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3 Hours / 70 Marks Seat No.

Instructions – (1) All Questions are Compulsory.

(2) Answer each next main Question on a new page.
(3) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever
(4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(5) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
(6) Use of Non-programmable Electronic Pocket
Calculator is permissible.


1. Attempt any FIVE of the following: 10

a) Enlist any four process parameters in EDM.
b) State the equation of cutting speed for milling operation.
c) List the various gear finishing methods.
d) Name the basic components of an CNC machine.
e) Write only classification of CNC machine.
f) Write meaning of following G and M-codes.
(i) G02
(ii) M30
g) State any two examples of fixed automation.

22563 [2]
2. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12
a) Explain the purpose of electrolyte in ECM.
b) Compare between vertical and horizontal milling machine.
c) Describe automatic tool changer (ATC) of CNC machine.
d) Justify need of tool length compensation of CNC machine.

3. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12

a) Differentiate between gear hobbing and gear honing.
b) Compare “Point to Point” and continuous path CNC machine.
c) Explain the meaning of following block format of CNC.
N020 G03 X12 Y14 Z-0.5 I0 J12 F90 E0B
d) Describe fixed and programmable automation.

4. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12

a) Classify the different methods of gear manufacturing.
b) Apply right hand rule of axes identification to CNC vertical
milling with neat diagram.
c) Calculate the cutting parameters and prepare process sheet for
the component shown in Fig. No.1. with neat diagram. All
dimensions are in mm.
Given: Raw material - Aluminium, stock size φ14 X42
length, feed (f) = 0.2 mm/rev, cutting speed (V) = 90 m/min.
Consider work zero (W) as per the Fig. No.1.

Q. No. 4c & 4d Fig. No. 1

22563 [3]
d) Develop full G and M code manual part program of CNC
lathe for component shown in Fig. No.1. using word address
format (WAF).
e) Justify the need of Group Technology in today’s manufacturing

5. Attempt any TWO of the following: 12

a) Draw set-up diagram of ECM processes showing all the
elements. State the function of each elements.
b) Draw internal mechanism of universal dividing head and
label the parts.
c) Explain need of virtual CNC machine simulators.

6. Attempt any TWO of the following: 12

a) Draw set-up diagram of wire cut EDM and label the
parts, also suggest approximate range of following process
parameters with it’s measuring unit.
(i) Discharge current OR Pulse frequency.
(ii) Wire speed OR Wire tension.
b) Apply compound indexing method to divide 51 divisions on
circular blank.
c) Use the different milling cutter to cut ‘T’ slot on rectangular
block with neat diagram, also mention the sequence of
operations and types of milling cutter used.
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)

Q. Sub Answer Marking

No. Q. N. Scheme

e) Write only classification of CNC machines. Classificatio

n on any one
Ans: Classification of CNC machines basis = 2
1. As per feedback system : a) Open loop Type b) Closed loop type marks

2. As per motion control : a) Point to point path motion b) Continuous path motion

3. As per application: a) CNC milling b) CNC Turning c) CNC drilling

f) Write meaning of following G and M codes 1 meaning=

Ans: 1. G02 : Circular interpolation clockwise 1 mark

2. M30: Program end , reset to start

g) State any two examples of fixed automation Two

Ans: Examples of fixed automation are mark

a. Transfer lines used in automotive industry

b. Automatic assembly machines or systems installed for assembly without need of

human being

c. Industrial robots installed or fixed for performing repetitive operations

Q.2 Attempt any THREE of the following 12

a) Explain the purpose of electrolyte in ECM. 4 points= 4

Ans: Purpose of electrolyte in ECM process

1. It is conductive medium without which ECM process cannot be performed.

2. It carries the current between the tool and the work piece.

3. It removes the particles of ECM process from the cutting region

It helps to remove heat produced by the current flow in the operation

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)

b) Compare between Vertical and horizontal milling machine

Ans Parameter Vertical milling Horizontal milling

1. Position of arbor It is mounted vertically It is mounted horizontally

2. Spindle and worktable Spindle is vertical and Spindle is horizontal and

perpendicular to the work parallel to the work table
4 points= 4
3.Cutter movement It can be moved up and It can be moved up and
down. down.

