Iot unit iv
Iot unit iv
Iot unit iv
Unit - I
Introduction to IoT
Internet of Things (IoT) is a concept which enables communication between internetworking devices and
applications, whereby physical objects or ‘things’ communicate through the Internet.
The Internet is a vast global network of connected servers, computers, tablets and mobiles that is
governed by standard protocols for connected systems. It enables sending, receiving, or communication of
information, connectivity with remote servers, cloud and analytics platforms.
Thing in English has number of uses and meanings. In a dictionary, thing is a word used to refer to a
physical object, an action or idea, a situation or activity, in case when one does not wish to be precise.
Example of reference to an object is—an umbrella is a useful thing in rainy days. Streetlight is also
referred to as a thing.
Thus, combining both the terms, the definition of IoT can be explained as follows: Internet of Things
means a network of physical things (objects) sending, receiving, or communicating information using the
Internet or other communication technologies and network just as the computers, tablets and mobiles do,
and thus enabling the monitoring, coordinating or controlling process across the Internet or another data
Architectural Overview:
Architecture means a description of relationships between the conceptual elements and target system
elements and design principles. The IoT domain covers an extremely wide range of technologies. The
various number of architecture views suggested for IoT are
Functional View: Description of what the system does, and its main functions.
Information View: Description of the data and information that the system handles.
Deployment and Operational View: Description of the main real world components of the system such
as devices, network routers, servers, etc.
2. Communication functional group: The devices and messages have to traverse the mesh
from node-to-node (hop-by-hop) until they reach a gateway node which forwards the message (if
needed) further to the Internet.
3. IoT Service functional group: The IoT Service FC is a collection of service implementations,
which interface the related and associated Resources.
4. Virtual Entity functional group: The Virtual Entity FG contains functions that support the
interactions between Users and Physical Things through Virtual Entity services.
5. Process Management functional group: It consists of two FCs: The Process Modelling
FC provides that right tools for modelling a business process that utilises IoT-related services.
The Process Execution FC contains the execution environment of the process models created by
the Process Modelling FC and executes the created processes by utilising the Service
Organisation FG in order to resolve high-level application requirements to specific IoT services
6. Service Organization functional group :The Service Composition FC manages the descriptions
and execution environment of complex services consisting of simpler dependent services. An
example of a complex composed service is a service offering the average of the values coming
from a number of simple Sensor Services.
7. Security functional group: The Security FG contains the necessary functions for ensuring the
security and privacy of an IoT system. The Identity Management FC manages the different
identities of the involved Services or Users in an IoT system. The Authentication FC verifies the
identity of a User and creates an assertion upon successful verification. verifies the identity of a
User and creates an assertion upon successful verification. The Authorization FC manages and
enforces access control policies. It provides services to manage policies (CUD), as well as taking
decisions and enforcing them regarding access rights of restricted resources. The Key Exchange
& Management is used for setting up the necessary security keys between two communicating
entities in an IoT system. The Trust & Reputation FC manages reputation scores of different
interacting entities in an IoT system and calculates the service trust levels.
8. Management functional group: The Configuration FC maintains the configuration of the FCs
and the Devices in an IoT system. The component collects the current configuration of all the FCs
and devices, stores it in a historical database, and compares current and historical configurations.
The Fault FC detects, logs, isolates, and corrects system-wide faults if possible. This means that
individual component fault reporting triggers fault diagnosis and fault recovery procedures in the
Fault FC.The component collects the current configuration of all the FCs and devices, stores it in
a historical database, and compares current and historical configurations. The Member
FC manages membership information about the relevant entities in an IoT system. The State
FC is similar to the Configuration FC, and collects and logs state information from the current
FCs, which can be used for fault diagnosis, performance analysis and prediction, as well as billing
purposes. The Reporting FC is responsible for producing compressed reports about the system
state based on input from FCs.
Virtual Entity context information, i.e. the attributes (simple or complex) as represented
by parts of the IoT Information model.
IoT Service output itself is another important part of information generated by an IoT
system. For example, Sensor or a Tag Service.
Virtual Entity descriptions in general, which contain not only the attributes coming from
IoT Devices (e.g. ownership information).
Virtual Entity Associations with other Virtual Entities (e.g. Room #12 is on floor#7)
Resource Descriptions –> type of resource (e.g. sensor), identity, associated Services,
and Devices.
Device Descriptions –> device capabilities (e.g. sensors, radios).
Descriptions of Composed Services –> the model of how a complex service is
composed of simpler services.
IoT Business Process Model describes –> the steps of a business process utilizing other
IoT-related services.
