Lecture (3-4)

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CFD Lecture (3-4)

Description of Fluid Motion

Prof.Dr/ Hagar Alm ElDin Mohamad
Tanta University
Part (1)
Vector Algebra & Calculus

• Scalar, vector and tensor fields

• Systems of coordinates: Cartesian and
cylindrical coordinates
• Scalar and vector products. Triple
Scalars, Vectors, Tensors
scalar – single element (e.g. length (L), mass (m),
temperature (T))

Vector – 1D array of elements (position vector ( r ), velocity

( v ), force ( f ))

Tensor – n-dimensional array of elements,

but we are interested in tensors of rank 2
(stress tensor (σ))

Scalar field associates a scalar value to any point in space

(e.g. T(r) ). Similarly, vector and tensor fields.
• Cartesian
• Cylindrical
• Polar
• Spherical
1.Cartesian coordinates

( x, y, z ) - coordinates
  
(i , j , k ) - unit vectors
   
v  (v x , v y , v z )  v x i  v y j  v z k
Cylindrical coordinates

(r,θ, z)


(r ,  , z )  coordinates
  
(er ,eθ ,e z )  unit vectors (basis)
   
v  (v r ,v ,v z )  v r er  v eθ  v z e z
Scalar and Vector Products
• Scalar product  
A  B  Ax Bx  Ay By  Az Bz
• Vector product (not commutative)
  
i j k
 
A  B  Ax Ay Az
Bx By Bz
  
 ( Ay Bz  Az By )i  ( Az Bx  Ax Bz ) j  ( Ax By  Ay Bx )k
        
• Triple products
   
A B C  B  C  A  C  A B  
        
  
A B  C  B AC  C A B  
     
 i j k -- Del operator (nabla)
x y z

 a  a  a
a  i j k  grad a Gradient ‫تدرج‬
x y z

 v v v 
 v   
 divv ; y z

x y z Divergence ‫انحراف‬
i j k
  A A   A A   A A  
 v      i  z
  
j x
   k 
z y
   curlv

 y z   z x   x y 
x y z


-- curl ‫تكور‬
Double differentiation
 2
  2 2

    
  -- Laplacian operator
x y z 2 2 2

a a a
2 2 2

a 
  ;
x y z
2 2 2

  
 A A A
2 2 2

 
x y
z 2 2

  a   0

    A   0
Cylindrical coordinates

   1   
  er  e  ez -- del
r r  z
 a  1 a  a
a  er  e  ez -- gradient
r r  z
 1 rAr  1 A Az
 A    divergence
r r r  z
   1 Az A    Ar Az   1   rA  Ar 
  A  er     e     ez    -- curl
 r  z   z r  r  r  
Useful identities
  
    
  aA  a   A  A   a 
  
   
  aA  a   A   a   A
  A   
  
A  A      A    A 
 2 
         
        
  A B  A   B  B  A  B   A  A B 
  
   
  A    A  A 2

Sample proof:
    
  aA     a A     aA   A grad a  a div A
Part (2

Specification of Fluid

Two ways to describe motion are

Lagrangian and Eulerian description
Lagrangian Description
• Lagrangian description of fluid flow tracks the
position and velocity of individual particles. (eg.
Brilliard ball on a pooltable.)

• Difficult to use for practical flow analysis.

– Fluids are composed of billions of molecules.
– Interaction between molecules hard to

• However, useful for specialized applications

– Sprays, particles, bubble dynamics, rarefied gases.
– Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian methods.
Lagrangian View

Study fluid motion by tracing the

motion of fluid particles

Individual fluid parcels are followed

through time.

The Lagrangian viewpoint consists in

considering quantities as dependent
on time and the fluid particle
• Identify a representative fluid particle

• Determine its position instantaneously

• Determine the velocity and acceleration

• Determine other physical quantities

t 0
t t

  
Position r  r t ;  

 r
Velocity u 
 r
Acceleration a  2
Eulerian View
Study fluid motion by investigating the
temporal and spatial variation of the
flow field. It is represented as a function
of position x and time t.

