Pcg 221 Note
Pcg 221 Note
Pcg 221 Note
What is Microscope?
There are different types of microscope and each of these has different purposes of
use. Some are suitable for biological application while others are used in
educational institution, some help in studying three-dimensional samples, we have
the following
1) Simple microscope
2) Compound microscope
3) Electron microscope
4) Stereo microscope
5) Scanning probe microscope
6) Fluorescence microscope
7) Darkfield microscope
Simple microscope is a type of microscope that uses a single lens for magnification
of a sample, it is used in reading and magnifying non complex object, they use
natural light to see an object, it is simply a large magnifying glass with a shorter
focal length that has a convex mirror with a small focal area. It has magnification
level depending on the lens used.
This is the most common type of microscope use today. They are use in clinical
practice and are also use by microbiologist, they are called light microscope, they
are use in laboratories, schools, histology and pathology. The compound medium
allows magnification in a very fine scale . they uses light or illuminator to view
specimen while simple uses natural light. Its magnification is 40x,100x, 400x and
Upto 1000x thereby making the specimen look larger through the microscope
through zooming in the lenses. Compound microscope can be used to view
samples like bacteria, parasites, hostcells, tissues, organs, bloodcells.
This uses the flow of electrons to produce an image. This microscope enhance the
images of viruses, proteins, lipids, Ribosomes and small molecules.
This uses ultraviolent light to illuminate specimens that fluoresce. mostly a
florescent antibody or dye is added on the viewed specimen.
These microscopes have a device that scatters light from the illuminator and
it does this to make the specimen appear white against black background.
Turn on the microscope and then rotate the nosepiece to click the red-bended
objective into place
Place a Slide on the stage and secure it using the stage clip, use the coarse
adjustment knob to get the image into view and then use the fine adjustment
knob (small knob) to make it clearer. Once you have the image in view
rotate the nosepiece to view it under different powers, draw what you see on
your worksheet. Be careful with the largest objective sometimes there is not
enough room and you will not be able to use it. when done turn off the
microscope and put up the slides you used.
Always start with the scanning objective. Use coarse knob to focus image maybe
small at this magnification but you wouldn’t be able to find it on higher power
without this first step. Do not use stage clips try moving the slide around until you
find something. Once you have focused on scanning switch to low power use
coarse knob to refocus. again if you have not focused on this level you will not be
able to move to the next level. Now switch to high power at this point, only use the
fine adjustment knob to focus the specimen. If specimen is too light or dark try
adjusting the diaphragm.
To Calculate the power of the magnification, multiply the power of ocular lens by
the power of the Objective lens.
Total magnification
. Leaves:
a. The leaves of Digitalis Purpurea are the source of Digitoxin and Digoxin,
which are cardiac glycosides.
b. Leaves of Eucalyptus give oil of Eucalyptus, which is important component
of cold & cough syrup.
c. Tobacco leaves give nicotine.
d. Atropa belladonna gives atropine
2. Flowers:
Poppy papaversomniferum gives morphine (opoid)
Vincarosea gives vincristine and vinblastine
Rose gives rose water used as tonic.
3. Fruits:
• Sennapod gives anthracine, which is a purgative.
4. Seeds:
• Seeds of NuxVomica give strychnine, which is a CNS stimulant.
• Castor seeds give castor oil.
• Isabgol.
•Ipecacuanha root gives Emetine ,used to induce vomiting as in accidental
poisoning. It also has amoebicidal properties.
•Rauwolfia serpentine gives reserpine,a hypotensive agent.
•Reserpine was used for hypertension treatment.
Mineral sources
We have already talked more on plants drugs we will also talk on
other natural sources as mentioned above.
2)Animal Sources
These are natural sources of drugs from animals we have Gelatin
obtained from Ox and Sheep, wool fat from sheep, bees wax from
honeycomb, we have the pancrease, product derived in it is Insulin
which is used in treating diabetes, we have sheep thyroid, product
obtained is thyroxin used in treating hypertension , we have cod liver
from COD stock fish it gives vitamin A and D. Vitamin A helps to
boost body mechanism against illness and infection, it also helps in
vision and also keeps the skin and some other part of the body such as
nose healthy. We have Vitamin D which helps to reduce cancer cells
growth , it also helps to control infections and reduce inflammation.
3)Mineral Source:
Under the mineral sources we have the following
Metallic acid and non metallic
Miscellaneous sources
Miscellanaeus sources
When the nucleus of the drug from natural source as well as its chemical structure
is altered we call it synthetic examples include Emetine, bismuth iodide.
When the nucleus of drugs obtained from natural source is retained but the
chemical structure ia altered we call it semi synthetic eg Apomorphine, diacetyl,
morphine, ethinyl, estradiol, homatropine , methyl testosterone.
5) Biotechnology
The cell is the basic unit of life. Plant cells (unlike animal cells) are
surrounded by a thick, rigid cell wall
Cell wall
This is a thick rigid membrane that surrounds a plant cell. This layer of
cellulose fiber gives the cell most of its support and structure. The cell wall
also bonds with other cell walls to form the structure of the plant.
This is a small body located near the nucleus. It has a dense centre and
radiating tubules, it is were microtubules are made, during cell division
(mitosis) the centrosome divides and the two parts move to opposite sides of
the dividing cell unlike the centrosomes in animal cells, plant cells
centrosomes do not have centrioles.
This is a molecule that can use light energy from the sunlight to turn water
and carbon dioxide gas into sugar and oxygen. this process is called
photosynthesis, chlorophyll is magnesium based and are usually green.