4.spindle tilting It can be tilted for angular It cannot be tilted

milling operations

5.Opertions Angular milling, slot Plain milling, gear cutting,

milling, T- slot milling, flat form milling, gang milling,
milling, etc etc

C) Describe Automatic tool changer (ATC) of CNC machine

Concept of Automatic tool changer (ATC):
1. Tool changing in CNC machines is carried out automatically by using Automatic
tool changer according to the sequence of operations given in the part program
2. Tool magazine is provided with various tools mounted sequentially and identified
by specific tool number which helps for tool changing using ATC concept -2

Function : 2

Fig. Automatic tool changer

Function of automatic tool changer:
1. It will improve the production rate and tool carrying capacity of the machine.
2. It will help to save time required for changing tools as per number of operations
to be performed on the work piece.
3. It will automatically unload the tool from the spindle of machine and load the
new cutting tool from tool magazine using tool changing arm.
4. The arm of ATC can be rotated through 180 degree to unload the tool from
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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
12 Higher load on cutter(Hob) Lower load on Cutter (Honing Tool)
13 Higher feed rate. Lower feed rate.


b) Compare “Point to Point” and continuous path CNC machine

Ans S.
Point to Point Continuous Path
The primary function of point to point Contouring system generates a
path control system, is to move a cutting continuously controlled tool path by the
tool form one point location to another capability of computing the points of the
predefined point on the worktable path Any Four = 01
2 It is the cheapest tool control system It is the most expensive. Mark Each.
It is generally used for hole operations Contouring system had the ability to
3 such as drilling, boring, reaming, tapping perform linear and circular or parabolic
and punching. interpolation.
It is the lowest level of motion control It is the highest level of control between
between the tool and workpiece. the tool and workpiece.
Point-to-point (PTP) is also sometimes Continuous Path is also called Contouring
called a positioning system. path system.
6 It is simple and easy. Contouring is the most complex
Only two axis movement can complete Simultaneous movement of more than one
7 PTP operation. axis movement can take place to complete
the operation.
It is not capable to perform Contouring It is capable of performing both PTP and
operations. straight-cut operations.
No cutting is performed between holes, Contouring system generates a
there is no need for controlling the continuously controlled tool path by the
relative motion of the tool and workpiece capability of computing the points of the
between hole locations path (interpolating).


c) Explain the meaning of following block format of CNC.

N020 G03 X12 Y14 Z-0.5 I0 J12 EOB
N0020 – Block Number.
G03 – Circular interpolation (Counter- Clockwise). Correct Ans.
X12 – X coordinate of the arc end point = 12. = ½ Mark
Y14 – Y coordinate of the arc end point = 14. Each
Z-0.5 – Depth of Cut in Z - Direction= 0.5.
I0 – Distance along X – axis from the arc start point to the arc center point = 0.
J12 – Distance along Y – axis from the arc start point to the arc center point = 12.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
EOB – End of Block.

d) Describe fixed and programmable automation0

Fixed Automation (Hard automation): Fixed automation refers to the use of special purpose
Ans equipment to automate a fixed sequence of processing or assembly operations. Each of the
operation in the sequence is usually simple, involving perhaps a plain linear or rotational motion 02 Marks
or an uncomplicated combination of two. It is relatively difficult to accommodate changes in the
product design.
Advantages: Disadvantages:
1. Low unit cost 1. High initial Investment
2. Automated material handling 2. Relatively inflexible in accommodating
3. High production rate. product changes.
Examples: Transfer Lines, Assembly lines etc.
Programmable Automation: In programmable automation, the production equipment is
02 Marks
designed with the capability to change the sequence of operations to accommodate different
product configurations. The operation sequence is controlled by a program, which is a set of
instructions coded. So that they can be read and interpreted by the system. New programs can
be prepared and entered into the equipment to produce new products.
Example: Numerical controlled machine tools, industrial robots and programmable logic

Advantages: Disadvantages:
1. Flexible to deal with design variations. 1. High investment in general purpose
2. Suitable for batch production. equipment
2. Lower production rate than fixed
4 Attempt any THREE of the following: 12

a) Classify the different methods of gear manufacturing.