Management information such as state information from operational FCs used for
fault/performance purposes, configuration snapshots, reports, membership information,
There are different phases in the architecture of IoT but they can vary according to the situations but
generally, there are these four phases in the architecture of IoT −
1. Networked Devices
These are the physical devices which include sensors, actuators, and transducers. These are the actual
devices that collect and send the data for processing. They are capable of receiving real-time data and
they can convert the physical quantities into electrical signals which can be sent through a network.
2. Data Aggregation
It is a very important stage as it includes converting the raw data collected by sensors into meaningful
data which can be used to take actions. It also includes Data Acquisition Systems and Internet Gateways.
It converts the Analog signals provided by sensors into digital signals.
3. Final Analysis
This is a stage that includes edge IT analytics and the processing of data to make it more efficient and
fully capable of execution. It also includes managing and locating all the devices correctly
4. Cloud Analysis
The final data is received here and analysed closely and precisely in data centres. They process and clean
the data to make it free from any kind of errors and missing values. After this stage, data is ready to be
sent back and executed to perform operations.
The basic fundamental architecture of IoT which consists of four stages as shown in the diagram given
below –
Sensing Layer − The first stage of IoT includes sensors, devices, actuators etc. which collect data
from the physical environment, processes it and then sends it over the network.
Network Layer − The second stage of the IoT consists of Network Gateways and Data
Acquisition Systems. DAS converts the analogue data (collected from Sensors) into Digital Data.
It also performs malware detection and data management.
Data Processing Layer − The third stage of IoT is the most important stage. Here, data is pre-
processed on its variety and separated accordingly. After this, it is sent to Data Centres. Here
Edge IT comes into use.
Application Layer − The fourth stage of IoT consists of Cloud/Data Centres where data is
managed and used by applications like agriculture, defence, health care etc.
Efficiency and Productivity − An automated PDF conversion and creation tool will
remove the hustle of PDF editing and archiving. Hence, increase in Efficiency and
Business Opportunities − IOT provides advanced analytics, smart utility grids which
help Small Management Businesses to provide more valuable content and things to their
Customer Experience − Nowadays customer's experience is the most valuable thing in
running a business. IoT has drastically increased the customer's experience. An example
of customer experience is Home Automation. Since everything is connected, customers
need not have to worry about appliances. One can turn off the appliance through mobile.
Mobility and Agility − With the help of IoT, employees can do their work from any
geographical location, anytime without any restrictions.
The disadvantages of IoT are as follows −
Security − The data is travelling all over the Internet. So maintaining its privacy is still a
Big Challenge. End-to-end Encryption is a must in IoT.
Compatibility − There is no International Standard for the monitoring of the equipment.
Complexity − Most of the devices still contain some software bugs. Each device must be
able to seamlessly interact with other devices in the network.
Safety − Suppose a patient is left unattended by a doctor. And some notorious guy
changes the prescription or Health monitoring devices malfunctioned. Then it can result in
the death of the patient.
Policies − Government authorities must take some steps to make policies and standards
related to IoT to stop the Black marketing of IoT devices.
Design Principles
Basic design principles for IoT architecture design are:
Open source
Reuse of resources across application domains and across wide range of applications
Design for ensuring the privacy, security and trusted real world services
Scalability, performance and effectiveness
Simplicity of management
Design of different service delivery models
Life cycle support
From these various design principles, most important design principles for IoT are
In the world of IoT, user research and service design are more crucial than ever. While early
adopters are eager to try out new technology, many others are reluctant to take new technology
into use and cautious about using it, due to not feeling confident with it. For your IoT solution to
become widely adopted, you need to dig deep into users’ needs in order to find out where lies a
problem truly worth solving and what is the real end user value of the solution. You also need to
understand what might be the barriers of adopting the new technology in general and your
solution specifically. For deciding on your feature set, you need research too. The features that
might be valuable and highly relevant for the tech early adopters may be uninteresting for the
majority of the users and vice versa, so you need to plan carefully what features to include and in
which order.
IoT solutions typically consist of multiple devices with different capabilities and both physical
and digital touchpoints. The solution may also be provided in co-operation with multiple
different service providers. It is not enough to design one of the touchpoints well, instead you
need to take a holistic look across the whole system, the role of each device and service, and the
conceptual model of how user understands and perceives the system. The whole system needs to
work seamlessly together in order to create a meaningful experience.
As the IoT solutions are placed in the real world context, the consequences can be serious, when
something goes wrong. At the same time the users of the IoT solutions may be vary of using new
technology, so building trust should be one of your main design drivers. It is really important for
users to feel, that their private data is safe, their home, working environment and everyday
objects cannot be hacked and their loved ones are not put at risk. And quality assurance is critical
and it should not only focus on testing the SW, but on testing the end to end system, in a real-
world context.
