1. Pharm Practice_unit_1
1. Pharm Practice_unit_1
1. Pharm Practice_unit_1
Hospitals are the institution providing medical and surgical treatment and nursing care for
all ill or injured people.
Acc. To W.H.O.“ The Hospital is an integral part of social and medical organization, the
function of which is to provide for the population, complete health care, both curative and
preventive and whose outpatient services reach out to the family and its home environment; the
hospital is also center for the training of health workers and for social research.
Functions of a hospital
a) Elite hospitals:- These are symbols of high technology and advances in medical sciences.
They have deluxe rooms. The room rates vary from rs. 500 to 1200 per day.
b) Budget hospital:- These hospital are meant for moderate budget and low budget persons.
Organisation is a dynamic process in which various managerial activities bring people together
and binds them together for the achievement of common objective or goals. The most
important body of any hospital is the governing body or board of directors or board of trustees.
It comprises of various eminent personalities in the field of medical education, research and
administration. It may also include politicians. The governing body is responsible for framing
of all major policies, plans and programmes of any hospital. Various committees are appointed
by governing body. It appoints a hospital administrator to get the various functions.
Detailed review of these services performed by any organization is given as under:
Nursing services- This department is large and functions for all 24 hours.
Nurses are assigned for specified no. of beds. They are trained for prenatal
care, observation, comfort of patient during labour.
Out patient services- It include comfort for out-patients as they come for their
majoror minor illness.
Radiological services- These are performed under the direction of competent
radiologist. It includes utilization of various equipments like sonography, X-
rays, E.C.G, C.T. Scan etc.
Central supply services- All medical and surgical supply services meant for
diagnosis, prevention, research and education. It involves their collection,
processing, storing and issuing them against an indent form.
Hospital pharmacy services – This department fills prescription and dispenses
no. of requisition from the wards. It is responsible for proper drug delivery,
information system, storage of drugs, manufacturing, sterilization, for advising
the physician on drug use.
Medical records – Medical records are valuable reference material as they help
medical and para-medical staff for evaluation. They contain history of patients,
lab test reports, physical examination, physician’s advice etc.
Stores – Stores generally store, receive and issue the material against requisition
forms of various department and wards. They always maintain a buffer stock of
certain articles.
Medical staff involved in hospital
The health care team consists of a group of people who coordinate their particular
skills in order to assist a patient. The personnel, who comprise a particular team
will depend upon needs a patient.
Social workers
Trained dais
Village health guides
Health assistants
Auxiliary personnel
Physician: - In hospital, the physician is responsible for the medical diagnosis and for
determining the therapy required by a person who is ill or injured. It is a person who is
legally authorized to practice medicine in particular jurisdiction.
Nurse:- A number of nursing personnel may be involved in the health team and may have
their own nursing team. Nursing team comprised of personnel who provide nursing
services to a patient. “Head nurse” is responsible for delegation of duties to members of
her team and care given to the patients.
The dietitian:- When dietary and nutritional services are required a dietitian
may also the member of the health team. Dietitians supervise the preparation of
meals according to doctor’s prescription. The nutritionist in a community
setting recommends health diets for people and is frequently involves in board
advisory services in regard to purchase and preparation of food.
The Physiotherapist:- it provides assistance to a patient who has problem related to
musculoskeletal system. Their functions include; assessing mobility and strength,
providing therapeutic measures and teaching patients news skills and measures.
The social worker:-The patient and his family member are assisted by social worker with
such problems such as finances, rest home accommodation, counselling or marital
problems, and adoption of children.
The occupational therapist assists patients with some impairment of function to gain skills
as they are related to activities of daily living (ADL) and help with a skill that is
The paramedical technologist includes laboratory technologies, radio-logic technologists.
The laboratory technologists examine and study specimens such as urine, faeces, blood
and discharges from wound.
The pharmacist prepares and dispenses pharmaceuticals in hospital and community
settings. The role of pharmacist in monitoring and evaluating the actions of medications on
patients is becoming prominent.
The inhalation therapist or respiratory technologist is skilled in therapeutic measures used
in care of patients with respiratory problems. These therapist are knowledgeable about
oxygen therapy devices, intermittent positive pressure breathing respirators, artificial
mechanical ventilators, accessory devices used for inhalation.
