SAS Bahasa Inggris 4

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Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS Nama :
Hari/Tanggal : Senin, 09 Desember 2024 Kelas : IV
Waktu : 08:30-09:30

Petunjuk :
1. Tulislah namamu di sudut kanan atas
2. Mulailah dengan mengucapkan Bismillahirrahmanirrahim
3. Tulisan harus jelas, bersih dan terang
4. Periksa dahulu pekerjaanmu sebelum diserahkan kepada Bapak/Ibu Guru
5. Akhiri pekerjaanmu dengan mengucapkan Alhamdulillahirobbil ‘alamin

I. Read the question carefully and put a cross (x) on the letter a, b, c, or d on the correct

1. What is the English word for 'anjing'?. . .

a. Cat c. Bird
b. Dog d. Fish

2. I ___ to school every day

a. goes c. gone
b. go d. going

3. The color of the sky on a clear day is...

a. Blue c. Green
b. Red d. Yellow

4. Ayu : Where do you sleep Cici?

Cici : I Sleep in the … Ayu.
a. Bathroom c. Livingroom
b. Bedroom d. Diningroom

5. It is number Seventy eight.

a. 78 c. 87

b. 18 d. 28

6. L-P-Y-I-N-A-G is ….
a. Playing c. Plaiying
b. Lapying d. Yapling

7. One hundred minus eighty three is seventeen

a. 100 – 17 = 83 c. 100 – 38 = 62
b. 100 – 83 = 17 d. 100 – 85 = 15

8. What does Cica do in the kitchen ?

a. Take a bath c. Sleeping
b. Watching d. Cooking
9. Vase, table, sofa, picture are objects in the ....
a. Bathroom c. Livingroom
b. Diningroom d. Bedroom

10. Tina … sleeping in the garage.

a. help c. are
b. is d. doesn’t

11. My mother puts the fork in the ....

a. Diningroom c. Bedroom
b. Livingroom d. Kitchen

12. Before go to school, Cici take a bath in the ....

a. Livingroom c. Bathroom
b. Bedroom d. Garage

13. You can see the vase in the ....

a. Livingroom c. Diningroom
b. Bathroom d. Bedroom

14. Made and Joko drawing in the bedroom. They do not ... in the livingroom.
a. Drawing c. Writing
b. Reading d. Playing

15. I brush my teeth use ....

a. Fork c. Pillow
b. Plate d. tooth brush

16. Meong plays in the ball in the yard. He … play it in the living room.
a. Soap c. Do
b. Can d. Does not

17. Kiki can drink with ....

a. Dipper c. Spoon
b. Cup d. shampoo

18. How many days are there in a week?

a. Five c. Seven
b. Six d. Eight

19. What is the opposite of 'big'?

a. Large c. Tall
b. Small d. Heavy

20. What time is it if the clock shows 3:00?

a. Three o'clock c. Four o'clock
b. Two o'clock d. Six o'clock

21. Which one is a fruit?

a. Carrot c. Spinach
b. Apple d. Broccoli

22. Where does a fish live?

a. In the sky c. In the water
b. In the forest d. On the ground
23. What is the English word for 'buku'?
a. Pen c. Chair
b. Book d. Table

24. What do we call the first meal of the day?

a. Lunch c. Breakfast
b. Dinner d. Snack

25. Can you ___ the door, please?

a. open c. opening
b. opens d. opened

26. What is the capital city of Indonesia?

a. Bali c. Surabaya
b. Jakarta d. Medan

27. Which of these animals can fly?

a. Tiger c. Bird
b. Elephant d. Snake

28. What is the English word for 'matahari'?

a. Star c. Moon
b. Sun d. Planet

29. We ___ football every Saturday.

a. plays c. played
b. play d. playing

30. What do you say when you meet someone for the first time?
a. Goodbye c. Hello
b. Thank you d. Sorry

II. Answer the question below with the best answer!

31. What does Mr. Ahsan do in the bedroom?

32. You can clean your hair with ….
33. V-I-L-E-T-E-S-I-O-N is …..
34. Fivety five plus eighty four.
35. We usually put the soap in the ….
36. Frying pan in Indonesian is ….
37. I brush my teeth with....
38. Anita sedang membaca sebuah buku diperpustakaan. In English is ….
39. 76 – 59 = 17 (write in English)
40. Mr Fahmi – livingroom - animal - drawing- in the.
III. Answer the question with the best answer!

41 Write in the Indonesian sentences!

a. I want to buy a book
b. My name is Jojo

42 Write in the English sentences!

a. Saya suka bermain basket
b. Hobi Raka adalah berenang

43 Arrange these words into correct sentences!

a. Like – She – very – reading – is – book

b. Hobby – is – my – football – playing
44 Write in the English!

a. 25
b. 50
45 Mention 3 examples of games what can play together!

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