available online. These notes include important points from various essays and
articles available online. I intended to circulate these notes in your class but since
there are no classes going on I have compiled a file for it. I have edited and
skipped certain sections from e-copies in order to make it easier for you to
understand without missing out any important point.
Essay in detail
Today’s capitalism, modernism and postmodernism have became common terms in academic
discussions, which means that these terms are accepted among politicians, social scientists and
intellectuals, many of whom believe that the world is improving and new adventures are
happening now. Today almost everyone seems to be talking about world markets, global
communication and economy, international relationship, cultural homogeneity, economic
integration, welfare-state, international division of labor, world networking, international
institutions, theoretical and ethical aesthetics, enlightenment, rationalism etc. So much so that
these are indicators of the phenomenon which has attracted everybody’s attention, especially
among academic circles and each group discusses these various aspects from its own perspective.
Modernism concept Discussion of modernism and postmodernism goes beyond national, cultural
and regional frontiers and takes on a global aspect itself. Defining these two terms independently
and individually is very difficult indeed. Anderius Hassan (Nozari, 2005). believes that due to its
being shapeless in nature, chaotic, opaque, and from a political point of view, transitory, volatile
and fluid, attempts at defining postmodernism can be misleading and difficult and determination
of its frontiers and boundaries, is extremely difficult. Furthermore, anything that is postmodernist
from one point of view might be recognized as modernism from another person’s point of view.
Furthermore new kinds of contemporary cultural aspects, such as the appearance of independent
cultures of minority groups and the large number of various feminist groups in literature and art
under the title of postmodern types haves also come under discussion. The modernism from the
word point of view, mean to be up-to-date, modern, to live in existing times, to be contemporary,
have newness thought, personality or action, and advocacy of ideas, performances, and new
standards. Some scientists think that there is a difference between modernism and modernity,
however other scientists think of both definitions as the same. However in general, modernity
can be taken be to mean a historical period with concepts like; urbanism, individualism, social
segregation, fast changes, liberal democracy and irreligion, secularism, Weber’s rationalism,
instrumental reasoning and humanism (Nozari, 2005, 120-131). Whereas modernism means
worldview, enlightenment and aesthetics that appear based on experiments in different areas of
arts, music, painting, sculpture, poetry, literature, theater and so on. In fact, modernism is
investigation into conscience, thoughts until artistic representation that has disjunctive
connection with criticism cultural. On the other hand, modernism’s axial role can be to expose
the modernity internal contradictions (Dunn, 1998; 125-128). However these two terms are used
with one meaning and general definitions that in hare should refer to Edgar’s (1995.360)
definition: modernity has a large transformation from traditional style to a new style. Modernity
recognized with own defenders by Hegel and Count and after them followed other philosophers
like Bruno Baer, Marx, Arnold Rouge and others, who presented a new critique of modernity.
