Murray Echt, MD1 , Rafael De la Garza Ramos, MD2 , Eric Geng, BA3 ,
Ula Isleem, MD3 , Julia Schwarz, BS3, Steven Girdler, MD3, Andrew Platt, MD1 ,
Adewale A Bakare, MD1, Richard G Fessler, MD, PhD1 , and Samuel K Cho, MD3
Study Design: Systematic review and meta-analysis.
OBJECTIVESSurgical decompression alone for patients with neurogenic leg pain in the setting of degenerative lumbar scoliosis
(DLS) and stenosis is commonly performed, however, there is no summary of evidence for outcomes.
Methods: A systematic search of English language medical literature databases was performed for studies describing outcomes
of decompression alone in DLS, defined as Cobb angle >10˚, and 2-year minimum follow-up. Three outcomes were examined:
1) Cobb angle progression, 2) reoperation rate, and 3) ODI and overall satisfaction. Data were pooled and weighted averages
were calculated to summarize available evidence.
Results: Across 15 studies included in the final analysis, 586 patients were examined. Average preoperative and postoperative
Cobb angles were 17.6˚ (Range: 12.7 - 25˚) and 18.0 (range 14.1 - 25˚), respectively. Average change in Cobb angle was an
increase of 1.8˚. Overall rate of reoperation ranged from 3 to 33% with an average of 9.7%. Average ODI before surgery, after
surgery, and change in scores were 56.4%, 27.2%, and an improvement of 29% respectively. Average from 8 studies that
reported patient satisfaction was 71.2%.
Conclusions: Current literature on decompression alone in the setting of DLS is sparse and is not high quality, limited to
patients with small magnitude of lumbar coronal Cobb angle, and heterogenous in the type of procedure performed. Based on
available evidence, select patients with DLS who undergo decompression alone had minimal progression of Cobb angle,
relatively low reoperation rate, and favorable patient-reported outcomes.
degenerative lumbar scoliosis, decompression, laminectomy, radiculopathy
Introduction 1
Department of Neurological Surgery, Rush University Medical Center,
Chicago, IL, USA
Degenerative lumbar scoliosis (DLS) is a prevalent condition 2
Department of Neurological Surgery, Montefiore Medical Center/Albert
amongst the growing elderly population.1 Unlike idiopathic Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA
scoliosis, DLS is characterized by a mid-lumbar curve with 3
Department of Orthopedics, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New
minimal compensatory thoracic curve, hypolordosis, rotatory York, NY, USA
deformity at the apex, coronal/sagittal subluxation, and ste-
Corresponding Author:
nosis.2 Radiculopathy and neurogenic claudication in the Murray Echt, Department of Neurological Surgery, Rush University
setting of DLS are common due to the presence of both Medical Center, 1725 W. Harrison St., Suite 855, Chicago, IL 60612, USA.
central, lateral recess, and foraminal stenosis.3 Significant Email: murrayecht@gmail.com
Creative Commons Non Commercial No Derivs CC BY-NC-ND: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) which permits non-commercial
use, reproduction and distribution of the work as published without adaptation or alteration, without further permission provided the
original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/open-access-at-sage).
