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1 Describe today's weather.
2 Discuss plans.
UNIT 3 Ask about people's activities.

Activities and Plans

m Describe today's w�ther I
More weather vocabulary • p. 130

W1� I · l VOCABULARY• Weather expressions Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat.



'/ \'
\ /.,/

1 It's sunny. 2 It's cloudy.

6 It's hot. 7 It's cold.

3 It's windy.

8 It's warm. 9 It's cool.
4 It's raining. 5 It's snowing.


Listen to the weather reports. Check

the correct word for each city. Then
1 Cali v'
What's the
temperature? MIii
lt 1r S'vr,r,y.
listen again and write the temperatures.
Finally, listen again and describe the 2 Madrid
weather. 3 Seoul
4 Dubai
5 Montreal

3 GRAMMAR• The present continuous: statements

The present continuous expresses actions in progress now. Use a form of be and a present participle.
Affirmative Neeatlve
Present participles
I'm wearing a sweater. I'm not wearing a jacket.
You're shaving. You're not making lunch. [OR You aren't making lunch.] wear -+ wearing
study -+ studying
She's taking a bath. She's not taking a shower. [OR She isn't taking a shower.] exercise -+ exercising
It's raining. It's not snowing. [OR It isn't snowing.J
We're watching TV. We're not reading. [OR We aren't reading.] Some others:
doing, listening, reading,
They're exercising. They're not taking a nap. [OR They aren't taking a nap.] working, meeting, getting

10 UNIT 9
4 GRAMMAR • The present continuous:�/ no questions

Are you eating right now? Yes, I am./ No, I'm not.
Is she taking the bus? Yes, she is./ No, she's not. [OR No, she isn't.]
Is it raining? Yes, it is./ No, it's not. [OR No, it isn't.]
Are they walking? Yes, they are. I No, they're not. [OR No, they aren't.]

5 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete each statement, question, or short answer with the present
continuous. Use contractions.
1 ...... ............. ... .. .... .... . now, and ................................. a nice, warm sweater.
It I snow I I wear
2 .................................? Yes, he .......... ........ ................ ......... his textbook.
he /study He I read
3 ......................................... dinner right now. ... ................... ... ........ late at the office.
Dad I not make He I work
4 ........................................., and ................................. a shower.
Jerome I exercise Ann I take
5 ............................................. TV.................................. to music.
The children I not watch They I listen
6 ············: .....,. .............. this morning? No. It's cloudy and windy, but it ..................._...............
,t /rain not rain

7 ......................................... in the office right now? Yes, ................................. .
they I meet

U{iJ'i111nil�!,�I- Describe today's weather

1 Ill-l;li CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen.

A: Hi, Molly.Jonathan.
B: Hey, Jonathan. Where are you?
A: I'm calling from Vancouver.
How's the weather there in Sao Paulo?
B: Today? A"Yf�.lt It's raining and cold.
I good@

A: No kidding! It's hot and sunny here.

2 � 1: RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again an

repeat.Then practice the Conversation Model
with a partner.


change the conversation.Choose two cities.
Role-play a conversation about the weather
there.(Option: Find the weather report in the
newspaper, on TV, or online.) Then change roles.
A: Hi, ....................
B: ........., .......... Where are you?
A: I'm calling from .......... OONTSTOP!
How's the weather there in .........? Tell your partner what you're wearing.
B: Today? .......... It's .......... I'm wearing_.
A: No kidding! It's .........here. I'm not wearing-·

4 CHANGE PARTNERS Describe the weather in other places,.

I .,. 3�41 VOCABULARY • Present and future time expressions Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat.
(1 today ) ( 5 tomorrow L
Monday, August 2
8:00 .... 1
9:00 ....
} 2 this morning
10:00 ...
6 the day after tomorrow
11:00 ...
12:00 PM
1:00 ...

3 this afternoon
10:00 ...
Monday, August 9
5:00 ...
6:00PM 8:00AM

7:00PM } 4 this evening I tonight 9:00AM

8:()() PM 10:00 AM

2 GRAMMAR • The present continuous with present and future time expressions

Actions in the present Future plans

Are you watchtng TV right now? I'm buying shoes tomorrow.
I'm not studying English this year. They're cleaning the house this weekend, not today.
She's working at home this week. Janet's meeting Bill at 5:00 this afternoon.

