Sultana Complaint
Sultana Complaint
Sultana Complaint
The information collected on this form is used solely for court administration purposes. This form does not
supplement or replace the filing and service of pleadings or other papers as required by law or rules of court.
Commencement of Action:
Complaint Writ of Summons Petition
S Transfer from Another Jurisdiction Declaration of Taking
Lead Plaintiff’s Name: Lead Defendant’s Name:
Dollar Amount Requested: within arbitration limits
I Are money damages requested? Yes No (check one) X outside arbitration limits
N Is this a Class Action Suit? Yes X No Is this an MDJ Appeal? Yes No
Nature of the Case: Place an “X” to the left of the ONE case category that most accurately describes your
PRIMARY CASE. If you are making more than one type of claim, check the one that
you consider most important.
TORT (do not include Mass Tort) CONTRACT (do not include Judgments) CIVIL APPEALS
Intentional Buyer Plaintiff Administrative Agencies
Malicious Prosecution Debt Collection: Credit Card Board of Assessment
Motor Vehicle Debt Collection: Other Board of Elections
Nuisance ________________________ Dept. of Transportation
Premises Liability ________________________ Statutory Appeal: Other
S Product Liability (does not include _________________________
mass tort) Employment Dispute: _________________________
E Slander/Libel/ Defamation Discrimination
Employment Dispute: Other Zoning Board
C Other:
_________________________ Other:
T _________________________ ________________________ _________________________
I Other: _________________________
MASS TORT ________________________
O Asbestos ________________________
N Tobacco
Toxic Tort - DES
Toxic Waste Ejectment Common Law/Statutory Arbitration
Other: Eminent Domain/Condemnation Declaratory Judgment
B _________________________ Ground Rent Mandamus
_________________________ Landlord/Tenant Dispute Non-Domestic Relations
Mortgage Foreclosure: Residential Restraining Order
PROFESSIONAL LIABLITY Mortgage Foreclosure: Commercial Quo Warranto
Dental Partition Replevin
Legal Quiet Title Other:
Medical Other: _________________________
Other Professional: ________________________ _________________________
_________________________ ________________________
Updated 1/1/2011
Northampton County Prothonotary E-Filed - 5 Dec 2024 12:07:38 PM
Case Number: C-48-CV-2024-11856
Pennsylvania Rule of Civil Procedure 205.5. (Cover Sheet) provides, in part:
(a)(1) This rule shall apply to all actions governed by the rules of civil procedure except
the following:
(i) actions pursuant to the Protection from Abuse Act, Rules 1901 et seq.
(iii) actions for custody, partial custody and visitation of minor children, Rules
1915.1 et seq.
1930.1 et seq.
(2) At the commencement of any action, the party initiating the action shall complete
the cover sheet set forth in subdivision (e) and file it with the prothonotary.
(b) The prothonotary shall not accept a filing commencing an action without a
(c) The prothonotary shall assist a party appearing pro se in the completion of the form.
(d) A judicial district which has implemented an electronic filing system pursuant to
Rule 205.4 and has promulgated those procedures pursuant to Rule 239.9 shall be exempt from the
(e) The Court Administrator of Pennsylvania, in conjunction with the Civil Procedural
Rules Committee, shall design and publish the cover sheet. The latest version of the form shall be
Taiba Sultana
227 Vista Drive
Easton, PA 18042
PA Citizens PAC
205 S. 7th Street
Easton, PA 18042-4315
You have been sued in court. If you wish to defend against the claims set forth in the
following pages, you must take action within twenty (20) days after this complaint and notice are
served, by entering a written appearance personally or by attorney and filing in writing with the
court your defenses or objections to the claims set forth against you. You are warned that if you
fail to do so the case may proceed without you and a judgment may be entered against you by the
court without further notice for any money claimed in the complaint or for any other claim or relief
requested by the plaintiff. You may lose money or property or other rights important to you.
Taiba Sultana
227 Vista Drive
Easton, PA 18042
PA Citizens PAC
205 S. 7th Street
Easton, PA 18042-4315
AND NOW, come the Plaintiff, Taiba Sultana, by and through her attorneys, Mobilio
Wood, and hereby submits the instant Complaint and avers as follows:
2. At all relevant times to the matters at issue before the court, Plaintiff Sultana was a
member of the Easton City Council and candidate for the democratic nomination for the 136th
4. At all times material hereto, Raymond Lahoud was the Chairperson of PAC.
5. In addition, Mr. Lahoud was, at all times material hereto, acting as the actual or
apparent agent of PAC, and had express, implied and/or apparent authority to act on behalf of PAC
in paying for, creating, distributing and/or contributing to the contents of the signage and the
6. In or around the beginning of April of 2024, PAC was formed with, what appears
to be the sole intent of maliciously harming Plaintiff’s reputation in order to cause her to lose the
2024 democratic primary for the 136th district for the State House of Pennsylvania.