862 Global Spine Journal 13(3)
First Author Year Study Period Study Design Surgical technique Level of Evidence
NR = not reported, value in [] represents range if provided, standard deviation value provided after (±) if available
First Author Preop Score Postop Score Change in Score (%) Preop Postop Preop Postop Patient Satisfaction
average VAS back pain of 5.2 and VAS leg pain of pain of 2.2.13,15,22,25 8 studies reported generic patient sat-
7.0.13,15,18,22,25 The average ratio of preoperative VAS leg isfaction with surgery with a mean of
pain to VAS back pain was 1.4 (range 1.1 to 2.1). Four studies 71.2%.15,16,18,19,21,22,26,27
included postoperative outcomes for both VAS back and leg Complications and revisions were described and listed in
pain resulting in an average VAS back pain of 3.8 and VAS leg Table 5. The complication rate was 8% across 7 studies, and
866 Global Spine Journal 13(3)
First Author Complications Reoperation Rate of revision fusion Rate of revision decompression
most commonly included wound infection, epidural hema- follow-up period, decompression level, apical vertebral ro-
toma, and durotomy.13,14,16,18,21,26,27 Overall rate of reoper- tation, Cobb angle at decompression level, lumbar lordosis,
ation was 9.7% reported in 13 of the 15 included T10-L2 sagittal angle, rotatory subluxation >5mm, Cobb
publications.13,14,16–21,23–27 9 of these studies further de- angle of main curve, pelvic tilt angle, and
scribed the type of revision surgery including need for fusion spondylolisthesis >5mm.23 However, in both their univariate
vs revision decompression, averages were 4.3% vs 2.4% and multivariate logistic regression analysis no variable
respectively.13,14,16–20,23,26 Among these 9 studies, the aver- reached statistical significance.
age follow-up period was 2.8 years. Minamide et al found that patients with preoperative Cobb
angle over 20 degrees were more likely to have curve pro-
gression more than 5 degrees than patients with preoperative
Risk Factors for Progression of Scoliosis and Revision Cobb angle less than 20 degrees (40 vs 15%, P < .05) as well
Surgery or Poor Outcomes as a higher rate of additional fusion (13 vs 1%, P < .05).19
Four studies further specified risk factors for Cobb angle They also evaluated risk factors for poor outcomes based on
progression, revision surgery, and poor outcomes. Matsumura Japanese Orthopaedic Association (JOA) score, and demon-
et al reported 2 patients requiring additional fusion, of which 1 strated that gender, preoperative severe lumbar coronal Cobb
was due to poor facet preservation leading to curve pro- angle (mean; 29.6 ± 7.9o), increased preoperative pelvic tilt
gression.17 They further postulated that the approach side may (mean; 28.3 ± 11.5 o) and preoperative mismatch of pelvic
influence facet preservation, and when using the convex incidence minus lumbar lordosis (mean; 35.5 ± 21.2 o) were
approach there was around 80% of the facet preserved and no significant (P < .05).
curve progression. In contrast, the concave approach led to Transfeldt et al performed a logistic regression analysis for
approximately 50% facet preservation, which may have led to probable risk factors for less than successful outcomes and
curve progression and poor clinical outcome in the 2 reported demonstrated 2 significant factors, a sacrum to curve apex
patients. Conversely, Hosogane et al found that Cobb angle fusion, and a positive sagittal malalignment greater than
progression did not affect outcomes. They compared patients 4.0 cm after surgery.16 Rotatory olisthesis was not found to be
that demonstrated Cobb angle progression over 5 degrees a significant factor.
(Group 1) and no progression (Group 2), and reported equal
rates of reoperation of 10% for both groups.23
Hosogane et al also performed analysis of 15 variables to
determine risk factors for progression of the lumbar curve, Degenerative lumbar scoliosis with associated stenosis re-
including vertebral osteophyte on the concave or convex side, mains a challenging spinal pathology without a standard
decompression method (fenestration vs laminectomy vs spi- surgical treatment algorithm based on high-quality evidence.28
nous process splitting), age, disc degeneration, L-5 tilt angle, This is due to limited evidence as the majority of studies (12
Echt et al. 867
out of 15) included in this systematic review were retro- Previous studies favored fusion for patients with DLS due
spective case series, level IV evidence. In addition, the to the perceived high revision rate for decompression alone.8
complexity of the pathology along with a highly variable There is, however, also a high rate of complications and re-
amount of patient comorbidities, functional status, and both vision surgery following short-segment fusion or full curve
surgeon and patient preferences add to the convolution of correction with the reported incidence varying between
decision making for surgery.6 An increasing number of studies.38,39 Reoperation risk from a large prospective mul-
complex reconstructive surgery being performed for DLS has ticenter adult spinal deformity database report a 17% risk of
raised concerns about the high rate of complications and reoperation, including instrumentation failure as the most
revision surgery as well as the higher total cost, especially in common reason for a return to surgery.40 Pellise et al recently
elderly patients.29 Limiting surgical morbidity to the least analyzed the 2 largest multicenter data sets available, and,