Ans Classification of Gear Manufacturing Methods:

A) Cutter Method
1) By formed disc cutter in milling machine
2) By formed end mill
3) By formed single point cutting tool
4) By formed cutter in a shear speed gear shaper
5) By formed cutter in a broaching machine
B) Template method in gear cutting machine Correct
C) Generating method Answer = 04
1) By rack tooth cutter in gear cutting machine Marks
2) By a pinion cutter in gear cutting machine
3) By a hob cutter
4) By Bevel gear genarator
D) Casting
1) Sandcasting
2) Die casting
3) Investment casting
E) Stamping
F) Powder metallurgy

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
G) Plastic molding
H) Extruding

b) Apply right hand rule for axes identification of CNC vertical milling with neat diagram

Ans Right Hand Rule for Axes Identification of CNC Vertical Milling :

Sketch 01

The main axis of movement and the direction of movement along this axis is identified as
Z- Axis: The Z- axis motion is always the axis of the main spindle of the machine. It does not &
matter whether the spindle carries the work piece or the cutting tool. On vertical machines the
Z-axis is vertical. Positive Z movement is in the direction is towards the tip of middle finger.
X-Axis: The X-axis is always horizontal and parallel to the work holding surface. If the Z-axis is
vertical in vertical milling machine, positive X-axis movement is identified as being to the tip of Explanation =
thumb. 03 Marks
Y-Axis: The Y-axis is always at right angle to both the X-axis and Z-axis. Positive Y-axis movement
is identified as being to the tip of Fore finger.
A- Axis: Direction of curled finger about X – axis is rotary motion along X-axis is consider as
B- Axis: Direction of curled finger about Y – axis is rotary motion along Y-axis is consider as
C- Axis: Direction of curled finger about Z– axis is rotary motion along Z-axis is consider as
c) Calculate the cutting parameters and prepare process sheet for the component shown in Fig.
No. 1 with neat diagram. All the dimensions are in mm.
Given: Raw material - Aluminium, Stock Size – Dia.14 X 42 length, Feed ( f ) = 0.2 mm/rev.,
Cutting Speed (V) = 90 m/min., Consider work zero (W) as per Fig. No. 1.


01 Mark for
Figure No. 1
Given Data:
03 Marks for
V = 90 m/min., f = 0.2 mm/rev., D = 14 mm, Depth of cut, dc = 1 mm, Length of Cut, l= 25 mm
Process Sheet
Cutting Parameters:
Spindle Speed: V = πDN/1000
N = 2043 rpm.
Feed: f = 0.2 mm/rev.
Depth of Cut: dc = 1 mm

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)

Part Name:- Question No. 4 (c) Name of Operator:-

Part Material:- Aluminium Name of Machine :- Centre Lathe
Part No.:- Figure No. 1 Part Size:- Dia. 14 X 42 Length.
Spindle Feed in
Operation Machine of Cut
Description Tools / Fixture Speed in mm/rev
No. Tool in
rpm. .
Clamp the blank Cetre
1 3 jaw chuck,
in chuck Lathe
Single point
Facing Cetre
2 cutting tool. 2043 0.2 1
Operation Lathe
(Facing Tool)
Single point
3 Turning cutting tool. 2043 0.2 1
(Turning tool)
4 Unloading Job Chuck Key
d) Develop full G and M code manual part program of CNC lathe for the component shown in Fig.
No. 1 using word address format (WAF).

Point X Z
Ans P0 0.0 2.0
P1 0.0 0.0
P2 12.0 0.0
P3 12.0 -25.0
P4 14.0 -25.0
P5 14.0 -41.0
Figure No. 1 P6 20.0 -41.0
O1234; Answer = 04
N001 G28 U0.0 W0.0; Marks
N002 G90 G21 G95;
N003 M03 S2043 M08;
N004 G00 X0.0 Z2.0;
N005 G01 X0.0 Z0.0 F0.2;
N006 G01 X12.0 Z0.0;
N007 G01 X12.0 Z -25.0;
N008 G01 X14.0 Z -25.0;
N009 G01 X14.0 Z -41.0;
N010 G01 X20.0 Z -41.0;
N011 G28 U0.0 W0.0;
N012 M05;
N013 M09;
N014 M30;
e) Justify the need of Group Technology in today’s manufacturing situation

