 C) PROFIT TIP:
Holding Time:
30 minutes for Crispy Chicken McDo directly If you don’t follow the numbers on the chart, you
coming from the fried chicken cooker/ can affect the profit of your restaurant by wasting food (if you cook
fry vat too much) or by making customers wait (if you cook too little).

15 minutes for Crispy Chicken McDo coming

from Holding cabinet (you can not
transfer chicken from holding cabinet
with only15 minutes remaining holding

Proprietary Information. Unauthorized use is prohibited. ©2010 McDonalds, Philippines December 2010 Page 1of 5
Chicken McDo
Breading Procedures

For a full run, this procedure should not take more than 7 minutes for Chicken McDo. Legs should always be
placed in the lowest segment of the basket.

Minimum number of pieces for cooking – 10 pieces both for Henny Penny and Pitco
Maximum number of pieces for cooking – 15 pieces for Pitco; Henny Penny gas – 30; Henny Penny electric - 24

□ 1 Set up dip basket

□ 4 Dip raw bone-in chicken in chilled water
Wearing dry, clean blue rubber gloves, place all chilled chicken pieces
to be breaded at one time, into the tilted dip basket (maximum 15

Lower dip basket with chicken pieces into the chilled water for 2
seconds. Ensure all chicken pieces are fully submerged.

Lift basket and drain for 12 counts. Remove excess water by shaking
the dip basket up and down twice, over the dipping pan.

o o NOTE: The basket can be tilted and left hanging on the dip pan during
Fill dip basket pan with chilled water (at least 40 F/4 C) just below the
draining. It is not necessary to hold the dip basket. This can be very
third box level from the rim of the dip basket.
Tilt empty dip basket over the dipping pan.
□ 5 Transfer dipped raw bone-in chicken into
breader pan
□ 2 Set-up breader pan
Invert the dip basket with chicken pieces over the breading pan
With no gloves on, measure 4 cups (750 grams per measuring cup) carefully, to avoid breader from spilling over the pan.
Chicken McDo breader into a dry white breading pan.

Spread the Chicken McDo breader evenly at the base of the breading □ 6 Cover chicken pieces with Chicken McDo
pan using your bare hands. breader
Note: 1 liter stainless measuring cup filled to the brim is equivalent to COVER all chicken pieces with Chicken McDo breader.
750 grams therefore, at initial run, 3 kilos of Chicken McDo
breader should be in the breading pan. Pick-up the chicken pieces and let it fall back into the breader pan by
moving your fingers front and back, creating a piano-like finger motion
and a waterfall effect as the chicken pieces and Chicken McDo breader
falls back into the breading pan. Height should be within the breader
□ 3 Get bone-in chicken from the walk-in pan to ensure good coverage. Repeat this step 6 times.
COVER all chicken pieces with breader again.
Acknowledge color code / call from the production caller and prepare
quantity based on the holding cabinet chart. PRESS moderately starting from top, bottom, left and right side.

Check UTD. Ensure FIFO (First In, First Out) of chicken in the cooler. REPEAT step 6 again.
Check labels.

Wearing blue rubber gloves take corresponding number of chicken bags

to be cooked at one time and place in the stainless steel pan to avoid □ 7 Shake off excessive breader
Gather chicken pieces towards you.
Bring the pan with raw chicken pieces to the chicken preparation table.
Get the shake basket and position to the other end of the breader pan,
Note: You cannot cook all thighs and legs at one time. slightly tilted.
Stop shaking when the chicken pieces shows a light even coating.
Open all chicken bags. Immediately wash hands with blue rubber
gloves after getting stock and opening chicken bags.

Dry blue rubber gloves before breading.

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Chicken McDo
Breading Procedures

□ 8 Re-dip raw breaded bone-in chicken into □ 12 Transfer to cooking basket

chilled water Hang the shake basket across the top of the breading pan.

Transfer breaded chicken pieces back into the dip basket.

