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GARVIT Software developer

Seeking a valuable position with an organization that offers opportunities for enhancing my skills

Jhajjar | | +91-8708141820 | LinkedIn-

Education Academic Projects

 Panipat Institute of Engineering and  Spotify clone
Technology, Panipat – Affiliated to Technologies used- Html, CSS,
Kurukshetra university JavaScript
B. Tech Computer Science SGPA-7.1 Developed a landing page same as Spotify
07/2021-Present with features such as listening to music and
discovering an album or searching a song
 R.E.D School, Jhajjar -Board
CBSE Difficulties faced-
-Learning new technologies such as JavaScript
XII Percentage-93%
was overwhelming but I managed to create the
04/2020-04/2021 website with my hardwork and knowledge
X Percentage-92% -Debugging a code took most of the time but it
04/2018-04/2019 did tailor by debugging skills

Skills Courses and certifications

 Data Structures & Algorithms  Blockchain Basics-University at Buffalo

July 2023-Aug2023
Learned everything about how blockchain
 Technical skills-
works and how it can be useful for secured
Front End Development- Html, CSS,
communication and transactions

 Programming languages
C, C++, Java
 English, Hindi
 Soft skills
Communication skills, Decision making skills, Profile summary
Leadership qualities, Problem solving skills
I am a BTech CSE student with a strong grasp of
 Databases data structures and algorithms, eager to begin my
SQL, MySQL, career as a software developer. My academic
experiences have sharpened my problem-solving
skills and my ability to design and implement
efficient code. I am looking for an opportunity
Objective where I can apply my knowledge, work
collaboratively, and contribute to innovative
software solutions that drive business success.
 A motivated individual with in-depth
knowledge of languages and development
tools, seeking a position in a growth-oriented
company where I can use my skills to the
advantage of the company while having the
scope to develop my skills.

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