Centralised Dashboard for SNJB COE

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Centralised Dashboard For SNJB COE

Ayush Bhandari, ApekshaKapadnis, Shashikala Patangade, Akash Zanjari Dr.
Mahesh Sanghavi

SNJB’s KBJ COE Chandwad, Nashik

Keywords— data analytics, dashboard, google

ABSTRACT— An increasingly important tool
spreadsheet, organization, statistical data,
for many sectors, including education, is data
decision making
analytics. the rapidly evolving market of today.
Data analysis, and the interactive dashboards
that result from it, have seen a significant
increase in popularity in recent years. I.Introduction
Dashboards are crucial for saving a significant Any organization’s ability to make effective
amount of time for analysts and organizations decisions is largely dependent on its ability to
due of their data representation, which is access large amounts of data. This
intuitive to the eye. This is made possible by information is essential for determining the
presenting brief summaries in tables and entity falling under its purview’s long-term
reducing extensive information into graphs, strategic orientation. The accuracy and speed
which provide quick and comprehensive with which data may be obtained and
understanding of the current state of affairs. processed considerably aids in the decision-
Additionally, these dashboards serve as making process. In order to obtain
incredibly useful instruments in the decision- information quickly and accurately in today’s
making process, ensuring that decisions are corporate environment, utilizing data and
made with great efficiency and knowledge. technology platforms is not only a must but
also a necessity. In actuality, data is an
Our innovative idea is focused on implementing amalgam of many information sources that
an interactive dashboard at our esteemed are compiled and made accessible for
college, Late Sau. K.B.J. College of Engineering, predetermined uses. These sources can
Chandwad, to monitor and optimize every include financial records, customer feedback,
aspect of administrative and academic activities. external market research, internal databases,
It has long been the responsibility of department and more. To make wise decisions, one must
heads and the principal to oversee the execution be able to take advantage of this abundance
of various assignments and subsequently report of data and turn it into actionable insights.
these actions to higher authorities. To address Having effective visual representations of this
this, we have put out a cutting-edge dashboard information can greatly benefit various
solution that goes beyond conventional divisions inside a business. When given in its
reporting. most basic format—rows and columns—raw
It allows users to explore summaries for a data may be intimidating and frequently
comprehensive and in-depth analysis of all the challenging to understand. Here’s where
many aspects of our institution's operations in dashboards come in quite handy. As they can
addition to presenting statistical data as graphs convert data into aesthetically pleasing
tables, charts, graphs, and other visual aids,

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dashboards act as a link between raw data stories.The initiative called Equity Scorecard.
and insightful understandings.
The project includes a theoretical framework for
taking action using realistic methods. Institutional
adjustments that will give all students of color more
II. RelativeNetwork fair outcomes "[4]
Our brains are now free to fully investigate the Dashboards are then constructed to offer
dashboard idea and its attributes inside the contextual metrics for long-term planning after that.
Educational groups. We started our investigation by
looking at every parameter, criterion, and Initiatives undergo assessment. This technique is the
dashboard specification in order to find this main focus of this study, although it may be
problem. We recently completed the study's second adjusted at the macro level with the use of organ
phase, which involved gathering the necessary
materials. The researcher investigated the design
and functionality of the dashboard and evaluated a Learning panels are becoming more typical as
number of books and journals with the use of educational technologies like learning management
secondary data analysis. systems and massively open online courses are
increasingly employed in massively open online
courses [5]. 346 papers were found through a
In higher education, dashboards are being used preliminary search of G Scholar and five significant
more and more by a range of stakeholders, academic databases; 55 of them were chosen for
including students ]. Universities monitor student the main study. Since the field is still in its infancy,
learning, get pedagogy feedback , and have the majority of research is experimental and
university administrators who oversee and assist exploratory in character. The description of a
advisors, students, faculty, and staff who assist learning dashboard, a list of unresolved problems in
students in making decisions. Significant this field, and suggestions for further study are
advancements in our understanding of how to provided at the conclusion of this article.
create LADs in higher education have been achieved investigations and long term field investigations
by researchers. LAD sees potential to strategically contrasting various dashboard designs are required.
improve diversity, equality, and inclusion in higher
education by building on this knowledge
framework.The terms "data dashboard," "web In order for a dashboard to serve as a valuable
dashboard," "learning dashboard," and "learning instrument for learning and decision support,
analytics dashboard" are all used to characterize the researchers must first comprehend the information
learning dashboard. Other definitions of a that ought to be shown on the dashboard and the
dashboard have also been put forward. ..It gives the appropriate timing and presentation of that
most crucial information required to accomplish one information. .Review panels now in place
or more goals: a visual representation. You can view concentrate on control cases and brief case studies.
all the facts at a glance because it's all on one For inspiration, Duval et al., for instance, examined
screen, according to Steven several dashboards and data visualizations. Creation
of an educational dashboard .