Bruno Bear believed that history don’t creation any fact that not become blazing with firing of
criticism (Ahmadi, 2004, 24). Bremen (1983) believed that modernism should be interpreted as a
set of artistic, musical, literary movements generally aesthetics movements, that can be found in
Picasso and Kandinsky through paintings, Stravinsky , Debase and Schoenberg through music,
Henry James, Kafka and James Davis through literature, Aleut, Rikleh and Mallarme through
poetry and Strindberg and Pirandello through storytelling. Projects of modernism were
accompanied by non-monotony and non-homogeneity. Logan Leon (Nozari, 2005) presents this
non-monotony and non-homogeneity in four views four of modernism: Firstly, that modernism
observes aesthetics and is reflected in the scientists’ and writers’ attitudes when they were
creating new methods in their artistic trends. Actually, they have a serious tendency to explore
realities, reproducibility and artistic structure. Secondly, Leon points out the integration,
simulation and assemblage of the artistic works. Thirdly, that modernism pay attention to
paradox, anagram, uncertainly and distrust in its works. Fourthly, Leon discussed realistic,
coherent and continuous personalities that are under the effect of spirit which provide motivation
and psychic conflicts. Thus modernism can be defined as a kind of avidity and tendency to
clarify the world substantive facts (Nozari, 2005, 380-386). Modernity main characteristics was
accompanied to evolution the human existence and centering human. Mean, dominance of the
human mind over the traditional opinions (mythical, religious, ethical, philosophical, etc) and
growth of scientific thoughts, rationalism and criticism of philosophy and formation of the new
organizations in economy and trade and civil laws (Ahmadi, 2004, 8-12). However many
scientists confirm the Renaissance and explosions in scientific thought as the main factors in the
beginning of modernism in the context of rationalism and industrial revolution. Scientists like
Count’s, Beecan, Heum and others contributed in the areas such as epistemology and
enlightenment. Likewise moral principles of Calvinism and Protestantism had an impact on
Christianity and the religious realm. Especially that scientific methods used by scientists like:
Dekart, Beecan, Heum, Darwin and others transformed the process of gaining, knowledge of
nature and to changed the instrument of rationality to an objective and purposive action which
served as a stimulation for human domination on the nature, that modernity process started with
the development of science, emergence of new knowledge, and to devote of the traditional
beliefs and superstitious ideas, and led to the freedom of the human mind, spirit and body. And
with creating new movement in art theology and in presenting a modern worldview, modernism
led to a greater exploration of the “self” (Jahanbaglo, 2007, 20-26). Of others factors modernity
expansion, were making space of economic liberalism be based on profit seeking, private
ownership on instruments of production, competition in capitalism system and technology
growth, that modernity expression periods imported in more modern phase. In other words,
modernity means to overcome human on nature of way mind understand and modern scholars.
Mean freedom and rational sovereignty on the contexts rationality and to accounted action in
social life, to exterminate traditionally believes, that these are a rationality attitude. Marx
(Ahmadi, 2004) was a criticizer and famous scientist of capital system and modernity defender
and new achievements. But from other aspect, he expose to shortages and shortcomings of the
capitalism. To believe Marx, capital system is main factor modernity history and proletarian are
capitalism historical achievement. Mean community human define based on self station in the
productive aspect, technology world and in social and ownership relationship. Although Marx
was modernity intellectual, but he does to critique of modernity ideology and system, the critique
his of modernity has more about capital government and alienation and fetishism. Max Weber
(1947) was defenders of capital system that modernity principle knows as human rationalism.
The rule of human actions, scientific achievement and technological is founded on the basis of
axis human. And so protestant ethic knows important in appearance and growth of the capital
system. In other words, Max Veber in protestant ethic accepted in self evolution and in
appearance modern capital system. And emphasize on the rationalism necessity. Mean an
economic and social formulation and special ideological of protestant ethic be establish, that in
limit a modernity rest. Thus rationalism Weber’s include of modernity indexes, why which
rationality has key and important rule in passing of traditional societies to modern societies.
Namely in expand and expansion different areas of society doing on the basis of rationality
standards. In other words, in specialization process and industrialization to become informed as a
standard or instrumental action, and this is a high typical of purposive rationality action that
influence on the society different units.
Postmodernism Concept
- Modernism is a kinds of the oral and cultural essence, whereas postmodernism is a kind of the
shape cultural formulation.
-Social stratification essence, mean modernism producers and audience of the modernism and
postmodernism should seeks in social class and stratifications that on the spot appearance and
- Modernism focuses on figurative nature (relative form and evolving form), but postmodernism
is anti-figure (closed form and actual form).
- Modernism is looking on the basis of design, project and purpose, whereas postmodernism is a
kind of play in social life, which is not reliant on base specific purpose. It is based more on
chance and accident.
-Modernism acts on the basis of hierarchy principles, but postmodernism includes process,
performance and events.
- Modernism gives attention to the root and depth of concepts and subjects, whereas
postmodernism has its attention on surface appearances and on superficial aspects of concepts
and phenomenon.