Ans Group technology is an approach to organizing manufacture which can be applied in any
industry (machining, welding, foundry, press work, forging, plastic molding, etc.) where small-
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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
batch variety production is used.
The basic approach enables all aspects of manufacturing, from design, through estimating and
planning, to production, to be rationalized. It forms the basis for the development of computer- Any Four
aided procedures and flexible automation. Group technology is a manufacturing philosophy or Advantages =
principle whose basic concept is to identify and bring together related or similar parts and 01 Mark
processes, to take advantage of the similarities which exist, during all stages of design and Each.
Advantages of Group Technology:
The following are the advantages of introducing GT in manufacturing:
1. Work in progress and finished stock levels are re­duced.
2. Simplified estimating, accounting and work man­agement.
3. Improved plant replacement decisions, and.
4. Improved job satisfaction, morale, and communica­tion.
5. Short throughput times because machines are closed together.
6. Better quality because the group complete parts and the machines are closed together
under one foreman.
7. Lower material handling costs because machines are closed together under one
8. Better accountability because of machines complete parts.
9. The foreman can be made responsible for costs, quality, and completion by the due
10. Training for promotion since GT provides a line of succession because a group is a mini-
11. Automation GT is the first evolutionary step in automation.
12. Reduced set up time since similar parts brought together on the same.
13. Morale and job satisfaction since most workers prefer to work in groups.
The output is improved due to improved resource utilization.
5 Attempt any TWO of the following 12

a) Draw set up diagram of ECM processes showing all the elements. State the function of each
2 Marks for
1 mark each
for any 4
function of

Functions of each element:-

[1] Fixture :- To hold the work piece rigidly and securely
[2] DC Supply :- To supply current to cathode and anode
[3] Tank :- To store the electrolyte
[4] Tool (Cathode) :- To remove the material by controlled dissolution of anode

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
[5] Servo system :- To circulate the electrolyte
b) Draw internal mechanism of universal dividing head and label the parts

Ans 4 Marks for



2 Marks for

Figure:- Internal Mechanism of Universal Dividing Head

c) Explain need of virtual CNC machine simulators
Need of Virtual CNC Machine Simulator:-
Ans [1] Manufacturing process can be defined and verified in early stage 1 Mark each
[2] allows designers to conduct machining process planning, generating tool path for any 6
[3] easy to visualize the process and simulate operations correct
[4] Automatically calculate machining time points
[5] The tool path generated can be converted into CNC codes
[6] Editing in the program is easy sue to prior information
[7] Errors can be found out easily
[8] Provides analysis features
6 Attempt any TWO of the following 12
a) Draw a set up diagram of wire cut EDM and label the parts, also suggest the approximate 3 Marks for
range of following process parameters with its measuring units neat
Ans (i) Discharge current OR Pulse frequency diagram and
(ii) Wire speed OR Wire tension 1 mark for

1 mark for
any 1
correct point

1 mark for
any 1
correct point
(i) Discharge current OR Pulse frequency
Discharge current is limited to 30 A
Pulse frequency is about 1 MHz
(ii) Wire speed OR Wire tension
Wire speed is about 2.5 to 150 mm/s

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Wire tension is about 50 – 60 % of tensile strength of wire

b) Apply compound indexing method to divide 51 divisions on circular blank

Index crank movement (T) = 40 /N
Ans Where ,
N = No of divisions required
T = 40 / 51

Let’s try circle17 and 18 holes

Factors of divisions required x factors of difference of hole circles 2 Marks for
Factors of 40 x Factors of first circle x Factors of second circle formula
= 3 x 17 x 1
10 x 4 x 17 x 3 x 6 4 Marks for
= 1 / 240 correct
As all the factors from numerator can be cancelled we can select the 17 and 18 hole circle plate stepwise
240 / 17 – 240 / 18 OR 240 / 18 – 240 / 17 answer
14 x 2 / 17 – 13 x 6 / 18 OR 13 x 6 / 18 – 14 x 2 / 17

The above equation can be written as = 2 / 17 + 12 / 18 OR -12 / 18 – 2 / 17

Similar signs show that both the movements will be in the same direction. By adopting
first result we get the required movement.
c) Use the different milling cutter to cut T Slot on rectangular block with neat diagram also
mention the sequence of operations and types of milling cutter used
[1] T Slot cutter
Different milling cutter used for the T slot Milling 2 Marks for
[1] End milling cutter / Plain milling cutter neat
[2] Special type T Slot Milling Cutter diagram