In the real world context lots of unexpected things can happen and at the same time user should
be able to feel safe and in control. The context places also other kind of requirements to the
design. Depending on the physical context, the goal might be to minimize distraction of the user
or e.g. to design devices that hold up against changing weather conditions. IoT solutions in
homes, workplaces and public areas are are typically multi-user systems and thus less personal
than e.g. screen based solutions used in smartphones, which also brings into picture the social
context where the solution is used and its’ requirements for the design.
Due to the real world context of the IoT solutions, regardless of how carefully you design things
and aim to build trust, something unexpected will happen at some point and your solution is
somehow going to fail. In this kind of situations, it is of utmost importance, that you have built a
strong brand that truly resonates with the end users. When they feel connected to your brand,
they will be more forgiving about the system failures and will still keep on using your solution.
While designing your brand, you must keep in mind, that trust should be a key element of the
brand, one of the core brand values. This core value should also be reflected in the rest of the
brand elements, like the choice of color, tone of voice, imagery etc.
Typically HW and SW have quite different lifespans, but as successful IoT solution needs both
the HW and SW elements, the lifespans should be aligned. At the same time, IoT solutions are
hard to upgrade, because once the connected object is placed somewhere, it is not so easy to
replace it with a newer version, especially if the user would need to pay for the upgrade and even
the software within the connected object may be hard to update due to security and privacy
reasons. Due to these factors and to avoid costly hardware iterations, it’s crucial to get the
solution right, from the beginning of implementation. What this means from the design
perspective is that prototyping and rapid iteration of both the HW and the whole solution are
essential in the early stages of the project. New, more creative ways of prototyping and faking
the solution are needed.
IoT solutions can easily generate tons of data. However, the idea is not to hoard as much data as
possible, but instead to identify the data points that are needed to make the solution functional
and useful. Still, the amount of data may be vast, so it’s necessary for the designer to understand
the possibilities of data science and how to make sense of the data. Data science provides a lot of
opportunities to reduce user friction, i.e. reducing use of time, energy and attention or
diminishing stress. It can be used to automate repeated context dependent decisions, to interpret
intent from incomplete/inadequate input or to filter meaningful signals from noise.
Understanding what data is available and how it can be used to help the user is a key element in
designing successful IoT services.
Needed capabilities
can be used in data models for artificial intelligence (AI) and machine
Workplace data, which provides insights into how employees use spaces,
technologies, and energy, is one type of data that firms have but rarely use.
Companies spend a lot of money on buying or leasing real estate,
furnishing spaces, and running structures. Understanding how spaces are
used allows you to make more informed decisions about how to grow your
organization, plan development, update infrastructure, and estimate
workforce demands. Steelcase, a provider of office furniture, has taken
advantage of this commercial potential. Steelcase has created technology
to make greater use of IoT data in the workplace.
IoT can be used to improve existing business processes, but its actual
worth is realized when teams take the time to figure out what's failing and
why, fix the underlying issues, and align all associated processes and
workflows to optimize new IoT value.
Staff who can blend business and technology visions and strategies, agile
team leaders and practitioners, business process reengineering
specialists, analytics pros, and cyber security experts, all of whom can
work in an environment marked by constant change, uncertain outcomes,
and a desire to create and optimize business value, are likely on the wish
list for these companies.
Companies that use IoT devices and services are interacting with their
customers in new and possibly intrusive ways. For example, IoT allows for
comprehensive situational awareness, which may come as a surprise to
customers and employees if they aren't given enough information. In view
of shifting customer expectations surrounding privacy, the IoT team
requires mechanisms for considering and revising data collection and
usage practices.
Consumers are aware that they are handing over sensitive information, but
they expect firms to secure it and use it in ways that benefit both parties. As
firms move deeper into IoT, AI, and machine learning, many are creating
ethical data usage policies to define how they utilize data. These policies
IoT Applications
The Internet of Things (IoT) provides the ability to interconnect computing devices,
mechanical machines, objects, animals, or unique identifiers and people to transfer
data across a network without the need for human-to-human or human-to-computer
is a system of conversation. IoT applications bring a lot of value to our lives. The
Internet of Things provides objects, computing devices, or unique identifiers and
people's ability to transfer data across a network without the human-to-human or
human-to-computer interaction.
Fig 2: Application
City Automation:
IoT-enabled smart city use cases span multiple areas: from contributing to a
healthier environment and improving traffic to enhancing public safety and
optimizing street lighting. Below, we provide an overview of the most popular use
cases that are already implemented in smart cities across the globe.