3 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Read Marissa Miller's date book for this week.
Then complete the paragraph. Use the present continuous.

� Today is Monday, and right now it's raining.

It's windy and cold, so Marissa .!U!�X!.')9 ......
home. But later she has plans. She ..................... 16 Fri a
her mom at the mall, and in the afternoon, she
..................... the laundry-a good plan for a rainy 17 Satur a
3 14 We nes a • 9:0!>__exe,cise_in tne pao:
day! What about the rest of the week? Tomorrow, wrtti Safati
• call Daa at 111011:: 1,00 ·7:0.Q..gototn�_�n�rt wrttJ �-
she ..................... , and at 5:30, she ..................... I ID2·8976) 18 Sun y
4 5
Sandy at the City Bookstore. The day after
tomorrow, she ..................... , and she
..................... her dad at 1 :00. Then, at 3:30 on Thursday afternoon, she ..................... to Chinese class.
7 8
later she ..................... her brother James at Rossini's Restaurant. On Friday, Marissa ..................... from
9 10
9:00 to 12:00. After work, she and Colin ..................... dinner together at his house. On Saturday, Marissa
..................... in the park with Sarah. That evening, she and Scott ..................... to a concert. On Sunday,
12 13
ll2Ill1 she ..................... for her driving test and ..................... the kitchen.
� 14 15
12 UNIT 9
4 PAIR WORK Ask your partner� I no questions
about Marissa's schedule. Use the present , , Is Marissa exercising on Tuesday? J J
continuous. Answer your partner's questions.

utm'l1nil�!HI Discuss plans

1 .... 3· CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen.

A: What beautiful weather! It's so sunny and warm!
B: It really isl ... So, Kate, are you doing anything
special this weekend?
A: Well, on Saturday, I'm meeting Pam in the park.
B: Do you want to get together on Sunday?
A: Sure! Call me Sunday morning, OK?

2 .... 3:4 RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and

repeat. Then practice the Conversation Model with
a partner.

3 PLAN YOUR CONVERSATION Fill in the date book for

this week. Write your activities and the times.



Thursday personalize the conversation with real information
from your date books. Describe the weather today
and use the time expressions for your plans. Then
change roles.
A: What ......... weather! It's so ......... !
Saturday B: It really is! ... So, ......... , are you doing anything
special .........?
A: Well, ......... , I'm ......... .
Sunday B: Do you want to get together ......... ?
A: Sure! Call me ......... , OK?

Time expressions Adjectives for weather Describe the weather

on [Friday] bad good It's so [cloudy I windy]!
this [afternoon) awful nice And it's so [hot I cold I cool)!
in the [evening) terrible great And it's [raining I snowing)!
tomorrow ugly beautiful
the day after tomorrow

5 CHANGE PARTNERS Discuss other plans.

UNIT 9 13
Ask about people's activities

1 GRAMMAR • The present continuous: information questions

What is she watching? (A TV program.) What are you doing? (We're checking e-mail.)
Where is he driving? (To work.) Where are they going? (They're going to the movies.)
BUT: Note the different word order when who is the subject.
Who is working? (Ben.)

2 PAIR WORK Ask and answer questions about Mike and Patty.
" It's 8:20. What's Mike doing? "
Use the present continuous and What, Where, and Who.
H He's eating breakfast. "


"�rJ�i 3 � :4!1 PRONUNCIATION • Intonation of questions Use rising intonation form I no questions. Use falling
intonation for information questions. Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat.

Yes /no questions Information questions

1 Are you eating?
2 Is he walking?
What are you eatin�?
Where is he walking? I
3 Are they watching a movie? Who's watching a movie?
4 Is her family at home?
5 Are you a teacher?
Where is her family?
What do you do?

4 GRAMMAR • The present participle: spelling rules

base form present participle base form present participle

talk -+ talking make -+ making
read -+ reading take -+ taking
watch -+ watching come- -+ coming
shop -+ shopping get -+ getting put -+ putting

14 UNIT 9
5 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Write the present participle of each base form.
1 check ... .................. 3 wash ..................... 5 drive .................... .
EXERCISES 2 write ..................... 4 go ..................... 6 get up .................... .

6 llo;.i3:.4.S LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen. Complete each statement in the present continuous.
1 Sara's ..................................... . 4 Paul's ..................................... .
2 Dan's ..................................... . 5 Marla's ..................................... .
3 Eva's ..................................... .