2 Marks for
Sequence of

Figure :- T Slot Milling Operation

Sequence of Operation
[1] ]Using plain / end milling cutter plain slots are produced
[2] The T slot cutter is used to enlarge and face the bottom of the slots

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer

Subject Name: Advanced Manufacturing Process Subject Code: 22563

Important Instructions to examiners:
1) The answers should be examined by key words and not as word-to-word as given in the model answer scheme.
2) The model answer and the answer written by candidate may vary but the examiner may try to assess the
understanding level of the candidate.
3) The language errors such as grammatical, spelling errors should not be given more Importance (Not applicable for
subject English and Communication Skills.
4) While assessing figures, examiner may give credit for principal components indicated in the figure. The figures
drawn by candidate and model answer may vary. The examiner may give credit for any equivalent figure drawn.
5) Credits may be given step wise for numerical problems. In some cases, the assumed constant values may vary and
there may be some difference in the candidate’s answers and model answer.
6) In case of some questions credit may be given by judgement on part of examiner of relevant answer based on
candidate’s understanding.
7) For programming language papers, credit may be given to any other program based on equivalent concept.
8) As per the policy decision of Maharashtra State Government, teaching in English/Marathi and Bilingual (English +
Marathi) medium is introduced at first year of AICTE diploma Programme from academic year 2021-2022. Hence if
the students in first year (first and second semesters) write answers in Marathi or bilingual language (English
+Marathi), the Examiner shall consider the same and assess the answer based on matching of concepts with
model answer.

Q. Sub Answer Marking

No. Q. N. Scheme

1 a Advantages of Electro- Discharge Machining process 01 mark

each any
1) Process can be applied to all electrically conductive metals and alloys. two
2) Any complicated shape that can be made on the tool can be reproduces on the

3) Can be employed to extremely hardened material.

4) No mechanical stress is present in the process.

5) Hard and corrosion resistant surfaces essentially needed for die making can be

6) The process leaves a non-directional surface finish. The surface consists of tiny craters
with no definite pattern or lay. (craters accommodate lubricants causing the die life to

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
b Types of Milling Machines: 1/2 mark
each any
Knee and Column type four
a. Horizontal.

b. Vertical

c. Universal

d. Turret Type

Production Type

a. Simplex

b. Duplex

c. Triplex

Special Type

a. Rotary table

b. Drum type

c. Copy milling

d. Planetary milling machine.

Planner Type milling

c Gear Manufacturing Methods: 01 mark

each any
Casting two


Extrusion and cold-drawing

Powder metallurgy


Gear Machining

- Hobbing

- Shaping

- Milling

- Broaching

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
d Functions of CNC machine components: 01 mark
each any
1) Machine Control Panel – A machine Control Panel is a flat area where controlling, two
monitoring, or managing instruments are displayed, serving as the direct interface between
the operator and the NC system.

2) Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) – A PLC is an industrial solid-state computer that

matches the NC to the machine, which follows a pre-programmed sets of rules and carry
out outputs based on inputs to control system and make logic-based decisions for the CNC
machine. It is used to minimize manual operation and can survive harsh conditions such as
extreme heat, cold, dust, and moisture.
3) Servo Control Unit – The servo control unit is responsible for precise position control as it
receives the position feedback signals for the actual movement of the machine tool axes
from the feedback devices. It generates suitable signals as command values, which are
interfaced with the axes and the spindle motors.
4) Feedback Devices – The feedback devices, which is also referred to as the measuring
system, consist of position and speed transducers that act as sensors to monitor the current
position of the cutting tool at any instant.
5) Display Unit – The display unit is a monitor or an interactive device between the machine
and the operator which displays the present status of the programs, commands, and other
necessary data of the CNC machine. It can also be useful for maintenance and installation
work because it can display other important information such as machine parameters, logic
diagram of the program controller, error messages, and diagnostic data.
6) Machine Tool- Machine tool element of an CNC system is the equipment that processes
the work piece
7) Program of instruction- the part program is called as program of instruction. It is the
detail step by step set of instruction which tells the machine tool what to do.

e Meaning of CNC code M03 & M06 01 mark

M03:- Starts the spindle CLOCKWISE.