With a network of smart meters, municipalities can provide citizens with cost-
effective connectivity to utility companies’ IT systems. Now, smart connected meters
can send data directly to a public utility over a telecom network, providing it with
reliable meter readings. Smart metering allows utility companies to bill accurately
for the amount of water, energy, and gas consumed by each household.
A network of smart meters enables utility companies to gain greater visibility and
see how their customers consume energy and water. With a network of smart
meters, utility companies can monitor demand in real-time and redirect resources as
necessary or encourage consumers to use less energy or water at times of shortage.
Remote monitoring
IoT smart city solutions can also provide citizens with utility management services.
These services allow citizens to use their smart meters to track and control their
usage remotely. For instance, a householder can turn off their home central heating
using a mobile phone. Additionally, if a problem (e.g., a water leakage) occurs,
utility companies can notify householders and send specialists to fix it.
E- Health care:
The Internet of Things (IoT) devices can collect and share data directly with other
devices through the cloud environment, providing a huge amount of information to
be gathered, stored, and analyzed for data-analytics processes. The scenarios in
which the IoT devices may be useful are amazing varying, from automotive to
industrial automation or remote monitoring of the domestic environment.
Furthermore, has been proved that healthcare applications represent an important
field of interest for IoT devices, due to the capability of improving the access to care,
reducing the cost of healthcare, and most importantly increasing the quality of life of
the patients. In this paper, we analyze the state-of-art of IoT in a medical
environment, illustrating an extended range of IoT-driven healthcare applications
that, however, still need innovative and high technology-based solutions to be
considered ready to market. In particular, problems regarding characteristics of
One of the challenges of medical care is the distribution of accurate and current
information to patients. Healthcare also struggles with the guidance given the
complexity of the following guidance. IoT devices not only improve facilities and
professional practice, but also health in the daily lives of individuals.
IoT devices give direct, 24/7 access to the patient in a less intrusive way than other
options. They take healthcare out of facilities and into the home, office, or social
space. They empower individuals in attending to their health and allow providers to
deliver better and more granular care to patients. This results in fewer accidents
from miscommunication, improved patient satisfaction, and better preventive care.
Emergency Care
The advanced automation and analytics of IoT allow more powerful emergency
support services, which typically suffer from their limited resources and disconnect
with the base facility. It provides a way to analyze an emergency more completely
from miles away. It also gives more providers access to the patient before their
arrival. IoT gives providers critical information for delivering essential care on
arrival. It also raises the level of care available to a patient received by emergency
professionals. This reduces the associated losses and improves emergency
IoT can deliver relevant data superior to standard analytics through integrated
instruments capable of performing viable research. It also integrates into actual
practice to provide more key information. This aids in healthcare by providing more
reliable and practical data, and better leads; which yields better solutions and
discovery of previously unknown issues.
IoT closes gaps between the equipment and the way we deliver healthcare by
creating a logical system rather than a collection of tools. It then reveals patterns and
missing elements in healthcare such as obvious necessary improvements or huge
Automotive applications
Mass transit options beyond standard MRT suffer from a lack of the integration
necessary to transform them from an option to a dedicated service. IoT provides an
inexpensive and advanced way to optimize performance and bring qualities of MRT
to other transportation options like buses. This improves services and service
delivery in the areas of scheduling, optimizing transport times, reliability, managing
equipment issues, and responding to customer needs.
The primary concerns of traffic are managing congestion, reducing accidents, and
parking. IoT allows us to better observe and analyze the flow of traffic through
devices at all traffic observation points. It aids in parking by making storage flow
transparent when current methods offer little if any data.
Accidents typically result from some factors, however, traffic management impacts
their frequency. Construction sites, poor rerouting, and a lack of information about
traffic status are all issues that lead to incidents. IoT provides solutions in the form of
better information sharing with the public, and between various parties directly
affecting road traffic.
Many in the automotive industry envision a future for cars in which IoT technology
makes cars ―smart,‖ attractive options equal to MRT. IoT offers a few significant
improvements to personal vehicles. Most benefits come from better control over
related infrastructure and the inherent flaws in automobile transport; however, IoT
does improve personal vehicles as personal spaces. IoT brings the same
improvements and customization to a vehicle as those in the home.
Commercial Transportation
Consumers benefit personally and professionally from the optimization and data
analysis of IoT. IoT technology behaves like a team of personal assistants, advisors,
and security. It enhances the way we live, work, and play.
Butler − IoT waits for you to return home, and ensures your home remains fully
prepared. It monitors your supplies, family, and the state of your home. It takes
action to resolve any issues that appear.