invasive approach via decompressing areas of stenosis alone even with significant improvements in surgeon experience and
has become favored in select patient populations.30 However, medical management, the most recent 2 year major compli-
the durability of this approach has not yet received a full cation rate was 23% and reintervention rate was 16%.41
appraisal of the literature.31 In this systematic review, for the Clearly, the patients in this study have a greater degree of
first time the radiographic and clinical outcomes of decom- spinal deformity and are not readily comparable to the patients
pression alone in the setting of DLS over an average 3-year represented in this systematic review. However, trends in the
period are described. improvement of quality metrics coincided with trends in
Radiographically, the degree of scoliosis as measured by decreased surgical invasiveness, including a decrease in mean
Cobb angle progressed at a rate of approximately 2 degrees per number of fused segments, pelvic fixation, and three-column
2-year follow-up after surgery. This rate is equivalent to the osteotomies. Similarly, Deyo et al found in a retrospective
rate of progression seen with natural history as reported by cohort analysis of Medicare claims of procedures performed
Pritchett and Bortell of an average 3 degrees per year over a 5 for older patients with spinal stenosis trends of increasing
year period.32 Of note, the patient population in their study had frequency of complex fusions and decreasing frequency of
a higher average preoperative Cobb angle of 24 degrees decompression alone were associated with a rise in major
compared with the weighted mean of 17.6 degrees seen across complications, 30-day mortality, and costs.42 As such, further
the selected studies presented here. Thus, among the well- work must be done to identify appropriate cases for decom-
selected patients included in the above publications, with mild pression alone in DLS, and to compare effectiveness to more
to moderate degenerative lumbar curves, there was a low complex and potentially higher risk short-segment fusion or
magnitude of progression following decompression alone. full curve corrections.
Although mild hypolordosis and positive sagittal malalign- Brodke et al provided a direct comparison between lam-
ment were present among the included patients, this finding inectomy without fusion vs laminectomy and fusion by ex-
did not significantly worsen in the reported results following cluding patients from the study if the deformity precluded the
decompression alone. Buckland et al demonstrated patients option for either treatment.27 The radiographical parameters
with DLS permit mild to moderate sagittal malalignment varied minimally with mean preoperative Cobb angle of 14
without recruiting compensatory mechanisms to achieve degrees for both groups. Their results demonstrate that lam-
neural decompression, however ultimately the drive for up- inectomy and fusion had a higher rate of reoperation due to
right posture becomes the priority seen by the adoption of symptomatic adjacent segment pathology, whereas lam-
increased pelvic tilt.33 inectomy alone had the highest rate of progression free sur-
Current trends include finding minimally invasive surgery vival. Thus, when considering surgical options there must be
(MIS) alternatives for DLS.34,35 A prior meta-analyses focusing an analysis between the rate of re-developing stenotic
on MIS approaches to DLS by Dangelmajer et al compared symptoms or instability in decompression alone vs the rate of
twelve studies in the MIS group, including 8 studies utilizing pseudarthrosis and adjacent segment complications in fusion
extreme lateral interbody fusion (XLIF) and 4 studies utilizing procedures. Additionally, proceeding to full curve correction
decompression alone, against thirty-five studies in the open is less invasive following previous decompression alone than
surgery and fusion group with or without osteotomy.36 Another after a previous in-situ short-segment fusion.43
meta-analysis by Wang et al also compared various surgical Studies that included patients treated by all 3 methods were
treatments for DLS, including 9 studies that performed de- specifically described as distinct patient populations not in-
compression alone.37 3 of these studies, however, incorporated tended for direct comparison.16,18,26 This current review is
dynamic stabilization instrumentation as part of the decom- therefore unable to decide which surgical technique is best for
pression alone group. Thus, both systematic reviews did not DLS, however demonstrates that decompression alone is an
yield more than 6 studies that performed decompression alone effective intervention in the well selected patient groups
because of a limited search and broad comparisons. As such, this represented herein. Mummaneni et al presented an updated 4-
current systematic review builds upon the previous works by level treatment algorithm, the MISDEF2 algorithm, to aid
adjusting a focus solely to assessing the outcomes of the least spine surgeons in fitting patients into specific criteria.44
invasive approach available – decompression alone. Glassman et al also presented appropriate use criteria for
868 Global Spine Journal 13(3)
lumbar degenerative scoliosis.45 Both papers provide a more factors may not be directly applicable to an individual patient.