The clinical psychologist constitutes an important member in healthcare team.
Hospital pharmacy is one of the most important department among several departments of
a hospital .Hospital pharmacy may be defined as that department of the hospital which
deals with procurement ,storage ,compounding, dispensing, manufacturing, testing,
packaging and distribution of drugs. It is also concerned with education and research in
pharmaceutical services. A hospital pharmacy is controlled by a professionally qualified
Functions:-Pharmacy is recognized as an essential hospital service in all the major
hospitals .It has been realized that only trained pharmaceutical personals are capable of
purchasing, storing, handling, pricing and dispensing of medications. It is the pharmacist
who is anexpert to provide all information regarding drugs to the health professionals and
also to the public .Therefore he acts as a link between the physician and the patient.
Objectives: - the practice of hospital pharmacy started in India in 1941. The objectives of
hospital pharmacy are-
To ensure the availability of the right medication, at the right time, in the right
dose atminimum cost.
To professionalize the functioning of pharmaceutical services.
To act as a counselling department for medical staff, nurses and for patient.
To act as a data bank on drug utilization.
To participate in research projects.
To plan, organize and implement pharmacy policy procedures.
To implement decisions of Pharmacy and
therapeutic committee.
Severity of ADR
1. Minor: no need of therapy, antidote or hospitalization
2. Moderate: requires drug change, specific treatment, hospitalization
3. Severe: potentially life threatening, permanent damage, prolonged hospitalization
4. Lethal: directly or indirectly leads to death
ADR Categories
1. Side effects
2. Secondary effects
3. Toxic effects
4. Intolerance
5. Idiosyncrasy
6. Drug allergy
7. Photosensitivity
8. Drug dependence
9. Drug withdrawal reactions
10. Teratogenicity
11. Mutagenicity & carcinogenicity
It is common for patient and doctor to prescribe more than one drug and this situation of
multiple drug therapy may lead to drug interaction.
The varied and complex mechanism involved in drug interaction. They can mostly classify
as pharmacokinetic interaction and pharmacodynamic interaction.
In pharmacokinetic interaction, one drug alters the absorption, distribution, metabolism or
elimination of the other drugs.
In pharmacodynamic interaction, drugs modify the intended and expected action of other
Definition: Drug interaction results into quantifiable alteration in response of one drug when
administered with another drug, [Interaction including from prescription, nonprescription
including complementary medicines drugs, food, alcohol, and smoking of cigarette or
diagnostic tests.
Drug interaction results into increased or decreased in the efficacy or toxicity of drug which
is very dangerous in some time to the patient. There are large numbers of drug interactions
associated with use of anticoagulants, oral hypoglycemic agents, use of cytotoxic drugs, use
of digoxin, etc.
Mechanisms of Drug Interactions
For better understanding to these complex interactions it is mechanically divided into
the following two parts:
• Pharmacodynamic Interactions: In this interaction, agonist drugs act on the same receptor
site results into enhancing the drug action while the antagonistic drug blocks the action of
agonist by binding at the same receptor site as of agonist drug.
• Pharmacokinetic Interactions: In this interaction, drugs affect the absorption, distribution,
metabolism or elimination of other drugs.
Community Pharmacy comprises all the setup that owned privately and has the
responsibilities to serve the society to fulfil the need of drug and pharmaceutical services. The
leading responsibilities of a community pharmacy are compounding, advising and distributing of
drugs to the patients. The community pharmacy provides the services with very care, accuracy,
and legality along with the appropriate procurement, storage, distribution and documentation of
medicines. The community pharmacist should possess relevant educational qualification, skills
and proficiency to provide the professional service to the community.
A community pharmacist should have following qualities:
(i) Sound experience of pharmaceutical care and health promotion.
(ii) Good communication skills with patients and other healthcare providers.
(iii) Continue to maintain a high grade of standard in development of products, services, and
(iv) Record to maintain documentation of dispensing of all orders.
Community Pharmacy is defined largely to comprise all privately owned establishments
involved in the performance of the functions in varying degree to serve the societies need for
pharmaceutical products and related services. Community pharmacy is the branch of pharmacy
responsible to serves the different kinds of patient care and dispensing of medicines and counsels
the patient on the drug safety and rational use of drugs.