Chef − An IoT kitchen prepares meals or simply aids you in preparing them.
Gardner − The same IoT systems of a farm easily work for home landscaping.
Repairman − Smart systems perform key maintenance and repairs and also request
Security Guard − IoT watches over you 24/7. It can observe suspicious individuals
miles away and recognize the potential of minor equipment problems to become
disasters well before they do.
IoT learns as much about you as it does professionally. This enables the technology
to support leisure −
Culture and Night Life − IoT can analyze your real-world activities and response to
guide you in finding more of the things and places you enjoy such as recommending
restaurants and events based on your preferences and experiences.
Vacations − Planning and saving for vacations proves difficult for some, and many
utilize agencies, which can be replaced by IoT.
Products and Services − IoT offers a better analysis of the products you like and need
than current analytics based on its deeper access. It integrates with key information
like your finances to recommend great solutions.
Basics of networking:
A computer network is made up of two or more computers that are linked together
by cables (wired) or WiFi (wireless) in order to transmit, exchange, or share data
and resources. Hardware (such as routers, switches, access points, and cables) and
software are used to create a computer network (e.g., operating systems or business
Networks can be wired or wireless, with the majority of networks combining the two.
Most networks nowadays, however, will use a combination of wired and wireless
Ethernet is the data link protocol used in wired networks. This is unlikely to alter
with the Internet of Things, as most IoT devices will be wireless.
Wired advantages
• Almost all laptops/PCs and netbooks, even ones as old as eight years, include
Ethernet connectors.
• Wireless networks are slower than wired networks. Data rates were boosted
from 10 megabits per second to 1 gigabit per second on a regular basis. The
majority of residential networks use speeds of 10 to 100 Mbps.
• Many of these drawbacks are overcome by a new technique that uses mains
cable. On home and small office networks, powerline networking is common.
Wireless network
Wi-Fi is the data communication protocol used by wireless networks. Other wireless
options for the IoT, on the other hand, are being developed (Internet of things).
Wireless networking technologies for IoT can be found here.
• Generally, Networks that are wireless are slower than those that are wired.
• Range is a limitation.
• Eavesdropping is possible.
Network topology
There are a variety of methods for connecting network nodes. This isn't usually a
consideration in small networks, but it becomes increasingly significant as networks
grow larger.
Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and other common connection technologies are intended to work
with a specific network layout.
Common are:
• Bus
• Ring
• Mesh
• Star
• Hybrid
Each of these topologies has benefits and drawbacks. This page on network
topologies gives a fair overview of each topology, as well as its benefits and
Early Ethernet networks, modern Ethernet networks, and Wi-Fi networks all used a
bus structure. Use a hybrid (star bus) structure.
Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, on the other hand, are being improved to accommodate mesh
Network size
The size of a network varies greatly. The following are some terms that are
frequently used:
PAN - PAN (Personal Area Network) is a network that connects local devices, such as
a computer to a printer.
LAN - The LAN (Local Area Network) connects devices in a single or multiple
MAN - MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) is a network that connects devices across
numerous buildings, such as a campus.
WAN - WAN stands for wide area network, and it connects devices across a country
or countries.
Machine-to-machine (M2M)
M2M technology was first adopted in manufacturing and industrial settings, where
other technologies, such as SCADA and remote monitoring, helped remotely
manage and control data from equipment. M2M has since found applications in other
sectors, such as healthcare, business, and insurance. M2M is also the foundation for
the internet of things (IoT).
Utility companies often rely on M2M devices and applications to not only harvest
energy, such as oil and gas but also to bill customers -- through the use of smart
meters -- and to detect worksite factors, such as pressure, temperature, and
equipment status.
M2M apps
In telemedicine, M2M devices can enable the real-time monitoring of patients' vital
statistics, dispensing medicine when required, or tracking healthcare assets.
The combination of the IoT, AI, and ML is transforming and improving mobile
payment processes and creating new opportunities for different purchasing
behaviors. Digital wallets, such as Google Wallet and Apple Pay, will most likely
contribute to the widespread adoption of M2M financial activities.
Smart home systems have also incorporated M2M technology. The use of M2M in this
embedded system enables home appliances and other technologies to have real-
time control of operations as well as the ability to remotely communicate.
The main purpose of machine-to-machine technology is to tap into sensor data and
transmit it to a network. Unlike SCADA or other remote monitoring tools, M2M
systems often use public networks and access methods -- for example, cellular or
Ethernet -- to make it more cost-effective.