For Henny Penny cooker:
Dip the basket with breaded chicken pieces into the chilled water for 2
seconds. Ensure all chicken pieces are fully submerged. Lift basket Transfer breaded chicken into the tiered basket. Arrange portions bone
and drain for 12 counts. down ensuring that they don’t overlap. Each segment can hold 7 - 8
pieces depending on the size. Legs and thighs should always be
Remove excess water by shaking the dip basket up and down twice placed in the lowest segment of the basket.
over the dip basket pan.
Minimum load of 10 pieces;
NOTE: The basket can be tilted and left hanging on the dip pan during Maximum load is 24 pieces (Electric) and 30 pieces (Gas).
draining. It is not necessary to hold the dip basket. This can be
very heavy.
For Fried Chicken Open Vat (/Pitco):

□ 9 Transfer dipped raw breaded bone-in Transfer breaded chicken into the chicken fryer basket. Arrange
portions bone down starting from the sides of the basket to the center.
chicken into breader pan Fit legs in between breaded chicken portions on the side of the basket,
slanted and bone-up.
Invert dip basket with chicken pieces over the breading pan carefully to
avoid breader from spilling over the pan. Minimum load is 10 pieces;
Maximum load is 15 pieces.

□ 10 Cover chicken pieces with Chicken

McDo breader □ 13 Clean-up station

Remove adhering breader in the gloves by rubbing both hands together

COVER all chicken pieces with Chicken McDo breader. over the crumbs/lumps waste container.
Pick-up the chicken pieces and let it fall back into the breader pan by Remove gloves and hang over on one side of the breader pan.
moving your fingers front and back, creating a piano-like finger motion
and a waterfall effect as the chicken pieces and Chicken McDo breader Fold red apron by removing string around the neck while leaving waist
falls back into the breading pan. Height should be within the breader string tied. This is to avoid breader from falling to cooked products;
pan to ensure good coverage. Repeat this step 6 times. avoid cross-contamination.

COVER all chicken pieces with breader again.

NOTE: Remove and wash / replace gloves every four (4) hours.
PRESS moderately starting from top, bottom, left and right side. Replace/wash and dry gloves before touching walk-in cooler
Repeat step 10 again.

□ 11 Shake off excessive breader

Gather chicken pieces towards you.

Get the shake basket and position to the other end of the breader pan,
slightly tilted.
Pick-up chicken pieces you gathered towards you and transfer from the
breading pan to the shake basket.
Lift shake basket off the breader pan to a height not exceeding the
sides of the breader pan.
Shake off excess breader by moving the shake basket using a seesaw
motion. The second shake is not as fast as the first one. The height of
the shake basket should be within the height of the breader pan.

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Chicken McDo
Cooking and Holding Procedures

□ 1 Cook chicken □ 3 Refill Display Cabinet

For Henny Penny cooker: Transfer tray of Chicken McDo from the holding cabinet with the
shortest holding time left. Deduct 15 minutes from the holding time left
Using the L-shaped rod, insert rod into the basket rod holder and in the holding cabinet to determine length of time the chicken can be
carefully drop the basket into the cooker. Be careful not to burn your held in the display cabinet.
Note: You cannot transfer chicken from holding cabinet with only 15
NOTE: Make sure the heating light is off. minutes remaining holding time. Use these chicken first when
assembling or it can be assembled as complete product.
Start timer after dropping the chicken. DO NOT CLOSE LID.

When cooking timer sounds, de-activate timer. Carefully lift basket out
and drain for 10 seconds.
□ 4 Clean-up and set-up
For Open vat cooker: Perform these procedures while waiting for the chicken to cook.

Drop basket into fryer. Do not tilt basket so that chicken pieces do not DISCARD and change chilled water after two (2) breading runs,
o o
over lap with each other. regardless of number of pieces dipped to maintain 40 F(4.4 C). Wash
and sanitize dip pan and basket before putting new chilled water.
Start timer.
Sieve breader to one side of the breader pan after every 60 pieces of
When duty timer sounds after 1 minute, lift basket halfway out of oil and chicken pieces breaded. Place all sieved lumps into a dedicated
shake basket lightly. waste/crumb basket.