8. Shortly after its formation, PAC began distributing and displaying yard signs that
9. PAC’S public Facebook page also stated, “Tomorrow is election day. You have a
choice to make. One of those choices cannot be for Crazy, Chaotic, Criminal Taiba Sultana”.
10. On April 17, 2024, PAC’s Facebook page referred to Plaintiff as “lying about the
police”, “trying to create animosity between the citizens and the police”, that she “beat her kid
while on city council”, fails to “maintain her property”, “misses meetings”, has “an unpaid state
11. On April 23, 2024, PAC’s Facebook page referred to Plaintiff as “antisemitic”.
13. PAC’s public Facebook page also suggested that Plaintiff was “stalking” another
14. These statements constitute factual assertions and not opinion as they can be proven
15. As a direct result of these malicious attacks, PAC’s supporters began to verbally
16. Specifically, on PAC’s Facebook page, its supporters referred to Plaintiff as being
“Hamas”, that she is a terrorist, dangerous, she is antisemitic and she should “move back to your
17. As a direct result of PAC’s malicious attacks, Plaintiff also began receiving private
messages referring to her as evil, antisemitic and referencing her child having its “head cut off
from God”.
18. Defendant knew that its allegations were false because no reasonable person devoid
of malicious intent could make the aforementioned assertions, despite a lack of evidence to support
19. Despite its knowledge as to the falsity of its allegations, Defendant has failed and
refused to cease distribution and publication of the statements, which constitutes an intentional
20. Plaintiff lost the primary as a direct result of PAC’s defamatory statements.
21. “Pennsylvania Law closely guards the ability of a person whose reputation has been
injured by defamatory statements to obtain redress for such injury”. Schanne v. Addis, 121 A.3d
22. In fact, the Pennsylvania Constitution places reputational interest “on the same
level as those pertaining to life, liberty, and property”. American Future Systems v. Better
Business Bureau, 592 Pa. 66, 923 A.2d 389 (2007); See Pa. Const. art. I § 1 (“All men… have
Northampton County Prothonotary E-Filed - 5 Dec 2024 12:07:38 PM
Case Number: C-48-CV-2024-11856
certain inherent and indefeasible rights, among which are those of enjoying and
defendant…reputation…”); id. § 11 (“[E]very man for an injury done him in… reputation shall
have remedy by due course of law…”); see also Norton v. Glenn, 580 Pa. 212, 225-26, 860 A.2d
48, 56 (2004)(“The right of a man to the protection of his own reputation from unjustified invasion
and wrongful hurt reflects no more than our basic concept of the essential dignity and wroth of
every human being…”(quoting Milkovich v. Lorain Journal Co., 497 U.S. 1, 22, 110 S.Ct. 2695,
23. The above paragraphs are incorporated below as if fully set forth at length.
25. These statements were defamatory because they were malicious and intended to
harm and did harm the reputation of Plaintiff so as to lower Plaintiff in the opinion of the public.
26. Defendant had no privilege to make these false and defamatory statements.
27. Defendant was malicious, reckless and/or intentional with respect to their repeated
WHEREFORE, Plaintiff demands judgment in her favor and against Defendant and that
a) Directing Defendant to pay monetary damages to Plaintiff for the harm suffered to
28. The above paragraphs are incorporated below as if fully set forth at length.
29. By distributing the aforementioned false statements, Defendant has given publicity
to the matter and have placed Plaintiff in a false light to the public.
30. The false light is highly offensive to Plaintiff and would be to a reasonable person.
31. Defendant knew or acted in reckless disregard as to the falsity of the publicized
WHEREFORE, Plaintiff demands judgment in her favor and against Defendant and that
a) Directing Defendants to pay monetary damages to Plaintiff for the harm suffered to
I, TAIBA SULTANA do hereby state that the facts set forth above in the Second Amended
Complaint are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief and that I
expect to be able to prove the same at a hearing held in this matter. I understand that the statements
herein are made subject to the penalties of 18 Pa. C.S. § 4904 (relating to unsworn falsification to
Date: ____________
12/05/2024 _______________________________________