The main components of an M2M system include sensors, RFID, a Wi-Fi or cellular
communications link, and autonomic computing software programmed to help a
network device interpret data and make decisions. These M2M applications
translate the data, which can trigger preprogrammed, automated actions.
The Internet and improved standards for wireless technology have expanded the
role of telemetry from pure science, engineering, and manufacturing to everyday
use in products such as heating units, electric meters, and internet-connected
devices, such as appliances.
Beyond being able to remotely monitor equipment and systems, the top
benefits of M2M include:
M2M requirements:
Anonymity - The M2M system must be able to hide the identity of an M2M device
when requested, subject to regulatory requirements.
Logging - M2M systems must support the recording of important events, such as
failed installation attempts, service not operating, or the occurrence of faulty
information. The logs should be available by request.
Delivery methods - The M2M system should support unicast, anycast, multicast, and
broadcast communication modes, with the broadcast being replaced by multicast or
anycast whenever possible to minimize the load on the communication network.
M2M standards
• Gateway
• Physical devices and Controllers (the things in IoT) [Sensors, machines, devices,
Intelligent Edge nodes of Different Types
Businesses are faced with the issue of integrating a plethora of devices and
protocols, many of which have different power and connectivity requirements, as the
Internet of Things (IoT) grows. It's possible that legacy technology will be included
in this mix.
IoT Gateways have evolved to fulfill a variety of functions, ranging from simple data
filtering to visualization and advanced analytics. These intelligent devices are
assisting in the current wave of IoT growth.
• Data visualization and basic data analytics via IoT Gateway applications
• System diagnostics
Data management
Data management is the process of reducing a large amount of data to the most
relevant information. Various devices and applications send vast amounts of data in
a variety of formats. Managing all of this IoT data necessitates the creation and
implementation of architectures, rules, practices, and procedures capable of
meeting the full data lifecycle requirements.
Smart devices are in charge of automating processes so that we can save time.
Intelligent things can gather, transmit, and analyze data, but aggregating data and
drawing inferences, trends, and patterns will require a tool.
Embedded system and device developers and manufacturers must create systems
that meet the demands of data management. They must create a data management
framework that is interoperable with all software and hardware involved in data
collection, administration, and distribution. To reduce the end-time-to-market,
product's the design must be efficient.
Analytical purposes are carried out using data from IoT devices. Dark data is
information that corporations collect and retain but does not use for analytical
purposes, therefore it remains largely stable. Customer demographics, purchase
histories, and satisfaction levels, as well as generic product data, are all included.
Given the vast volumes of data generated by the Internet of Things, businesses must
be able to scale up data volumes quickly and seamlessly. Current infrastructures
must be able to scale up and down easily, and on a global scale. Dealing with
challenges like shrinking storage size and costs should be a thing of the past—the
pace of innovation and the speed with which IoT data is created make circumstances
where storage and expenses are a worry difficult to afford. Rather, the data lifecycle
must be reimagined in light of technological limitations.
Organizations should consider whether their current network and infrastructure can
handle massive data volumes in the long run. They should also consider which
storage solution is best for them: cloud, data center, data stored at the edge, or a
hybrid model. Organizations must also define the levels of access to the data, as well
as the data's retention obligations and legal implications. Existing infrastructures
must be flexible enough to accommodate data processing activities in the next
years, which requires foresight.
Data gravity
Value is created by volume. Data gravity develops when the volume of IoT data
expands. As data volumes increase, other applications or services can extract value
from it. As a result, these apps lead to the creation of even greater data volumes.
Massive amounts of data lead to more insight. As a result, the more data there is, the
more value it has in terms of actionable intelligence. This is why businesses must be
able to maintain robust infrastructures capable of safely harvesting, managing, and
extracting insights from data.
As a result, every IoT data management system must integrate data sources at the
edge and services. This includes real-time processing of operational data, secure
integration of components and connections within an IoT environment, and security
safeguards that enable enterprises to connect, harvest, share, and manage data
across the whole IoT network.
A worldwide IoT platform with an integrated cloud data science studio for IoT
analytics can effectively address the concerns of scalability, data gravity, and
integration. This will allow you to connect, manage, grow, and deploy within an IoT
infrastructure environment that is already in place.
As the number of IoT devices grows, so will the issues of real-time processing and
analysis in order to save storage time. To provide ample room for new information,
metadata such as user IDs and passwords must be optimized.
Data from IoT devices must also be reviewed for quality. Having a large number of
diverse devices linked directly to cloud services creates a large attack surface,
which can be reduced by routing data through a secure gateway device.
Product development
IoT data management can help you recognize and use patterns, which can then be
used in the decision-making process to improve product design and development.