The Eulerian viewpoint consists in

considering quantities as dependent
on time and point in space.
Eulerian Description
• Eulerian description of fluid flow: a flow domain or control volume is
defined by which fluid flows in and out.

• We define field variables which are functions of space and time.

– Pressure field, P=P(x,y,z,t)
 
V  V  x, y , z , t 
– Velocity field, V  u  x, y, z, t  i  v  x, y, z, t  j  w  x, y, z, t  k

 
– Acceleration field, a  a  x, y , z , t 
   
a  a x  x, y , z , t  i  a y  x , y , z , t  j  a z  x , y , z , t  k

– These (and other) field variables define the flow field.

  
Velocity v  v  x ,t 

  
Acceleration a  a  x,t 
Physical interpretation of the Euler and
Lagrange descriptions
• Different physical interpretations
In the Euler’s picture, an observer is always located at a given
position {xi} at a time t → observes fluid particles passing by
In the Lagrange picture, an observer is moving with the fluid
particle, which was initially at the position {ξ i} → views changes
in the flow co-moving with the observer’s particle



Part (3
( 3)

Material Derivatives

Provides ``transformation'' between

Lagrangian and Eulerian frames
The rate of change one observed when
following the motion of a fluid particle
Imagine a situation where we are moving through a
temperature field that exhibits spatial and temporal changes
T(x,y,z,t). After some time elapsed we would experience the
total (substantial) temperature change in time DT/Dt (dT/dt).

We can separate that total change DT/Dt into the partial

change in time T/t (at fixed coordinate in space) and
partial change in space T/s (for one moment in time –
fixed coordinate in time).

DT T T T T
 u v w
Dt t x y z
konvektivna komponenta
During the movement from space coordinate 1 to 2 an
observer will feel total temperature change dT due to partial
change along spatial coordinate T/s·ds along the temporal
coordinate T/t·dt

The same approach can be also

applied at any vector field.

 ax    Du Dt    
   Du  Du u   u  
a  ay 
  Dt 
 Dv Dt 
 Dt

 
 u  u 

 u grad u
a   Dw Dt 
 z  
Material Derivative

The total derivative operator d/dt is call the material derivative

and is often given special notation, D/Dt.
  
DV dV V   


 V  V  
Advective acceleration is nonlinear: source of many
phenomenon and primary challenge in solving fluid flow
Provides ``transformation'' between Lagrangian and Eulerian
Other names for the material derivative include: total, particle,
Lagrangian, Eulerian, and substantial deriviatve.
t+  t

( x+  x, y+  y, z+  z )

( x,y,z )
t t
B  x , y, z , t 

t  t  t
B  x  x, y  y, z  z, t  t   B  x, y, z, t   t

DB B x B y B z B
   
Dt t t x t y t z

B B B B
 u v w
t x y z
Material Derivative

D    
 u v w
Dt t x y z

Local / Temporal Advective / Spatial

Acceleration of Fluid particles
    
 Du u u u u
a   u v w
Dt t x y z

 u u u u

ax  u v w
 t x y z

 v v v v
 y   u  v  w

 t x y z

 w w w w

az   u  v  w

 t x y z
EXAMPLEL A: A Steady Two-Dimensional
Velocity Field

• A steady, incompressible, two-

dimensional velocity field is
given by

A stagnation point is defined as a

point in the flow field where the
velocity is identically zero.
(a) Determine if there are any
stagnation points in this flow
field and, if so, where?
(b) Sketch velocity vectors at several
locations in the domain between
x = - 2 m to 2 m and y = 0 m to 5
m; qualitatively describe the
flow field.
Acceleration Field
• Consider a fluid particle
 and Newton's second law,

Fparticle  m particle a particle
• The acceleration of the particle is the time derivative of the

particle's velocity.  dV particle
a particle 
• However, particle velocity at a point at any instant in time t is
the same as thefluid velocity,

V particle  V  x particle  t  , y particle  t  , z particle  t  ,t)
• To take the time derivative of, chain rule must be used.
   