IWH'i'rniI�!,:I Ask about people's activities

1 CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen.

A: Hello?
B: Hi, Grace. This is Jessica. What are you doing?
A: Well, actually, I'm doing the laundry right now.
B: Oh, I'm sorry. Should I call you back later?
A: Yes, thanks. Talk to you later. Bye.
B: Bye.

2 .,.!HZ RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat.

Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner.

3 CONVERSATION ACTIVATOR With a partner, personalize the

conversation. Use your own names. Use the pictures or
use your own activities. Then change roles.
A: Hello?
B: Hi, .......... This is .......... What are you doing?
A: Well, actually, I ......... right now.
B: Oh, I'm sorry. Should I call you back later?
A: Yes, thanks. Talk to you later. Bye.
B: ......... .
Talk about a time to call back.
Call me at 3:00.
Call me tonight.

4 CHANGE PARTNERS Ask and talk about other activities.

UNIT 9 15

u�I.HI u�j �YJ

1 ... 3:48 READING Look at today's weather forecast.
------- u�1J:!1 ul:>j �y,

2 READING COMPREHENSION Complete the chart for December 161h weather,

according to the forecast in the Reading.

3 READING COMPREHENSION Look at the sunrise and sunset times. Answer the questions·.
. EmlliJJ
1 Which cities have sunrises before 7:30? ................................................................................................. .
EXERCISES 2 Which cities have sunsets before 5:00? .....................................................................................................

4 VOCABULARY I GRAMMAR GAME Team 1 mimes an activity. Team 2 asks questions.

Use the activities from the box.

comb your hair go to bed check e-mail

drive brush your teeth listen to music
exercise wash the dishes put on makeup
talk on the phone take out the garbage
get dressed
take a shower
watch TV

Unit 9 review • p. 141
16 UNIT 9


PAIR WORK Create telephone conversations for Sam and
Debbie on Thursday and on Saturday. Ask about activities
and plans. Ask about the weather. For example: 1rlanguage.oom

TJ,i> afternoon Jl.·n 9oin9 >hoppin9. TJien toni9M I'm ...

WRITING Write five sentences about your plans for this

week. Use the present continuous. For example:

I I'm 9oin9 ovt for dinner on Satvrday.


Guidance for this writing exercise

1 a thunderstorm 2 a snowstorm

3 a hurricane 4 a tornado


1 spring 2 summer

3 fall I autumn 4 winter www.irLanguage.com

Write four statements about the weather and seasons pictures.
For example: It's- riot rairaira9.
Grammar Booster
The Grammar Booster is optional. It contains extra practice of each unit's grammar.

1 Write questions with Where. Use a question mark (?).
1 your grandparents/ live .. �����.�.�. Y.��r9.����P.�.���.tL!i�.�?. ...
2 John's friend I go shopping ........................................................ .
3 her brother I study English ........................................................ .
4 you I eat breakfast ........................................................ .
5 they/ listen to music .........................................................
6 Rob and Nancy I exercise .........................................................
7 his mother I work .........................................................
8 your brother I do the laundry .........................................................

2 Complete the statements with !!!, Q!!, � or to.

1 His house is .. �11 ........... Barker Street.
2 They work .. .. ..... ........ the tenth floor.
3 Ms. Cruz takes the train .. ..... ....... ... work.
4 It's ............. .... 18 Spencer Street.
5 Jack studies French ................. the BTI Institute.
6 Mr. Klein works ................. the hospital.
7 Ms. Anderson's office is ................. the fifth floor.
8 Jason's sister works ... .............. 5 Main Street.

3 Complete each sentence with� or�.

1 ..!h��!!L .. a movie at noon.
2 ........... ...... a concert at 2:00 and a game at 3:00.
3 ................. a bank on the corner of Main and 12"' Street.
4 ................. two apartment buildings across the street.
5 ....... .......... bookstores nearby.
6 .. .... .. ...... ... a pharmacy and a newsstand around the corner.
7 ................. two dressers in the bedroom.
8 ................. three elevators In the Smith Building.