Businesses can discover faults, monitor performance, and get quick access to
measurements thanks to data management solutions. All of these provide
information about how products are used, which may be used to identify areas that
require improvement and to improve existing product versions. As a result of the
insights pouring into product development, the user experience improves.
Streamlining and efficacy are the goals of data management. Data management
allows you to have a better understanding of how customers interact with your
products in a consumer IoT context. You will be better equipped to make the proper
judgments as a result of these insights. You can assess favored features, keep track
of engagement histories, and prevent deterioration by watching how users interact
with your service.
Wear-and-tear projections for your linked infrastructure and assets are also covered
by IoT data management. Finally, IoT data management aids in the analysis of
equipment life cycles and the creation of maintenance schedules. You can utilize the
data to see if devices and/or people are acting in unusual ways and create
predictions based on that information. Using insights from both user and device
behavior to conduct predictive analytics and discover places where your product
needs to be rethought will help you conduct predictive analytics and identify areas
where your product needs to be rethought.
Industries all across the world are learning and experimenting with the Internet of
Things. They can make better use of IoT solutions if they understand the technology
and the business processes that surround it. Businesses must understand how to
leverage the Internet of Things to collect sensor data intelligently from various users
and process it in a cloud architecture.
In India, only a small percentage of individuals still use Nokia feature phones, while
the majority of people have switched to smartphones. Nokia paid a high price for
failing to notice smartphone technologies: it lost consumers and, as a result,
revenue. This shows that businesses and governments cannot afford to ignore the
Internet of Things. Companies all around the world are looking for new technology
to boost productivity, employee morale, and profits. In this field, the Internet of
Things (IoT) is gaining traction.
Companies must learn how to identify IoT processes in order to optimize their
business operations. A business process is a set of events, activities, and choices that
all happen at the same time. It involves a variety of aspects and resources that, when
combined, result in a valuable output for both the organization and the consumer.
Everything-as-a- The term "service" refers to the services and apps that users can
request on the Internet.
Now that we've gone over the definition of XaaS, let's look at some of the most
popular -aaS cases (aside from SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS).
Fig 6: Xaas
Service (HaaS)
MSPs (managed
providers) own
hardware and
can install it on
customers' sites
whenever they
Communication-as-a-Service (CaaS)
Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS)
Desktops are supplied as virtual services, complete with all necessary applications.
As a result, a client can operate on a home computer while also tapping into the
computing capacity of third-party servers (which can be much more powerful than
those of a PC).
Security-as-a-Service (SECaaS)
Healthcare-as-a-Service (HaaS)
• Lab samples collection even at home and delivery of results as soon as they are
Transportation-as-a-Service (TaaS)
Mobility and flexibility of traveling over various distances are important trends in
modern civilization. As a result of the proliferation of transportation-related apps, a
portion of the business is shifting to a -aaS model. The following are some of the most
vivid examples:
Carsharing - You can rent a car from any location using a special app and drive
wherever you need to go, paying for the time you use the car or the distance you
Uber taxi services - You hire a cab through an app that estimates the cost of the
journey ahead of time). In the near future, Uber plans to test flying taxis and self-
driving planes.
Benefits of XaaS
Due to a variety of benefits, they provide both for enterprises and end-users, the
market for cloud computing and Internet-based services is rapidly growing. The
following are the most significant advantages:
Cost and time effectiveness - (A corporation does not need to buy its own
equipment and hence does not need to deploy it, saving time and money; a pay-as-
you-go approach is also advantageous)
Focus on core competencies - (Employees can focus on their direct jobs and
achieve higher performance because they don't have to set up apps and programs
or go through training.)
The high quality of services - (Because specialists manage and maintain your
infrastructure and systems, they can supply the most recent updates as well as all
upcoming technologies, ensuring that your services are of the highest quality.)
The Internet of Things (IoT) generates a large amount of data, which is referred to as
big data. For businesses, managing the flow and storage of this data is a difficult
task. Cloud computing, with its various models and implementation platforms,
assists businesses in managing and analyzing data, hence improving the overall
efficiency and effectiveness of IoT systems. DLM, AEP, and Digital Twins are just a
few of the solutions that cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS) and
Microsoft Azure can help with.
Cloud computing enables businesses to store and manage data on cloud platforms,
allowing for scalability in application and software as a service delivery. Cloud
computing also allows data to be transferred and stored over the internet or via a
direct link, allowing for continuous data flow between devices, apps, and the cloud.
The Internet of Things (sensors, machines, and devices) generate a massive quantity
of data per second, as we all know. Cloud computing aids in the storing and analysis
of this data, allowing businesses to get the most out of their IoT infrastructure. The
Internet of Things (IoT) solution should link and allow communication between
things, people, and processes, and cloud computing plays a key part in this
collaboration in order to achieve high visibility.