We could either advocate for further LAD research The first step in creating dashboards that aid in
on this crucial subject or critically evaluate what LAD decision-making and learning is for researchers to
stands for in terms of diversity, equity, and inclusion determine what data should be shown on the
by using the present social justice movement. We dashboard and how it should be presented
would like to let you know that creating data-driven truthfully and timely
dashboards is something that academics are I. Proposed Method
interested in doing. Students from historically
marginalized backgrounds share their own
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Principle :-It is able to utilize every module in the
HOD :- Only a particular module of the department
can be utilized.
Students :- They are able to view public graphs.

We have done this project in steps which has an

input and gives the output and this output is
consider as input of next steps and the steps are

Step 1: Data Input from Spreadsheet

Input: Excel or CSV files uploaded by users
containing: Placement data (e.g., student names,
companies, packages, years)

Designing an effective dashboard requires a user- Student achievements (e.g., awards, competitions,
centered approach. The first step is to identify the years)
target audience and the information they need. Teacher achievements (e.g., publications,
Next, choose key metrics (KPIs) that align with those recognitions, years)
goals. Visualizations like charts and graphs should
be clear and concise, allowing users to grasp the Output: Parsed and structured data in JSON or a
data quickly. Prioritization and layout are crucial, database format
placing the most important information upfront.
Step 2: Data Filtering
Collaborating with stakeholders to comprehend
their needs and specifications for the dashboard is Input: User-selected filtering criteria such as:
known as requirements gathering. This entails
determining the essential KPIs and metrics that Year
must be monitored in addition to the appropriate Specific metrics (e.g., placement rate, highest
degree of customisation and depth. Data package)
integration: In order to obtain the pertinent metrics
and KPIs, the dashboard must be linked to the Categories (e.g., type of achievement)
different data sources. This can entail creating Output:
unique data connectors or using integrations that
already exist. Design and development of the Filtered subset of data matching the criteria
dashboard user interface in addition to the
Step 3: API Integration
underlying data processing and visualization
algorithms are included .Develop a dashboard to Input: Filtered data request with criteria parameters
provide visual representations of complex data from
Data processing request
various sources, enabling efficient data analysis and
informed decision-making. This project is divided Output:
into 3 modules which includes:-Computer
Department, Mechanical Department ,ENTC JSON responses with filtered or processed data
Department ,all this module consist the data i.e Status messages for data processing
teacher Achievements, student Achievements and
placement data And there are also 3 sub Modules Step 4: Data Representation (Graphs)
that are :- Input:

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Filtered data for visualization http://www.logixml.com/resources
Output: /whitepapers/ 04Dashboards.pdf.
2. .Few,
Graphical representations of data such as:
S.InformationDashboardDesign :
Bar charts showing placement statistics over the theEffectiveVisualCommunication
years ofData, pp.40− 46.Sebastapol,
Pie charts displaying the distribution of student California : O′ReillyMedia,
achievements Inc.(2006).
Line graphs illustrating teacher achievements over
3. Hetherington,
time V.TheDashboardDemystified.http
The flow of our model is:- les/
first step is start then dashboard then login the digitaldashboards/fundamentals/t
check if principle then select Department then he − dashboard − demystif
visualization then end if not principle then check if ied.aspx.
hod if yes the particular Department then 4. T ufte,
visualization then end if not head of Department E.R.BeautifulEvidence.Cheshire,
then public chart then end her ve have applied the Connecticut :
encryption for the purpose of security
5. W ickens, C.D., Hollands,
EXPECTEDRESULT J.G.EngineeringPsychologyandH
The dashboard should dynamically present
customized data visualizations: Principals can UpperSaddleRiver, NewJersey :
view and select data from any department, P rentice − HallInc.(2000).
Heads of Departments (HODs) see 6. Rasmussen, N., Chen, C.Y.,
visualizations specific to their departments, and Bansal,
general users access public charts, ensuring M.BusinessDashboards.Hoboken
relevant and role-specific insights.
, NewJersey : John W ileySons,
I. Conclusion 7. W ard, M., Grinstein, G.,
The dashboard ensures reliable data availability and andKeim,
saves time by providing a consolidated, visually D.InteractiveDataVisualization : F
structured view of the data. Manual data gathering oundations, T echniques,
is not necessary for higher authorities to make well- andApplications.pp.320−−21.N
informed judgments about administration, atick, M assachusetts : A.K.P
admissions, and results.It is promoting a more agile eters, Ltd.(2010)
and responsive approach to challenges and
8. Cooper, A., Reimann, R., Cronin,
D.AboutF ace3 : T
References heEssentialsofInteractionDesign,
pp.17− −25.Indianapolis, Indiana :
1. Fuchs, G. Dashboard Best
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