4 Write questions with Is there or Are there. Use a question mark (7).
1 a dance I this weekend ).t!h��!! .�h�.').c;!!.th!f.�.!.�k��-�.?................................................................................
2 three meetings I this week .............................................................................................................................
3 a bank I nearby ...........................................................................................................................................
4 how many / games I this afternoon .................................................................................................................
5 how many I pharmacies I on 3rd Avenue ........................................................................................................ .
6 how many I parties I this month .....................................................................................................................

Write the present participle of the following base forms.
1 rain .. r.,.i.,:i,i,1')9.. ....................... 15 come .................................
2 snow .................................... 16 wear .................................
3 watch ................................. .. 17 shop .................................
4 eat ....................................... 18 go ....................................
5 take ...................................... 19 study .................................
6 drive .................................... . 20 listen .................................
7 check .................................... 21 wash .................................

u�1�1 ul:oj e;?.JD
8 make .................................... 22 play··································
9 do ....................................... . 23 read ................................. .
10 exercise ................................. 24 clean .................................
11 shave .................................... 25 work .................................
12 put ...................................... 26 write .................................
13 comb .................................. . 27 talk .................................. .
14 brush .................................. . 28 buy .................................. .

2 Check (v'°) the sentences that Indicate a future plan.

g 1 On Tuesday I'm working at home.
0 2 I'm watching TV right now.
D 3 Is Marina taking a shower?
D 4 Where is she going tomorrow night?
D 5 Jen's eating dinner.
D 6 I'm driving to the mall this afternoon.
D 7 I'm studying Arabic this year. My teacher is very good.
D 8 Who's making dinner on Saturday?

3 Complete each conversation with the present continuous.

A: ..Wh.<:>t�.��.)'�!-!.��i.0.9.................. ?
what I you I do
8: ................................................. my hair.
I I wash
2 A: ................................................. ?
where / she I drive
8: .......................................... :...... to the bookstore.
she I go
3 A: ................................................. the bus?
why I he I take
8: Because .................................................. .
it I rain
4 A: ................................................. at home tonight?
we I eat
8: No. ................................................. out for dinner.
5 A: ..... : ........................................... a dress to the party?
Maya I wear
8: No. ......_ .. ....,....................................... a dress.................................................. pants.
she I not wear she I wear

1 Complete each question with How much or How many.

1 .. H.'?.� .".>J.11.�h..... ...•...... sugar do you want in your coffee?
2 ................................. onions do you need for the potato pancakes?
3 ................................. cans of coffee are there on the shelf?
4 ................................. meat do you eat every day?
5 ................................. loaves of bread do we need for dinner?
6 ............... .................. pepper would you like in your chicken salad?
7 ................................. bottles of oil does she need from the store?
8 ................................. eggs do you eat every week?
9 ................................. oranges are there? I want to make orange juice.
10 ................................. pasta would you like?

Writing Booster
The Writing Booster Is optional. It gives guidance for the writing task on the last page of each unit.

Guided Writing Practice Choose one of the �r·- ., :)> ·'? �. ,,, ·- ·- Ii
....t:•·n- _,,j
., .
homes in the Reading on page 70. Write the features
of that home and your home in the chart. Is it a house or apartment?
How many bedrooms are there?
On a separat� sheet of paper, compare the two
homes in the chart. Use and and but. How many bathrooms are there?
Is the kitchen small or large?
Example: Is there an office?
Edvardo' r home ir a11 apartme11t. a11d I live i11 Is there a garage or an elevator?
a11 apartme11t. too. There's- a11 elevator i11 hir Is there a garden?
bvildi11q, bvt we do11't have a11 elevator. 111 hir Is there a view?
apartme11t. there are . . . Other features?
- -

la11r for the

e-mail a11d •••

Guided Writing Practice Write answers to some

or all of the following questions about your plans for
the week. Use time expressions.
What are you doing right now?
What are you doing this evening?
What are you doing tomorrow?
Are you doing anything special this weekend?
What are you doing on Saturday and Sunday?

Guided Writing Practice Answer some or all of the questions to help you write what you eat on a typical day. Use
frequency adverbs sometimes. usually. and always. Use time expressions every day. once a week. twice a week. etc.
What do you eat for breakfast on weekdays? Example: On '°"eekdays-, I vs-vally eat breakfas-t at
What do you eat for breakfast on weekends?
What time do you usually eat your meals?
-------- 'r:00. I al""ays- eat bread and e99s-, a"d ...

Do you eat after school or work?

