experiment of installing mongo
experiment of installing mongo
experiment of installing mongo
Step 2 : Once you are on the MongoDB download page, you will need to make several selections to ensure you
download the correct installer for your system.
Step3: Installing MongoDB on Windows
Theory :
What is mongodb?
MongoDB is a popular open-source NoSQL database management system that uses a document-oriented
data model. Here are some key features and concepts:
> Document-Oriented Storage: Unlike traditional relational databases that store data in rows and
columns, MongoDB stores data in flexible, JSON-like documents. Each document can have its own
unique structure.
> Schema-Less: MongoDB is schema-less, meaning documents in the same collection do not need to
have the same set of fields or structure.
> Collections: Documents are grouped into collections, which are analogous to tables in relational
> Scalability: MongoDB is designed to scale horizontally by sharding, which involves distributing data
across multiple servers.
These databases are best suited for These databases are not so good for
complex queries complex queries
Follows ACID property Follows CAP(consistency, availability,
partition tolerance)
SQL databases use a powerful language In NoSQL databases, collection of
"Structured Query Language" to define documents are used to query the data. It
and manipulate the data. is also called unstructured query
language. It varies from database to
SQL databases display data in form of NoSQL databases display data as
tables so it is known as table-based collection of key-value pair, documents,
database. graph databases or wide-column stores.
MySQL, Oracle, Sqlite, PostgreSQL and MongoDB, BigTable, Redis, RavenDB,
MS-SQL etc. are the example of SQL Cassandra, Hbase, Neo4j, CouchDB etc.
database. are the example of nosql database