thorough overview of the decision-making process to select an Thus, shared decision making with the patient and considering
appropriate level of intervention given the patient’s primary their chief complaints and goals of surgery are paramount.
symptoms and radiographic findings. However, both papers Studies that measured the intensity of leg to back pain
relied on panels of experts that methodically determined demonstrated the importance of an absence of severe back
appropriateness of an intervention for a specific clinical pain (VAS <8), as predominant axial back pain is strongly
scenario. Our results after a systematic review of the literature correlated with potential instability or sagittal
offers further evidence-based support for these expert rec- imbalance.13,15,22,25 Further work may define more strict
ommendations. It is important to note smaller deformities with criteria based on the ratio of leg pain to back pain.
small coronal Cobb angle less than 20 degrees and normal Other factors to consider are foraminal stenosis due to
sagittal alignment are a common presentation seen in clinical severe disc wedging resulting from approximation of the
practice. Yet, the decision to offer decompression alone for pedicles will be better suited via interbody fusion allowing for
these patients is primarily based off expert opinion and has not indirect decompression in the cranial-caudal dimension. In
been well studied, as demonstrated by the low level of evi- addition, the finding of a mobile spondylolisthesis coexisting
dence available. Thus, most importantly this systematic re- with DLS is a contraindication to decompression alone and
view demonstrates a need for these patients with mild to necessitates at least a limited fusion.14 Phan et al demonstrated
moderate DLS to be enrolled in large, multicenter prospective that these patients with mild DLS and focal deformities or
comparison studies with greater follow-up periods. instability may be more amenable to a short vs long segment
Risk factors for poor patient-reported outcomes included fusion.47
preoperative severe lumbar coronal Cobb angle (mean; 29.6 ± As the number of older and elderly patients with DLS
7.9o), increased preoperative pelvic tilt (mean 28.3) preop- increases so does the prevalence of osteoporosis in spinal
erative mismatch of pelvic incidence minus lumbar lordosis surgery.48,49 Decreased bone mineral density was previously
(mean 35.5), and poor facet preservation (approximately 50%) thought to be a significant risk factor for progression seen in
on the approach side of the concavity.17,19 However, a patient the natural history of DLS, with regional malalignment re-
that falls outside these parameters is represented in Figure 2 sulting in asymmetric compression fractures and accelerating
with a severe T12-L4 curve of 33 degrees but relatively the progression of deformity.50,51 However, recent studies
balanced without significant coronal offset or sagittal mala- have demonstrated no correlation between bone mineral
lignment. Figure 3 demonstrates a MIS decompression with density and curve progression in DLS, including both mea-
follow-up full-length x-rays demonstrating a stable deformity. surements on dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry scans and
Faraj et al performed a systematic review of prognostic factors Hounsfield units.46,52–54 Osteoporosis and bone mineral
for curve progression in DLS, and found that the majority of density have, on the other hand, consistently demonstrated to
prognostic factors were limited, conflicting, or inconsistent.46 be a major risk factor for instrumentation failure and proximal
As such, the authors demonstrated that many of these risk junctional failure.55–58 Unfortunately, none of the current
Figure 2. A 68 year-old woman presenting with primarily left greater than right radiating leg pain due to cranial disc extrusion and spinal
stenosis at L4-5 seen on sagittal T2-weighted MRI (A), axial cuts shown at the level behind the L4 body and L4-5 disc space, respectively (B &
C), and a severe T12-L4 curve of 33 degrees on standing AP lumbar x-ray (D).