Ideal drug store should possess following plan to execute properly:
1. Supervision and controlling of material handling and transportation.
2. Proper designing of suitable work locations.
3. Allocation of suitable locations as a production centers and service centers.
4. Minimized the movement of worker at production centre and wherever it required.
5. Minimized the waiting time of the semi furnished product.
6. Improvement in the methodology of work so there can reduce the production cycle in
terms of times.
7. Flexibility to change the design of product for their future expansions.
A good layout permits the supply of the materials through the plant at the desired speed with
the lower cost. Following are the general layouts for the retail and wholesale pharmacy store
for efficient functioning.
There are mainly following types of layouts:
1. Process Layout:
It is also known as functional layout and is categorized by keeping similar
machines/operational tool at one location. The arrangement is like a separate department, in
which, particular class of machine or operational tool doing particular type of work or process
e.g. cutting machines may be placed under cutting department.
(i) Better utilization of resources.
(ii) Greater flexibility.
(iii) Better supervision which ultimately leads to better production.
(iv) While doing such arrangements, there may require a smaller number of machines or other
resources thereby results into reduced capital.
• In pharmaceutical and chemical industries, the functional layout type may not be
possible due to sequential performance/operation of many of the unit/sector.
Process Layout
2. Product Layout:
This type of layout also called as straight-line layout and is required to standardize in
beginning according to manufacturing process of particular product. Using such product layout
design, the product can be manufactured in large quantity by repetitive operation. Advantages:
Less space requirements for the same volume of production.
(ii) Smooth and continuous work flow.
(iii) Processing of work is quick and smooth.
(iv) Floor space can be properly utilized.
(v) Less in-process inventory.
(vi) Cost of material handling can be reduced by using conveyors.
(vii) Manufacturing time is reduced and manufacturing cycle can be speeded up. This type of
layout is more suitable for the Pharmaceutical Industries.
Product Layout
3. Combination layout
In this layout, they use a combination of both functional and product layout for more
A combination of process and product layout combines the advantages of both types of
layout. The layout should be well-organized by keeping handling of material at a minimum
level. While they requires suitable layout to keep the cost of product minimum.
Requirements for the Establishments of Drug Store
• General License:
Granted to person who have premise for business and who engage the services of qualified
person to supervise the sale of drugs.
The license for the retail sale of drugs other than the ones mentioned in the schedule C, Cl
and X issued in form 20. For drugs specified in Schedule C and Cl in form 21. Schedule X drugs
in form 20F.
• Restricted License:
The licenses for restricted sale of drugs other than those specified in Schedule C, Cl and X are
issued in the form 20A.Those specified in Schedule C and Cl but not in schedule X are issued in
form 21A.
Requirements for the Maintenance of Records of Drug Stores
1. Legal Records:
According the Federal State Law, up to date and proper records should be maintained according
to Drugs and Cosmetics act 1940, Rules 1945 and Poison act 1919 for the maintenance of
records of distribution of poisonous substances.
2.Patient Records:
Patient drug history , Information on all kinds of and amounts of drugs taken by
average patients.
3. Financial Records:
Financial records need to maintain for the following purposes:
• For evaluation of past records, past operations, forecasting needs and controlling the
• Analyzing revenues and expenses.
• Measuring return on investment.
• Help ensure profitable operations.
Dispensing of proprietary products
Dispensing is a main part of pharmacy practice in which the distributor/pharmacist takes the
required order of medicine from physician on the prescription and accordingly supplies the
medicines for the treatment of the patients. Following are the general patterns follow for the
dispensing of the proprietary products.
Layout of Dispensing Procedure:
Receiving the order of proprietary drug like Amlodipine. Check whether this order received
Keep the received order at side and check for expiry date and storage conditions.
Keep the received order in proper dispensary shelf or drawer. Location of shelf for the
received order should not be confused with other available stock.
Receive the order (Amlodipine) of prescription and locate the medicine for dispensing.
During locating of medicine, dispenser should check the medicine for correctness
because there may similarly sounding medicine next to it e.g. amitriptyline.
Identify and pick the correct medicine. Check the medicine strength and quantity as per
the order received from physician.
Label and dispense the medicine.
Before dispensing of medicine, check the label; and instruction given on the label and
same to be instruct to patients.
Hand out the medicine to patient. Check the right patient to whom the right medicine is
hand out.