Re-shake basket when digital reading is at number 5. Add 2 cups (750 grams per measuring cup, making it 1.5 kilos) new
Chicken McDo breader into the sieved breader to prevent use of over
When cooking timer sounds, de-activate timer and lift basket out of the worked breader.
oil. Drain for 15 seconds.
Mix old and new breader by using hands wearing the rubber gloves.
Cover pan with lid, if not being used.

□ 2 Hold cooked bone-in chicken Filter oil after every 60 pieces of chicken pieces cooked, regardless of
cooker type.
Put a clean tray with grid in front of the cooker. Remove chicken with
clean tongs. Be careful not to tear skin.
NOTE: After dinner rush or during low volume, minimize breader in the
Arrange chicken pieces neatly from left to right starting with thigh, ribs, pan and use stainless steel divider to prevent excessive waste.
wings and legs, bone down on the clean tray with grid using scallop

Transfer tray to display cabinet upper level with the front of the tray
sliding in first (side with glide stopper). Display cabinet can only hold 2
trays of Chicken McDo.
For high volume stores, transfer 3 tray of Chicken McDo to holding
cabinet starting from top level to 4 level.

For stores without display cabinet transfer tray of chicken McDo holding
cabinet starting from top level to 4 level.

Place 30 minutes holding time in the Chicken Display cabinet. Activate

timer of 45 minutes (maximum time) in the Henny Penny holding

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Chicken McDo
Assembly Procedures

For Grill Direct: For MFY:

Confirm the quantity and product given by the production caller. Initiator pulls a plate/box and place a liner (waxed side-up). Place 1 rice
on the lower right corner of the plate/box, appropriate number of gravy
Set out appropriate number reusable plates (dine-in)/box (take-away) on the upper right corner of the plate/box; and appropriate chicken
on a stainless bun tray and place a liner (waxed side up) onto each pieces on the left side of the plate/box. Close lid if using a box. Pass
plate/box. assembled product to the HLZ.

Place 1 wrapped rice on the lower right corner of the plate/box.

Transfer prepared plates/box with rice to the Chicken holding cabinet Number of chicken portions/gravy per type of chicken call:
area. Place the appropriate number of chicken pieces onto the left side
of the plate/box. Place appropriate number of gravy on the upper right
corner of the plate/box, rice on the lower right corner of the plate/box. Chicken Gravy
Qty. Qty
Transfer assembled products to the transfer bin.
1-pc chicken 1 1
2-pc chicken 2 2
Maximum number of products to prepare at one time is 10.
5-pc chicken 5 5
1-pc chicken with spaghetti 1 1

c Number of checkboxes missed ______. 100% needed to pass. Date

Trainee name Trainer name

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Trademarks The following trademarks used herein are owned by McDonald’s Corporation and its affiliates: Arch Card; Big Breakfast; Big Mac; Big N’ Tasty; Chicken McNuggets; Chicken Selects; Double Quarter Pounder; Egg McMuffin; Extra Value
Meal; Filet-O-Fish; Golden Arches Logo; Happy Meal; MacFries; Made For You; McChicken; McD; McDonald’s; McFlurry; McGriddles; McMuffin; McNuggets; QSC; Quarter Pounder; The Golden Arches; Triple Thick. Confidential and proprietary infor-
mation. For exclusive use of employees and franchisees of McDonald’s Corporation and its affiliates. This material contains confidential and proprietary information of McDonald’s Corporation and must be kept in a secure location. No material or
information contained herein may be copied, distributed, or disclosed to anyone without the written permission of an officer of McDonald’s, or used for any purpose other than in furtherance of the business of McDonald’s. The unauthorized use of or
disclosure of this information may lead to civil or criminal prosecution, as well as immediate termination of the franchise, employment, or other relationship with McDonald’s. ©2008 McDonald’s Corporation. Unauthorized use is prohibited.

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