Echt et al. 869
Figure 3. demonstrates a minimally invasive tubular decompression (A) with 1-year follow-up full-length AP and Lateral x-rays (B)
demonstrating a stable deformity without progression.
studies listed herein are stratified by bone mineral density Duration of follow-up was another profound limitation,
measurements, and thus no conclusions can be made regarding particularly in DLS where the natural history is slow and
its effect on decompression alone in DLS. This is a major greater time intervals are needed. The longest average follow-
potential area of study. up period was shy of 6 years, and the minimum was 2-year
follow-up. If significant destabilization after decompression
Limitations alone occurred presumably deterioration will be seen within
the first 2 years. However, if the durability of a procedure is
Limitations of this study include the inability to directly under analysis, then future studies with long-term follow-up of
compare results between decompression alone, short-segment, 10-years is required.
and long-segment fusions. While several reports include pa- Additionally, while all included studies report only patients
tients treated by all 3 methods, they were specifically de- with adult degenerative, or de novo, scoliosis were included, it
scribed as different patient populations not meant for is possible that some patients were actually untreated ado-
comparison. The ability to provide a meta-analysis comparing lescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) with superimposed degen-
outcomes was thus limited by the methods of the included erative changes. This is an important factor since DLS and
papers. adult progression of AIS are distinct in their treatment and
The other main limitation to this analysis is the low level of prognosis. However, patients with adult progression of AIS
evidence in all the included studies, and the indications for are typically easy to differentiate by the presence of higher
decompression alone, the surgical techniques, and outcome degrees of curvature and younger age of presentation. The
measures varied significantly. Thus, the reported case series included patients reported by each study demonstrated lesser
are susceptible to bias in their results. It is also difficult to draw degrees of curvature and older age making this possible
final conclusions from small sample sizes which was made confounding factor less likely.
more complex by heterogeneity of levels, approach side at the While the analysis is limited to compiling the available data
convexity vs concavity, limited radiographic follow-up, and for decompression alone for DLS, it provides for the first time
no standard reported outcome measures. Importantly, lumbar a compilation of the literature regarding the radiographic and
lordosis and pelvic tilt were poorly reported, and it is not clinical outcomes of decompression alone in the setting of
known if the decompressions were primarily in the fractional DLS over an average 3-year period. This results in a consistent
curve or at the concavity of the mid-lumbar curve. However, demonstration of a relatively low rate of deformity progres-
all studies reported decompressions only in the lumbar spine, sion and need for revision surgery in carefully selected pa-
and not remote from the degenerative lumbar scoliosis. tients. Perhaps most compelling to advocate for a
870 Global Spine Journal 13(3)
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from Globus, Zimmer, and Medtronic. The other authors have no
in the presence of adult spinal deformity. Spine (Phila Pa 1976).
conflict of interest to disclose.
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Funding 11. Indrakanti SS, Weber MH, Takemoto SK, Hu SS, Polly D, Berven
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ORCID iDs 12. Furlan AD, Pennick V, Bombardier C, van Tulder M,
Murray Echt https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4504-4918 Editorial Board CBRG. 2009 updated method guidelines for
Rafael De la Garza Ramos https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5536- systematic reviews in the Cochrane Back Review Group.
2514 Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2009;34(18):1929-1941. doi:10.1097/
Eric Geng https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0736-3245 BRS.0b013e3181b1c99f
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Andrew Platt https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2514-2705 Radiographic Risk Factors of Reoperation Following Minimally
Richard G Fessler https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7432-0950 Invasive Decompression for Lumbar Canal Stenosis Associated
With Degenerative Scoliosis and Spondylolisthesis. Glob Spine
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14. Masuda K, Higashi T, Yamada K, Sekiya T, Saito T. The surgical
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