The Internet of Things isn't simply about system connectivity, data collection,
storage, and analytics. It aids in the modernization of operations by linking legacy
and smart devices, as well as machines to the internet, and by removing barriers
between IT and OT teams through a single view of systems and data. In IoT
deployments, cloud computing eliminates the need to deploy large hardware,
configure, and manage networks and infrastructure. Cloud computing also allows
businesses to scale up or down their infrastructure based on their demands without
having to invest in new gear or infrastructure.
This not only helps to speed up the development process, but it can also save
money. Because businesses only pay for the resources they use, they won't have to
spend money on purchasing and provisioning servers and other infrastructure.
In the IoT ecosystem, there are numerous cloud services and platforms that perform
distinct functions. To do complicated analytics, some platforms include built-in
features such as machine learning, business intelligence tools, and SQL query
engines. Let's look at how various cloud platforms and services might help an IoT
Cloud services (SaaS) enable businesses to create apps and software that link
devices and enable device registration, onboarding, remote device upgrades, and
remote device diagnosis in a fraction of the time while lowering operating and
support expenses. Within the IoT ecosystem, cloud introduces DevOps, which
enables enterprises automate various activities remotely. As more devices become
connected, data protection, control, and management become increasingly
Cloud services enable IoT remote device lifecycle management, which is critical for
obtaining a 360-degree picture of the device infrastructure. Several cloud providers
provide IoT device lifecycle solutions that make updating and setting up firmware
and software over the air simple (FOTA).
The cloud allows for application portability and interoperability over a network of
diverse cloud installations. To put it another way, these are the intercloud
advantages that companies may take use of. SDKs (Software Development Kits) are
available in Intercloud systems, allowing businesses to construct applications and
software without having to worry about the backend procedures.
Connectivity Foundation (OCF) ensures that devices can safely connect and interact
in any cloud environment, bringing interoperability to the connected world.
The standardization of the Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF) ensures that devices
can safely connect and interact in any cloud environment, bringing interoperability
to the connected world.
It outlines the procedures that must be taken as part of IoT (Internet of Things)
security to avoid potential hacking. It also includes links to the following Internet of
Things sub-topics:
The Internet of Things (IoT) business is flourishing, and IoT gadgets have become a
need in human life. IoT stands for Internet of Things, as we all know. This means that
in order to use IoT network services, each device must be IP compliant, which
means that all devices must have IP addresses in order to connect to the internet
backbone and co-exist in the IoT system.
IoT devices are rapidly gaining popularity for a variety of purposes, and people
have begun to use them without regard for security concerns. This has resulted in
major security concerns, as the IoT system contains numerous loopholes that might
be exploited by hackers.
The typical IoT topology is depicted in Figure 1. Data storage or acquisition, data
processing, gateway, wired or wireless network, and IoT devices are all part of the
IoT system, as indicated (e.g., sensors, hubs and user end devices). IoT users use
both public and private cloud storage locations.
IoT systems can be hacked via wireless devices because most of them use existing
wireless networks like wifi, zigbee, zwave, GSM, and so on. Precautions should be
taken to ensure that IoT devices and networks are used safely and securely. These
are extremely beneficial as IoT security features for both users and IoT network
service providers.
• Do not be in a hurry to start utilizing your IoT gadget; instead, protect it with
anti-malware and anti-virus software.
• If feasible, change the password on your IoT device on a frequent basis to boost
• If your home network is less secure than your office network, don't bring any
important business material home to rework. Do not keep sensitive information on
readily hacked storage devices or in public storage facilities. Furthermore, avoid
using a public WiFi network for such tasks.
• Turn down unneeded IoT devices in your home network since they are exposed
to hackers. When not in use, for example, turn off IoT-enabled thermostats.
• When you don't need internet connectivity, turn off the wifi on your smartphone.
This is because it has been discovered that passwords and location information from
smartphone-based fitness apps can be easily leaked through public wifi networks.
• Companies in the business, finance, and banking sectors should keep and
retain data until it is needed. To reduce the risk of hacking, they should be erased
after they are no longer needed.
• House owners should exercise caution to ensure that no unclaimed IoT gadget
is installed or placed on their property without their permission. Later on, hackers
may be able to use these devices for malicious purposes.
• Regular software fixes for smart watches, IoT sensors, IoT gadgets, and
healthcare apps on smartphones should be provided by IoT service providers. This
improves the security of IoT devices. These fixes should be able to handle the most
recent and contemporary malware and viruses.