 V dt V dx particle V dy particle V dz particle
a particle    
t dt x dt y dt z dt
Acceleration Field
Where  is the partial derivative operator and d is the total
derivative operator.
dx particle dy particle dz particle
• Since  u,  v, w
dt  dt  dt 
 V V V V
a particle  u v w
t x y z
• In vector form, the acceleration can be written as
 dV V   
a  x, y, z , t  

 V   V  
• First term is called the local acceleration and is nonzero only for unsteady
• Second term is called the advective acceleration and accounts for the
effect of the fluid particle moving to a new location in the flow, where the
velocity is different.
EXAMPLE B: Material Acceleration of a
Steady Velocity Field
• Consider the same velocity field
of Example A. (a) Calculate the
material acceleration at the point
(x = 2 m, y = 3 m). (b) Sketch the
material acceleration vectors at
the same array of x- and y values
as in Example A.
Flow Visualization
While quantitative study of fluid
• Flow visualization is the dynamics requires advanced
visual examination of flow- mathematics, much can be learned
field features. from flow visualization
• Important for both physical
experiments and numerical
(CFD) solutions.
• Numerous methods
– Streamlines and streamtubes
– Pathlines
– Streaklines
– Timelines
• A Streamline is a curve that is
everywhere tangent to the
instantaneous local velocity
• Consider an arc length
   
dr  dxi  dyj  dzk

• dr must be parallel to the local
velocity vector
   
V  ui  vj  wk
• Geometric arguments results in
the equation for a streamline

dr dx dy dz
  
V u v w
EXAMPLE C: Streamlines in the xy
Plane—An Analytical Solution
For the same velocity field of Example A,
plot several streamlines in the right half of
the flow (x > 0) and compare to the
velocity vectors.

where C is a constant of
integration that can be set to
various values in order to plot
the streamlines.
Airplane surface pressure contours,
NASCAR surface pressure contours volume streamlines, and surface
and streamlines streamlines
A streamtube consists of a bundle
of streamlines (Both are
instantaneous quantities).
 Fluid within a streamtube must
remain there and cannot cross the
boundary of the streamtube.
In an unsteady flow, the streamline
pattern may change significantly with
time. the mass flow rate passing
through any cross-sectional slice of a
given streamtube must remain the
• A Pathline is the actual path
traveled by an individual
fluid particle over some
time period.
• Same as the fluid particle's
material position vector

x particle  t  , y particle  t  , z particle  t  

• Particle location at time t:

 

x  xstart  
t start

A modern experimental technique called particle image

velocimetry (PIV) utilizes (tracer) particle pathlines to
measure the velocity field over an entire plane in a flow
(Adrian, 1991).
• A Streakline is the locus
of fluid particles that
have passed
sequentially through a
prescribed point in the
• Easy to generate in
experiments: dye in a
water flow, or smoke in
an airflow.
• For steady flow, streamlines, pathlines, and
streaklines are identical.
• For unsteady flow, they can be very different.
– Streamlines are an instantaneous picture of the flow field
– Pathlines and Streaklines are flow patterns that have a
time history associated with them.
– Streakline: instantaneous snapshot of a time-integrated
flow pattern.
– Pathline: time-exposed flow path of an individual particle.

• A Timeline is a set of
adjacent fluid particles
that were marked at the
same (earlier) instant in
• Timelines can be
generated using a
hydrogen bubble wire.

Timelines produced by a hydrogen bubble wire are used to

visualize the boundary layer velocity profile shape.
Plots of Flow Data
• Flow data are the presentation of the flow properties
varying in time and/or space.
• A Profile plot indicates how the value of a scalar
property varies along some desired direction in the
flow field.
• A Vector plot is an array of arrows indicating the
magnitude and direction of a vector property at an
instant in time.
• A Contour plot shows curves of constant values of a
scalar property for the magnitude of a vector
property at an instant in time.
Profile plot

Profile plots of the horizontal component of velocity as a

function of vertical distance; flow in the boundary layer growing
along a horizontal flat plate.
Vector plot
Contour plot

Contour plots of the pressure field due to flow impinging on a


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