How many times a week (or month) do you
go out for dinner?


u�1Y-1 ol;,j �y,

Activities and Plans

1 How's the weather? Is it hot, cold, warm, or cool?

I. _______ 2. _______

4. _______

2 Look at the pictures. What are the people doing right now? Write sentences in the present continuous.

1. She'r brvrhi1"19 her teeth 2. �-------------

3. �-------------

5. -------------- 6. -------------

3 Look at the pictures. Answer the questions. Use a short answer and the present continuous.

1. Is he taking a bath?
No, he iS'n 1 t. Me'S' taking a S'hower

2. Is she reading?

3. Are they listening to music?

4. Is she wearing a dress?

5. Is it snowing?

4 Where's Andrea? What's she doing? Match the rooms with Andrea's activities.
1. __ She's in the kitchen. a. She's going to bed.
2. __ She's in the bedroom. b. She's checking e-mail.
3. __ She's in the bathroom. c. She's eating dinner with her family.
4. __ She's in the dining room. d. She's reading on the sofa.
5. __ She's in the office. e. She's brushing her teeth.
6. __ She's in the living room. f. She's making breakfast.

Activities and Plans 85


tr Language.con,

5 Write the time, date, month, or year.

1. right now: 4. the day after tomorrow:
2. today: s. this month:
3. tomorrow: 6. this year:

6 Answer the questions in the present continuous.

1. What are you doing today? _________________________
2. What are you doing tonight? __________________________
3. What are you doing tomorrow? _________________________
4. What are you doing tomorrow evening? _____________________
S. What are you doing this weekend?-----------------------

7 Respond to the instant messages with your own information. Create your own screen name.

chatsalot21: Hi. I'm in Los Angeles. I'm working here this week. Where are you?

chatsalot21: What are you doing?

chatsalot21: How's the weather there?

chatsalot21: The weather is beautiful here! It's warm and sunny. Hey, are you
doing anything special this weekend?

chatsalot21: I'm playing soccer on Saturday morning. Do you want to get together
on Saturday afternoon?


8 Write your plans for next week. Write sentences in the present continuous.

86 UNIT9
www uLanguage com

9 Look at the Ryan family's living room. Then read the answers and write questions
about the family's activities. Use the present continuous.

1. WJ.,ere'r tJ.,e 9ra!ldfat'1er taki!l9 a !lOf! ? On the sofa.

2. ? Washing the dishes.
3. ? They're going to a concert.
4. ? The son is.
5. ? An apple.
6. ? She's playing in the chair.

10 Imagine a very nice day. Answer the questions in complete sentences.

1. Where are you?
2 . Who's with you?
3. What are you doing?
4. How's the weather?
5. What are you wearing?

11 Write the present participles.

1. take 6. do
2. play 7. drive
3. study 8. call
4. exercise 9. go
5. eat 10. get dressed
Activities and Plans 87


1 First, unscramble the letters of the time expressions. Then write the correct letters
in the numbered boxes to complete the puzzle.

Time expressions

1. GITHR ONW IRlrlG!HIT! IN!olwl

31 33 10 18

16 a 23

24 13 7


36 5 25 21


27 39 2 22 38 32 34


35 21
...--.--.- 6
TOOWORRM I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 �, �, I I I I I I I I I I
12 11 17 29 37 9 19


15 1 30


4 14 40 20


1 2
[]] I I I I I I I IPIPI I I I []] I I Iul
3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 11

19 20
I I LI I I I lul'[]J !Blul Ir! I I I I I I I
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 21 29 30 31 32 33

34 35 36 37 38
39 40
I I ."
-John Lennon, singer and musician (U.K.)

2 TAKE A GUESS! Match the weather and the places.

1. __ Number 1 hot place in the world a. Plateau Station, Antarctica
2. __ Number 1 cold place in the world b. Eastern Sahara Desert, Africa
3. __ Number 1 rainy place in the world c. Ben Nevis, Scotland
4. __ Number 1 snowy place in the world d. Mount Baker, Washington, U.S.A.
5. __ Number 1 sunny place in the world e. Cherrapunji, India
6. __ Number 1 cloudy place in the world f. Dallol, Ethiopia
) ·9 :q ·s :p -� :a '£ :e ·z :1 'l :saMsuy ssan9 e •lfel
88 UNIT9

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