Q.1) Write A java script Program The user enters two numbers in
respective text boxes. Write a JavaScript such that when user
clicks “add”, a message box displays sum of two entered
numbers, if the user clicks on “sub”, message box displays
subtraction of two numbers and on clicking “mul” the message
box displays multiplication of two numbers.
Q.2)State what is a cookie ? Explain its need. State characteristics
of persistent 12 cookies?
Q.3)Explain text and image rollover with suitable example.
Q.4) Write HTML code to design a form that displays textboxes for
accepting UserID and Aadhar No. and a SUBMIT button. UserID
should contain 10 alphanumeric characters and must start with
Capital Letter. Aadhar No. should contain 12 digits in the format
nnnn nnnn nnnn. Write JavaScript code to validate the UserID and
Aadhar No. when the user clicks on SUBMIT button.
Q.5)Differentiate between concat () and join () methods of array
Q.6)Describe regular expression. Explain Any 1 method used in
regular expression with suitable example.
Q.7) write the use of CharcodeAT() , fromcharCode() and index of
with syntax and example?
Q.8)List and explain any six form events.
Q.9)Explain splice() , concat() method of array object with syntax
and example?