Did postmodernism have dominance over modernism? Hedgier (Dunn, 1998,) believed that the
reason for the fall of modernity is that humans haves lost their own sight in the course of their
domination on nature, and had faltered in correctly identifying what is true and what is untrue.
Scientists believe that postmodernism is reactive against modernity that appeared during the
Renaissance era and Enlightenment period. Postmodernism is a mental method that questioned
utopian ideas, thoughts and modernity values. Thus modernism is faced with conflicts and
schisms within itself. Discord appears between modernity facts and enlightenment philosophy
promises. And the context of postmodernism itself was created from within modernity. Eagleton
(1997) believe postmodernism is the negative truth of modernity. And according to interpretation
of Giddens (2000), postmodernism is the same as modernity only that it had started to understand
itself (Dunn, 1998, 192-193) Today postmodernism seems to have replaced modernism.
According to Jahanbaglo (2007, 29-35), modernity is a historical, political and mental event
which had been continuing since about 500 years and postmodernism is a discursive and a
philosophical period that involves itself with the modernity crisis. Modernity itself has always
been faced with crisis and had questioned itself. Thus postmodernism with its self critique
outlook, challenged modernity and appeared to be the fundamental crisis of modernity. Many
scientists, postmodernism appearance based on three factors. First is egoism, which includes test,
analysis and self involvement, which started with Descartes’ philosophy and it has been followed
by others scientists. Important characteristics of this process include subjectivism, relativism and
anti-absolutism. The second factor sees a shift in philosophy movements and development from
egoism to existentialism that interpreted into inevitable imperatives, because in the existentialism
framework, the concept of active value and ethical world changed to mythical and empty
concepts. And characteristics of this existentialism are doubt of ultimate reality, internal
experiences promotion and individual selection rights, that all found in the postmodernism
thoughts. Nihilism is third factor and the effectiveness of postmodernism, and the result of
rationality and egoism philosophy and existentialism is nihilism. Therefore, postmodernism, with
modernism’s internal critique and existential crisis in it, has replaced modernism, and
fundamental and infrastructural changes have been established in thoughts, attitudes, interests,
culture, economy, politics and social a aspects. Postmodernism has been criticized by
intelligentsia and scientists, because they know postmodernism more as a theoretical aspect. But
postmodernism defenders believe that in the world there is no such thing the real global
perspective, because the actual reality cannot interpret from our view point (Baylis, 2007, 545-
Late Capitalism as per Jameson which also echoes idea of Eagleton
The two concepts broadly refer to “what comes after the project of modernity.”
Modernity, through the postmodern lens was an effort to create an ordered,
rationale political and economic and represent it through culture. The mass
production of goods (through Fordism) and the mass production of information and
culture (through mass media) are constituent parts of modernity.
The transformed cultural order resulting from late capitalism and flexible
accumulation has distinct aesthetic features which, when analyzed as a category,
can be called postmodernism.
Finally, there is the question of the “end of history.” Jameson in the beginning of
his article addresses the “inverted millenarianism” which instead of predicting the
end of humanity, the inversion predicted the end of ideology (the resolution of
dialectic debates) history (the resolution of first-second world conflict) and many
other fields. The end of history really stands for the end of modernity, and the
postmodern order follows.
Aesthetics of Postmodernism
The overtaking of capitalist production ethos into the cultural sphere
(commodification, massification) results in distinct features of art and other
cultural products. A brief summary of Jameson’s features of postmodernism
Jameson uses the example of Van Gogh’s Peasant Shoes to demonstrate modern
art “depth,” as it can be contextualized with countryside impoverishment,
agricultural work, and the European working class. He contrasts Van Gogh’s work
with Andy Warhol’s Diamond Dust Shoes, which he argues, has no deeper
meaning beyond what you see.
Waning of Affect
Postmodern culture draws inspiration from past movements, genres and styles,
combines them into “collage” type formations and presents them in new packaged
ways. In opposition to modern parody (which through parody of a type of cultural
form, creates its own meaning) pastiche has no meaning it self.