M06: Tool change command

f Home Position: 01 mark

Machine homing gives a reference position of each axis, this position is used to allow for job
fixtures, jigs, and automatic tool changer. Each CNC machine has a built-in location that is
called machine zero.
All three axes are moved to extreme positive locations until limit switches are reached.

Once the sensor is tripped, the control software sets a zero position for that axis.
Programme Zero :
Each part program sets a starting location called program zero. Unlike machine zero, the
programmer selects the program zero for each work piece. This location acts as the origin
from which all the other dimensions are calculated during the program and it is usually
located on the edge of a work piece.
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
g Automation generally is defined as the process of enabling machines to follow a 01 mark
predetermined sequence of operations with little or no human intervention and using for
specialized equipment and devices that perform and control manufacturing processes and definitio
operations. n, 01
Example: mark for
In hard automation, or fixed-position automation, the machines are designed to produce example
a standard product, such as a gear, a shaft, or an engine block.
1) Automotive engines 2) Mechanized assembly 3) Machining transfer lines 4) Automated
material handling.

2 Attempt any THREE of the following

a Working of Abrasive Jet Machining: 02 marks

02 marks

In abrasive-jet machining (AJM), a high-velocity jet of dry air, nitrogen, or carbon dioxide
containing abrasive particles is aimed at the workpiece surface under controlled conditions.
The impact of the particles develops a sufficiently concentrated force to perform operations
The gas-supply pressure is on the order of 850 kPa, and the abrasive-jet velocity can be as
high as 300 m/s and is controlled by a valve. The nozzles are usually made of tungsten
carbide or sapphire, both of which have abrasive Wear resistance. The abrasive size is in the
range from 10 to 50 um.

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
b Column and Knee Type of Milling Machine 02 marks
(any 1
type of
02 marks
each any
4 parts)

Column and base: Column including base is the main casting that supports all other parts of
milling machine.

Knee: It consists of a table feed mechanism and various controls. A knee is used to support
saddles, work tables, and workpiece clamping devices.

Saddle: The top of the saddle is machined in precision to provide guideways for the table.

Work Table: A work table is the most important part of a milling machine on which the
workpiece or a job holds tightly and performs many operations.

Spindle: The spindle is located at the top of the column and rotates through receives power
from belts, gears, and clutches and transmits it to the arbor.

Overarm: It is mounted at the top of the column and rises in front of the column face.
It is commonly used to support arbor and spindle.

Arbor: It is the extension parts of spindles on which milling cutters are held or rotated.

c Cutter radius Compensation : 02 marks

Cutter compensation is used to offset the center of the cutter, and shift it the distance of for
the radius, to the specified side of the programmed path. explanati
Complex part geometries having angled lines, lines tangent to arcs, and lines intersecting on, 02
arcs involve substantial trigonometric computations to determine the center of the cutter. marks
Cutter compensation involves programming the part geometry directly instead of the tool for
center. The cutter compensation commands are Cutter Comp. Left (G41), Cutter example
Comp Right (G42) and Cutter Comp Cancel (G40).

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
d CNC machine simulation provides following features: 04 marks
o 1. View and proof cut paths from any angle for
o 2. Set machine travel limits and detect over travels correct
o 3. Check for part errors – including machine, tool, and tool holder collisions answer
o 4. Utilize you machine’s kinematics to visually see your machine tool in action
o 5. See exactly how the part will look cut on your machine at any point during the machining
process in a virtual environment
o 6. Set up an unlimited amount of virtual machines that match the machines in your shop
o 7. Assign transparency levels of the simulated machines for enhanced part viewing ability
o 8. Accurately calculate cycle times
o 9. Use dynamic viewing functionality for better inspections
o 10. Identify machine-part deviations to know where tools were unable to machine within the
associated operations.

3 Attempt any THREE of the following

a Gear Hobbing process 02 marks

 Hobbing is a process of generating a gear by means of cutter called Hob, which revolves sketch,
& cuts like milling cutter. 02 marks
 There are three types of gear hobbing according to the direction of feeding the hob as, for
Axial hobbing explanati
Radial hobbing on
Tangential hobbing

Radial hobbing

 In radial hobbing the feed is given to the hob such that it moves radially towards the
centre of blank.
 Radial feeding is suitable for cutting worm wheels having a helix angle of less than 6 or
7 degrees.
 Radial feed stops when the hob reaches the full depth of cut.
 Radial hobbing may affect the accuracy of tooth profile of final cut gear.

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
b Compare CNC & DNC machines 01 mark
each any
CNC is transferring machine instruction. DNC controls the information distribution
to a wide variety of machines
In the CNC program feeds directly into the DNC part program is feed to the machine
computer by a small keyboard similar to our through the main computer.
traditional keyboard
Using CNC PC manipulates one NC machine Using the DNC programmer can manage
more than one NC laptop as required
CNC has low processing power when compared DNC has high processing energy when
to DNC compared to CNC.
It has memory storage ability in which part Same part program can be run on different
program can be store machines at the same time
System can import CAD files and convert it to The data can be processed using the MIS
part program software so as to effectively carry out the
production planning and scheduling
CNC machine maintenance is high Maintenance is low in DNC machines.
c Preparatory function of CNC 02 marks
 It is representing by 2 digit number prefixed by the letter G.
 The purpose of preparatory function is to command the machine tool to perform the
function represented by the selected code number.
 ISO has standardized a number of these preparatory function.
 Ex.G90 specifies absolute input dimension.

Miscellaneous function of CNC

 This function involves actions that are necessary for machining.
 These are used to designate a particular mode of operation for a CNC machine tool.
 They are not related to actual machining but execute auxiliary functions like start/stop
of spindle, ON/OFF coolant, etc.
 A miscellaneous function of CNC is represented by letter M.

d Pneumatic actuators are widely used in Robotics 04 marks

As pneumatic actuators fulfil all necessary requirements of Robotics like- for
 It converts energy formed by compressed air at high pressure into either linear or correct
rotary motion. explanati
 It gives quickly respond in operation which is necessary in Robotics. on
 Pneumatic cylinders provide more force & speed per unit size than any other actuator.
 Force speed of pneumatic actuator is easily adjustable & is independent of each other.
 It is most economical when the scale of deployment matches the capacity of the
 Cost of pneumatic actuator is less as compared to other actuators.

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
4 Attempt any THREE of the following

a Gear Hobbing Gear Shaping 01 mark

It use as multipoint cutter Know as Hob. It uses a rack cutter or pinion each any
cutter. four
Generates teeth on gear by means of Reciprocating motion of the cutter
Rotating cutter called as Hob. based on
Shaping process.
It cannot generate internal gear It can be used to produce internal
gears also
The tooth profile error level is higher. The tooth profile error level is
Gear hobbing process is less precise than gear Gear shaping process
shaping process. is more precise than
gear hobbing process.
It provides less accuracy in surface finish than It provides more accuracy in
gear shaping. surface finish than gear hobbing.
The transmission chain used in mechanical The transmission chain used in
gear hobbing is less complex. mechanical gear shaping is more
It is rapid, economical and highly It required more time than hobbing.
b Working & Importance of Re-circulating ball screw used in CNC 02 marks
 It is the mechanical component increasingly used in movement transmission, used to
02 marks
transform a rotary motion into translation motion in CNC machines.
 It is precise & provides superior performances in CNC machine.
 Between the threaded shaft & nut screw are inserted steel balls which have task to ce
transform the sliding friction into rolling friction.
 It provides high efficiency & durability to CNC machine.
 It improves wear resistance.
 It reduces friction between parts in contact.
 It reduces backlash.
 X-Y recorders of CNC machine.
 It used in power actuators.

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
c 04 marks

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Tool Position Co – ordinate
P0 0 5
P1 0 0
P2 40 0
P3 40 -30
P4 60 -80
P5 60 -120

P6 70 -120

Tool path A- P0- P1-P2-P3-P4-P5-P6-A

O0001 Program Number

N100 G28 U0 W0 ; Machine Referance position
N110 G90 G21 G95 ; Absolute mode , input in mm , Feed mm/rev.
04 marks
N120 M06 T01 ; Select Tool T01
N130 M03 S1500 ; Spindle on, Spindle speed
N140 M08 ; Coolant on
N150 G00 X0 Z5 ; Rapid positining tool @ position P0
N 160 G01 X 0 Z0 F0.2; Linear interpolation ,feed ,tool @ postion P1
N 170 G01 X 40 Z0 F0.2; Linear interpolation ,feed ,tool @ postion P2
N 180 G01 X 40 Z-30 F0.2; Linear interpolation ,feed ,tool @ postion P3

N 190 G01 X 60 Z -80 F 0.2 ; Linear interpolation ,feed ,tool @ postion P4 ( Taper
turning operation)
N 200 G01 X 60 Z-120 F0.2; Linear interpolation ,feed ,tool @ postion P5

N 210 G00 X70 Z -120 ; Rapid positining tool @ position P6

N 220 G28 U0 W0 ; Machine Referance position

N 230 M05 ; Spindle Off
N 240 M09 Coolant Off
N 250 M30 Program end and tape revind

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
e Cellular manufacturing 04 marks
It is one of the main tools of Lean Manufacturing, helps to create a concept known as single or one- explanati
piece flow. on

Equipment and the workstations are arranged in sequences to allow for a smooth flow of materials
and components through the process.

The cell is made up of workers and the equipment required performing the steps in creating the
product. The layout of the equipment and the workstations is determined by the logical sequence of

By grouping similar products into families that can then be processed on the same equipment in the
same sequence, cellular manufacturing offers companies the flexibility to give customers the variety
they require.

Factories converted to cellular manufacturing benefit by the reduction of overproduction and waste,
shorter lead time, improved quality and productivity, improved teamwork and communication.

The main requirement of Cellular Manufacturing is to ensure that all equipment required for
production is operating at 100% efficiency at all times.

Through short daily inspections, cleaning, lubricating, and making minor adjustments, minor
problems can be detected and corrected before they become a major problem that can shut down a
production line.

The basic concept of cellular manufacturing is the integration of management practices with
technological advances. To be truly successful requires a thorough understanding of the causes and
elimination of waste at all levels, and that means both operations and processes.

There are several important considerations involved in order to achieve the best benefits:

 Reduction of lead time

 Utilization of available space
 Maximizing flexibility
 Emphasizing teamwork
 Improving communications
 Productivity and quality improvement

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
5 Attempt any TWO of the following

a Ultrasonic Machining:- 03 marks

03 marks
three 01

High power sine wave generator This unit converts low frequency (60 Hz) electrical power to high
frequency (20kHz) electrical power.

Transducer The high frequency electrical signal is transmitted to traducer which converts it into high
frequency low amplitude vibration. Transducer converts electrical energy to mechanical vibration.

Tool holder. OR Horn. The tool holder holds and connects the tool to the transducer

Tool Tools are made of relatively ductile materials like Brass, Stainless steel or Mild steel so that
Tool wear rate (TWR) can be minimized.

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
c Axes Nomenclature in CNC machine 03 marks
CNC Milling Center:- each (01
In CNC milling center (CNC vertical machining center) , the workpiece is held on the table base and mark for
the spindle which contains the cutting tool is fixed on vertical spindle Z axis. The table moves in X sketch,
and Y axis and spindle with cutting tool moves in Z axis. 02 marks
for axis)

CNC Turning Center:-

X- in horizontal direction
Z – perpendicular to both axis
Z axis defines the tool movement
i.e tool movement towards work piece Z negative (Z –ve)
and away from the workpiece Z positive (Z + ve)

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
6 Attempt any TWO of the following

a 02 marks
04 marks
er ranges
(01 mark
Discharge Current Range: The capacitor discharge is repeated at rates between 200 and 500 kHz,
with and currents from 0.1 to 500 A.
Voltage Range: voltages usually ranging between 50 and 380 V.
Type of Dielectric: The most common dielectric fluids are mineral oils, although kerosene and
distilled and deionized water also are used in specialized applications.

Type of Electrode material: Electrodes for EDM usually are made of graphite, although brass, copper, or
copper-tungsten alloys, Tungsten-wire electrodes also are used.

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
c Need for Gear Finishing: 02 marks
for need,
- To improve the accuracy 02 marks
- The achieve uniformity of gear tooth element for
- To achieve quite operation at high speeds and to transmit heavy loads with better life. (any
one), 02
- To remove heat treatment distortions
Gear Grinding Gear Shaving for
ers (any

Gear Burnishing

Process parameters:-

1) Workpiece material
2) Type of gear
3) Whether the gears have been hardened by heat treatment or not.
4) Dimensional accuracy required.
5) Surface quality of the gears.


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